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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1938, p. 8

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P.AGE EIGH-r THE CANADLAN STATEgS AV rsi-Vý:Rl,, -'7TI Yr 1I V3,l IJJMA\ IL, NAROTHURSDAY.J' AY2T,13 a new $10.000 rink hia.s been es- rsuable0< sec more of their t __________ S P O R T N E W $ ta . .s.ed ;ts the matter le 1 dee1eas been cyulghn auauo An sBtRikras Wen. alive spot and should have a rink 1 xc-ek they had tighitened up consd An in okypaes rbvadthere were sorte joltMsT.RHarneted There are sanie Bowmanville bodv%.checks handed out as well. 3r*T .HaBted __________________ a Thc finvardsilrcT re at C ocd weratw uiomi ivnte Tefowrsaedoing aIlil tat IB'ýý slipped quietly from hier loved che.atw ie h coîî!d be wished for while just th oleco Thursday, Jnay1 chance. ~~thought of Ed Hoopers sensational - C .H-.Tuc k o e nJ n a y 1. the Person of Annie Wight Hoar. B i B a g n e il is a v a lu e d m e m b e r g o a l.te n d in g sen d s u s in to ra p ure . O p t. a u h e o f t e a te W illia m a n d ee e p o ed d re t t ameron and Fred Jackman playIf a.tPot Hos atiaute Uc*.ie igt An Wgt.W B R o s ak tb i e m Shehw a soborni n1a8 55 oni the1 ldHY experiment? Vlcks Vapl bea aoubsat okn forPot op ineredatsssorrPboart o ik ri hethrdSpeiais hmesea nrteas o Bwmn- b ia ben oulymoed irctthouf te ki lie pul Defe t Po t H pe - GilsfLse o rtoe ientedand ..p serodofnt i ck ielad back in Disney BIdg. Mr. Mebourne Wght, wiiere shehOieta nyhe viUath tlýhE . e now owned by her nephew, foryo. .poved by everydayUse tice. Attesaitie sie- Mao .O onsOfcalyt eoî o i orsiBHS asneil and Piper both have been gi- er is getting over bis fault of div- <01>1. P. .) resided until her marriage to Mr. o n Oytelrgs lncltet iett Opens Basketball Season in have witnessed. About h opv h r O of o k al triLs . ao ! by tnd a'le er ma e o od .(S ef l e- wt v onb uksan nv shot that eludes him April 4. 1877. To them were giv- tails i each VapoRub package.)1 Thisdobeatn oss keepers. acopetnd orese hrereesre- -as ut hee intrucli a thinlub is rcally deserv cd. One thing Bow- îNumber 19 en seven children. four of whom, Only Vicks 'ile phlegn -reivsirtto n some dispute. TIhe f irst lbalffea. Now that's swell publicity for mn""" kabe<opouc sgoal.:;The trend of aur modemrnda dgr Mbland Athr o ciro. couging-epsbakoclon Baýkeîba1Ilofficiallx optedndlu- aogwt irdvtdUyuý h Bomaîsll. n riav wthPotured few baskets and miany fouis. BowmanviUle hockey players. but kees ulation hias been to create a more ]ng ithedvodhusand, apo s t e gestion. Hne .larn~Ui bnos.'[ieloal-During <is period the bail' seemcd it's a left hand compliment in the tdefenc sand mof MOI.on- as ýao a vey thentbore erik eea gto kngorafe transint anda morehevsngnopasedTaiaeolorcaenty-iveThe .. .-. dirctiextrnal epeatofeaNmot at bdtlme Seio ad unorbys~vn it < e in possession of the rubber jaw for the rest of the folks in the Th ci omos o . dition. beaning Out 'verY closely the Ytr e a t ment. No Aitborereserful sleep cornes, VaeroRub screeonio<r1. nd6atnd. oJunoierotrmaorîvof<b hmetonwonwatar yu o-Nihls Prkr ndPateso.Tnd olowngfiurs.MiWo!ehs os ad oninessedo îmIiIofsomcl uses.hor.ftn 1 1time but <bey couldnt do anytbing ing ta do about it is wht Mo are îlot perfect but as mentioned transient Population wiîî cover poSing lier grief on others. for on Sirnply Massage ft on the throat, by mornn resectvev, bil tetBH.Brelî wihantesnlrgetplI.Tnoshrt resnmanletsknw. boee<eytreimpovngmaprnagre 25ta50 ils aterahir app