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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1938, p. 9

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THiE ®RONo@ NEWS Lowly Buggy Wins Union Debate CBANQUET ENDS ic ofth P Betr hn a FrMaig oe SHORT COURSES iSOCILADPROA .tePople JCmecmn xrie usa Beter ha Ca F r M kig L ve The Short Course which has1 Miss Margaret Brown visited will mieet tomorrow, Priday after-____ Owing to blocked roads and the' been held 'n Orono the paut Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood. floon. World's Day of Prayer will Ms dl otnwsaad s4ckness of several on the po MRS. JOHN MILLER month finished in a blaze of glory Mrs. Wm. Watson fell on the be observed at this meeting DR. COLVILLE REPLIESed AeeMrowaaad gra, Lskad omeandSrool DE N S N Friday night with songs, speech- lice Saturday and sprained her Rev. J. B. Moore, Grand Bend,l EPANN RUET at the combined open Literary Clbsvstt akS.Cuc saddanting. One hundred wýrist. spent the weekend with his par- eadtr- meeting and Commencement Ex- Cak oni etn us Ub i toyPa a St. Cuc __ and fi! ty isat down to a sumptu- Mrs. Crane has returned from ents in Toronto. Da dtr ercises helcl in 0. C. S. a.ssembly dya h onHl a h Monda wascanceled. A well known and beloved ous repast in the Council Cham- a visit with her daughter in To- qits hsyatemi ui Unsta w egt usionscuh Synipathy , is extended to Mr. 1 1cannot help but think ifl hall Tuesday night. Inseadtwoweght qustonschuchworker passed away on ber. The tables were enhanceci1 ronto. Charles Mller in the death ofreading over Mr. Youngman's ef-i Miss Thelma Myles was chair-nesatitbigacutps- wer dbatd nd etledinan unay.Feruay 7, n ron, n wthyellow candies and imita-1 Mr. Stanley Bruton, Toronto. his nm&îîer, Mrs Jhn Miller fuininls we1 OooNesldy for the first part f the pro-inasflo: j«promptu style1 the Person of Rachel Dianna tion flowers. and balloons o! var- spent the weekend with h i S page that he toes not know muchgrmaninafwcoe rd ~now ye by ail those Present, Powers, widow f the late John ious colors hung from the ceil- mother. Mr. andi Mrs, Syci Hughson and 1 boutG grm ndin fw hoie oris .od cct Vucer $a1.d aout overmen annitis, ati he explaineti that the school hatiTA et.Cnvninep 00 f that the buggy is more conducive: Miller, in her 87th year. Iig tec lc a aor r niMs omnWinter. son Gien. Toronto. spent Suntiay 1did flot take the trouble to fînd bïeen divied into groups for the E .Ptesn alSP 2 to love than the auto: anti thati Untîl recently. Mrs. Miller was 1 the women's being olti-fashioneti Bowmanville, spent the weekend with lus father. Mr. C. J. Hugli-i out before expressing an opinionpraatoo!rgasanihtLfcsersGaeax 200 e ld nmaitis should flot be taxed. :one of the outstantiing members: nosegays matie of gumtirops fas- with relatives here. onothe iuject. this on oas held un anthe ruat rn Ca ubr With 3 minutes to prepare. 5 'Of Park Street Church where she teneti onto lacy paper doilies andi Mr. anti Mrs. Wathen and fam- Eas*'er examinations began tflis In the first place I do not think 'captaineti by Cecil Bruton. She~ eif80 minutes to speak anti an addi- iwas active in women's organiza- the mens Easter chickens. also a, uv. Toronto, spent Fritiay with week. it s"'*tripe" that a person shoulti also thanked the teachers or rC E.Wlnsvie 1.0 3 t:onl 3 miutes fr the eader nonschoir ork. ati inaluabl progrm and ong shet. Mr. Cran. He concongatulatonsntothe beencourgeti t lay u atsaf t.her co-oeratio anti elp. C Brown towelcabdnes 9.7 the affirmative. John Keane andi with sounti atvice. The past fewi Betw.