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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY, NIARCH 24TH, 1938 THE CA NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN stairs as a guest. thieves entered JOYS AND SORROWS TOWN TAX RATE Ithe back porch of the hall and stole a large piece of cooked meat 0F OLD IRELAND IS REDUCED S C A AN E S N Land th.ree quarts of milk.____ Mr.AlfAyre. Solina, and Edi- mediatelyroeded ompage 1) (con:tinu:d frorn page 1) OshwaRoar Firwil eiellnd sen te eeen wththe guests front this district wlîo a gift that only the Irish pses h S7c rducîînforscei a haw Jn 6a ndotar harwil.elad pntteiekn ihattended the luncheon a. Royal ed. Speaking of his correspon- becn X ciaxrÎ~ h enisrt hedJneli nd7h er parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. i. tork Hotel on Wednesday gix'en dence with the corresponding sec- which i c 1 u(lrtainecitesatev Mr. Joe Edgerton, Toronto.1 Cully. by the Royal Winter Fair Asoc retary. Miss Bonnycastle. lie said There a~ alsý,a,,centingencv fund visited his sister, Mrs. J. A. Liv-' Stanley's Restaurant on King i'iation. Hon. G. Howard Ferguson hie judged front her handwriting esai n f S250l0 te (Ica] with ing. Street lias recently completed ai- 'wýas the guert speaker. that. she was a school teacher, ee~'î..adtoa rns that she was a spinster, and tonrg te. atia n(iants tem Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, terations and has installed mod-1 A well known resident of Port (ai lnyo agtnta hich inont lbe foreseen. This1 Tornt, pet he eeen wthern fittings and a new lighting Hope for the past 56 years. Mi'5.lher age was about 58 years. a ivas r i t S1950, a re-ductiniet Mrs. N. S. B. James. system. E. G. Davison. mother of W. J. B. statement which caused the ef- $550,. hli hwith the schin rediic- M.r. Selby Spencer. Toronto. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Daviîson, Port Hope postifaster, ficient corresponding secretary ta tion (nablld ceunicîl te c) e ff spn h ekn tteRcoyChurch. Rev. W. G. Blake, minis- died March 21 at Port Hope hos- hiehrfc'nbrbns ii with his parents. ter. Services Marcb 27th: Il a. m. Ipital. where she bad been con- Hin dierfaein ler it h e ps. re- Sn h nmer.xtr e Communion: 7 p.m. The Sons 0f fined for the past three xeeks Hming sdrises. .r. Jothnston anxiexý,fIle ducc te ratu a mii Mr. C. T. Ross, manager of the Jcb .0pm.Sna ho.folloç%ing a faîl in which she sut- lto g siriveah des.M.Jhs thnat frin 4 tý îi a.Ilteerateu t it Royal Theatre, is on a businessJcb .0pm.Sna col fered a' broken hip. She xvas jin pi-ceeded ogvandresttfoi lil sth loi-i t Xi, oCalifornia. Mrs. Stuart R. James and Miss br8t er was just effervescent with spark- mulch l.ttur te c.,ncluidc the vear TomHooer nd enKay Dudle. atedelteOsaa rex'. Ca. Ipncrý~ O ng humour. We doubt whether withi -'uiridu.. thani a deficit. but Presbytery Young People's Union rno1onFriday niglit adas n 'o i itnr elzdta te'vu efxetta h Brown of Peterboro %vere week- addresson ibe spoke for 90 minutes. and if a rate x i still aiiew reem fer al end guest.s of Mr. and MI's.-B . H . executix'e meeting in Columbus on itle West, Toronto La y m e n * vote had been taken. ive feel suirplic. t tht ndJcf the year if Mortlock. Tuesday. Ccluncil on how St. John's Church pretty certain that it would have (iepartnxT11tý were hianiudt( carefuilit Fu.ther signs of spiing's arrivai Theres still time to renew your financed itself in 1937 entire.y demanded another 90 minutes. and n.l, ru.u n apîr xpu. are the installation of new awn- subscription to The Statesnian at with voluntary givings. It wa-s Mr ont wsbninIecoirl1).; ings at The Evlyn Sbop and The $2.00. Dont blame us if you have rexealel at this meeting that at Mr.d Joutone wm a born iaremce I\ î.0,1nsi