ocasonaosmariae cest ad bce(aslhl tttee. ueworto lor girls were noscd ont bv a sco tie enliitrs d pl.The baIrt'determination bides manm day's work is done and be on hand amngahe! ir eatvelt a ortm h iioshdtebi hvand <heir mnayofhreltvsiws Relief starts almost at once. You tecl aU of2 o1.fanîts. .Ames, Parker and Ed Hoopfowrktentmoig.Oe Aunt Annie" who wa.s called up- begin ta feel warm and conifort- over. VA O U of 2 to18. * mae god ue o it nd 0N ~er are the three member inelibIe Sunday and the weekends it is on to make the prized wedding Now HT»TILS Senoroysi the secrtiond bh eir oai ouueS for ncxt xear wbile NichaIs lbas twvo quite a common matter for 125 to cake and assist generally in mak- Senior Bos In the econd haf the Bowan- Beics andBuuteer had of him and Patterson 150 miles to be covered. Take the mng the levent pass off more pleas- Tire game started with M\ay.or R. 1 ville lads managed <o sink anc or B Nelo .Oborne tbree. This last named hombre is an conditions separately and they are antly.o!Gdsfragito!hihheevsEathmeCare ! 0. Joncs officiallv tossing the baill two more of their numerous shots Orono lad, welI built and keen wbo each a strain on the eyes and the For years she made lier home of oevefral Q fond. Nhe aese;(da r.Vet c up.Bu een it scb godstart than <bey did in the first baîf but found bîmsclf in Cobourg and is systeni. The twa combined caver with hier son, Mr. Sidney T. Hoari tlar ,Mfln aevle Ana .s the exhibition of basketball proved for the number of shots tbev bad at In case some of tire folks are won- looked on as a future star, about 80 Per cent or the popula- where she had gone as a bride. Mesix sred . Har. C A.Wht, Tmulero, NsleoJan ________________________the littie hoop <bey sboilld bave dering wbv the Red Raiders are go.- tion o! our cities. The above con- peiodioally spending tme with Mesrson Wigt. ilon.A Wight,,brother lsWiims antn _____________________ ripled <beir score. "Buckle%- Spcn. ing into C pladowns when <bey are The <wo darlings of ice tcam arc ditions are indulged in, in a com-lhem daugliters. Mrs. T. A. Ander- Elgin Wight, and Russel Bragg, 'His son HE adpeecae l cer was putof in <bis baîf baving good enougli <n be lcading <is B tie centre ice performers, Bobbv blned way by about 10 per~ cent son (Edith), Toronto, and Mr. . carried her gent.ly to lier hast rest- four years ao M ~~ ft K ~~~ inflic<cd four fouis but svas not group, let us explain. This year, Bird and Tom Depew. Feather Bird. and the remaining 10 per cent Grosskuth (Olga), at Laurel. Tiiigpaehneted Cmtr ai err ee1vmt n alone as Coupland of tice hilîside unIess bis team draws large crowds sixteen years of age and weigbing follow the wisdom of the aId tra- past seven years however have ignae oriny ytears e re.Wlas lydWlimGog imeatre ~flMWM IIf the local boys give a similiar MNo Breslin will lose about $150 on is <he'shif<iest man on the team and their strength ta combat any Whule there slie was a regular 1e AWWiarhl!Tlin amehsad WlbtMacjn brand of bail in Cobourg <is Fridav <ie hockey venture. But hie says bas ye< <o be bit by a wvouId be strain upon them physically. attendant of Carman UnitedCictofcatda tegrv Ine enwsmdenNsten Matines Dail 2.15 ouly <e fats knows~batxviIl ap. <at 1< will be worth 1<. if it brings bodycekr..