THURSDAY, \IARCH 31ST, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESM'%AN, BQWM'_NANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFV eCanadian seed catalogue. S In regular vegetables Ithere h I asa sF v >been improvement ail down 'ho line. with the object of getting erci season. Corn is a typialOh F INTEREST TO '>(O1MEIN ;?0;?~.~fSLD ~>.%%~44.. 4 ~ ~ SSSS44~.44 4~-.'~ Bantam. C ob.s were sho, and the 4444 44SS 4%<444444 ..t..4,season Iim:ted. Now there are KSE I MOTHER WHEN THE SPRING UNLOCKS c':gh brushing. Suchi a brushing ofered th'ree or fcur different 11 v ~ . 1THE FLOWERS Ia t :twould be impos.sible to do Bantam types, somé extra carly. She sat on teporch in the suni- INews roim HelEU N taebo k 1 o nessef he iedfly______Euarsaon om a.SL shline, donh IL AIv8 1UiJUK îen thie spring unloclks thee froesl.Tenhdetye-om ga esn.oelae57 f loersarrngesthewavs. I issof 'Cos hve eenlengt.hened. ker- AsIwn onthe street- ___________________________________fowr ragstewvs t1 Otnels made bigger. One cani enjcv A woman whose hair was silver,butrcn p- And the southern breezes blow, an ttrctve and flot lîke Ilee!the finest Bantam corn for overâ E But whose face as blossom Perfumed bte ajb u-Wheeler. r n r.Ca-And the warm sou, -wester anatrac wae1haela amonth isedo u eko swechased in Paris. France. Searle. Misses Dorothy and Bxt howers lastulfroen wsane it hae hador wointeaoddofbaysee Mkn metikoa adn MsN.S. B. James ýýpe'ît the Mr. John M. James attended the snow; lo.neer. sQ apparently the brush- Pruning Whrsn spte f ros ad Ms.N. n.oono ihMr.and Goodyear Annual Staff Party and And the birds are al returniflg 1i îg does not take out the wave. FomM1rhInllJue B NVLI LO A CHNE hatnt siateswic, snow.*h wekend n Tornto wth Mr At Home at the Club Esquire in! From th-e land where zephyrs I~* ual2y considered the best seasonB-LW fltscicayprvddfry 0f bleak November weather. ýMrs. J. B. E. Staples. 'O* oo hrda vnn îvIîcdental. lhe uses less wave - foi 'pr-uning-. but there are a few 'this Actan hcarfltc- Mrs. HueantlilesgMo.cTrohoenrson.y i"Brock1 pla. sez: and dilutes ;t wîtli water. I cfc xepins1os f t1es(Muncipal World) trary tothlw.Thsjd et Late fragrant lilies Mrs. Cattran won the lucky num- 'And t.he rose tree and the lilac1 alout hea.rd a footstep behind me. vil.wa- een iet1fMs ber prîze.Ar a-greening every day; thpee o speak of this to a ýare the early blooniing shrubs The attention of our readers i so pod u nwremn An on famryIuhE .C ote.i.e.And the robin ini the morning '-iend who ha.s lîved in France ;such as the Forsythia. drawn te the case of Morrison qetoL umttdo hscn And asnd ofe hartitme ' .luhE C . Sute. Aclbae iepece'iiaIn tlie big bare maplîf tree. an shetol me that th~e French IT m: ojc fprunng. and th~e ciyf Kingston app~ear-tentiour be]tpirtotec An te eat t am been engaged to address the COfI- Wakens you vitIi gentle warning. haîr-dressers always brushl ther whether ît be rose bushes. fruit .fMrloadtetw fIgr Would be like a comforting staff aî.adMs.Dnl .Lndn:rgto fangochrhad Wt i opwe:mld: lar hsma sFec n ~~ten or ftheienreofsh r wth min ise. Tis ase Is su sonnourecmr,13 In the time and theehour of iToronto. were guests Of Mr. and as being întroduced by the col- 1 And the new lambs in the sheep- ime'hods are certainly good oncs. oe ptecnr ftegot otiprat sb tab-a su)wihuhl uhlcn troubleMrs. Wmi. Trewin. ored pastor. "S.stern and bred- shed. Brushing gives a sheen to the haïr 50 that sunishine and air may 0f the City of Kingston which at- sing by-as.Snete igtn Hopeful. and. brave. and strong. d&rn.