ýcsiiz: Statesman office. to pay $2.50 for we've given you les1, oonocucis adaotth ieta ilim Mxl '. O Joe..ii dicusi ,yr Murphy of Lindsay. who plenty of notice. Pauls and the Churcb of the Ass Ewart Gladstone %vas bat.tling in tite llj-Hath Nurs.e .itatin-l. cens:on. had been operating in the British Parliament witb the said ilit x in ib thev havea b'¶,,xght a number of Scouts here Whîle tike Boy Scout banquet this'manner for many years. Irish Home Rule Bill. Southern \_ictoýrln Ordur nurse '. h ,in'pect.. foil last weekend's conference, vis- was in progress on Friday nîght, Irishmen were praying that it the culiru in schoc(Is twicea ited a' itrMs . .Cre . andSt About 20 members of the Mens would be adopted, and the British mconth. C- 'uncil grauît- 'S300 frtlt hissite, rs.W.G.Coden S. ohs Prib l.ce soit S. aul Urtd huchincîined northerners were pray- nurse-nil the rest i. rai..cd hva Mi' an Mr. H W.McDnal. wen he hie ofPolce at 1 were guests on Tuesday nighit of ing for its defeat. It. met defeat ctfniittxe v t4 ns l nvleiock StRolan's Me elub. edesientiiithe House of Lords and there after iie balance(cf lier ..alarv hv RolndBae wlcme th xtsi-was reja icing in Northern Ire- bridg~e tarties.,tîrivate contribtiticits tors. The evening was spent in ]and where Mr. Johnston first and 'ihi, r nîan'. The nurse vi..tts Alon Ca adas M iingHig way ca.rpetbails and cards. and re- saw; the light of day. and chagrin ail titlimesil, the tcivi. lie said' (4aret ~estrnOjs'Bulvcloînut ut tta ( tuatx.thanked St. John's Club for their Ten years later. the speaker re- ]',in(-. în.txaui of ..endingý thenu t' letin of Mat'eh 221ff states thiat expî'essed oninllete str.a' hospitality. lated. hie remembered a great IhOspiîtals. If the p)atient can pav BROWN (ML ('ORP. Felî'îary'lionou ve' the i'esults citaitted »Mr'. A. R. J. (Bert) Luke of the onda political procession inhshoeior.i îlec fse af et.th pt'oductionlita-, heeiauîoinued frein the 19:37 epet'atioiis. ' 'Ou Engineering Dept. of M a -s s e y- tin. rand ia oliti cal par ed h-dission wr . efcoc care. il as follow's 'No. l-1 bb9l]'., of îlîîee w'ells drilled1. ',' r.Harris Ca.. Toronto. who bas .iust wt uhtieafisa esesec ;( h or fHat n «retuîned fromt a fîx'e mont.hs busi- wt uhtm far sw e ~ei m h or fHat m No. 2-,12.410 bh)ls., total 2. ~<sisatedl." w have shi(Wîîrl stp1 ouhAeîa pn occasionally in Canada. He re- the l'uhlic Heaitiî Nurse ivere îlot 689 bbls. Deditet Ilovalties o~f satisfautt'v p'cdtuetieiî a ii Sunday wtb bis parents. Mr'. and cle upn notecraefrh- lsx'e uî~ h et 25% and NET to Conpany w-as tue restuits-,cf No. 3 are stifl Mrs. Richard J. Luke. Kedron. 0f nthe ictorious cania e a în S9t20, nothe atscentaset t 22.267 bbls. xorth alout $27.- te lie deteî'iuied. No. 1 We hope ta publisb some of Mra.ing hee b ows thbim sey r athe lt a sufficie n munte Luke's comments on bis trip next r1ee1dw hedneI opx thpntfl im us 825.(10. Four Star solîl 11.746 o 5 o2ba) r 1 we, crowded streets. At a meeting the after .\,,ril 0i good or 10 to-00 eek.samne evening Col. Sanderson. the bbls.. of w'hieh approximnatelv Ifi'om the ('laiiev3 sauds. butt ____________ candidate. predicted that perhaps .3.641 bhlis. w'orth $4,550.00. re- utnifoitiuuatelv-, several attemiptsý some day the little fellow who INSTITUTE HOLDS presents Browiu Oil i nterest. Ien t1ent off xNater w'ere badly GORRIE COUPLE had ridden in the coach wîth hm FINE CARD PARTY mials'tng total gross itemre for blîandled ly flthe Çenieut con- BLACKSTOCK WED Woltld bke sakîone.olrg ui-___ Fe*av prx 32,37,5.00. trintors..1;an it is doîîbtfuîi E E R T U IEEecslk btoe The Women's Institute heldai Eebrury. apt'oxllu t'oELed tttjou au uuw' î Mr. Jobnston suggested that it x'ery' .ucceefuI card party in the No. 4 silould completeliwopoletn