ýeen courses anti throughi W. M. S. O! Park St. Church studen:. who won prizes at the and sure income for olti age. Minutes wr etatrwihOooCa ubr Beatrice Hamm uphelti the affir- years failing hiealth forceti her to the programt communîty singing' _______________ Comnmencement. Neither do I think that I shoulti Marion Cooper. Lois Wood anti hlduple 21 t ive a'nti Jack Cobbled'c nirm: at home away from her 1a nugt n wt isEle War veterans were arounti col- be chloroformed for suggesting it. Audrey Cooper, dressed in retiatiME.J andaî,R sF 00 'i.!lma Myles the negative on the lovei activîties, but she continueti Riticll at the piano. i teachers. anti expresseti thanks toi îectin, latter part of Ilut iveek. Everyone know that indigent olti white costumes representing men,W E i.ý more conducive to love thati Funeral service was heltion i anti lowngthe toast to the sfboet i siting frendz the country. o! elloS tkielen Mortni i nokR .W ticatke537 the auto." Wednestiay before a large gather- King, he calleti on LeRoy Brown Miss Bell. instructress, express- Mr. ang nr.Ch.Sa an1 Perhaps I diti not make MY anti Helen Case in green. tiancetiJ .Tmln rle ik 50 John Keane intimateti thati ing at the churchi. Her son, jto propose the toast to the coun- ec iher dieep appreciation of the .at r.Ca.Sa niE Lorses go along practically by :i Pl T Mills eer. or tentry. He pointeti out that agri- co-operation of the W. I.. ant i al Mr. anti Mrs. Victor Hancock en- Mr Yongan land asI sliodath Eng," ish cEnitrydceBbleck a mt otr nuac 60 themselves whereas in car tirivin" nFoii.ws rsn o h culture was the basic intiustry of those who helpeti in arrang ng tertained their friends last week.i ers have an entirely wrong con- the piano. The QaCiS was reatid ietpins,5' one must keep one's eyes ana funeral. He also returneti home Canada. the largest percentage ofI the banquet. Shie commenteti on Miss Margaret Dickson. Clare- 1 ception o! what I intentietit yL yMlsat wsmc aneac 09 hantis on the wheel; that th a few weeks ago when Mrs. Miller the citizens being farmers. It va the benefits o! associations form- mont.. spent the weekend at home. .cne. iltr ob ore ex- enjoyyafer wichthegis fv Cuci juneito me Soundi o! the wheel was mon suffereti a stroke, but returnet Oteeoeaporaeta h t niwsed ahte tdet Miss Eva Bouck visiteti Mr. anti lict ore tersouth when suethatthrallineti.ed In th.sPien.soreti with another tance "Pick.ing aano usaArl5h pleasant than the tirone o! a cari threnoth took pl aed n- people shoulti toast thieir country goot luck. Mrs. R. A. Forrester anti took in Let us consitier the minimum Up Sticks." that in winter one has trouble emn tokpae t Orono of which they shoulti be prouti, 1 Mrs. W. S. Roy rendereti a vo- the Short Course banquet anti iequirement for a prospective iM m rsrn ai starting a car; that one got more!Ce try.ani i wic.thyR.joeC.fre alsol, Toor o ug o."tiMan .Ger voter to obtain a $50.00 yearlygia chimnfrteC -mmtetoAeeMrnfrb- titi nrot a uggstick thrthanmkingle b tohose poppresentia chfor theire Cin have been more divorces sincevrclytohe The toast was respond tetoby' the piano. Hampton, anti Miss Alma Run- Twvo or three years ago I re- amni e pait ruetof the pp ian carsr er inentti;nhatonegetdsutchuat'urnocalmemer o! arl-men. MssBeisnrannoterlnstrc-ile.Bowanvile.vMrtet at r. eivti boboo rmkte Dmininthe taDhrs.niotnesttaekig Mssr. Trei to know ones sweetheart better, sbet. bt rodet an interest- W. F. Rickart. M.P.. intimateo 1tress. expressed regret that the R.'H. Wooti's. 