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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY, FEBRU.\Ry 3RD.-19,,), TuE C.\N.XI)iAN STATESNIAN, BOX. M \NVILLE. ONT.\RIO PAGE SEXEN 11 molsse Ops....................... la.. U Readi-Cut Macaroni ......... 3 lbs. 14c Manyflowers Toilet Soap ..... 4 for 15c Aunt Jemima Paneake Flour ... pkg. 15c Good Humour Cereal ......... pkg. 21c F.W. NELLES Phone 596 BW~ 4dM0ac. mi«ed ,,SILVER" COAL DOMESTIC and BLOWER SIZES éoGw ikad,4 A4Ù 1:;e~ ASK VOUR DEALER ,- Silver Coal Is SoId* By - Sheppard &Gill Lumber Co. Ltd. Inaugural Address The ncw Warden in bis inaug- ur'al address expi'essed bis tbanks to the members o! the council for the honour confered upon him. He was proud that he was the first warden from Brighton Town- ship since 1850, and the youngest ever te be warden. There now seemed te be an up- ward trend to the strenuous times. but the taxpayers still seemcd to be getting ne benefit frem it, centinued the waa-den. He depler- ed the increasing cost in the ad- ministration e! justice, hospital- ization and chaita- as the ceun- ties had no conta-el over these de- partmients cf expenditure, and it was bard te keep it witbin beunds. The defLcit e! $80.000 cf five a-cars ago was going te be wiped cff ba- the final payment this year; a situation for wbich te be tbankfui. be declared. Debenture payments bad been met regularla- and there liad been ne default in payment of ither principal or- interest. This a-car, he said. would aise sec the final paa-ment on the bigbway debt. The debentures bad been incurred wbcn times werc goed and the payments came due in a bard time. Perhaps the council ha.d been econemizing tee much. but if the geveanment wculd co-operate in 'regard te the uncontrollable expenditures, tbe burden would be mucb ]igbtea-. Closing bis remarks, the war- den suggestcd a tborough inves- tigation of the cests o! the ad- ministration cf justice and bospi- talizatien. stating that if the counties were relieved te some extent. more funds could be di- vertcd te much needcd î'ead im- provement. He cxprcsscd the hope that politics. which be feit had perbaps cntcrcd into the cotînties council tee mucb in the past.,. svould be foi'gottcn in the comn- 1 mon desire te further the inter'- csts cf the taxpayers. A moeng the communica1tions iead dt.îing the session was one from the coitpana- wbichi instalîcd tbe special flooring in the Coun- tics Home several ycars ago, and against wbich a judgment was entercd in a lasvsuit allcging faulta- werk. The letter suggest- cd that ecd parta- pay its own cest.s, and effercd te make neces- sara- repairs and re-laying where necessara-. The communication was aeferre.dte a committee. ti*uerL45&011105C iVÂiM. andI Ma-s. Ooucb took up residence at Raglan, where they remained un- til 1914, when they homesteaded at Oiaydon, . Sask. In August, 1920, they meved te Shaunavon where they have since resided. Seven chiîdren wea-e born te the union: Ma-s. I. Williams (Edith), Winnipeg, wbo) arrived Fridaa- night te be present at the cele- bration: Arthur Oouch, Avon- hurst. Sask.; Neil. wbo died in Ontario St the age cf four; Ner- man. who dicd St the age o! 26 in Shaunavon in 1922, fellowing fatal injuries whcn he was kicked by a herse; Mrs. W. C. Young Leta). who died at Peterboro, Ont.. in 1936: Mrs. J. H. Miles (Anne), who mcved f rom Shaun- aven to Peterboro, Ont., in 1926, and Miss Laura L. St home. Tbere are also