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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1938, p. 3

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THURSDAY, MARCH 3RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BO\VMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE THREE BIDSEED lO-oz. pkg. .14 winners were: Best' ladys cost- As e 1 1 1 a à Periormeti by everyane. l7ieh FY'S OCO '/-Ib.Tin.22 unue, Miss Muriel Chartran, MissA cough sud FR' OO /-b i.2 Agnes Christie; Camlc, Cei Ty- coldrend ite rewatifoeffrttr. Beets lr a aLte c l.Adte eadfrefr re é~Ik.. *1er Ft mnLuterNiýchai -An unterval ai singing,L Ca Oe Mens race, Alex Bagneli; Best Chilti voices with expression due Crrots 2 for c li nes castumeti gent, Mr. Rawe. In luymn or folk-song ringîng. eakfast ~~~~~Phone 680 About thirty members ai the________________Atthsteousawrkni Bragg family were entertained atnd .us th ho r of pîayan acn29c the residence ai Mr. anti Mi%. Wply BaonJ. Bragg, Providence, Manday UCKLIE'Y Gooti-fellowship anti fun, Marys, war RcamdngithtuSt. Bs FS9 USg.te Wt away-seninsp everig. Ms m Richr WghtSt . Wt amnsw sedugyset The Waterwomks debentures are ** * S*HOA 11S o Another day well donc! 1 now being issueti, anti the first -Prescott Shortt. CANADA'S CILARTERED BANKS VALUE YOU1I GOODWILL lord. and grocer and butcher and MORE ABOUT YOUR WORLD AND MINE laundryran. and for insurance Bs Mveof13" aeTHSdATRO By JHN O KIR WOODspent on books. Always the aid (Copyright) man would be contrite, and wouid ofebeSctad _________________________________ asure his wife that he would Inl the Lu,,auAan RocFoes and owmanvile, Ontario change lus ways, yet always ____ Most of tus, I fancy. have our island in the Pacifie ocean - soine temptatian outfought duty. So By John Elliott, B.A., London. a life shaped for us by outer cir- uninhabited island, there ta live debts piled up, and cares became Former Principal of Bowman- cumistances; or ta say it different- in a state of nature - with nia heavy.__________________vleHihSoo ly. few af us are perfectly happy work ta do other than such tillage One day, when he was goingvil ghSol in aur wage-paid occupation. of the sail as might be required homeward. with groceries and (Cantmnued fram laut week) Most of us, if we had our way, to supply them with fruits and books in his arms, the aid book- would rather be doing something vegetables, and somne fishing ta lover callided with a girl who was Mfter Mrw. Paterson's death in else, and we might wish ta live give thern variety fram land- olrsaig h hl a h aur 92 twsm akt somnewhere else. But aur obliga- grawn fare. I ar n ot sure thatrae-stigThcilwsteJnuy192 tasm tska ios a thr pt hakesonsuh etuesalas or atdaughter of a miliionaire whoie- prepare a sketch for the illustra- us, sa that we have flot the f ree- according ta the dreams and de- sae gc.he knew theoks"oid day Globe, and ini March af that dom desired te go ta saine ather sires of those who make them. his name ta the children af the year there came ta Bowmanvifle place, to live there; and we have Camplete indolence can become neighborhaod; and she knew, taoas fiealetradesdt ta do the thing which we can do very distasteful. Most persans l'is wife, "Aunt Thou," famous far "oTaie S aor ter areleofte in order a earn alivingTho Son- ordotherserelative of the a inorert ernaliin orau-fid hmslvsposesd f nher cakes. So began an associa- late Mr. Thomas Paterson, Bow- selves and for those dependent on urge ta be coing and making tion lasting for the rest ai the manville, Canada." It was fram us. Indeed, many oi us might soxething. and wartting things l a' fe h hi etW.Snesn hmesIsi Il'h taecp loehrfrmmd yohr hnsdfeîgta lus home every week, and the tute, Peebles. Scotland, editor of the necessity ta work: we would fromn what they themselves cari aid man taught her ta lave books The Border Magazine, an illus- like to have the leisure and the make. It takes more than mere even as he loved them, anti made trated monthly. devated ta Bor- laziness af beach-combers in tro- food anti undiiut-ed indolence ta her book-wise.drHsay ieaueat Ok p:eal landis. satisfy aur innermost longings. lare. he toterahich asdeFliv- -Most ai us are. i suppose. very An excess warmth and sunlight This association changed the eare. TahMr. terson's for er niuch like horses: we have been and soft airs, and of the campan- girls mind and