îny < Dpw 5 Per cent aId traditions. Churcli. at the foto Puin hee a tenumber anso!t e mey fjpeu. a rink <o Bowmarnville next % car. isba is fif<een, and ust Out of tire 5 Per cent mlodern type, but Ave., and was ever ready to u,- smTounding county a.ssembied to Bo ma vil,*6: Spner c,6 Churcb League. he is the f astest cameful a!f .l th and hygiene. sist in any or ai a! t.he women s i _______________on________________ !Ashton If. 4 *Fagati rf. 7; Niven AI<hough the Iocals are Ieading maai on the ice. Bobby's favourite 40 per cent excessive af ter work- womk as long as health pemmitted. a, rbt aoewo hyh. venknown and laved, !e which the Thurs. - Fri.- Sat. îig. 9: Rackbam rg: .\l<ernates. tis group, scattered througb .out the trick is <o keep tlie other tcamn hem. ing hours. but aiways retained hier member- bearers and relatives from a ,dis- Ja. 0- 1- u:n Tge.Jml.province are some eamns playing un. nied inside <beir binle lne ail by bis; 40 per cent excessive af ter haurs slip at Bethesda on the Tyrone tance acepted the kind hospital- Port Hope1 16: Fulford c. 7Jaor. der the B banner tbat are almnost lonesome. Depew mnissed the 'fir. and over weekends. Circuit because o! t.he eamly re- 'ityo ceM PotHoe1: ufrdc ; o-strong enotgb <o comipete iin A rat. game through illuess, bu rn o 10 Per cent combined efforts o! lationships. hiem long and useful fM. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar at Mm. J. J. MioCokdCek betr;Hwt f :SenxI--bti o-the hast two creating a condition standing theme, and hem lave for, the hamnestead.spae athefit a Coupiaud rg. I1: .-ltruate. Hodg. wonld mean <bat <le Raiders would hlm core <bree goals and add tsa om thcesview oint !enmy haps anrco. leousadn meeting a o:nsHm n sen -4, Sinitt. Snuegrove. pet nowhere inthe playoffs. But assi-sts,.figuring iin exactly baîf of watedmifthe ab oventabl enly quas in ler ofe he m adc-î ToasHnyWlla, SholCu i 98 el aur Junior * Bosboe dora the go ne f oin <e aier Cal.applied ta wasted energy and e- termination to sec the best in ev- Caesa.rea hlth. Mm.Meorgvanit- JuniorBo~~s oinewbre luthe îîwl~ fomed ~peated fatigue by t.he repeated ac- eryone. Hem motta wa.s if I Thr pasdt reta.i. esting talkonToExeice This game proved <o he the very group. *** Patrolling the wings are Ed W«ili. tion continuaus fatigue and im- cannot say anything gaod I Vdhl hme at aesaea on Jstaayt, hi r.f thieulwy ihMs em opost t teseio usle uc ridgc. possessor of tire finest shift proper et against the tue when not express an opinion," w-ath he at aemy e nnhy ilnSs. Rihah piet n the cair boys 'bossed complete ca-ordination Tgai ny reon h ectoc as b-ould o limeam. ros Wos e e ondwrk is ta be resumed.mit is a resolve that "if theme was any:hms er ilam.H a ecia and tamspirit <rouhout <lie gaine. ut hsocto sa h.Ouomebr i er ai te ardetmenso! creatng reflex disorders persn ta whom she f cît any iiiToa letyWiha.. ewsand Miss WiaFarwassVe <Be am r wni ed te nir ir i tk softhe e . even muscles and o! feelings that was one o! whom she bat-n <n H the igbt hi scoring 24 of the 62 'car îsith the added experience and tlic ice ishen Bosymanville is short. 'lhe organs o! the body elsewhcre. did not speak unkindly ta others" 4. 1861. and. was a son of the late plcted for thclbcadptyi points but ivas followed closely by maybe <be chance ti play lu their handed. Ou the other wing, Jack (ob atne)Wcce h aehmhm Thomas Tr'ick Williams, Caesamea. 'Ncwc, tle a aur 9h r Dugan NMcIlveen isba chalked ip18àossn riuk. and ishat is far more im. Rice i.. turuing il uotstandiug hockev t, ecottud herevewashal msaealirtyowe-: !Hope T; h Fred Couch had charge o! points and Byron Crawford isba portant, the chance <o practlce re. but like Chamberlain of the Leafs liC cmeto'nywf caeoopse emownship, who prede pommwuhiclddradi 1 cored 13 points. During the game gu1larly Ou bigger ice, the Raiders is jinixed as far as geting goals is knosi' <at <hre<osyn is behind hlmn and many o! hiem relatives and!,ceased him thmee years after mar- by Mms. Joh le. ecsl <he Port Hope boys inanaged to get ivill I;e aIl set ta cau-e a stir ln B cotîcerned. Hossever. lie gatbered lu aind bis ptnck chasers. 