- he began. *it afi ords me 1Frisk and f rolic as lambs do. ha not.hing else will give and i eert reyadas fcus tempted co license slot machines caepIl uiiplb-l t One of the hearts to lean on- Mrs. Fred Pattinson and Jean -,he extreniest pleasure to intro- iAnd the cattle in thie barnyard ri, good to know we. can do It to produce a symmetrîcal plant. t.empting to license gambling chinea- When we think that things go spent the weekend in Toronto dice de speaker. I wants to ex- i Have new mnusic in their moo; ýafeIy. Naturallyy dead or weakwaquhe.twshedtaaleAcineprvnteo- wrong. land aîtended thie Flower Sh~ow.. :pla:n dat while his skin aint de j Then the winter time is ended. Ad-vrBtro ldb eoe n I these maChines were gambling;al.A . .aile color aý de odders heah. I' And the summer's jus, at hand. 1 "o branches that rub against each machines. and thie municipality 'rto fsc ahnssol I unda recîko regt- one cf the greatest lessons of assure you ris hear: îs as black \Vhen the spring unlocks thee h aai mk ayaother. has no power to licenise and reg- voman lokenfounder trie Crit-inal Codeh latch. lfe is to learn no-, to do what a. any of yo'n. f lowers. amnln o ifrn i-ulate sommachines '- seaz-hi And met lis manly look: îrone likes. but to liký what one Spreading jcy aIl o'er the land. (tien Qi' bathroom. From .a wom- Nx ek:Psoil lwritdb ming Cods.rohius- ad me houIl aeLikeh page ofmapleasnt I WhenI wasiGeendonashu-lresotntre rssnanodrock gardens. vegetable hînts. -tice Middleton's written judgment___________ I etepg fapesn .-hnIws ite a u 628 Crawford St.. Toronto. hoe-ndte wen tin houes lot Canadian Seed Trade Association. f5 also a valuable aid in the in- book. From trie Kîwaýnis Magazine: mîliated by trie appallîng ignor- 1bue-ad ini ossnt terpretation of the general powers, Manyanoesdlaraqrs It told of a steadfast purpose. ane fmyi hr- Wen1%vs old. Very 0f ten trie bathroom 0 uiiaiyt asb-asatittruhascain 0fa raean drng~îî Man.v a woman has made a Itar onfeaf my ather.a'Whe I v.apFor long arrowroom wth th Of a brave andman by skîng hm whautwenty-cne. I xas astonished al sHints Hnmrom wthte ndrsetin25nodheipii- Th Aface with a pr-omise in ît oill fhe. cw mucri the cld gentleman l'ad 1it-ubaon!palog al tOBT AR ndsction59o f h tyunic i Th vrg a os' lie togi fle-* land'lfv e.- And some- lVntten for The Statesman i fly' rieimpossible to change the *,. aliAty"o a ehatn.sftle shvn oo ieuls That God grant trie years ful-> iearned :nof tiven-vears.k fu.Cmrs-dca nna a one' has saîd. "If you live to by sIiape of trie room but ut is flot1ToaMGil nskle Heweuutie a'wa unin: le. a ca in nw e1utr' be a hundred. voull neyer knowA Jessie Allen Brown czfricuit to create an optical il- ToisMGl.E.ikle _______________________________ Hewn pteptwysiLn*ý1 b akge snwdlvrd1as niîch as you ttiought. you knew :us'on anti change trie apparent Enn'skillen communîty suffereti I saw the Iwoman's eve.s b- white coateti drivers in whýttec-n' o eesute. shape 0f trie room. This may be a severe loss on March 2lst, when Grow brigrit wth a wortiless we -enmled3 trucks. .oe. ToSae lone by putting the tub acros there passeti away one of its Ill1 As unainewars te sies A alîosîîa air copan de MisesNovlti Besy.Eveyn We are beseeched on eves3' sitie the short wall instead of the long known and most respect,-<,citi- ac gine eter ohs"lue' c ra nMitbtls oissarti nd ela MiBeryatten-to buy but no one rielps us I have seen tris done andi zens, Thomas McGll. Decasd ativertisements that teacskuss.oA som.iThis dalrleaveproom forGadrabon ind1870linMManeerstTenn- D R E S S U H cr gind ieter,to riss likersmilk. rain fsing botre.etithe annual dinner at Hotel Advertisements tell us wh'at te the difference was almost unbe- who was trie son of JosepriMc- THe criov nd faett wa lite ik mie i andeletr:crefrig eraorCarlsrite. Toronto. March 23ri.