nine grandchildren. For the first time in 25 years Artbur Couch is out o! the pro- vince and was unable te be pres- ent. SUNDAY INDISPOSITION Morbus sabbaticus, or Sunday sickness. is a disea.se peculiar to cburch members. The attack coînes on suddenly every Sunday: no sa-mptomis are felt on Saturday nigbt: the patient sieeps well and wakes feeling well: eats a bearta- breakfast, but about church time the attack comes on and contin- ues until the services are os'er for~ the morning. Then the patient f cels easy and eats a hearta- din- ner. In the afternoon he feels much' better, and is able to take a walk, talk about politics. and i'ead the Sunday papers: he eats a hearty supper, but about cburch tîme be bas another attack and stays at home. He retires earls', sieeps well and wakes up on Mon- day morning refresbed and able te go to work. and does net bave any syýmPtems cf the disease un- til the fellowing Sunday. The peculiar features are as f ellows: 1. It always attacks mernbei of the church. 2. It neyer makes its appear- ance except on the Sabbath. 3. The sa-mptems vara-, but it neyer interferes %vith the sleep oi. appetite. 4. It neyer lasts more than 24 heurs. 5. It generally attacks the head e! the fanîily. 6. No physician is ever calied. -The Blue Bell. 1 IK5I E'LAYDOWN 1 Featured ha- a wcell timed. pel'- fectî- c xccuted varieta- o! pisys1 that left the fans gasping. plus the finest piece 0f goai-tending the amazcd ca-es of this observer biave ever scen. East Toronto handcd Mo Brcslin's Red Raiders an 8-2 trouncing in a Junior -C- plaa-down Tuesdaa- nigbt in Whit- by. Altbeugh the Raiders Iacked cohesion and playcd eaggedla- in the first pcriod. the East Toronto crew. tra-out team for the Toronto Marlboros. were without doub better team than ana- e! the ou playing in the Lakeshore "B"' group. Except fer that wretclîed fia-st stanza, Bowmanville played on a par Witb its classa- rival but the trickiest manoeuvres of the Bres- linites wcre nullified ba- the ae- maa-kable exhibition o! goalie Meeres. While the Bowmanville teami did net appear to be skating as f ast as against Whitby. their passing when in close was the bcst thea- have shown this a-car, but Moores was invincible. In the second peried he was fcrced to take time eut when a svizzing, puck crcased bis forehead but even that did net bothei b is play. About the enly wsay te give q truc description of bis work is t$ takei all of Mir. Webstcr-'s superlatives and add a million. East Toronto drew feur penal- ties te the Raider's two in the first, but the cita- tcan scoî'ed foui' goals wit bout a epla-. Bow- inanville kcpt the play in the To- ronto end foir the fii'st five min- uites but couldn't beat Mocres, and after Toronto scored following some fanca- passing. the Raiders became thoreughla- disorganized and Toa-onto broke awaa- te give H-ooper ne chances on ana- of the four goals. Four o! the Toronto NOVA - KELP TABLETS AMEM Nature's tonic and body buider, con. \sisting of health- giving na tu ral1 I* minerais and vita. mins supplied by Atlantic deep sea keip. For practi. caily every kind of ailment. Uncondit. ionaily guaranteed 150 79c - 300 $1.39 750 $2.79 Gin PUIS 39e UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCYI Boracic Acid ................I1 lb. 19c Epsom Sait ..................I1 lb. 9c Flaxseed.. lb. lic Seidlitz Powd. 9c Linseed Meal lb. lic A.B.S.&C. Psyllium Tablets.......9gc Seed ....... lb. 27c Dodd's Puis . 