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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1938, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADI.\N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF CtMT.Sttru THURS DAY. M~ST Mbe anabian tjrta~~n Establîshed 854 A Weekly Ile.s..a e d.~ted t he neet f tue town of Bowmanville and su rrounding cuty Issued a' jKing Street,. Bowmanville.evr Tusdy byC.. A ae os owners and publishers. The Canadian S$tatesman la.awmemnber of the Canadian Wek> espapers Asociation, aiso the Clasa "A" Weeklîes of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere In Canada $2.50 a year; wvhen pald in ad. vance $2.00 a year, 50c extra jin United States ho cover Postage. Single copiles, 5 c. THURSDAY, MARCH 31ST, 1938 A Budget of Sunshine and Shadows Premiier 'Mitcelli F. Hephut'n Irbashr'oîuglît dowrî Ortarto's second j"Sîuisiiiu Budglet" as he is pieased 10 eall il. Tiue ilîlerini staterîtent shuow-s traIt flue goverunîietl xii have aItihe close of the fiscal year a surplus of approxiiuua teiy * 3,000,000. Tihis figut'e nuay eer e ic reased as last year flue com- plete stalemienut sliow'ed a cousiderahl 'v Itigluer ariourut Ihan (iid thue iîrter'iîsîatei ient. A total of $35.000.000 xvas sperut oîu ii wv construction anud this arnourut lias bc charg-ed to capital accourut and is au aé ition to the debt of the province. Had tl beeru piaced togethet' wiIlu $8.420.000 of dinar iuighway expenciture qîuitc a sî2 able deficit woîld luave resulteci. lit oth 'vords a cieficit or a surpltus is largel *v i by tue nianner ji whiil te goveruruum chooses to do ils hook-keepirug. The Gox'e'rnenî revenuue fî'oîî t suces-,ii duties rececd aîu ail tinte liiî dtrriiug tl year. $19.400.000 beiîug coilected ft'orrî Il source. The goxcrtiiîituîluas hecru îuu vigiant iii Ilis regard. Anotiier leîu ni lions of r'ev'enue canme frîmn the sale( liqîuor, a rex-entre ttlnro gox-c'rîneri sluotil boast abotut. As the Siicoe Rcfornruer pîointîs onît tii whlile flue firtaxueal statenru appears gor, on tiuo surface it mvust be rememhered tha goverinet rev'erue lias ircreased $46,000, 000, and nro snîall parI of that incereasei dîue to iigher taxation. Relief cost thl Goveriiment $9.72.,000 w'hich is a hi, enoru gh load for arux- goxernment. The gros: debi of the provixuce inereased h.% $2.5.000, 000 and the furided debt by over $7.000,00( and so it woîuid see'rn that the finaucia pieture shîow's sunsliiie arnd shadow-s,(le spite the determinatiori of te gov'errlnliit to retrencli. More Attention Given Livestoci than Children as Caruadiarus have iiocn payirtt more attenutionî to the developineiiî of oui livestock than w-e hax-e ho our liîiid'eni.* Tluat candici renmark canme front Rcv. Dr. Miiisonin i an address before the Brother. hood of Triinjî' vUnited 'hîureh last xxeek. It is in. a very ceai serise ap)plicable to the discussion thaI has hurîrounded the local issue of the Public Heailu Nurse. The pro-. vincial Govcrnment has appoinhed Agricul tural Represeittatives ln. most counties to advise farmers ontuhîe proper care of their liix'stîick. LasI x'ear ex-ex' herd of caIlle iintire Couuîx- Ivas cxamiîîed for disease. arnd cvcr'y effort is made 10 inipeox-othie Ix-pi of livfestock raised on oîrr farîns. Arce îotlte dtuties of thc purhlic ileaitii Nurse someîlîiig -siriia' with the hunuan r-ace? Is she riot appointed to aid in. the preveiuîiori of discasre, anud to iîelp parents andirîotiiers parîieularl 'v, in thue proper care an iudîphriiticig of Ilueir childrcit? Per'iaps liaif te troubles C'ntada haW, iadliîaxe hecît dtre 10 dotsit uigiîî igntorarnce arnd lack of care irithue proper uiphrirtgiîg of ils eiild- reru. The clilci who is free front disease. 