PAGE FOUR the f ield as Jim stepped into the stead of to Dr. Kelin," she be- lie happened to mention it when people who are supposed to know.ý bright-winged monoplane. taxieci gan, but Chloe interrupted lher. she carne in." say that love seldom makes sense clown the field and lifted into the -Not at ail. It's Dr. Kelvin's "'And didi she happen to men-i anyway -" his voice broke off rtTlige ]Lekoe B e ( L a t 0 e*% air as smoothly a.s a bubble: cir- party, after ail. The only thing is tion that the rea.son slie has, un- j'and for a long time hie studied hier, r cled once above her so that. she that I dont want to plan more tii today, refused to have any- as if hie sought to imprint the saw the gesture hie made as lie entertainimétt than we'li have to do with the Christmas, Image of hier on h:s heart in ;11 fiung out his hand in leave-tak- time for. But in. sure the things plans is that she has had sorne perishable colors. ing. And then the plane went you've arranged will be very nace." idiotic idea that You and I might ' I*m - I'm aorrY. I never dreamn ~unîn is wy ouh aidChoe Callie studied hier curiously. be romantically interested in each ed that you - that you - fe lt th s stood for a long moment watching then shrugged and went on out of other?"wa.shsaduapi it until it had been swallowed UP the building. The moment the words had left 'fcus ot"h odh c ol__________ in the blue sky and not even the'*fcus o.letldir sound of its powerful motor could Chloe hesitated a moment and lier lips. ahe wished them unsaid. promptly. -How could You? In SYNOPSIS v ent rapidly out of the i oom. drift clown to lier where shie stood. then opened Sctt's door and But it was too laite. Dr. Kelvin fact you neyer were consc ous Drvigrekessly, Chloe Sar- When the door shut behind hm She did not realize that she w enn etre i ea a ut til isbnae oyee f yeitneutlIas Bt gent runis <own Scott Kelvin, the with a sound that was .ust barei3yigutltensrm tbor she entered but his face did flot outîined by the covers, hjs eyes 'inconsiderate enougli to hurl my- village doctor in the amal sutî- not a slam, Howell looked clown at before lier grew blurry. And then light Up as it usuaily did, a.nd ha po erfce Ee ta wrebt-sl bhniatmaosr ar so that yur ern town where hier father owns, Chloe and said, smling faintly, sedse h tasfo irgreeting was quiet and restrained ter and hurt and angry.wheChitshatobust Iy injured and worries because hie Chloe. Sure you don't want tahier hanand ndjammed lher foo Ht a er"idatatIsould be in love with you have everything working so _____________________________ has promiseei a Christima.s party change your mind andI run along hard on the accelerator as she "It's good of you to take so Yeu?" hie asked quietly af 1er a smoothly. I'm sure that Mrs. Bar- to the mill hands and their cliii- 1with him? Jane and I will carry sent the car flying back over the miuol trouble, Miss Sargent," lie moment. well and Miss Sara arnd Callie can stead. she ail but ran clown the some gethpieswti pk dren. Chloe give.s up lier plan to on for you and Scot.t here, you road to tow~n. thanked hier for the flowers. -But Chloe said, after a startled mo- carry on., so there's no longer any 'corridor to the street where a cold tliroug irbu ys inr r aendsou shoChloeAn a dremntw"Ba yhard. p ssishort o y C go oni a holiday cruise with lher iknow." Dd u ' on She fiung herseif headlong 'mt re ally, yousholdnI'm ut. as r e nt t - yo at oIbly ed0 yu tyng'r.' wind wau fumbling its way about Slhe h huhtta ct finsthe Pearsall.s and undler-! "Thanks, t.he wbrk of geting theCrita the paty wll Imourethreisbesaing that Chtistmas " Ycu mean you'd like me to go as if in sulent warning that the migli goeCllebcueh takes to see the party through.i see it through. I've neyer in my plan.s in order. Sara Jenkina had no longer any need of your glving "That I'm in love with îYeu). South?" slhe asked after a mo- usaoal idwahrwsa ac Jam Pearsaîl ar-rives to persuade hfedn ntigIdd' atpoe eyhlf. ut. when &lie it your personal