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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1938, p. 4

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a f Ht.'RýSD.\Y, FEBRU.\RY 3RD, 1938 THE C.\N.DIAN STATESMfAN, BOWNIAN\'ILLE. ONTARIO PA'GE FOUR Chapt.er XX first urne in years. a baby slept ChIoe's heart was touched to a in that olti mahogany cradie. She Swif t. sharp pit.y for the mother bent lightly and touched the who hat ihad to abandon those sleeping Tirnmy's rose leaf cheek two helpless mites. On lier way wth lier lips before she turneti downstairs to dinner she peepeti and ivent softly out of the room in at the nursery where the small and do\vn the stairs. Timmzy. dainty and f resh as a The following- morning Melissa rosebd was sleeping soundly in: insisted on being taken to caîl on his old mahogany cradle that had'Scott Kelvin. sheltered four generations of Sar- j The man interests me." was gents and that now cradled a ail she woulti say, but shie said it bomeles.s. perhaps even a name- very definitely. Sa that thiey knew less mite of human flotsarn. At, there was not.hing to be gained Susie May, sleeping the sound f rom arguing with her. sleep of healthy chiltihooti. andi 0f course' it feul to Chloe to once more hier heart wa.s 'A"u11g accompany hier. since Chloe was with pity that was now untouhe alreatiy dresseti for the street. with censure for the mother who while Jane was busy with hier us- bati hati to desert hier babies. ual round of householti duties. Somehow. as she stood thece by The nurses greeted Chloe with the cratile looking down at the pleasant smiles and offered no sleeping chilti. another picture objection when she expresseti a carne ibefore hier. Ail hier if e Chloe wish to see Dr. Kelvin, even hati hearti the Christmas story.:,though the hospital was usually It hati been a story dulleti by re- very strict about its visiting hours. petition. It hati long ago ceased 'from two to four in the afternoon. to have any special meaning. But Chloe knocketi at the door anti. to-night. standing besitie that hearing a voice frorn the other small sleeping sccap of human- sîde. pusheti it open anti stood ity, deserteti by a heacîbroken aside for Melissa. a sientier. erect mather, for tbe f irst lime the peo- figure buntileti in lier hantisorne, ple in that olti, old oft-repealed if olti-fashioneti fur coat to wallc stary came alive to Chloe. Stand- into the roon ahead of liec. As ing beside that mahogany cratile 'she introducet iher grantimother. thece in the dim-lil lovely raom, Chloe noticeti that Scott looked she shivered a little at the pic- particularly well this rnorning. ture, anti it swept over hier sud- There was a ghos of color in his cienly that this was the tbing that cheeks and bis eyes were brighter. Christmnas meant. Not just a stu- "I -remember your father anti piti round of parties: silly little ilnotber well." said Melissa as she silver Ilee with arnethysitiecora- 'seateti herseif in the chair besitie lions: not the rneaninglessi ex- tbe beti. "Anti I remember you chang of presents with people ýwben you were about so big." one tidn't like but did not want1 She helt iber gloveti hantis a to "ovelook" during 'the holiday f ew inches apart anti grinneti season." Christmas meant none cheerfully at Scott. wha was de- of this. Christmas, the birthday 1lighteti with bier. of that Chilti who bad been born "You were a ced faceti, squall- in a manger, fragrant with the'ing Young one. but fine anti ecent o! hay. murmurous with thei bealthy. Event then. Ama. your sountis of catlle anti sheep, bight mother. tolti me pridefully Ihat with ,lhe shining glory t.hat Sur-i some day you were going to be a raundeti the little Chilti anti His' great tioctor. She thought of aid gentle. loving mother. His startl-'Dc. Hunter. but then evecybotiy eti. reverent earthly faîher. titi." she went on biskly. "No- Anti ail this. she tolti herself. body ever believeti that Alma anti marveling a little because. foc the Rufus would be able ta go thcough ________________________ ith their ambitiaus plans. A fine cotiple, those two." Scott saiti. his voice a trifle BE EXTRA CAREFUL thick. 