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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1938, p. 4

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TIURSDAY.N.\C 3RD, 1938. THE C.\N.DI.\N STATESIUAN, BOWNL.NVILLE, ONTARIO PACF lt2 i-nt' Ei ht Tr ck ng Ru es A r 'Fh i tieurthat A T HOME 20 WEEKS lickip tt urxd teaîî Nr Wamples of is oki wo-a Ei h ru k n ul s A efreint truck licene, thie comentmrc ialI W T DEIlU TI ie taikitng %ith the Prc.,iduiiî ing that stand as a menioriai to iclîjele license u ad the zas tax thlex 11111hllIL U Ilfhl ISM lttcî:tc th(- social heur lie becamie his skili is the altar in Christ il D 1 L £nL(f rigit -Lif-wav C,-t' a, 1, Wf Feared Husband 1oil te editer Ilthatmaiv cf the face', Sara McPhail as a girl attended a' icvil A si'ittfeiai oud eyefWrkPgaobeitic "tl"vig o-iglht ccre a the John St. achol where she ex- _________________________________ihetiue ic.wee luil. rîtîcacf cwanviica lie. 'a celled in writing and won many Low Wages. Long Ilours \\'lieu lier lii.hatiid had heurt at coi'ttu' v saw them iwlicu 01, tlleprizes in penmanshJp. She hiad Cdi adi ulture ciattcndig Hi5.tcarefully prezerved anube c Il p ard StailRates 1 T jeiuni sesf, dristtinlact' uc 2 f e. w th catî ftt-*sin Iliie He aaid the club is icri samples of her tests in wriîigi of Transort ;es silo w a sad son fil'e wa tee-anidIli., back. this wotinatiî hgaii teth ink - igi iicie'.rco'gtflg that dri\ii(-,a a 'diýii o h i tednc h ae6' ade y7'.I Expected to Comin hfl v iizltîx a\v freiglit traini deiuiiiff, onlîii bi r c la-lied rates' lielitlic eid tic\-er work again. At îa:t . roui130iatiî ecf tid bi lendace thoerlate 60s andeay sw eVer Due Course - Trans- the Iizihc-t slli. havie c'ciilittco' al. trl- ieuiaîid to I chaiîgu'tiet'- tecvKrus - i ids the euiieratie of those lire- niato ofhelesewud 1 6.To xtesio of eguatin> bleexiindiure. I andthe hane tat 'eaut lic fuit iliat the Glover clani wcre live beautiful, free flowing. un:- n'iay prcliibitiiiigtrucks cii SuîîdaNs to i l Tiîe'e wh ( if e ailir-ulitii'>îaccmial.-ii lereolislierds. "elikcthilraline'.t te a nman, exen if tIIexfrl eua.nt eitn Cetdwith Powers cludc Satîirdav afterîîoeîîtanîd tler 1d%-c uiîîixfuel tî.tý irce. Hueîrlerlttrail woincn. Since ruiîîsccîict front the straight line. singulariy sC(eadesed îcrr\a, lnz s-te rte \î e -iwtci-werd cf the niight, lie iuc'd and unconfused. to Regulate Truck ijerti. c diîc ii-tiwax trafficexu - ieg a' tui e rt a e liittie te 'y uand i' subjcdterriîcu- WIise cruiiia lvr u mogte xiin-crrn v cepi fornr cin ieiliau.eîtrci- viIurui ii. back..Soel imneage, I Itaîlci cetefmlirG 11b' Aogth xiig urn Rats . o IiiitngthetiinberOf Coirlisi e cxperts have e - tacIiîiiîî iii tiîe iîouseu20 ) xeit ltilitte its ivxto etuottoîn House ents of her schooi days were the trucksou'thcTxeIeareaiiesseitheiietd (f publc sith\ it. \\'niî. Gloeur clitigiîîg ou tlle Fenian Raids of 1866-70. They i Tî fil t \eteeîi irtel.Ond train il,)\\-2,70f0 iii ail classe: aiRi 250 i t- 'ri zcd wlile tuk i ,r; gi. \e tid alte df erst).cuiighas hl i.Po ie o i o h rtn that . lieu r' rinaiitcrueIleai ix orsaaajit. o trid i e îfilP ed.WlieN rvdda Oi o h rtn petiive'ate Var ii ester Caada of epucatcirs' icii:es or Iiiiitiittc cf 1r lîr iie a i itaitteuittec ,ti. btnu ft i i iia\fiitiaceininh.dciîîghî iî-up nStexeorg.Se's aChitrel.Tornto.ii soelieiiteecdtsaariiii daitnito. .cu . i. jotleu ueii(1( îm a i ,ta te uk whl %v, til ndc frm n S .Jo will ot îen cilrn t ia ditici court 'the îîinber (if truc.lier etîcrat 'r E" Ic.