VOLUME84 THIRTEENTH ~Pass Daylight Saving Time At Five Hour Session of Town Council on Monday Extra Grant of $ 100 Madle to Pay Health Nurse's Salary f or Nay-May Open Rail- w ay Crossing t o West Beach T h i s Su mmer ELECTED PRESIDENT Another five hour session of Bowmanville Town Council was hield Monday evening in the chilly Chamubers of the Town Hall witli posi the Most important mat- ter discus&,erJ being the Public Hpaith Nurse's services. Council wus advised that the Board of Healtli had disaPproved Of their suggestion to consider a ~ Part time nurse and liad thereby -. returned the problem to the laps Of City fathers for them to take the next move in dispensing with the full time Public Health Nurs- ing service or granting sufficient money to take care of hier salary for thie balance of the year. Mayor R. 0. Jones, who is also .)cha.rman off the Public Heath Dr. J. B. Reynolds JBad, explained bis position fui- Native of Solina in Darlington lY, statina that lie felt other Tonhip and former President towns were receiving better ser- Of the ntrio Agricultural Col- vice than Bowmanville and that Ilege at Guelphi, lio has been the burden was not being bornelelected President Of the newly by the taxpayers. He again told f ormed Mik Founcjation off To- off Wh-it.by where they have a Vic- i-ofto which lias been organized torian Order Nurse which costs1 to gather and distribute informa- the property owners $300 a year tion about milk, ius uses and its and suggestedj that hie could flot 'importance to public healtli. see wby something of the kind could not prove effective here. Members of council asked the SPECIAL NOTICE Mayor if lie felt their position TO CORRESPONDENTS was secure in refusing a further g-rant or if the Board of Health Next week is Easter Week could force council to pay the andi Good Friday is aihol!- salai-y, as suggested by the Medi- day. It is necessary there- cal Health Officer. fore that The StOtesman be Mayor Jones reiterated the ad- issued a day earlier 80 that vice his soio had given hini erchants, advertising w411 be that council ha.d f un control over in the hands of subeci an expenditure for a Health before the holiday weekend. Nurse. Correspondents are askeuj to Councillor Oeo. B. Bickle sug- kindiy co-operate in making geati that a town solicitor be this Possible by forwardjng aprp.inted as soon as possible so thewr newVs budget a day ear- t.hat counicil would liave advice to lier.thanuL., rh -- (Continued on page 7) - ai, assst ance renderedin is ay wll be greatly appreciaU the editor. Whic AreIncrportedThe owmavile Nes, he Nwect ateie ma n e BOWMANVmT.TP. OMT A PMnrT-,TI AIm% ATA b T v iii~ i.-~~j fUt~>XY P-IL 7tle-O N1Q 1 1: *1 rrij)rponinrater. the ballot is re- prirrîrd Ibis week. A- great mnarri ballots turned irr bore tIre naine of orrîv uiee menrber of a rouîsebold. Ini instances wbere a mari aid wife are boîli entitled lu a municipal vote. hotu mîrav sigo tIre ballot fornr, aird we wvotild urge tîrose wlro have îlot sigricd tir(Iu thIs wee,. \%-e are j insi as anîxious to have botb sides of tire question represeiiîed. Tîrose svho believe ini a liant lime nurse, aird tîrose -hro lilieve iiitIre abolition of tire service are asked to seird iin their votes su tîrat a representative Iriettre of public opinion on tIre surbiect mav- bc obtaiiîed. '«itr regard tr tire Healtîr Nurs'e trere are certain siatenierits tIrat hrave beeri nrade tîrat nriglrt easiîv bc