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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1938, p. 8

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PAEEGH THiAAINSAE.IN ONAVLE NAI Town f Dot Worv: eadig ing was Easter Thank Offering. somte extent until the telmS of i f Many amnwudrte u SPORHETA NOTAESTAT Twn, ofOXMn'ILWrrL, NTARJO Mý ffc _______ bctio Iv NIrs. Fred Hamilton "A Sham- Appreciation was voiced at the the pact.s are made public, ft, orb.iethnw nt nhn In a sudoien-d.rath C.o.s.S.A.rock.- An interestong talk on "Lent" fine turnout to the quilting and A good deal of discussion lias etjb game played at Bowmanville Fr1- And was ive li Rev. C. C. Harcourt. it wa.s hoped that sorte Of the been raiseJ in the coinmons by Neyerjug a o nbyth S PR TN ES efayngtedpCobourg Sen irdrlsiciency wasserved. laies thus interested woul eon th po e il wîhich wxi iVecCrPaflysh someedt defatenîght.Cborg Se1 nior gilsHomte adShooCII)t e ganization. Ralph P7escnrl felcrcenergY epr.tran fought Cobourg Se S PR ES fogtbtl. ohCbur et ud a suiccessfuil (ac ntec, took Up the collection. PrOgraxm licenses directly into the hands Of ___________________ ior and Junior girls have wonl By întinity hall, Fridav evening. was in charge Of Mrs. Wilc.ox'S parliamtent. In principle h-owever R ~~~~~group and was opened by Mrs. H. there is littie actual disagreemeflt ____________ LOCAL BADMINTON Tom Long and H. M. Ryan of their group and iviii advance inCI1T k NI r. and MIrs. Gordon Stronit andCoeadMsJs.Rnlsre-wihtsbh.W reicrS vl TEAMS WIN TWO Port Hope under the wîre. The the playdowns._ Ralph. M'\rs. R. J. Bruce and '.\ing hescpture lesnThd-crpuwilb nte pivte lsr.an ana.zing combrnation Ot KnCadmus, wt M rOng votional efe a ae b Kblsaeinrdcdrqetn CH M IO S0Pif 3outh and age, put forth a Dick Mitchell. the hustling lett ý '. billsaressntoduce<lrequCoboguMg. Icourageous effort xwhach woen the yeung catcher with the Cobourg Eycsight 'i-h r Mrs oss utsChu H Salter. Mrs. C. Johns led in export licenses. The first of these ________ Rucppe ountith1isitors:ofthe rawder.g Aa pleasingea, wduetn SoahsSrend-st will probab]y det wsbendonellfromalytheon SHAWli Bwowhminvi s t e edout 1 mpifcth whiof thetd L n ,çs asebaîl gtea , he oroentouthMa-fal NI r. and M\rs. Bensoi Di. Os.h- kea by Mrs. W. Wilbur and Mrs. Ontario Hydro-Electric Commis- Th teO PlaY in the central Ontaioie oub I Ryan stood up surprisingîl xwellî ple Leafs, would have been taken Disney Bldg. aWa. xiy_ù MIIrs. John Forder. A. Peters. Miss Reynolds capably sion for about 100.000 horse power les badminton tournament held at The Peterborough twesome hal to again this year by manager Dan (opp. P* .>r. and Mrs. Fred \Villan ai presented the current chapter of te be exported to tlhe United Lindsay. the study bock. Next meeting is state f rom power generated at Peterboro Saturday. call on every trick in their reper- Howley. but for the sad fact that Oshawa, Phone 1516 Nr n r on Vno n usa.Arl1.a iSRY e ahris The men's doubles ended in ani toire tce grab the verdict. An- the roster was over-loaded with Donald. Kirbv. wi th lier p)arents, nolds'A od eahmbnalay all-Bowmanville final with S. R. other great battle saw Miss Lah- promising talent. He înay get a Number 28 Nlr. and(i Mrs. N. '.