PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESNI.XN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDA'~. NI..\RCH 3RD, 1938. LeaP Year would be ail right if the dear girls were not Sa timid. The man of forty regrets he cannot do or enjoy the thirigs he did at twenty, and rnosLý men worry aver this. M4ARKS Theatre OSHAWA TO-DAY FRIDAY-SATURDAY HEUR THESE HARD-RIDIN' BUCKAROOS SING A SONOI 0F BLAZING SIX-GUNSI> -ALSO - 10N WII STU-VRE NEVES! WOMEN VMTH ICI HERIS! WILLIAM HALL STARIS SUN. MIONITE At 12.05S'et3 Oc And Continuig MON.. TUES.- ED. THE SCREEN'S FINEST COMEDIENNE MARY BOLAND 'MAMA STEP$ OUIT - .Added Feature - "THE JURYS SECRET"Y with Kent Fay TAYLOR WRAY COMING SOONr The Thrill of the Century "'NON -STOP NEW YORK" London to New York in 24 hrs. 1 i' STARKVILLE PeopIe xx rueîad to suc the re cent sinoxv. f0 cover tilp the ce. Niarcl i i- ithlisu agai and l prinu ijii-t aroiii the corner. A \ o ua a- cen on Smidav. Reexe T.. A. Reî'l attîiided the G>"d Rcads- C'onivent inie Id ini TÀî- ronito. NIr. and NIr-. \Wilsoiî cf Perrx- t' 'xx îî. xisited tlieir daiglitur. M rs. Warren Cars'oni. There xxa- a imamithrouzIlithi- ditricteti~mz s4iners to liax e a bl<>cd te-t cf cattle. NI r. -aîiidiI r-. Ross- I la lloxeIl Ivi sited ber parents. '.\r. and Nirs. 1E. White, Elizahytlîx îlle. recenîls. Nî. \ r ta NicKax lia.,beciii -tfer- tcr>'n as evere c,,1(1. -Nr-. Wrn. Robinîson has ai.,o heeni en the -ick i-t. Mr NIe. 1J. Nellor lias beeti-pî'ie a feiv dax s iii the citi. Nir-. Warrîi Car-'îîî acc'onî>iie rN ir. anîd NIr-. Ros-s Hall"svell "iîa trip t) f0Frt 110 pv. ciiSat sirdav NI;-. Co'. Norî»î ii>>ho]asheeîî wit xxilier imetier. NI r-. Johin Nie Ka % lias r ýtiieiil j ic t" ixtlîhiue. Glad t" report Nîrs. NiRus î- a-t ipecýi ic iii jlicalîli. NINIrs.Silx r x i-iteîlix diilicr _r-. Bert Trimi, recetlstiý Nîr-. Clhas. Ri>I.c tus jI, xitî~ at lie r rtiirs. .Nir. S. G. Fl alloveli.- ai-'> -'tc 'ucr fruiid- NMr. Flarcld lirvsm-o Keriuîil x i- cd oii Suiîlav ai .Art NieRas Nir-s. \Viî.n axei. tokl a trip> t FPort H 'i>e.recetîtîx. NMr. andlNIrs. Chias. Yul1u andl -on " 0-liawxa. xiited lier tarutîîî-.MN!r anid NIrs. Winî. Sax erx. .NIr. and Ni rs. Vil fred W'dai faînils cof Nexîorii i. v- iieil ai NMr. andl NIrs. S. G. Halîcîxcî.]s Nir. anîd r. Wilfred NicKax )f f Nxvoîî oiiSiiidax vitlî his mothler. NIrs. John NIeRav. M r. Lexx- Halloî%veil, xvi e and ( janiilv isited! her parenits, .N\r. ani Nîrs. Thos. Fallis. NIr-. Ralph Bosîgeti and sonu.\Mr Exvart Robin,.oiî. visited lier siîster. Mrs. Geo. Morton, sixth line. Mrs. Harold Barmowclough. Wes- Icyxille, is at ber mother's, Mrs. M.\c- Kay's. Miss Nellie Shutka of Newcastle, xvas home on Sundax-. Soniîe frcm here shipped pigs thils xxeck. COURTICE Sîuudax v icioui Feh. 27t1i %va- In chre cf Ie. Clarence l>enîfotumîu. Ehîeme7cr, ctiig tc ab->euice cuf flic Supceiiitendeuiî, Luither Btckctt. XXuincum,. Xssc>ciatioii muet FCI>. 