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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATES-MAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIOTHRDA.MCH2T,13 Values Effective Mach 2st-26th wt-Iàib u -li>mimu 1x. n i>S tr îîMî,mu>i h i- Nil iîlx NI>(umîiie ~ M ît->, ssut.. muuîîîlî a MissTicu-î tt i (. I___________________________ LIQUJID w FASTE a e PmEPiIlui- PS..NxîSEPVid of ic. IrsiimiOrmuistont, S O IISIl Bwavl hn 5 ___________________________________________________ dwmaviin SIa.ieif the lu ad sta. . ielutede i 1À__ _ _ _ _ _ _P o e 8 4s j i '-- - ~ - - W. . va hed arh lthwhn. of the 22nd, with Rev. W. C. sades, ndte rOaf Fpctechltoatheod NEWTONVILLE asue program an t. M r Hod ea MAPLE1 GROVE Smith in charge. concluded with a violin solo bY survedteIiT.adsreola a themtrng Port HopeSde vsplet- brated by a joyful throng at Mr. ed by the young men. Gs h hl 3 iue o i bIrs v rtrong . otMoe.hsnn gvaavrlclihthe ade.. Receîit Vîsitors: Bd Pidduck's hall. with musc by b e n i it n g M s . J . T . P e a rc e . 0 11n th e w o rk o f th e C ild re s S hie l- T h e W . \. a ý c e tc rta iie d t t eS . N i h l .d n i n nIe tr n l d T e slle , O t ter \fter the program a cneGoreJoano 0te MryMaes orhsr uene cot aeIai, M rs. T hos. Stapleton, M r. G. -. 1 svas Plt on w ith the w iliners ei ne .g T u cdav. The Pre ide t. rs. Cecil o. it l e er o o-pe t w eend fr em sh awt , dO n T cn g a nd e - ni g a lule trees m e nT t. . oo slt adMsW.W edroSmashing Pre-Season al home. 0 tsweka rgrsiv ucg rm valu tanl.gIyi h n r le oeta ne and Mrs." RXV.rdW. Henderson. Bow iz. Te-dmnatno Ricerarcd.oLuckv f numbere adragresivThee de rotiol f ltancrsg ice C0Ile ad tr manville, Mondax', fr the Tea ticket was won bs Nr.\f i igiea sm scripture Bargains Ml-ss Eve1viu Evans, Ontario Ho.- was conducted by Mr. Pidduck at new woodcraft good turn discov- In ox hetno oc h fi s l( i iglzpital. Tornto, spent weekcndattehl.rebyheBySotofuen hltoa. huilesod Mrs. Thos. Stapleton svas a guest \V. C. Lane. The April meeting rea(lingbv \Mrs. .1. F.. Ellitt, and boule. Ai te ltigo l ac.a tesed y. Ilhe y egan ts o r ith l)tte i of hier daughter, Mrs. G. N. Smith.: which wiul bc the annmal mecetinig. praver bu .frs. Rev.) Bell. The lg To hel(l in th Prebsterian -e.. w as cotidutcted c u.il CciFeg.o aeI 0-GL Mr. Frnie Hart aitd]famnilv, home of Mr.Har-old Scorgie on an expedition into the pane for- ttlil T ec imef svhich hos CclFrgloisav Trioia Mr. and Nfrs. WV. .1- Tuesday afternoon. with visitors est at Jerbourg, where a substafl \ttcml teCidHehCii Mr. and Mrs. Willis jlies visiteti Church basemlent. he L ZESu> iwdeus. fomaditnc bigMs.Wm ia ume j Mks Re aiHo-kmatten(le aupartei verv itrcStinz rea(ingo nlec fWmnithe om Te'Itr ant r n r. .RSee. fremidOstaaan Mr n Mrs. .the chmrofg ree er s ufchlden prblms Mio o ss G ads Pe rc s as n P t a v r. A. J. T mb '.Ogn. tu anc I Mrse . f . E li T g v eG loss an d V elvet Bett e Stevens spe t w eek ecl in T o- O scar R eid, South M onaghan. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eror Tesav Studa eenugnjg 'The Hall of Heroes"; Rev. Bell ronto. with the former*s dati.zhter,. The Women's Association ineet- Mr. Martin Pethick, .