27c Cod Liver Oul ............... 16 oz. Minerai Oul .... 16 oz - 40 oz. 33c 69»c Wash Cloths 3 for 10c Toilet Tissue 5 for 23e LISTER TO The Famiîy Doctor I.D.A. Radio Progranis Mondays & Fridays over CFRB at 7.15 pa. Prescriptions A Speciaity Alex McGregor Phone '111 Drugs We Deliver îm= r Oronio: goal, Lirim Grocer 1 -.- -- -- INE.W WARDEN IS BUYS -B-UILD1ING ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL YOUNGETEVOE Ma-s.E.R. Bounsal s ted liervse tihe Used Car Department anc fA eotdls ek ebr son, Mr. Chas. Bounsal Miton. Mr.Chartran the gasolmne and c teionie,.ncl0 Nc Mr ohnNort c Potxpol sevce department. itlumbeiland and Dur ham a.t the visitrng hîs sîster, Mrs. Hecto Msc alte ekxcl in augural session at Cobourg, el- Mrs Chrlote oakell bon ýected Reve J. Frank George. of Gould. n Ontario County,. where she'Brighton Township, as Warden Mr-. and Mrs. James Bosvdler. spent most of lher life. died Janu- for 1938. t Stratford, were guests of Me. and ary 28th at the home of lher dau -i Reeve George, stho is reputed. Ma-s. E. H. Brown. ghtcr, Mes. O. S, Pollard. 209 1te be the youngest member of the Concord avenue. Toronto. She wsas9 counicil to hold the position of Mr. Jack Doughty, acting man- in lier 86th year and had resided 1 Warden. is 35 years of age. Hisý ager of Walker Stores, spent the in Toronte for the past 25 ye ars. election marked the fîrst occasion weekend in Gueph. Survising are two daughters. Mrs. ýsînce 1850 that a representatîve ofI Ma-s, Wilfred Addinalî and Miss1 PoIlard and Mes. Frank Madda- Brigbton Township has been ele- Dorothy Addlnall. London, visited Iford, Whitby; four sons. Richard. vated te the highest position at P Ma-. and Mrs. Gus Bounsaîl. : Archibald. Harry and Russell, all lie disposa] of the members. He of Saskatchewan.Ihssre s ebr0 h John Neal. Massachusetts Insti- asevdsammbroth tute of Technology, is liolidaying Crossing the street at the post township ceuncil for nine years. wth Uis father, Mr. M. A. Neal. 'office Monday night we neticed a and has been a member of the1 'large car filled witli young peo- Counties Council for six years. Mrs. Mina Colwell, Carlisle Ave, pie stopped in the centre of the The election of Reeve George. bas returned after spending a'street. We overheard the driver , according to the eldest members DON CHRISTIAN couple of menths with bier niece inquiring cf a young lad passing cf the council. shattercd tradlition in Bond Head, Ont. along if there %vas a skating rink in the United Counties as it is -the Oc gi o hita a The Statesman staff appreciate lin town. -Yep." said the lad. -I f irst occasion in their memory oei.Ayuknwhrnsa very much Mrs. Alex CoIville's think there's sort of a rink up at. that a warden bas been elected dn t syu nwh usa kindness in sending them gener- the school grounds. but we've got on the first ballot when three 'and suplyrdistorefi aosbaw eus pieces of lher silver wedding la dandy sheet of ice in a field sere in the field for the postion.w sells aioes,efrgeatrs cake. It was delicious. down in the South Ward." Did The other contestants for the wsigmcieec Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McReynoîds we blush to think that Bowman- position ivexe Reeve R. R. Mallory. Year by year bis business has Toronto, who are visiting rela- ville. supposed to be a. thrif tv l0f Perey Township, and Reeve A. increased by leaps and bounds, tives in Oshawa, were in Bol- progressive town. couldint even !Deviney of Haidimiand Township. until a years ago hie enlarged the manile Mndy allngonfri- o !fa elrn.The division of the vote was: store and presented f a c i i t i e s eavleMnayligrnd1s. iat ojust e l r ago eGeorge 2 1. Mallory 13. Deviney 6. 