2-i at N Mr->.Ceeul.Xdams',xxMiteeanquihf- iuîg %vas n pii rogress. Thlic(lance at Euil. PiuIui uek - sliaI]I cun Feb. 24thi env is >red I i' >e s'aie parties fronti Oshawva., anud a g>'dattenulatce is repcirted. AX lire af Ilholcmeocf Nie. S. Rice wxhidi ->faeteuI iiia citu,-> lu'-et, resuliedin OIe lo>->of various art- ed uh îoj re fîmthîer damiage x a- eauli- 'ci. AX uîmers fparts'(cf s %îuîg girls tact aI N Mi->'st-uii.C>'irtictc-, (in lu> 2.5th, t" iic>ui> ,î>r giic-t, Nu->- NMar% XVilkii-ix b>-,u- l>iethuas ix-a lciuîg t leluratedf. Rn-selI 'jruuutur i->tltii uuî<er 1 uniedical cire.,Iîîtluit l' ft (Wia Ii>' et>ui>. uiic "f inca-l-, se -uuui o h, un tucu. Nie. aulnI Mi.,..-1. Xicai- vsi- Nie- andî Nlr,. Ntruia nixî, 1Be.> keut F "lt Mri. F. P l'icki- hu1ti>-'u' l u' x 'kthl iii'n et at' t> 11 iii>0 t tiI cute>ai"l> Nier'.>G'mc ' Rusuti- d Ilii - 1>. su ind and0euuu- uîu ct - litE' e' 1t and tt "'-t î N\i-, i i l\> Rexlu' 1>1-, l'e tt r'euii>l. NI>. ani NI>1-.li1u'. r'u ji uer ,îuî>l->i'Eic, X >'t , u'l1XlI . NE WTON VILLE A\h 'u-ijt 40aituiitlud lt>'-riatul vus i '11 'j tIi> XX 1. XX>ctî1îu '-'la\ (>"'It i 2. I 'riut \ix rt 'u t> in t'lii> iu,, l> Mi. '.ul, Iei, fl li Ml, ->:>î tt1 NI ',>>:>u' tý 1 . . \'t'> i 1 v' N 1 ît" l - t 1 aini- d1 iamg' of X -.Savurý juLit le \Var, ' reathiig, NI(iugrt I KENDAL Tliere- ias a jair attetiuance a Leagite cii Tiursdav eveuliti. Tir mîeetinîg xva,.iii chiargeofithe ILiter am-Y ccîveîuîm eîîîie Xrgi. Th minuites xveme reaul hv 1Lloyd Gla-, Thte scriptuire rcadiuîg xvn- cix tiIlh Pearl Huis %e aid thme topic bhiTeîîîi xvright. Nir. Beecli gave hi,. teel mîinute talk. The pm>igranî coîlsi-tei of readiuîg>,bx 'jiex Little aiid Ber uîice Langstaf f ;piamîo solo hv Nu rti, Falls; sclo hv xViinia Carsonî anul: mouth orgami -electicnIf lixEnel B<'s NMeetinîg cloced xvith lîviniî and NI z palm bemiediemiomi. NMr. and NIe-. X\Vmn. Patter-on vi- iteul at t ice uaiigliter's.Nie,.\\'i XXXînuaii. at Kirbv. Soemy t" leae that Nr ( IDr.) 1 R. Hanc>ick cf C>'Ihsrt ie au lt ii- jortimie f0 fallI aiul breakhli aikle ,jinuii- coiii ied iniC u me Hos>-f'ifal. Nie-. l-Iaiic>ck î- a -i-fcr 'f NI. C. . Cooper. Nie--rs lacic Bell anîdi 1' s Gla--,' atîtmîieul the Short C' 'me-> han'quet iin Oe>iiu oii iridavs Nie. anîu Nie-s. Vernon>îiPeacnci anti jamils vj-ited xxifliNie . ' iack-son. Nie. Haro'ldI Bei >"l iis-itîtIat Nie Artfhuîr NiecKa-\'s Staeks ille. Nie. and NIrs. \lec FI' 's eandu -cmi 'f 0-shawa. vi-iteul at NI e. Ali- son Giieci S. Som-v to ivar liat Nier..\uî-'>uîGil- m'y,% lad thîe iisfnirtutift f ali anîd break lus eili,. Nie. Gilrovxvlo ]lins beeu illi i iniprcovillg. ut c. te c >1 a i. M-r. .'.AI or " '. 1 r ai(-1 Nie. Mr NîilioîîSfaruies. Giteip)li. xi-- C -îeli Stpltoui amINe.Ex rttiteul ai Nie. GeU,.Cailif,. Statiet' m. Orouio, wii fliNer îu - i. aud Nie-. "cil Raillex- amnd eNir. Chuas. ReidI xiîlî Starkx\ic I imlicck andl daugliter visited - iruciiul-.awxa frieiîds. Nie. .r9ihLiî mu ailter. .X piostpouicd îîîeceting of the Hornîe 1e îlne. haveretummicultî Datt. .