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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAV, MARCH 17TH, 1938 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mirs. Otis 0. Word Toronto, visited his sister. Ms. W. Rundie. on Saturday. Mrs. Mina Colwell. Carl: Ave., has returned f rom visit relatives in Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal turned Wednesday from an tended visit in Californa, Dr. Harold V. Siemon. Toroý Western Hospital, spent the wei end at home. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell. Tor DECORATING. ..HIS SPRIN' You'11 find a complete Selection of New 1938 Patterns AT JEWELL'S New designs for every roomi the house.. . New colors1 complement your color sehen ...Ail are prieed reasonabl to make re-decorating ne3 pensive and enjoyable. See our Display of 200 Patterns J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 Bowxnanviil A Wagon ( EvE And that Wagon is Hot Cross Buns EASTER Eg And what an assortni And while you're here p Cream CORBETI Phione 890 IUS!» TO 1 NOW IM A c SEDROOM-' WITH TEN-TES1 OLD ROOMS lh If Vou plan to1 TEN-TEST - the tidy attics and d formed easily anc extra rooms. Phone us for furtl Home Improvenle changes in yourb Oshawa Woi Courtice en. to. were Sunday visitors with her F. motlier. Mrs. Joeph Fletcher. mTime is getting short to renew lsle ýyour subseription at $200. Better ing do it now. r_ Mrs. H. D. Wightman. Nohh ,e-Bay, iss a guest. of Mr. andi Mis. ex- Jý W. Jewell while visiting friends iin town. .to Carter's Fountain Special this ýek- weekend is a Shamrock Sundae at 13c each or two for 25c. Don*t .^n miss it. Mir. L. W. Nelson has tempor- - arily discontinued business in the Horsey Block until he can secure PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO and study book were taken by Jean McMurter.. Entry forms for Durham Cou.n- ty Music Festival being held at Bowmanville May 10-11-12 are being sent out this week. If you do not receive one and %vish to enter write Miss H. G. Morris. Secretary, Bowmanville. Plans are underway to form an orchestra at the Boys' Training School. If you have any musica.l instruments you would like to contribute to this worthy endeav- our kindly communicate with Superintendent A. R. Virgin. Reading Scribe G's t1hrilling and stimulating contribution this week rccalîs to mmnd a slogan we saw somne tîme ago used by the Belle- ville Citizens Dairy which read: The Mother of Prosperity - The Dairy Cou'.' 't - aoter tok.transferred to Gaît as C.P.R. ag- C. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. James ent.' wýas honoreti by the staff of 1« ,xere stîpper guests on Tuesday of the local C.P.R. station on Friday BO his aunt. iss Ellen James. at Mr. w.hen they gathered and presenit-_Ç~ a i. and Mis. Clarence Hayes'. Col- ed him uvth a hand.some smoking 1 G tmbtt. ;tand as a partJng gift. ( M iss Majorie Thurston. To- The Womens Canadian Club rot.was guest of her mother. wilî hold their annual guest nighitH Mrs. J. Westaway, over the week- a-, the Balmnoral Hotel on Tues- end. day. March 22. at. 7 p.m. Rev. W. M:ss Lllian M. Naylor jvas the J. Johnstcn. of Eglington United gues, soloit at Pankdale Unitedi Church. Toronto. will be guest Thsrcfummri.mak Church. Toronto. Sunday evening. speaker. i g r etan p:ae cf il atek c Mi'. Francis Sutton. forme' "yvo0 A tneting of the eir- lse Maurce Edward Booth. is a fit- Sc ,Trinîîy Church. is organist at of Trinit'S. S. will be helti in the jn ts-.na f hs h Parkdale Church. aud:torium at 3 oclock on Sun- mtîn te astinlMfdthos eau-ho Mr. Harold Nicholson. manager cday. March 20. when Rev. W. .. murmisoantMal.idesigbeau-h in of the Domininon Stores Ltd. in Rogers will give a report of the ýd sta hog ufrn v Pert. sentSunay wth is ar-Prohibition Union convention held remînsu httruhsfeigt ta Perths. Mr.andars Rot. icolus Topnaonrch1-11. Ev- we are pnepared for the better life M ýens. r.andMr. Rbt Niho- i Toono o Mrch1011 x corne. The monument was Po ne1 tc.Kn t . îitecmd-signed. manufacttîred and.e iRev. W. B. Jennings. rector of Frank Bambridge. 