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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY EBRUARY 2TH, 1938THE C.\N.DIAN STATESMAN, hCIWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG EE firaýt round of the Northumber- 1IWerry. atnd the winners of prives SO IA ND PE S NA and and Durham DeaneryDe were Stuart Morton. T. H. em bating Contest last week whlen ence. and Reg. Coombes. Reeve SOCI L A D PE SON L 1Cý M. Carruthers of Darlingtofl they defeated. Cobourg branch i rn d Ex-Mayor M. J. Elliott Of the caunty town. Bawmanville Bowmanville expressedi the thanks1 was represented by Margaret Mc- Of the visiting agriculturists to Mrs. L. Sharpe is visting bierial of Tyrone. The mariage will Cready and Diana Wheeier. who Mr. St.apies for the instructive daughter 'n Montreai. Itake place early in April. taak the negative side of the de- __________________ Miss Vera Lonsberry is visiting Some of the Ild boys af the bate "Resolved that Great Bri- friends in Toronto. town were noticed renewing thir tain should maintain a standing SAYS TRUCKUNG Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Candier yoith. Ham Hooper, Bill May- army and have universal con- visited the former's mother, Mrs. nard and Josh Stacey were seen scription."'niTe judges in pre- 130ON Il FARMERS Roy Candier, in Detroit last week. out skating Thursday night on senting their verdict paid high Mrs. John Hyde and son Harry, the icy roads and sidewalks. tribute to the ability af the Bow- Professor C. B. Sissons of Victoria Toronto, were weekend guests af Bowman, Hotel rooms now avail- manville debaters who were ap- College Is Witness at Truck ber mother, Mrs. J. A. McClellan. able. for permanent bolrdrswith pearing for the f irst time in the Probe - Urge Free Rev. Dr. Harold Young and bot and cold water in each roim United Counties cantest. Competition Mrs. Young. Toronto, weregus. Rates: $7.00 and up with board.(rmGoe n al of Mr and rs. W guil ali home cooking. S. Leach. Prop. Fo lb n al ai r.andMr. W R Stik Telephone 2601. SLICKERS FLEECE Prof. C. B. Sissons of Victoria wbile in town on Monday. Mr1 .K htt.mngra Y U G F R E SCaliege. who for many years bas I Mises Grta Mnday.Bett Waiker Stores Ltd.. who bas been ____ Snowden and Winnie Lancaster. aayfor the past sixwees on a ea .teldathaiRy fa rnar or- spent the weekend with Mr. and City told the Royal Commissiond Mrs. Elgin Munday in Belleville.'stock taking tour. returnl this ot lcesae aigabr n Highway Transportation that week. but was confined ta Ç bed time ta make a dishionest dollar 'there %vas no daubt that the ad- Mrs. C. C. Washington and Missfrteirtewdya heee these days, as xwitness the case vent ai the motor truck hiad been Joyce, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. iwitîî a severe attack of tansilitis a on amrwarcnl a boan ta the farmer. RoyWania ad ams nd Tinty niedChrch Sndy.came t to on. Previalusly. a dairy farmer had Roy WarrnOahanaweJam e ndtri. yUie huc.Sna.IAccrding ta A. R. Haskell. ta be near a railwav station with guests ai Mrs. W. C. Washington. Febray2t:Siiulyu_1Gn lMngro h oot lifting services in sermon and Bete Bsiew, Bureau. t Ih i s'asibltrn ce fle His many friends are pieased music. The organ selectians at ; mtrBui art. Siell matorintrucTorohad ta see Mr. D. A. McCulough 6.40 p.m. will include Prelude in!sonle fam andbecame trda le Tot el inteTronto walking up tawn again ater be- C Sharp Minar - Racbnianinof onte rm nd camnent.HeTaontataken caver the transportation oai ing laid up since the seriaus falr'and Minue' - Paderewvski. Ap- ngeml -nt e ad miik the inconvenience ai wait- heba bfae hrstas ~ chra m~i1 a he weary rounds ai business ing for late trains. carrying miîk lie ad efoe Crisrilproriae cýorl msicby 8wel 1piae n factories, and wark- fromr farm ta railway station. and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fergusan trained chair. 