- liaerî oil one of theLitt$gi"d. Tlîcîî1I aid. , t tri' Krus- 'attttesik liiw.'iiadcnimdi t on's Gar- iii Torotit,) idut a tic\\-setliefwttav lteea'fftlted(Il ieu ,SilicectheilNvWL'have provuil .atclard cequilpnîunt. rison Church. She was niarried roeîî iii e reiti w th a iexi et cimai lc aptl cd.t ailitît ii setheî te Mr. W. W. Atkinson. formerly rul'.8' T r-iieiei 'fexcrliictctt ieilie taixviilî fccl t heKucictSaIts e be xerth jil t tei aeteii rules. 8 TOI rsriNix u ftoveaalt1 i I ioceant zituineriususta Kdusivitito NiirailfiNewcaoftNwcasalson s on ofM..John b',îIllx tuai e o etttr11-(iftrtk-tàiti r oxteini rat -11xvighlt igeidl. t-111 li(jibk icaa iioisadiihMr Atkinson.rmiller. mentioned s-Il Taiui t-1tie hiiiat le ' ix e* O iit fitruîk train. " cf tetinedur " , cctiue. at lii- joli, tiiaiikste Krusiqci. The tand Nir- . Nlitcelcl withiitthue irelv, ie nPo. onSui' Ctriiiie hu Ii t rîa pnrvt ice ' tiifr t (,Il clier tr)" aiti Evîifec(Ili it The Rate IVar chatge tiiaile is like a iniraclu." oi'tfthe f iiemct iieiicrable ef Te: "Hl is irof. Jan Darng-Jý coiicetc triekitiz probueCatnada ltas pu cx roadl'nia\ icatibiii ittcd urn tc Itili te e tî trc-ii00is . --(Nir.,.) K B r tt" ) tliaiiî cliel met iig: cie 'sed is y fClreadD ligf knuî xi.au d a, te anine ectîtioII vi' ~ ittcr tiitli, a fier îcittil ' tute îerailîxais tlitttîlit littic rtf tv Tic"of tiîc 'ait' iii Kruselîeii arexi it Ni r. \Wialter H. OCiesu, Iat tion"wMr. te Msey i pbut existiiu ic ttc' ' iice' tiltu'fiîtincs- h' "'îîî" etiîttrt icl. 'truceks'aloîtc theue ext.cdiitcItiitv 1 ite iii'tetffectuai ui ct ftri c-tei.iadiîîg iii Auid tIonîîclaterbeae nseto fiRoad- wili litaxc Diiiiiiii-iîd eit ic- Association Control e\ct ia- ait eeeasieiial aitinxattre au id ccx 'tai' kitîxn te scencîe. The'\ tt- ways, City of Toronto.I nc.Indiated Regulatons Onî'eetionufl e ager fer thecea- ' %'-'i" 1tt(11111 the shar "lî ) I o ~ f the Besides their daughtei' Olga. 1.ai attiteuireri -taIf antiaeenxert thym sînce Mrs. R. W. Gibson, uhey had boarul xitlifultipower., ot" reeniate îlt ct î' irxieiau.Itfca- tei taetlwssa- itawowas iiea lariiaitoltio, itc s O IT AR a onMuraywhodanhi yun truek fricit ratu-. a G' tvciiiniit beard xî'eult l c.t tilt - h alrtîerchiied thte to'talivoltutme titeut ex'elled tlîrotîglî the îîatîîrai ________________________ 2. Tt'i gid regutl ationiiof h' ursiccf le rstaiîd ailte iif ficul tetits tli.tt'f i ~l ic ic mt i c'î : iu rtid,'liArha iconBadeer. tiso n duhe work andîl iazes with rc itiil 'fcccp l iil) btivu'citruek anîd rail coi-attenii'iof niiicliait' cazer te _Abraham__________Bradley__________________and____________ tefcoofpbi ae\a c ai Ieaewtitesnlet1,si)e moved from Toronto tD Newcastle thpati fitbi aeia vi -letitiiu. It fuel' that ait assoeiati' i ",ýIItoe, tote inii'l i [cezet i rnfte. On January 24th. at the home in 1917. Shie had thus beena intertrîtel. ietîîutitiuîîî. 