136 S. 6th ected by Bounsalî's Marble Works. n ) S,. Mark.s Chuirch. Port HoPe. St.. flekalb. 1:1 writes: It 15 38 'Bowmanvîlle de was guest preacher at St. Johns years thîs month since we first ____________ x- Churchi on Sunday. while Rev. C. sent our siibscript ion fo Thh R. Spencer preached iat St. Mark's. Stateantan. Many changes have NEWSPAPERMEN in Yolleno' SamrckSu-been no*ted in that time. We find eb You'i enjy a hanio-ckSun-The Statesman more interesting RECEl VED BY KING b dae. 13 cents or two for 25e at ail the time. F iCarter's Tea Room this weekend. Rev. A. G. Zmmet. recton of1 (continued from page 1) Ilt«s the weekend special. St. john's Anglican Church. Port Prtvniier.. tee.. ial helie jatîriit M Mr'. C. H. Staples. Angusville. Hope. for the past 13 years. and i. thaitte wîîrîd cati he .ateu i cînîC( Man.,.%vas in Ott.awa attending a rural dean of Northumberland ti îgh thte.apptlicationtt of Chri-t- Or Postmasters Convention. and on and Durham, announced to hi5 iatt îrittcip1eS. \Ve itetst -eek ai aIl go his retuî'n visited his daughter. congregation ai rnorning serv:ce tite... Ite helit te.. 10 sow att ai- t. Miss Marion Staples. and bro- Sunday that. he is nesigning to tilde .f good utîll and to 'trite for ti. ther. Mn. W. S. Staples. become rector of St. J a mi e s iRtr acqtaintattce. irîeîtd.hituj and fi March meeting of the Trin.ity Chtîrch. Orillia. tiîtitaî uinderstaîtdiîtg antorte thIle S( [le Mission Cincle wa.s held in the Reeve and Mrs. G. A. Ed.mond- niatiots uthose relation, ai precent form of a suppen meeting in the stone and Miss A. Dingman. Bow- treatetu the ticace ofIl heorîl. \Çe e board noom on the evening Of manville. were among the guests woid ail itope if.or att effective in 'March lst.. The worship service at the golden wedding celebration LeCagile of Nations, but aitue pre- of Mr. and Mrs. William Dingman sent tlime wiih L'tiied States,. Gcr- n. of Oshawa this week. Also present ntaîte. Italv anîd Tapait ont of il. aiv ar was Richard Oke of Whitby. who actiont at present 1w lte Leaguie tvas groomsman 50 yea.rs ago. He wouid bc cons truiec likeit as a war- do is now 93 years of age. like ge.ture ratir tait ait effort ar apple tree, Milton J. EUliott. ex- 1iressed ut itit the Premiiers earttert- Cl on Y ur tre t mayor of Botvmanville. former îles' andl sittceritt. He is îaced tuith Bi waxden of the Unitedi Counties of probletus of the tiist trtiîtg chtar- Sc Durham and Northu.mberland. on acter lothitnut atters of foreizit Tuesday suffered a fract.ured poiicv. probietu.. of federai ranze. Bry Dayskt.ll. a strained back. andi other antd aisi the diffictulties created bu less senious injuries. He will be provincial leaders teho nav niake confined to his home for somne this Doimintion of ours, iot one Loaded with Good Thi.ngs tirne. coiîntrY, but iite or ten. The Toronto Telegramn in com- Minister Discusses Rural Problems to Eat. menting on the stabbing of a To- The îight hefore the pubhiiohers hiad ronto Scoutmaster by a gnoup ofasdne istHo.JneqGr young î'oughs who tried te break (ie,'\iitro giiltr h uip a Scout gathering. told cf the (liter Meittster cf he\riciro- Tie value of Scout training in inîterdciîgwttierra pro- ........doz. 20c viding first aid and securing lilplbîc nd o nstructive lspoke a O ne for the injured Scoutmaster. One.e ift iti t\ consirtîctiv is te of the boys tvhose work was com- threat dffltraea int is iltat rnended was Douglas Blunt. a for- utc oattic trae,01lhand lît velrtpe mer member cf the First Bow- ..