8-1 ishops unt:l iinally lie struck whiat picking up empty cans. had been and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard The editar received sanie very'locked l:ke a good po.sitionl. Ieiminated. spent. Sunday aiteinoon %viîh Mr. i elabarate and beautiful picture,ý He wa.s ushered inta the office Questioned bv Lewis Du~ncan. andi Mrs. J. E. Beaeock. Myrtie. past cards af Mexico the ci*ty ai!'of the manager af a company whî) are bath very iii wvitb the palaces and bull fights fram Sid r where lie expiained that lie hiad K.C.. counsel for the Automotive the flu. Their daughiter, Mrs. 'Jewell ai Detroit, Michi., wha 1 is ttIe or na business experience. iTransport Association. an the ad- Spencer ai Perth. is nursing them. lialidayîng in Mexica. Sid was a a imited educatian and a f elw visability of fixing ai rates for The engagement is annaunced! membeîr ai The Statesman staff vasa eea amwr hsautamative transportation. Pro- of Eva Georgina May. daughiter oaverefiftofyears aga and is a coh- fessar Sissons said that a Gov- -erfity eas ao nd s co'-bv no mean.s discauraged the ai the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry sin ai J. W. Jewe.1. Big 20 Book Mngr -priulrywe ernment board with power otily M. Collacutt, ta Mr. E. Gordon Store. hle faund the Yaung farmer ccud ta disallow rates would be prefer- Yeo, son ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Yea. We see by The War Cry ai A- ':*nves:' $50000 in the business.' able ta one with power ta fix1 _________________________l.anta. Geargia. that aur 1gaad An agreement was drawn up rates. He said hie was skeptical ifriend. Cal. Edwy White. Ihllx~ich i ndicated amang ather Iabout tbe value ai suih regulat- miany miet at the Durham Old thîngs. that the applicant was ta n ode.ad npici. a Boys' Reunion here last summer. be eniplayed as piaesc in favor af free campetition. Be- urnE m ..n~~ lias been re-elected Presiden t arrv and -asýs1antot the gen-,1as itedleec nfnn flhIFlII.ýJthe Salvation Arniy Retired Of eral manager-.'- which hie was cial resaurces between the rail- IV MILLAssociaion. Agroup photo being in a financial if na other vr lie tanughe t imigtrube dere ai the officers is sbawn and way. Ita prahibît railways froni operat- there*s aur Edwy right in the Fatunately. this Young farmer inmg fleets o! trucks and campeting front raw wtb that characteris- bad, heard ai the Better Business vtipen orars 1938 Paniers tic radiant smihe ai lus. Bureau. and lie brougbt a copy aof t peetaprtr Members o! the 2lst Battaiian. the agreement ta the Bureau ai- New designs - attractive CEF. attended St. Jalin*s An- fice. There. it was establisliedDR FR N F LE blends - reasonably priced. glcan Churcli on Sunday evening that thie prospective employer hadDR F AN O E a.q a token ai regard far their nothing in tîîe way ai securitv ta DEPARTMENT HEAD Exceptional bargains in wartime padre. Rev. C. R Spen- aff er for the investment afi$500A U IVE ST - diseontinued patterns cer. Two members ai the battal-r The maney was going ta be used andrenans.ion. L. A. Parker and C. W. B. ta finance the business. Athaugli and rmnans. 