ý buy and how to buy but the only leae.I okdieadfernGl ndEzbthPtcr.wsDRS Fh o nglfaoe thers mis. miatuarteofic nelctrream iproced.of p:esent anti past students in detsmn hatacusowrm.Tiwl ev omfrabr n180nMnesTw- For -wha some mohertriesclasses of Journalism antiuced to save are those of trie Iuisus- dresçsing table. a chest of drawers. ship wriere he lived until 30 years thrclssesp of w uich m a n d i ance Companies. Trie Govern- or a cupboard placed on one of ago. trien coming to Darlington That boy wuill do to tiepend on: 'Ms. an I.GeneyM--su ment mnigrit very well help te Itre long walls. Wlîateves suits Township where ie tok Up resi- I roldaunloe iritreur i Hyeand sonon. nH.arrd. Trono e s onM lo.Etninpeople to Save. Most people havetrie particular needs of trie fa.- tience on trie John Sylvester farm. Mss.r MrernseyM.Mc-sForExSpnsig motier *~re eekntigueîs f teirmo Depastment. University of To- sml noe nt a aeo ly :in question may be chosen. A liaîf mile east of Enniskillen.0 r Obrit heroes'tler. Mss. J. Aus.s ofClelan. ont.Aîn treget paessmall sums. It is tiifficult to do suppIy of towels andi wash clotris Trere lie residet for 20 years. Earrganest hriea rhel.v e n r I Kente.JPstAPreitien of tre Peneven triat andi there the govern-r :n the batriroom îtself is a great wlien rie returetianti came to ESoeno-e ress oas as Earh'sgrades h rhae bci.. . iat trie dînner were M.,. G. Taylor ment could I elp Triose of you' (onvenience. We useti one eofniskillen. semaining here untilScrsone lovingrIeai:s Ms. and Mrs. E. P.' Brattin-, h a e hz te aies hc ob et.and Suits haveenupakdts Since time anti eaîtri began. ývîtet a number of friends in for Guld: Ms. Bý W. Slîarpe. Asat. memb-er back . those ielofcabiints.hcuord.gor by 1899 d eatlî. ad.du we.Ge moijer aquaitanes wth D. ani M s. e U. of T.: Ms. Nathaniel A. ayswile that purpose un one liouse. A new glîter of Thomas anti Mary E. find the bestseein fSrg Benson. well known Canatiind rs. a wllr-tub placeti differently inl trie Aitn ni0 reuinw may be trien .E.Ramn Trnt.'Bnon velkfisstdinmebr l aton. nd Rotey non. emerchandise & -Eben E. MrRexaold H..B iemethebatroom myb h is.ad1r one son Ry now on i Isees nh a .E.Raan oono pe:aniM. aoliH BarTririf t stamps1 raetse incaggyIrCdrm '. trieE.Refod.wri matie a presentation on rie- 01aetse n hnm'yu father's fasm. anti one tiaugh-ter Cyemns 'Love triy neigribor' s h haIt of aIl thîe classes te o l anti row easy J bathroomn from an olti-fashioneti Reva. îvho is in Toronto. only way *o trietiesixeti goal Ofsni0ni fr utntiyra t was to save 1~ one into a modern one. Mr' al a o ol e Frenshpistro lue o aiorîti peace. Trie iorîti cannot Isni oo fri etîya st Ihe quarters winter Pickles I Mu'. Mcitizenwas not onnyoare- mmnanthfrioftm. continue to sow seetis of discoîti! . l ntiscu. wren ive coultispctt'ctienbç ,mn t. 5 % E D ES E nioen ad ri fritoftue. inliarmony. malice. seîfusli n e s si Pin oney' buy a stanip If trie pickîe supply is sun.ning sterling qualities. 1îappiest when A hundred ormoetchoefo. anti jealousy. anti seap trie se- '. :o te. .w. lîcre are a couple of recipes1 doing some kintily tieti: a mem- ~ - >c s1wa _____________________wasti of peace anti psosperitY. 0fr Do You like my ne'v ha:? I Goie'n im e n t:ýhat cati re uset iun fillhng trieber anti office bearer in Enniskul- îvhic>y t is in so urgent neeti. earned ti l iyself.- bonds were t .- - epty bottles.leChrianifrmnyesa BAR.IN F RHow ias triat?" b hd forffI Chili Sauce most faitiîful anti capable Bible B R AN F R S Dr. and Mss. G. Elmore Rea- I cut tioîn on miy rusriantis ret forn Jessie Allen 2 canis tomatoes ('2 SiZe class teaclier fi Enniskillen Sun- tpil8--1 dollarso.wee ee-edanti ioey-day Scriool. The lessons that rie Aprl -9-0 an.Toont. esewek-ed luchmo e i many of tlieni Brown I 2 medium onons put taugrit Saribatri aftcs Saribatri fot to guests of Msr. anti Mss. A. M. were bouglît by people wrio neyer thogihpe Hardy who gave a bridge party detsn es befose hati bougrit a bond - anti 1 tabîespoon sOlaidcteicseu reaa DTOTSatustiay evening in lionor of He xvho whispers tiown a well may neyer have bought one since. 