a ie talf11'n__ was that whicb caused him tO CouncO1 Roam on Tuesday even- weeks andx is e-xpeetegl ho in- fritu il. Ne'eithleeSs. a ui Mr. and :Irs. S. W. Ferguson, prepare for the ministry. and fin- ing when scmte 20 tables wvere fi- erense silstantialix-thue alhiox -e iule cf ertudo in to rja Gorrie, 'Married 60 Years ally came to Canada to "conx'ert cd. in a:d of the Rest Roomn fund. the heathen of the great open Prizes for Fîve Hundred w'%ere won 7ineoi11e. -w'lujeu alirea dv < i ut it i(e iXaC<lta inoi N- spaces."' by Mrs. H. Sutton. Mrs. C. it4tettet' than 18 cents on fil'(c 2 'eî'ettl punipeul about 150 u.,n '\Ier,. S. W\. l-ereîî..'i. He proceedod to Saskatchewýan Thomipson. Mrs. A. Boe and Mn. Coinon shares. l)au't'ui.ýi '-4 lîcurs aiii(l15i,,tn- t; 'rrix - ("rand ld C 'upie. cdvii i were lhe as -sent to a place cali- Roger B.rd. and primes for ouchre E Tuef4cupcfCimanes r-ut'e u maspt'dîu'i e- Utr hîcx \xdiî .îîisr-ed Herschell. After uvalking twen- wen' to Mns. A. Densem. Mrs. C.i L'antzed 1a14 îl aze<1 hb. .-ii' R . 4Xau -5 lhav , îe'n .r i M.'a 1. 'tIr. M. Ril 1 ty miles along a ra:lroad in c ourse 1Hobnson. Mr. Jiini Bray and Mr. \i srn nvr mrîdin t 'of construction lie arvedi where ICQune.Mr JColad and 'owttatmproilue c- as;cd offsets In1 and j' xxx, )ilan.Pak.t k 'a gnoup of men were %working. Mrs. Tordiff won table prizes. ed a total of 18,.777 lmrrpls att'] Mir. vons u1ceý 111t ý" hxx. b '!1n crsight'-in. ix F-elu. 280 . !-Th-a. hiexas told. was Her.xchell. Reeve Alex Edmondstone made, duî'nm eluuar-. h r i b lîw' lîc ea uitss rodet ext. 17s. TWiîlie.naid ,il tixi.. o'-Hoe'Vas tiere 10 welcame the first the drax' for- the lucky ticket oni rreatit n e ivw 'eall h(cf an- tatn aiicts te î atll~ ". xx a\i-,. M. Il li...adtrain. the is etr h îs h euiu ul bc vso ii e.'it '\îh Ir. Toc ,xi'e ist.and thIe fîr.st banker. Sa dîsnlay tecentlv in Jte\alkeri pt'oxiniatel -*v$111.000.00. i >uîîpltuî witiu n six t.'(la v s: i. ii] lix u Nf r. anîd '.\I> anttpepte.liesaýsee tor - ow ndw i as B.egardiciu PLA1NS PETE. Conmpaux' controls approx. 17.- F5u i iax, lix cl al tlîir bî think that the churcb 'sas always made andI donated by Mrs. W ' Pt'affklç O i. 11and (as Pt'o 000 a'ri.l n. 1'on N otu- Vx"Ir, f ît.riieif n liesici... behind. but the churci was a- Spencer's and Mrs. E. J. Waod's 11rîneu' <i Canton. Ohio, ori'r- fidlet«I a non'Albxerta 011 Fiel] iiîii'Ilî Mardi JOui. 1878, .,teCn. ays in the vanguard. alw'ays group.'Mt'. Joe Sheehan held the 17, . l, tîsar Lak'elet Iitere thex there fîrst to wekeome the others. xinnirîg ticket and he was award- atitum vot'100 011 and (lar lias l1)e't11estallishbefld auu s r.î er'a.,thei ceiig t It n'as in Saskatchewan. six ed the'quitt ivelisiifleqts ine-rf-ileug evloedh.'PL\IS xrfie teniake tlîeîr liceune. w i-L trstousand miles away. that lie ident of Plaitns Petroleuim Cor'- P E T 'B 0 1, ET"ýr Catues scv11i uthtIe It 16 sar.Nir. first discovered Ireland. It 'sas pou'ation and in charge of de- A Tl 0'\v. atnd M..1-egio a se Oi.teeia ielae aki WARBLE FLY TIME \\illirt atîui Tiietuta., both dcecaseld dreams to tlie fair land whtchUS E E AG N *~tveal sars.had given him birtb and thought, _______________________________________________ Ir. Fergxîscn's abilitvý a. a cx'ii- of it as a "beautiful green em- cillnr xxiii be rînenibered lix the erald on the ring God was weax- The time bias noar urived wben svar.,.. Cotît Coniiisioîi. Be- discovery was wben lie vîsited show' in the backs of the cattle d="Citiiielir g i i xi ingarond rfiofr" Hs r 'snbTh b5 s ro ar talis !i tus t ifficiai Board attd stilli I. ail back. Tbat it was Ireland wh'o in the Warble My their tails go up Ileiierarv Mciler cf the Se....icî. the early centuries sent out the and away tbey go. Dairy cows!I '\r. antil Nir... Ftrgzi..oiî are c1o -lîgli 0f 'education and Christian- go dry. Beef cattie lose weight. iiisg fairîs gooui bealitb anîd on th',i1 iit into the dark places of the H:des are spoiled. The approxi- occasion ssere iiîdeed verv lba)Pp t-'1 eart.h. Ho realized that Ireland maels'i naioi 50 0 hav tlci maivfrind caliz o wa alan o tersandtxgedeseacb year: approximate annualE u bae teirmats' fietds ahue ot w'.s lad ofteas ad tage Ieslss in Durhant County $98.000: f t1itet. 