1Tait. read the lessans. and a min- the agreement stated the $500 A few weeks ago we pubhîslîed uie ai silence was abserved dur- was ta be returned in a year. u natce nonig la ri ing tlie service in nîemory ai tlie provided no guarantee that any ; Frank C. Foiey. son o! Rev. and 1 fallen. In bis sermon Mr. Speii- înterest would be paid. In addi- Mrs. H. W. Foley ai this town. N eediepoint er recalled episodes tbrauglî tion. the employee was ta wark had received bis Ph.D. at Prince- A new assortmnent of thfM wlich '.le battalian passed dur- five and a hall days a week at a tan University. We are naw popla hndwok. ing the war. At tlîe mornîng ser- salary af ten dallars. pleased ta pubiish another item vice Capt.ndMasan ao the Church Sa h an amr kept bis anim a paper in Grand Farks. Seiu dshy Arîny was the special preacher. five bundred. and the ci ty sliker'N. D.: o nanone r Mare ilian fiftý, friends and is undaubtediy laakîng for some- Acain ta nanune relatives fram Oshiawa and Baw- one else ta finance lus "business.' ment. made by the state board af ani l afrda îî oea ________________ administration at Bismark, Dr. imanil gtee a h hm rank C. Fly.assistant pro- WooI iMr. and Mrs. John A. Tait. fesro ilgy asbe p A" tIl for every purpose r Cburch Street. on Saturday Iev- 11 £f the' peole iessor 0f eaagyo liashe iesap- in great variety of shades 'ening ta shiawer the newly niar- vleO erOB pitdia iteUiest ried Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Tait. dearmet f geagraphiy and ge- and plys. The Young couple were the recip- 1________________'logy ta succeed the late Dr. Ho- _______ients ai many beautiful gifts. I uard E. Simpson. Mrs. Chesebaragli o! Oshawa . moi- TAXES AND MORE TAXES The appointment carnies with ther ai thie bride. and severai !i tthe titie oi associate profelo othller relatives of the bride were D)ear Edior: as well as thiat of state geohagist. I present fram the Motor City. i Foley lias complied six years as J.W E E.o. Later the coniPany eîuoyed biflgO lias bel proposed thatth instructor at teUiest.H Phone 55 Bownian i vnn r.Ae Colvilie sang ï, a maost unreasoniable tax. a ta, agy and became assistant pro- Phone556 owmanille wo fine numbers. Ref resliments illtii'scil on a people already bhurdlen- fessar in 1935. were served abaut midnight. cd heax i1v %vith taxes. icenses. ceis Thie new department hîead ne- ¶ ~~~~~St. John's A. Y. P. A. won thîe an"'Iaxa . Taeabîinsmalorcvd his bachelors degree at ilistalice. xwho camnes undcen Damlin- Toronto university and bis mas- ion laws, Provincial laws, mlunie,- ter o! arts degree at Princeton. __________________________________________________________pal laws cauntv laws, corparationl During the recent vacation per- laws, tnaffic laws, liqiior laws, b'- iod lie compheted work for bis REPEATING BY REQUEST lawç, imother-in-laws and outlaws. doctofo!phihosophy degree whîichi al aof whiichî have beuîî joisled uPoil wihl be canferred upon bina at ~U UII~ U Ni~I&T u &~c~ ail unsuspecting public. the June commencement in Prin- 1VVIi DLiLAR DiA IYS Throughi these laws, lhe is coam- ceton. pelled ta pay business tax, amuse-<; Frda ad atrdr uent tax. gas tax, incarne tax, water ' AnthriGray fan ySavingSpecalstax, excise tax. schoh tax, hvdra COMUNG EVENTS Ante ru fMnySvn pcastax and svt-tax.______________ COLLAR & CUIT SETS, Pique ln addition ta these initating SasHm n colCu and Organdie -.