1)011 phtysîcal anid rmoral. is thue child w'io makes the lest type of ('aîadiaru citizzeîr. Thue facît firat fexx'othiei' nicihalities have lualtt nurrses is lioside ftue qtrestion. Wliat other iruîriicipaiities hlavxc, riglîl 1)o takeri as art exanîple, but theso exaîtîples are seldcyil fhîloxxed. For instance lucre are itaux- ittliiihaliîies oui' size wiîhoîrt aséanrîv miles of paved st'ecîs as, Boxxman- ville lias,wxithiiîî as adlequate a firo cepart- tuerut. arndxithoiîîr as good a water 5111)1)1. That docsru't menicirwesiîould foilow' suit. Bowrnaiixilho is, a distinct- îniniiipaliîx oju ts owxii. Wiîat it dîîcs is the Pouiceo"It lt ox-lvit tiize'zis. If the tlx'nxatîsi a irli nturse, thie filctIhat airotlier toxx-î iast 't orte, liasriot hîrîgtVodo w-it it - Wî'iî'i the najouitv of oui' citizeirs are agreemi thai a purblieh.bilhii]tltIshlias nutl heen«I utitx- 11ev])lit a xaiîialle assol w'iih lias r'cape'd ueal dixiderds in biitti'r irhalhlandi xitii it litter itizcnship. The Craze for New Armouries Running Rampant Again If itfxvas luot 50 i til i.I.ols il(hl 'ai- most a tisi o road ltaI tlireTownvr ii r- cil of Por'î Hope x'h w iiirihi î ow-th flic Departiitî oftNational Defeirso poiiting on011 tllh' h i l~ I tv o f staiiiisiig lte Iead- <îuailoi's ohfluie Midlaiid Regirîtent inthtIa towii il ti-l'oc iii ra nitodeî'îuariturrx'buîild- intg i, ru> t iripi. Piis i'equtest is imade w'lî'îoîîîi'îul r '-elizstat soerumîiles awav at < fiitli"h is al hirge arîourx. andfluaIt tlie relicsen'hivagIqîuart~iuiors of tle Mtidlanid Regiiiit, if x1ivliii îr'iai is a part. is loecatl liiî'î'. Ther<'se'r'ions part (if thii ie<lrhss is flue ex'oriast iii g.1-v-of tiipo ta xpax-e foi' cedtieed( taxationr, anrdut tlîe sainue tinte it'dless ap- At a l,,îgOf the totxiî eoîitii elreu i s i ly M a y ir R e g J o n e s a n n ro tin ito (i t r tx-ihhthd pt litho effect tcheiolicies lue of livsîoîîCIfoi' the toxx-îu and tiorel' idand itd ulsanat e of thle people. Fî'ai xeosecnor> good î'eas<îu wliv theo Mu lat 111 ih esgnto ask a rmandate. Heie Od elected t " ser'xe as May-or for, 12 ri)I at He las doue tviat ini his good wýý-sdon: at feels iLýs lest for lte oxxn, anti anîonîg oi tiirslire antd is cotnceil huave riv'n te nianuilie ils low-est tax rate ini ntanux veî 'g We see no0 good purpose serx'ed b% reSiguIiInu aIttis tinte. If the laxpaàý approve oftis policies they w'ili etIlI kitox'w'hein votiîtg day comes nexi .jantuu al Thte "main poinut of issuie at Ibis time îs ti evoli if lte'Mayor resigned anti askot înaîîdate, anti the people decicleti îot to gi ;itiriomie. lis policies are nox ini effeel, a the tax rate slrîrck for 1938. Ex'eîî if a rl luavor or a îîexx couitecil xvere elected tiE kis ruot nuciu titex car I to abotut the polii alreadvpult into operationi. If thex- dci 1d b hajîge them tliiex w'oultilikeix- faceti w1-itlu a tidy dteficit orthlievx-erv c rate thnt has been strîrck. Asot -u l'îglx' urgotl the prese Mavon' hi stand1 for office this year xxe 1 liev:e that niost cilizou-s iii agree lIaI sliould cortittue bo serxve tue ternt for w'li( Ilii- xas ele<'îri. 1Ho, has <loue wltat Ilic thiri * s' rigl ,anîd after ailt tnt is xxhat lie wi eipeceto 1(Io. Onîe doos nol ask a manda * aftcr' IiuY ihave dorue sonicthing. A mai date Lsfinu or<ler to dIo sorneîhiîtg. not tl approvai or dîsuipprox-al of souuelhing lt liras alrh'ur(lxv lhOh'ilaccoinrîlislre<i. So txe sil, g etit tif Ris Wîîr'shlîtîtat le carrex- on. Ev.