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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1938, p. 3

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A I '~ f f 4 -f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD, 1938 e IsLstance. One f our bet known them until they are ver soit, SupySceary, Mrs. . . ac ould make for a better showing feopeaefo ihu a n h insFrHomebodies uclss specîalists says that then put t.hemn through a sieveie LD C ADIAN COMPANY HAS kayPIrocren W ritten for The Statesman we neer catch cold unless we are You like. but Personally i like ail A I nlhp S cretary trang ri)-i' b n ut u h t n r ws ui n a ohr drcin i hs lcl byte ensadnot just the puree. C. L.IMac- by j too tired. Check up on this for Acd ml, ute ndsitadship SecretarKrIAKLLvAJ1j),rl in soutejjical Mrs R.AW.tMcQuay. Whîtby: Jesie lln Bow yorsef nd ouwil fid hatitPepper if required. If You have FisendsaSecretary,Mrs.' C. M. Ew- I.i1lestoi,PeIC bfltauW hairma b %ve it Ipeaefrtenx vn Miss onary Monthly and WonlddentCanb cf J hii J I-. ritya nyrt.Soi matm is true. Obviously, one way of enough beans thie soup will re- irig. 602 Simcoe St. N. saa >1i Tu<lay v eveirg last, oi rm Draina Festivals aviding colds is flot to let your- Quire no further thickening, but Festivas se for you childen gettoo hieh. ifYlMbe St.E.lententa ee'vasDay h e t R e d gio nal ra a e sty u .ival s se f r dy o c h p old e , et to t re . f it is to o th in , th ick en w ith a L ite ra tu re S ecre ta r y. M s . E r en p ao a he . t o u v G n d v n t a s f ot w a t w s a Beman, Newcastle; Temperance ers!. Gordon D. Collant, W~ho pointed Ol ie think hat th firstone wa held c Id ming o, to g to be. wate. ando CplaesofananCitizannshriptiMrs.tiouthitMrs.ationahenatiorl cteritetisissoo T hie ý t hn k is sllytoi o t bedwit plety f crutos tatesW. N. Affieck, 96 Agnes St., Osh- the Scotti il people, frugslitv, thrifSt, in Halifax on Januai-y the eigh- beause of a slight cold. If they like more on a cold night. aw;Pesrsreay bis . A.W.C.T.nc, n teenth and the finals are flot held wnt t( e and t.hus kept out FihSaa eo.y 0Wsmrln v. l1hi on ob rdmnn until ee, 0 beo Fbe aalpredom inenI ut:May, You can realize what ifcages Of temperature. they E.usfae oldfs saa oiain omMs e lýeqaiisnutb a i tig tlisbeoe.W pobI so telitp e.BraY, Mrs. A. Boyes, Mrs. A. adopted. St. Andreiv's N iglîtshlda havWe. ahig have seen one of the Regional becoming a big one. They would 1 cup shredded lettuce peiet Festivals eaeh year since tE ota o hi w eeftbt 2cpcopdclr . Bleett MsFIa nce omm, Mrs. b It we seldom t h y o h a o r th ir o n e n fi utc u c O P e c le yC . W . S lem o n . M iss L a in g , M iss yc a rs sud have been m uc lh en joy ed , w i h M s. G . W a a , ls i e N ov a S c 0 t i a , .g rm t h in n o c e n t b y sta n d e r. 2 ta b lesp o o n s c h o p p edN o m n R k a d r . M S . ig t )IIo i and eit her in Ontano or n o l to p h p dn thehe c opp ard c oke die eggg raert ,a i p e CogsaedsrsigadcuhChapman, Mrs. G. Chase, Mrs. R. eatiggrtrthnisomsan .ed interesting to dcughs are aistressinganrecough 1itablespooin lemon juice Gy iWhiHavytev v ayhngfnr rmr me iin s ar d u tf l reif Sprinkle the lem on juice over Rev. J. E. G lover co e the r t ie than th "Cotter's R bb n id n.ur-W a wVatch the im- Sometimnes they do no good an d theose trc to lif the Satur- î have p ro v e m e n tthe fish, add thet teeaining in- meeting with the benediction. d vN gtJ s h an.g v ee bi Year after year. a s the appuallyup f the t o uh gredients and m ix with sufficient o %vl. o tis h b r da yO Each team will ir, a bronchial one, a steamn kettle salad dressing to moisten. Serve %vay fnd igbt' utthe aue, o h ena mdtto o ht 'ou lul onthiibi bittdhesu hae dne na137,ohlh cnno will ind bs coutrlien toast RO- be cagd u eaeugdt Ovosyaodo etc.Here, There