îpii of the0<1U..iakt astca manvîlle Troop when lie livet in il tiavciroftcUSitretîov '.CZ S A E 1EREBowanvlleon ukeStret. iii.. it dit ficilt iciCet boat ..pace GGSAR HE E owmnvll onDue Sret. t '.bitl cattle 1tte 01(lLn.1 Hn tnt Yo'll aveto se teni Sunday evening congregations 1Nr. Gardiner ttointed ont titat iti(-lie ent- Yu'I hve o se tem of Trin:ty Chu.rch are increasing natutrai prouite:abute. coal, the foot- in attendance. Inspirational mes- ilil. f-tte oclkie.. are a.. riclita. sages in sermon and song. Music bttt. teetr alance of ith get a Brick of Silverwood's Ike by the choir will include a miixed No rth it \tîricaln conîtittent. Itn agri- qîtartet "Praise Ye the Father"' by culîtur>'steut per ccitt. cf iîîr n for Dessert. Gounod: anihem. "Corne Ye Bles- zailndlewstothGrt sed- by Trindle Scott. Organ sel- 1aîîî is laic tcapabl ie ofGrea ections that you cari enjoy ai 6.40i p I.til include Overture -'Pootîetifo titutraeaioiat noi u r iicrc.ittgi ba..is titat uili eet and Peasc;ant.' If you have neiiiv otnake Cantada onte of the greati church home coine and be made IXcte. ii-rlltrd. Bowmanville The fiîîm of Bounsalî's Marble Sm epeW e Works. which has operated i'i ()iiia îtrip u îcliî a.. ii.. îUleti.. Bow~man:'ille foi' over eîghty year's. reute wviiig hid acqiiaiittancce ta,.wu l 1s now unden the managemient of a i.. titakîttulieut friuîtl..Ilcre are the thîrd generation. A. H.i Bert 1 a feu e tuemtt - Bouinsail. The' policy of good i Iii takiiut arrali,_igeîti.trtt Quality. gocci value and abolute intîertietc t',li the rim iiiti.î integrîuy which lias distinguisheti ttc t', re tu a..aitlv ..îîrpri..c<itoiifiiîd this firni throughi the years ivill thai i]iis Pritate Secretaru. 1H. E. I. 3EAN A TI continue to be the policy of tho ertu.i. a (.uîif tht' late IaNvrcîicc presen: management. As an add- hleuireiof Tu rite, and l isi..uotitur cd service to out of t.own custom- tva. Estliir iitghia ît(if Eu tîiisk il leut. COS 'XT ,&ens. the Marble Works will be Tis fact mîade coniversation vi ru open evenings uantil Faltvokis ea..v as. ofcoirse. it drifted i I)îtr I ,rfIAN KS r completed. Enqui.ies may be ma.de tain Coititie anîd sote of is citizeti.. at the apartrnent above the shop Mfr. Henrv i, a Rhtodes Schioiar anti at ail times. Telephonc nunîber lia..been Ni\r. Kittg's Private Secre- :S 2258 Bowmanville. tare for 1Il vears whlich speaks tt'el March meeting of Trinity Wo- for bîtti parties. man's Association was helti in the \itiie takitîg t-afas.t atte school room on Tuesday. March Citatealit tee ioticcul \'V.N. Tiliet. 8th. wi(h Miss Edith Bennett's KC(-.. ai itne of the tables.. 