'et tit) frcîîteu-i.texieî'iicitui' e te u "<eri ciNkî7ete lii' grandfatlicr of Dir.Ewart Sarvis. Sumas. resident here for e"er 20 years. i 3. To tît autti al utnspectie'ion ic n lltriciku'r xx ît d be 'tc. i" t\-î1l Iral t uiti i ite ftiiiscl iii i lictheiiateil 1 8,4. Washington. where he had gene In March. 1936. a nemorable trucks ad i.-uane (if a e r tifiate suilall ilecssaLt psl carietrucasi'eldIti\astcarlheurliforthtreanment. fortere7passe thawapaseientwat.ookn placeplce thethomemeet trullc'atid l iss tiecfa ecrtie\ficat 'rx iplte edorv fiir",xtl ThtitelI veta. 1;cka cf îcliatial uie"hetîc ritxia citiite freliei arl'mI t fiileago l. Tt rîe vtît a feciates aictîk xvetli tint scratch the surface suddenly A. Lincoln Bradley. Mrs. Atkinson when a large num- of iceree youngest sonl of the late Thomas ber of friends surprised hec on 4. To art atîîîîîal rîteiicai eNaitutta- kitdtild'iiilie sef-ititirtiiie. W rteIl iiii<'îîcîietll, lie ril1o Ui-e"'s ~aailable inaterial. and Pernielia Bradley. fermerly hec eightieth birthday and pre- tien cf ceur vdriveriitlit)artcui-lar Neutri parties xi luehave tuIl u- ia aif vttteailtctlaloidartgeict îcccmitm f the 7th Concession. Darlington. sented hec witiî a congcatulatoî'y stress pîlaced ci, vi-ion.t(Tîte etititii ii ic the eiîîîitie eieli iol"it if i vaîtagci"f îiek-uuî) aul ueliveci xi lîcrclui Tîte Siaieiiîaii cer aluîtini- Ont.i Bradley's Sehool> . address. tiowecs and othert'tk-i rex'ealcd cite îrivec xx ith l ~il 1",t1ti' i' fea'ilîlc. Tiiee 'ce. ainulte -1Titri' \\-as no ba'i' of exîleritice ,iliber of isues xil iiiatîlifve iearioiî- Althiough in poor health for ens et their affectienate regard. vision . ilier îliiig'. the tîccîl(cf tir teetiîtc 1 vîtieli tefranie att erîtitable rite liurca -tu c iîtcrestiîîglv some time. lie stayed in bed only the trticker fluet agaitî.t tîte itallIli -trtctuure. ticul it" 'tu Il'e NIr. 1airbairît. . 'te ardy n a pandt "ievratur x i ai,'tu fli auîr'fiIiuiii u ettc-'ae- xiii it l ie tatkei it ibis tiitL' I return soon te bis home at Belle- a ~ Cc- ui ' îhc fieul auî'i i itit ut' i'. t revictexxlItat xia- the iiiclcis'I ivue. neai' Seattle. His wife. and *WPipfArir.n. t' utlale r testece so 'tari 'liutlerruutlitxile ic Duhauîî Coutit aise Dr.and Mcs. Saci'is.his niece Ihiece passed o rest after cev- t ' 't rtiuit tcalsl)urt lboarud -itIiiar xi.îca mui e tue cîckur- ieî-liýe 'îrl tu't ___________________________ ,' ueraiixix utrilivîiei xii i it- aulti lii ficite piît ' - and'. nehex'.wee wthhiî wen ca moths uinas.a is om :o FIuiRjtxLy u îiai'x ts É-fieltiie" ut-tc-hei. \u!tu Iulcetic iLLLtýitaic eoftlt- , he end came. u chu.Otce nFbur BuOOK ONr HOCKEYc ii - îlî i- Ia uri iue--" uulle' ttl i ii'L tîu titul Mr. Br-adley was born at the "How to Becorne a Hockey mi.ilttl trca"t cuta "îîtttiI'i ttl ire 0,ýt1e Iuu- Ni-. xx ieîî r-Ili' fi Ohrief ril - Manîy 1hom865.n d eain tero-8t.Jh W-'Pih.H a Star"' by that great authorlty i îvit'cu il îtsî "Lit citud liat f; , 'tîas)lu. bItt!iVitir -îluuct-i ' î.U \ i auguittfOb 5.16.adbcm ne-bocn in DauI'hngton in 1861. beung T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, a tliv r.te- 'mure leluiic - iit t ,uiia îu îîu uîc- uea s..