and bert Burns snd sing Auld Lang resolethae93'pgsfar temtaetoicine wi Il do and it lias no bad ef- Sauce Mumiere er ie.Jdt oisno lb whîclh the ad- fBtsIfyo hve fatelctie 2 upbute obvoui3 avidwj e .Ifeve he aufhast o e do e ttrc uce. utBer D . Sr andîîMail colmi, gives an extract T he cm]te o o ts Everywhere lias. JudD. MRbinsonnofST. S ' d c t n h stoaster, it s a sim ple m atten to 1 tablesp'n chopped parsley f o t t e " i g r l a e " o a .i e taken excep - t a boili g te -kette on t and2 tabespo ns le on Globe20er,26sofeeterqet more ahelpfulico iOl ltOl nlet t boil away in the patients l2 teaspoon sait nvrayothbii f ion.__________inPUTheaers' l~2of a baommnu e t e a t og-oosfo th cntsaawo themselves but room. If this is fot available. you dash of pepper. Robbic Burns the Poet is hierc again. of the fanios Scotch bad sd the section r.Jh rhldi in the other n'ay have some othen method you Meit the butter and brown it G. F. Benson, Sr. MIajor G F. Benson, Jr. aI e th ieasron es ag o ud tthbadote t e.There with thesousee of the clip sheepr. comiPet i t o r s Jessie Allen can use. It requines very littie slightly. Add the other ingredients ube i i vs rn t 178f weare îlot andong therebandlbu ofe lit the rosonpaerwnitemetntho each adjudica- Brown lheat to keep the water steaming and cook for two minutes. Pour An announcement of nterest i markaeast means that; the ex- o e I.u todav titan ever tlit lie 55CIrC drnk. 14 toasts ad uusie to ThIi fpiewnesfl ýo: lias som ething lie is especial- and it usua îy gives great relief to over fried or boiled fish ust be- t e h nc w i h ec nly to k eîv mîa ngem ent of the c mt o o -i Scottish hthrte. cerv toast. Legion Ba d take lows: S n o s- t, T e o Da i ly ar ic la . a o u a d t e eth e r c h ld o r a d u t. D o n o t fe e l fo re se rv in g . pl c0nt e e e u i e m n g - p n o s i t th e th ird g n e a B u t Ilo v a b o u t o u r o w uîi lo ca lit s;, e n o tice ! A n d it w ses ea r ly n ce x t so n , thal those who want to learn you are pamnpering yourself wîhen mç,nt of the Canada Starch Com- tion o, the samne fanlly-w.hose never licard a skire of te piipes or "mring %%-leue the banquet bok-up. Syon;i ntreit& ai te pprtniy.Auiece yutae ar o acod t hevyPanty Limited, manufacturens of name has been assocîated '.ith the ' oid of the pibrocli dovu the \\cil %e s!îould observethat 'u-ganet son,2d evnS' a'. e he oportuniy. Auience: you ake cre 0fa eoldat th veryCrown Brand" Corn Syrup, Ben- starch industry in Canada for 80 a gl ocummrt u vn.I .earr. as xell as the actos them- first sneeze. gelP k 'ort te evn. Il le" itst tave I ) , oe.v moear-n ri se:ves. This year three out of the A Sea-Food Treatment Canadian Fish Cakes sons Corn Starch, and other years. %voitd ot hase been so here 60 or te -sut o tilît goilî nethy nal lii% lustshverbrentmorwthIf aomo haJuniors-îtrRuth Aaer If ourhar i stagly fl famous products. The late W. T. Benson estab- 70 'cars ago for Tailor Pliriu. i so Jouir. Juidth Robinîson conclud(es____________________ o elabl. roter i Ars'lifles. t aynee acouse0f Anîy meal is a suitable tîme for Gog .Bno srtiiga ihd h uiness in the year on the lîfl, seould have bis l)agpipe. ssithî"Let degenerate Scots make s 0'tdteioter "Brothere inwratex iodine. Ntmto be red onutseofsenvîng fish cakes but if they are presîdent of the company after 44 1858, and shortly after lits death.' out sd sounding over lill sud dale, 'note'If that.