\Millbrook. M.Rihahsh hdato.To a ve a.hrt îalk..A couple of cou- ______ rs. Rav Snowden. Bette also -s~ n.wihi sal edo h visited his brother. Mr. Brock Peth- 'in Torùiti ,for the winter. khmiet.w r hnpesne ie hc ick last week wr hnprsne trwihittd i. Verna Pethick. last Thursday of the month. is to Mr.B.Pthc s mroiz h feiý lbintlatWe-al a ýathîne. furu..hc be t ofcmSAVE NMss..Phvlis Trimble visited \Mis be at the home of Mrs,.LL Barra- zoo'l \lars itirnîkins bvCoertice. -bell on Thursday of this xweek, ffhI mu slow lv but confined to her b d m ost inesda y and _s pet a vers uio\able b r- (if the Noufarhrv.of Ga l ns -Th W i al, \V c.S ii i gwt I 1 U L I U lime. ~~ecuelg togtther. Nir. M \Irrx.î n 'sa- Tîhe Honte and Slhcoîl Club Rg 45 of lag nhn Mrs. Wilfred McKav an~d Wanda niable te lie Tre-et tbut sent aS.ahîî d-Rg. os5 3 i. r >lies huspent tfrh a ul7t ng ___ arc improving after thei r illness. able and interesting pùaktr iii, îi farehoaltheld a sere salluc- ats 98c 30 laeet te dyqitn Ad Sre favoured Gibbs Bros. sale and a jame-. shose addre--**The Nesz Black-t,-ck. on Fridas ieh2t. Pro- Reg. $1.30 98C at thehlw fievnuilse ud IN GOOD STOCK Mr. Melville Joncs inteu . e pîeitdb eversn tieet ce fTruo Reg. $2.40 1.89 tContinued from page 1) lagecow Tn end s to ehjud ecte Neb\ .-' ssa. srs ncI t j. Fd"er seeS50.HI aln . utudrva aeu.DmnrSPECIALSNW!AV ZN NE forest the farm hee bas purchased wa- decided to. wind uip the 'vear at s i.iteîl lu- parenit...'.\Ir. and '.I1r s. -T. Th ale Grove -Nti,.sjot Band H M O from Mr. Wm. Smith. th pi etnt it )alql cee Six Days Only imd on March l8th witlh Dorothe stock and agricultural productsSPEC Mr. and M.\rs. Laurence Savtrs for the mnembers and tîttir s ox r aNî2htoAr. \leu-tt h eckntek charge. The meeting opened the other day a man wa fined in Ddý il N andkeymis atc n r o ne t nded the las rind.thir crittae. wih h mn, praver. Marion Foley; Pot Hope for selling clover seed IGiant Kruschen - - 69c DRY AIAR hocy mthi Trueou trNr. and M\r-. .. .McGillis i -seripture rcading, M.\argaret Camnp- that did not have the correc.t pro- ie -----32 MNaster Keith Stapleton is recue- A kick against fate is often but itnber d(luhter. Nirs. Smith Fe-bi: tr .\rs.Rnl ouptonfsedni.Yt nth ering from another ilîness. an apology for laziness. eui ýn ieativille. I I ~ I~i 'ectme Little Travelleýrs.' biological world. we are iust bi- 83c Noxema - - - 59e Mr. and Mr.Dga\trio. Cutvt the grea ar ofleav \tthtYiu c ep -Leagc 0 J11JL LLLlî't for.get Brotherhood meeting peds of the animal kingdomn and Petrbr~spntSunassethMr. t.gpepl aone eenthseyou Fridav nie,-ht the Pre-ideut.(,in Thur.,dav evening, Marchi 24tlh. little is done to improv-e the qual- Fellow's Syrup --87c Hoskin. think you have a right to direct Filten .Jiihn.tontetîok charge of heat Ebeniezer. ity of oui- ch-ildi-en to be born. fa A serv successful meeting of the in. the minutest particular. mleeting. Ný\Il-5 Helen Fîîwler Qv Phone 556 Bowmanville ______________ _ W r aighaytxst auu.m Botties-- 29ce _____________________________________a talk (-n HeHw Dot - G d Ansc keep in hospitals and institutions 50e Kkovah Saits- 39C Prisver- STARKVILLE the offspring of mental degener- Nîr. and l Mr-. H. Galbraith and________________ _______________ ates wh0 should neyer have been 100 A.S.A. tabs.