nature - made lier 54 rdt r taken away f rom youthful f ree- ionship af a particular persan, very lavable: and in later years mouekr epeyradt as follaws: dom anti idleness and macde ta can and does make us yearn for he oefrteadmr n is ta i rMdm a wvork. The harness on us was put something sterner and more stim- wîefut fn xrsso.1. much pleaseti ta read the inter- on us by others. We are contrai- ulating. J C K <. "' eting sketch af the late Mr. led by others and directed by J C K In the course af time the aId - Thomas Paterson in the "Toronto althers. We are useful. af course. I have been reading a story man quit printing and became "oe. Globe" for the 27th ai January anti we may be tioing gooti work: about a man who hati a passion the owner af a baokstare, speciai- 1912, though I regretted ta learn yet deep clown in aur hearts we for books, andi who induiged this izing in rare books. He was in- htscahlend eryod wauld like the aid cltish f ree- passion ta the extent that he hati duiging his dreams and desires. O Hamiton H. Jones, amateur. tasuhaalaniertad dom, ta gallop here and there and ability to indulge it; yet hie neyer But, aias, he did not want ta part rmovie producer of Tororito, Ont.,agnxotlea arepoclue hart.Icle ta kick our heeis in the joy ai had cantentment. with the rare books which hie got poes the honor af having made the i the BrerMagazine aticfor aur freedom. As a young man, this booklover at auctian sales and otherwise )est non-theatrîcal motion picture that purpose I would esteem it a Sometimes we read af persans liveti in New Englanti. andi his These treasures hie taak home, ta ýf the year. His film "Western > favor if you couiti send me a goad who had the courage ta throw off bookishness put him inta the as- add to his collection. It was not Holiday" hias won the Hiram Perey photo - which I shall return - for the world's harness and ta do the sociation of Emerson, Hawthorne, ta be wontieird at, therefore, that -daim Trophy which is awarded the purpase af makirig a block thing pleasing ta them. Thus. we Longfellow, Thoreau anti others hie faunti himfself getting in wai'se innuaiil, ta the producer of the for aur suppiemient. (The Globe have read af some man and his ai his generation and bit ai New pight than ever. Then disaster gest a mateur motion picture of the hati asketi for a photo ta make mrate ging off ta saime tropical England. He hati letters fram threatened him: creditars lotýa by the AmaerCnm a 'cut'). If you have any f uller _______________________themn anti books autographed, by their patience. and he was about ermtu Ciea them. and with same ai themn he ta be sold out. Then the daughter League, a non-commercial, inter- scenes arid activities in Victoria news notes about Mr. Paterson I was comrade. Th-is young man af the millionaire grocer persuad- nationalogn tion with mem- and Vancouver, British Columnhia. would be pleased ta get themn for 'beam a rite, bcase rit-ed her father ta get the aid mari bers in more thari sixty countries. Mount Robson Park, B.C.,and reproduction. Such a lufe shoulti ing mae aoks. Hr, e arrid a a public library appaintment. and The trophy, establîshed by Mrs. Jasper National Park, Alberta, and be widely knawn.nrey Wnu CATHARTICS Quakeress - an aId schaoltiays his slim salary was augmerited Jh .LeadHrmHmlo h pcuewnaantcmei ar Wm. Sanderson. loe.by steaith. sa that the g ei Maxim, bath ai Hartford, Corir., tiori from the United States, Great love gen surviving children of Hiram Percy Britain, Japan, France and Mexi- Peebies, March 1910. 00 TO O la twa 50 pers ans wre ihe r Antisu" ad the mitio le-aMaxim, the famoùs inventer, is co, as well as other films from With saime added material, for tw honyming. Tesasband was s ervant beand tahet rdegla open ta world-wide competition sa Canada. The layout shows '.