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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1938, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JANU.ARY 201H, 1938 Par.r tTX7i' nine-tent.hs of what we get from TWO MORE GOODYEAR EMPLOYEES COMPLETE 25 YEARS terland t.owan the radio today. picting the HereAn ThereAn Evervwhere The 24th or May was always a equipment and By D. Morrison, Sr. would see a huge bonfire in theTeletue centre or the square and the air film sbeta I And A d I gre t hoccso and the Yong eecet h Memnorjes of the Old Market 'commodation of dwellers on the people and fireworks galore. family wl o Square west side, and various other The first band stand was built cess by which At a recent meeting or the Ro- achemes for the betterment of the on the roof of the market build- f romt the-.ore a tarY Club or this town consider- community at large. ing outside or the band room, and ods r sang on able discussion was given on ways. Well probably this saine thing the band boys of the rirst D. 0. & paqofues etc. and means to rurther in the line v.as discussed some 80 or 90 years P. Co. band did ail the woodwork Forahe et oi skating and curling rinks, a ago by our townspeople wlien t.beY and painting on Saturday arter- FrteFb market for f armers' produce, a, met to discuss town planning. So noons. Among those wbo did the P. A. C. Ket.ch bridge at the harbor ror the ac- 'far as the harbor was concerned main part or this work were Geo. rnyColg ___________________i. was certainly a busy place at Peckham. Whitey Keeler, Colie Tin iy Can eg t bat period. Did flot the Harbor McLean, Dingey Windsor. Ed. tution's bistor Co. boast they had the longest Meath. Bill Pope. Fred Roblin. Williams from pier and the best breakwater for Arthur Hook. N. S. Young, Scott picture film ci the accommodation or vessels on 1 Russell, and many others whom wiil portray ti CATHARTICIS bis northern coast? Was not we cannot remember. What Joily cent new buildi thsthe irst port of cali after arternoons those old band timers wrsmkn leaving Trno And wvhat a put in doing this work! They al- !moreDuramak A A )Hsl usy time there was loading flour. ways had an audience to hear cational far be: Ilyo hiecmmn ar- oatmeal and whiskey; taking on their sangs and minstrel choruses. hp du olco- wood fuel. milk. butter and eggs. The old market square was aTh cn itemanffc fteG'eaiatrî ptreaoe.hnHrrNIClea( .sip stipation, de o f ! ro h hpspsegr nthi tnadso audyatron J. Cliff Samis conipleted their 25 %.cars of service with the companv recetnîlv. The emlphwees lictured objection to puis ad wyt otel oteewsfrscn-andruntesas have a total of 355 vears of service iîh the comipany. The% arc froin left to righîW.iddcob purgatvess that they only no thought for this part or the and many other things. The vet- 27, W. H. Thickson 27, A. M. Harde., Superintendent. 27. B. Oke 27, H. M. Cole 25, H. Fletcher 27, C. perpetuate the trouble, district, but it was up-t.own where eran auctioneer. Stephens Ches- Why not encourage tbe discussion of tawn planning terrield. seemed ta bave a mon- Samis 25, E. Large 27, R. Bates 26. W. Short 27. H. NI. Nanson 1l. R. Richards 27, and MIiss jollow27 elimination wth a natural anid similar took place. and the opoly or this business. Many an '.Ir. Samis, whio started with the Goodyear at 16 years of age is une of tlhe vouingest 25 year meni with, the laxat ilo-Brn.Ithabsorb result was the aid market square aId timer will remember bim. company. He was humn at Dundonaldl Ontarju. Harriý Cule or "Chris" as lbc is knussn lu hi friends was inoisture and softeris like a and the civic buildings. The aid town hall had many bhum at Cannington, and started his career with the former Standard Bank. He is manager of the fac sponge. This water-sof- Few of our Young people in fine entertaiments in those days. tened mass aids elilina- town today know anytbing about far abiead of anything that we tnry accounlting department while Nfr. Samis