'Two of the best." p *j "They'ti bave liketi knowing tat you were going le follow ir Tm int W dtç 'Dr"Hunr'sfootsteps. doctoring * the village folk, insei of rnov- ~ying up on the Hill wit.h a starch- __________ Wueti whi*e linen nurse in youc of- Doubly proved-in world's largest fice, anti a starched tone in your colds-cllnic, and by everyday us i voice for those whcse incornes more haomes than any other medi- were not in f ive figures." saiti cation of its kinti. No Melissa. "Aima woulti have hat- "dasing" Just mas- ed mothecing a son wha was con- ~flsage VapoRub onl tent ta, holti the hanti of pretty throat, chest, anid neurotics wth nothing the mat- back at bedtime. Re- ter with Iheir bodiies anti a whole lef begins Ilst at once. And long after sleep cornes, lot the matter wth thei nd.s. VapoRub keeps ih nwrig l Scott laughed. They were so poultice -and - vapo action loosens absarbeti. thought Chloe Il phlegrn, relleves Irritation and that they didn't even rernember cougblng, bilps break local conges- itbat she was in the roorn. Sbe tion. 0ften, by felt a tiny sharp twinge of - it wors he IC KS couldn't be Jealousy. she told bier- col isove. ' VAPORUS -elf. shocked. Jealous of le w _______________________grantimother. That was a laugh! But jealous of Scott Kelvin! That was even mate hilarious. Or was liShe studieti hirn as hie lay Spec al, arga w wth his beati turned towards laughler paying tribute ta Meuis- EXCU SION 1:sa's pungent remarks. TO ALL STATIONS IN Studying Scott Kelvin foc one of tbe very few times in hiec life Western Canada that. she bat been able ta look quietly at him, Chloe felt a tiny. GOING DATES unaccustometi sticring of lier DAILY FER. 19 TO MAJACH 5 bheart. He was sucprisingly good- RETURN IlIT 45 days. ilooking, she tiecideti. Surprising ta herself because she bad neyer TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL ýpait especial attention ta him IN COACHES ýbeface. Usually when they were Excursion tickets good in Tourlat, laogether she bati been sa com- Parlor and Standard sleeping cars pletely on the defensive thal she also available on payment of liglitly had had neither the lime nor the higher passage fares, plus prîce of iciaint parlor or sleeping car accommoda tion.inlato , study him clasely. ROUTES -. Tickets good golng via To decite wbetber or not lie was Port Arthur, Ont.. Armstrong, Ont., gooti looking or homely. C'hicago, El., or Sauit Ste. Marie, Ofcussetl Isl i returning via samý route andi Une O!cus.settbrefal conly. Generous optbonal routings. most dreamnily, lie hati none of the palisheti, srnooth gooti looks STOPOVIlt - wthin limit of ticket, a! Jim Pearsaîl, iust asbhati l)tlltoinq and rc-turning - at Portieha Arthur, Ont.. Armstrong, Ontl andj none of Jim's gay, debonairly west. also ait (hicago, Iil., "Sault charming manner that made ev- Ste.Muî.. idiami .'S. n c- ery woman hie looked t feeliber- cordane.' iîIîtarifs. of United aîrn rccl Staes n.. y irîstile.Jim playeti a gay Fit!? paplh niars Jrom îany agent. game of make-believe. Making every woman hie looketi at think Canadian Pacific Ihat hie was intecesteti in hier. One Weak c Link ..spoils a ahain - one policy poorly writ- ten, or not written at ail, threatens the' soundness af tht' insurance on your pro- pecty and business. It's tht' weak link ini yau.r insurance that may cause, an unex- peated loss. For sound protection you require insurance that is camprehensive - ask this Hartfard agency ta plan yours. J, J, MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville While Scott Kelvin woulti look slip' caolly anti calmly at all wornen over. save t.he one wornan. But ta hiec * 1 hie %vould be - at. the thoughit of tien %vhat Scott Kelvin woulti be ta auth the wonan lie loveti. Chloe's heart R S H N C clhnbeti up imb hler'throat anti -i shie was a little beathless. Be- P Eyet1 cause Scott Kelvin lhatitolt iher T ILO FRN WO db uncompromnisin.