'lou can prove 1 riends wiil miss liem cheery words., nage. ieaving one chid. Evýa musical scectosbl(gr ii the bail a fcw limes butth<ey couldu't pladosvus. four assists last week wbicb la fair ibis by hikiug dowsnuta Port Hope "Weil, my dear, I'm glad ta sec ad a itmmmidt son and HatyB1ly n hold ou <o the circtilar spbcere. Thie ****going lu auy league. Louie WI..e. out F-ridav n îght or over <o Wbltby Eul M ia ms w Cakso arlinygetnalsparkling pla. LtteWcdn «M local lads wcre uoticeahly îscak on For tliose wlîo ivaut ta îatch ex. man. itie pepilper pot of the îeam, 1le. ie'st Thiursdav. hcdîtaiyTm oi w yasagMh e r.aninllis wahom y e, nd a l - : ele.Mm RyRinng"vd BEVERLY ROBERTS j beir foui shots ouly scoriug a 2 celleut kid hocey sec stggest <bat au <o cick laçî iscek and îyith lus Garton says be isilI give auyoue go- became iess active, gadualiy mak- neiglibour and !riend. and had vt itinst h pae n 4RICARDO CORTEZ tom 9.. Tbis <aîn should goao oîga ou<rleotnPot opn<i lrdaieer li soud ealcabtpliable ug<oofe bibygae aspcil nghemasscapbl oagttngmae an frena at afaear tandetetanes.an M. n, wvyli <beir league butth<ey silland Wbltby uext Thumsdav. Boti huies fmom lucre ou. rateOu <he regular bus and ifaan n ial esdt ct Fnrlsrie nMna ohrenled ae a real test ta c am e \w beu <bey ar e B o iw în auszille *s h aine g ain es a de o hhansI h e r n in s b * * *n d f n a l c a ed t * rate s rv c s n M o d y f ' o l e i nede r y i g a g AlSO play a better team mavhe <hi..Fr1.uit svoild ho ulce <a bear a couple af Iii re..ervc are Gerald Bird. a Tbuirsdav af<eruoon lie will take a Tefnma a dat ternohere eing ahrt erviceat thed uc day isitb Cobouirg. Tîs o of <lue quarter.. clinik in<o <he sadlv tlcpleted! stocky- lad islo Iloves ta bounice'i, The ..pecial buts. There k your cabahotîseviceîceth ~'"~ jguîr jnios ieremis.ilg, îamîv Offer thfe cRaiders. cumiiug forwards, Lcii Somerscalus -.itar ou igiiintdo ssitliit? homne af Mrs. T. A. Anderson. 113 home, and pmoceeding ta NestIe regularjunior were issing n__________er,_____are_ Pauline Ave., Toronto, on Januamy tan Church wheme Rev. H. J. Bell. I Loi W..can nd onuDepis.* ** *audBobGraam.11wfir.< aind lth. when Rev. G. Norris Grey Rev. Clarence Ferguson and Rev Nf avbe after <he cxam.. C,4lvillc and lilu <leir la.t tisa games as t<b s i: 7.i.. dfuiuceniiau wlîilc <lielast pair and 100k onear t.hrough.ovcmyghg thtibreeitazth:kamither servce.sR-vo Frcguson. aoiiireslongce._________________a__________ ra~ amh..nu etpl~e u hih i aliîe <u'ouexerecebu ".ci A path is honorable if honor- Il' Ismaci who had gone t10lhem me- fricnd a! the family, spoke very Boxymai -i1Ie 62: -Mellveen c. 18:;itie resl.ga!rhedcre - ae l ldviuexelet;; a5elias il insuanc incas alý - aby aquied.wamd." Although at hiem ownmc- kindly and feelingiy ta <lhc sommait jCraisford If. 13: Brown rf. 24: Cas.