1where a customner was able te aest Don't miss the Illustrated Tra- , recorded the fact that. a welI The nomination of R e e vee nd atte ofsa hme eenohIl velogue by Ken Weîdon. Globe iknown Bowmanville boy. George George was moved by Deputy the comfraorts fahom e ien Trotter, at St. Pau's Ohm-chi on W Pingle. was elected an aider- Reeve Percy Gooding, of Brighton 'hiuig ediowtot en n Monday, February 7th. at .8 p.m. man in Ottawa. Now we sec by Township. seconded by Reeve W terrupt le.saai ae it Admission 25c. the Ottawa Journal that George A Weod. of Cavan Township: o ehsaanmd itr Mr. and Mes. Roy W. Warnica has been elected a Directoi of the The. mever of Reeve Mallery's by purchasing the building hiec- and sons James and Kennetb Central Canada Exhibition As- i nomination was Reeve C. Quinn. cupies. Plans are underway for have moved to Oshawa where Mr.: sociation. Durham County boy-s lof Cramahe Township. with Reeve la cmlt eoain e h Warnica is associated with the sure go places when tbey get eut C. M. Caretîthers. of Darlington premîses to make room for a lar- North American Life Assurance in the wcrld and we at home at e1 Township. secending the motion. e tc n oeatatv Comana. mghî gld t se sub pocrsi.Reeve Deviney's nomination wasstore. Don hias a $20.000 stock In au reprt 0 Me.and r the same report we notice F. Proposed by Deputa- Reeve Stan- wihms ecti aft a In or reortof M. an M . Elford. uncle of Dr. W. H. ley MeBride. of Haldimand Tovvn- 'cilitate the alterations. Thos. Ooulter's golden weddrng Birks, was elected Vice-Presîdent !ship. and seconded by Reeve o 1 Customiers stand to benefit, as latwek efaldtomnio'fthe Association. Dcs-tt. cf Cartwright Tewnsh.ip. !aimost every item wilI be aeduc- that Mrs. L. W. Dippeil was an I ed so low that a-ou can save as assistant who helped entertain, Councillor J. A. Gunn. Chair- How Vote Cast much as 50'. ba- purchasing now. the mana- guests. man of Reads & Streets Commit-1 The vote for Wairden was ce- In bis advertisement only a few Allan Knight has made fouri tee. is te be commended for the:cored by the Counties Clerk as of hundreds of bargains are list- trips to Ottawa this past week' thorough xxay be is tackling his . folids . ,ed. Bowmanville and district cit- with truck loads of apples for R. new,ý civic duties. When snow ' .izens are invited to shop at Don M. Cale. Each load consists cf 70 clutters up traffic Jack wastes no1 Reeve George: Deputy Reeve W.Christian's. Simcee St. North, barrels of appies from the fam- time in getting the snow cleared J. Boggs. Manvers Toswnship; De- Osbawa. The store will be open ýus Cale orchards on Manvers away. If the reads or sidewalks puty Reeve Charles B u r r i s o n. evenings. ~~.oad. ~~are icy the sand men are net Hamilton Township; Reeve C. H. __________ asep o wt ac ron Calver. of Campbeilferd; Reeve J Rev. Victor Spencer of Japan ialentwt akaon.I spoke on Sundaa- night f rom bis Botb Sunday and Monday hie had; C- Cumnmiskey. Manvers Ton O PE E E R T brterspupt nSt eh' A-gangs out early spreading the 'ship: Deputy Reeve R. D. Dodge C U L E E R T sand on roads andin Sa.ksoto'maAn-Oobourg: Reeve G. A. Edmor F 5 OTH ANNUVERSARY glican Church when lie was greet- adorasanwlkt