\otuiîtio%. Ago elhsbe led James and Allan Osborne defeat- ring Parsons and Miss Mary Mul- chance with Knotty Lees Can-Nis.s Florence Lugin Toron- done t.his session to h&ep the ing the Flaxmian brothers, 15 te'1 holland. Peterborough. take a fine A.m club. Have you ever notaced the fol- t,, at bomne. transport situation in this ceun- 13, 15 to 0.1 three-game win frem Miss Vi lowing? Glare, over reading and '.\r. and Mrs. Cecii Downev ai SALEM try but it does seem a shame that FRNAT Mrs. Duncan Smith and E. Daxidson and Miss Hellen Cole. î reading in obscure light. Neglect daugliter Jane. Reaboro. with '.M1r. î~ throughi constitutional difficulties FR Ail four girls performed So Swc:l cf certain symptoms of trouble in ani NIrs. J. M.\cLaiglini. highway traffic cannot be brouglit Flaxman, aise of BowmanvilleFo1th -r lvGdwl odit Iecno ftepoosi defeated Mrs. Allen and G. Henrv that it was virtually ipsil O IAtheaeyes epsey e dache;, Nr. mund NIrs Leit1 r. erati i Fo It Lrd iliv God the il 101(1 n tmoteconso cf tere i i of Millbreok in a three-game te s:ngle eut any one as being .ired anNiep elngfo rs\W. Weir and Mr Ilrravh RevA. NV. March for his finle nothing te be done about il be- vflyCTilV DAH match, te take the mixed doubles outstanding. In the mixed doub- Recent \'îr, studying, styles and inflained lid Bvers with Mr. and MJrs. \V. Brad- ,Crîioni ai the eveîîirîg service liere cas clearly highw~av îraffic EiU&V.VUA cup, with a score cf 18 te 13 141 les consolation. Miss Fox and T. ',Ir. andmirMu. -Md \Viiijmn. Gi- edges. Holding reading tee close, blim. . ast Sîtndav. within a province is under the' te 17, 15 to 12. Long of Port Hope did very nicely, tava. t Nr. Cas.Howsanî's-. squintifg in the effort te see M\iss Ruîth \al Toronto. xitb h netîge - -îîsi\jtrtitinc i 1eiîaue Thelades'doble chmpin-to trim Miss Hopkins and Cowie Nr i( r.ChrtnNerd.plainly. twitching and winking bur mother, Is.Jamne, MariIw. eveningmrcetinbg so ýednesdab' that oiince.Anthen lthre of Telae' out e s haeteron-ugh1of Oshawa in two sets. The Osh- I ronand M ar an NIire. a the eyes which 'afterwards be-v. enig \arh1t wsored\-tltpoiceAdte hr si ett th Peebruhawa youngsters put up a greati3rii adNrv an \.Aln comes a habit. Remember, no tihde President witbh lviin and rraver stili the great transport problem. _ GahsnClub, when Miss F. Ad- %ih o t u isFx' e ht.Ptroo I r. George b r .Ctr rga v~in that of t.he railways. The senatei Garrfoisonu is Fxs eWh-, e.- r, thabit is created without a cause. b I.F ao.Porn ans and Mrs. Wv. Preston put. eut play and Long's suP'erior dziving WhVlitt's. ENNISKILLEN charge of the Citizenshifp Xiceehias hiad its inning at 't. over a e! insayintwestaigt ets, uSor o ublsinlfor en N am.I_ýieore Mtand Gov. dscfrinre haimts.nRemethe b'irin .Wih: opien, M.W. rgc teto alan ss 15 te 8, 15 toSniov r o ubfil esulfin aformc- ters peari nr 1af, rv cause. Create a new habit te re- Nir. Ward Gilbert, .\Miss \V'nnie Taio so edi. atop)ieicii ndtecom.