'o bai a Cincle in charge of tho program. bi cit witlt hlm. Otur pliblishier Meeting opened with a hymn fol- friclifi'.k<iisitciinr t rateis tiîat lowed by the Lords Prayer. Psalm tlierter utc go tee aiwavs irai 34 was read by Mrs. Elmer Cox. l)iirham Cuîtntt' Boys and Girls. Prayer was given by Miss Edith Tlitei we niet \frs. C. W. E. Bennett. Interes(ing reports were Nltt tho hail heeuî atîtelinzitue givon by the circles: piano duet uiorîtriiîg Mîi.ic Clut. At lunch tue by Mrs. H. Clemens and Mrs E. w ere gîlete.o f Cap;t. Mefatit tÇ i> . Smith Ferguson: vocal solos by cia eiili tiie Nilinii tee iif Lai iir' s Mrs. V. Ott; a humorons reading 1)ariiet T YOU CAN TURNwas given by' Miss Greta Wickett. htudrstie. n \. .Ri Meeting closed wi(h the Mizpah iat ai ueiii \. .Re.' ar, I.M.P.. jfor l)turhauîtCotîtttv. aI- Y O N W R O Sbeniedi tion. atteneiiiclthe prss d ittter wthi s u. at 11 N WTheS ausAfternoon Auxiliay of St.wic lion. J. G. Grie build or re-model. investigate on March 15. Mrs. W. H. Carru- .'>iuruiati Geoirge Pingle a i- thers, president. occupieti the ,tlle'rBu iaeiebîîv tee' iii tutii Le lifetime insulating board. Un- chair and opened the meeting ill tîglte Kiaui. iîîcibtî. IL dingy basementr, can be twrans- wiih a îtoem 'Beginning the Day guaee n..,îacordiial invitation i tu ac- wt-ih God." Mrs. L. Sciuair took contitiamiiu ui lîtt a preti it. citiaui' d inexpensively into delightful char-ge of the' pnogram. Mrs. F. nienti ireeeiîltcdiileiii.. î ri. *re Pattînson read the Bible lesson. \Vc ve-re îpuascd tlui reuicut and Mrs. C. M. Carruthei's gave a hliaiiîiatee witliiL.. W'. Iýrickiigtii. ,her information. Remem.ber, the chaistcî from (tho study bock, Ed- of Nitii'. aî,ten . tîcational Work at Homne and Chiairiiat of the Cattadiant lrîîad- nt Plan makes it easy to finance Abroad, which was moest interest- castinîg Coinitiisiuii. Nfr. llriickiig- home. ing. Tht' president told cf horjn ttiaiiresseiî our tpress convîentionîî -ra the~ jea C. Sil Ki ing at aii the hin per wi fer pi( Ex-Mayor Ross Strike. Chair- man of the local Scout Group, Comntuttee. tvill extend a welcome1 n behaîf of the Bowmanvîlle on-i anization. An unique feature cfj the conference will be presenta-i tion îo everv visitor of a complete: fur-page nowspapen dealing wi(hi Scout:ng. and produced in The Statesman office. It will be print- ei on yellow paper with green1 ik. the Scout colons. At the time of wniting the Com- it tee is in need cf more billets. nd any citizens who would liko t, play host te a Boy Scout. Fri- ay evening and for breakfast and lunch on Saturday are asked to get in touch with Cubmnaster Clif f MacNain. Chairman cf the Billeting Committee. on any othen Scout leader in Bowmanville. SIXTY LOCAL BOY SCOUTS ATTEND HOCKEY FEATURE (contlnued from page il mtll one would have thought it "as the Stanley Cup (ho Leafs had won. That however was just acteii hr't at a diinner given to illustrative of how the boys felt. le W ~cnpîîlishers. 0f course the fact that the Retir!t:tz home we Nvent îhirotighi score was tied at the end of reg- T(r, ni , and otr gond fjriend anid tlation time gave them an added catur, n ritr in TThe Statcsnman. -1 ten minutes and that met the Kvni.tclok tt11Sto Ilunch at positive approval of the Bow~ ni .rcadian Court. Nir1 manville youthful fans. In fact irkw I n etrclici iner~ ýv e think they would have been a tîîn am nxrn ationa.iiter 'quite content to have stayed on s f(.1,Ilý ilir ito se me like that League uCn to11I hum itutrest irticle,. playoff of a few years ago when '\ (r ý (: they played on int-o the early ir avin. the (Courit \ urso h onig otic( 111;ht illilstrioius snn of Dur-horoftemnig am, 1. . Akinon, resdcn of However the boys got a big kick m. F tar. and PesidtelNt ni Iout 0f the trip. which was award- en -i- tat Star. anl cated owjth ed to the winning six in each m i ra wil aiilrelte ou e Pack and the winning patrol in rin lit meting thle PrimNiiii- each* Troop in a two months con- ter. test. The Scoeut leaders are much Ai *., we arrive>] honte >«tjide( indebted to the citizens who so ith t1i c oni~m nof thie eut- ikindly promided the transporta- creti, r. taîpv ami inspirud ', met tion free of charge for these boys. g - uttatt frieiiul.111(l pro iineit1 The drivers wvere W. R. Strike. aîîadiat. N ,w we are lookiiui Ross Stevens, J. F. Heyland, Joe orw;l,l ifftl îlaîîîtjito attend thie O'Neill. Bert Parker. Ed Nicker- )rs c. uttentinl at Vancover Iý. son. Geo. W. James. Art Edger. i_. !