m e edha agod onreaten I te alking and motoring safer. Such stone. Bowmanville: Reeve J. F. UN SASKATrcHEWAN edconsiderationnandgefficientnsec- George. Brighton Township; De- morning lhe celebrated Hola- 0mcm- . gh-n efiiet er unoat8occkAttem n-vice is greatly appreciated ba- the puty Reeve Percy Goeding. Brihnbu 4 eol a ont citîzens8o'lok.A te or-ton Township; Reeve R. Innes. Aot15pol a ont ing service Mr. F. Phillips of Pro- Seymour Township, Reeve L. E.wnefltre dne evdi vidence conducted the service and Judge Abert Edward Taylor. 73. Kellea-, Hastings; Deputy Reeve the basement of the Centre St. preacbied.. County Judge for Lambton since 'p. M. Locke. Campbellfeord; Reeve United Church Tuesday evenmng Over $300 more was on deposit! 1904, died at bis home in Sarnia' W. H. Horrew, Murray Township; when they assembied to do henor in the Penny Bank frcm local on January 28t.h, of pneumeonia. Reeve T. A. Reid. Clarke Town-: to Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ooucb of schools at the end cf 1937 as cemi- Born at Bowmanville. April 29. sbip; Deputy Reeve W. Rose, Shaunavon, Sask., on the occasion pared with the same time a a-car 1864. the son cf a physician. Judge Seymour Township; Deputa- Reeve cf their golden wedding anniver- befere, the cura-cnt report reveals. Taylor attended public and bîgh H. Sirrett.. ramabe Township; sara-. Mayor Oardno was chair- Total on deposit at the end Of De- schools at Tara. He was cailed to Reeve H. Snider. Brighton village; man, Tom Stothers proposeoi tbe cember was $3610.13. as compar- the bar in 1888 and practised atI Reeve W. J. Troop, Ceiborne: toast to the henored gucsts, Mr. ed with $3.261,09 a year ago.1 Aurora. He was a close f riend O!f Reeve R. Whittington. S o u t h Couch repla-ing in a liunorous. Central School had 457, o! pupils; Sir William Mulock, retired Ohief Monaghan: Reeve W. A. Woe ein. teswomd prpi depositing. South Ward Scbool !Justice. Appointed Junior Judge Cavan Township: Deputa- Reeve Ste remarks werc Sheriff Smith, 37%-, and Maple Grove Schoolo! Lambton i.n 1904, lie succeeded H. G. Weodley. Hope Township; Wm. Hainstock Norman Hall, J. 39%. Judge D. F. McWatt as Senior Deputy Reeve C. G. Morris. Bow- B. Imnes, Don Nicholson and T. Roy Nichols. well known Gen- Judge in 1920. His widow, one inanville. G. Jaycocks. eal etos dale 0fCouti sonHeny M Talor Orwn t- Fr Reve Malcry Deuty One of the bighiligbts o! the JsonHeny M Talor.Croým t- or eeveMalory DeutYevening's fun was a mock wed- bas t.aken ever the Red Indian I ornea-frLmtnCut- n Reeve A. W. Annis. Darlington; ding. SericeStaionat hita- ndone daughter. Mes. A. C. Trusler Reeve W. E. Bail. Miîlbrook On behaîf o! the gatbering Ed. wilI have associated with bim G.c ana uriehm Reeve H. Brisbin, H a m il1 t on; Mitchell made thbe presentation o! S. Obartran of Bowmanville wbo: Those who gather nothing when Reeve C. M. Carruthers, Darling- two armn chairs and a trilite lamp was with him for mana- a-ars aI young wil bave ne more when ton: Reeve C. R. Oarvetb. New- to Mc. and Mrs. Ceuch. fer whicb Courtice. Me. Nichols wiIl super- they are old. castle; Deputa- Reeve Edmunds, Mr. Couch made grateful acknow- ___________________________________________Port Hope; Reeve J. N. Green- îedgement. For the famila-, Ma-s. away, Port Hope; Reeve R. R. Williams (a daughter) presented Mallora-. Percy Township; Deputy the couple with $50.00. Reeve W. J. Patton. Clarke; Mr. and Ma-s. Edwin Thomas Reeve W. A. Prouse. Hope; Reeve Couch were married January il, C Quinn, Oramabe: Deputy Reeve 1888, at the Methodist Parsonage, W Teek-End T. G. Shield, Cavan; Deputy Myrtle, Ont., by Rev. J. J. Ldy Reeve W. A. Smith. Murray. Ma- Oouch was boa-n St Green- For Reeve Deviney: Reeve J. A. bank. Ontario Ceunty. Ont., on Devinea-. Haldimand: Reeve C. October 19. 