îibc t lrliaiite. art-e tl'iested in the West when îereetsontlaeRchr s'"a Great Book profusel3' illus- xiuce fulituacaîu' .I tte 'tî til -tfiat Icîr- a tct Iiî-l!i' 1' t' i1ik' i'rtir. ion.A h gee itenh adAnPîl.Hett::u. n trated and containing manyx ii- t'lttie-u uiuciii.iuuu" tk .ul i utinurate 'uti 'e i'eîîl-c îaatrmîîueî' jit aîteai't h U' e Phup.i youî'.tc-:daugh',ec o' valuable tips on hcw to play nu - : viitI- asuie euu'i andlut't i talicu - i1 t- t cti'ci. i uet' ueeitiu-c 'uetliitu. ey rof ett le C.P.R. and laterceth aeVlinîadMr P. the gamne. c titC'ituc ttat tlitc ii'cii i-Railwxays Hit Back uvt t tctttuc Nr urentndte becemîte a pioneer at of Nestieten. He leai es te mourut h l Iluit-if. I"x iL ui hcer-I Cno . aoa hcre lie af- hua loss h 's w.d.,îv: tii e daugh- CtGEAT PLAYERS iti ',ii-fthe uXi ck tixii - ti lu-.k it, x .aîarîultîcc"ito- 'li'itu Iýa- 'mîuuhiîîccfru t ulthe-tuiru'- u'i Jr b - gedin t~0he m er.MsFrirBalyAth. (mudrfofingGR rte- <lltu'd b - l 'a .T, sai h llýauin .r n>t gýtII fiment.busnes.' I I -icattu'itii'- 'ffl" ii pick tutu)tuttI ueliver \Vitîc- , theu tmautiici itt ii is l-u'uutallIc1:- :noe-d te Gîlman. Montana. îîhcre and M-s. E. J. McRobb. M . F'cr- Groum-LestCaain"o."est:twe scnis. 1-en:-c of Med'2in- Grouîd pic"u ndes":A Year to Get Together i'uîx vu' 'it.ieu îthatl. ii 11)andîhlit.- cc-ii~t" Etliukiiieii. tce ;ulauî le organized the State Bank et I Hat. Alberta. and Fcobertto" ui D3aveTrottier JohniuuyGagnon Hcrhie Cale Tu i iidsi adt auu.ri' lut'x c Iiiiici aulul' 10ciii-tuer ituirîui i It- irtît. -utelia- the preur\att' 'ti îhich lie îîas president for tif--onte; also thîr-.cen g:-and2h1u - ~lyNrheot Wii.Cuide Pa il anS 1 îiaî'x ae icentc îucî u'tîftu l crtilîvai - eo' x 'f oiii'ui-uf the iuitucie 'f the cld Pre- te 'ar. F r te lattite aum Blinco "Babe" Siebert Pete lly IY tuu riL ît iii certaint ecriturie- lii tt'riait gruiu -' arul ta heautiifîîl ears lhe had been a resident cf ~Zai Robinson A urel Joiat Marty Barry ut' .,ative fuuîîcui'uu n iauuî eaiîîiti Bob Gracie Walter BiiwllJoffre DcecI oi 'titi L1autiirt 1stut)u ndatulluit itue raiîa l chllIde'rtui- utîcutu'ruaI , tueeevUttiteil Citumei [Bellexue. Waslh. Cari Voaa George NMantha "Ace" Bailey a'iri e ae le s<r i let(1 vlc ui w Iila-oae n u\ eetv il Dave Kerr Tee Blake "Ring" Ctancy Ilit u-itizethlat a Guix eintiit -l.îiiuî rat lie couuld ul) l Il)tt- uIc ' out thc ulclutttires (cf theu exel- he was at the time of bis Ideaa or al ol the mo8iprominent peuers on :luar x'ui gîcthete ickilltitt ,I' tîtit xv'ukiteandîtl make '-t"li utlenttuuI'\ucotinuatioun sehtuol V mme e acaeLog.No 4 i ('an tu or Lgi-tnadtuucutîîcchougauuI wî -lieantiN, A. F. & A. M.. and ef the Scot- * Yor coicecf he aove faset'ounirate"s.'Vthe-c xx' t it tu ttc- Taku siicar. Thec raie fruitT-.Nihatciiiihaxe doueîand larc 1imtui t Rite gcoup. Great Pall1s. For a label froni a tin cf ';,ilx have an%- relation ît" raiîîx xii" 'lto oOriiia xîa- 25 centsit- tu-n r uiug lucali fur ir tnative village Mont. 