-- 19e e~ 9 .\Iari,îrie -si-ited at Nrý. Narwoenti visited NcKcte*s ou'Fridas eveuine. fo h fr tMrGog\Td INr s. Caoh n .Kica's. on sitdv "1 know the pitfalls and argu- 1 lb. Absorbent --29C Nîr. George Start. Toremnto. spemit <of Vulcaii, Al berta.i Port PerreY We understand that the Sunldav ments against the solution I have the svetke-ud xith hli- dtinchiter. M'\r-. on Fridav. famile% have sold their farmi and wiIl in mind. Yet these suggestions H Tht W Ba. ô pî-rdaseî t î.OiîlEero srigbc leaviug these parts shortle. are now the law in Saskat.chewan 10 Cakes fron andHo WaeBtls Id rîknîe prteinthehas vsith Balevs.i Blackstock, asisting \Ir.Shutka wsa home from Bto-ea nia rcmnnddte crkeol arv neh bs- iihbiding materiaIs for a house matieille for the veeekend. t-o the Attorney General of that- Cap astie es 3c-6 -8 -10 -. eiîc.Ti te r w onre I ale ndvc T etukd oV do Oîro r. ci oisoNstnille, province.' hie continued. Sa alt -. nient otoTebcliurcheonMondaxinds'rv. Onbaiio. "very normal young man and Ext. Mat& odLvrO Doiris Asu.ccessful crokinole part v ith25citd 69r.Cilia1Rbi-o ladies' prize seeit to M.i ~ arck erîossasfield recemtîx. woman expects to be married and25 9ilb 4c-2l.8c Thompson and thetzcunlemnan'. prîzt- Siat rieCla crk. iimon w ed- Mrs. Silerih istmg ieni every right thinking couple think ___________________________________ to Mir. Oscar N.IcQuiade. A~ proeram _________________________________ comî.i-imî -o a eadng b Mr. Rmiedayeeelîn. Prze eer sen Tromto.that the result of matrimony is cli : ian so caigb Mrs.N uNrs .NcîmdRmdMc e- Siil .\-hl er îeimechildren. There is nothing more Treat your grain now With CE]EAteDs Niîîmmitiîs-tints bsNir- D. il] PhiI1î. A spîemîdid musical pro-t NîIrs. Wn Saverves on Tuesdav.JDvn hnta.MnsesaeDsnetn gis mt amu Nist Hlem Fselr.Reresi rai amnd (aintu lunch seere imucli Gemeral business, and a profitable ,otnciiie o mem-xce.eeu Ited- sk ijiei inesa pnt couples who are not fit t-o be mai-- another cîinple arts arramice-dfo'r Nahoiîd..Home and Sehool Chli Nfrs. Harold BarrosecîoImgh tr e d t hereveis lit ne theyns OMLNas o h e ramn ie in a coumplt of seký. huîd ait (Id lime- (lance imi Black- illiîmle iohrs s have obtained official sanction by Nî. idNî-.farsv,îed NT1c K u -îîek hall (,mi Fridavevtemîimîc. Cp- N1Kaobtaining a marria-ge licen.se. In Iûa ilratesýi))dte Nr-. \Wmn Hallowdslî -tedler Saskatchewan any couple seekmng A da oi atNr- ur.l~slcr. mie. lcthe nicimber- oi the section. sleo atraAin-nuthveamna adpyia Ni . m 'GNr-.ahrami NI mmiixtîulcmmclili, .mi htt-îitmlo d Nauiittsmtneîmt tî-->aecertificate signed by a cometn amdI-\Ir. (),car Graîamî s ilied Nîr- Tht1 st-limî Nî.tîi Nr. I xlu lcmmt î ýi u>texçtiime> xx li i tii iten)ilm i. ac->is rumtplisician before they caniobtain an vti atn- liiimîttui ear li aolt la license, and in Albe-,t*.a the de- Nyal TsyEx.M- 10 s> -e1:1T md.a a- w k.:,îte. laimnemîce NTalcolmîî ( tizQnslmipsîmtt-rcoîk lb-îmm. - generates who marry are non-,SotsEml -5398 - ~~ ~ e iflxtmi.r ad charge (ef the po1i).1")-i It st. -xreîd. Such a policy relieves theSct -~~ -- - -- - grammi NI r. Leîmar Jllin fa -c>-it- - o(.a-&ngesiion of the mental hospi- Haliver Cp 9 e. !W'd IýfM iIxitîu il o: Laurence gave ait-aIs. thle childr-en's aid. and many TURN the mot important roont jin your bornme NE>Ii>N uig. .andiNr. Htiivý Sliiil i -other orLcafi7_tionis. W'c Fit Kepler 's x. -85-1 into a ebeerful. gearing, saitary. modern bath "Thex tar-lltgiondaeofmmmhriistie i15also use roc,,, Colorful johns-Manville Asbesos Wain- COURTUCEimotnto ie elaefou scoting goes on, right over dream-y aid walis. Nr.