'Government dealing with Annui- M.at un fraatig .h anifnhyta nwne 'iein eas fllwsltH e ath ecn s- otry ealsol epru for1sotcorewsal osotai asiftaesloýe e o laes iafative a t tebe on bthecuntrypeople, anti government: necessitating hurrying over the Gooti Roatis convention at To- nu-ale ageti 20 years on payment staff presenteti the shielt antid mtrwsmte ondefis flo t obit in tcel 50afimtveadth eod teanti that we woulti be more so if work. Slie paiti tribute to the ronto iast week. !$67 xol eeie o-metals to those proficient in ath- nmany dates because the snowiv ingatveanti conclutieaers.b co- ter % iveti in Europe. He asserteti earnestness. regular attentiance, Mr.F. W. Bowen anti daughiter'mencing at the age o! 60 years ltc.Tesiliwswnb r .M itnpeett h too tdeep for' a cair to go tirough. gauaîg tesekr.a fter tha e shicarth overentantingapplicatn ot utintS.CMisse Maryquet lheS oang annuity o! $5000 a earOrnet h fettdyhlti' rdato ipoast hesu Jack Cobbletiick contentie tthat t':hch . Sherwi saitia few fr peac whic thegoe ren totneouttadadounitry leisCMr. Erbnet. lble tedd o onga elvt.Ibheeti iroo ain tihas to er.ogh d ensatisoebrey nwa cne cotiltiopen car wintiows ant i ot ivs. constitohatutes wia forhaer's training.ibl geters tieba:teh neont Mondaen-of the .goverfiment Mn. R:ckart hecontendeti that the heati O! ithe short course banquet. u bu 70 ortecs a-intîmatet that they woult have H pk nams neetn joy . o~ ~~n ubj et "Reolvet igtasaiti its ork was first with the the honme shoulti be traineti. As'Go oeaniD ismnabot the.agefo!20heas. yto iwork harder this year as somne'aneontetuieatiwr with heatr wasmucnon~ cn îean mor b~' problein o! youth anti unemploy- to the nursing course. she urgeti Hamm spent the weekenti in Pet- This is the total minimum o! their olter stutients would notinoethchncueiGemn aoeuot o t ale:and tat nuone han eain"Beatnîre Htamm ment, anti the gîving o! courses the keeping o! health rules as. erboro. aîuto oe hti eurt be in the contests. The fielti daycîmir.geoy, giutra tiniine ecase hrse carie~ ant Joh Kene xihltakethewhereby boys might learn trati"s prevention was better than cure. M iss Etina Billîngs is on the for my plan ant ius tîhe onîy pay- i ob et nOooti er la ob aeu hnbgvand roativean i Ktleentaïk orci take short courses after wh:ch Animnals were looketi after be- sick li5;. ment. He paiti tribute to Jim Powers forsuectec.ani entsxo tales (tallaus oe ridanfrtie aney the n'iS.trk hev couiti be placet on farmýs. cause they have a market value.: -Mn.'Wmn. Davitison.Markham. Consequently, if îîîy plan were . his wontierul work. anti warneti5\dlht.' okatrsho tale a mm ntmaet.ta d will biney h eage. o!eJa iftper cent o! Canadian wealth but humnans are taken prett.y spent a few tays with Mir. antiatiopteti the prospective voter the girls anti boys to practise but hor.H emhiedhefc Cobbl am nimtd lat n eti1 ik aenti Elie RofJackcomes through agriculture. the much for gî'anteti, she sait. r. W. J. Stanrk. (anti it us only the prospective or flot to overdo. Metials w e n e ta cto a o ota w::fd ws one was apt to be blown Gme ee noet ite h speaker sait, anti 36 per' cent of Cranston Scott rentieeti a Sorriy to hear o! thîe illncss o! new voters I hat in nîy mind. anti awartiet to Dick Morton, Jîm !csbtt ec n otik to p:eces: thatmea radion titi flot thethe imatenials useti in agriculture splentiiiviolin solo, with his sis- Mn. Janmes Moffat. laif:oto !itrfnn ihPowers. Gortion Leamen. Jean Suvynsting resai assist in making love: that one sandeLis oo.MisdesuK.hStakcmsrmfrs n ukat e'a h in.. Correction: The name o! the those alreaty enjoyîng the fran- 1Forrester, Helen Case anti Helensruset.anihe tdyo anti Lois fWood. antiDlunch ias concludet by saying that there Mn. Webb expresseti telight ini third jutige in thetiebate at the chse. woulti have to invest $75!Scott. Helen Scott anti Jim Pow- rcswr lopr !tetan