'He as a member alse of 'GCRON NBRAND'" or "LILY r- 1 ltt huix ctii 'ertî (' uîîl%ulxviiît hi trucek. Ilt mXuitc 'f Tenue. V'I iniglît Durlîaîî the ModemnW'oodmen et America. WHITE'" Corn Syrup.-Werite îulî- ieit. iîîcý1iîtuiiîîc turuller 1icc--t" T' c'uti'l ix xiaîcr. Tuturaiixîa\ it,lu' ru uîu I 'f titi, vcthlv couuiu-e. H ssr- e ybswdv on the back your namte and tîtat hav'-e u îte t'iiicti x n-left oui-uIthe" îiit'iri'.;o TeIhl eein etHned lie L. ridley hBlvu: wio Thedresleandnitherwordsed"Hic key Book" or the namne o the e n vittte -ix xIltl'tîu i rl ti ctal'(.hiuul a 'f27 a uîICiIof -tiiiriuuiriiutssteca, Mrs. Jos. Cole t Hannah pictp,,,e you sAant (one book ruueîe- ix a- iaglzeuI. iiî ('0 i luîuel u riiauituluwxilju'u caiti chu'xv"'il i iii iuu ru'- Baly)-f e ee.Ala.and or pîture for each label). Il Tiat i' tliti guttu'rali ticitinu -a, tiI ' "xIll. truck- antdl t)c -uaitii ýr i'- - Bo o t f ra s. i S f E d Deer. ( Atae. o CccluttE' ixforu.aliituuA.t NittutlluMecineS.aE. Socbta.atie i - cf ~ utuuuiiri andiican, te hit -tt-otclu Ilu lii 'tiilui itL ilii t iiiiSîiueriiîîî-uîuieuut tuf Gututîxar, Beuxi - oebrther. Henry H. Bradley et iiî.r tou ur îîîiu- xx Iý la ý e lu-it aie tu taixu lui-itu--hume 'lump-recati u. I.ti' gatluritiiz clteLr- die mayeasgo EKUW N B RAND. %eil iidi tcatu x itl :1kc'-lui in ii u t tuiker' tIiti-nu-are iluiI iiiit tu l"utiiî. -l, piuuueit e Funa erics aondeedb fat rprin'f titi e-t '- uui 'te-x ient' iii' uIc ttI','i 'c ian.' ietiîîîu'lx. andtul v'itliughi Rc .VletcfVnov n THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD qi Itu t %asu ,îlia\ci l ii 'u ttruail, htumie itit ttiete utîîl'u-î ý4i t bdN\Ir. "~'y teMsncLdee ua 't ix' ' i. xu.'u i iii -liIIiiie t.x' - Titeit au- . tuic ,î 'x -tfifer' is'oii ti uiafr (,lie ( i lt-cmix ' v.ccc beld ait Sumas, W ash.* He TheGA-NADASTARCH COMPANY Lîmîitd - .l. t,1 l -'f 'fat tueaguîîu.î ne tutu uf iu ctii-ixas burîcd 'in the tamily lot at TORONTO Fi thu' ii,'flIt'tu li îîtt'htf ut itic i. clacn r 1 1t ilvii -n xtu ifîi e-uut1.ci'itg.Ma"hîas beside bis brethet' 1cm ituîtt- li utuîx ' îîîîuuîîu -' E Nai'rW. 1). RclIîbitt- uîîuNIr. 'th ushom lie lbad shaced long ""cýltci î.îî'-îî.tuuu-usut lic" oirnt 'Triill idtihtîtuliii"nOl"fyeau-s oet ardship and dangetr as ,'If- '-iA ietit-ate-.Ni fiaI ttts utu îcî ut theu una p:oneet' in the ncw uxest. - i ult.xa-L--(if tiîî L 'iug____ tii-, nu utrî i cîtîtuti u c ril--.Tlîu hIl x\% -s itileed Il r'-m uîu'mu cî'îîîîî c7ilaiina itliueir irifit cati-r t ctîce a- tutu gala a--eînîlîcuuîîuiMiss Ada A. Elford, Carman, Man. nettu fi iectu xiiîitrue mstîi-vItumil ntufSlechrne l elpct'e iiii t-N r. From Carman. Man. Leader) -ii " hate mi iithe uuxlrui rte,__hall___________________________NIil Funcrai -ervice for Miss Ada Titi- gou--fuir ereatt. tuuu. Adelaide Eltord. ishe dîed Febru- Probe WeI * e acy 16, was lield at Wesley Uie r Prbe Wlcomd IBusiness Directorv Church, Carman. on Febcuary 18.