*' a n d p ro d u c e d b y a m a te u r w rite rs . to b e ta k e n in te r n a lly . T h e c o n - o e s n v d f r r e a f a t auilersafnct v it u t h t a p a ik ihlos n%-eo g e . e n s n . W h o b et il s u deutîr k o se ih t X <e h a v l o k e o e r Il th e ss rîtv o e . . u Eac '.asdisintlyCaadin.dition of the thyroid gland hias perhaps most convenient to make -and now becomes chairman of lbas noS'. retired from the presi- sonieuhiiîg unusual ssas about to iings. so far that arc available. ou theUL R U L The Big Bloiv' by Manjonie Woods ,S gratdeal to do with the quai- tedhivh efr n epte or fdrcon ftedny a pontdadretnlappcil So far as 'se remember late 1POsttflstr. Mr. J. B. rairbairu wa.s, bsed on the hazards of the'ity Of our hair and to function thèm chilled until cooking ture. comn y He is suceeded in the of the E dasburg Stacb Comn- tlee as a Burns banquet iniite: but have beenî nable to fmnd NST PA I aPPle grower in the Valley. andj propely the thyoid gland must Take a cup of Canadian flaked, pesidency by is son, Major pany, becoming president inl 1894. ni(, toseîî hlsl sd it sas a greati tliitifrlon.9 the lie of St. .Alres s ivas played by a Kentviile group. have sufficient iocine. Sea-foods cooked f ish, mix with it a cup and George F. Benson, Jr., who was On the incorporation f The Can- ocso, ad i o itk n te a rB rs a u e m s 'R.anbow Mine' was written andi are one of our best sources of a haif of mashed potatoes, one assistant genenal manager of the ada Starch Company in 1906, hie agsa rprdb Is Dn 1aelcni erett direted by A. Bartlett MacLeod. iodine and it. is wise to plan to beaten egg, one tablespoon of but- Canada Stach Company' and also was nominated President and bias ic albr athreLaed byor. aD auî-lîi as n eeîs %cl-ersed in rsct to New Glasgow, and was a story othavettoseneralsiereawepreteeslitnd ethe tosuilthîesidecoouleadatoarbeSlesubwcishedea tialofbook alformScocausefailif ofh'ourv Ptrouble.hiswrYoug itîvestments in Quebec and Non- It is possible todo hisevehiftaseead.nf dsfrd. stafeta-nompny.afCntuy 0 sevic onthedinc- ue roniuiotmcotisy.faiais o hiurry. rofbîsifrviceruuugncathelcsdont gt a the poii thern Ontario mines. It s an en- you are fan inland and cannot get sxpon of onion juice. beat the The new appointment is ne- tonate of the two companies. th ovlwrpesnheMiesctet ubiedibokfm corain tin fr rien t fes sa-oos.beaue hee remixture until fluiffy, then form M\cLco<l;. Brodies, Galbraitlîs and musýic. ail Scottisîl. seas supplued b'.cnaodtiknov uoiaigtigfrwiest rs e-od.bcueteeaeminu-vothr protmiatentbyieaungsKe into baIl. or taers aromrolltii i lles t le siubicct. li the earlY davs of lgsAlBa.Ti at have an opportunit3y to have their so many varieties of fish. canned it also ae and 'oii n p rs~inithe professions. Ait outsýtaiîd- the I pper a( ruueoCeea-o nycnan Plays produced and toi have the smoked or salted. Iodised sait' finey-sifted, dry bead cumbn Societysvas tîier CanI Co. beneft of the criticism of an ex - use d for ail cooking purposes w uÏhSat eno g bor i n e a t, wch S uI Ciner Mur. T o n hrstic. artoas eion ena iereo -ni S ceoi nde e v e ot eit si a o i ia i pe-e c d p o u e. M aicoim acd to our iodine intake. cbot enoug of the 45 toattbnown an inch-cubedti n, f t e, periencec: producr. M a 1 c o 1 m f bread un font>' seconds. Drainisracagtadp juiMorle s is criticisms aredarT e otte White ea Soaesuc ihte i eieystemnatic Givings Are On Increase s urtdx ýJî e i ~ 7u~~ r ~ sfen fc M o e i i ht y a p o u a a - h e L t ie W i e e nt e c a k e s a n d s e rv e o t . u s in g a_ _ _ _ _ _ _iI n tivw atdeTr-s of-o h K a c ýr judicatr ýý hs critiisms ae Beansare on ofmasteraroftotheosauce wtBath..ifseuIledk altthptthet traditionsareof tteeirs buikheyoucneed.a cttabsorb t ,constructive and kind.i od that we nointecl Ay kind o Canadian cooked Mrs. N. J. White, Myrtie Station' il rn ,adKn ttw.But it is rather uourtfîl to lbatier bllsd glenis of te oldaeadlntrz~. Take Care of a Cold i weather and are one of the few or canned fish may be used. If Named President - Reports vleT t3adKnStOhh steodreople pas; ilaiad. nid if sitlîliis, could gve ain Wnter bings is trial of colds vegetables that contain peotein died sait fisb is used it sould