1 ou p vinegar tion but exceptional gifts for trial .70U their gucsts. Trie prize wmnners! About trie goois rie lias t seli Trie smali investesr las difflculty 1 ubrwsga particular service for wriichlî ie NEW SPRING COATS ..$9 5to$ .O WINDSOR Return ;',ere Mrss Geo. W. James anti Ms..Will neyes make as many dollars un getting bonds of 10w tienomij,..-c -i~wilI rie best remembereti anti ap- 14 teaspoon pepper peitd Going: 6.24 a.m., 4.01 lim. T. W. Cawkcs. As ie who climbs a tree anti ations anti if trie Goveruiment hati i easooncinnanion preciateti.e .6; ollers. them avaularile at ail times triey 12 teaspoon nutmeg Trie funeral service. whîch was aet hd S p................r April 8-9-10 Ms. anti Mss. D. B. Lawley. To- would encourage saving. Trie Un- 12 teaspoon cloves îasgeîy attentiet, was rielci in trie Lts hds, . p.41-59 5 1 7.35 p.m.Ap>fl 8. ronto, mnee Miss E. R. Grariam, As soon as morn begins te break iteti States Goveruiment lias been Mix ingretiients anti boil until Unitedi CIurch. trie service befng Rayon House Stockingspr 29 Public Healtri Nurse of Bowman- A thousanti birtis stant singing: doing this for trie last f ew years triick, stirsing frequently. conducted by his pastor. Rev. J. Return - Up to 3.00 arn. train ville). stoppeti bsiefly in town As soon as evening shatiows falI anti millions of dollars wortli of ConadabgePkl E' htmwoin is e- froni Detroit April 12. Fitiay on trir way trirougl to 'Trie lamps of Heaven start swing- bonds have been bought riy smaîî Conan Cbag Peie aal atitress pai a fitting tribute Cc,îîlt'uns qs ù,IIîidil igste niOtw o oi n;ivstons at a very 10w rate et i can corn ta trie life anti work of trie de- D E S U u IM O day. Mss. Lawîey is looking well As soon as I get fi my bath interest. They are Cumulative 2 small caribages (put ceaseti. trie sorsow of trie occasion POOI. TRAINl\ Ç F UT anti askcti to rie semembereti to Trie telephone starts ringing. bonds anti are fer as 10w as twexi- trrugri chopper) being t.ranscendcd by the note of We doubt if we ever had a finrstc o e liesfrintis ' y-five dollars. Most of us ned saIt to taste triumpri - "As we have borne the Curtains, Curtain Nets and Over-Dae. ndw Canadian Canadian I : ani '; Ms Traits of Successful Teachers help fi saving anti as we look te oalson utr image of trie earthly, 50 shall we have something that will suityor ude.I Mr adMss. Elgi n Vr .M. Trie stîccessful teaclier creates trie Goîesnmcnt for most every- 2 tee.spoon tumeric aIse bear trie image of the heav- Pacif ic National anti Mss. M. A. Neal. Ms. anti an atmosphese for thinking. She thing else. why can they net rlielp 1 cup sugar d enly." He was assisteti in trie ses- there's anlything new in Curtaiusyucabesr Mrss Chas. Cattran Mrss Vivfan gives ies pupils trie renefut of hr us save? Mix i n grcdue n t s antiad t vice by Rev. E. Beecri of Newton- that we have it. ___________________________experience but she neyer crystal- Brushing The Hair enougri xinegar to barely caver, ville anti Rev. C. Ferguson of ____________________________ izes theis thinkung nos super- Usuaîîy ricn wc go te trie hais- BoSpfr 5miute Behay. any ani baut0u imîposes lier' jutigments andi de- dscsses's, Our hais is set in sucli floral tributes testifieti to trie higriSrn cesris 0 i id cisins.Pois isan sset bu fir ~ ,~îevena * **estemr in wriich Mr. McGil was cison. Pis isanasst.bu'1 irmwaIs ha wefel Una ihelti. Palbeasers wese H. ae ALL BED LINEN AND TABLECLOTHS noise is a liability. Constant talk- broati smifle woulti crack them *Il I a.T Seo.W os.S crs are neyer successful teacriers. Articles teîling us how te caie'INTH GARDEN Pan.Tic . Braecy n ti Dor. J.C.IIN T I tILLTf T LAUNDERED AND FINISHED I heasti veî'y rccently of an Ènr.