- T lie I ce -'t î ' r' mie %ias- la uîîchlhi \Rfev. Wm. Keal cond'ucted the thue Otîtaci' uGoeeriment i tihie n'- service. Interment was made in ettuat f Unîiuut raiwaviui i ins. L A Carman cemetery. Friends acting Tlituîa'. l"Ireniier Heplilii" hibînle as palîbearers wece F. E. Clark, i - cite Tiat tie raiIvas axiatteciut' muruhl a mtcb s hui mcitiire M. G. V. GOULD, B.A.. LL.B. WmGantRH.BNehA i)rOe asW. Miller, W. J. Anger and Fred e tic douîht.Bairister, Solicitor, Notary Hbs But iitîuw that itie lrile i, Inttietrhn 5 Miss Elterd uas a native et ivx n'us truckInui arceiieuu'etl ai Royal Bank Bldg.. Bowmanvilîc Ontario. born at Hampton, Oc- iit> uuî)-IuIIrtittti i p1reuxidueul îuf'st ri ltober 1, 1879. When she was a - ututmtiL, ut titein trubuiles. The couni-.R.SRIEchiId hec parents. Mr. and Mcs. 4@ l îîîi'-iumî la, takeit alîx.tnl)atlieticue Barrister, Solicitor, Notary W. H. Eltord, moecd te Manit-oba f u -Itti.utiuiailîîtiicitx ivhtieluSolicitor for Bank et Montrealadlcte terne hoei i iut-lîuuî eicttt"îlîficmiic'titmi ony t Lon. Phee 71.Carman district. and their daugh- mr' 'iduct itu' îuuliid ýiIuIuritt(C e",it i Bowmanville. Ontarie ter attended sehool and received t'orniii txiati , t.îiilizati' au 'f cati- - ie tacîr's cectificate hecue. _________L. C. MASON, B.A. Atter teach'ng for seme time she Barrister - Solicitor licld a poston fer a few ycars in DU 1A L BNotat'y Public - E*e. the Carnegie Libcary. Teronto. i D RH M C UBLaw un all ts branches. Retuning t:the west. siete aught (conunueOfrot pa e i mmediateiy easî cf Royal !rchooil in Saskatchewan for- a Theatre. tmeand .The enste tauhUitfer iC &C SEAL.TIGHT POUCH 15c "LOK-TOP" TIN 'alto par ked in Pocket Tins rPEMec iuiAuuiOCOMPANY O CANDA. LcuuTDun It is the considered and declared opinion cf Mr. Picobac that if it were not for Mrs. Picobac he, Mzr. Picobac, would flot' amount te much. She is the ballast and the motive power of the Picobac ship, and the compass, toc, on many an occasion. "You eat toc fast," said Mrs. Picobac. "Yeu should givo yourself urne to finish your breakfast." "Now mother," chuckhed Mr. Picobac, who very well pleased wth the state of his digestion was busy filing his pipe fromn a Picobac "SEAL-TIGHI" Pouch- "Dont >ou worry about me. I'm flot losing any weîght. You neyer sec me- smoke when I'm eating." "What are >ou doing now?" said Mns. Picobac. "I'm waiting for you te pour nie another cup cf coffee," said Mr. Picobac. "And after 1 finish that l'Il be ail ready for a mild . . . cool . . . sweet smoke. There's nothing better for a man's disposition after a sqjuare meal than a mild . . . cool . . . sweet amoke cf Picobac." %, -u tuiu it iliieli rtn ,'î- ui n Th' i(--tautilt anmîtul N-.\If. N. Nitciîui.'inut. a'uni- la icinx u'uun' 1'thuu it ru utitcti 'tî andu tu tt' 'nui nîtuthu' .'f Ni. cMitcIiîid luîî'tiiîu,' anu-tt iui Thioi' atiimuLu i icfu-.'uunuîGCatu- T-l i l" i alumlir. tlitu lutt l)r. i \INittcliell "f Ftîtti'killi. xiivaru- uti nu iicd t ) I)lu i tt 'ruuit t, ii ii ucu u ml itieut I f ia titîi. x i milii uititI'>1iiîi t" Ili> ' euut 1iiuittî r utuul ' unt and .î illutn if Ilii, iit ai T, Inu'I .u 'F nt i)iirliiittîutt-,. t l itilu- i', u m-- x'tulli ii "i-n. i 1 - il'uuu ',f Nu-.'ui- P' i liii%, "cii ', i I tt' uuu'. t ix hi t l.iiar , iîuflt i i 'îiîuuuul li'uiiiitî ri ; i e I,1h. ,ui, t' ,n iid i luit i .îuu.f uu "i. î,. nIt Nu - i ic!