couli fot feez iflovemakng:serveti vote wo! thankseta Robt. Keane was no better place than the being able to help if the short: Short Course literary meeting in the country for which lie woulti ens wene unable to be there but ig i rtsme o a thsiat wheels matarmuchgore Afam fr.athuhfamrshtcourse work. He urgeti young iwsMn. Raymondi Chapman; also obtain the ight to vote as Ion" ilgtten easltr e nasreig at nnrh musial ouni: hat.car gotoofor getting up this impromptu hat their troubles so hati other people to stick to the f arm. in- the name of Mn. Cameron ir. the as hie liveti anti ifatidition wouîa closeti by congratulating the stu-eatr Maioa th spar fast: that if one stoppeti the car pormwshatl nosd people taîket anti if one is tiiv- prgaia eriyetost people, anti that if co-operation timating that success titi flt al- personal shoulti have reati Miss receive, commencing at the age dents anti wishing them success sii nih eto otl o ing a horse one gets there slow a oîcmn nitefam astpnio oe. H Cameron. o! 60 years, an income o! $50,00 1lin the future. teItingie o hmbt enough without stopping: that ens worketi together he hati fo thanketi all for their co-operation Messrs. Cecil Powers, O. A. Per year as long as hie livet. This Mn. C. B. Tyrell presenteti to adhwte eenal ae bugieswee lss oiy t pt U JO LIST ET C. G. Mercer, M.P.P.. c0flgrat'- E. A. Summers movet a vote Of Bruton, Frank PearsonaniR sources o! the Dominion o! Can- eral pro!iciency with a !ew wortis away: anti that cars were more ____ ulateti the students anti insti'uct- thanks to the W. I., Park Street Widtis attentieti the final play- ada. Surely it is in the easy reach io! congratulations.uainhtokcrg o!2,0 artificial. 1 'The jolliest party yet" was thei ors on this being the most suc- Church Board, township council, off hockey game between Oshawa o! eveny red. bloodeti Canadian Miss M. E. Galloway presentetisur ie ! ibrfrfr Thlm Mle itiattithtopinion o! those who attentit e cd sulcors crnt utinDu- . . un.$r.Wod.Mr0R0 ofr atiToono oug an- mstr p 750 ! isow tMAiee toronaniaunedMo-Mroecioetc. jbohih-a horses whinnieti when being put. the Euchre anti 500 helti in the liam, anti closed by saying that farmers who hati willingly let ers. ' oney before hie is 21 years o! ton the Squair prize for French.teedu.H coe ysy in he tabe; hattherwingely HOang lHal Tursaya igh uniwgcoltusa-'y eavithtcMotrrriemjutgeeheitstckantwtose Mil Morisshet teoteret ag. Te vteruntoubetily oud ech ecevin a ock- biefyangbhatfirt-te plp anuac stand still so long; that buggies tien the auspices o! Orono L. 0. o! which we are so prouti, if the who hati assisteti in tecorating in Toronto. get full value for his money anti telling the benefit o! this lang- trr age ttefrsr Sare tiangerous: that a car is mone B. A. Prizes were won as follows: hants o! the youth. anti preparing the banquet. The Friends 'ere glati to see Mn.i wouîti answ'er the double pur- uage anti heartîîy congratuîating wr u o hytidt e h 1 ke a chesterfuelti: that a, rabbît High lady in 500, Mrs. N. Honey- Miss Kathleen Stark favoureti stutients showeti their apprecia- anti Mrs. Norman Hogg at the ipose o! giving him the franchise them. Both girls repliet in~gvrmn' ae min ght !ighten a horse causifg it well, 2350; H-ighi gent, Fred Yeo with ,a vocal solo. "Land We tion anti agreement by hearty banquet Fritiay night. Norman'anti proviting, in some measure, French.Wihaew ors!cngtu orun awaY: that cars are kept 2730; High lady in euchre, Miss Love." with Mrs. R. C. Rosbor- clapping. gave a thought provoking speech. an income for his olti age. P. M. Lunn presenteti his shieldiltosat etwse o hi nrepair. Annie Bottreil 83; High