\il ak ra 1n os 5t of hec11p.nhi oryfortyClaeresulEdnadie Dr .IMr. \V. H. Westiake's. .place the old. Those who know Cule. Toronto, visied 'M\r. E. A.ion'Termidr ffi rg ad eaot heC.N.R.deficit Imatos, the layers w r ishtry.fo. Ssson cf Bowmande ver . a. dhMus. . Luke aofMissetheirlimitationsmayouartee aC.errvR. ,Nfr an ýNrs. . Lke nd teirlimtatons ay arnss a\\'rrv,.vas of a St. Patrick's nature. Openl- when t.hat railway's annual state- mtchs tare lratoethere to gdE. M. SRyan of Port H ieope d r IRichardson. Oshawva, ai '.\r. Tbos. habit and Icreate therefrom an Ms oa\er' ern îî-. me a tf e u ohir poston nthis kept o H..R. an o f Petort ouglan. ~Bakers Nstlorteisonsod.PN-o( r.a.Werrvs. n vsi-ing numbrwsasplendid rai etadisdfctaebfr h Mr~ . . eviod1viitd o-hasfou thaeronted, Nie.nJ-Ailt- - ' on the life of St. Patrick, ihe patronhouse. But whether there is a these games from being nearly as was a very creditable match in- W. Svmpathy is extended 10 the Saixît of t- SýIreiand; Irish nîiodnisslto hc ol efudb exciting as the final censolation deed wbich proved that the older roito friends. ing or the closing cf one eye in fainilv of M.\r. ThoMas 'MeGili xvho wr eee vM. .Ciaotagvrmen beyond simply in- fiaseco. The ladies' and menf's las can certainly dish it up in Mup. .PacssMe Rcad theedao e npoete pse 0rest March 21st. and 'Mr. L. Coombes in violiri duiet. creased traffic; whether if such a struggles particularly were beau- good style toc. Pso.NisMr oai n o tdsac rna.Cn~titost u n u.and \Ir. Taylor in violin solo: Irish solution were found any govern- ties. AI Drynan and GodTi'\mnIleLad ~ rs. George \'hiîe are under the (to be continued) D. Barton on the arrivaI of a babý edng vMu.H1Gu.Mu ent would have the temerity to 1- ____a a rl _me o bet Bw__avill Leas Lst D._s ar_ girl. Butterv. Mu. R. Hall and Mu' F. jntrodiice it. and whether the __________________ One feature wich is stressed Ouir Young People's Union visited Mu\1 . and Mus. E. O. Pethick. To- Blackburn; Mufs. A. Hertzburg fa: publiecoculd bc persuaded te ac- in Uic entire tournament is the Newcastle Union, . londav evenilit. fords. Thursday', wîth àn attend- ronto, xisited Mu. S. Pethick's. voured with two verv fine piano sel- cept it, remain a mystery. Ce:- i awarding cf points te the clubs Soina voing people provided the ance of 27. Roll call was answered Mur. S. M.Mu . \ cKelve, ections. A couple cf Irish contests tainly this is one of the most __________________ Irepresented. Each club is per- proguam. Refueshmeîîts weue served Pv something petaining to St. Pat- Toronto. visited Mu. E. C. Ashton's. filied in the social period. Attenid- baffling cf Canada's problerris. Sn'itted te enter four teanis in ecdi Pv Newcastle Union and an enjOv- rick. A Dioscesan report was giveil Mus. Wîn. Griffin is visiting in suce 28. A bill enlarging the grounds for event. one point is given for each able lime bad Pv ail. bv Mu\Is. Clarence Paru. A readînit T=,ito.dioc inC aalaspse game won, 2 points for each semni- Inast xee'nies lssVlm te he Living NMessage "Dorcas, NMiss Eva SqucIi visited 'Mu. c MssFeatcon ia eia divreaingCanadah s ase d . s sfinal game won. and 3 pints for Gilbert wss oly cuedited