-ly that she waset the womnan lie loveti. Ask your druggist for the 75c Giant nec Package. It centains one reguiez sivel He turneti his headt talook at bottie and a trial' size bottie. Use the " hier as if his eyes hati been tirawn triai bottle firat and if not gat frard ta ec y hc on iten reard returo the regular bottle unooned fo to ierbylie ow iten rear and the purchaae price wllb.E of himi. For a moment they look- returned. MeIL eti squarely at each other. Chlae " was powerless ta turn bier eyes ciati away fcom his. Foc a long, long the moment they looketi at each other __________________thirý while the color case warn anti - aus. sweet in Chloe's face, anti Scott'slean ewttshwspo r-Ic eyes witiened a little antisd ~at nwta she wa pwe- that bis breath came a little ts agdo ahe nmo boueit anisnt ter'. The laughiter dieti from Ilis 0rgt temr.ME eves anti his face paleti ev.er so "Cetainly not," she answeret il litt:e. sharply. througb bier teeth. j. ust It wvas a breathless marnent "Well. then, wbat's ail the ex- dont that seemed ta Chloe t'a stcetch clterent about?" Melissa wanîeti no i, endiessly. But it coulti nol have ta know. othei lasteti more Ihan a second, for Chloe braught the raadster ta a becal the next moment Melissa sai hall in front of the new Day Nur- anti sornelhing arnusing. Chlae foccet. sery anti saiti icily ta bier grand- job liec eyes away frorn Scotts wide. rnother. "Would you care ta g0 or stactleti regard anti rose ta hiec in? I want la see how things thei feet., saying a trifle hurrietly. are.' I "We must go. Gran. I've a mil- '0f course. why not? I'm very othi lion things ta do this marning." mnuch interesteti," answereti Me- in yc Melissa stoati up anti drew hiec lissa with such perfect courtesy Chlo coat about bier. She srniled down anti sweetness that Cbloe coulti maie at Scott anti saiti cheerfully: only tiraw a long. shaken breath ta ic 'Wl.hurcy anti gel oui of anti ofler lherhan t ta elp the ln. here. Scott Kelvin. I want yau olti womian out of the car. out at Chinabercy Grave for a Melissa. she tolt ihersel! as she hiall- few days before you start back ta f ollowed tbe ait woman up tbe .-N work. GaI a lot out there to show steps. loaketi a saintly oId t.hing, i i you. You'U hlike the place. Be in whose mauth butter wauldn't Mail good for rau ta finish up your meit. Melîssa hersel! woulti bave have convalesence out there, too. And resenteti that "saintly" phrase if t gooti for me. I'm a îanely aId wo- more Ihan anybaty else. But ta titi' mýan anti I adore Young people Chloe, hier grandmather was. by need about." no means an unmixeti blessing orv Scott thanket ihec warmly. She Melissa bad a tharoughly discon- need shaok hantis with birn anti walk- certing habit, ta bier granttiaugh- take edt l the doar. Scott beltiout bis ter at least. o! laaking beneath worm handti t Chloe witb a wordless the surface of lhings anti seeing awaý plea that she caulti not ignor. a great teal more than she was avaic She put bier banti in bis, ai- suppasedt t see. That Melissa hati stayE mosi reluctantly. anti foc a mo- caugbt that litîle winged glance need ment met is eyes. His awn were that hati speti between herself waul pleading. afraiti a litile ta hope anti Scott - that Melissa hati been saiti foc that incredible thing bie hati consciaus of the untiercurrent be- thcci glimpseti for a moment in lier lween l.bem - ah, it was unpar-i kno'x eyes. His band lightened an bers.