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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANVILLE. ONTARLO THURSD.\'. MARCH I7TH, 1938 We Agree to Disagree on Certain Questions WVe regr-et thaf due to an appre'nttmis- unrlc'rsmfaidiîrg stonie îîîenîhîers of tîte toaa'mîi couircil lhave take thelicattitumde iliat Tlîe Stafestnaa is opposcd 10 thte lrteseit î'egiune. Nofhiîig could lie furîr c'ft'eîiu the truitî. WVe are trot opposed tf0 nixCoumil. Soiiool Boardc or ofhii eiaic hîoclv. altltoumLirai'w might af liime disagm'ee aritlî theni. 'AS far m as tIre lresclît comicil is eomîci'mneil ae couriireud t hîit' dr'ive fo' ei'Oloîu ixmV,. îXo'it mnîte ic nafc'm' of the' Pmbli ic'i pa liii Nmi-si. ou ie icîthicm'care var'\'m, opiuinis, Thei falet thlai aa-cdi ffe't'fromit sev'aî'tîI irîutiors of eoumi'il on ttIis nutttcu. tlîî >umît nmiit wae(Ilo mot 'aprproa'e of tIi" co il orî ils a etiomîs. Asta îtater of faî't aae admîir'e tih(' cxi- denit desim'e of te ('ounc iIil 1 !'t thei ta x ra te. V<e feel at flie sarnre tinte fhîtt the' toavît does liot wramrt to lie relieveil of cci'- tain servimces ea'emîiin tle imtercsts of a loav- er tax rate. Noav ar-cmmîy e avtong omn tlis. Ili fle icîattec of tîme Healtît Nurîse. if il is put to a vote.,ar'e feel tîte ieoflili aili state tuici t rishies iii t hie iatfem'. anid waaever tht'iajnrity sa.j is. of euiise. ail m'îgit ar it lus. Imu il deiioc racv thle nijnt riles. St aae smgs to meirtmilers of theîc ('O il tha t sitîti Ii rre iiffer froi thliir ex prosst'd opmn ioms. fluaitlicv reai izi' i Iex ar'e ii exactl 'v thle sahiti'pîi'itiiii to uîs as wr-' are fcî tîtîmu. Çe holti no il aili tu anaa-mîail ecaI-clie mn it iliffe't'frin mmiotr 'ieaapoimt amduiri'expeut ni)ii tiîm tîto hi ii aailli tu- wav d lints 0111,( e ve i'gt lapîpeît 1tiiffem' frî ni lits aiewks As far as twitimeaxs puillishîed inThe'li Smtî'smiai is Ccl ' ril aa'e lubis h str-iat ar- sce t ni hîar. avhetlrer if hlooks arell imi primat or îîtî. Quite ofîcît a statenemat is mradle ptthii. 'yvflat does mot looik so el-cI ipritît. We t'anot hlep tîtat. The tiîaie tii consider the' public re-actioj f0 a pîublic stait'mrent 1.5 hefore it is gia'en andiT ot i'lenî itapp'a rit iii priînî. Like incîbcî's of te Counre il or' ati- oflîem' hodIv wtae 'lialîle tf0 make mis- takes. anîd ae make fiern. bîutî as Popre lte uocipuits it. "Tu> ccis hluman,. fo forgive div'ine.- Brotherhoods Doing Grand Work Tltm'tiuîhîîiîthfil rurmal arias ofl)'iig toit Mcii 's Bi'Otueî'htetds liavc lîctîtorrai m- ized iimeuent i vars. anîd ilese grouitps are (îoiuIg -a vi'omiteudablicaoî'k im i m'int.mîthe' ilicitl lsem' to the wxa'of'i îf tIi' mlî.c.h.iMi- isters tel] is tliat tue B'îlt"ii iavolrîi liimtrIIIt itear'st't-m ilî ii lie îIf"îi(,tîui r'ural aî'eas. fTliiiimgi htîexîr. mîanix ahto hav' e eîî i lom-ejlliitli r's. uî'oer lax iii cltuui'ili attemidaiiee hiave hîteiîlraaaîîluî' tt ti' 'm'ulî.Oî'ie f fil(,e mît iimiport'antt tliiusuraut iliese Brothterhtoodsii ouir îtmnciis ftht- fel hiaaslîip and neigîr hîîîum ny Tlîeî' aî'e ita ut' jîcople to rltrintilie