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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1938, p. 5

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TFIURSD\Y FEBRU.\RY 24TH, l3 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___PAGE F 1IVE Lake Shore, ClarkE Lake Shore Homie and ScP Association met Febuary M There were fift-two present: compared with forty-zwo1 mrontli. As a -equence ta Mrs. J. S. Rickard's talk at the Jai "How to Become a Hockey Star" by that great au thority T. P. 'Tomv" Gorman, a Great Book profuselv illus. trated and containinà man,. valuable tips on how to plaý the gaine. of GREAT PLAYERS (mouneedfor framing) Group Montrea m rIn" Go Pnd uao vclee c Dave Trotc p- Ir h le ('ai Baidu Norflhoîtt W if. Cdc la 1 Ha RusasBlinm P0a,"Si Kt I Ile vJ Lau I1î,uîoîî A ir îû ; :It Martv Ela,' Bob Gracie Wateýr B Ial JoîrnD-11i Carl Vois Giýrge.Nlaeîl,a 'A i lI Gus . Marka'r >Sîew EIais F r",kBuj Dave Eerr Te' lake "lîn(au or any of the mrpoet e lir.on the "Mar-offls"o"Leà Canad,i- r!,bs 0 Your choice of the above 9 For a label froin a tin of "CROW'ýN BRAND" or "LILY WVHITE" Corn Sy-rup.-IýVrite on the back your naine and address and the words "Hoc- key Book" or the riane of the picture you n'ont (one book or picture for each label). Mail label to address below. RD WAR DS U R G CRDWN BRANI CORN UYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOCý TheC'ANADA ST'AR( 11<OMPAM'LIi mite TOROINTO ) ROUND TRIP From BOWMANVI OTTAWA MON $5.10 $ STE. ANNE DE BI FIRST TRAIN FROM BOW RETURN LMi'fl Tickets not good on 3 p.m. tr TO THE MARITU AUl Canadian Pacific S AI] Dominion Atlantic R RETUIR Leave Nova Seotia poin Leave New Brunswick po Not Good on Train L£ F uI /'iictf n/is oand1 Canadian POLTA Pacific PO R If a Mini on a dlock is sure of the exact tin improperly written,o at ail, you are not really protected. For sound protection that is comprehensivt agency to] J, J. MASI INSURANC Phone 681 ary mleeting on her trip ta Sas-.HE HEFSOTJhos.Radnserasog- katchewan last August. a boxof: Mci. Hall and Mrs.UL ___he________i th t ro BURK ETO N Squair. A vocal duet by Miss E. 11f b o o k 0 i b e i n e a c k e d a d s e n tS y k e s a n d M i s s H e l e n K n o x w a s ~I a II A ,hoo vice. he oncIdJn numer.A short Members Were asked ta, try! ýf-.und Ir,. Iicir I Il aXes: .6th. thei skîl in cmpo0ng a x'eh . lîînca 'Ilter " k t Nie.mn 'l n I \a!an anaîh ft whch a em unng hlu ch w s se a.s Poemn or words that, could be sung W . I I1ui n -mxi ed. A hearty vote of thanits was last to some familiar tune about the 1NI r,. 'HioIn1) Mata lina X a(indii"gixen toi the hostes and thosel WV. Lake Shore Club and submit these I rtl! i it XI Irý \ilt ldNr-.asM n-at the next meeting. It is thus C t ii't iM t r h isNr-i sitngonte rgrm -hoped ta select something for the N-S-i T I anI Nîr. I'I- X- Irkn club that. will be original and dis- W c .X.f, mut aiin -Ill te inclvejarllIý ýI. ad L. (juld Cotinili' %vlli SCHOOL REPORT th:s program: Select:ons by the \Ir nî'l Nr-. i îarnet NIci sai i .S N.3DRIGO Newcastle Young Mens Quartette: landNiNr. anal Nîr- I\icînard \:,i r. und ! r,. 