Indicate Oshawa Presbyter- aw.a,1 ead the list for visting, he wtoe that folos' do fot take ulturiili iifornîtiou along ibis lhe. ls elg UBa an d o th . F prar y because u r tute o r a t Be s ans and ponl- first be freshened' b>' tearing it lai W . M . S. Enjoyed form er sstb 1,852 and te latter1 up the stran sith the eîtluiasiiof ibut seat ivec uîed odav is tlat wse a ad c og h. F bary usu s u ly and for0 c a beus da s and substi htiica d ovbi g he sfrpsastn ceneait 1 70 ' ts m ad .But eatfo k.. er aA t e u- rýeistance is iessened because of iare usually assoiated but I think into strisBands'oveing taeretips ________tistbsidiBtrrsct.nThe ns. Orasra brea. Splendd Yea with 1.470 visits made.the oder flk;. Prîiap the easou too l'lace ini thicpioncer <avs ofBrn ve> da a ddik sith lukewarm water. Hom- much Suppi>' Work 1besaeuo uto bsd~rc.Telt r .L lny0 ae.Md > le.-sun. Cod-liver ouI supplies boiled beans with roast beef are -freshening' wili be required de- (B>' Presbyterial Press Secretar>') Tbe 'Ork being done in tbe de- docet'ucug of flic uieatuth bouufr etui re Jîcreouite Sties lîandid1 -vtamin D w'e get fnom the br oba.Te eur ogpends upon individual t a s t e. dheîuced oftmetiguoî euîough at thehe ntees dufeeuttuce, cerauthoe Stiespl ndidKelgunLdont s an elstobul U n-soaking and long cooking. a-a hagig hewaenfrqunti Th tnt anul eein ifprtmntinicte te ntret îod Prlap u tusls.,<luet i' la(alaevraio.ndu toz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t bo u g h t h e t i m e o f s o a k i n g c a n w i îî h a s t e n f r e s h e n i n g . A l l o w t h e O s b a w a P r e s b y t e r i a l o f t h e W o m - o f o u r W .M .S . w o m e n t o a s s s t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __e_ ;be shontened if the cooking time clned fisb to simmer, not boul, un en's Missionary~ Society' of tbe those in tbe West who deserve uis lengthened. The best thing to tii cooked. United Chiurch of Canada was this needed kindly help. Durîng ' do is to soak tbem over-nigbt. _______________ eld in Claremont United Church 1937 seventy-nune bales wene ship- Adda ltti soa e te wterinThursday. Januany 20, with a ped from Bnooklin. which you soak youn beans but I _ * * good attendance. Mrs. W. W. In 1938. bales must be in b>' the pour off and boil in fresh water I t 8p enos UfloflYoui Gee, lst vuce pi-esident, presided third week in June. They cani- tc, whicb sait is added. If you add Irf on tbe morning session in the not be Secepted later than thî.s. soda to the water in which you I B>' Arthur A. Rand absence of the president, Mrs. N. Ail east of Bowmanvile will take coo the beans the>' wili break Up J. White. tbeir baies to Bowmanville C. N. and become musby, so add it onl>' The worsbip service was un R. station. Tags are to be pro- TO PD L V R to the soaking water. Do you use One day wben Michelangelo the charge of the Brougham Auxiliary Cured from the suppi>' secretary, TOIR ID L VER beans for soup? There is a say- scuipton was about te begin work Mrs. Kilpatrick heartil>' weîcom! and iist of contents sent bier as Coated tongue, upset dugestion, jing that the littie white beans on a block of marble which %vas cd tbe ladies to the Clanemont tisual. Ail bales must bave luS biluousness, constipation, muddy egçm-1 make the best pea-soup. But I set up before hum, lie tbought of Churcb. for lifting. AV plexion, derangement of the kidneys' dont mean that kind of soup the possibilities within that piece The "Stor>' of the Year" coven- Temperance Department AT result from sluggish liver action and wicb is made with a bam bonie. of stone and addressed a poem te n h erswr fteOh hsdprmn ftewr soon disappear when the liver is I mean a ceam 0of bean soup. it, part of wicb went something igteyarswr fteOh hsdprmn ftewn P RC awaknedby se f Cok. nouh bansto ave oin lie tis:awa