îitial offitle cltî'ct he nuisie and tIhe sermn ineanuuver' i ttie. Souîrcaalît front the' ehitinci a fuieiflliiîess, and a fellorr-shtip tri filfui ..lî'i emîogimi L <f thie souu. Iii niait a iîîstautces the' Meiu s Brotltenhtuîds are fili- iîîg tIiis îîepti.andmenid arme rettinr iiig 10 ehtir'-l1 îcalsit is thlire thel ira fmd this <miete liîrg foi' ar'li het' cmaa'e. After al. frieîîdl imess %%-as onîe of<ifltîme trteat temels of (Ihrist 's i'ch i .amnii f oîîî' caiitfrgelif i h fl ri"îîîl. il k liarîd tii kmîîr' r'îm' ti tuni tef iîîîli. houris. '1li' ladîie's if tht'e 'îir'iiuliuave lîemi so i u' i ' in î't"î' mt ,a'î'ri.. tîti î' 1lîî' officiais lt v l'sluiIiu'î.u tf î'a'ii'i11î11ii .it tht'iii1 ' it %va'uut iiiiil- f tîoi. it iii1li11) of' îth ttl uni ls-ti ut l itit th ttu tl to tte J)lltalt' l l 1Ipi!il<<t'l î'tui'. iî n loiýiitu1 o ut' fiiîi i u î'k tu (If, u l" te liiu'li. 'l'ilt' i',- (0mtiuiîstum of t ail tvtu xf tis' th lIii ts umii.. Scout Leaders to Invade Town tOinIaiulî "'it"'i t.' l iîi - li' t ]"(,ii.'i:"-t'ii r hi ir' tas c' rî tl o llj , iitx i" i fi'l ofis(mi <Ie. (ev 'fîîtîîîîs;emiîi Iutc ut uîîuî s~ li ut o l( i, uttt i x- ilI'î cl li( [ H iru tîrih'uecu.i 't .uî it oi îîtlîî'm' IIsiiu'î' fi.<<mtîg ' îî i liii ('i m T hea Stîlî l i 11;,"iu t '.'o fo ixî s iiiu ume uu titr. ri't Mr eàn-aitan tl~mn Established 1854 A Wt.eekfiy Nes.Paýper devotedutýo the ýinterests 0f thsed t ing0 wanStr anesetu,îgconty usuey t M tee.Bowmanville. every Thursday, -yM A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canad ian Statesman is a member 0f the Canadjan Weekly Newspapers Association. also the lass "A" Weekiies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRiPTIONRATES Anywimere in Canada $250 aNyear; wten paid in ad- vance $200 a year; 50e extra in United States 10 cover postage. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY, M.\ARCH I7TH, 1938 T'flicuimI Il "f iouu(If tt' Chiîi u 11' 11î Iriki( J.eiii.i'îi'seîilile foi' thîeyeam' uand liii' u'li' iii.utanquuet ilast rveek. hmiîgs to tiul ta't thli mits. Firîst thei' aeray filmie aa'irk thiu Irk u is dimg ini fli spoitsîrng î(f sîulirîauîu thle yoimiigsîei's of thete oax'. anid pî'i'iuiîso evem grpat'm' inpeî'fthaftte fairt if gia-ii te li oyras ait otportnity te play, flicffact i teaclîiîg tîteni good sp)onlrinaîtshiil. Bot] lte ( 'lti' Lcagtie anîd the Litons Leagu are dinig a disfinef service bt te ytt oif flictoar'mtimiproa'idiîîîrtfhicoppo'tummitit te ieaiI. II) play antd te cuttivate i.trit Thle îîtlîerm porîî<1tanti mattet' it lii t( iîuimîîlis thte iipeel of a iii'a 'imkiii ua' ilis hatve diisissed the' mîatte' andtulîiam htave lîcemi maar'm, luit uotlîing fntum'ht'r li bteiî u ecuiîpl ýShe d. It axeuid s"ellîîi hî arhuittis îîî'u'tlt'îls ti ;r'îttiemif itizen'ii éiîiî'i.'rtutgirelte ltecessat'x-leader'ship t( gret tt' uiîuae fui' it le; ra' tu'tiit nîieî' aa A sti'yriik is a îîeeessitr iinmorîie xxaa thiai uitu. ntî hel iii îîruîîail Surffer' luth fi'î-m t siia'ti andîj ia blisiiîess staiilîî<int if simil, aotion ii is ot suîîîîttkeiï. Acquire Sense of