ý 'rCfl( week in ii .ut wlieiî and Prov. Constable Price Morris. e hq t ' ý ce. T. Et, Hiqgzintitaili. 3oh l'1, I re tlti T ait. Sa i G ard 3 A D O F H A T na'h -incgirls, toc. i t r ac 1 STORMY SESSION fc t a IOSTTHIS WEEK(Continued from page 1) HOSTTHISWEEK trary to the wishes of council. of SCOUT LEADERS Iwhich he wa a member, but that _______he could not do anything to dis- (Ccnînu~ fro pag 1) pense with the nurse's services. (Coninue frm pae 1 The second motion to put the ýaI D;rector of the Boys' Training matter to a vote of the people chool. icame after Mr. Furber suggested Following the banquet a Torch- that if council could colleci the gh: Parade will be held th«rough Imoney easîly it wouldn't be so ie :,own when the visiting Scouts bad and Dr. Birks intimated, that 'iii be augmented by the Bow- councîl could collect the money! manviîle Troops and Wolf Cub far easier than anyone else. 'ack.s. The parade will end at the Councils are always the ones High Sehool where the lst Bow- that take the dirt. broke in Mayor manville Troop will present a mo- Jones. Every time an-ything is Jel investiture. with Junior Neal, pa.ssed. we have to takethbam ýon of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal. for increased taxes andarcus a\ ing the honor to be offîcially ed by the taxpayers. whien actual- Inested before the whole confer- lywe ad nothing to do with it ence. The closing ceremonies will If this question went to a vote 0f 1 e ironducted by Edgar T. Jones.. the people. it would. le tuxnd Field Secret.ary. Idown without a doubt. QUAKER WEEK Macaroni 2 pkgs. - 25c Spaghetti 2 for - - 25c Aunt Jemima Pancake pkg. - - - 16C .Aunt Jemima Buckwheat Flour pkg. - - - 17c FREE PANCAKES TO EVERYONE PER PKG. HARRY ALLIN GROCER Phones 367-368 Bownianville1 a nice w-av to slitie out f nom un-1 stateti bis legal authority was saiti Mn. Mortlock. "I feel con- "t ametne.atetievcthtouiladotrlvr fident t would be passed. anti ietoe a ieLm ie htcuii hdcnrloe move that counicil be asked t4) pu- this was discusseti before and (hoe Board of Health expendituires in it (o a vote. and take no action estimate reduceti $800. that we (bis matten. until that has been dont'." Mn. would have te, make provision for No action w-as taken on cha.ng- Morris seconded the motion wbich 1$100 t ie(onus rpring the board estimates or on a carried unanimously. ! notice. i was nover intendod te discussion concerning the Board A thirti moticn appeared. spon- diispense with a nurse's services membersh.ip. and (ho matter clos- soreti by Councîllor Morris. ihat altogether," replied the Mayor. cd with a motion requesting the (ho M.O.H. be authorized (o as- "h do flot believe (ho nurse is Board of Health to consider ad- certain (ho method 0f controlling necessary in the school." sa..d visability of employing a part the sale cf meat fnom car(s with- Councillor Biekie. "There are a time nurse, preferably local. in (ho corporation. It was f011. great many wbo f001 their chul- Counicil adjourned at 12 mid- that open cants were unsanitan3'. dren wouldn'(, live withOut One night. Motion was