- tayinuvxet ufc bys n . nne.al cumd quest the funerai was <o lie pri- ing relatives and ficnds and tboumn rg, 2: Jackinan Ig. 2:;.Alter- împresscd ane spectator vbo isatcli ** An engagement ta marry is of- vate with no flowers, loving fi- spoke o! lis home being a ven- .. nates, Crook 7:.tstue.. d bem lun Port Hope tbat he lias Anîd so, there i k 11one oiie bg <cii announe as a kissing-!east ends f elt impressed ta express welcome place for anc and ail. Hope h~~~~een moauiug ever since because he more <bat MIo iants amid<liat lis ta in Hungary. tersmalyb cdn e eie i omwn ie i W. grave rfi, 2: Thompsou If, 4; Quiu. jll rg. 6: Broswn lg, 2; Alteruates,_______ Sîinott Newton, George Anderson. ci A L ri Also Junior Girls The junior girls supplied the mast iutercstiug game of the evening seheu Port Hope lassies nosed out the locals by a -score of 22 to 18. During the cutire game the play îîever slow-. cd dowu, nom did the spectacular play ing stop. .At bahf time the score read 10 ta 8 for B.H.S. but during tbe hast baîf the casteru girls put on the power play and camne ont ou top. The Port Hiope teain seemed ta have only anc scorer ou their team, Dora<hy Dickeuson. While the honars for Bowmanvjlle were sbared fa irly eveniy among the tbree forwamds. The B.H.S. beauties were sornewhat smnallcr <bau their appan. eufts but sbowed <hem <bhat size doca not mean every<bing. Bowmanviihc 18: D. Haruden f. 4; K Storey c, 8; M. NMcDonald f. 6; P. Emme<t g; M. Gibson g; J. Rice g; .AI<ernates, B. Emmctt, MN. Storey, D. Smale. Port Hope 22: Mf. Keamus f, 4; D. Dickenson c, 16; %V. Haiford f. 2; A. Smitb g; MN. Doncy g: C. Stalter g; Altemnates, D. Robcrtson. B. Cotter, F. Hodgsou, H. Watson. WHAT? NO RINK IN BOWMANVILLE Sh! the guarded secret lias got out beyond the corporation boun- daries o! Bowmanvilhe. It makes tlie deplorable situation more em- barrmssng than ever to sport- conscious fans. What's it alI about? WeU, heme's what Fred Jackson, Sports Editar o! The To- monta Star, said in lits feature col- umn Saturday: "Sometimes even a kid's hockey teani car. stir Up the dormant pulse o! what used ta be a stand- out hockey town and the exploits o! the Bowmanvilhe junior "C" club, sometumes calcd 'Ma's" Red Raiders. The Red Raiders are hooked ini with a junior "B" gmoup along wuth Whitby, Port Hlope and Co- bourg . .. they are out in front in the highcr company and after they get through with the salie- dule they'll compete in the "C' p2 aydons. Several ycars ago th lad ink in Bowmanvihle was scuttled with a wime and since then the only playing accommodation in the town is an apen alr cushion at tle sechool . , . the Red Raiders have phayed and pmactsed out o! town and it seems a pity that such a fine bunch o! lads who are mak- ing Bowmanx-ille hockey-conscious ceannot phay their home gamnes be- fore their home-town admirers. Ai e Red HRaiders uthe aver- age age is 1 712 have quit smok- ing for tlie goad o! the cause and <hu cnuc t is whiat you miglit c,,ail ideali. . . Morris "Mo" Bres- lnidoin a fine job with the Youngstcrs and cornes in for a piug a.s far as this corner is con- cemned. Theme are about four thousand people un Bowmanvillc and some, 700 in the town of Omemee where '4' "0 JU. ~jg3X~OiAr'bile sets ti'. ailsiOn'Oer ta -tyle 0rod Lr rcarf at aY pr i e ' r - sUC1 jr'g i l%,l such atea nti~ lioUS "fou'1 ays b. oW' la0jWiýbIO jproua ta vna Qnl 0i1si~~blê ies yolU are grO U P e t1 e ri er Oye8 ioiety~ aietybre fx r '*iiy le - -Aqml 1' me here tue ffl -- troll c h»a:n aS out a o , ates a, 0,1 fan daiGce by.Itar$the irthat bas vr in p est uyoU .0' sa£*e x.d coin ocl ays ri d e Wo jlVtOyou ta corneto& £or a tial drive in a 95 h 01o aI nSW01 *~~,i.. jia rl 'Courage of the West"t STARRING Bob Baker Tniversal 's New Singing Cowboy Won. - Tues. - Wed.' Jan. 24 - 25 - 26 «IDNITE SHOW Sun. Eve Jan. 23 - 12.05 a.m. LL BEATU - - - 30o

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