Citizenship W. Fr'manîk hîmemitirgasî. iAssistant ui uthei Iîre..iîhi.t ofuin' hiatl OI im Aiiietl.i i i eotîmtmihîîmîiîîî itlt'efeatuire' ()iil tis page. "Makig Cantada a Bette 'lPau'e ini ar'li t iv îe*' ' ast rrepk ltad msulne' emîai'ks fual arne ixr-o' t, i if eoiin t. Idle murge's ' pon (Aîiadiîs lthe ncessitv ofAic etui'iîg a l'ei selise tof cifizeutslipi. Neaci'au'w4itItis mtore imuilîrtaniiithlaîî at t he presemîf fi mite u'hîii îîmîîaiîmtes arîe tlîreateu itg t lus anid Mlmîîîi argîîîneîîîs are flyinmg lîaek anid fcthl as tii the u'iglîîs tif thIe pro'i lices. Tîht' aa'oi i tîiuîg fends tiirni îîre phroviuieiaiiisîin. morîie îiaracelialisimî. îatliei' Ihiaiithe' hîm'aîiem icilal spnit tîtat is su hadlît'neîetî'î!i titis C-'ouinrv. 'fht'i'uamrn'st'a'e'u wi(ui hy a'ivihis is mam- m'oau'spîir'it îxi..s. "li e t'îsmîuuîpîîiamhptop- s îi 'a - ilt'îlîîîa foim' iaitiiîlais lui se"- I»L,x sIî'tî. t1: ht' ýa ol"' i îîîîî hî' î' lr ge-i prîum'uîai'. lth e 'îtanms gaI liii' lui Ilin i' thueim'l 'ît us auî 'uîiti Eîi'rctîia.. of î'tî'l m'Iwwî' as st'îa'îî ttimpin" iittAi' ii- lItîtîtîl ti'. ratllie'r' tian i miiuldiiig iail tlu .'e pîîuîîlî. iîîîl it ' .."iî'tît îtîî'î'- C(tiuitîhiî s. 011.iii' iaitgoia'i'mmil I'm tit s ti i n i nii iiSîiiit IIiI I'ti.u ' l 'oi- hi... lhIli umutil a ai"la ' a'u'îîî'a s î'î'î't 101' 1(lîîî us ti ttit î aîîhiuîuîon' i lr"m'e îolî P i t i l t îi- îîlî a iii î sitii î'iVi t./.i'itlj tutui ul It îil anttdît'. t oîîl - 114ii, uîîîîlii i l îr' îi bi î i l ,,n' t u . î î h î ' îi î î ' I i tI tu uroll qlu t Siautiu liii tl i'in' i"'tih i'.t.t tîliî'ul l lît 11,hi' o i i 1 <'uut'iii (Il*Cii ll a ' *u î utl t.. uX; l lix au tî li ~ulti'tliii i Ius îm-î i11i il t iii' il ti.1', 1l'mî 11wit i-k, l'y iuls mi iuîui-4 10itl . h 11wif*' Is >iniitiii l ior ii-111 Editorial Notes A\tî'îîîioîîor 14t' l a 'tî'îîa.vr'u s j, iiî"i'î'i foi a ut t er, ini flic " V'iev ouIt'tille uujihi î'îulîîîîîîî onithie timel' suihjeiuf FEilwtat iîîî loi.i t;t(.' t w5.,'. lieilil ias a<i <bit lu'iit (Il illo ut Selîîîîîilsio l . ', l . aeIling nomthern irer*biage. Nglt li i ii < î lmriîrtîam -" and nirning xxe squeezlir attI Irae j thot g,51u.. i t ur iithiglanîurrsi at' oa drop off tacteai liqcid ouIt(iff ber 1J"", A' foi' piscatery princes fr'om Pîila- i imi'Blianlnjdsa'c-n195,36nt deiphia and ail points souî.b b "Jîmsice .thîe mural i SiificitiI.îi '37 have< cft'czed saz'ings to i"b'plîone ta'a.slr doxxn freszir caught fisîî mb oof laux. [mi,. i.iccileclare. thie tibsoc'mîc'Wilims lirir veI fd fame. îf tîu'.-v -v Iakr Eddy lis<rs in Onhario and Qu'bac of their wil fed ramFranl"" WuliiamPal Wben Mildred hired ont tire-."i arc ilt ust btiicaimse tîrex do'u 'marl' one million dollars >'early. ax-as no mention off traru.sprrtat ion iio, aronumgt lie waulin uxilli iotar'îi being prox'ided . ..none teally ne%%,iemilire nimrv, ic i..trulvIe jîît.' Manager coutd be ... sire lrad to lake aîe-Cmbeîrlandî thai eliîildreîil 1111tiever lhe cheeked 1'eliinilndIc. or ini any wiv represseé erev lt uî hsedl on a false a nd trasli.v lip* izy. Theie rild and sensible diseîpîi 1tIe 8ov Soolt ttraillilin, N its nt'st ii t an!tatlr lF'ffoitd)er t lteMo veilint.L Ba'i', -1, ý OL Sa vs of S'oi ii' 'h1) i tIia ' il'ilîrin11in thle ciiltivation lilut t i the îe of hiolior. If Spoll iin illo 01VtIan evîîke tiis (111e dtit aillli-lt2al elasses it wol](l lie worthmliw for. lioiior ks the root foundfation for a son Iicgi soijeictiatioli.