'M\r. and MIrs. F. A. Fallils. land wlien lie looked for the causesetîae lo.toacfre i J" F rdsii. were their gie tý. lieho fund them . e tm ed os t a h f r e i r xlien itues spent the das' tolzetîter. it Ho found that the country liad i the County $39.00 a year.i 1 An inx'estmntn of thiree or four F OR THE BRIDGE PARTY borii oit the sainie daxv amibias been pe.ehaps in the wsorld. cents per head will assure your 1 oiherhirhdas wth ieratit an anthe case.A fw yars your neigbbour by treating everyi A New Layer Cake incie. Nie. antti Nirs. Fergiison wcre the population was eight millions, backs of the cattle during Marcb. PEACH D LICE ~recîiietl.of înanv nicc renient- and todav' it wxas four millions.Api JUC I1rance.. on tbis ltp ccasioît, because ils son nddugt r , May and Junie. Dr. Steven- Yo'I sy t' dliiosaniitg tîteni being a table lami'. emigrated ta other counitries. son Provinc: aZe lstCwonis Youil ay t' deiclusflo\Ners, anid candv f ront niices, if He f ound that political ani I resonsilorkau'bl-Te Fly Con end an teigiliir. tlitý-ýts cll moit ha I brougidd h e ivlflues do flot travel ver3' fax, soaa lis teleî'bone were receîved as sseîi country and L5.d bogh ivi'm an that treat.s bis cattle can ADainty Confection a.. a ..îr icr. And let tis war. reasonably expect to get nesults. Bridge Stick ........ box 25c ' ers Iigitîx stuened coupleIlite And lastly hoe found that re-I__________________ s1i'cemintiv joins iin wishiitg ligious bigotny and prejudice as A New Delight 'cotiiiixicd -cars of happiness. a major cause of these sorrosof His address was without a doubt Date RolI Cookies .......... dozen 20C -Wi'nglîam .-\uvance tragedies. one of the most entertaining this Nie. Ferguisen is a broiter of 'Nir. And yet. lie found in Ireland. audience liad had the privilege of DURING LENT - HOT CROSS BUNS \V. C. Fergxîsoîî of Bowinartville. too. the most beautiful country- iîearing. and helped t0 maintain Every Wed.nesday and Friday andxi Nies. Ferguison is a sister cf e.r.ide in the world. It is no use me Ilhat which was said of Mn. John- J. H. Devitt, Ex-M\.P.P. of Burke- tryîng to describe it, hoe said, aI-'s'ton, that "lie is the finest after Dozen ..... 20c tont t.bough hoe made a very brilliant dinner speaker in Ontario." attempt. Ho found also five at- Mrs. J. C. Cairns of the Boys' tributes that went ta mnake il a Training School in a deligiîtful THE CARTER FAMILY VOCATIONAL TALK great counatry.tslopiaiy sbc tlkso igueerseth AT RO ARY LUB i Fist wa itshosptaliy w ctt sb rogheaiencepressed het Phone 855 Bakers for 2 Generations AT R T R L B Sr Walter Scott after a visit raid Irish spalpeen" as she was pleas- "couldn't be beaten." The bearts ed to cal] him. ____________________________________________________ (Contunued from page 1) cf lte Irisb- expand to welcome IThte meeting closed sitlî 0 Can- cv xlix .Saxe titis week- Te1peke asiofoucdbw.1 3t er aenti e ery ei ng bacis up l kîtoii BI lîkets 'it a 5'5 endtînd'iutd 3-011r soti sippy a- Johtn M. James. snd President W. R R J -I eeling, keeps ber brib n ci' i Sn g for Tbiirsd'îs Il rtd i i'u sox en coub Ross Stnike expressed the appre % day lon. 1"nd a t i e hin and Stuirdai oto. ciation of the club. IMPERIAL TOBACCOS fr tired 'out, sleepy people. If YOU aitulRotarian Frank Weldon, Lind- INSPIRING