-Xta. anid Sclîooi Citii> viii behe îlu un NMr. anîd Nir-. George Staple-ten. Tlîrr-av evcîimîg (xxeathe pemîîiîf- Ser.. haxvc rettirmieul home aganui îult i ngj. Ni.. XF . Suilamers . gr. umupee'veuî. Rcresemtatixe cof Boxemamîxille, xvull b lc Speaker. NMr. andI Ntr.,. Rov Ccuni-hî. Port fSALEM Ferry. visiteul lier niother, Niefs. E. NMr. Rov Scotvas operateul "n Thme suject u'f Rus. A. W. fr appeiiuicitis at Boxvnaîile Hu>- Niacli',fie -c ruuouiStiumda s xx'va spi tai il NI cidasv. L.'mgtoxxard fllic S iise. Nire. andîulNIr-. G>ordonuîPuovwe andu Y.P.L. neetitue.FUI). 23rd. xvas uai-itcr. Catlieriuie. x sited ber cperie> lis Vicc e-ului NieM. 1 In îctlîer. NIes. lIda Stark at Staek- Squai r. xii h lix uuniuiaildcpravux h\mlx le. Rex. \V. . Narcli. NisNI. C>tui. AXstx ere -fotrma p)assed ulver fui- neuti ad diare o'f f li, prc>gra ni: secti in S uuidavs, fil liiig flic rutau bib hi eu tg fleleauder; icfj- t iite hadi s v Nie. L. Squair: reaciuis-Nîrs. L. NIs- Arcer uir poipular teaciuer Richiardls. Nifes. F. Catti. Mr. G. Bar- xxho vi-iteul lier~ parents at Po ru rie and<I Nfi i MN. ('>1ac uttf vi olin H 'vue * ver flic.xeeketiuî c' ut1< i> *u ->lctiui-i .C. C'llaciitt . Attendt- gel lîack fie sclIccuctiNoidav. 'N\i-- alîce 20. rce'sfatiier, ice are crrv f0 r'- Tîe-da ' ex eîiuîg'o f lat xvek îport. i- oi] the sjick iisf. -everal of Sniem uiieuif> 1k enicx cl NieEieeîSosîcli spent the wxx-- a x i-it pi St. Patimîs tieti- mineetitiLendîuîat -Niagara. flic gîîst cf NIre xx lure tîn.v veeteeated rneuf r> sai- andMîu Ir- Bob Nicl.eoul. ]vxb hle îîîcîîîers andit laul flicpeiv- NIr. aidNI(r-Jamies Bah. Leskaeui. ilegs-(cf iîeariîg ia sers fine -pteak-- >etîSîuuîlav at NIr. AIe uxvt'- cere.f.XArthure Sautîuler-, lias etigage'! t> 'igeafiiltionsi feu Nie. andîrl Is . a lh>sje' nic heTrainîing Selîcol. iC. on thei u ficareuxil. i T'- e> >uît, "f a ficleiahi- ramu udaitli t, e. Nie, anaiNies. Exvaet Poliamul are thie E N S IL N Y liapp up>a rtlit-. E N S IL N Y P ()t 'ir n fettîpli> li) ait ht'cui AT IHAMPTON atftiiuIingle<. Sllu rf C' it eu - a _______ 'mu". lihaxe rctuirtied homuue nutUe a iinuiipî'ii 'y. p. . l uet xii!> li.îpi- andîprftab,>lcla ie ul iiiun-.îîuîu-kuîîeiî Y ig PIle a- tht e' iNu- .Slg>i.i.T 'xî cliarul' ithe licgatlicrilleiibt' Mi-1.i1lgi1iLg "f C"uuc, Tli'ui .Xiîîiltx au gmutsat the S'iuair hîms me i Rand K- a ff e slitu > . V.Rack- Nie. Rot-cr-. T>,ectut,. -tuent flisîaî clmm uaa -. Xc ela xc wxeekenici uieu- ait(ui NIr. a ulnIdeNfr ui xxa -, <tc t- , th le \i i - >r, Squair auiind iar% -It'aii. tliee iiftleit mtlii i'rc-uuîcuit. Nf--> Clara l'age cliarg'. secre Sluine gcme-f1 Xi> .Xlice X-î' Mru i -. lgar Nie. auuin ies. L. Sas crs 'ind linmi Wr gli f an mNIr-. .i\,u x ru liu' >i u ils - \, tyuIe vi ' ited ber f-thr 1 k fý%lacu'-on tultii, îuatj' nu 1" tee- andu famnili >,ti Siiidax'. -'11fa i(:r\ iiifres-e '-ui> - .NIr. andiu NIe-.E. i)eidgc' ixuru' jice (umituîsic xx-n-> îlae',l lbs cluuine gue1týat a biitlîiax fs-jts X\NI-. E. XVigliîîf ii'\veuI ibflie FUI). 