1).Nc'Ftaugiirt. S .N.3DRIGO humorous skiît. Two Farmers. by'I a a a lNI r. Albert akî'. I I'Is HairlIa-n aaal Grade 8-Bill Stackanuk (CI Ernest Glbank and Chas. Clemn- NIn . FrI 'IN.r.lia iiitu ence. Shaw's: paper on. F'ounder's îaitla \fi-. ;na IrsNu -.Fliel 1N hm . ux îr.Nawaa rd 7-Gog tctr Il I 'md Iiiiin.niilii .NIe-5r- "AI. Donald Metcalf 'B). Alin Daby Mrs. Henr'y Reichrath. NI r.I Xii ark-. Xel' tt. i1i*. '~I naI lend H(4kt.Coluîrinî- Mcaf Bt president or Brown's H. & S. f7riani!-ý. '5awn Ir. anad Nr-. W. Iloskin. Grade 5-Mî]dned Metealf iAl Club: instrumnental duet bs' Stan- rF r.Iiieia-ic uNIr nl- î îîNr.T nrrnwiti n NrirArthur Stacitaruit <BI. Bihl Glas- - ' ley and Brenton Rickard: ad- Nr-. W. Il. Tas (r iF n a un11 ari fr.Ie X'1iîîka)ir&!. 0-iumu. fond (Bt. Daisy Gibson 'B'. Mike dress on. Pariiamentary Procedure arilical c"niiîiiInli. l'tlistti. I'atrin. \iitIln Btk Ci. Sam Bonk (DI. by Mn. F.'W'. Bowen, No. 9: tout- 'a%' ima- ca-t rier tlta r ugen il- larkgen i Grade 3-Alex Stackaruit (Bt)._ ~ M fine of Short course at 0. A. C. \\'It1,(11\l.us niIîijn. li. l'ttJ ii.Bra m!Nr i et rago 'B3). Neil Mtaf * ' Guelph. bs' Alex Hendry who took winant ira'.learnie ltitat NIi-- 111ci one of the courses early in the l \niîîilma- fuII Iadin lier si Ikmt'il alii 'l'iîrind tiî 'CI .rd nneMrz( winteî': slnz san- by Wilbur Bas- 1-vi J *NIr. lais Cai umll s -%%11th(-,Nt'iti aiN rde2-Ane oo A ker'r'ilt.e. ita iina'iiternî ni lrrLord Baden-Pow elllu ici 1'hIi 'glitItle ->iI ala Robi).HeS'rayB i.Harve Met .. After an exciting game of Sly ,fiitilr ii- i iti r. N-laetfîtiit Famed founder of the Boy ~în i Arihibra. G mlu N r ade Ct. - ....-Ask nowfor(Au r,( Wînk lunch xas ser'red and a , ltil ii i i t a flîîi jr a c"iii.Scout Movement on Tuesday celehell tnr îade i n Ve(A). Rs a i<AIA SRAy Cgialedare n -Xsol tim-e enjoyed. lime. J. 1t~andti atelu Iliu lot brated hIis 81st birthda'r On that i i iikînar, 1lin- iif îr. I. S ellaBn SkA'.RossB),AnMetahf' nIgARorigina ed lthe on! Y xil have charge of the program rfn.nntitr.cilal_ III tuti rf fera'at haîf million Boy Scouts and Ginrl Ii.k1\'e1, .kîîaar ack B Pnimertovereaf, ud anHfrui.iTs Sand the junior pilpils will be get"- t'iJ. d,, aitiiiitz tie couta! jr ir Jn'rGuides throughout the wonhd were (tAItJgrn lltcknd pr. ira r ubJe lii 'At en an opportunity ' taexPr'e.5 but t -ic autid tirîttl icaîigatgîuner. afecio t te an it iJ in Iiiilir!eanilutFBnjI. theseles.bit tnie Tiiýdv iiglt ed he rea mvemnt.Ici ad rpr aJohin Moroz 'BI. Eddie Rudan O O O ~tn ia-aitai i.Tlt inît r.utra- N«,Before starting the Scouts Lord Il"it naIle tv IL CI. fr n it.cîniei .P îrîaîît~.Bacien-Poxxell 'mas a hero as ta '...