* Thîis ivas neyer bore true tItan at the 1 sent tinte wlieni wc sec in Europe thee stant dl shonoring of international ot atiomis. It is interesting to note in tItise neetionî that the fthree dictator-goveri nîations. Russia. Griayantd talY. lu aIl bainied the Scout Movement wli teaelies thle Ilighi value of I)ersottal lîoi The weeklyv periodical 4S-atiurdav Nigir "io. liïoht anloîher anle wlieili[t un tî Î,at attîe Seout dinner alread v referi t, 1the fau't thlat Scoutillg. attraî'ted C ada 's iluîst ilifIlîcîtjal biisiîîess monem. M j ke Lord I *weedsiuîîr, Si r Edlwa rd Bèat J>residenît of thle (.l.R.:lin. Dr. lierli A. Briiî.. tlie Ieads or aIl the great hm ii (imnl.ani seoî'es of -ilatt sîrc l0isjes tais are actîvelv eoliiievtetl wi Soltii as offiuia s of tilic Association tt' l)oîlnillioîi andtihîe Provinces. Bownanvjlie lias becît muuîst kiuîdlv tot Scout Moveîaenit. Foi' 13 cvars Sýeoutii hias ýomtiniue(lin ithe towiî. lîaviiig its il andii dowiîs i t is truc. but nieyer'strouîg tlian at the l)tescnt timie. Lt lias lit) clot plaved a part ini gettil)(g the l)est ouit of tl liy of < lîe towîi. and of lielpimig p pare the twm S Yoîtlî for. îuanliood. Soe lhope thiat citizens w~ill avuleumiei visitni. Souit,, tlis avcekend and avilI tîteir lost to miake tliaftel av'lorne an a t hiome. Youth Suffers Through Lack of Rink THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO a'il J V £1 ANAYD5THE CORNER ling enough to any one who -bas o t u a i )ar staietethe o-k I I0 - MK N CND r u d1examined the whole question. a d ilz f o riuîit e arm ns th d- A r o unf th e c o r n e r I h a v e a f r ie n d . B e in g a m e mi b e r o f f t e B o a r d set-a nfLau m n a k ers of A B tt e r l a c e n W h ic t o L v e a n W o r k In t is great city th at as no end . cf the H igh School hiere. I have Ile W . .\ ha e s t a i i or 'A B tte Plce n W ich o Lve nd ork Yet days go by and weeks rush on. been more or- less intimately cofln-,tlîrece(itl. Lt .,lould bc folow i 1)1(1' ~~And before I know it a year lias: nected a:hte u-:n rn u<îkuther,. ationdal orcleutaions Seie o L ttrs fr m lsj~~~ sh d an dins onvital gone, local angle. and. ealiz.flg ffro m o t k ot me atr rvn L~ordÎ Probiele s Affeeting the Future Velfare of Canada And I ne er see m y old frien d' the s'art.,le 1hoPeleszi îefficie f2y ;c ilî, e. riniv nl" haSi > S pi yW r tten for Cana ian W e i e s a e s A s c ai nF rface , 1off our present 5sy te m off secon- , î)Ial]\a % ecks ago The Finan- Weely ewsapes Ssoiaton orlife is a swift and te.rrble dar;, education. and the absolute i-t rcv attention to the wav II(l 1 rce., aas-e of imcney and effort in Pro- 'I lilUdceegatioîîs funlctiomi. i m î L E T T E R N O . 4 r a e .