rirrstirîderi;tood. It is true trat Ire iowm ursed tu get a Health grant of $400. Tis was taken awav bv Ire Hepburn Goverinemit wvli aI- so took awav the town's riglrt to collect incine tax wliiclr brouîglt ir abrout $600 animuallv. But iii place if thIs $1,000 that- the goveriurienr ras takemi it lias given tbe town eacli car a wvliole urlill unil tIe tax rate or a grant of mîore tlraîr$2.'200. Sub- ractirîg the anroumît taken awas' in former grains, tIhe howii is still gret- inîg $1200 more frontIre govenr- rient tîraîrit ever sectired before or rn otîrer words, a sum cxactly cquraI tn tire Public Healtl Nurse's salary. il addition tire go'ernirrenîlias tis rorntlr takeir over tIre cane of aIl TB. prat ients iii ounr .anitaniuiiriis andu ris. mîrears a saving of several liin- red dollars mrore to Bowniarrville, the toimî miow Pay-irig for patients iii Ontario sariitaiuni. Orie of tIre best illustrationis of ne %-allne of tIre Healtîr Ntrrsirîg, Service w-as related ho us tis week jy a bursinress mri. Sonre urnie ago is littîe girl coitiplaiiied omie mîror- rg of miot bcimîg welI. Tire parents iowever decided thrat threre sens no- r'iîg seriously svroîrg and sent tIre (Contmnued on page 6) .tan With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newci SPEAKS HERE FRIDAYn .w ROTARY SPEAKER ............ ...... ....YHigh School Students Iiosts Local Hydro System Given To Citizens Thursday Night Large Rebate on Its 1937 Schil iI BeOpn v '.ted to în.spect the Ls hsYa _ olWilB 0bnPower Bih-lls hsYa Ihool. Students will be at xrk for Public Inspection Ji-n the physics anct chemistrv Tonight - PrOgram Of Plays to 6e Pre- -sented - A n n u a 1 Dance Friday rooms, and dàisp4aYs-0f-arýt an d geography, work will be ready for ir..SPection. A model hou.se, bult under the direction of Mr. R. M. Ainslie, wifl also be on display and in the Commercial Department A new ceParture in presenting "ýAdmisin'to the school s free the work of the High School to and there will also be no charge the public wil be inaugurated on for the series of plays to be stag- ThursdaY wlien an Open Night ed in the school auditorium. w:ll be staged to give citizens an Principal L. W. Dippeli, host of anaortunaty toinstathe soof the neveing atsoe eiet ,~ ~ rv ~ucllinstrtion t tre c nr with thie event, and work carried on there. that is that citizens intending to On Thursday niglit a sPecial attend should be seated in t.he M. Mclntyre Hood entertaîniment is being prepared auditorium by 8 o'clock sharp, se Secretary to the Attrney-Gen- for the 'visitors. The sohool build- that the program off plays may eral off Ontario, and f ather of i îng will be open to the public at get under way without intex-nup- tlie Bowmanville Brandli off tlie 7.30 p.m. and ail citizens are cor- tion. Canadian Legion, who ',uil be the1 iguest speaker at tlie Legion Vimy Firidat nth Wlmraell o Friay igh. Ion i Known Local Horticulturist COUNCILLORS ARE !R. B. Arkwright is 80 on Sunday QUITE CRITICALI 0F PAPERREPORT On Sunda next, AprillOili,1 and b ck.iRecently v.hile visiting Bowmanville's "Stroud Twins", Strýeet, i celebrate the 80th an- ffrom lis daughter's bome ai the Unhappy About the Whole tnîjersary off his bu-tri. Mi-. Ark- extreme easî end of tbe City riglit Thing - Not Satisfied Say wilt h is hale and heai-ty across tbe city to Parkdale Vo pay Councillors BickIe and fr i ae was born at Garston, a visit. The distance would prob- near Prston, in