1865, and Ma-s. Oouch. Devitt, Cartwright: Reeve J. W. wvho befere bier marriage was S P E C IA L S Pacey. Alnwick Township; De- Laura Matilda Phare. was boa-n atj puy eee . cBid, ali-lliktokDuha duny.o THE, CANADIAN STATES.\Iý-\N, BOVýMAM-ILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN 37e TRINITY SUNDAY eightrnarkers were on clean RE LC U AGE ibat- tie SCHOOL BANQUET ireaka sfront Raiders gang- -EAL _COU T e eîsand office s of Trirtv ( Co!ild ei t'î and peppc thrid Mooe i cjov, Toronto, or erv o l v afo 1n('d Sunday School were ban-1"odPidîIdPpeel-\ooeiN0Iuiy Trnt, Ni iclac quet ed on Tuesday. January 25 tetibut to no)avaîai NItrbi axd n r caliig o ner t fi l t oroa W. c(ýrcd lis tîlurd goal for th(: niv the veî- finle article which folloîý s m n t e s h o o mwe n M r . M ' l i f t t n n d eýai a as it a p p a red il, T h e H o mne F o r- W.Tamblyn's 9group cf the Wo-, 1 mes Association served a delic- IiTh Raidurs îînallv' bit the score- inof teîlbc (leanri Mail u. j . s e t. -but t in tufinal eatr and! el I njo nformns usthe article ses' Dr J C evt..Suernendent. P'arker. sporting a swoil .cilface anid wriiîen bv the laie \Irs. E. G. Sili 1 l pres.edafen te eps. compli- tl\' bick e\cs. gathcred in i tprac- <ncecIda W\ickcît), known ltoma mnngthe teachers forer tice. led l)oth rushes. Ilieidcntalli V whO elonged to Toronto l)nrhamn f i e v c k u i n t e e a . A s - P a r k e r p l a e d a f i n é g a mn e a n d a l o n g l b 1 93rs p s . ' i i i i i i sistallt Superintendent W . Ross witiî the I) eîecw . Rice, Wtheri g ýu b i% arads Arei cip i Strî e a so p o k br efl .h e \v as. the p ick o f th e R aid rs. 'e ca l relig io n in vo lves real cotir - A r Th rorm ositdlfco 'For lt( first goal, Parker passud age. Doing rigbî is actuallv mioreLme mur!tY sînging led by Dr. T. Ato teig in front of the' iwt tlriliiig than doing wrong.Lft L it Partridge. a double piano nu mber an I l(e repcated the play again ,il\ unir tbougbts above the commllon- ae by Mrs. Albert Cole and Dr. Part- tis i ie Nloorcs blccked Wither- places, soon %,ou are oni a higlier ppr ridge. a vocal solo by Wilfred Car- idgL e-s drive 'but Rice haîîged iin tiheplaine. Trv fo r oneîc ~k to ive a ruthers. and a solo by Miss Mar- reboinid. Even so the East Toronto distingukhcid life, surroîinding your- B ion Dudley,. crc\\ f nind- tiîne te chalk up) another sel f vith the be.st the world lias to B Officers and teachers were re- trio f îallii; to fasiîio Ilthu.ir si, fer eda xeln om e aPpointed for the year at the con- gtrao advantage gin tebiapban of a itingnishBc-d cluson cf the evening. ga datg.lgn t it gah fadsigile i.iie-npTornto oal N Iore il. Study a paintinîg of ait old dufetîce. Frew. 1-leuirv; cettre. Scott; master. Lîsten te a ciassical radio HARRY RICE IS iwings. ýNIeGec.,NMurphyv: sI. R" ing. inlovie. Hear a stirring speaker. Hîîirtsnijoues, \Woodlicîise aînd -Ie inspiring personality . Sec RE-APPOINTED TO cîhitt a stnie and a sunset. Strive te UGHSCH OL owsaniil goll-{opc; tc-crowd ont of youir life unwortbv Fifty HG C O LBD. ga,1lo)r e thougis. unwortliv