\lr. andîlNIr-. F i I-kia nd FedA'Cier.eahr. M CADMUS t 'a r in lrii!isuft itîii lu defender of Mafeking during theuntNranNr.F.l 'kaai!reA.Mln.eaer th7 SotiArcnWr N I laat. îikjia iNf. z protection froin leaf destruc- Re'r' J.Russell Hartris, rx.,--e.\I-\ i- Xcri 'hia etrai -titigutinag -4Illte VH Y ON bYhe.cl brig Representa ix e of0f.O R. E. C..rxill i X IS i8tmaii in it aeti ii 7t], iiirîiauu at,1 ila.211d. . Irl tunt-ia-Inli (it ThFrdu n (ýnduict the round table confer- r't iaa nct 3r (al. F iiriiîg t la t aî)lisevartjîîgia.ulr ence in the afternoon and also 1 l.t intels ittaluexajie, XX'nuilrr '( zedit anre-d aphi inier Ille t..i,: Iii! Visitopr -ide M. n Ms alSehno lfgwith NigLOa F0 I at 'the 37th annual convention of NI, tr'i aîCran as licarge ù ilr'.. t it cliasnc af the tI f (r eriieani ri tie Leal and Mi'. and m anll Swthensnfn.iea the Car-:wr:ght ReliL,'oiis Educa- iilJin(utcren tl' Ituiritaten Nr x~ um -cin(i,- îta t tne'r natître, t' uc tgu.an bbe Bw antîe.wih rs D ucnat Ccunicil to be hield FnndN'.tri XXrrani t- Flelati.iitli ,iiti' liiiti tit r itiirtIg 'ecaiIli I.,'tlt reacîjnC. ai 'Ittîri Mr. Aand s. E.A ran Fetoruary ~25th. in the Cadmnus -e'.i1,iI. r <Na -in clia1ec ii ntîreue crf t Stris\i",in.ltn 'I î-j tlc.'le NrIla)l amitît Mi. and Mrs. . A. Wenyan . * .. >D wir'll he Dr. R. P. Bowles. Re'.v. . V n:ult'a.nce' i î a iît ina 192S NIr. IDevinî ;III ". -icntû "5h 'ra Fletta",anIton. Ennisitillen. at Mn. L. Ash - red Walker.Rev. C. C.Harciurt. ei.rOnil'(1 it1a1 t'lie liteladîIlleîr,ît.urMr,.lA. MMcNeA. 'rx'ithli hener sister. F2 . J. Bel ll t!in*,ei'e.red in S. S. ne tt I lai etiti .aiianu-tmnnc tîJas ltitt.i VIn M s. A. Grant. Tononto. <JîlNI :iîi- fiit nticni" nn tt~ 'i -liai ittataljii4 eintt~t~ Mn. and Mrs. F. Coxxlnng and m 'r>l-t c 'it-II.'f tii rts ia(ijcs rf Illit gcod mani. lin's t ia> -u icilis I .. Narv i Mr. and Mns. B. Macdonald. i' 'ittdtttititi.iJ J uiiî r part- To be happy 'rxith money you \i't ii allai an i laie!: Bo\uî'manx'ilIe. with his mother. ai.Si uinnîtrnnutorn3ormnyr_________ B A K U A I I N F A R E S l(. m a d~î ,î e i n \ I s.e- I i't . .k1 ;<. y o u r n mo n yo wo rn so u . - o e a: t i i.* M r . . B a c n .d M is s A d a B e e c h . s h o . M s î r i n C u ' i g f v 'ILLE FEB. 25-26-27 îJcle'e- at ri-i'iii i ____________IMn Ross Richar'ds xxith Mn E-cho.Ms iinCwigfv _______________HAMPTON__ erett Beech at Osharxa General ouned 'rith some mouth organ, -lie uaEBE %anI>ait od ahiil.ja! miît 'aî IMns. Macdonald is seniousîy hil rn'usican a"oasl.Gut 7.30 $1 1.30 Nýrt'iniatn X'îa vemacîte- a- Prei- v He rs . Steens. Enîilleti. at the home of hier daughter. Mrs.spaex'sCo.LT.MLgh EAURE-'$1 90 eit.Itfairelite Ctaint rullex'rtdMsE.tee. W. Thonipson. lin. Bowmanx'ille, one of Haydon's ,EAPE- 11.0 \",ilM is s Bennice Roger's. Bo'rxman- 1 Home and Sehotol Club met. last illustriaus sons. xvho gav'e a vr ?V1MANVILLE 10.19 p.m. FEB. 25 Nin-ý. Naît. Rov i antie ar -n-ter x'îvl:e. spent Sunday at home. Tuesdav evening 'rith thue 0resî- ifteresting talk n "he'ifna T - FEBRUARY 28 Itlerinutr