- liiose viii d isagi'eo w'it certaini of ]lis af fionhis (1Iohht 8sLrt.rye-<I thiit lire is nol silIe otr coursh'i'rtiis inîrlis efforts tôbin,,ugri liof fr'orrthie lhlr'holrof taxationi. Il ii ainuaî intoti office lte Mayvor xvas gix- linsmnate ,tî' iserve 'foîr 12 ruîiotîs. ai servxe iisioliirîrtil huts teri'îuis îom pletcd Challenge Against Sectionalisn' 'Seiile<s, "uit d h lnlssx .1s tire liiirar eoiired bvImx- (1 uer.. riinit editoi of tire Ottassa .iiilr'i . xiioilie xxaith' i( reff-1r' t l'iavIz (of îliitx ii(Cantada.'fuori sît 't ai v diulit. wlenr oîtm' xîh'xxs theO xxor pietirre aI their~ ihsm'ntilnttiraI hlreofm unrit «-vis the i'Irimf cotIse of Itie fast n'î'cîrr- rîrg intruntationtal vrisos. Irt arnrrmî-.sxeandiithirhit-pniîking addr'css iiifiîn'e Itî isit Soteict v of Hlifax. Ns.oit St. Puîtnii'ht's Datv. Me. O Lout ev staîm'd tlîer'o is '"-Aciii'tg to al] if us t. put dowvîîse'rsei<.-,s si'itioiraiisnr. Cantada Mn'. (1'Li'arx'sail. -In titis vciirti'xv xs-('o l ut tali ittolesc.'tioiu of îoui.' pî'ple <litiiig 0ailx-viiîier se'tioni. tnrx-i il foi nrîii t i tlîînîi in tlheit v ui x-s.- ('011irîriug.lu. saidin rrpart : 4'M oare hîlîl iins î-oîîntrx- 10 iax ltatt ('îî toler- atioirs ili ilni : thuat lte 'nativiîxxliclt w- buîiir inr tii-laind l70 x-ar's, -guis in danriuii tif sîrrasitiru" iiia niisaii' if Bakaitizi d I i b )r Ilt s a e t it ve u w t1d hî'j'-- r is un ho tglu-t I Slioîrlci ik' 11) li w -xitilh voitourîglit --is thui t lier' is ut sot Wht , ai in alad i niri.ii - \'Iut v w t s wxu n i t ru ( il aler is uit a ff iri fi<'rsiv lifix, v urxx~tau ii'u v i -if#" iti.ll t lusf i i hi ao r ipinioni' sii t ;jun 1alis,' fori, îi'-i. ul tîrut tlu si- tulo <li' f'î'îîîî lis inal i-v ifr- i in h11 iiîrostx-. 'lirhexvha ihi-<ito a' llh'l fon' "is f> ser i'.' iritiv- i' îrîrîîî ii.îari<r-s. lix- un'futithl arndi <ii t' ii'ht,-j. i s, lji fthiliis 1< ioxîî i i 11nut yî't l nîî, i i id<i'il 111h) hii'ix-<nrI Cii -ThuI'eu is tire vcitali'îî of îec. .rî yvtol tx-nokrro'i îîliîîîail ti s tlrirti<i - hiirr;11aithins ponîup i'i Oi'îirr ofaii' if mii- fit r h mh', tti iiilli i s o(ifil t 1iil înnuîlo i i'h of tli#ý earîhlr i<î or L e iac<'.tiat tit- on iii('ieîsîrug tiiitte t10 thit essuige tirut (uinîue to miii 2,0)00 x-oa's agii: uand if ir ivlI'uvir tonlgliri S. Patr'ivk loks moxvîr iror n is grathrirtg, l iiiiîsîlie prax-iîîg tiratiil(-onu- . h'ces ifseif lii 11<0(0: t4i)'î"anrr' licoes antd 'oes Wha i wou t'aitlr of brullit htirr is inifile xsor'ds of filue ostpo'i'nd<ulOtawxa cd itir' 1 1 le" t how ol !wr l el obi ndsto lniar f-"'uu I o ilt anot ler Ehopas. w the y- w ou i'd lose sales and customers - d c;uesuon. _There us One mnethod sread out like tle peVah.s o! a telephone facilities or the wroi beug voctedwhc does flot rosecming inthi bloorn." aeai 1 ltuc. PerapeoI aflt eetypeos do not understand, îlefathI boid av, r lcknor wan t o they