Presbyterial was very cap- of the W. M. S. us being carried awa -en d b ' u e o Co k e oug be ns o h ve ome lik tb s:abi>' given by M iss M . H utchison. on t roughout the Presbyterial Dit. CHMES lef t over for soup. Cook these 'Within you thene are bot.h Afternoon and Evenng Auxiliar- with interest and entbnsiasm. beansi-eronion and some celer>' opro- ies have a membensbIn me.us of 12àst De arementd observe O Ceeded to fashion that block inte centl>' affiliated societ>' f nrom ow fathfully the Auxiliar>' press E VRNE D. the figure of a saint. Northminster Churcb, Oshawa. secretaries bave worked and bow O REYN EJ ......Ever>' day upon which you en- Tanofeng ail throug he omk thsrpr osbe Or,".(rr ~.ter is a block of nough marbie Up- yean bave been bigblights un the Twenty Aftennoon Auxilianies 5 -on which yu are about te work. yea's wok. One Evening Auxil- and four Evening Auxiliaies e- ____Locked up in that day there are ian>' reports over 80% of mer- poted in 9 newspapers 269 items 0ENERAL MOTORS builds vertisirg space for yor are both beaut>' and ugliness. It is bersiîip giving systematicaîlly. A of msunr'nw.for h mlett h rdlt flasaefryu laigel' u toyouwhih wili come Evening Auxiliaries i-eached their Seven Mission Circles reported îret nO Otukkoig pout. Tebg la-u out. Thene will be expeiences financial objective. Systematic in 4 newispaperucks 73 items 0f mis-he b which can make you bitter or giving is on the increase in most ina news. that ii73ie oher waycarmith special truck origine feimn of elp ul o us h ol Hi ts to praise and to blam e. There w ill ing envelopes and to am ounts in i 4n s a eriem o! ish an g in g n eed s of rn ad ern w r h h l e e t r . n ofHepfl oueh ldHits be opportunities for making some- envelopes. sionan>' news. business and industry be served. unrprovemnents have be rto and Recipes on ap o ieabe hr Mission Circies. We take this opportun.uty to The purchase of a GMC trc duced t}irughouttic ss. Conducted by ELANOR situactiic s t ke mweib if cn- Nine Mission Circles reported sincerel>' tbank the various news- tain possibiliti HWE hoi es for devehih wlong ver>' înteresting meetings for the papers for space whicb the>' have doesri't linit tihe buyer rrierely Fraltedtjso o To ee te ar sit >'voum) rond the n>'our chai-ate wfor dlowin- year. Much practical work las so generousu>' given to the work tFor a c ie. Te M MCsll t aeddta orprft fTI o o rs tahe dresitng coa e) r hnd cheank w ard. tber uwa or ch n-been done b>' the Cii-des in mak- and activities of the Womens t hieo ie h M M ' iladt furuulture tram loiy buteainer. When mxtre spak wi-c h a will bechaneasat ing and donating quilts, toys, and Missionary Society' during the lin. offers selection cf ail canyon- by cuttirig aperatiri xes beung covered becomes tna stlff to turn, remove or woi-ds that will burt. layettes. We welcomne Northmin- >'eSiye,-.hanuusa es-or M ster Ju n io r M ission C i i-ee ai O sh - M s. R . 0 . Jolliffe, p resid en t o f t o a i t p s i h a n s a . . G C t u k d a e . witb dust al- cover carefully, take out daber. Micelangelo: brought b e aut y awa. Bay' of Quinte Branch, sent greet- varioty of wheelbase lerigths and Lowest prices in hitry pu tei takng care and pack down eveni>' wtb spoon. out of this block of marbe and C. G. 1. T. ings to the membes of Oshawa capacities ta suit special bodies. the carivenient rnothyp - ofa hot-air fur- Caver wlîh wax paper, replace ld. he enricbed tbe world with bis rrtris cbte GriralMaer nace. try tbis and draw off water from tee and masterpeces. You can aLso en- .Iticieased ativit>' is noticeable Presblierial. aiu mneG Cs o 98ae m ohretso h e Idea: Close ail sait mixture. Replenish tee and ricb the world if you chooise to n this department. Number of MIn be.R.ow aciou. annduerGCdfo 98arImahY Instalment Plan rniaep chs darapers