id Nfiss.Edita Carnterm R YLMn. C. H. Bunnors Oshawa. dent. A. HuIs. in change. Pro- thon"adhsvstin emny ýralas from Ottawa and MNontreal. tnt. Prî,caaaîn S22.00f. vis:ted his sister. Mns. C. Good- grami xas inx change of L. Ashtonj Refreshinents were ser'red and a Nîr. Ier Catîcin inîarrgc'. ~man. iand opened xxith a chorus by the social time spent. XES - FEB. 24 - 25 ie' fartiable. buit siýrrv'in lItaur Some of tour citizens attended_________ staion l New Bunwictat Nis '.- etCamrerîn as ita. B WM ILE the Goodyear Dance on Friday Stationsiin.NewsBrunswH.k BOWMAN.IRNE night. R'. Stations in Nova Scotia. Cnimt.i-atnetîiîng lier. Ms eseSmsn al RN LIMIT Goe pn udywt e nts flot later than March 2 .. Thurs. - Fri.- Sat. paro.sentSnawt e ints flot later than MaIrch 1 Mn. and Mns. Gilbert Wilkin- ,eaving Montreal 3.00 P.m.' NESTLETON FEB. 24- 25- 26 son and Douglas spen t Sunday HJa ndu ili Jrsauo ti' ny. J Il-t witlx hen sister, Mns. C. E. Hrn. Canadian i Mr. and Mns. Roy Taylor andiMs an iruwohs' 1 ~been convalescing at hicr sister's. IN SERVICE Nationlal lfamily 'risited at Mn. Stanley Their Love Mrs. A. E. Billett. neturneti to m uhr p1y el'lttm hmeLig.d tToronto on Sunday. Ëchrspaty eld at he omeLouhed Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Fenguson of Mrs. P. J. Oliver on Wednes- at Dangeri hax'e taken up nesidi'nce at New- day evening was quite a success. castle xvherc he ia employed by Master Lloyd Armstrong ils able Mn. W. F. Ricitard. M. P. i ta e hme no Pot PnnyRas 'Young Peopies Union met on Mrta. Edgar Emerson, Valentia, Fniday e'rening with Vice Presi- - spn h ekn ihhsp r chair. The business period was lents. L III I ~~~Miss Mary Malcolm is 'risitiing ~ * alx'dh h r'rhpsrie 'friends in Toronto and Hamilton. "Ps Me Not. O Gentle Saviaun" was rngMissr h Marie N 3IislarePnautt ta vîsitîng xas sung. aflte x'iB isa Nelile I Thene wLi nadLaguyt.s as! -'ininbîîonadaj rywas umpressîxe- I1ý,arn ,,as r,, eag e tis p st ntenatonal ly ive byW ilfid Smale. fol- Ioe ypae by Re'r. W. Rackt- Mislea MlclmNALDd e hani. Mn. C. E. Mills theia show- W auntMrs.Herb Tayor.cd pictunes on 'The Life of mr. eci Hu bar , En iel , vs- hris," nd ery capab]y explain- 'tedMr. OLM N edthe. Duingan intermission Nesteto W.I. wll eetat t e M . M lls avo red with accordian home of rs.S. M lco m, archmusc. ev.Rackham tenctered iute H an 2n , 230 .m. Meeing n c arg a ew ord ofappreciatian ta of M s . . J b li 's r o u . F R M . M lls f o r h a v in g g i're n u s s u c h i misin yo canotbe 1 ý _ a roftabex'vening. Rynin was mue - if one polîcy iso ung and beniediction nepeated. or perhaps not written B A K T C N Hampton W. M. S. was held at sure your property is 7the home of Mns. A. Blanchard I.ois Lrstamier, Lolu SiI Z E , on Tuesday. Febnuany15. Mrs. Drntaîlar XWrighît, XXilita anti! lenîe WITB Harold Salter pnesided in the un- iyou require insurance VX' ama Camp mmnre cnuîertaitiea!d r U(iiIN avoidable absence of President 'e - ask' ltm' MirtX'orda.1 ' NalIm- MADELULLINECAROLL Mrs. A. E. Bilîett. The W. M. S. \IrsktisM. anal Mmis. F. Bailcy ententajîn- MUT ASTOI -DAMIDNWN were invited to be present at the plan yours. ci! a feu' Bîackstock friendtd I Nr. AAYNOfNAUIII *C.AIREY UM ne-affiliation service of the C. G. ani Nr. ikcNeîett. uaAN'D I. T. on Wednesday e'rening. Fcb.L FB N and'gcsj'eicir e pats' natbcna O AS~16. Thene 'mas a fine shawing of A nrNogrssv eilavme aimîg. Pnir DOGLS AIR ARS~, ur. quiît tapa and blockts for the sup- hinane on M.In djcev auta! 'aira msRuper of B.nimu ply bale. It was decided to, have w~inir e'\r. Dimene ad I" Prodced by DAVID 0. SELZNICK the quiîting on Match 10. and in- liMmrN. .\ X'ibti îîmalngut tted by John Cro..ellxite the men ta supper. Helen ON &aSiNl . rad'u ConVixct ira at Tiarti. Ile o t Edwnrd R.s's d'o.itaîtiaui of Rogers toot up the collection. r E i o A E~~ ~ A ofNT X'.'a n eUcSt. nuîn's .rAgicana a Mns. Niddeny toot charge of the 'E A ENTSClîturcli emtcrtuirmeaî lort hierr 'kat- RILEASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS pir*cgnam. assistcd by Mrs. Kens- B owmanville ita.g partvta'.apoat Itîck linucli ut tînt laite. Mrs. Rogers. Mns. Colwil 1,tal! ouan .tlaauy ercuîiug. l)amcing News Comedy "nd Misa L. Hon n. Mrs. Alv. Pet- \ aasejuteulaftcn. ~erns gave an intenestifg resumei ~~ett "l'.tor Matnee Satrda 2.3 pm of the cunnent chapten 0f the Nîcna 'a. XXrgluî. Meeting cîosed2hy0in an NIrti! M.NI liruiiaG rnu!,uu iti faittitu minînlierin turiN.I r-. Fia'tt Kvlia a mmile. Mar. a!nd ies,-. i. .arnanî Iiti aiv îlu Nîr.aiaId Ne-. .1. im m ýNr-. \'ejin t iita! NIe r iste. m mî fnii'muîln lit Sîuiniav. Mar. ad Nîn'.-'1 ). I!lraduaii %%eiiauti iMIr. adMiiNIr-. XX'ma. Fruiare. NM e. taId NI r-. 1Ivlia Su nitvit], NIr. taiNie'. .(Iî it lisa- NIr ie utl NIn'.. I lamiv X'tuiCîamp inta *i en *hîî au j l iea tr1 tlnar 'Ir-. I). NI r. tunda Nr'.\. lu.ilca-liiîi tintai ftumu iii. 'I'îaea.rivitin Nît'. aunaIN l. ! \,î'I rit i l r ld . .W Nfi>'.Plair l'uas* lare.Torantoi, xi tii NIM.is, GaI Ira Iran .Nl'.- Nîtuleu n i amtti, Tari ntia amill i launpartentîs. Ne.a'nd MNus. XX' .NI r î1 aiu a aler in:hoamie frati Mar'.-I. hal, li mimatx l t',îin lien dituir, MuIr.. N. Gnaiarrn. NI . tint,!NIr'.. X\"ni.,King aund a!iui- iii antti NMn. 1IvlablaSînuknj.t. osht- vit i M rNî . mild N îs .A . l ihut. Malus'.. Je Tf f VYia ' si Ille -ick 01t1SSondaus . Frî. 601 t î tte cuise orf telmnnuiig service, .\In. J. il. l)rvitt was itrescuîtcîl iilaa Ireatui- fui etl oa buook anti anaaddress hi' te cangru'gation of St. John's Anglican Church, ont the occasion of FE. 28'z - MARCH. 1 - 2 A CLARENCE IRWN Production N&O PÏCtuR. as Bver l wu0»14 Sac MaM4 mm N Stemhe..... Lait Erlkso.. fDame May WhlttY. C. UmuyCordbn. WIdk S.kdff AMotro-GJ ~iM . itr Matinees Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. 