----------------- 2 sets $1.00 taxes lie is farced by a straîîg arm Sbaw Homdtei and bal C ub- CHIILDREN'S ROMPERS 2 fer $1.00 of the law ta gel a permit for this di.hl andCtheinnue artyFinhn BABIES' DRESSES----- 2 for $1.00 îhîng and a permit for that thimig. dred a nd Crokinohe arty in.tRe He is required la get a bun~es'schol n tu eed. Amrcinh5.e WOOL GLOVES, white a.nd colors 2 for $1.00 license, a provincial license. a sign rsmns evd dmsin2c Crepe & Satin Stripe PANTIES 2 for $1.00 licine a dag license. a miolor The Women's Institute w ill Balance of HOSE, knee and fulil length, 2 prs. $1.00 license, a radia icense, a liqir meet in St. John's Parish Hall on MADEIRA PILLOW CASES Pair $100icense - lot ta mention a naariageü Friday, February 25tb. at 3 p.m. LUNCHEON SETS Each $.0 license. Meeting in charge of Group 3: lie is also requested and required Mrs. McFeeters and Mrs. F. Jack- KID GLOVES, choice of colors Pair $1.00ta contnibute la every society and man, conveners. Topic: Story ai EVENING BAGS - ---- - --- ------S1.00 organizatiail whicil thle invemntive our Grandmothers. Ouest speak- SKI MITTS, regular $1.35 -. -------- 5---- 1.00 geniis ai a main is capable. er: Mrs. W. Adams. Oshawa. CREPE DRESSES - BOLERO STYLE Far his own safely lie iserid Sizes 14 to 18- Special for thLs g.j l carry ifeinîsuralice, liabihitv ia Sale-ý Each suram'ce. burglarv imsurance, acci Sale $495 dentinsiinance, 'collisian insurance, i nain iiisirarice. bail ixsurailce and 1.1 hîî siness ini rance TH V L N S O]l hi hinspeclar. suispcctcd, into E HSRIEo Phone 594 Bowanville sprcted. (hlisrespecte(l. exanîiieuh ne- A OE AAIN SEICAL0 exainileil. imfornned. reqiîired. suin. OtoOATION AND LOFE iae.fi îîed C I nlallled anîl C0111i @URA4CE M PAN IE S __________________________ _________--1ph-11d m1-ii ail -11--iî ;s s .11-iiON CANADA Lime Rickey tan'iao. and n.iMcCofaiBrooakin, onable cash payment wilh be 30e vha is associate dealer with Mr. accepted and terms for the bal- Layer Calke ~~~~~Staphes in luis district. The mo-aneragd t4 itrs. tion pictures deahi ithi the new anerrndat4 nrs. taciors and thie nîany pîractical Write nme stating your require- I-E AR ER FA ILl ises la whichi thily nîay be put on ments. Col. L. T. MLuhn THE ARTE FAM LY te farin. A group af one reel Inspector for Commissioner of films alsa added to the entertain- geutrlLasBom- Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations ment. A hucky di'aw candticted in AriutalLnBom- connection withî thie demonstra- ville. 6-4 ________________________________________________thon was made by Master BiUie neglect ai tbe camman cohd us of- r A CTONten !alowed by an infectian oai AU TINSALES the lower part ai the respinatory tract, which us pnieumania. \\ednesday. Mardi 2nd-Mr. P. Preventing pneumania means F. LeGresley wîhl sehh by public keeping fit. Dress properly. and, auctian an Lot 25, Concession 1.enjoy somte fanm a! outdon iei Clarke (1 mile east, 14 mile soutb :the year round. Secune sufficient o! Newcasthe), bis farn stock and ,rest and !resh air; do not become imnp:ements including two hanses oveniatîgued. and, by dressingi and ý3 cows. Sale at 1.30 p.m. ýacconding ta the tempenatune and Terras cash. Jas. Coulsan. auc- the weatben. avoid expasure ta tiamieer; H. C. Banathan, clerk. cohd and wet. Use some green 8-. vegetables and fresb fruits every _______day during tbe winter; youn body needs them. Shun cougbers and ttf thay. ancb 4the-Thîe Es-sneezers. Wash your bands be- tat aithelat Frdenck dams fane eating. and keep your bands wili seil by public auction on the away inom your face. Take cane premises. Lot 15. Concession 8. a odi o eeo n.Ke Darinton(1mil est ! nnis- ýaway fnom sîck people unhess you killeno. bis stock. imulements. 'are caring ion them. and then grain, lumber. barness. etc. Fity~ take thie precautians tbat are acres. being part ai Lot 3. Con . ' necessary in dealing witb a camn- Manvers. wîlh aiso be affere for municable disease. sale. subjecit oa a esenved id. ! ___________ Teniis cash. Sale ai i o'ciock.1 ERimer Wilbur. auctianeer: Thenan BADMINTON NEWS Maîîntjoy. clerk. 