% d i i g n t i e m r n or es t a n a ~ î k , n m re a s a lo t o f tu ~~~~~~~Jim knows I like im just. as weil a build Up ffor the UniversitY. I r. itoiasigfoasstnef Dear Mr. James:ical situation. and there are those As in the days whien I rang biis an.m trongýly in favor ofOf payîf-Le, khiid or another. A govenrrment bell mv shot toward any change that 1 ue~native thanks crvn andI hl, I have always felt that he wh:ch are the direct result off And le rang mine. We were will benefit the masses. Anco I ani i t,,rire- lirt-i'lerioms cotîsideration.' juin(], "Weeklies" off this country are a public extravagance and a gen- younger then. wiîng b lae sallmo ,gge'FWlre are sitnile., aIl rouind and the farmor ifluntil nd mpoi-eral disregard off the ordinary But now we are busy, tired men-onthefuture off my crie youngt i'irasiiwtotaysr ant section of the Canadian 1 awsoff economies in those daYs Tired aith playing afoibhpfl f< rlhpa oiof. îi II sî of1 itional or ser- mel- esnd.than cary op i ndr-when we Were more prosperous game-a ols our future CitiZefl5. ' ia ifi con-~nt stn.Te ar the homes than we have lately been. Treiwtityig omae nm. he t s n pe ac ta li- off iheir readers intimate Trdwtlocalomkaaeý oeu iafakexhneo news that has a direct interest There are problemas ahead, also, -Tomorrow," I say, "I will call on wviîlan a short period tîae new, Wiiîrîtaank exehsare of t 0i and their influence is according- xhich seemn to arise out of racial Jim course will be compuisory. with f l i îedetit areof the .led ly great. That is one reason why ciferences and ffrom the ffact that Just to show that I'm thinking of no guaran:ee that thle Province xaltic. IIra1îlin tervewwa h aVe I believe that the railways per- in various parts off ibis country h'Im." litea eeou si srgîaaii iu japr neve a utform a useful service to the con we have communities who find it But tomorrow comes - and to- w l cok is nto s ase off trie lat %eek, scl meetings try in helping to make it possible dtfficult 10 t.ink along the lines morrow goes- qusio.arli aajll itctca o vre 1101. for the editors and publishers off of those off us who live in other And the distance between us qusin.«îvoenr.aie lit ' the weekly newspapers to travel areas. grows and groavs. n. und hee rosem offn In my humble opinion, the edi- Around the corner! Yet miles paying o hs rpsdcag ted trs of ,,.~,r,, way!es. the pupil off todar uao re- trofthe %vel newspapers wy ceives the advantages. 'vill be the Newspapermnef Set Precedent reti aa~~~ould do well to devote study and ..rsa eera.sr" Jm ta aer off tomort'ow. and aviil I citiiietIum PII ami-' apace 10 sch natirnl problem ý:aet uhntoa rbes died tody carry a fair share off the exper-sei \\>, haxe jti>t c)i eomrrlct' the joli leias these I have indicated. I know Adta' htw e n novd 6wc-vadll-ek den of no better help to arriving ai nt h wa egl- ad nole. Juiîît 7oxvikivaI .enti- eek t '.v -Ound constructive decisions than Aoudseh con teen.a do, hyshould I îamb~le 0o1. 