* donable tbat Melissa shoulti not,- Drew hiec dawn a little anti she only have seen but have guessetiI in.- heard him saying nothing mare even more than she hati seen. vler than the ghost of a sounti Chloe tiecideti that. she dit not "A~ "Chloie - please?" ' like bier grantimother very weil, do i But. suddeniy shy. a litt un- even thaugb she hati given the' anai] easy. stacîleti by that thing she furnituce foc the Nursery anti wife bati sutidenîr tiscovereti in bier been very tiecent about the ar- bitioi heact. ChîQe pullet iber hand away rival in the Sargent borne of An anti followeti Melissa ta the door. yaung Timmy an h maIl. big- lier, There she would not look back, eyed, frank Susie May.1 hr though it was the harde s t ing The' Nursery was in the thcoes ýhaî she bati ever done ta, close the of being- matie readty for its first it door between tbem without thal occupants. most o! whamn had aI- 10 backwarti look. But she knew she reaty arciveti. In the big front nee<ý couiti nal endure the plea that room thal hati once been a par- 1 aid woulti be in his eyes. She hiadt lor. anti that. was still taucheti1 I have a littie lime ta pull berseif wth the smell of paint anti fresh- C togelher. Shie had la. She tiitn'î uy sccubbed wooti. bal! a tiozen C quite know whiat thîs thing was chiltiren playeti anti qua rreleti. as 1time that hat bappenedt i er - that i.s the habit o! chiltren. A girl Nucs imate ieri brealbles. happy. yet vwbo knelt arnong them loaketi up e t afraiti. as Chlae anti Melissa stoppeti in day. the tioorway anti Chloe recognizeti " Chapter XXI her as Callie Johnson. be ' Ou:sitie in tht' roatister. as Me- "Oh. hello. Miss Sargent," sait j dOze lissa looketi sharply aI bier. Chlae Caîhie eagerly anti effuslvely. '-I'said bucst out wlb the last wortis in brougbt my lilîle cousin over for ling. the warlti she bati meanlta say. the day anti when I fount that .. with twa men at the saine lime?" matron yet. I volunteeredt t stay girl "0f course." saiti Gran sturtiily. anti amuse the small cbildren for anti "I was in love wilb four men the day." SoV when I marriet yauc grantifather. "That was very kinti a! rau,", a fi Anti not one o! the' four that I saiti Cbloe politely. turn, dîinI love better ar thaught I titi. Melissa was nat willing to dis- now wbich amounîs ta the same thing. miss it s0 casualîr. She peered aI mnati than your grantifather. But a! 1er Calle with brigbt, sbrewd eyes . we wece marrieti I discavecedt Iat thaltaok in Callie's frizzed. per- Mrs. I hatint been in love with any manently waved blonde locks. the hiec 0f tbern except bim. Itîll be that lhick rouge anti powtier calceti an Chlo w'ay witb you. You'll findti hatlihec plump round face, anti the " you're nat really in lave with this long, tiangling cheap earrings Ibat heci Pearsaîl creatuce at aIl - that swung f rom bier ears. Callie ware the thats just a sort o! giarnaur. a sleazy tiark blue dcess. higb- saiti moan-magic. Just a young giru's heelet sîrappeti patent leather timi first attack o! tbe lave fever. Anti roc that ail alang you've been in love rani wihSotKelvin." yBuinssDiecor "Gran!" Chloe gaspeti. "Haw Business_______________t dace you -" abo "Oh, fitidlesticks! That 'how 11 ýý tare vou' went out o! fashian LEGAL cried while I was a g ici. Anti anyway. b ler. if you were in Iere with Scott Kel- M. G. V. GOULD. B.A., L[LB. "(C vin, il probably woultin't do you Barrister. Solicitor, Notary stp any goati. Scott Kelvins an arn- Phone 351 ing bitiaus young man anti bell want Rgai a wife who can belp, nat binder Royal Bank