%r. Mrs. Paterson also was a native Harsh pils and prgatives honey-moning. Th husbandwas sehvttthegawia ert mayldaimhtrtheht-nJonesycwith rthe- cameraithetusesmeandeaiseseables.Pe thes, subes tancencaofwhat aiten aver-stimulate your a journeyman printer. He went wages. ful he world's amateur cham- the Athabaska Glacier, a scene lias appeared in The Statesman, intestines.. and îeave ta this city and that, always find- But this peace was threatened: fpio ns h ip in the realm of motion along the Columbia Ice Fields mo- was sent ta Mr. Sanderson, and themn weak andti stiess. ing employment, anti aiways buy- the landiard had sold the oltipcue."etr oia, hetrhgwyi aprNtoa in due time the Paterson number If au costpaionIs0f ing rare anti choice books. These Iman's house ta a company which 1937 prize pîcture, corisists of two Park, which forms a part af th. off the magazine appeared. with the cammon type that is he would store when he went tai pianneti ta builti an apartment reels in natural color depicting prize-winnîng film. that sketch and a full page pic- due ta insufflcient buik. somne new city. At first his gentie house an the praperty where ture ai Mr. Paterson as the chief there's abetter way tatreat t. Kellogg's All-Bran sup- anti uncomplaining wif le macle no stooti the aid man's dwelling. _______________________________ features. There came ta me also plies the bulk you rieed. It protest; but when they arriveti at This was grief ta the aid man. three copies ai the magazine. absorbs moisture and sof- Sari Francisco, she restraineti her He hati learneti ta lave his aid a master craitsman as writer. partîcuîarîy a fine book, is about with the foliawing note fram the tens Uke a sponge. This husbant f rom taking ship ta sail hause anti the vîews framn its His stary. 'The Bandage ai Bal- as great a crime as is vandalism editor: water-saftened mass alds ta saime far away place af dreams. windows. He was toa aid ta wei- lingeM' is very beautifuliy tolti. - the marring or destruction ai "I am deepiy intiebteti ta yau elinination. But AU..Bran In San Francisco the olti man1 came any change. I founti that Roswell anti Eugene. trees and fiower betis, anti stain- for your permission ta reproduce does stil more. It contains renteti a house anti filleti it with1 Then something quite wontier- the poet, were brothers; also that ed glass windows ad tturyour interesting article which wl vtamln B, . . .the vitamn adsttar that heips tane the intes- his book treasures. One roamn in fui happeneti. The young woman this book oai RosweII's is an ac- anti pictures. doubtless be read with interest biy tinal tract. particular became a sort of holy who hati been so fine a frienti hati ciaimed book. I baught it. ai- The aId booklover hati mabiiity, mnany wha know Mr. Paterson. Bat EeUlogg's Ail-Bran afihholes; no one disturbeti its a replica af the aId man's hause most in a new condition,* in a anti he titi wark ai a kinti grati- There are severai people here wha every day and drink plenty disorder. Here, in a locked book- built on ber father's estate; anti secontihanti bookstare for 10 cent.s fying ta his saul, yet he was neyer kriew him well. The photo is a ai water. Madie by Kellogg case which the aid mari himseif on a day when the aid man anti - a reai "finti." The first reader completely happy. His impravi- very gooti ane, and I trust yau in London, Ontario. bujît, were put his Most preciaus his wife were lureti away ta a o! this book used lis i inger ta dence, his excessive indulgence af will like aur reproduction ai it. books. picnic, the aId man's books anti separate the uncut pages -, sa a consumung desire, were aîways Yaur name indicates that you Aiways money needeti for lanti- other passessions were transier- showing himseif to have been an accomplisheti by the corisciaus- came of a Border stock, as It is ____________________________________________red ta the new abode, whase wiri- uriworthy book reader: the pages ness that lue was sinning against one ai the most faniaus names dows gave the saine vistas. Here were sadly tamn. Ta mar a book, his wif e and his creditars. ai the barder country anti ap- the aId iman anti his patient, _____________________________ pears in one or ather ai its varieti gentie, loyal. loving wiie ended speliings on every page ai our i their days. varied history." £JtaVy ai t ue J CK u .* p*m I One ai these copies ai the Bor- j ~~~Once the millionaire gracer, in i If .u m inu U IR U der Magazine was given ta Mrs. a spirit ai friendliness, went ta IN T E DM A D IT NTIS Dodds af Part Hope, nte "The Prafe-ssar." as hie calleti him. went ta the father ai Mrs. E. E. anti offereti him $15,000 for his Snider, bath ai whom were in- S T 01ýE G S M439 E , book collection, with the idea ai FIFTY YEARS AGO lot ai $2700 was purchased by D. teresteti in the border country. presenting it ta the city public Burke Simpson, K.C. These de- The third, I had with me on a WHEN YO U'RE IN TORONTO library. But the aid inan was Froni The Canadian Statesman. bentures pay 5%ý' anti are a gaod trip that summer ta northemxi greatly hurt. saying, "Yau do nat February 29. 