would take ad meet the pectiliar needs of offi( un m e otheî' way, but I feel sure vantage o! oui' non-resistance factory. Why not let us stud 1asv ReSistance wilh nol suc- and tle pninciphes o! Chilian- reed in tliLs day and -eneration. ity would be overt-hrown, if flot prol)lems and check your facili F is nol becau.se I lave no failli for ever, tIen fou' a long while.hlgtin in the principle.s of Chiustianity, I hale war, but I also hale rbb- obgai. but I have suell uttle faith in hu-j bery, murder and aIl o t li e r mran beings as far' as the.se prmn- crrmes. I arn willing Vo pay my cuples are concerned. To nake share 10 police our counties and 1 and i lhiroiîk the'î'care arnrlhîîies t] îised for' banuerzts~, hi(itilir dalle' bantid prat'iveC. fli ( olir'uthte uti rs ur-'ecifor' soiriethiîîug alori)t te sat] nlîîjira eitrurvceleiîrutjorî. fseerîs i)ilr tha t w-iat IPort Hope va it',isa în< iu.hi-buidig whet'e 1) Iiiu111,1Y bhoplayve<1, Corlititit.x' darue. q iels anud poliil am reetinugs field,. ail, tir e txheiise if sîre h a buildinug ue hoi thue alt'eatlý- ovet'htrdcrued taxpayte C(aniadak as a wluole. Bowniivihle .îust as easihv ciai ni a riglut 10 ait arri But we swallow otteamitiionis anud anud iîstead of putîtirîgthue cotunitry- trseless experîse if hbuilding ait arruuoti îîîwirorerîiiiary lhead(qiia'i-ttrs are Ih iin a secoîid sIorý- flat ox'er a pool r'o a nomîinual rerut. Forîurîateiv oîtr Votîtue il is uIot tri' lv iii îat WaIlstiio Iuuîile\- cIrt everv* %I i 11e poptlar xviîi i o tur' tlitat contas aloiug. 'Jîst so luorg as cit-izens andti tîyr coi aci like indulgenrt chijdrer i wtli the" ruuos ' 'anrd eciiîiihro 1pieîitiotu goveeir for a rulourîes al11(1oluet' Ptii)iie îttl( xvhieli are r'eall v îuoî ieeded jut -, o lorîo taxationu iit'aiuada conîiie at ils ir r'arîed lii,iulox-el If Poirt Iope xants a place 10 play ut irulori. or liold daruces and iai îiritas, dliesiu'fthue tow-ri do flue saine as Bots' ville did<. hto itil ow'n quarters. anud expeî't the fedoral g(overrurucut to fooi b)ill '? No Need for Mayor Resigni] luit are M A cesla aProtection aan .al alid te onslaughts of crime. And thue nuîîrrC A ND A sme must g'o for t.hugs of al kinds from an international lie Iiuw A Better Place in Which to Live and Work standpoint. I hate war. but I won't dese:t A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians on Vital those 1 love. I won'c. stand by and admînProblems Affecting the Future Wef are of Canada see others <estroy my home. nei- adiiii - -ther arn I w iliing to let others S, hiait Speciaily Wrltten for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association get control of my country with- d that out putting Up ail the defense I rebv LETTER NO. 6 can. I don't feel like sýaying "Gdswill be done," ançi flot be or f Or What cani Weekiy Newspapersj companies the riglt to work and wligV hl u ye! COUldI do to make Canada a bettei- place ' to assert indlviduality with self - I say again, I hale war and I uor. in whiàch to live and work?" The reliance. Promotion of such ideals love peace, and if these people pride question correctly implies a spe- may noV be a distinctive preroga- won't understand and won't let 10te cial sphere of influence, for the tive of the weeky press but.its me have peace in my day then I iry t.le %eekly collectively goes intothe fieldis responsive. Respect for arn