Bltg.. Bawmanvilie gIbis him. in bis profession," sait Gran W.R. STRJIKE behii cbeecfully. do,c Cbloe. bier blue eyes flasbing Barrister, Solicitor, Noiary V f ire, bier ced moutb set in a tim Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal anyb angry line, sait: "Anti rau tbink Money tei Loan. Phone 791. buy I - a girl like me. I mean - woulti Bowmanville. Ontario wei not be able ta help him in bis L .MSN ..Chio prafession?" L< AO,~out "Do you think so? Tben the Barcister - Solicitor sprir mare f ool yau. Cbloe. my chîuti," Noîary Public - Etc. eu sait Melissa quite undisturbeti by Law in aIl its branches. the Chloe's barely concealet fury. Office lmmetiatly east o! Royal frier "You'ti make ahl sorts of demantis Theatre. char n bim. Yo'ti want ta be- flirteti Phones: Office 688: Home 553. ingz issa" f irmiy-."Y otî ' mar 'hav e '. o ENTERTAINER l'i regard foi' votir banes, bujt mine miU aremai brtîl ati arepre'- Secure RALPI! GORDON, the riaxw matis. Anti anywas'. wht'shoulditlau miake yau 'so tiarnet'i' ati' .ust wonderfully versatile entertain- Mv becatise 1 sav' that Scott Kelvin er, for your next entertain- -I t-, not the' man foir rau? Not Tht( îhinkine of falling in love wîth ment. Illustrated circular free'. saitd h:m1, aie you!" Address 628b Crawford Street, chie Chiot feut Melissas eyes, tiark. Toronto. ani .shrewd, a litIle maliciaus, on beran face and knew that she was scar- ta ipers whase beels were run m anti cbeap silk stockings. 'Don't rau wark in the miii?" îantied Melissa, in the tant' o! xacrity. -allie gaitat hec feet. unwilling b eipless ta aber the tane. ' ,Yessurn," she answeceti. abasb- before Melissa, yet with a man- .thai bat been almost offen- ly casual ta Chlore. I'hen what are yau daing away nm tht' rill now. in the middlet tht' busy season?" iernantiet ussa. 'Oh. I don't have ta work. My 1anti my ltva brothers work in Smiii an they give me ail tht' ngs I want. I just work be- ise I like ta."' answereti Cailie. tan afford ta be 'dacketi' now dthen anti I wantedti t heip ss Cbloe anti tht' thers." lelissa sniff et. If you're working in tht' miil ýbecause you like ta anti rau 't neeti tht' wark. then you've busine'ss with a jab. Thece are tcr girls anti wamen who work tuse they have ta have foodi Jshelter. and you're iaking a away from ont' o! lhem. If ir father anti brothers wark in mill. then yau've no rigbtto. set' ta it that my son puts an- tr girl who realîr neets a job. 'aur place at once. Came along. loe." sait Melissa. anti staîketi esticalîr away, leaving Callie look very crestfallen anti sul- ýBut, Gran - " Chiot' madie a '-bearteti protest. 'No arguments. Cblae, tbe girl a conceiteti. arrogant tbing. ýbe Susie May's mather migbi ;e kepi ber job and ber babies bhis girl anti athers like ber n't boit own jobs iber tant d. In limes like these no girl waman wbo doesn't actually ,d tht' work bas any business ta :a job. There are 100 many men working now just ta gel ay from hausewark andti 1 id being boret. If they all 't'd home anti let people wba Id tht' wark bave il. rau .ldn't set' such bard times," dMelissa vigorousir. "I've been îugb depressions bef are. I )w what I'm talking about." 'She's in lave with Dr. Kel- sait Chiot', anti Melissa shat a shrewd glance&. A lot of gooti I imagine it will her," she sniffed. "Now there's Ibher example o! tht' kint o! 1thai coulti ruin a busy. amn- )us tioctor." £nnoyeti because she knew that caoco was higb. Cbloe sait Spîr: 'You certainly seem de- minedt' t satdit' Dr. Kelvin i a wife." 