attention. You've Believe me, I realize as well as you Bu'meereentan'.nyhn Chloe to fly witli him to the yacht j to do an I hink dthiwIl b ea ndertak he tas f or-already done so mudli that Ifelhow utterly ridiculousi sea -men unsel'conably Yeuild deatnerndas atnce iefinlewthCo. to domeandtIathId like wyou tohadouaneend.ethat tshe ofuor-dousabouteitssBe at Miami. He proposes ta lier good for me in a lot of ways! " &se ganizing the boys andI girls for the sure it will be ail riglit from f'luw but there it is. I've been in love wliatever would inaure your hap- Chiloe drove straiglit home andI told lesi ssewn on and she accepta hum but stub- i said. tableaux. neither she nor Sara had on. So you need.n't upset your with you, I think, since you used pinesa, my dear." saJd Scott very reacheci lier room without en- stairs odinr bornly refuses to leave until the H-owell notIdetI. His eyes were been very successful. Because owrn Plans any longer." ita come to sdhool looking like a gently. "Don't resent my saying countering any one.çotnenxtee CCritmasparas isove.t'poudstener..utCis vicewas eiter ldaay stge eperenceChleistppeearrngineth litd wite-ladange hO. ita ai"m dea' jst oce.willyouonce.wasa lttieshaen b th Chapter XV quietly matter of fact as lie said, or aspirations. and because Chî lo wesi al ic aethts**ud oipsibe e' 0 course not - I mean - but of discovery that Scott thouglît him- .S Jim. fro .wning, angry, turned tor "Thats for you bo decide, young- would flot be content with any- she had brouglit and turneci toi forget it. When are you leaving course inm not leaving until after self in love witlî lier. For of "Saeiynalisfoaial Howell. "For Petes sake. Mr. Sar- ster, but aiways remnember î'm thing less than a smoothly work- stare at him, astonisled. h o join your fi ance andI lis party?" Chîristmas." said Cliloe unateadily. couuse, she asaured lierself as she its ceiesi iltin0 i gent. can't you make lier under- standing by if tîere's anyîîîing 1 ing entertainient for tle eventful "Do I understand, Dr. Kelvin. Chloe ignored tle question. In 'u lee one. ct dressed foi' dinner, il vas only in vine lw"Bist stand that this is aah a pack of can do." niglît. Mrs. Barwell was getting that You are trying to disclarge 'fact she scarcely heard it. She protested. and Chloc interrupted« lus imagination that that love for_______________ nonsense - staying liere to ar- For ail lis fury at Chloe's suub- along s10w13 with lier task of sec- me?" she denîanded haughtily. was studying hlm - confused. un- "Maybe niot. But did it ever oc-heriimste loe wiîî li aBt ier rag n doicCrsta el:brnsJi xrtdhmsl o ejuring the namres of ail tle chiil- But ScOtt's stern maniner did easy, uncomfortable. hmefi oewt ir u e rageanidoicChisms el- onesJi xete hmel t " You - you can't posaibly be in cur ho you thl I migît uant 10cek er itepîk5oai bration that any nitwit with a pleasant at breakfast. Later, le dren andt leir desires; and Cailie not relax. Slîe aaw that lia sound love with me. Why. you dont ee it thiougl>" rememb ere l ay litte plîa lok good-sizedch leck book could look isaid gocdi-bye to Jane and Howell. o.snldbe vr'wr.vr adwa lnhdlr nhe . . roe f m n h hns Scott tared at lie' foa after easily?" rat lo a ircrbog uncommunicative not to say dlown bed and that lis jaw was set. He e1n110- eanIhethna. O fO ed at. lier. A way iiat madIe hisUIES O RE Howhlan~eet een3 ory.arnd Cothat se carou diveriglît unfriendly wlen Cloe had lookeci a trifle pale. she decided, Ido," alie shammereci at last. mTenft andth len le rrinned faîît- eyes careas lier. thougli lie lad lot Jum th assomedely o yant hmout tso thteirot. Hie waapproaclied lier antI asked 1er andI was worried lest lie lad had IScott madIe a little wveary ges- ly. madtIe lîgîîtest mive to toucli D Y I lîeip in arrangiagu the hni utto ws ty. a relapse, hure and. for' a moment. the hlost "cuefindin, tha, Clîr:stiias lier. Slîe found herself a littie o REPN N E Chloe will have to sehile for your-! briskly impersonal as tley drovel il nar0gn h a f a smile