gent, oughi at the piano. Mr. Summers reati an article The storm over the weekentiý I believe if this plan were for Agriculture to Olive Brown ftrM.Lno wreidp John Keane in his extra tinle William Barrett 78. Percy Win Miss Lela Welsh prouposti t i front The Statesman 25 years ago blocked country roatis. latiopteti a sale, sane anti soliti with a few words o! congratula- lmst ei rtn akCb saidt one coulti train horses to I 1er anti Elsie Rowe were lucky t oas t t o the guests in the absence 1 column dealing with the propos- Those letters o! Dr. Colville anti1 electorate woulti gratually be1 tions.beic, ay ndFroM- keep quiet; that cars were more enough to get the consolation of the class president. Mrs. K.!et stopping o! auto traffilon0fEt. Youngman have certainly built up that woulti insist that the Mn. R. C. Rosborough present-greMisoHlnSttEhl tangerous: that snowmobiles were pnîzes in 500 anti euchre respec- Werry. She expresseti fitting:Y certain tays. anti showet the di!- stinreti up a lot o! healthy con- government would be economical- eti a minimumn registenin g ther-StkCma Wheani el not much use-, that a tramned t ively. Pei'cy's was nkothipg to their appreciation to those i0 10 ferences in to-tiay's means Of troversy which wiîî give reatiers ly conductet.I î so thought that ot ee So!wsual horse woulti fot scaî'e: that a, cî'ow about, but Elsie nowv pos- hat matie the course possible antil transportation. He also reati an something to think about as well every new voter woulti ask him- plus, tofobeaxpresent.r i couple in lovemight go in a ditch Lesses a valuable adiin i welcomed those present. She con- article which one woulti think was as~ put into practice. Two more self these questions bef ore cst P oldgoe frtaes antaos CclButnto hreo h îrying 10 avoiti a rabbit; that 1opeless cliest. Percy's score was! cludeti by saying that those who written recently regartiing the 1,tters appear in hi issue. ing his ballot - How can I vo e!t hling the bag. eIto!theprgea wichif hre olbckp hdad2225intehl anti Elsies 72. hati taken the course wene builti- way the girls carniet on anti then A gootily number enjoyeti the so that Canada will flot become gesteti is the way out, because the at !tak otetahr well groometi if in use. These pnizes were presenteti b3 ing for the future. The classas informet the audience that it was picture show' Montiay night. bankrupt? That Canada will ne- vote is aIl powerful anti shoultiat n rsrog nicnrt These foui' debaters took their Miss Mae Glenny tiurng the lun- thien stoot anti trank a toast to written in the twel!th century. Sympathy is extendeti to rela- main solvent? How can 1 vote be in the hants only o! a sale uain opie eilat hil seits anti Carman White anti Lois cheon anti social haîf-hour per- the guests.i He expresseti faith in the im- tives o! Mns. Downing (fiee Jen- so t.hat the welfare anti prosperity electorate In other words, I dowinsbytecar n;aog W,'ot took the affirmative anti ioti%%-lhen joking anti social chat Mns. O. W. Rolph, Presîdent o! provement o! the young people nie Adiams) whio tied in Toronto. Ne.à- Rainey anti Kathleen Stark -teWI,' s sitnc uigio! Canada will be assureti in or- not thinkif i is gooti policy for t h ue"yBni"wt presenton. sove tatthe course has been o! such value, ing from the stant given them i i etnnnxtMoayrntteaytinIwil etm anut i m fachseo eeron imlybe emer ! hegruthiei O maitis shoulti be taxeti." __________ replieti. Slie congratulatedti h the course. facieo vroesml e Caîmian White inlimat.et that' stutients anti paiti a glowing, tri- Miss Dorothy Scott proposetiiwa h mnmdu dbt liae cause they have attaineti the age deJc obeikat r buet h ntutr.Se i-tetatt h ls nar c campions can do when prepareti. I believe if th:s plan hati been o! twenty-one years Aln ihMs alwya h out o! them: that cîti maiti ~ T RL S M M E Stîmateti that farmers o! to-day lune. expressing the pleasure if the:r pictures taken Thursday a!