'O course. He's human. He' Is a wife - but tht' cighî kini«" dGran firmîr. Chapter XXII 'hloe's frientis were having the' le of their lives getting tht' Day sery reatir for what Ibey cali- its "foi'mal apening" tht' next )Of course it caultin't possibir 'open.' There are onîr haîf a tn yaungslers alceatir here." d Melissa, ber dark eyes twirn&- 'Of course not." grinneti Mac- et Grahamn. "Tht' Johnson 1came along wilb baif a tazen dwe couldn't tucn lhem away. we let tht' Johnsan girl make fice in the' living roonti anti -ed ber loose wilh lbem. Anti waIl wt' bave bta dois finti a carn." 'tbougbt we't give the job ta sBarweli if she wanis il. when ,-busbant gels well," answered lo. "But until iben - rbhere must be a tozen wamen . in the' village wbo wouid like Sjob anti caultibold ti ilo100" dMelissa. "But until you bave le ta finti one', why not a nurse n tht' bospital? Suppose I ar- ie it anti take cace a! ber sai- ,until rau get yourst'lves or- izeti anti knaw wbat it's alI )ut?" 'Mrs. Sargent, rau are a lamb." td Margaret. ant embraceti 'hloe. rny angel chilti, bat yau pped la 'tb.ink Ibat we are ga- la tneet moner ta carry an snoble wark?" tiemantiet Mac- t when tht' doar bat closeti md Melissa. "Wbat are we la draw on our dats?" 'Wt are not gaing to caîl on boty for anytbing, excepitat ytickets twice a year te a shaw are going te put on," sait at' firnly. "I figureti it al las' night. We wili put on a ng anti a f ail shaw. A musical rue, or a Follies or sornttbing o! Ssort. and seil tickets la aour nds anti thus support aur rity. Anti meanwbile, I'm us- ,my own money ta caver tlie enses. I wasn'i quite sure I wanti then wht'n expenses gel Io! hanti." largaret turnedti t Chiot'. 'tol votou i;he wvas a peach. 'et' <iheers for Melissýa!" she d daringîr. anti tht' other girls ereti iustly until Caihie John- i eeti in at tht' toor, sullen cenviaus. but not quite daring thrust herselfif mbthet'utle group that bat been palite to lber but wbo bat mate il quite plain That venîs noutsenr.le ntCanada's Favouri*te Tea Ibat shenws n outser.hl n Melissa relurneti ta tht' big oie. cet brick house on tht' bil. ChIat' founti a fat letter waiîing forb. Even before she saw the slam. tht' bulk o! tht' lelter as wt'il as tht' slrang tiasbing hantiwriting; SLD across ils face iold bier Ibat it was fcom Jim. Tht' slatianery bore tht' yacht's S*07 naine anti ils insignia ai tht' top.50 Jim's tiasbing bandwciting filleti the pages so that tbougb the let- been for there were anly a ft'wT E wacds ta tht' page. Ht' began by calling lier "My Loveir," and went on ta tellilber what. a superc-gr'and and wcaîe firmly. wiih no hiesi- part in games or active play, he lime tht' crawtiwas having. how talion: shoultiobe iv re atharough ex- much he misseti ber, anti bow "Dear jirn: Your letter lhas jusî amntin ne ththt' dac sweil il was 10 bt' away frorn ail came. Fve been t.hinking a loît oc may det' 'h'be' t tht' "idiiotic jarn" a! Christmnas. about us, Jim. anti I'vt' tecitietinot tht' liearI is ail rigbl anti "No snaw. na ice. no ced flannel that our engagementýva~s a thatitil's capable of meeting tht' Santa Clauses cinging belîs on mistake. That. l'mn sarr. Jii . stray fatv.lf ibu n street corners: no fighting witîî but I tant lave You. I hope ray ury.h xmia a wilti rob la buy presents for willagret' witb me Ibat Wt' ecee Tht' periotiic heItl eaia people auhit1e tae o amsaknIl best ta just l ion is o! greal value' in detecling forget. knawing that. they'il buy endti t now. I knaw now that I 'hie early Signs o! any heart rau somelhing equally bideous: neyer want ta leave Oakton. trouble. Tht' doclai' will tiscaver no listening ta a lai o! stupiti That I wanl ta îearn a lot about any nfectedti t'tth. tansils or caraIs anti being saliciteti for tht' milis anti about tht' peoplt eti sinuses. which mnar be tht' ail manner o! charities: tht' Iwbo work in lhem. 