1 i-tutuer l e\td'uni t1itîmîr s dwe s )et run hecrnra aisid onot pas' taxes in your loren. x ra *\a. n uiCc i de x miay be found in the exchange of friend! bu, aita a fairly large contrîbutor t ,i t1. ilt i, I,-inaI! tIik. W have ideas avhich will be a natural re-netpci olI uIt ff ourmeeing ogehermnCharles Hanson Towne in mine. ,înd ani both hiands up r-.i t rrh for tir uveekîx irli '. convention. 1 have an idea that fx h îag.ahih.t enslitii-iic nl eaIl eve.rv mtany of these problems would !j tiioe.fmrstI e zcin:n. i.'n fthlr-leu- itvc e.r- n o t e x i s t, we r e a l I C a n a d ia p s e v e n v n e t D a I nd u a i n f r t e a - e .i o l t ir î li a a v m i h h . reasonably well informed on th'e j-ume taiiu cuiilli n'iti holl ie * ., ~points off v'ew held by their fel- AHg colEadMnbrnti ieaeiîcte om th li from out off Tora'n. 'iii! 1t .a I tue ic t! cri. Iteirg imi thce lIme ~ lo-citizens in other parts of the iii country. Education for the Massesîikck ,'ut o if-rîttiiii.'iîlg the di f- Undoubtedly some off the diffi- Marchi 11, 1938 woart n t x ukI ikt 'tir owan maie r culties that confroni us are the DaGer:-W t thers S y 'ljIii'of titi..' tpuliction,, are filled rerresult ofbad lederhptihIhave reDar George- n UUJ .î o crf. au ule ne eck' uhile at il)t ~~we have given undue confidence. Ihvred ihinestyu'titur Ie. tile mîe- sclummîs are * lt oeof these self-constituted ediiorials since becoming a pai Lit'rail. lnAbuta> lt . avingesO. \\hen ave re-laeshve been actuated by up subscriber off your newsy week- Eittrie inThe 1-mpai AboutIl) self-interest and others by belief îy. and have paid particular at- Eltra i u îîica ttikinx er ataa ceiO i eîlfaltsec .- lie ~ ~ ~~ î mneconomie theories more re- tention this I wnrttî emn v iaîîlilii n ntaloniiir e stiîa niehî ie aed a'li thearkable frte nvlyadtenweducational question. .%lecatîîa dittîl 'îî ilî liece 'tî,clîx -îih-criter and remxark: wviely heralded by thoroughly Teeaesvra on..Knuadi reýIIo a--,1cei lIlii' i h'sct," huit il ur.dependabîe promises off reliefYTuheeae nsereral pint sidhinc Miiitr, itoait i'elii_'Ian\ronti- liand a 1hz iii 11, ) yn SIR EDWARD BEATTY, than they were for the soundnesseyo hve o ake n toagumn, id- iim-Io. ta Irli uîtaiîri fur ui i l 1-11tîiriýol, fiig n sbn- G.ts.E., K.C., LL.D., 'off their economie bases. Tbened atoniOfc n h aguen.iîmîham.veî r ce'.aixfx'rtali itit-sîrî)i uirmîiîd li Cbairman and President, ta for sound leadership in facingwicbae to my mind. a vital i'J'îlectîî îruiei a(rIL'cîiiu aIi.tî.'x ximt il i t( o-îe Canadian Pacific Railway. naticnal p:obes n ol bearing on the whole question oflf 1f x .rkit ra.uîemlr lrciltl ultlex-otlet lsuggest that as these probleins scna3 dcto.tr Iet ruîtNa-air uctifi. i îI-nle-o h acî'oss the country once a year 10 move foravard to their solution it You do knoaa. off coum'se. that l- ct'iiS rî i 1eililie-x ~i x~îî.rîî~c~r all as meet in convention and exehiange xxould be avell if those who dis- the system as it stands noxes au cctlizer tu 11111iii rua \ 'ru! t--lllIICI!11r Iýîiiliu - tu'al i(t ror f ideas on public questions. I be- cuss thema in editormal columnns bu:lt solel3' upon the pedestal of 1:-"mmli -tuecial ir' '-cI r Ilt'i. I :1 tltaiekv i pe, uitictlîrla imn a "v liexe it IigblIy desirable tîrat your 1: hoîld look towaids sound de- University Entrance, and that an i Wîcici ,'. 