24t1i. f 'r N i- leatar S\i kt - l p 't '-lt>givei livbNi-Page syhecre a i ev muJ csaIle tîmae w uluindNI r-. XWrighit led ini frax ce Bibule -.f1c mt. Seicmai utlîce 01W f ii t rcu -'iixia->recaul hv NIr-. XX>arti ai->c lîresent tif. xuf.i.i---- --------.........1 Keep YOur heart higlh; that is the sum afi pilosophy. - Victor Cousin. A clean body betokens adclean mind. Conscience is the supreme law- maker. A Penn'orth af practice is worth a pound af preaching. Do not be quick until You are sure. IHere's Real SAVINGS II We have between sixty and seventy W allp a pe r Patterns at greatly reduc- ed prices. Get that decor- ating completed now white big savings in both paper and labor are avalable during the sîack season. Reductions from 100% to 250/ J. H. ABERNETHY Phone 431-- Bowmanville WE HAVE MOV E D JOHN LENZ Harness Shoes - Repairing Maved on March lst ta the Store formerly oacupied --by - COWLING'S Drug Store King St. Bowmanville FARMERS Get ready for Spri ng, We will make you new harness or expertly repair your present harness. -Tlie l'ait ing c>f the C> 'lt.' The chu 'iîg jrayetr xvas rmenti v Nuss Page acctanicd hi sotf umusic îlaVed hv Nîrs. Wright. .Niss Page took charge of the de- iigbt fui program xviîih %vs npfrescut- cul and cxtcnded îhaîks tf0 Hamtuton YmgPeople. A piano duet wxas îîiavec hv NMisses Alice Stevenîson anul Dora Sbauîtz ;reccitatiomi giveti liv Niss- Jean Crossman xvas. xerv mîlu euîcjoxcd as was aiso a vocal duiet renîuered bv Nirs. Xrighit anîd Nu--> Ashiton. Thie tuipie >-cl flue Dreaýmer' ivas tîresciiteul hv Nissx Gurtriule Grieve Nie. Alian uiV>ami tasitrdxif hi n gt nr e-ecct'uni and elîcure. TIîe la-t nuîihem sens a hum- ' r' ueauiîg bx NIe. FEtigar XVrighit. Reg Rackliaam tc»k charge ofj the rertcnîi îandclconuluttul a ct itest andut gauies . .'fter hluuîiîa s' te cf tlî,îuik-> t'>Ila1ntt>'luUnit>î %va-,iox- cul lus NI i-->Griexe amni -e' 'uuulcullixv NIr. XVrighit ci xxhicli Nlr-.i tiani clîarj ii>ieul. IWATrcH FOR FRAUD IN ADVERTISING Reputable newspapers mn ail parts af Ontarioarae elosely ca- aperating with the Toronto. Bet- ter Business Bureau in rcfusing space whei-c it is be- Iieved that copy is frnuduient or mi.sleading, accarding ta A. R. 'Haskell. General Manacu(-r ai the non-profit. fraud fightirug organ- izat ion. Tivo ienstances of nîuitual pro- tection of nexv.xpapers uînd their reader-. tli:ougb inve--tigation - carried out by tIi- Bureau, are cited by Mr, Haskell. In one case, inquiries folIowing comap I a i n t s nmade againatý a Tarante dog deal- 'er rexeaied that the -pet shop" niet chîandÈe.oai dub.ou.x parent- age, xvn.x far difierent feom that advcrti.sed mn Toronto nesespapers* 1 classifisýd adx-emtisang columns. IAIl thîree Toronto <lailles sus- hiendeul pris ulc_es for seuxa cm xeeks. rea-foeing thc dog deaier's adveitising oniy afîcer the latter gave an undrtaking ta the Be; fer Bus'ness Bureaiit 10co-n- duet bis business in ani ethical mnanner. Effort ' 0 cash in on *lIc eam- bitions of stage .struuck youths and gi-ls- xere revcaled by Buîreau in- vestigations int a e!n.s.