'ni ' focus from which tht' heact is be- anly lbing neeteti ta make ait ifi anti testinr are here. l'Il 'ing poisonet i- damageti. Ht' wil ail perfect is for c ra la be here. sent tht' ring back ta rau b1lobigt igtayusset Came on tarling, grab raurseif cegistereti mail anti1 lhope y'ou eti chronic disease. such as srph- a nice fast plant' anti sPenti a wan't be angry wvîlb me. Goot-i- us. w'hicl'. if untreateti. insitiaus" sane anti saf e Christmas witîî bye anti goot iuck. alwars." ir untiermines tht' heari antia# samebatir who loves Yau a lot." Shie signet it 'Sincereir. ChIot',' ,teries. If tht' heart is damagec.. Tbe lelter endet ssitl' an ac- ýbloiteti il. folded t i l an envel-1 tht' tiolr wiîl give ativice on haw count o! a Party ta whicb tht' ope, stampeti it anti drew a det'p ta li'.'t'sa as ta conserve tht' crawt bat ganet'hie nighît efoce brealh. She was banestiyr rtliev- strengt.h of tht' organ. aI a beautiful club in Rio. There eti. Glati. She tirew off o!liec f in- Tht' correction o!ftiefecîs anti bat been perfect music, a plu-c ger the bantisome square cul dia- tht' proper trealment o! cbronic perfecl fboor. a great nmany ex-I mont ring thai bati been sa big 'infectians wîll prolect tht' hearl cellent drinks. Ih bat been,, in antiso flasbing puce that it bat fcom damage. Thus, tht' periotic short, a tYPical, very gay parîr. seemet ta weight bier siender healh exarinatian protects ibase Foitiing tht' letter, Chiot' oaket banti. She put il mbt tht' white Iwbo lake ativanlage o! a metical back on some a! tht'parties she velvet box mn wbicb il hati ctach- check-up aI cegular inlervals. in bat aitentet. Parties like tht' one et bier. snappeti the' lit shut anti cr ta hrmrke' tl n Jîm described.Tatwudbliest."a's that." inot fimd îhemseivt's sirickt'n by as Jim's wift'. A great teal af She was almosi starîledtla dis- ýa heart condition which caulti mioney. Anytbing she wanted that icaver haw deeplr relieveti she feit. chave been detecteti anti, aI leasl, money caulti bur. Beauliful homes! Thai sutidenîr she fet freer. She kept unter control îhcougb met-c anywbece she wantedt't a ive:j stooti up. squaret iber shoultiersc icai supervision. sak oeswank wak co e.anti wenlt ownslairs ta lay tht'e_________ Jewels. Furs. Fine cars. Trips lelter on thet' Iar in tht' hall. Il' abroati. Trips anywbere she want-1 would be maileti a 11111e later br: A man loaking for trouble can edta1 go. Parties anti mare par-1 ont' o! tht' servants., generaIly finti it. ties. Fun. ExcilemenI. Gliter. (conîinueti next wt'tk !Il re(quires effort ta britile tht' Once she badthtougbt it wauld be ýmare: aisa la brîile thet'alngue. fun. Les han a rnonlb aga she Men mar wark site by side badtlhaugbt that being Mcs. Jim wiîhouî. working together. Pearsail wauiti te ail she wante.t llÇ /"f Cf When we sar that a man is out o! life. Yet now - she sal t 1 2 êVà1~ dense we ta not mean thatlibe is very still gazing imb tht' fire. ber V r.LJ.LfI either saliti ai'deep. lhougbis caught. U &(.J "00 A smile a day wili kt'tp aid age Tht' pasi two weeks she hati away. spent in knawing tht' people wvho 1 NK£LTH SERVICC Worry is realir a focm o! caw- %'ockt't in tht' Sargent Mihis. She THE CANAO AN UEO CAL.atie Ilsbon !faap hai iilttht' homes o! tht'1 "SOCIA'TION AND LI E cornes from the consciausnt'& ai warkmen. Taikedti a their wives. WUUAdcE COMPANIES we are not equal 10 cape wit tht' Asketi questions about their chul- en CANADA obstacles that confrant us. dren. Wbat tilt tht' chilticen want ____ for Christmas? e ChIot' hati seen. n thase two HEART BEATS ~ uuIIM~ busy, crowdeti weeks. just what nioney was for. Not ta buy fine Tht' menace of heart dîsease is liquor. or importeti frocks. or'bi'oughlbhorne ta us when some IT N. rachIs that were floating palaces; frient i tes sutiten13 from lii s . but ta buy bappiness for those ta condition. Mare deaths occut frarn whom maney was an ever-present