PROGRAM L ""' el slowed up, achey, out-of-sorts, turn say, 'sas a guest at tlic meeting. to Fynnon Sait with confidence. Take WOVEN si- 9 Brighît xi Oiiciotlu',\tats M. A. Neal 'sas welcauied back >,,,our daily dose every morning andl see ')0- 36 49ctîtat wxll sersve wellin iikitciten ofricially by the president on his Friday 10 p.m. EST. ihat a difference it makes. Vour drug- or baluroo spet n fo aief onia Me r.fh ex l J go.issf yo bveanyt,î75cltrgetpacn- MAT S Sie retrnbromCaliorna. r. ealISTATIONaveFynnon Sait,7cualarge pack- 26 x 46periences and observations in the 5L supplies, Write: Laurentian Agencies, _______South__and__flood_______ St. Gabriel Street, Montreai. 22 even if the neighbour neglects ta are lost before it is likely ta miake treat bis cattle." any reai growth. Control of Warbies Nursery stock should be planted 1.~ One pound of Warble Iny as soon as the soul is f it ta work Pon'der, at drug stores, should and if purcbased. before thîs timne Itreat at least twen-ty-five affect- or if incanvenient to plant, roots ed cattle tltree or four times. Only Isiiould. be temporarily covcred treat cattle that have warbles. with maist earth or plat' sol 2. Tbree applications are nec- ibe stored in a cooldakclr ess;ary: The f irst - iast week in and roots kept. moistened. Mardi; second. the last week in First Vegetabies April; and third. the last week in is eeale ab lne May. Watcb the backs of the rat- in the sPrng axe spinach. ail srts tCe in June and July in case an of lettuce, radisb, aud peas. Once odd atewaxlc sowsup. upon a time gardeners advised 3. Only mix the anount of against the early sowing of peas powder nequired for each treat- for fear seed migbt rot in wet ment. One part of powder ta fîve cold ground. There is scant dan- parts ouf water. ger of this. however and biggest 4. Important - First use a curry crops invariably camne from early conib to loosen scabs and Ilion a pîantiug. Peas, lîke sweet peas, stiff brusît to appIy the iiquid. make their gro'sth in cool wca- Rub cach wsarble sufficiently to ther. jloosen scab on apenîng. allowing Witb most vegetables il is ad- a littîe of the liquid ta enter. sisable ta make at lcast thnee j5. If there axe only a few n'ar- so's'ings a wseek or two' apart in bics a fois drops of the liquid ordcr ho spread the harvest, that may be squirted int eacb grub much longer aven the seasan. Itabe with a small spouted ail can. Wilb peas tbis spreading out is 6. Whcre ouly a. fen' grubs are secured by sowing tbree kînds, ani found in an animaI's back a drop early. a medium and a late varie- or two of iodinc applied wirh a tT wbiclt will nesult in a continu- small oil can in the gnub hale is Ous supply of green peas for the ver3' effective, table from ntnid-June until late Do Your Part - If alI tbe grubs JuI3'. were killed in the cattie's backs Proper tbinning. frequen t cul- there would be no svarbie flics tivation. and an occasional appli- Ibis sunmer ta gad the cattle. cation of some good contmercial i UN THE GARDEN Without Eff ort WE ARE Many people bavec enx îed theWihEeyIn Yo garden next, doon, but because of ihEeyin Yo lack of lime or skill have decided Srn that a beautiful display of fîow- ens in their own backyand is im- possible. Some would like ta have sucb a showîng but tlhink the cf- fort requires too mucît persanal toil. These notions are wrong. ac- cording to authoitiçs on the sub- jeet. There are gardons that fit almost any situation. For lthose people 'sho bave neither the time non inclination there, are pienty ot annuai flon'crs that tlînis'e on negiecl. A uitIle digging of the gnound ln iate spning is ail that is requîred. Take such lhîngs as alyssum. dwsarf martgolds. portu- lacs andI Californa poppies for cedging. Tliese are lit-tle flowei's that almcst