- for ur riis a.aysrepdleyzeanD"tDr.beJmtie. lish teacher in a hugli scîîool whO brushing, but miost women think cx. nlrnen .g JJOHIm ILI1 A li A~talks forty minutes eut of every ifi'triy bruslî their riais. their For Special Positions Hampton Cemetcry. ImOaIbaea 5 90 pridanti makes personal se- wv srie.Ddyuee av hl lwr r eakby In addition te ris sorsowing O mars. .Jut too bati. because liesra hess er ruin Dtiyouevr havreaWhilc flowcrsarde veragewidow. son anti daugrites, treeR DE 6c each additional pound stutients iudgelies; trir parents a haieses bruh our r ndit ajis? e is gow atire ie Can'erag a1so survives one brother. Johmn C Y E M regret that trir cliildren must s a new experfence. Aftes tlîe seeti catalogues will make a fair' 0f Ennisk'Illn. anti two sisters. Phone 836 IXWITEDBomnie Ail other plece returned damp ready for lroning. be in ies class fend ail stu- wave is set, ie gives t a thr- showving if planteti almost ai an t Mrs. RH. r h ye.tha Trno dents fromn eloquent, loquaci eus ________________where, for unusual situations ex- adMs .H yeBtay Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Lt. teBroly Gah r ay in sts anti selecting those types 4PHONED419 most suitable. For instance there 1__ _BI R D IE 1 __ rkr u rw 'u U W u and Milk' the body builder RICH IN THE EBSENTIAL BONE-BUILDING XINERÀLS, FRESH MRILK 18 VITAL NOUR- ISHMENT FOR YOUR CHILDREN IT la the Calce4m and Phosphorous i mllI< that builds and maintains sturdy boues and sound teeth. For this reason nutritionlats recommnend one quart of milk dafly for every child, and a pmnt for every aduit. It's a siple recipe for good heath! WHEN you buy milk be sure you know something about the dairy that produces it. Glen Rae Da.lry bas built its reputation over niany years of dependable service a.nd sclentific advancement. Products beaning our naine reach your table ai the peak of thefr goodness. Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 Bowmanville -'J Rules for Five Suit Contract Each person is dealt 16 cards, trie sexaining card is turneti up, anti becomes trie possesswion of the tieclarer, by exchanging it for an- ether card. Book consista; of 8 tricks insteati of 6. Ganie re- quises 120 points. Thus fer game are needed. 6 tricks un the miner suits (14 tricks altogether); 5 tricks in major suita <13 altoge- ther); 4 ta-cks in trie Royal suit (12 altogether); anti 3 trickesfin no-trunip (Il altegether). Value of tricks are:- No-tu-ump 40 pointe R-oyals - 30 pointa Spader, anti Hearta 25 points Clubs anti Diamontis 20 points There are trse slams: Utle, 14 trickes: Grand. 15 tricks; anti Super. 16 tricks. Trie bonuses for slanis are: I- vulnesable, 500, 800 anti 1200 peints respectively; Vulnerable, 700, 1200 anti 2000 pointa respec- tively. DON'T FIDGET Don't f itget. That means pow- er gofng te waste. Thîe one who paces a room restlessly. or drums ris i' ingers, or twirls ris hat, is using st.sength aimlessly. None of us have any surplus. If we are making 005 lives count as we shoulti. we have ways of utilizing evesy ounce of enesgy, physical or mental. Fidgety people neyer inspire confidence. Strength sheulti be controllei. lIn an emergency we tusn, instinctively, te one who is steady, composeti, teliberate. Trie frienti whe is fidgety anti fussy may have as gooti brains anti as wau'm a lieart as trie other, but somehow ît neyer occurs te us te lean on him in our neeti. Don't fitiget. Practise sitting quuetly in your chair witliout cither twisling your f ingers or swingiuig your feet. Learu te wait writhout pacing trie room like a captureti animal fin a cage. The harder ut seenîs, the more neces- sary is trie lesson.-Selected. H OT LITTLE HEAD pho hihwl actually gv US A DANG R SINAL osîng, if plantet iun partial shade. WHEN your baby's heati feels bot ta eti close to a soutri wall where your hanti you must do somnething. Anti these is little protection froni do it quickly. Reati what Mns. Bernard sumrmer heis at, trni ae tn Breen, of Enterprise, dees and what re- like coreosCafonand t- suits she gets: "My baby's cheehes and er po ppies, portulaca, or ciimbing hantis wete se hot I was frightened. 