on the pipes lf'ading to dif- sait mixture and aliow to bau-ten bring beaut>' out of your das groups affiluated 26,. Amnount i-e- Mrs. C. R. Canscallenof intanroducedte;- ferent rooma: tben shake the fui-. at ieast one hour before servIng. mitted te Presbytenial Treasurer,th pcasekrvi:Ms natce, carry out the ashps. ani put 0 0 0 $90.50. Violet Burt, Winnipeg, and Miss the coal In Funaliy. reopen the Take 4 cups or Mission Bands Helen Day, Toronto. damrpers after the task s finsbed. large cranberrnes ETEherei~~m are 21 Mission Bands in Duv sri he moninggeMioss Da fetypac rud ae ak nand 2 cupe ye igh E uctDMiVIIOshawa Presbyterial. The mem- gav som1938fulsuggstiosEn To cook bacon Pasi andi per- 2 cupa brown sug- bershii> te date in this departmnentj The Quiet Hali Hour was ver>' fyr lae a rokndlcaken aceIn blted 2suga. ddAnd is 675 children. Nineteen Bandscapabi>' taken b>' King St. Auxil- Lowest prIce. in GC hifr yor hs f acon on lt tbe race whnd e uP ar - used the study book 'Fruends: ian>'. Mrs. W. Adams speaking on Greateu driver comfrt n cnane stip o bco n herak n V.cp.atrNow eDlaphn te ord. TePagm Spiig rdthnk frnu beCl . Nwtiohhg cook uni a slow aven. Tbe fat drains (enaugh ta cover terial Mission Band Secretar> ' i' softh ea.-eayDuyP-fcsdHd% Ll Bo unto the skllet aod bacon coked bo.ttora of pan> o t s nso h er-Xgb cok trun osatugu'Lr t iny n ucssaetiSe c ean>, Mrs. D. Luer>', Myn--J rooksturîng oust nti>,utl Smail quantities ai fruits, cither uovse egn into one. The 73 subscribers te the 'Mission- tai-,gMis M Hutchison, Box 220, r~. ots Beat 2 egg yaiks well andiate meal. Sucb fruits may uarrowed field oi operation, ant oeax.laisnpotdtk .,Cbapanl, Pceig ertr'J coumîbine theti wth the bot mlx- be stared I n a modern air-con- in man>' cases the anc is hinged ing part in the reading contest - oChitian Stewardsbip and Fi- tuuîru' stirring constantî>', cooklng 3 ditioned tee refrigerator ta be cut tîpon the other. Wlien tbe two Brooklin Auxiliar>' neporting thenncMs N. Riekard, NewCas- njiuuîites langer. Add 2 teaspoons of up later Into smail pleces anti serv- are properl>' considereti. better gneatest numben oi books read. t1aecS erta>'of Mission Cii-oies, sauuilluu sund chili. Wblp 1 cup whbp. edcd Clbluled as a Fruit Cup for operation nesuits arc obtained. Some auxiliaries have a ReadingiMu-s. George Joncs, Brooklin; Sec- plii.: cut.maun sd fald it into the ce ither a dessert, fruit cocktail, ai- Proiessional assurance is ob- Club. Suggestions in this workliretar>'- for Afftlhated C. G. I. T. ('airuiuour mixture into tbe freez- breakfast eye-opener. Besides keep. bainable te kn w just to wbat cx- weu'e man>'. Groups, Mrs. Geo. Bra>', 315 Ar-........ icL ,outaier af modenutue cream Ilng slcb fruits properl>' calt, thle tent our~ enengy is wasted or mlit- Th~e report of the Communit>' thur St. E. Oshawa; Secretary of GMC-288 fi-r"'o. (Toa show for expansion, ciean.ssasbed, malat air In these puoperl>' expended, and it l5 sur- Fiendship Depaitment (Strang- Mission* Bants, Mrs. A. Boyes, iii container nat mare than %ý modern te refigenatons beips the prising to what extent this wasted ers) contained ver>' interesting Bnaoklin; Associate Helpers' Sec- ftîlI.) Assemble ati-caver. Then fruits retaîn their drigînai fresh. energy Is applicable to physical items and suggestions. Number retan>', Mus. H. Salter, Hampton~ paîck mixture of cracked tce and ness andi fiavor. weaknesses andtiils f the body>. f visits reported un homes 4,583, Secretan>' of Baby Rands, Mrs. O -RC D T U K OV RN H NIE H rock sait (use 3 rvata tce ta one- Copyright 1938 bu Eleanor HOU&e (to be continued) visits in bospitals 496. Bowman- Thos. G. Norton, Locust Hill; U 'i 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW M A N VILLE, ONTARIO

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