is foremiani of the Heel Sole, Fan Beit and Mfolded GoodI, tiori. At the same time it those aid buildings and places, bave bad in our new opera house, Department. We fe becauvsiegsn atn and to many they will seem as a especially in the way of minstrel, bcnas e nelosirnl dem ejs mgn bybt oa n rfessional orr tonlctamu heietnaB l sudre not'e ta in e t slip btaveloln caniesp ucoa rock mining. On the prairies naý. bc divided imb lwo main divis-! it.We shouid give Russia andj tonic vitmin B,. sould notbe allowe to slipby trevelirg csmnaturallyc aapplicableistnauronl, aplicabeaker miaidhe sheakeula other pcounDI c ruestaIl a theth eewayayii Eat Al-Bran as a cereal anid be forgotten. Sa we will try Burgess and La Rues. Hi Henery"s lf pntepare.grInip and the slick group. the world un.less vrwe thear or baked in muffns. And and bring them back for a spell. fine band and miristrel troupe, ir1uo te rires kio L r drink plenty of water. rbeiv teadtorhal rens fme mnses an In Ontario a real effort has ln the l)ulp group are the cheaper wrong." R G L Made by Kellogg in Lon- i ebleeteodtw halGensfme ùtrsad don, Ontario. and market buildings were erected band which drew a great hose.. been made. Over 350 have been, magazines-, known bv their heas y' President Ross tkehaed 10A .. in15 o hrabu.Th a-Remenyi, tbe great Norwegian provided with training in our for-', pull palier, while the slick group in- Mrs. Bateman for ber entertain- Modess - ke bilin wti issqar e- îai1 t ests, 50 bave been attending a clude those magazines printed on ing address, and ber companion. _____________________tended fromn the front of the tawn Prof.' Youmans came here and special mining school. while girls' fiine oated paîwrs, and gencrall% MiSs Jean Beaupre. for accom- Hospital Ci ball, King St.. ta Cburch St. on tarted a singing class wbich be bave been trairied for domestic spcaking read b% better educated panying the speaker. R ot Water the nartb. While the market continued for several seasaris f rom service and Young men for the '. Guests of the club included buldn wî i. vrria Ieschalars in the public schoals. He farm. il'resent dall- ditors demand certain Wreford Sauch. Halifax, NS.. Ross Dodd's PiU terided the wbaie lengtb of the1 was a wonder witb children and The main project g in antarii., andneiiii asoy sdules. anl au- Stevens and George FP. Annis, Pinex - building. Its entrance was thro* lbad them undler cantral that w&q however, is tbe restoration of the: illor conformns lu these things lielbas Darlington. ScFut __________ an arcbway ini the centre of the very remarkable. One of his mainsytmaaprnieip Intsltlecne fvrwrtngabt taw hll Sots dugstreanstandibys was Katie Jeffery. dau- system we have the key to the .le He mnust be concise, lie mut I HRaliver Oil the carrier. and a dry goods store gbter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Jeff ery sltofoeo hevr elfo fed, lie iinust a'qoid ~ai who kept tbe Eastern Hous o problems. tbe speaker said. The edns lie mihv cuax ie CLARKE UNIONPika s Th scod tov asusd ora termi. Dan Jeffery played the white collar job in recent yea.rsc;i(in and craftilmanshilp in Ilisl shwpusend olitas ueetfr- trombone in the towri orchestra bas been dignified beyorid reasan. 1viîîg Messrs. H. J. Sauch and S. D. 83c Noxemx is o uncî ebamber police cout and of course tbe lhatel was their Tbrough apprenticeship digiiity 16! .