hearl disease Iban fîom any neeti. I ther tisease. Nevertheless. tht'9 She bat always been careIess piciure is nol as black as this bee tugh ls pwe. Its force. ont' bright spot, namely ihat tht' IMPERIAL TOBACCOS 4 Or tht' tifficulîr a! altaining il. number a! dealbs from heart dis- INSPIRING PROGRAM Seeing sorte a! the girls wha ease in early life are tecceasing. worked a wbale week in tht' milis Tht' increase in heart disease Frd"1 pm.EST ta earn ten dollars. she thougbt a! 1er !ortY-five is tue. in part. ta I ra 0 .M .ST o! tht' a! ternoans at bridge wben tht' faci that more people are naw lhaugbtiessly she bati lasI twice reacbing adul life as a re-sull o! STrATION CBL -. that rnucb andthobughî natbing a ur belter contrai o! tht' diseases B a! it. Seeing men suppocling 'o! early life. Afler for-five. tht' whole familles on sums Ibal she bo&ry begins la show signs o! wear hati wageret on a horst' race anti anti tear. Tht' heart is ont' of tht'e ______________ losI witbaut a second tbaught. firsî organs la sbow such changes., mate lber ashamet; seeing men anti heaurt isease. in this case. is n anti women toiiing. suff ering. de- simpir a wearing out o! tht' or- 5eres seiai badly needet operation costing Heari disease. other Iban tht' îess than she bat once spent on f ocm that is due te actual ait age. an evening frock ta te wamn Ibret' or to premature aI1ge s h' t av ew'nGSiy limes anti then tiscartiet. appail l- dcusaogucesf' ing atho et ber. 1tht' culting short o! miany lives. anld seventy W ail p ape r She looket tawn aI Jim's let-i In acter la preventitis ravages. Patterns at greatly redue- ter. She stutiiet cuciausir tht' we must consitier what causes ed prices. Get that decor- worts "My Loveir" andti Iieti ta tbese cases, because tht' hope o! visualize Jirn saying tbern. Clos- prevention lies in the' preventian ating comnPleted now while et bier eres anti triet ta feel Jim's or control o! tht' causes. big savlngs in bath paper arns about bier; Jirn's k.ïss warm Heart disease may foilow anr and labor are availabît' anti ardent anti demanting upon les. but it is especialîr apt ta oc- during tht' slack season. bier mouth. Anti she was caiti andt1o! the' ocdnary communicable composeti. Jim was like a figure'tiseases o! chiltihoati, such as; Rdutnsfo aut o! a dceam. Like a man outI'diphiberia. scarlet fever or meas- Rdcin rn o! aaîbr wold.She coulti nol ýcur after rheumatic fever, even o!f 1% o;5 even piclure herseif In bis arms. i tht' i10s% armoTb25man She ai u ailast anti went Ihat if heart tisease is ta be' avec ta the desk. Switcbed on tht' Iavitet, ail such cases o! illiness. . .AB R E H shatet light, drew before ber tht'1 no malter bow mut Ibhe at.tack. H AB R E Y lbick creamy paper with liec 'must be caref uily caret for. antid oe 3 -Bwav.I manogcam in is upper le! t hant befare tht' 11111e patient is allow- Poe41 BwavU corner. Dippet iber pen in ink eti ta go back ta scbool or take XI ir1t &.WeS At the end of the second period, with the score 6-5 in favour of Essex Centre, Mr. Picobac realized with a sudden shock that his pipe was empty and cold. "Picobac is great stuf f at a hockey game," said he, refueling for the' final perioci. Itsa steady burner, and a mild . .. cool ..sweet smoke in thet ime of stress. But with a score of 6-5 a man's pipe burns under forced draught .. . Hey! somebody give me a match!" Somnebody passed bim a box. Tht' de- licious fragrance of fresh-lit Burley spread through tht' air and Mr. Picobac's tension relaxed. His pipe was lit. "Ail right, Mc. Referet'," he shouted. "Let's go!" .. Y PICBOAC Sliced PIug in the. Vest Pocket Tin 15c It DOES teste qood in a pipe!" 1Picobac Impetiai Tobacco Company of Canada, Linlîed ~ q M"e7

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