willing to fight that my chil- iir ii ho es nd s cosetoth he rts ind vid al apaitisus being en-d.ren may have a better chance t o'ated of hundreds of thousands of peo- dangered by over-regimeniZtion have il.. So long as we have the ýom at ple where the basic factors of a1 Canada w ould be a better place Present type o f mind prevaiLng congnia exitene shuldbelin Germany and Italy we w:ll ci oungeilexsec sol have to fight f ire with f ire. spend If "to be hontest, to be kind, to r* lurx- earn a littIe and 10 spend a littIe less, to make upon tue whoie a famaùly happier for his Presence," In h dtrsM i ilils if Ihis is the test of a man's 1if - ive- and work, as Stevenson says. ens making Canada a better Place \heîî subsribers are sediîîe ii depends upon the character of ils tlîeir reîîewals the editcr greatîs cen- Idirugs' citizens. jos s aînd appreciates tlie little per- t W'lI he weki hasan pporung .sonîal comnents apart from the ever ni'ar- through ils community -service to Welcomne words eîicloseil please keep alive the spark of humian ..f iiid" such as svas oiaiidii sympathy and interest, antidotes . olhowing letters received duiring tre f or greed and repression which pa * *ek wv are responsible f or so much de- ma-spair. Church, shool and home M.I G. Hefke%-, Natiager of q l t are w ith in th e ran ge o f i s in ter- !R o s i B t k a e le il . ii r n pretation. A large proportion o!fig ls subscriptioîî to The States- - its readers has the wholesome n ilan wrtes: -"We enjov reeeisiiîg privilege of living close Vo nature. -our publication as it lcepstLssn man's inspiration and model. Can toîîch with mnanv of our old frieîih.. the weeklies do more 10 cultivate Wtîknetrgrst I. ýng an understanding of these ad-DrFed .Crerai,21 vanage? atori Tosver. Detroit. Mfici., svrites: Canada is a good place in which "A coniînued appreciatioîî of s-oîr ueiII- to live because it is not yet over- paper promnpts nie agajîl ho sas. t lit, whelmed by individual and col- A. A. IMcintosh rlease fiîîd eîîclosed $2.50 for 1938. 1- lective barbarities. Perhaps more 1get-ýeiotehsoia kt )e than any other class of publica- in which to live if the tendenicy I g, r,"ls ebbOv he Nfi,,rilst- zil ions the weeklies can strengthen to centralize were reversed, the c entesritc b Dven frrong i E 'uklv the ideals for human belterment srn:e cmuiie1 ovi dBoinsalssien the% tbsed ho îlav iin ~u-r by keeping the virtues and -their with a greater share of indu3trial tlîe Bouvniaîiville Baud at the skatiuig w-n earus of expression in the foire- activily. enabling more people 10 rinikiin the old drill shîed wv baek %vs ground. The audience o whiclh enjoy the neighborly intercourse ~~7'. tls. they appeal, p rom otin g the ine i w hich seem s 10 , be denied o a in t e 7 *,s.* l ho instincts. can continue with the great extent in the impersonal at- DrE..Wiouib 12 ae- hur aid of press leadership to be the mosphere f the more congested D.E . St. Winipg ites: 312 Waved nation's defense against the vices area. lea Se.,f md re iesv f mx Stbsed '" in high and 10w places. A. A. McIntosh. tiobi. I tought it mniglît ibterest s-oi lars. If sincerity in huinan relation- Editor-in-Chief Itotkn,,ow that ,,e are haviblg one of his sllips is the basis o! happy citi- The Globe and Mail. th fnst anti earliest spriblgs obn re- es zenship, willingness to let live ac- Toronto. March 