\lost invariable- the producer Souch attended tbe funeral orf 5 Nxi and town clerk's office. But eriough for the present of l'y learned his job, everi if that l);lckgQrIund. and it i.. the magazine: Bawmariville last week.Mran Noxema or Underneath wa-s the town lock- tbe aid market square anid the job brings dirty hands anid over- u sritvr wlîo c, iif orms tii the..e lec-: Mrs. Hicks lived in this section ' Bile Beans gn'Yýuitis ho eursau audience of far fifteen or twenty years. just. Castoria oe-a disgrace ta civilîzatian Itime we will take it up again. ini his wark as any white callared nlîlilios before lever lic )ulilsC cos teri rm br .J y' 'or a un ea i e er ter ~ :r ctce ea qu rtrs od y he ma W o astbjob.h- i l es i t h s hedag azine the r aur, r. 9P herH . J. .o wbile used. cnîlte book. The success f ul mag- : Soucb now lives. Mr. Hicks work- Giant KrI The sautb endc of th ak tin om e ski rid trd ies houg azine writer often produces the best'ed for the late James Beith w lio buligwsused as a residence YOUTH MOVEMENT 'ako neetinapetcsiseller, because thie best seller is but! owried the farm where Mr. Oswald thecaetaerof hehal, lsa j~DES RIED Y re lab e muefnist rta aur forereehas beenr afdefinite, shortage tccrsstalization of tastes uIftIse Sandercack naw lives. Vacuum f r t h e t o w n c l e r k .1 01 m g z n e d rB o t s The third storY of the main JOSEPH MCCULLEY Young people ta be skilled trades- tmaain e ustin, H omTusay e in golmeto-ing on leryby . aid . Oara bak- CoftifLle fro pae 1 trinig pogrm i tringto o. ake., a best seller? NIr. Langte Came anid enoy a pleasant even-29 Let The m "R aidt" hall wa used a photogr ph gal- (todtiitd faom agt 1)leaining ofgrtmci ng.inProgramo .aridrarean reshrnents.t Let N-011g1unes plunider tem.slesadsainr.u the phsca oal f vr by making apprenticeship a prac- 'acfi a o h an fteig E f ggrao. ithr frun od. Te radiort n ftere nersor p t e hscm orle ofped ytical addition ta aur educational .auhor. flot the a(lv-ertisiig. îot the Miss Mamie Archer visited e building Nlilk. Gise theni snacks ai building was the towri fire bail mantbs in the corps, and then system. M.i~ac ftebç.nmhcbo rColer id Ach ie Owa Correctal Le bcdtime. tou. if thie.\ agrec tu drink where the aid Deluge" was bous- imust give two years of service in In closirig Mr. McCuiley lem- r rsîes.illrlieon Sih istdaw- phasiz.cd the necessity. nat ta pro- çtsle eue etsle avlefînsa udy M\ilk svitli the bedtimie bites: .\NY e. What tropbyforia mseum th army. bis serice canat ber. lim. b ax man; Aa( c Nlden lu that ad achnefo u bave aie. Thiservare n xcu e vide Young people with comforti hecause une rcadem recoumud l H . uHr BilyPhsieoatMr lie v i eas ea hlde o ta odmchn vodd Teear oexue. and security whetber they earn it anloîher, Ilirougli boojk-of-thle-.onth .J Subs Poe drink a s rmucli as possibule (If th's been! It certainly wsa a- Wbile the system bhas its mer- or nat, but ta make this provision clubs.' and tîtrougli goocî reviesvs. r Mr. S. D. Souch lost a valuable pu siîper.riclî. sanitarilv% procluced lactie killer at a fire. Over thîs was thei its. Mr. McCuiley said. it could (nýacmiain% hs hnsl 'sOURISH\NIF\T hall where the firemeri assembied not. be haridied ini Canada or the s that human energy will not be ()1 cmuato î hs tîg mr ît îtua 9 everytwo eeksto tarisct bsi- nite Staes. ne o thead- wasted, and yauth will be given aeau tîroduce the best seller.1 Mrs. M. Chatterton was cle _______ nesand discuss the questions ofI vantages of dictatarship is the chance to take its place in a very.. The ingredients of a best seller sdel aBleil nSna _______ Bthaeile Sday. Next to tbis was the oi knowledge htodr given, viii very difficuit world. in whicb puiemall speaking are. the char- Ionaccount or sickness of ber fa- tîmes prîi-ipal ingre(lients le stî1tat it te pby the O.0 . Co. band. Canada, hwvr ti eydf r All the butchers un tawn doing ent. We could not solve our prob- W. F. Riekard, M.P., ably ex- reflects thie current emuotions of the TORONTO DURHAM Dar business had stalls in the aid lems by complete regimentatian. pressed the club's thanks to Mr. tiînes in \vhich il is written. W I mrke bildng Th firs ws W ae sil a emcrayand~0McCulley for a very fine address, Miss M.\innie Jennings exprese CLUB WILL HEAR i Phones 446 -703 themarkerfauildn. TebareytR- a ttWerax tlth emopralem nd or oyaddimg that there was a very real the club's appreciatian lu Dr Lange 1 IE SEA E SIW the.Mr.