Lancashire, Eng- ably be twelve miles at least. Mr-. lande He came to Canada over and Mrs.' Arkwight are faitriful Reprte inlas wek'sStaes-50 years ago, and lias resided in members off St. Johns Anglican manas o te nlst wksfi Stailte Bowmanville for thie past 17 years. Churcli, wflere Mrs. Arkwight is manner qin whi tie Public tilthe or a number of years lie was very active in mission aff airs.t itie o io in s h licingtie employed on. trieBeitri Farms, jTliey have six chldren, Jamesr it~ierwr sain Commsinush niiiithead later was manager off the Bruce Arkwright off Burnt River, Gaeo k B. itaienB.B. ui-br alwin Estate, now the Kings- Mrs. F. J. Goodman off Rosedale,1 ino a. writtendtatemnt.Vo reway - Brookdaie Nurseries. Mr. . who spends lier winters in Bow-v Cinci on Monay leiled asth Arkw-right is a horticulturist by manvilie; Wilfond off Rosedale;1 ioncloct trie story app as trade and was recognized in trie Mrs. J. F. Ferguson off Lipton,v inaret heeks ssue.Tre sat g trade as an ouistanding man. Sask.; Mrs. George Frit.schi offv regarding being "quite satifid Mr-. and Mrs. Arkwright celebrat- Renfrew; and Mrs. G. H. Wfilin-n was made, but in reference Lo trie ed their Golden Weddmng tliree son off Leaside. There are alsoq interview with trie Commission lears ago. 17 gi-andchildren. His many fri-p and trie engineer, and flot wîîri One off Mn. Arkwrighî's favorite ends in Bowmanville and else-q the manner in which îriey are pastimes is walking, and lie thlnkç where will join in extending besi t conducting ti-' work, trie report nothing off set;t.ng out for a good wlshes for many more years offs added. brisk ten ile walk te Newcastle happy life n his retirement. a Trie Commnittee composed offf these two councillors appeared DuwL" before trie Commission wîtri two D rham Clu, of Toronto Ilearsc orthree objectives in mi, fi-st 0 to conifirm trie records off levels l and measurements made b)y Cun TrinityCollege School' Principal e cillor Fui-ber: second. Vo present --r----endain oft thrni o NATIVE 0F TOWN iaer tote anttreTyoe Dr. and Mns. Fr-ank C. Trebil- DISTINGUISHED WRITER springs, and if necessary Vo build M.anîd Mrs. J. B. E. Siaples. a third equalîzer tank; and tiiid, cock Are Hosts Vo Club at REV. D. McDONALD rf. and Mrs. C. H. Haddy and if a well was to be dug iliat it be I~CoigMeigo AT ST. ANDREW'S ýcn Jack, Toronto, atîended trie drîied on the elevation at Mr. the l Sigeongo ______ tliay party at Mrs. N. S. B.Whte'heose t Btheda Whn t A - JsPrsytr a es' n onday, Vo celebrate Mn. Fui-ber and Mn. Bîckle told J Wen t. ndrw sPreb~tnîa E-Mayor J. J. Mason's 781h 0 Church celebrates on Sunday its birtriday. (Continued on page 7) I)nnlianî Counîs vClubs final niet 101st Anniversary3 a native Bow- --~îgo hesao was lield ai Ser manville boy il Oýcupy tlie pul- b 'utrnie Flouse, Toronto, Thursdav, pit in trie person off Rev. Douglas ofNarch 31, Dr. Frank C. Trel>îlcock in Bowmanville in tlie liouse B.wReynolds resUln Dr.sR President (a form r. L. B. Wolcliasmati owned by Mn. and Mrs. A.L. Ha- *u wy oI rs. Trebilcock being hos i and ComnconeSreets. ibDrtMcan-4' ly F rA.IA.I £VAkII. unuation l tesAfter reading ttlîe mînut,...- Cocesin____s.D. cDnMNr. C. G. Nfercer M\.P.P., .