1 r SALEM Packing ice and cuttîng wood s;emis ta be the chief occupation oh the cammun.ity. Evening service Sunday was ccnducted by Rev. A.,XV. Manch xx ho dclîvened a 'ry appealing sermon. Severe colds ha're been preval- cnt and wx' regret that Mrs. F. Cator is stili confined to bcd wîth inusculan nhcumatism. Salem f nnends regret to lcan of the serious faîl sustained by Mrs. Leonard Richards xvhcn a couple of small bones in hier hand xx re broten. Valentine Social ar'aanged for the Citizenship meeting of the Y. P. U. had to be withdnaxvn oxu- ing to, the icy roads. The leader regrets ail the trouble gone ta by those who so willingly wonted ta mate it a succes. but hopes at somne future date to arr'ange fan somiething similar. Sale m Womens Association mîet at Mns. Cann's. x%,hin 26 la- dies were present. The president openeti the meeting. Mns. S. Butteny toot charge of the Bible rcading. A vocal solo was gixen by Mns. K. Wenny, and Mrs. How- ard Gaud gave anc of E. Guest's splendid pocins. Miss Elin or Sykes, Hampton, deliveneti an in- teresting talk on "Music in the - andeci together, they pledged protection to one another in their famous motto: "Ail for One-One for AIl ". Ini Much the same spirit, more than 3,500,000 Canadian men and women are today uruted in one great co- operative enterprise-Lile Insurance. They perfornt modern deeds of chiv. alry in coming to the aid of the widows, the fatherless and the aged. In return, they enjoy protection for themselves and their loved ones. G times of adversity. It has been de- signed for the people-it is owned by the people-and il protects the people. To the thousands of families ini modest circumstances, Lif e Insurance ex- tends its greatest benefits. Through their regular sav- ings, they can ob- tain priceless se- curity in the spirit of "All for One- NJI~~ One for Al". I1t nbop Orchard protection frora attacks of fungus and irisect pests means more than just THIS YEAR'S crop. Think of leaf develop- ment, that will assist the tree to feed the latent buds of NEXT YEAR. y fused bentonite sulphur way of ays and dusts that spread evenly rly applications keep pace with îugh the whole growing period. K!LODUSI the dust forin of Kolofog- use it in train at spray time. 5WET-TEI ate of Lead added - combined id insecticide Bowmanville Money goes such a long way in ithese times that it neyer can get Lback homne again. A girl is more enthusiastjc over being married than she is over the man she is married to. Friends are like an umnbrella - when the storin comes on you don't stop to see whether the handie is pretty or plain. has grown out of an LIFE. INSURANCE' UA RDIAN OF C AN AD IA N 'H E Every Day Youthful beauty requires glowing health ...you can retain both by consistently drinking healthful Glen Rae Milk. Milk supplies the elements for proper nutrition. Glen Rae Dairy IR. R. Stevens & Son Phone 2665 L48SX r' TilE C.\NADI.\N STATESMAN. 1;OW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO urgent human r 1 News Comedy

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