*n ihMs Cawker seriaus. Parley o atrw art ba the olior ght lnterest un the House of Commans for the moît interesting and enter- IE P AK R as manager; Young & Brttain; to decide how that problem shal i h ot oeet.tiigades rs .T I.IT ear Addresses on "The Story m.Trick, and several others. be bandled. and the people stil ___________ Laughliin presided and introduiced of Canadian Raidium," and i And what a show of meats at the the choice of doing it. îe pakri story of Trinity College Christmas season would there be! Demrc BEST SELLER IS Sebool, Port Hope We do not think the farmers The essence af democracy, the TO I .- RI ., bathered mucb about doing bousi- T PC O DD E S TRPT R S I Some advance information ad- rissude telogveana btspeaker added, is the belief that vses us that the Durham County wasudtae theirobuter andhegus the indwvidual is worth something AT CANADIAN CLUB VIVIDLY RELATED Club of Toronto un this season's wdtak e tor bndttr ad or w fat imsel.f. In dictator ruled toth toe adtrd frwhtcounitries the individual is forgot- (Continued fmomn page 1) AT ROTARY CLUB manthîy meetings in Sherbourne tbey needed and probably would ten and the state is deified, îtypes of entertairnment. Books were soutbeaistcore - Po rtHe. get a due-bull on same ather The Canadian Yauth Movement considered unladvhîke and su ssonien (Continued fmom page 1) ioushe s t forettingor rHae. IV store. if necessary. s the first attempt made i wtou opeiin.Frtjsre- Fr h snay etngIr Bu h mre wscrail I hswere never seen reading îhem îtou cmptîioP.ortBs.ea FFrte nua PryHmeetin, tMifa Buet ptae fm arma eran.ly a couzitry to do something for bar- Charles Dickens and Sir Walter son there was no use going from . B. rendlubPot Hop e staofa grea plce orrarmes ad oh- th.Itcoldnot be Scott were îwa authors sslo brouglit one store to another taoboltain a T he cbthn adderess on er tathd oo orsaeasocoplson.or regimentation. a dignity ta books thiat started svu. desired article. The saine stock he Str3ofandnRdu" » s . hay or olats. As this was the The speaker paid particular tri- m n raig lh ul Iueln would be presented.a big subj t on a er s al S horse-age, these latter articles bute ta three youtbful mebers Dicken's book was considered aliglit C'ildreD arlneyerseen o the qantity were always in demand. of the House of Comnions who - Dîs. L. B.reilliams, inesidenIse * ** * *. .oo .en. .e ue.us. . . .plye.an.nî ontpuns tomforîle servant, but highlv impru.sres hyar lcdu-i the Toronto Durhami Club, will Woodth eint uel e raug h da anmipossibleprtthe per for île lady of lhiglierlsociallches durin the day wbule t.he support Mr. Friend's address with l.TMNS70e Lbi tewntr oudbebogh nstanding. prnsaewrkn n loed the projection of the Eldorado an1e ntesqaew.i h present mavement. They repre- The growth in the reading hab)iîta play and go ta, school in these Company's motion picture filmn Foliow s$=mer to *s.aufarmers fed bis horses at the iinn etdtredifrn oiia eatiue osvrlcueg rwr t r parties. Paul Martin, L i be r ai; ha eatîutdt eea cue ag a k. utthe pn ts e ter ie agdo rhn home Fhrili to golf under lue and aiso bimself. An ald timer Denton Massey. Conservative, and limpIlosrtaos en the r pltnb. hoge.k hnthyg ____________________ skies, relax on warm sands. in this business was a well known Rv o ogaCCFHsiaiaini rewt For a winter vacation or à Ma.nvers citizen, Johnny McRob- TRev. ominDo gl C.CF. libcation oealsn the ir ubaig ome longer stay, there is neyer a erts, who was aiways first on deck. gatd$.0.0 o h oe a very complex mixture of people chiics in parks wbere a doctor dulimoment. And living costs He must bave started on the trip ment, ta wbicb tbe nine provinces and types.si aatblanaserqe- are very moderate. many hours befare dayligbt. aet d ieaon ewe When une realizes that 251 million in and examines those who are Ciioose your own rote re All the butchers in town usedtbem. In planning the work, the books are sold annnally ini the Unit. Durlng aur stay in Russia, the SULK appl direct or via the Canaian two-wbeeled catis for delivering committele reaized that no special ed