secd tiieniselves. cro's'd out 'seeds. do we~ll in any location but pu'efor suni sud lîglit sou. Once started thLy w's'îloo10k atten themseis os. For the centPe of beds or near thie bsck. largo flo'sers sucli as calendula, nastutium. poppy and phlox ssîll nuake a good showing. sud for screens, castor beans. dahlias, cosmos. sunfiowe'rs. tai] niarigolds are atx'ised. All of these annuais grow ' eadilv. os- pecially if gis'en a lilîle bit of cul- tivation and attention at first. There are plenty of colours re- presented ta make a fine shon'ing. Nursery Stock Shrubbery. fruit trees. roses and vines corne under the general headîng of nursery stock. Lîke secd it is important ta secure such stock fromn a neputable source sud one that is famiiliar and caters ta, Canadian conditions. TItis sort of pianting matenial is offered in a 'side range of prices. but as a ruIe cheap stock proses disappointing. Good stock is pliable. green sud shîowss pienty of lis'e buds. Rools are utoist and woll wsrapped to exohude the air. Such 'sill grows readiiy wben planted. Bruttle wood. wrnkled buds or noue at aIl. and exposed dry roots are an indication of infenior stock. If it gnons at aIl a year or perhaps two b~Cce Easter Gifts Candy - Novelties Complete Stock Order Now NOVA - KELP TABLETS Natures tonic and body builder, con- sisting of heatth- giving na tu ral1 minerals and vita- mins supplied by Atlantic deeP ses kelp. For practi- cally every kind of ailment. Uncondit- lonaliy guaranteed 150 79c, 300 $1.39, 750 $2.79 UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY BARGAINS A.B.S.&C. 100's - Seidlitz Powders- A.S.A. tabs. 100's Pinex - - - - Dodd 's Pis - - Fellow's Syrup - Pinkham 's Comp.- V'acuum Botties- 25c Noxzema -- Robinson 's Barley 9c 9c 19C 32c 27c 87c 87e 24e 15c 33e Burdock Blood Bitters '- - - - 98e fertilizer wiil keep v eg e tabl1e s growing qýuicky and quick grow- ing makes for tenderness. Il WON'T BE... ... LONG NOW You '11 be working on the land. Is your harness ready? If flot let us re- pair it or replace it with new harness. We guarantee our work JOHN LENZ ln the former Cowling Drag Store King Street - Bowmanviile READY Will Want for This Season Grand FPlavoured Rot Cross Buns......... dozen 20e Fiine Array of Eauter Novelties - Ail Prices Silverwood 's Delicious Ice Cream 'brick 25e CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville SPRING SPECIALS G aid Modal Orange MWARMALADE Red and Wlite FLOUR......... 32-oz. jar .7-1b. bag 2le 22c Rum and Butter TOFFEE .................. per lb. 19e It's Better - FRYS COCOA .......... 1/2-1b. tin 19C Giassware in Ea.ch Package QUICK QUAKER OATS....... pkg.d 28e Libby's PORK & BEANS, 21-oz. .... 3 tins 25e Fo W. NELLES Grocer Bownxanville Phone 596 For Corns or Callouses Use LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE. De'sensitizes and relieves pain with first application. YOU CAN'T LOSE. YO'UR MONEY BACK if it fais. wutl be paid by the maker $25~ oanyone producing, at thei office, a corn or cal- tous. that they cannot remove with this wonderful new scientific pre. paration whîch thousands of users praise highly. Follow up w ith Lloyd's Application Pads and obtain perma. nent result. TONEKA 'An excellent Spring e nior tates d , ____________ onic. tnates , and tones the system PRESCRIPTIONS A. SPECIALTY ALEX MIOREOOR Phone 792 DRUGS We Deliver IMPARE PRICES We invite you to compare ouir prices with those of any in- dividual drug store or drug chain in Ontario. When you have done this you will find that you can save money by buying at your I.D.A. Store in Bownianville. In addition our customers receive careful personal service.... Deliveries are made promptly. Phone 792 For Your Drug Wants Now- ,4rjt

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