1888 investment. Saskatchewan anti Mr. Tait ai VER R Msaouadeooig-understand." He rejecteti the Births: Lunney - In Bowman- foMeta, JeackfsheLake, ohathet fl :~A ,i A L1.suggestion with dignity yet with Newtonville: On Friday Wil- ville, February- 21, ta Mr. anti iormeri been ashephed s ongth ceilnge andgoo sie. Ech omf inality. When the daughter ai liam Dixori was drawing wood ta Mrs. Clinton Lunney, a son. ingly. almast iovmngiY, through has its own balcony and tiled bath and the rich man heard af her fath- Part Hope for his employer who-n Faley - In Bowmanviile. Febru- the Scattish magazine with its shower. Good food. Attentive service. er's action. she said ta hem iath- the horse ran away anti le was ary 22, ta Mr. anti Mrs. Maxwell memaries ai home that I lef t it Private hotel garage service available. er, "Why. daddy, it was a great caught in the sleigh. He titi tot Foley, a daughter. with him. hoping ta get anather Awyfrom trains and noise; yet offly mistake. Waulti you seil me?" seemn badly hurt, but was given Darch - in Bowmanville, Feb- for myseli. I'd like ta see a copy AwyThus she matie her father under- morphine by the doctar anti pass- ruary 21, ta Mr. anid Mrs. Albert naw. but insteati I have a pleas- 3 minutes from Eaton's College Street stand that ane's preciaus books, cd away shortly aiter. He leaves L. Darch, a tiaughter. ant memary af Mr. Paterson in Stare-which indicates how quickly you collecteti over a lifetime, chosen a wiie anti four or f ive chiltiren. Cochrane - In Darlingtan, Feb- the latter years afi his lufe. canreah sore an thatrs.with fine jutigment, are riot mer- L. O L. ai West Durham met ruary 11, ta Mr. anti Mrs. J. ca rah tre adthare.chandise as is sugar and tea. but at Ororia on February 7th when Cochrane, a daughter. It may interest present anti Single rooms, double rooms, suites are oi the nature af one's ilesh these afficers were electeti: J. H-. Wright - At Breezy Brae, Cart- former students ai Bowmanvilie -ail with bath and shower anti blooti. < Devitt, County Master; John wright, February 21, ta Mr. anti High Schaol ta know that the J C KLaw, Dep. County Master; Rev. Mrs. Nornman E. Wright, a son, large stuffeti peacack in the glass FROM $2.00 DAILY The writer af this story ai the R. A. Rooney, Chaplain; Major Lamne Edigar. case ini the hall af the schoi was 392SHRBORN S. (us abveCalto) A. 13 oad bookman is Roswell Fieldi - Hughes, Secretary: R. K. Gra- A very worthy lady passeti away the gii t ai Mr. Paterson, wha ini- 392SHEBOUNE T.(Jut aoveCalto) R. 435 whether living or deati I do nOt ham, Treasurer; Robert Cawari, on February 4th ini the persn ai formet me in 1911 that it hati knw.I ascuias a now D. ai C.; John McKee, Lecturer; Mrs. Digory Truscott. She leaves been brought f rom Scotlanti more more about Fieldi, because he is John Spencer, VS., anti J. H-. ta mourn her lass her husband. than 60 years before that time. ______________Freebon, Deputy Lecturers. anti two daughters. Mrs. Maria anti that Mrs. Donald Smith who Mr. P. Trebllcock hati a very Habbs anti Mrs. Mark Dawson, died about 1890 luad given it ta pieasant surprise on Wednesday bath ai Bowmanville. him shortly befare hier death. when 100 members af Queen St. Clarke Township Sunday Schoi -J.E. Methadist Church Bible Clams met Association was organizeti at Or- at his home anti presenteti him ana on February l8th. Officers with an elegant easy chair, foot are: Presitient. John Stewart, DO I I Nrest anti pair af sippers in ap- Keridal; Vice President. H. J.I SCHOOL REPORT s ail ready with grot preciation ai his constant zeal for Sauch, Orana; Se'y.