1 morrnug glories anti nastutiiXTs gave bum a Baby's Own Tablet at noon which love the sun anti give re- anti by after supper he was ail better." masheable result even in a siege of dry weather. And Mrs. FrancisCarroll, of Miland, If a supply of cut flowers is bas this to say: "My littie girl wa5s 5 wanteti for trie table, bloomis with feverish I was really alarniet. Then 1 long stems ýthat. wiUl keep weUl in thought of Baby's Own Tablets, so 1 water. trien riorticultural autrior- gave her three every two hours anti by ities urge trie planting of sudh night she was up anti arounti." triings as sweet peas, snapdrag- They arc sweet-tasting, easy ta take, ons, cosmos, zinnias, lupine, afri- absolutely safe anti harmlcss. Work can masigolds, scabieus, asters, quickly anti can be given to the most single andi double, verbena, anti tielicate baby. Analyst's certifirate in salpiglossis. every box. For scent, especially in trie ev- For upset stomnach, constipation ening, a few nicotine. carnations, troubles anti other nihor ilus af baby. mignonette, or stocks will per- Vou dugis isauhoizti o eîrn fume trie whole garden. your moneyis i you aried no t ist Soi beds o! annuals or big yoth Babyif Oun arlets. Get a bo'î blocks iborders have except.ional m-ttiay s Oness o ofen tts. n the oxappeal anti these can be matie up night. 25 ces. 0otn tie i h f petunias, phlox, dwarf mari- nigh. 2 cets.goltis, nasturtfuxns, verbenas. or zinnias. Try a New New grains anti fruits are flot trie only th'ing that have been oc- I ~ G OW TP siST c.upying trie attention of plant op»W vif. SEIT breeders li recent yeass. I ee ~' SOW TIRE ESTr tables triere have been eveui more improvements. Scient ista h a v e carsieti eut tris work fit'wo dir- ections, first by trie introduction o! vegetables unfamiliar to most Canaduans. anti secontily anti probably more important by vast improvementa 0f those varieties that have been growui in this * * country for years. 0f trie vegetables new to mest Canadians there are sevesal wostri k i a trial in any gartien. One is Cos Lettuce, a new couic shapeti head- eti sort that stays f resh anti sweet long ai'tes trie leaf sor'ts have shrivelleti up. Then there are Brussels sprouta, broad brians, * * , ~. , brocolli sugar peas, Chîlnese cari- bage, chives, endive, egg Plant, leek anti Swlsa chard. Full de- NEW HUDSON 112. BEATS "1OTHER THREE"I IN COMPETITIVE TEST IIUDSONI12 IA cAm (R C 25.15 20.951 23.00 23.10 mdile pt9ai. Rmie& Pert91. i. m ere ga. mu« Pe-ga. Now the new Hudson 112 gives you ""'"~ proof of better gasoline economy ... in direct competitive tests with the "other three" leading lowest priced cars, super- vised by a jury of owners of the "other three!" Hudson 112 wvon by a wide margin 2 to 4.2 miles per gallon. You save on first cost, too, with a Hudson 112 ... on lower upkeep, and longer life. Even in city driving, you save ... a Hudson 112 just averaged 25.6 miles per gallon 12.nWI6yIaosL in a certified 1000-mile "stop-and-go" A BETTER NIEW HUDSON 112 test through heavy traffic! DEAL FOR Drive the new Hudson 112! See your ' 75 -50 Hudson dealer now-and ask him to YO UR w1th 00'tTXadd.d, $932 and ,p prove Hudson 112's top economy to you! DOLLAR *HUDSN o » o-à... imiqune M and op *HUDSON Six ..... $1143 and op If UDSON Elght .... $1185 and up si . 1 0,' , e'o' nt- P?-S;-901 coupe,, ., il catalogue quifflOnt lncluded. Local dOlivered pjc. termined bY dding delivery cho,,., Which Include Foderci taxes freight ljcen,ý fee and local tox, If ny 1 Mine . octiveil, 10, 'P'IYM*nt termI4 with ne Hud Plan. Ae ]E»«?4ETT Phone 65 7 Bowmanville 4 'J TUP ECUNUMY