seconded by Council- i and (bore are othens who, liko ______________ ion Furber and carnied. myseif. believe in Divine hoahrig. I do not see why we should help to pay for a nurse when we do not MAY CONSIDER A believe in that type of healing." B C A H PART TIME NURSE "I haven't any children." stat -_ ed (ho Reeve. "so 1 don't need F E WA NN (ho schools or the nurse, but there JT N (Continued from page 1) are lots of people who do, anti I Bachache may be dtii. tatu of Kiéiey Counicillor Wm. J. ChaUlis, 'al- arn willing to help pay for it. The trouble. When j:ma back aches,. hé te though I w'as reported as voting nurse is of great value in hon job, Your kidneys. Do't fla .hW dd Thi u- againsi the nurse. especially to young mothers wbc ing-it is toc import.Taije prompt actio. 'How are we going te find ex- have no training a.nd receive help to correct Backache, or ils cause.AI the ffust tra money for a part. time nurse?" from ber." igil of Baekache ttu coufidently to Dodd's queried Reeve Etimondstone. Again (ho question ai-ose of KidrieY Pdll--f o oehal a century the. "There is nothing in (he estim- council's legal status regarding favort endy for Kiilii.j flmtits 107 tet allow for it. I can't see control of tle Board of Healtb's D d ' in vP I but that council's action is only expenditures» and Mayor Jones d 's in y ls . ML- Euthymol Tooth Paste Cleanses Polishes Ijeodorizes Price. EASTER OIFTS, CANDY --CARDS --NOVELTIES A complote assortment now on display. - See our advance showing of Easter goods today and place your order to "ecure the 'oest selection. 390 UNITE.D CIGAR STORLE AGENOY Easter Novelties Bunnies, Chicks, Hens, Roasters, Plain and De- corated Eggs, Etc. 3 for 10e 5c 1oc - 15e 25e -50c -60e Easter Candy Special Easter Packages Page & Shaw - 60c-$3 Neilson's - - 25c-50c-$l Moirs - - - 50c-$2 EASTER GREETIHIG CARDS - 5c up SPECIAL 25e - 3 Baby's Own Soap 25e Baby's Own Talctun 39c 50c Value Take a Spring Tonic Bu.rdock Blood Bitters - - - - 98c Toneka - - - - $1.00 Parke 's Li'vertone 50c-$1 Wampole's Extract $1.00 LISTEN TO The Family Doctor 1. D. A. RtatUo Program Mondays and Frldays over CFRB at 7.15 p.m. SPECIAL 35c Lavender Shaving Cream 25c Lucky Strike Blades5 60c Value 25c SPECIAL 50e Hind 's Lipstick 50e Hind 's H.&A. Cream 57c $1.00 Value BARGAINS Pinex -- Dodd 's Pilîs- 25c Nox.zema Robinson 's Barle: 'y Fellow 's Syrup - Pinkham 's Coxnp. 32e 27c 15C r33C 87e 87c SPECIAL Kruschen Saits 69c 1 Giant Size tube of KO LY NOS 4 4 DENTAL For Corns or Callouses Use LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE. De- senisitizeS and relieves pain with first application. VOU CANT LOSE. YOUR MONEY BACK if it faits. wil be raid by the maker $25 - to anyone producing, at heir office, a corn or cal- loua, that t hey cannot remove with this wonderlul new scjentific pre- paration _ hic h thous5ands of usc's pralse h ighl y. FoIIow Up w ith Lloyds Application ads and obtain perma. nent results. ILISTERINE tdc; for haif a cetwzy the favonta. 25e - 49e - 79e GREY HAIR restored 10 its natural color "th Natural Way"ý with Aq GE LIQU E. GREY MfIR RESTORER Not a dye. Acta througll the proceu of pigmientation front hair oels outward. @ Guaranteed ta restore ge hair ta ls natw-al color "(if you are flot oe 0yasa elle) in from 30 to 60 dsys o your money refunded. At the better Dru gand$10 Department Stores ...... PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McGregor Phone 792 DRUGS We Deliver I. .7 PARMCAKE Demonstration Saturday Special 116 e

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