\Ir. W\V... aid, who is now located in Ham- J Nfills of St. Nar's (native of ilion. was a son off Mr. and Mrs. Special Palm Sunday Services aaieofSln Wi~&aeFîiiln d 1Mfr W. J. Inch of Neil McDonaid. His moilier 15 at Trinity Cliurcli Apnil 10l t ivhf oiaW ea m e stn ntv Hmtnwr now visiting in Bowmanvilie at Evening Service: Women's Mis- President of the Guelphi introchuce<î lu the Club and ail ex- Mi-. and Mrs. R. A. S. Colvilie's, sionary Society present trie Eas- O.A.C. is Hlead of New presscd their pleasuire at being pre- Mar Roberts Rinehart Liberty Street, ter pageant "Keepers off thie Educatibnal Body sent. Disiinguislied American writer, Off added interest aitrihese an- Cross." Appropriatehm__nd____t_ velngNr.Hwa( who is trie author off "Trie Doc- niesr evcsi h ac htcoa uiadorgan selections Folev of Nfaple Grove. delighted tht ton" a thrilling new serial whicli trie choir will wear trir new i at 6.40 p.m. wili includie "Largo" Dr. Jos.eph B.Rnod. Presi- audience with bis skilful rendeil commene n TeSaena choir gowns for trie firsi lime. f rom New World Symphony wliicricîn nesiiTeSalsa Special soloists will appearinestn dent of the Toronîto MIilk Producers' if a niniber of humnorous select'iî nexi week. This is one off trie fin- botrimornng ad evning sahlpfoudu t service ntwle .-,oiaioîan afrncrha iicluding the old favouirite,. The est serials we have been able to both iornig andeveni.g se- i nd hepful ervic. A wlcomeAssoiatio.iandafnTher StorkoQiandt I The torkoffer oui-Nicreaders, reandsand feele vices. ýawaits you ai Trinity Churcli. the Ontario .\gricultural Colle ee, b sure triatiti wili prove trie mosi Guelph,.lias been appointed lresidenltrbeP'opuian of a growing number off an<l imanager of tlhe newly forined liefore iiitro<lucintz Mc. Phiiip .\fn. eaue ferd i h NMilk Fouindation of Toronto, wlîicîî C. Ketchum.n the guest speaker. !ht- Statesman eacri week. Pa ke H u e re t F ne S ag Ibheen organized toî gatherad President showcd a very irrtere.ru Play by__Ladies Group a t Trinity Fudto sh rsl fvas fromnCourticeto Port Hope. ai..,i given by Miss Iris Rbrsni E(rs. Laura Gale Directs CoM- thiem. stooti oui as stars. They Ax distirîguîished cancer as ait cdii___________________________________ edy-Drama and EXCelis in were Mrs. Gaie as Deborari Un- cator in tihe agricultural field is hceld onpgt)Ohw nF-dy Leading Role - Well Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson as Miss of tIeNManitoba Agricitural Col-I A Trained Cast is Enthils.. Lowiz>y Loviny Custard, trie ex- lg, f rom 1915 tu 1920, and Presi- A Ne etUbFo hid e iastically Received trerneiy verbose village gossip; dent of tihe Ontario Agricultural and Donald l'Mason as Jeremiali College at Guelph frin 1920 to I 'Goslin.wlo matie a splendid job 1928. Btilled as "A Drama off Moilien on bis noie. The Nfilk Fourudatiora of Toronto A new feature 'Bulletins from esied in birds and since 1917 lias Love," trie play 'An Oid Fashion- In selecting triese as outstand- lias a buard of îhirîy directors, as TBirdlad"stan.Tshinctimmisse- off kep a bird d sTie yearusheit eti Motriel" presenied by Group 2 ing we do not in any way under- folîows Dr. J. B. Reynîolds, Presi-TeStesa. hecm ne-ayepesinbdsefod I offTnnih Wme's ssciaio .estimate trie others who took part. (lent;Ga id, NT H i ma 'ent off this feature is a new de- a particuhai- joy Vo be taken eacli0 th Sndy cholro astiEvery member off trie cast fittOt Qkile F. G. Cauilfield, . . parture in triai it is trie fist spring Vo trie family's Laureptian tl tredntay esciooi roe o b perfectly into trie story and play- Clark, Gormley; E. H. Clarke. Au- lime we have pui-chased a f eaiure cottage for four