-fied ad- vcm-i~eentfor.-concert' talent.- The tca-ert- hat -Concert cir-cuit i.- arnud.lured uuiny aPpicant ssu xh c-teucithat 'ho e t- r.ugpromûiter --ought only a $2 '*ie',istirat ion lue'ý' for ai, a7s ociaf.on sv.:" icîsht or .1îgl' -mcis e uprtf' :cîlcm pîcyment for 'ivouldl-be prima donnas and ethber 'talIitt Publisbcd by Tot-on'o news- papers in good faith. flic adver- tiz'ement, wn.s uuickiy banned when tl-e real facts xxere uncov- jo'îic-:lbile readiiig.\uîdruv Bute- les ;NIr. J. J. NIellor gave a verv ins~tructive taik cii -The Rt latioiti-liil> of a Gc>veriieit tci t- Peopile.- Nfcîilig f ili iIleu xxi iii a Fîoxver Nles-rs \Williamiianid Harold(1 Bîir- lev attended a Tlîrc->lier.' lBanqcuet at NIr. Gcrdonî Elli> lnulad tuaiuful ne- ci(leit ouiniotîday. wxviule splittiiîg xvo>ulthe bIlock, roll e au iîîng inî t» badîs dît txv of j i>tocs, île xva- litrrit d to Port H-opec Hosipital anîd 1,. ii'x uloiiig ilicelv. NMr- anid Nrs. XVilli- Jocs anîd Nirs. Hç>-kiii atteiîded the Short Couirse baniquiet at Orotie. .Nîr. Roiiald Buirîeyxxas iii Peter- 1,, 'ro, XV'ednesdax- nighit anîd had the plea>sure cf hearing the Madrigal Siii zers andthlte Toronto Conîserva- fi sSîriig Qartette iii tle C>olleg- iale \ndioiuuiîî. N-1>s lleleii Dari-ingtciianidNMr. J. iiicoredl1tif> fi thle lu e kes e'nie- ii in.\aple Leaf G,îrdeî-, T>- r> 'uto. Sa turda v. 1Recîiit Vi-'itoýr NMr. and(I Nr-. J. Stark andi Donnua xx ifh fmi îds - ni a -t letoti. N I i ac' 'îî. R.\N., and NI i-- Darke., R.N..,lPcrt H"pc. xvuî Ni-.S. R. NIr. andul Nr-. Reg WVc"llaiii, T- roui'>, sitli relatixve- litre. 1 1 1 COWANVI LLE I i.aguet xxa- xx li1 attended] la-t XX de(iis(lay'. Theie etinR xvas in charge cf the Chîristiani Cuitier coiîveiiors. an(d the topie xxas alîlv tak-eii vhx~te Fesideiît, '.Ir. xvestî>l Striîîger. Several fmomn thi., district atteiîdî> the il1>iie and -Sebool Cluib) n Crocked Crcck. Thîumsdav. Messrs~ T. A. Reid aidxW. .. Reid atteîîded the Goc'd Roads Ccii- vunftiniiiToronto. Rcceîît isitors: NMr. anid Nrs. Fred Nesbitt andî 'NIrs. xViii Harris. Boxxmaiiville. xiîl 'ir. aîd 'NMiss Gmaanm. .Nîr. aii(I Nîr-. Robert Joncs, cf thîe Sîhline hu.xith NIe. and Nies. W. St ru iiem. Niss-s 1ahelBruice xiti 'ir. amni Nîr-. J... W. Stritîger. NIe. atîlNI r-. W. A\. Reid aund Nie. .\hf Ferrin wxitlî NIrs. B. NIil!