States, it brîngs a realization uf Alaskan flyers were welcamed R Îes, Vancover and Vic- meat, eawsy to turn araund and no privileges could lbe given to any île Iemendous number of peuple with an enormous ovation such as toribo Sandrencio iro te li an psuries ndreclass. age group, race, religious or who are reading regularly. BooukseinNwYr.W n yrb iecin.pe t andcame rition a rue geagraphical group. The coin- A______________ i was aIl over the street was f ili- R O L L E D yte aoim rdup is. n t edc mittee realized that sectionalisism ________________ed with paper streamers, ail print- FULL INFORMATION the aoirdumaoisqur was the of any kind was ta, be deplored. ed with Stalin prapaganda. MI!- STANDARD F RThe ua d mareth sqouaid s merei o paaiey re tT n 4 a teOT AS TO RtOUND 11» drill ground for the volunteer Our School System R ta I se~n iuts later tbe street was OT " S A D R REsundergon see s o d l oncera ke tipace with tely r chn es n t e g e n t T:1 bys laale vaerum l ening a vrà " TOURIST FARIE time tbe twoa companies would timiles the scbool system has nat lparatu wvcu umce panil ap- *COACH PARE udroaOeiso riloc HAWAaewihtecan rts hc uke palthe Ws On Appllmiio10 a y Au". week or artener. And of course ecanomic 111e, saîd Mr. McCulley. paper.5.2 the natives wauld be on hand ta H.lgh Scbool courses have been tD Thurs. - Fr!. - Sat. We- were tald- there was relig- in crme. Tis usdue t lackof t I s Ith re wrlng be ard ian ul - 1 _____________oPower___ I bave found travel fatal ta rp fri of the depression*, the speakeri prejudice" concluded Mrs. Bate- G a efutBuIk A DCLSsaid. was in the breakdown of J man. 'We who stay at homne and human morale, and flot in dollars Wed. - Thurs. lano oeg onre hogi5For 2cwi an et.Jan. 26 - 27 o ur newspapers get into a rut and c Briefiy Mr. McCulley reviewd L~Ireally are ignorant of real condi-Beaas WihCndthe work being done by the ouTh 'Ile Great barrlCk tos etetpapecmn HN 8 siig c u h L odM OIvem ent across Canada. In Bri-t he e fo f regi a ds w h c n-G l rJ tish Cl umba th o veniet a ari n gtempt. whereas tbeY bave really PrcerEfeciv Uti extended physical and recrea-aBrian herneren rou glaup i muc orePON 80k Fo U emedy. tional educaInNova Soi hrbe ruh pGletj FOI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ot is bHeNOE' NOT-UKE' TRA IS g.a î in waine caial aD Hvlad beautiful surroundings than we January 22nd opnd pand have. Tbey look down upon us, yout usbeig taine inhar r'but have too much grace ta show Lrds the Arctic, de- terrain by plane, id even below graund ýafter revlewirig the nd making brier re- he Uranium-Radium ritinue with the pro- radium is extracted at the Port Hope re- riclude on the metb- radium, i.e.. needles, >ruary meeting, Mr. îum , Headnîaster of t Scbool, Port Hope, Ldress on this insti- )rY. Here alsa, Dr. b is historic motion on Durham Caunty ,e school's magnifi, dings. This is aIlita- ,the Club flot anly Lconscious but edu- tyond the member- FLIUIU ULLLU MFUIN LEI and Serves You Well er You a sPeedy delivery service when in need of drugs or sundries. Phone 695. AR PRICES ýtabs. - - 19c - - - - 21c Cotton lb. 29e ýBottles - 39e Mis - - - 27c - - - 32e tives - - 29C ,i caps. - 89C ma Oream - 59c Scott 's Emul. - 53c-98c na Cream - 5c jream & Soap 54 Ext. Malt & C. L. O. s- -- - - 47e lb. 49c - 2 lbs. 89c ---29c-59c Cal. A. caps.- 1.25-2.25 ýruschen - 69C Aiphamettes. Lunch Ovaltinq, - - 38c-58c-98c I it Luc einz Soups 2 for 19o Kits Nova Kelp tabs. 69c 79e - $1.39 - $2.79 Lens assure you a perfect vision and we guai'antee absolute satisfaction in fit and price. .R. COWLING, Druggcist Huse RADIO Service and Repairs AIl Makes Car Radios Repaired and Installed R. QUINN King st. Phone 575 We f itTrs W ai Deskccoted1b Lq >COANUT ~J UNES 2 H.]19 LCARONI M... LPIOCA ~.10 FIEATLETS lb.' 5 BaconE lb. 33c Fones rer THE CANADIAN STATESM.-XN, POtWNIAN\ ILI-E, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE

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