-Treasiirer, , voriet of Lnten c:dS.the weliare, riot oniy ai the Bible Atialph Henry, Orana; Supt. Ele-SAE variet of Lnten ~odg.class but the schoal anti the mentary Dept., Miss Eva Rickard. A, church. Newcastle: Aduit Dept.. Dr. M. M. Repart af S. S. No. 9, Darling- Mr. James Gale was electeti 2nd Tucker. Orono; Home Dept., Mrs. ton. for the Pebruary examina- H NZ 2Grand Vice-President ai the Sons S Hallida, Orono; Missionary tions: BEINZ af Canada at thue Grand Session Dept.,Miss Agnes Delemere, New- Grade IX-Margaret Irwun. L ethu a in Toronto. cas le. Grade VIII-Arvilla Smith 78*, __________________ iiim ees ateMa.r _3_____7__________Jelîva Newman 68, Lily Cowlirig __________________ W. L. Keyes af thig tawn, died 59. *. ny nOhaao Pbur Grade VII-Murray Cawling 64. HORE'S 16-or uddniyin shaa a Feruat, WUiIDGrade VI-Hilda Cowling 79.5e, w HETHER you deal with a bank or whether you don't, some time soon--say the very next tine you are passing the bank's door -why not drap ini and get acquamnted? You're sure of a welcome, because the bank manager wants ta know vou. So find out for yourself what kind of fellow he is. And before you leave, take a good look at his staff. The head offices are manned and managed by just that sort of man! Every general manager in Canada started in the banking business as a junior in some small branch, and rose from the ranks. {Thtis is your introduction to a series of chars in thie course of which you wull b. surpnised at how't Little of mystery and hou' much of service tlaere. is in the. business of banking in Canada.J Canada'. chartercd banks want your goodwill. It ln only by goodwill that banka makc a living-and bankers are your feUaw-citizens, the smre sort of people as you are. 0f course bankers have heard ail the aid, threadbare jokes about the banker's glass eye, bis delight ini humiliating warthy sauha wha ask fat hoans - even that grand aid chestnut about iending the umbreiha when the sun is shining and taking it back when it rains. Sa if yau think you have a new joke, dropi and spring it an your local bank manager- he'il appreciate it. And if it tutne out he's heard it before, be'Ill till have bis sens. of humour bandy enough ta, get a chuekle, saold yau chance ta tell hini that the banks are being held responsible for the hatest ntame, or for the la@@ of the hockey game, or for bis own neg- iect toa ummon ptosperity from just around the corner. Which sbould prove ta, you that yaur banket is, after ail, a very human person. He ikes people. Alil ankers like people. And they want people ta like them. Banks want ta b. helpful. They realize that they succeed aniy as the people of the. com- munity succeed. Enligbtened self- tret Well yes - but nat altogether. Your local manager wiil tell yau that banks are flot tiff- necked; that tbey do fat enjoy refusing laans. They'd bu foolisb if they did, fat goodwlII is the whole cote and pith ahd substance of succeesful banking. Use your bank! Cet ta know the manager. If you know him aiready, he'd like ta know you butter. Talk things over with bias. Consult him. He'il b. ghad ta advise you on anytbing wlthin th. scope of bis banking know. ledge aud autbority. He la a part of Ise community. More tItan that, h. la a good citizen, because bhein anxious ta bc helpful ta bis feilow-citlzens in evcry permiasible way. You have ail sorts of intereffta i common. Because of the tawu taxes you both pay, you are reaily business partners in the community. Then wby shouidn't you know echc other, undewtand each other, butter? H. knows thut bis succes as a bank manager depends first upc. making binief useful ta peple, and dieu upon bis ability ta get along widi diem. Bis whole futur, la wrapped up hargely iu dia.. two tbings,-and weil ho knows it! A bank is ini business to a banking service wbere such ser- vice in needed, and wbere it wlll do die community most good. Se die banker of popular jest, the cold-cyed being who eau only say "No", la a man of fiction only. As we've said bufote, banks want and need your goodwiih. No bank can get along without it. Teilng the facta la probably the bust method of wlnning k., Intelligent people like plain tali. Sa in tbe talks ta folJow WC shail be frank in giving you die facts about banlis, bank ownership, bank aperationa, cash, currency, loans and intr- est, W. would 11ke you ta read diem aul. THE CIIARTERED BANKS 0F CANADA Your local branch b<ink mager wili be gladti. talle banking with you. H wib. gLad t. answeryour que.tionafrom the. standpoint of hison expenience. The. nest article in tisi series toal appear in titis newspaper. Watch for it. Sut ,4#L4acdMÙwd "&SILVER"P COAL DOMESTIC und BLOWER SIZES ASK VOUR DEALER - Silver Coal- Is Sod By - Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. -Silver.Coal Is SoId By - LJohn A. Hoigate & Son 1h 1u * * THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, POWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 3RD, 1938 PAGE THREE

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