-o Ind 'I'r, . I tNitU Il r' amni Nelîl semîtmt..ifi brai:îm i n--m ota tt h w laeI o rA p Ir_____- ii-i:]fi11a ii ý -- ycung people because il. touches Satisfaction Guaranteed CaeACps-$12$25 ~ixxluittiibailru il- îmee xxalie man at every angle of life," 1t <ieis ( rî tt-ci ahi~t îivi ftertîi.tii tec'b i-rii Mrs. Joseph Armour were held on is :nterested mn the young men. pictres any ays o moernie jIi. hic tmt agaîm. j clitrcli lite-iciiitre îîeîd a son tîg ayafternoon. March 19. at iand the unfortunate. the church When your eyes are fitted here you aresurdatscio pictures mony ways to modernize ~Nu--Hazctî NIcKi- rt:mrmt-d u trviv,- 'tir-. \W. G. Ho -exetînion- th Luke Burial Parlors. R.ev. W. antafr oinr hm nqaiy tl n your home-1NEXPENSIVELY! icmîvtr-ci N retitumrmîe-rvd Fn a ibe tuIC.Smith. pcannot afford to ignore themstin qtaetsolstyle afd price '-\i, \ar NaloliireiliilF-i-fri,-ii Nîtîtthîexe -. xer-u-11): -Htsaithii ted Church. conducted the ser- problem that faces Ilie Phone f l-- arnait cîlmît i ulTmt-ltt -ieauinf o l. a huil studs- and aidt.ri benez e Un Chististh oltin fePrhRonewII TT'S cranmed with the latest bestos shingles; how to insulate dixiiri,Iîiiti , xîrîteui st-ltl e l Iet eîîx I.sa ittsplendd Christian ch-aracter to1famel,." S. Davison and Hubert 695 P. R.CUW LING, lideas and color pictures ofl your whole home with J-M Rock hc! îIlea-td , I-irmi -lie j-i> iiprovîhex-e-iIr. rorha opr.peidn fth il xnaking your home more comnfort- Wool, etc. Tells, too, how to finance -iceltrncmtile- xxilii HAYDON een afith fur memberof Eli Castakd h paer for able, modernt Shows how to con- home improvements with conven- b ls- zrCuc o ayo ir8 vert your barrcen basement into an ient monthly payments out of iN r amIdNîr-. Dickb Rim..-tIll amîî -years of life. and one of lher last attractive recreation room with corne under the terms of the daîngliter liii seeru isuut i -îîrý RecemtN ter Iottings had been a trip to th e J-M Insulating Board; how to make governiment-sponsored Home lm- - îxitî.NI r. anlfNr,. Nrîrmîînîami-ut t er- Iýtimi, lPort ljitii, tchu ccli. Mes.srs. F. ParkH. yow kitcl'en modeurm wth colorful provemexit Plan. Nr.1). . Ntem.Toromntoe.stîtti _(' ek.F otesl.Wm t,ý Asbestos Flexboard; how to select SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY 0f THE tht eeîl xitî i lii-ntiilv. FN.i I uamî. iiu an tr ai Nîr. G. Yeo and W. Mothersill acte a fireproof, permanent roof of as- J-M -~10BOK TODAYI Nr-C . tile hoi> iniiTiimtITmt.r.B s îam I as paîl beares, alI being nephews tak-big treattîItmî elt- h-tthte ecetii ' Izl oa- hs I >thIi l- Beautuful floral tributes showe6 eACD E Us h ouo rP on 10aphýi.1arti mi irtintthe esteem in -%vhich Mrs. Armou Nf. n 'Wý.R 0iL-. \-htîimîar ilou. acoing from manflle ti y. Iatiie F,zi retyml.rtit-cl ~-R.