22, 1938 j înre ihti lui iihad iîothiirîg but svarm sprituglike I I and sunishins- veatlier ee tat D tLEPTION 1 The stn10w tabd ice are about zonie. CIa By Scribe G Testet are dry anh ust lvbî an il 1 Box 553, ew We have forgotten who made l silk produced in Japan ... and il Fort Erie NÇonthi, Ont. ier te remark . . . but we remember cornes from silk wor'rms. We have Marchi 25th. 1938 re the remark: "To be deceived oc- neyer foilowed a silk worm to se Dean Editor Jamnes: Pies casiopally is a sweet priviiege forý what kind of a place it chooses Vo Enclose postaililote for mv% stulb- id- thus You avoid being the same 1spin ius cocoon . . . nuaybe in the scrbptiorî. So pheased t(> get blews l)e kund of a dam fool Vwice." crex-ice o! a fence-rarl as caler- from tle hîome towuî but saddebîed osP IV las always been Our feeling pillars do here. If every silk würm Mhi e very sveek (almnost) bbnîis that it is no great sin o deceive !in Japan liad 10 be aken off a news of somne fniend or acquait- a Person . . . provided that nl fnc-ail we imagine silk, would ance passed on to the Great Be oud. etit d oi g y u p Od u e w t.h n h m 1 b e to o d e a r to m a k e irit h a n d - M o st o f aIl, w e w ere sluuLk d o v er li- more pleasure than pain. Nature ikerchliefs for flappers to fiourish _________________ ie L engaged in what rnay be calledj in beer parlors. Af 1er a cocoon is ' Protective deception' . .. A skunk, yanked off a fence-rail it would eh for instance, is pretly enough 10 have 10 be boiled to kill the cdry- ks Pet . Or take butterflies: You wsalis :*.they can't use th.e cocoon vas wouid think that a gorgeous, gll.- for silk else. So the Japs put a lcring butterfly would be sweet lot o! silkworns on a piece of att and succulent . . . but birds xho glass that is slightiy eleclrified on Ilue ter a butterfly looks the bitterer walking off t. The worms get nt È us. Nature provides a really tired rying t. find a sequestered swveet and succulent bullerfly with spot to spinin. .sVeytlg g- a Protective raiment . . . usually on the glass. They spin and spin 'ru sober cohored. A hungry bird wi until they are spun out and then t- hinks he is iooking aI the limb o! the Japs pick up alI tle lenous rce a tree when actually le is looking bundies of silk threads and chuck 'e- bird has astigmatisr . . . the but- 'w tell you where the deception lis 1er! ly is exactiy the color of the ornes in: The silk worm thiniks il ,~ tree on which il is reposing. lis spinrng a cocoon which figures id Men have been trying to deceive 1lin tle mystie process o! metamor- fisl for countless centuries . . . pihosis. lune lem b rrps an ne~. r nah M.. do You suppose that or empt them mbt a f rying pan Htean Mussolini ever deceive via 'the hook.' We read in a Sci- each other. One Saturday last 1 ence book the other day tIat man Feb'ruary a German went into an has ways o! making trout spa«wn Italian barber slop in New York. î sooner . . . thus tle State De- He said he wanted a hair eut Partment o! New H-ampshire (and and the moment his carcass hit r probabl.y others) cul the cost o! the chair he wenV sound asleep. <,distributing- young trout for i-e- The Italian in cutting the Ger-:à Populaîing slreams. The shorten- man's haie chopped a couple o! ing o! tle spawning season is ac- ichunks out o! lis toupee as well cornplished by artificial iights . . . and