- we wouîti not now be confronteti would ask the next ten men hie Snntm nteRcis" a eac oth omuiywih T RIL EM E S are tifferent from those in the the 'associations matie turing the tennoon b3' Mn. J. J. Gilfillan anti with th1e Railway Pnobiem anti its meets, What is the total railway CclBuo:voi utb r their cats anti bati tempens. anti1 past. They have thein radio, car. course. She intimateti that the Mn.C. B. Tyreil. The stutients colossal tieficit.s. Neither would iretdsofhsC.Rnt that most o! them belongedte10the Rev. J. B. Moore, Grand Benti. telephone. anti daily papen. anti modern youth lhat many ativan- crowdeti 111te steps o h on teconr esn to sa debeie !te .. ltAle niJc obeicwt M. P. Society.. preacheti at Park St. Chunch on keep abreast o! the time.s. as the3' tages not enjoyeti by their fore- hall in front o! wlîicl tlhe Pic- 'o! millions o! dollars tidbt a one o!frhem coulti tell him, antiMsdalwyaItepao n Ni anyintimateti that xxo- Sunday anti chose as morning hud She o!ten wonderet. if f athens who hadti 1 break landti tune was taken. 'il is at present. Neither would i ett elte niakt ly"oePo olg. iren have hart enough tiime 10 text "Anti the shoots carniedth1e the young people appreciate what anti builti homes anti hati not the Aflter reatiing over the report o! thle taxpayer be burdened i Wi thoe coultinti i eas they neady or he laytMnlRobor makek livngliv hountaxs:ttatudy."aexinimatetatereaem'ei Hbingnioneforthem.tutewseopontuitys! shrtncursenra aoehelthat.arkut. Uion och n inolerble otfasshorts tkeurseitse iteretninthe in-oughspok bri! lyo! te shelti nxost o! them prefen office work 10 tîffenent kintis o! voices - out, -sure tîhe value woulti be shown if duocs. on coileges, etc. Some boys ontîxeseb . tefug i t era peetwthuepo h-.use xvonk: that one would haie selt, shi'ill, 10w', cruel, kinti. etc., the future. lhaticome a great distance to take moreoldve t that th ugy te etasadprecrse t . Iîh unemplyancial affairs o! the country, antiatdo hywr wre.Te ta he anurs ifther wan't andtiemphasizeti that al may be Councillor H. Lowery. if the 1the course anti hatiprofiteti mu ch. amo eendive 10 lovestthathe nomtent as aiet -mnesoît.ntury ye tilis done o!the main factosfnlsili-frArclue-u Oit mait aunt 10 hielp; thiat classifieti as being eithen 1the voice absence o! the reeve anti deputy- she conclutieti, anti they would al- smlar tiebate be heiti when some mining, !ishing. anti especially I cesperation with taxes. sbettnuhfu erat scme iomien prefenredti t remnain o! Goti or the voîce o! the crowt. reeve. playeti thirti fititle as it i'ays renxlember th1e month o! i 1d'timers (barning Orme Gamns- !arming - is so heavily taxeti that MnYugasem 10bb tîe eerlPoiecypzes s.ngle as they do n,- like "hil- In Plates case 1the slouting o! wýere. anti spoke on a f'iomthebugyand'h5i-Febnuanyge 1938.riple, tren: anti !:nally that w'hen an the crowd carniet the day anti notice. He expi'esseti 1the willing- Lawrence Harris in his reply y( takllerthe augg atii 1e istead l arg vetngtnlti sessed with th1e idea that I in-aateia 0caatr edr otti maiti d'es her noney remain1; the voice o! Got. speakîng thro' neso! councîl to help in this outllnedt the drawbacks anti ad-i-ehyoi iflloe-meauto a spteiantiob ir nean, o! havgtwen ty' tnietithis planesso!neea e hpsahet atishoatc bl fil .the !3.m:ly. Ih:s wife, lost. Pilate, assertedth îe, v'ork. He intimateti that