Ûmi- ni .ttt-he aldu. cnd erfrenc f ledi Shows The Way To Springtime Smartnes \>ectk.s vacationiiin iiiO-ita. frandm- Nir L. Grtîhamin. Nir. Il. districts to pay their hornage. Mr Please sermd NAME-------------------------------------'tiýr. ai Ir-. 1Fred Bailes andliîrkpi Nr xrî-.->tî.Arm o ad es n h iifemn free copy of ',Ir. and<INr-. . 1<i-aiît,în. Black-yarsagoianron-so Wilia, WITI-I SMART NEW SUITS, COATS, DRESSES AND ILN R J-M 1101" Idea ADDRESS--------------------------------tock. 'Nir. and Nir-. R. Dickev amuId \Ir,-.Wnl. Tres luicii fiitedt-of Oshawa, more recently. Mrs. Book. Ni r. amIt(]NIr-. L. NeGliscce recunît bdIIas in te mlioin thie ice amduI t- Armour hia-s had the loving atten-F RM L D ClTY ............PROV...... I i..mîr-r.. seithi Nr..,amndl Nfrs.. 1- iîred her I-g. tion of lher daughter Jane. her OSHAWA OOD PRO UCTS CO I iiiiIUX -Our dtï-. s uti x ti.~emîd son Ambrose. and lhec gt-arla..-n OSH WA OO PR DU TS O.Fnieids otf Nr.Freul 'ealec sviI11i(il t,, theu relatives of Ille laice l>-Russel, in lier home during th ei -lie pIeasculTo learmi tîtat ie i- im 'iell i1 Eî>ikîin declining years of lier life. Sh 4e Box 74 - Oshawa riimtfîîîs caretiîni Thit Hintie ami Sciiecî C 1m net also leaves to moucn lier passing LADIES ' BRAND NEW DRESSES suiîl -iin ltssIthi T-li aitera Tm.il ax eenî iîî slhi li>- i>rc two other daughters, Mcs. S-amn Yom st-nl lue fashmon rmgliîinu omit oft tese . . . Tir ,HEADQUARTERS for.HOME IMPROVEMmnlic frit tEi-loca is at- .i iut f- a. sîmmîg aiti thue 23rdl S B. Trick, Oshawa; and four tlvaiinherwlcufnsadgo okigtiimgs eustilv (îeif ss eTernri iioc' aIliretitateul itn nii-omm. 'Ficir'. sons. Ge-orge of Hamipton. Nor- Glrslei hi a es rtt . ndca cmrms i t.'atl i ni charge of C. .\sery was man of Toronto, Walter of Osh- tht-w flhszes. otiemmeul s>ithu a choi vilue(.îc shîuîî. aw.a, and Fcank in Saskatchew'an. *Blr e s ulc rn etdsye. Several sîcîimu e e rumîcecedI lv Sympathy is extended to t-be ber- *Blrs e helc rnble tIs mill (Iiarttte nd Iýo ave faml.* \Vashable Si1k Crepes. ____________________________________________________________ lx -v arl .lu i l Illethtacconîmait: .a Mis. Sidney Brooks-underw-ent * Long sud Sihoct Si ees reaulimmit >sa given be Mfrs. W. a secious operation at Toronto * M VIss(s omn and Over ize 14 to .52. ndiaI a vocal suie, be ti... tua this week. Dr. Loc-kw-ood perforni- Bch, r iile s I)las cul .a1ud ed the peration in collaboration D O M I1V I 1~T 1frefre->lîiie(nts st rved amni the ingt with the fam!iy physictan. The duof the Natioinal .nîthenmii tghîlit h vreport received was ho the effect Tricraint ti a close. that everthing was satisfactory.$ 2 4 STORES LIMITED_____ ______ and lier many friends wish hier a quo" speedy return to healtb. Mr. COWANVLLE - Brooks is able to be up again.A EXCESIORCOW NVILE M. HoardFlintoif receîved4 radium treatmen>l at Hamilton ( 24lb Mn. halit NcN iisîti-rud il, >last. weekend and bas i'etuined-. BaïgSuoer Values in Pastry riour twhen Packed) l(ii min-ici fti(1d-t-f spirint! Iîî witb a very painful throat. 5 SANTA CLARA NEW SEASONS CHOICE . 3llýilI hýl, A "otg rvrMeig tasi Ilu dm -- u .. d A,-oniiiiI-e -mi ic -uimu ias held ah thte honme of Mi-.and -ýýW4 4 N 1- ý

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