î t ,i ttu iI i. ttuil t uiu' Ilii n ha i t îtui-iu ti iiuuut ilut utiii i lit iiitî.uuu utl xxI- eiu ii uu ti Tilt- li iti'. ili \1îu' N i \ i lui 1lu. Vh uit 1 llîiut. u if ilu -t Il 1 -a ,,-a m 'tàl t . t I l ' t tI d t ' , t t h, t i x nîuîI i i. i - t- i -'t a ' tut'a luit . tutu aIn" I tl i,-r 1,I hiIIIiitij Il tl, taitîl-n utiu-. andui tat"nf ut i ulianît îiuiu uîîu ai liiîiti,.t OtU luttun %%xa>î t cut \i 'nu. Phenes: Office 688: Home 553. S DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. %V. Sisson e Gi'aduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jur-y J u b il1ee Bldg.. Bow,ýman-ille. Office heursc 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. dail:, except Sun- day. Phone 790. House phene 883. X-Ray Equipmcnt ,n office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS b Service, any bouc. any day. f F. F. MORRIS CO.F Modern Motor Equîpincnt. Am-E bulance and Invalîd Car. Call Phone 480 ou' 734, Asutstant 573. "lett W'e Forget", A. H. 1B0UNSALL Monuments, Tibtets. M rkera etc. uni Granite anîd Marbie. d ENTERTAINER c Secure RALPH GORD>ON, the wonderfully versatile entertain- n er, for your ne'd entertain- ment. Illustrated cireular free.e Address 628b Craw~fmîrd Street, Toronto. PE nany years un the state et Utah. M!iss Elford always wxa.s de'eply rtece.sted mit educatienal n'iattecs. She is sucied by twe brethe er's and three .sluters. F. W. and, R. T. Elford and Mi'.. W. Shut- tleworth of Caruttan, and Mcas. T. G.Fînn et Hoilybucrn. B.C.. and vIns. M. L. Bîîcbank ot New Yack NIrs. W. W. Atkinson, Newcastle The late Mca. W. W. Atkîns3n who feli on sleep Fcîday. Febru-, ry 18. folewing a four mantlis' illness. was held in fond regard by a lar'ge body ef relatives and friends. On Menday attemnoan. 1'ebruary 21, tte day et heer fun- cral, lthe îesmdence on King St. E.ast, Newc'astle, was fillcd Le ca- paclty by thiose who huad comne te îay tt'îbute at. hec buet' and ex- tenl synîpuuthy te lier bcreaved 3augltter. Mis. Olga A. Gubsoît. Nuîîterout; and extcemîîely beauti- tul flo.-al otterungs. amcng theni t lai'ely aîrrantgemet o f flcwers; roni the ultuzen.s cf Nm-,' astile. tise a*teu.'ed the eE'eent of the' dono ns. Rex'. D. R. Dewdney. B.A., et St. George's Chturch coî'ducted the serv'ice and aft.erw,ýaidsý per- cornted the bîlnial cites at St George's Cenietery. lThe pall beameus weu'eu Messrs- Hecb. Mutrray. J. S. Atkinson. W. H{oward Pearce, Ernest R. Pearce. nepiîews: C. F. Cantnon, Oshawa. Nnt. Sanciers. Stoutlviile. The late Mc.,. Atkinson, forni- 'nly Miss Sara McPitati. was born rci Tor'onto in Mardi. 1856, et Sccttusb uand Welsh parentage. Hem' father. Daniel McPhail, was t lghly skilled artisan in weod 'en; one sister. Mrs. W. C. Jenk- THINGS 'J ns, Kington: anc bî'other. T. E. 1 le V l PlbJlp cf Pr'ince Albert. 1.lle VaU lIte funeral setrvice was hcld in . h ltea the United CîtucîtArthur,. by Iis 3. lThe Plea pastoi', Rev. Mr. Monteitit. He 5. lie Woi* îiad been cleck oft tue sess:lon. al-o 6. T 1.e Po Xi Bible claus teacher foc sececai 7. lie ImIfl yeau's. lhe'e ivece m'ianybetl 8. lThe Obl: fil flewe:,s. tokeuts of loe stand 9. 'Ile \Vi-C Synîpathy. 