111;rt .ir-i n-iilt 'x i. x'k I"uluiec vonild nîembersbîp should vi-it various pendable leaders avîose proposais aver'age off less tban six per cent If tir a\--'itti'îrtaii'lti r l iee-îrrrruit uIirrrirz tue xucek- "- part.soff the country from 3'ear to 'for dealing xaith our probemrs are off tho'e pupmls who enter oui'l,,\\. 'au nilluic ai hiatStl irîia n ui - i, carce-. \Atii uuuiîtIlirmî diV Year. and thus become acquainted founded upon time-tested and High Scbools continue into the -id tî 'Ni'. l ic utt-t'lite t .\\i îru-riîr 1luicarri- iii.i le wxith the problenis vhich our proven fundament'ais, and lhaving bUniversity. Dces it not seem t.o 'N .cllul uIII trire luti-tjlu 'f îîle la it au lîlrIte uvekapter arrives widely varymng communities have ifound such leaders, they should be tîme for us to be getting some iuCco . "îuc'atiIi of mhe 7 -51)T1 lI irlue tîttut l'a rt cî'îiîr mînîrtclir meavsq 1ý before îhem. Ibe given whole-hearted support xaue fr our expenditures by ppruieirs limreriuvrlriztzhoic utlite uatIiathciie e î-r"tlrn in tire cuurnrnîîitv 'f You ask me xvbat endeavour I ea'en wenpolitical expediency ,vi.ing faciliies xxhich wil give t,'uarul tire tir' 'lul ofmMI, f exrirru uth.fe- xx 'rse ablit il thami the i aol eomn o oreioswudsemt on nohrdr the other ninety-four per cent a i mclir îmmîrm-rai taeîic- î.'..k it' cab-ui, i'r. ti 'itier uxurul-.iif tîere is of to belp make Canada a better ections. chance to leave the school aith a ilret mirmihcIIer. (ý%,lu rri>e t titex a it-i 10l,)icaitoii Iririt. il ii- t -irnfrî cant Splace in which 10 live and work. I greatly fear ihat you wilî con-fair pracicaleducation, fitted 10 11l fu'r tire 'jur.'\'iremrnie waa-bue triilti ,aindl hat'. ai! tirere is to It s temndusqustin ndI idr hi lete uneesarlyeither enter industry or operate a faurtlilmiirrg Ilet-ire iie NItii-e ,ir. Takiirg tir e'kIv uatrers as a îe am sure it is one uapon which ev- long, but. I hope. not withoul in- ome aith some knowledge off his u,rri; reticemîce t taîkeut frarkîxulu 'lle. tiouxri irîclîridei. readers th ery one off your intelligent and terest. The offer off advice on what it is aIl about. The fact that anrd freelv ablimt cilîe rî1t'1t'atioal -lu'îim ihtuxe veru itîle tu) comîlaimi ib~tis new course starts in the lastI irobleinr. fi retmmtit c'Iituirs rie btliît. Tirere i. Il cotimtru in the 's patriotically inclined membership other peoples' business is usually 1"e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ avl aedeiieies.atakes ak u yuhv grades off the Public Schoo l t te Goverimiiernt t" fîrrîlua\sand .îrîl rd tirati as a limier crop <of Ca adanadcea 'ih a yssk d e or my id as o tes a d onin es fo t eat av meai.