actions. \Ve fence. Ailles, Parker : centre. Dcpe\v migltt if eovsibdlveik Harry Rîce ixas re-appointed wîîîgs. Rice. Witlieridge; îibs. Pat- Rigs eP icly seghd]ieands representative te the High School i tenon l.N.,chll Bird, W'isemiaii and physical exereise, mental alertness. Board at a meeting of Public \V oods. Sturdlv winsomc pcrsonality tbrives School Trustees Tuesday night. o evc.Idr o edvlp EacI Tihe meeting occupied routine 01srie aevut eeo busiessincudig te pinciaîs Cant Tou eatUt? that mnagnetie personality that will busiessincudig te prncial' Cast hou eatIt? 1 cti o inspire others, you can if report showing average attend- _____ oîî have a great enougb desire. Aen ance of 92.55 '7 with 94 lates and1 o enivryiuhtekdof A ns il receiving corporal punishment. Consider the editor. A child is o ecm1ey ubte îdo Trustee Arthur Edger. chair- born unto the wife of a merchant person yoîî want te bc. iran of preperty cemmittee. a-e- in the town. The physician get- \Vc must have truc sy rmpathy. ported cost. of tables for eight teth ten plunks. Theýeditor writ- Treat every person alike. 'A reallv 10 reorns. purcha.se of ceaI. deodor- eth a stick and a haîf and te!i,'th great persolnality gives one some izing of urinaIs, and successful the multitude that the child tip- tbiîîg te thisk 'about. iif sou even oPeration of rink with little or ne peth the beamt at fine peunds. \vaik a feuv blocks îvitb tbemn. Bc damage having been dene. Yea, he lieth even as a centurion. îbonlgbtful eveniin the smnall things Phn Board decided te protect them- And the Proud father giveth him ýof life. the littie courtesies. Be hn selves fromt liabilîty te persens a Cremo. titrl rn n oet e suffering accidents on the school Behold the young ene groweth____________________ rink. and Trustee Bell meved that up and graduateth. And the edi- ý additonal insurance be added to ter putteth into, his paper a swell take cýare of this pessibility. Cs notice. He telleth of the wisdem but wili do away with possibility exceeding comeliness. Like unto ofith board eun $200efr are0fthe oungo Shaomn sand ofher C amount cf damages. gown l ayed up te beat the CR N I ' Duîrham Music Festival Society band. And the dressmnaker get- neaupcso reciuest fer a grant was fyled. teth twe score and four iron men. udrasie Trustee F. Cryderman brought. And the editer gets a sweet little to the attention of the board note frem the girl graduate. rumors that the counicil was con- Adteduhe etîo W hitby R otar sidering dispensing with the ser- ,ic'urney. And the edîter throweth at Taylorls Arena, vices of the Public Health Nurse.I himself on the st.ory of the fare- Board approved a motion to send well party. It runneth a column a strong letter ef protest te the solid. And the fair one remem- F IA ,F B U council in view of t.he valuable bereth him front afar with a pic-F work done by the nurse with ture postal card that cesteth six at 8 V.m. school children. for a jitney. Asse yteflo Behold she returneth. and theAsstdb th foo SHORT COURSES A worship. She picketh on.and Io CostumeqIO4Fïigurt GET UNDER WA -she picketh a lemon. But the fo h editor calleth him one of ourfonth The twenty-seventh a n n u a 1 promising young men and getteth Granite Club, Toi, short courses in Agriculture and away with it. And they send un- Mise ainLmes uhPu Home Economies epened Tuesday otedirabdt hew - auspicieusly at Orono witîî ntarly< ding. and behold the bids are ottnigcria ktr 60 