- -'îîi anîulfamily. NMe. Hne"ld V-an Plexv of Tom' >ii_ t'. xith it li-uicle. NMr. T. J. Sii Xlviii Page. Jcue Stex eisoti. IPre-- dulu if "f lic Yoting NýIemis CIa--. xa- QUINTE SEED FAIR clîairmînîîi. Peu>geam Comi-isted o f fis" giuifar selectiotis hi' AXlnî XVene Plans for the Most extensiv e âiiua n tiaiîo ->c>o bv Rhoss *\-iiîoi - exhibition in the htstory of Quinte Tluc l>ovs [)rov\-iclecieîir cxv iiliu2!i district have been campleted. ac- ana served it. carding ta G. W. Michael. seed Ir. and i Nîrs. \V. *J. Staitoitn x is- inspector. B3eleville. for the 121h iteul NIr. C. Stanutoi-*,. 0-liniv. 1 Annual Seed Fair te be staged in ýNIi->- Reva NIcGilI. Tnoumti. vi-iit- Peterbaro on March 22. 23, 24. tI Nie. andl NIe-. TIi"-. NIeGili. An auction sale af seed will con- .NIr. id Nrs. C. Cntliiiiiar, Cul- clude the fair an the lasti day. 1i1îîlîîî-. visifeu Nie. Hl. Stev eis. Prise lists have been mailed ta Nie. nuîuî Nie-.. C. He!tz. Fairviex, prospective exhibitors. and prize I1cîîuî visitecî Nie. W. R. Laniilîs. rnaney in excesof $500 will be! .Nie. andici Nrs. Ira Traenyle. 0 ->h- distributed. in addition ta valu- awix. xi-iteul Nîr. E. C. .\slitotiS. able special prises donated byý .Nie. andîui Irs. A.xh Telfer, Ti- various firms and individuals. \"i'.v-ifitINie.. X. xvnri IS. jGardon Hancock. Peterboro. is TUt1ipe raumicu. progeanîîSîîuîuav xxa-, president of the association. xx-th iii clinegu' " Tc-itieraiicc, Stivt.'Nie-.;iBruce Cummings. Napanee. vice- Il NeGIl iseauitig iNi.XluîiPresident; Garnet Rickard. Boxx- XX'nu t: 'cal<luet.NI--e- Eigje manvilie, second vice-president- XX igîtauulG'rul 'iStxei ru adI E. A. Summers. Bowmans-ille. i lus Nie. W. I.Nl e. secretary: F. C. Paterson. Peter- Otur Y> 111g etufle> Uulii"u y-ic bora. fair secretary; H. L. Fate. ilinilton Viii>'i Fehi. 23ru1. _XlI Stirling. treasurer; and G. W. 1trt' i nl euîjc>abie eveiiiiu .' Michael. Bellev-ille. faim- manager. ru ft"ef i ;iî'tber c"huuîîîuu. Camposing the board ai directers ______________are praminent seed men fram 'Hastings. Prince Edward. Lennox- Notling ;s si wea:mng as an Addingt1on. Durham. Peterboro. effort ta get along xvth people Northumberland. Ontaria a n d xxho grate on your nerves. Victoria Counties. h Enloy A Better, Extra - Ricli MiIk IT COSTS NO MORE Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 Bowmanville SAVE As MUCH As d On A Brand New 1937 Model General. General Electric Model 72a Regular $99.00 On Sale $50 - Save Time, Work, Clothes and Money- Buy now at Chrfistian 'a 1~ M o Washer Our~ Renovation Sale is stili goinz an suc- cessfully, due ta the 1owest prices in the country. - Hurry and get your Washer or Ironer before the supply ia exhausted. 3 NLY SAMPLE IRONERS Regular $109.00 On Sale $oe.oo DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC Phone 84 OSHAWA 38 Simcoe St., N. EIectric ds Ml -V ered by Bureau investigatars. Manybother instances of attempt- ed fraudulent or misleading ad- IH AMPTON vertising are being held in check through similar ca-operation be- S iaPeSca n aîe tween the Bureau and Ontarlo dlaN. Mardi Ilîli. A dmission 25, newspapels. i :\iîntal hýaiîqîet of HamptonC The Statesman is always on , cuit Brotlîerlîood xviii he held guard ta avoid publication of ad- Eldad Clîurch. Tucsdav. 