<u uruvelrforicl utnryauui .uvekx icuontuue tîar hi li problenis. WTe have met and maiters and I am glad 10 mly ersi ih. auould be convinc- niror regutltîr. irfuurrîrtî-ixc atertal triDmion"f Carnada. to Passed more or less safely through Furîhermore. ave aIl see diflicul- 'e century. Those aia r uta eiv o n or coly. yuearn i li serious, but if ave meet them iîîi'î can do much 10 help meet them.corg an adermaintoam nvneasohanofr TELEPHONE T AL K S 1N T HE W AT SO0N F A MIL Y "'censider only the aelfare off the as you do so you aili sîcengthen it country at large. tbey avll prove the position off your oavn neavs- il' no more insuperable than did papers in the communities in to those avhich form hîgh points in which they live. (i our past history. Wiih ail good wishies for tiîe Some off our problems are ec- 1success off youm' Convention. anrd 'S onomic and perhaps these ar'e tiere foi' youîself. I remain. h more serious. They misty ar e Youî's very truly. found their basis in werld-avie E. W. Beatty." M A it conditions and 10 some extemat in i Pîesident, Canadian Pacifie limitations impcsed by geograpb- Railavay Company. I SHE GAVE THEM lIER LAST DROP can talk WhIen Donnie Watson's father jBy Scribe GCi greeted hini over the tele- on>re from 500 miles away, If Go>d looks down from his off herself. The McCrea boys at fartiier tian "loneia îurse oed ;I home in the Heavens, as we are Deer Lake were hiec guides - and le coutd&rit resist boasting a occasionally persuacled to believe go guides lhey are. The trip bit to his next-door neio'hbour lie does. hie must be disappoinied down inOtober had to be broken wih some off the creatures hee bas by a cest. They had started lte 7 'TT ) and playmate. complimentedi by making them in and nigbt-ffall came on. We axere U W II7 bis own image. Among these are sitingi u vamcbnaxcO---,"-," U- hnee or cle u thieves.. dishonest brokers ..igaotbr. While natives~ and of tow.n, do as Bob Watscn hypocrites and men on relief visiiors mrake the 20 mile trip who threaten the lîffe off an aider- motlybymtor boat and traîl de-s<ton om.I man because he supports a sug- poritage, Mildredi and ber guides '- brings peace of mind at a gestion that they shovel a little have bo go cross country where M' snow instead off sleep ail day at there are only marks on trees and trifling cost. the tax-payers' expense.. odd open spaces. She had a ter- Our parent.s and grand-parents ýrible time tr3ing 10 keep the sharp wah thought nothing off aalking split îimbs off fallen irees fcom fromi Boxemanville to Hampton tna .uring lier uddec and tearing vith a sack off flour on theic backs b ler teais. And sîre lhad to sxxim must be sad about seeing tire sîotîr a river' as xvieil as the namrows off that has seîzed tîteir degenerare Deer Lake axhich are 75 yatrds. ancestors. Wlrat bas caused tb:s The aaer is îcy in October and reîatively recent cetiogression? Ls the cuirent sîiîong. A queeî' lhing it the false phiîosophy thaltirhe is that Miîdred sometimes avants wom'ld ores ex'ery sluggard a îtv- to svn againsi. the current n- iîag? We continually read and stead off goîng xith il or across il. k hear lIowx'Mi'. Roosevelt and olîr-'The boys ax'io ar'e in a boat hrave ers~ are trying to attain soîne svs- lrold off tIre <lad offlber Iralter rope. THURSDAY, MARCH 17TH, 1938 1

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