enrolled. The boys occupied as1 ndi afa iy Miss Mary MacPherson and Mr. the township hall and due te a Flowery and long is the wed- figure skating paù council meeting the girls met at ding notice which the editor Mr. Ronnie Chambers, Champion sl Park St. United Church. printeth. The minister getteth 10i These officers were elected: bonies. The groom standeth the1 both i singles andV Agriculture: Paesident. ieRoy editor off for an 18 menths sub- Miss Virginia Wilson, Canada's Y0 Brown; Vice President. C a r 1 o s scription. list figure skater. Tamblyn; Sec. Treasurer. Robt. AIl flesh is grass and in time Mr. Walter Peace, Amateur Comedy H. Keane; Comimitt.ee. Milton the wife is gathered unto the soi]. ialu Cornishi, Donald Hamm, Ross AI- The minister getteth his bit. The aluh lin. Harry Davey. editor printeth a death notice. two Broom Bail Hocl Home Economics: President. columns of ebituary. three lodge Ma-s. K. Werry: Sec.-T-eamuaer, notices, a cubit cf poetry and a, Whitby Rotarians vs Miss Eileen Riddell. card of thanks. And he forgetteth> First day's events included pre- tri read proof on the head and the Races for boys and girls - Paring yels. a peppy sing song damn thing cemeth out "Gone te eay Rc and address by J. L. Webb. B.S.A.. Her Last Roasting Place." R ly Rc Blyth. and E. A. Summers. and And ail that are akin te, the de- Rotary and Lions Club brief addresses by Rev. J. H. Os- ceased jumpeth on the editor with tea-hout and O. A. Gamsby. and iexceeding great jumps. And they PUBLIC SKATING AFTER HO Miss M. E. Bell. Glanford, and 'pulîeth eut their ads and cancel- Miss M. E. Mîsner. Port Dover. 'eth their subs. and they swing- ADMISSION Plans were made for a literary the hammer even unto the third A ut 5 h meeting, a skating party. and a and fourth generatiens. A ut 5 hl banquet and dance. While the boys discussed agriculture, the-PpeBx.S.Lus girls were being instructed in pro- per foods by Miss Bell and in health educatien and home care of the sick by Miss Misner. They learned what a nurse should be. received instruction in personal hygiene and sources cf worry te the patient. and at 3 oclock held SL FD a joint meeting with the beys at SL F O thre hall. Ea.ch week-day. except Satur- 7 ~ We would like to bet you that there isn day, fremn now until February 25. that doesn't use some of the products advertisq the groups will gather at the hall f romn 9.30 a.m. te 12.00 and from I prices. Look over the list yourself. You canÈ 1.30 te 4 p.m. and learn about et minute. And in ail possibility, you'Il find seve JUmig nIORShoeEcooI L wetou can save on things you use reguiarly. JUNIRS____IN_ SPECIAL PRICES THURS., FRI cl desire to help othcrs. -Make vhile contacts. Seek to keep -aluable f ricnds by soine par- courtesies. A deeper capac- f ricndship means a richer 38 WallpaperS now in stock for your inspection Led quantity of 1937 rs at special low prices JNNY ANGORA new Angora Wool 1-oz. bai 40c TRIS WEEK library discards by beat authors. For quick sale h - - - - 20e ts for Service Cleaners IHNSTONYS Book Store 651 - - Bowmanvlile 'VAL )f y Club Whitby ARY 4 oeSkaters ýronto and Margot Coram, rs in a trio. Geo. Saunders in lrs. skater of Australis, pairs. oungest gold niedal- Skater. Every move ckey Wbitby Lions lst and 2nd Prizes Members >CKEY MATCH Idren - 15e in't a faniily in towyi sed below at special do it in less than a zeral instances where

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