touclîed lus lips. i-n't sucli a bor7e after alil?"le uncomnforîtable a: the nieniory off omrîlSeorp,,ertra selves. I refuse 10 lhave any hand tle short distance, but at t.lîe edge Sara Jenkins. to wliom Chloe "Not at ail. Misa Sargent, but "No. I tIon't approve of You a:, suggested a t-1fle dryly. Callie*s face %vlien they 1usd nme.tnj C. onac oresta rp in0. f the field as le lefitlihe cair lie cnfessed a mucli. noddet i1er I think it is a shame you should ail. I tlîînk yeu are a spoiled. Clîlce fluslieci briglitly benesîli Cailie %vas in love witli Scot-. Kel'- for altercge xlaî Jîm tunedonl. lelan tune t Iok ow at1e. nd sgraw yiglea wld antIliter .ll avyourace dre.insed0 ilslih. î-eîe on hing lis lcok but as! ahe. said wss. vin. Miss Sara lad ŽaztI '0 and. :~~er pomn ueugv.f _______________________ ls moul was thin-lippec I srw ystike uie oi inedrng Christmas-" andI even if you vere in love wlli *Msyýbe:' even if Clloe lhad been :ru'ned ta îuto nuesrpdpors lard as lie said grimly. I reckon Calli can'î rorget that lie began. me, wliicli 0f course YOU COUldnt Slîe turned and openedtIh1e doubt Miss Ssî's's judeuuIen't. Cal- Cussaslrl urnedFe sups o ,,yuaeScott Kelvin danced witii 1er sa "Who toltI you about my fi- ever be. not iii a thousand yeais. dcar-. A- suie c'osed it behind lier I e's face lad betrayed the truth C.tlge1omSas 5ho13 tie a neo hemntl ac? dmnddCho.I couid neveu' maru'y Yeu. Su vou zle :liought lie csl:ed lier nainie. tliat fternoon. There lîsd been a BvS. ootPoeK.36 Clloe said. "Since vou feel lîke tIances liere." slie admitted. 'Cal- 'I'm sure it's not a secret. Cal- .ee t doesn't uuuske selîse. Buý but slie wou:dtic>,o, go bas4:. In- plcwung look about Callie. as if ti.Jm a tb ornu't e e idot" ew uneaI ovr nloe montuyacheaddCle jusbeingoalove -,we1. about -Dr. Kelvin. not that ts goin' tor *6 1 en nlv do lier a nmite o' good. of cus G ETTI NGà) "Are you trying t0 offer mie my but this: uont stop lier makin'-a ureedom?- demnanded Juni uncom- 1:fOo o' lerseif about hum. Shes as, A TOOTH e Promisingly.i jealous as ail get-out. Miss Clîloe. "Something like thaI." said l'cida' thougli: yau'd a' seen that YOUR BABY must "get a tooth"9. But Chloe levelly, blouglu lieu' lîeart trom tle first. 1 dud." said Miss he need flot get a fever with il. oried out againat bath the offer J Sara firmly. If bbys mother is wise he wol't. and against lier apparent calm- 1 Jeal(ous?" Chloe repeatied. -You E UOE f Ell fUfE Here is whit one wise mother, Mis. neas. mean shies jealous of me? Oh. HUOE Archie Beutbie. of Consecon, has to say: Jim swore under lis breatl. He1 but ;i1-.ahythat's absurd"' i n «We bave flot lost one night's rest lifted lier out of the car. stood lier "l t?". ked Miss Sara polite- through teething as I always use my old on lier feet. glared dlown into 1er ly. "I ain't se sure. I reckon I standby, Baby's Own Tablets. They startled blue eyes and tlien caught cant blame Callie mudli for beun* are ivorthi their weight in goltI." lier in lis arma. raisung lier clear jealou.s o' you antI the Doc AndI Mrs. AlfredI Hauser, of Guelph, of tle ground. holding lier so Clîloe flung up lier head pod Ont., savs: "I have eight children, have closely hhat alie could scarcely ly. used Baby's Own Tablets for 21 vears, breathe. Holding lier so lie kissed "Tlîen if tlîat'a tle case. you and find them ery berieficial during lier lard. He set lier on ier feet mîglit convey the information ta teething." and said severely, Callie Johinson hah I liaven't the Al AogteL Give these safe, littie tablets at the "AndtI luat. young lady. xili be iem.bteat, intereat in Dr. Kevin first sign of teething fever. Sweet-tast- enougliof that nonsense abouh beyond île fach blat I caused lis ing, easy f0 take, prompt in action. yet 'mny freedomn'. Who wants free- accident and so feel responsible safe for the most delicate baby. Ana- dom? Wlat I want is my girl, for carrying out tuhe plans lie can't lyst's certificate in every' package. Now, if 1 can get lier. but later. if carry out! But