said le didn't know if fPhaYing on tle aquaria . . . Vo WAS a toupee. The German sued -make winter days appear as long him for $5.075.00 damages (on the as surtimer- . . . These ligîts are! grounds o! being laid open 10 em- succeeded by shadows 10 simulale barrassing jubes. In his defence t autumn. tle Italian's lawyer tried Vo make We don't know if you have ever a point o! stating that the toupee heard o! a Japanese tryuing to de- was born Vo deceive the public ceive anybody? There us a lot of Not so s'upid. Eh? BY THE OLD BOX STOVEI CIBy Hiram due to inadequate )ng equipment to ice, home, store, or [y your telephone lies? There's no - -~ f Frank William, Manager, Ialraf : wii p~~lg. h oe e the famiilia r face nof -ies tu, pleasure to recaillthe byriJg~ lîtt lone d k. oýj visit svitlh lier iin lur of f e 11 t e relpccted ini-a 1g n d y u)cc tsioii iof 01W aving hi rest thie hies ;a s -O nd our ken ! Be i tt~~~~~~~~ l-i~ riiWo alvll'hao-t rsc il-worths du rinz h t little siser anibiaer-of "'earth's I ittle whil tfti IGod's.Acre. Anotlier clîeri>lied Faitlhfulv oturs, lace ilas îîûW bcddilto tlie lever- (Nr> )E.(G. XWatt.. to-be-forgotteî onle, of s 'tir fatiier çîe eleBîgan yo an(i lrotlier Normani. Tlîaî ittilre (e eleBlgii.T,(: 1of Nliss Has eraft wlîich appeared iii* * l'le Statesîîîaî at the limne(if lier Mrs. C. L Sliaver, Units s- deatlî ias o oîderfîîll\ h felikec. and \%.riîtes:Enclosed please find $ 2 tIhe delîczliti iii Elizabetiaîin i f f le aI lier throat .gav\e a softieîl toîîch of for The Canadianl Statesman o dint oler appearance. E 11Ver ckl 1[homne lettèr.' 1 hiked prechîî încnsjosl i ie g4îliChî1ristîîia., storN ver% much . of clîeer and l ielpftiîlnes.sîîhe lived to wotild like to see another as goo<l bless aIllsvith whim she cail'le iii tlere is rooin for it. W~e have l., contact. \Ve ss jl rejoice iIi lier a grand wiîiter after we were ine ari. inemorv froze ni) at Christmnas time. îo, On openiing Tie Statesîîai to(hav isgoiig igîoî." .5, ice-.. ý THE CANADIAN STATESINIAN, BO\','NrANVILLE, ONTARIn Salary Cheques Just Salute as They go by0 0 But not mine!" "'My salary cheque used to be spent almost before 1 got it ... it would just salute as it went by! Now, through my Canada Life policy, I'm making it do much more for me. "tRetire at 60 with $100 a month for life... that's my idea ... and if 1 die in the meantime, my wife wiII get an income for the rest of her days." Like this young man, you too cana arrange for any size income you want in units of $10 up to $300 a month or more. And the sooner you begin to save a littie of your money in this way, the less you wiIl have to save from each salary cheque. Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company 117e Canada Lue Asurance Company. 5*:10 Un)iversity-Ave.-T--o-o--Ont Wtotobligation on my part phease tell me hovv I can get a guaranteed Canada Life Incorne $50 CI $100 E$200 E $300 L a nîonth at age 55] 60 U 65 Q Name............................ Address,.............. Born Dayof.........................1. er mie ne can51VLU R-eductopl in tc'lephone ,ice and you neyer raies - local and long and '37'raveecf fcct'd of time and zmoney saiigs Io1, tclclr, rnechanical failures. Ulsers in O'ntario and Quî'bec of noarly opte phone troubles of Muillioni dollars ycarly. THURSDAY, ill«AIST,

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