8-1 Saturday. Mardi th.-George Badminton games thue past Rudan. Lot 2h. Concessian 2, Dan- week inchude ane away fromn home intan îsouth of Sbehl Gas Sta- tournament an Wednesday.. F\eb. t:an. Maple Grave'. wili sehi bi h 6thî at the Indoon Badminton public auction bis ianm stock. Club. Toronto, when Bowmanvîhle implements. feed, liarness, etc. r.hayens were deieated 9 matches Terras cash. Sale at i pra. El- ta 7. and ane at hmame match mer Wihbur. auctioneen. 8-1 Tuesday afiternoan for ladie.s enly whien St. Clements. Toronta. brougbt, 19 players and deieated SHORTHORN SALE the locals 13 ta 7. Refneshments Thesevntenthannai aleaiwere served in change o! Mrs J. Theseeneenh nnal al o ý'eil and Mrs. W. Hi. Bin'ks. thue Dunham County Shortborn Tetaurnament was under sup- 1 Association will be hehd on Tues- diav. Manch Sthî. at the Lovekin ervisian a! Mns. Duancan Smith and Mns. Edsalh Oliver. vincial Higbway. east af Baw- manvilie. The offering wilh comn- prise 13 buhîs and 15 females, al accredited and blaod tested. Watchî for funthien particulat7s nexi week. Write for catalogue ta S. Chas. Allin. Secretary-Trea- surer. R. R. 4. Bowmanvilie. aurselves into homes and vork- places thiat are averbeated. and we live in dloser contact witb ailier peaple nîost of aur wonking hiaurs. Pneumonia is caused by gerras. anîd pneumania belangs ta ibat group of dîseases whiichi are knawn a. communicable. By this we mean that thie gernîs whicb cause the disease are passed. or com- nmnicated firm one persan ta amiothen. Thieme is rea.son ta believe Ihiat thie genenal fitness ai the body Las a defînite relation ta the oc- cu:rrence of pneumania. It aP- pears that fatigue. chîihing. war- ry. hack ai nest. dissipation. and a.! suchi occurrences. or neglect ai the body. resulting in whiat we n..ght describe as a nundown s:,ate. favaur thie gerras ai pneu- maonia and give thîem a better chance to do their deadly wark. i is important ta understand aiid appreciate thie nelationshîip beî.ween the conîmon cold and Irneumania. Thie nespinatony tract is continnaus irora tbe nase dawn ao the smalhest branchies ai the branchial tubes un the hungs. A coid is an infection ai the uppen part o! the nespiratory tract, and ORONO NEWS Mn. and Mns. Charles Huntei and son Gibert. Lakefîeld. vîsît- ed recenthy at ber parents'. Mn. and Mns. W. J. Cawan. Mrs. J. R. Cooper feu nrecently hîurting lier arm and -shoulder. Mns. Gea. Weston returned Tuesday frora thie huspital whiere she lîad undergone an operatian fan appendicitîs. St. Saviaurs Parish Hall was crawded ta, its doans hast night withi the largest cnowd ai thie yean attending the A. Y. P. A. en-r tentainiment and social. The program, included vocalf solo by Mrs. H. Walh. accamp- iE anied by Miss Enid Cabbhedick: îecitations. Vic Jordan; vocal solos. Wm. Mitchell. accompanied by Muriel Martin: necitatian. Chnissie Jordan: a bumorous monologue, Mr. Gibbie. Oshawa: Leskand Quantette. Chias. Gay. Stan Bahh. Mati Harrison. witb Mrs. MacDonald at thie piano: vo- cal solo. Mrs. A. A. Drummand. withi Mns. N. Colville at the piano; vocal sala. Mr. Oibbîe: violin solo, A. J. Knox; dances by Miss Mary Reid. Oshawa; vocal solos. Mrs. Kirkbide; guitar duet. Gar-' don and Cecil Bruton: vocal duet. Gardon Ross and Oea. Jalinston., Presîdent G. Brutan. as well as parîicipating in tbe prograra. tbanked the audience and the en- lit Helps Everybody A Little Co-operation Means a Lot to Farmer, Butcher and Consumer For instance we buy our cattie from well known Durham County farniers. They are inspected. and killed ir. our own Slaughter House so that we know the cattie are Al. This also gives empicyment to our hometown people. Our business of 90 years standing bas been biuit up on QUALITY s0 you are assured of tender, juicy meat at Iowest prices. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Blade & Thick Ribbed Roasts ... lb. 15e Shoulder Pot Roast........... lb. 12c RolIed Roast................. lb. 25e RoIled Pot Roast............. lb. 15c Round Steak ...... lb. 18e - 2 lb. for 35e Sirloin Steak ..... lb. 22c - 2 lb. for 40c Wing Steak ................... lb. 20c Porterhouse Steak............ lb. 23c THIS IS DURHAM COUNTY BEEF 0F 1ST QUALITY T. WESLEY C AW KE R Phone 382 omnil tertainers for making the even- Don't bit a man when he's ing one ta be remembered. Lunch ýdown. Yau may nat be able to was served. keep bim dowfl. Leadrs f me ar selom oi-Tbe proper time ta do a thing Leaersai en re ehdm fl-is when it sbould be done. .awers ai fashion. I.oud attire natuahy speaks The money that escapes the tax for itýsehf. coilectar nîighî welh be calhed untohd weahth.' People wbo are neyer in a hurry I suppose there is hîardiy any a! ta, begin believe in the t.heory ,us but what bas a streak of pay tbat it us neyer too hate to mend. ore in binu. but if it's a bit ne- Some say that whipping a boy fractory many ai us iack the en- 'makes hlm stupid - otbers that , rgy ta wark it. it makes him smart. jALL BED LINEN AND TABLECLOTHS LAUNDERED AND FINISHEDI - - -590 6c each additional pound AIl other piece returned damp ready for lroning. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. PHONE 419 ARE YOU FEELING Tared, Lazy and Worn-out?9, If you are - it is probably because your kIdneys are not cleans- ing the system thoroughly. They are flot active enough due to __________lack of outdoor exercise. Then, too, there is more poison in the system because few of us perspire freely enough during the wînter. I.D.A. KIDNEY PILLS will definitel.y stimulate the kidneys to cleanse the system thorouglily. They are on sale this week at 27o - Phone 792 now and let us send you a box. WLVE13RAN tEAM FREE 50c Pepsodent S niueMarvellous Rouge Tooth Powder - 39c luniand with the 25c Noxzema --15e d skin. Face nPnwder 35c Corega -. 24c Price 65c TONEKA An excellent Tonie stimulates, invigorates and tones the (ff system. $1.00 GRANT KRUSCHEN SALTS 69C 1 NOVA - KELP TABLETS Naturels tanki and body b uil der, con- \ slsting of health- giving n at u r a O minerais and vita. Min a supç lied by Atlantic deep sea kclp. Faor practi- cally every klnd af ailment. Uncondit. lonatly guaranteed 150 79e - 300 $1.39 750 $2.79 MODESS Softer! Salfer! 12in bo2lç 2 bt,s41e 50 inbox69Ç Modess Beits 25e DENTALPRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY CREAM Z43j Alex McGregor UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY Phone 792 DRUGS We Deliver 10 lbse $1.40 Fellow's Syrup- - - - $1.25 Pinkham's Comp.---- 50c Uin Pis-- 15e A.B.S.&C. - For Corns or Callouses Use LLOYD'S THYMOLAT. ED CORN SALVE. De. sen sitîzes anrd relieves pain with first application. 'mOU CANT LOSE. VOUR MON. EY BACK if it ;ails. $ 5will be paid by thei mnaker ta anyane pro. ducing, at their of. fice, a corn or caliaus, that they c annat remave wlth this .wonderful new scienti. fie preparation which thau. sands af users praise high. iy. FoIIow up wlth Lloyd's Application Pads and obtain permanent resuits. LISTEN TO The Family Doctor 1. D. A. Radio Program -Mondays and Fridays over CFRB at 7.15 p.m. mmmmý- ------------- THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24TH, 19,338 PAGE SEVEN

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