insti'l.c- vantages o!f1t1e fanm. He int-im- 'eh:cl-nexper love-makin. Spe- jobsfor one manob e ave tent nacs!oprsin.ree- yiy Lois Wcoti con'endeti that -peaker i'w'shedti 10se, Je'sus ;free î:ons gîven wili bear !f'uit anti ateti that1the -socialcinacts f"omthexpen,' ie w e hpand enfron o -aIth u-intention was to show people how M.O .Rlhsoebify pxy a tax mani - oueît ýid as mlie the rowt ..r,"Crucify specialize 10 compete witli vo'lti futur'e yeai's.T'ohlak!sae the fol- iýi.Mn. anti M's. W. J. Rititell tifficulties. He mentionet thep'en. qlz:st ix the i%*ix" ix enof 1Lcr H.m-." l-oxever. lho truet to pleoase markets. Elford Cobbtedick spoke o!f1t1e tc.n:1g itenîs xsere <mitted fronxhave turneti paint.eî'antipaper- LiŽaelites o! oit tebelleti agaînst Tepa lst xeln s. k retalveif,'ho ajority just as -we do at the Nra og an onnet-uora atei aaasne ri rite-up o! ihe f!.nal A.Y.P.A.hag'inapin feecea-hav tatoatiiisaintpgam Tkng1eprt!tw Ka'lxleen Si'k aici d idmid- preent limie, He tniedti 13ideîtor on 1t1e radio. remiarked humn- oui' fone!atheî's came from 'îee'i all of ah:ch were en- up, paint-up enieavoui' which thîs very evil that I too îee.freswr ei rtnat nDi13 the rixlv "txYs aîkept tep lus ~rc-pon.sibility ust as a'e o'ousiy tîxat xvhen lie was on the ands. six îng credît to thoi'Ce;'~ ' îx. rît eita- shoulti result in an entii'elv re- nanxely well nigîx intolexabe t. x- Cua ht.at hycnan PAGE NINE Iyour kdesare out î v.Watclxnxan. What o!f1the Night?"ers anti fatîxens. anti concluitet hY yello' anti naux'e on 1the posts. 91 toi. Miss Margann Stowe. Among verge o! hankruptcy. as eieo 'cîe ni1 hn I yfi ci order and failing to il,. mplomîd i voices. quoîing a huînoos poolru. Heî'e tîxe lighit fantastic was in- th I l 1e guosîs were Mrs. Craw! font et by lier being unable 10 bal-ensat 1eknipoexv f clens te boo a Miss Alice Bairstow spoke o!f111e dulgot in until 111e wee snxall .[f~l Martinx. Mrs. Wilfred Parny. Mns.i ance lier budiget. We hope be- aywyxhtoxe ept poisons and waste_________ usefulness o! tîxe course andthe1 hours. with a spotlight operateti IMPERIAL TOSACCOS Wootlanti-Tistiall, Mrs. E. B. fore il is 100 laIe tîxal somet.hingsote 11eln uswic I matryu etaDIRECTORS EAT OYSTERS patience anti kindness o!f1the tea- by LeRoy Brown flashing tiffe r- NPRGPR Ehi.MsSebRikrMs wlbcdntom eCadas likely suffering, too. At the t sîgn of hes. ' . . 1'ihUonth d Keitx Rumsell, Mrs, N. Burke Al- take a gu'eater interestinif heiu'Tak amlin kidney trouble turn conidently to Dodd's Wednestiay'e'eing 111e duî'ec- Miss Rofa Hoskin xprsst a intoi'xals, making a moonliglit len, Mrs, Alan Barr, Mns, H. M. politics anti that th1e government JmL oes Kidny eylsP orIs erfor f overrytheall faDuhenturyultutheO Irgreto!a thecousamw Aginiicuhtural FrdaS10 regret.T Atlnats.t.îDeAdcourse. f Casdafinish-eple fer'li favorite kidney reanedy. Easy to take. 114 ci ety cathereti togethei' ovei' t n2e t, and ltxe pleasuro o!f1the as- Tîus ented one o!f1the nost Frday10 pm. .S.T Aleix, Mrs. . GeoAramsBers. poleCandby tîxe people, fl ort festiv'e board anti partook o! a sociation xilh pupils andti tacîx-inteî'esting, instructive anti suc- r1nw, but 1Je usually gots more Ihansh Do dsK d e uS tielicmous oyston soup suppen. De- eens. She pointeti ouItîxhat econ- cessful short courses, anti a pleas- STATION CBL G'a. es Mrs. . . olea, r Bs. N x'anislx Io ds in y ii taIs will ho publishedti week. omy hat been stresset byth ant anti profitable evening. Mrs. C. L. Carr'oll, others." Orono, Feb. 28, 1938.wat T- :1. _-- THURSDAY, IIARCH 3RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM \NVILLE, ONTARIO

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