I can assure you Effective in Constipation. Simple it las to be! Wliat I augît ta do blerea fia persanal interest. As a Fever, Diarihoea, Upset Stomachi l tuck you under my armn. fiing mnalter of fact. I am engaged ta Colic, Simple Croup and Fretfulness you intro the plane andI fly avay be marricd in tlîe spring. taO Mr. Get a box today. Sickness so often wtl yau. I wander wliy I don':. Pearsaîl." strikes in the night. come ta think about il?" "Then tlaî sas wly lue came Vour money back from your druggist He loaked at licr ver3' muchu as by here ta sec yo>u." she comment- if reaults don't satisfy you. 25 cents if le migli: do thiat very tling. cd dryly. -Folks las been miglty ________________________ iBut Chîce augled andI said ligît- cur:aus. Ain't ever' day a man as I y, "0f course it apparentîy hasn't riclu andI ail as James B. Pearsal y occurred ta you that you miglit cames ta town. I rcckoned h lihad come back lere for ChristmaiU, sonne mighhy keen intereat. Rec- ntce you are 50 anxiaus ho spend kon you an him wili be gon' forth Uwith me?" ito live once you're marricd?" aIe THEYTKE HERE! "Darling." lie protested witli an added A*ith lively intcrest. IUSdtraed--Clet.olet 5 .Pasess. almoat ostentaîlous gentleneas. I ontb know. Nobhuung lu plan- gr A1jii De Luxe Sedan. The new 1938 Wallape j I'm afraid you've been here so ned yt wanted te get buis ppr Ilaofg you're loing your perspect- Chrisîmas tling off my luanda Semples. - We wili be ive. Gcsh. loney. where's yourlfirst." aflswc;ýre Chloc coldly. cense of humar? You'Il be singing -But if yau can convey thue infor- hapytoshw o tes frcsnext. antI beatowung bas- miabion t0 Callie that sIc las no-î:à kets un the poor.- îhung ta be jealous about. so that new sampe and to quote Chloe set lier heeth. S hi e shie will get thue young people to- you prices on your decor- Wuldn't quarrel witlhim. Afher gether. Id appreciate i." / ail. she was un love witlhum andI "Oh. IlI tell her. you can le ating job. BatisfaCtiOn iSslsîe was gaing ta miss lim. Maybe sure o' that." saud Miss Sara sIc was a fol flot ta just,îhop in promptly. -I reckon you'Il fînd p gmiranteed. We will save 'le plane witl lim andI go ahcad. ler s o' lilp witl tle j lepuie 1r folks. They kinda foilow you mneyland remembered ýcott Kelvin: lier leatI in moat ever'tling." that o-îeaded baby wlo hatI Chiloe Ihanked ier andI went - -~ THY said. "DootI DotI." with suchu sim- aa.She ladt been startlcd ta J. H. ABERNETH pie force ai tle thouglt of Santa'discovýer 0 angry il. made lier ho Clauis andI lis gift.; Sara Jenkins, jtehink that Callie Johnson was Phoo 31 Bowmanv-ille jwlo had looked at lier hopefuîîy. Jalou< o ler .a.Ca....og.t.. No, sIecoculdnt let t1cm down. hler romantically ifiberested in Dr. iAntI 50 sle stoodi at tle edge of Calvi!Cloe's cleeka flamed ah tr tle blought. No doubt thc peo- pie lere in the village lad been tsi ~thinking that ail along. Ni> use ~5i*- r. ~..r.irrri.tehing lerseuf tlat she was being clildisl and slly in resenting sudh an opinion. SIe thougît of * 0 Scott Kelins leatI agairLst the pillows. lus cyes cager andI aicrt as they turned to mcci her own SIc remembered lis very obvious andI distinctly unflattering opin- ~& A~ V Unigît tliey lad met: rememb>red the taunting way lie lad calc............................. hier -Little Princess." No doubt, slip toltI herseif grumily, le'd be as indignant as she ait, ch thougîht tliat people were linkung tliem 'ra- do a tap dance.- Sh's real good. eealMcr Is1metPa ioo. AndI Annie Judhdns - alue FOR SETTE R LION? - BETTE R SIGONT-USE singa in the choir on -Sunday - is gonna sing 'Silent Night'. It oughut to le a swelh party." sIc EDISO AZDA saud eagerly. E D IS N M A D A *m gadtoear it, said Chloe i we can work îhem if nicely." !i Callie bridled antI tossed her CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIÇ CO., Limited "Oh I suppose Iought to have coe o you about tle things if-1 -a f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO -"r "r) c n i V là VIT A PIV XITU 1019 1