10. ll'Ip jr: Mu'. Phîlp %vas a mîeýhew eo, il. ThE 1111) .Mrs. J. H. Wecry. Horsey Str'eet., 12, lThe Joy* Be wnanil le - Don't'experiment ChildrensC trated). Then- Relieve Their Miser contmnued dou This Proved Way longer--apreac cest and coi -X, TFN your child cornes down cloth. ;- etrJflmarrculuforuu tceatment that has been doubly Proved for you-Vicks VapoRub. It has been proved by everyday use in nmore homes than any ether medtcation et its kind-Iurther pro ced by the largeat clinical tests ecer made on colds. (Full details in every VapoRub package.) Only Vicks give you proof lîke titis. 'Vicks VapoFcub is direct external treaument. There's ne dcsing-no risk cf poilnj appetite. or Ji---ihÂ'digestion. VapoRub can be used freely, os otten as needed, even on the yoîtngest cbild . Yeu simply massage VapoRub on thi-cat, cheuit, and back tas illus- TO RENIEMBER le of Tillie -ess of Persev.eralce ..zure of Weorkiflg gnitv Of sim>licitY *th of Character erof K;nclfess luence of Example oa:f f DUtY don of Ecofloinv oe f Patience tooeiit f Talent of 0-iglflatillg -~Mar-shal Field. wit h .olds -to niake its long- ible action last even id a thlck layer on the )ver with a warmed Almost before you finish rubbing. the youngster begins to eel warm and conffortable as VapoRub geS te work direct tbceugh the skmn like a poultice. At the samne time its medicated capocs. released.by the xacmtb cf the body, are carried direct to the ircitated air-passages Lvitlt ercry breatli. This double action loosens phlegm -celieces irritation and coughing -helpa break up local congestion. And long after the little one re- laxes into restful sieep, VapoRub keepa riglît on working-hour af ter bouc. Otten. by ntong the cold isV' %%~ over. VAPORUS qlwrýý - . . .B etter Q ualified Thon Ever to Cut Your Hauling Costs! Improved six-cylinder special truck engine . stronger-built franse ..* ail-steel cab . more miles per galion of gasoline... entirc'ly ncw, larger diaphragm spring clutch ... thse industry's lowcst pnies ... these are some of the reasons why Chevrolet trucks, ever famous for eeonomny, are better qualified than ever to eut your operating costs! And that goes, rcgardless of Nvhat capacity class you maN' bc interested in. If your presunt equipment bas seri cd you long ait(]welli, you Miii start to eut opurating costs right now by replaeing it with nw streamliiie<l and dependabie Chevrolet trucks. Turut ini our used eqtîipment as part paynment anîd finnce throti th ie colnvenieiit mont hlv ternis of the Guttural Motors Instal- ment plant. Don*t hesilate to talk things over. We're qualifiud toadl'iîscyou on thse typeC of uquipniunt that wiII give voitlsust re- sisits front everv truck ini- vestnent angle! ROY NICHOLS Phone 25 10 Smaztly Streamlined Sheet metal Iniproved Six-Cylinder Vn1ve-in-Hend Special Truck Engine Entrely New Single Diaphragm Spring Clutch Wider Range of Factory. built Bodies, includling CL Coniplete Line of Hydraulic Hoist and Dunin Unit$ Perfecti Iiydraulic I Lowest Prit Lowest Upkeg edl Brcikes ie and Lep Costs utc usj~ Court ic e * e * s e e Tea for every Taste TEA___ l k e Yo ur Ti m e. lauiiMa-.pket FAUt, - NOW WHITE-STAINLESS -

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