with ob- a Patroni Saint." xvss given Py 'Musr. Souch. Hampton. , coivler Iscet at the h om o.is eodre ainglicthe senateeand BO ONHCE MR each final game won. Bowman- îaiîîing honours in lieu Grade 1 C. C. Harcourt; the Studv Book Rev. and Nirs. J. E. Whithîamneand hs d naugtu.Ms.H Ps . oruto. is ber aTselddmmtte ofAr,.e Fm u "'How to Become a Hockey ville led the list with 39 points: Thîeorv exam-, but should have had cliapter "How v MissionarXvWa s Nr. Ws. F. W'aud. Boxymanvuie. vi s- P nadied by lier phvsicianita hmbr h.iI dst h Star broua ghstGuarrisonPeerbhauh Gr13'n a creditedi fouobaobtaiî st lis hooIsig ciassRe. Chonors.itd i\Tordto t entr't"statuterfry" X causeutoy incurablerale n-in-n T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, a Peterborough Club ha.d 6: Mill-,r Congratuliationîs elnîa. court. Prgvent Py Rex'. C .Hani eung Toonto. mueetteg tenbospîti forran -Rav Crùe Club .Ifyster Great Bock profusely illus- brook 6 points; Port Hope 6 Nirs. Johni Baker. Puesidentt.pue- iiumiiv siiigiiig of Iuish songs; nli'es;day eveniîi.e ias iii charge of Nîr. of resutls.. some shaxp Passages in the de- NANifc trated and containing many points. and St. Andrws cf Osh-, ýided ai the Home and Schooi mcci- Eva Pr gae nIrs radg.Aan Wa.MuJ..Werrv Folk xvho had the priviiege oi bate on this bill. mainly on re- ici RKNND valuable tîps on how tc play awa 1. 'Ihese points are awarded ing iast Tuesdav eveniîîg. A Comn- "The Gioriouîs l7th'*: anoîher ucad- led iin prayer: pianlo solo, .\Mus. J. heaing the (luama iput On Pvithe igious grounds. - AS the gamne. only in the championship play iitce xas appoînied to arrange fuor iig Pv Mus. A. L. Baiev calcd F 'htae ciîîe raig Tvroîîc N.P.U. ai Hampton o Tenstocetalmsec lAt~~ ais. AUTOGRAPHES) PICTURES and do net apply te the consola- a re-uuîloîl f ithe Old Boys amind __________NI______Xi sClara Page: topilie Pv Mus. L. Nlarch l7ihi or ai Tvrone,. M\auch Canada is going te be heard oe 0fORATPLYES io.Girls of Solina School tlîis summier.1wt (mountedforframing) 'The tcurney xxas an uniques- IThe prograni ou readings ' recita- XXang on 6RuîJ. A d Naon "Ti e r ead- l8lî anxvtre oeffient arier xin lh atheBCin errgla, sc- 1 Group Montres] "Maroorus" toe ucs fo tr.t fn in.tvopu og îd choruises ____________________Iuiouuîeo wdn oa uluhuichit xvas stagc(l ami xve ire dies startin ero na. ehac- l114' Group-LesCaCade"s cf ne ___________________________fiPn-îrs Eul Parrît and u',. A îapiimpiretnecefuturReiading"; cvdocglteword frm the iieduj idues o: Iiish. The finals in which Bow- xvas ggi= Pv huic ppils ofth ________________nd___________th___ fuurebin ates f heraiocopoad-on. DaveTrottier Johnîy Gagnon HebieCain manvîlle players annexed tities school. Nrs. D. RobP teas uuiable \________'.\Ir.