'MarchF vertising that is flot absolutely on (,.3) p. îùv. W. H. I1. Smn the level. Port Ferrv. xviii speak on Ili.,' i to Irelaiîd. Other musical aind Ierarv talent. .\lI men welcoine. HAYDON Nfr.~ and Nirs. W. \V. Horn visi fred in Oshawea. .Nfr. and Nirq. H. Stafford. Cý Niss~es Loriîa andl .udrev Thcmiip-axva, wec guests of Mr. andlNi so'n, Toronto. visited at home. \V. \V. Horn. MIr. and Nîrs. A\. Sharpe and famn- Naster Jimimie \Vooîllev. Tx r' lx. Nr. Normnan Bothwell, Enni- 'Miss Gertrude Pettit and 'Nfijs Gis( skillen. atNr. E. N.Iluntlo\x'S. Clîalpmati, Ebc nezer, speiît Stindav M ir. nidil Mrs. Gordoni Werrv an]l\\'ti. Clîapmanks B o i. Oronio, 'Mrs. R. Ashton, Loca- Nfr. and Nrs. A\rthuîr .\llina -Tule. at 'Mr. L .Ashton's. faîujl v visjted friend, in ii ý-av _NI r. and NIr,. F. Coulter, P, M-Nrs. L. ÇSrx ulrman is vi~iting1 manx îlle. at Nîrs. F. .\damÇs. incîhier andl sister in Toronto. NIisses Ur:ul and Ruth NcNcil . Mrs. L Hindman anîd NIuriul lh To'rontoi at home. retirned iroin fi eilwoo. xhere .Nîr. and NIrs. B. aot'nîxnd ia h un (,il accoint of. llnces cf1 1-ean. ,,Solina. at 'Mr, E. Bales- si>ter. .NIr. andMI iier andI NIii Cons-tance Fa rîîcoîn h unt iaînil v. Puktn at Nir. A. Beecli-. taine<l a nunîher of Q..haxva iriei Mil,- Slîirlex- Garrard fractîîredl-,il Fridav ce efing in ionour ofIl hur aîkle. uLîest. NIiSs B. Nopv Mîrs. H. A\shton entertaiîîed a Nie. andîl Nîrs. H. \\Vilcx ar egun iiher oft Iadies t'> a (j ni It in NI amil nvisi itud O-haxy f rien(l Tnes(da - afternoon. NI r. Tom S -kes. Toronito, spc Cliirelh service next Suînduv after- the m-ekedxith NIfr. andl Nfrs. n'on at '1.111.. D. S\ ke. .NI r. and N x F. Hepbutrni anidNMiss B. Niorplix-, Londoni, %isa familv, Blackstock. at Mr. R. Mef- île-t of Miss Constance Farncin ii-s. NIr. aiNIrs. R. IBurns. O-haw 'Tient Sindav xitli NIrs. -las. Bmr NIrsR.Timle anîd hlildren v ENNISKILLEN itedlie mther, Nirs. L. Nidderv. ___________________________________ oliiîg Peofuies Union senlj"xedý vsiit froin i nnislilicn YongizP' A meeting cf the box sot the <,il <dîedxevenlilig. V uing NIun's Ciass aind 'N\r. Heard-. XX>îiu.isIiistitute arc planiîn Class xva- hel(l Fridav ilighit. . f 'r their annmal con'icert o1nIMan nýq Tavlor, Blackstock, memnber of l7tlî. Regimiar mctitie tlîi, Tlitii PBoxÇ, Parliamient gave a finle ad- ulav aftern",on xvhen NIrs. R. Lai Ire-.s. He xxas introduced fiv NI r. maiîl, District President. xviii -pca \V. H. NMoore. Stiîpt. --" te cf _____________ lîanks to Nir. Taylor \vas mcx cd <1a irch cal, CLARKE UNION mua, 91 ý IL a mmmmmýq PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, 'MARCH 3RD, 1938. 3A L ASK YOUR DRUGGIST a ý NORTHROP & LYMAN CO. LIMITED n.TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1854 CANADA Na. 10