____________charge quarte-s cf the radioacorporation Baldy Northott Wiif. Cude Paul Hayuui_________________ X.riM Varîto hreofii oiîhiepa oSli. The Torento, Montreal. Vancou- RueBlinco "Babe' iebet PetelKellyi were as follows: to Pc lreseili and \iss Helen Blaker _________________ a conîest. There passed t0 rest ast xveek one ver. Calgary symphonic orchestras Earl Robinson Aurel Joiat Marty Baruy îen'sDulsCapohi ceascomnstRrhets Temiperance programn on Sundav of Saiems oldesi residents iii the will gixve concerts in the mnonths Bt ob s rari e ater Bu ell'reBailey t(inl)w \eescrved and a social iaif Piouir m în Gué Marker « eEvans FrankfBouceher Osborne and James. Bowman- enjoved. f M aîîce Supt. .irMs. H. NlIcGili: recit- aid. Desti, occuîred ai the home of La Societe des concerts symphon- Dave Krer To Bliake "King" Cancyvil.efadFax nan uax On Nlauch l6th ah;lout 35 friends atuon, Raiph Lamb; chapter froni lieu son, Mu. B. M.\cDonald, .\Man- ique and other leading erganiza or ant, oLAMemou*prominent paters on vle eeif lxa adFa-z tA&'Maroons"o,"L«anadieu" uba man. Bowmanville, 15-13, 15-0. and i uîighbours of Mu. and Mu\fs. J.M Siudv Book Pv Nirs. R. Me\IGilI: vers Road. Finerai service xvas tiens. Thus the best music o! 0 Your choice of the obove 0 ie oulsCaminhp Kiveil gathercd ai thîir home t10L tocai solo, Mur. J. A. Xeruv; uead- heid there oui Friday ast. Svmpatbv Canada wiil be breught te Cana- Fo ae rtaatno ifxdDulsCaninhp celebuate xih îhem îhîeir 50'mhî wed MU iîgs bPvNMus. XW. Moore and MuIs. H. is extended t10 the Pereaved famiiv dian homes. Thc concerts wil FICo a BlAbel r a Inof(Final) iug anniversarv. NMus. S. E. We'rrî -.- cGill. and friends. aise be exchanged features with WITE" Con Syrup.-Wrt oMan. .Sithdefatd EMsla incalted the comipaîîv 10ouder andT 3 E A-T IR -- X.A. Cafeteria supper proved x'euv 'Maîîv Salem fuiends atîcnded ihe Amerijan stations. Wrt omnildfae r.Alnafter a few approprisie words Murs ___________ on the back your name and n nrMlbok131.7-X.JRendspsntdPeoup' successful on Fuidav nigbt. Pro- funerai service cf ihe haie MuIs. H. addreuu and the word, "Hoc- O M N ILTh strofmnidste key Book" or the name ofthe 14, 15-12. xith a beautifuil eiectric ihoor îamp. B W A IL ~ Ds r. .$19le,00 . h3u&k. Bowmtc, anv iue.on eep usda t hesoyo anidi h pitue o wnt(nebokSenior Men's Doubles Tbev siso received an electric toast- vstd u estory o ozn rae f pitr o at(n bc iie .I.Hugh Annis. one who fou msnv years was a ïI-gimsdsuhtfcrrec or pIcture for each label). (Final) er and cards of congratulations from _________________________________ Mallblt drublw r isnadEmns o-other friends. Mu\l. and Mu\Is. Kiveli sident cf Salem. and then left bchind. E W R SUB manville, defeatedi H. M. Ryan. botb responded tliankinit the friends Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. . AMPONspentJlaIrwkin Toa n to vis s igrtg wnes iwhe ouhe.bhv ro Port Hope, and G. R. Langley. for their lovely gifts. The remainder HAMPfNuend ls eki oot iiizWneswe o oe E RD W N BRAND Peterborough, 15-6, 15-8. of the evening was spent in cards MARCK 24-25-26 fr n Ms .Bun, s-Pei ge st ihM. u u CROW N BRAND an~~~~~sd s social time. The ficnds de-Mis'.BretNwctlia DR YR Ppsrîed wishing îiîem many moueM.adMs .BunOh nagestwt Nr n .\IsF. CORN iiîeis 1 . . awa, at Mrs. Jas. Burns'. Hoîîev for a few davs.jBuies' THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOODý "What are you raising in yeur - ____f__ppnes. is E___uch E________usnes__ Icor TbsGNADATARGiCOMANYLmItEr xisitcd Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souci. TORONTO F2Plmut ocs Brown's Leg- Mr. and Mrs. W. Spracklin, To The Otawa hori ndSmt'sWynotes"EBENEZER î'ento, were guests of Mrs. J. Col-LE A hous ndSmth' Wanotes" _________________Spotlight ________________ Dr. E. Kerslake. Toronto, visit- By Spect.ator M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B.*t~* C..1T.metngxv~hîld ai Mu\Is . , d his father and sister Reta on________________ was gît -metingday.,Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Ceciu Foiind".'. Devoiioîîai a i- ud Phone 351 "I FIND HAWESI FLOOR GLOSS 50 cei Pv Nlarv Rjznjk xithi Caîbarine Mrs. Fanny Clarke, Toronto, Ottawa, March 22nd. - There Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvîlle ST R EASY AND CONVENIENT. 1 SPREAD A Niinto ueadiîîg teible le sson; stud" yI N~ visited hier daughter, Mrs. L. Cry- are tumes when the most i.mport-______________ SA T120 LITTLE ON MY LINOLEUMS ANDbokwsichref lnPii Ao derman. ant. of public affairs, those which W. R. STRIKE I PAINTED FLOORS, AND THEY DRY AND el;pook solnchagecfFilnd;Pick--als Miss Verna Cowiing, Oshawa, stir parliainentarians as wcîî as Barrister, Soicitor, Not.ary ~f GLLM N 2 MNUTS.IT S ELF - solo.,\'eima Peauce aud an interesi- xisitedi relatives in Uic village on tic public most deeply, have lit- Solicitor for Bank o! Montreai S ISun POLISHING YtIcNpart ind.tic discussions wto! par-. Money te Loan. Phone 791. cit. eein cosd wth"Tps" ,ý Mr. Harry itrun To - liament. The present is sucha Younîg Peopies meeting, .\INidas rnt, pet Wntrb rn, Bovmanviile, Ontario n otne rots taf ew dayswiif- time. The house cf cominons _______________ evcnitig xvs iii charge cf IMisses . ends here. continues with its debates about L. C. MASON, B.A. M on. -Te.-W d Arnold andhNMarshal; bible lesson.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Young and domestic issuies, but ove: the houseBaise -Socir read Pv Don Couirtice: vocal solosn Peterboro. visited lier fatier, naturally hangs the cloud ofaiitr oiio O Elsie Oke; reading, M'ýadeline Tool- r .Jhs anxiety ove: the acute situation LainPaIl isbrance. ey; a 'usik given Pv 'MuI. G. F. An- Miss Doris Cryderman is visit- in Europe. Little is being said OLawceinmmeditlyaes.Roa nis on "Probiems on Daiiv Livinig"; ing her grandmother, Mrs. I. about it. Occasionaily a question Ofc meitl ato oa sing-,song in charge of Elsie Oke Clarke, Toronto. isased but the ge&nient's re h Theatre. and recreation period carried on by Mr. and Mrs. E. Wcrry, Solina, plies aredisreetly reticent. TherePhns Office 688; Home 553. __________________________________________ fadeline Tooiev. 'Out&of Mr Sunsîin Gis wth hei techir ~were Sunday gucsts M.a.nd is nothmng it is explained to pre- Surihin Gils ithther tachr. as$Mrs. J. Reynolds. vent the individual members of DENTAL Murs. G. F. Aîînis sponsored their Mr. Harry Cowiing and friend, the heuse discussing the disturb- annual. proguam suad box social on Toronto, vlsitcd his parents, Mu. ing affairs of Central Europe ardDR J . EVT Fridav e veîing with good resulis. and Mris. J. Cowling. ' o- Assat r .W io Prxrb e' W .SiboenMs9.Wlls oot, Spain, but the governmnents Asitt:D.EW.Ssn Pravr b Re. W C.Smih oen-Mrs.J. ills, orotovistedicy is te say notliing that might Graduate of Royal Dental College, H ER E O N edÎhie program.utihMNiss Louise ber father, Mu. J. Colwill, and ss-in thc siightest dcgree aggravate To.-onte. office: Jury J u b i 1le le Osbrn atth panoan diecedbv atneeSauray .3 p.. erBeatrice iast week. conditions or hampe: the work cf Bldg., Bowmanville. Office heurs Musr.. Annis an Irish sing-song _________________ Miss Bernice Rogers, B ellan those nations who are striving tc, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daiiy except Sun- uni oyed. Lcuulise Courtice gave au ville, accompanied by Miss Doris maintain the peace cf th.e world. day. Irish rcading and cliîpings on St. Wilkins, spent Sunday at home. It is o! couràe safe te predict Phone 790. House phone 883. Patrick teas given Pt' .da Annis: Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Mr. and Mrs. O'co. Edgcr a.nd that the increased tension abread X-Ray Equipunent in Office. F R DYvocal soL, weru uonributed Pv u' Rosena. Oshawa, Mu. and Mms. J. wiii reduce te a minimum the Harold N\fuir, sud an amuusiig skit, M RK2-93 .MKeeBwmnilvst.rtcs hc mgtb ietdF N R LDR C O Pr v egiuett v boxes. . wrl; alh OE..AND Df NGEBked r. oandMs- . ile, were Sun- thenth ovefnen' e enceii DVlbrmathsue Ciuuh cf uumarnr. M. aynudiscfMs. P B essa e untedt 36m.Dnthil F. F. MRADRISCTO . Yo rO p r u iyticitedthPcee-mnteorial an. do fa-r tM apsGrov Wce yun popeand riA .i 34 mlin. it se i eiy hat bulanrvce an Invrali da. Wlneda _ein ols-wekwihQhew,--shoizn.ake-.hee481o 74.Asitatit3 E t'f I~T'I\'aun aliiîî mctel as eiairmauu maid JONN a beauti!ul bouquet of cut flowcrs they help te dcst.roy thc barriers C~.\I Nr,. lowxauti B3ailev read ti ad-aument by Mms. Jno. WiUlis. Torento, of international trade, as they uutlî mu it uuuic Colicli muit a bouqueut Matinees Monda 4 p.m. Jne. Colwill. ada's pueferential treatment in 1 cf uaf f ,uIiil 'Tice-s ah', ce la Women's Missicnary S o ci ety the British market may be af- 6c each additional on ~U ~ ~ dcaruhs uf cougratff1atiotiý. Sirt Wednesday 2.30 p.m. met at the home of Mus. H. Wil- fected by concessions granted te, CRYDMu'jc hcieustvu ue nmade I)v Rut'. C. C. ccx on March lSth. with Presi- American exporters. In spite of Ail other pleces returned damp readyfrlolg Il.iuru oi n ai t ,li"u s m uutid lue Prie____________________ dent Mrs. BiUett in the chair. assurances receivcd frein authori- _________________replie(._Aver Mrs. Billctt opened the meeting tative quarters and the convic- Oha a audy&DyC an gC.,Ld Phoe 36 owîavile uhasýaiit%ut eveiîg svas, stueum iii ilay- _________________ with the call te worsiip, after tien that Canada will reccîve Osa a audy&DyCe Phn 3 onavle iig emrus aiuul cîhuer gmuuuus. ______________ _whiîch a hynin was sung. Mfinutes compensating concessions in our PHONE 419 XV. ..of Si. Jolin's AngiiT and business were aUtended te and pact with the United States, the Clîuuch mect at MuIs. XVm. Cratv- "t was noted that the next meet- natural anxiety will continue to jr I hi

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