months.' Her s mucri more ilian it was adveriis- !e' he' parts o perfection. Mrs rora: J. Darlington. Todmiorden; seilyfrcide."ultn erotwsasree-ncre eti. True ws damaoilo was. amlanwadramrao teoffus i m M. W.a, L HTamfrm.bidlyn wasrmarlyleaderh vradaoffo hetriebe thr ova raatht ac llxsorganist; and otriers in trie irs . J arnieson, , Co ofile chli-te, but everyutrieswhismbe 10 f t he bwas. actaliktrI ltinds off good morals in trie story, 1casi were Miss Helen Gianvihie, Ernest Kemip Erle Kitchen, Wood ofa inveres i t r ad uhi wrli isbmid s 0f treins. Wlliradsnote bnilpetis a comldey ave jory Rundhe, Hubert Hooper, Bert 'ïreasurer; W. H. Lowes, Caninîg- written speciaily for The States- familles triai surrounded lien, t To Mrs. Ledaua ale oes -doub.ile igri, arieoneaboewvete toit; R. J. NfacDoilald, F. A. Mdajor, man by Winifred E. Wilson off and when a new egg appeared in fi loors foi' renGdiection oletrieghoflald thernatucs anti v r- \lrîVaeW. C. p. %,iller, . Mc: ,_Mont-eal. Miss Wilson was born trie nest off trie Cestnut-sided ti play and for treeshe l iehenseif srlslosDamGavil.lough, Braricltoîr; Dr. L. E. Pol- fMonelatwsedceiah arernilow fen i-adr enacted. Trie casi was evident-ismembesoff trie sianging scThooliock,NMark Rice, Flwood Robb trie Montreal Higli Sclioois for Mrs. Wren fe tier fam.ily in an i ly slectd wih a ull embes ofthe ingig scoolNiaple; Major John Robbins, 1%f Girls from the kinderganten 10 hour. t iy ehcte wtl a ul lnow- inciuded Mns. J. Gianville, Mrs. P. uhefr. obon;M.G S -trie final yean. She obtaineti r' Then somieone suggested she Il iedge off trieneetis off each i-oIe, Jackman, mx's. W. Luxton, M ns. Rtsord.Cojoîr S epheNs, H. WSn BA erefrmMGipni-rt re id.Her f irsi ef- vil anti trieresuli was an admirable Ross Grant, ise AdeyP o li onuthnH aso .A erefotMGllUi it fhrbrs copay ffacor ad ctesesJoceLu ionsesA ude Prout, mpo nd w.H.X 'ilî versiîy. forts were publisried in United T companyof actrs andactreses Joye Luxtn, Jea RundleIrla Iraniptien ane\V.hHngViinoMonineal cutyng inhuncli publicationpubli.tiAns enft triait t! wlio staged a very enjoyable en- Jackman, anti M. W. Tamiblyn Shraroni. scriools for 18 years shie hati a bird wrting became lier intenest Il terhainiment fon' a capacity audi- ;anti J. Albert Cole. Native of Dtrliami very iengiliy hiiness, fnom whicli in life and noihing couiti stop il, ence. Wlien we say capacity we . We undenstandti lese ladies and Dr. Revniolds i: a native of Dan- she neyer sufficiently recovereti ler. That was four years ago andi 0 inean capacity. wliicri meant triat gentlemen are considering repeat- litigtom Township, )urhan Coturnîs. to go lback to teaching. miss wiî- sînce then she lias been successful a ffew wlio ai'ivedi near curtain' rnlg trie presentation ai sonne fui- lie reas bonni on a farin abouit seven son inlieniteti from lien parents beyond lier wildest liopes. il time liad ho stand trirougli trie ture date, andti rose wrio misset inriles nortîr of Bowmniaville, necar an appreciation off beauty wrie- With triai itile riistory off trieS, m-liole performance. bseeing iris very hunian coiledy- Sliirîa. H-is fatirer, Jose pli Renld.trier in art or nature. Those two autrior we are happy Vo pneseiit b3 White every member off trie cast. dn'ama slioud mnalte sure iliey see anl b is mnother wvere b)otîr of Cornl- ihings are invaluable in the study "Bulletins fromn Birdianti," witli payd ls r bi' aîi 1 tilutwlien it is pî'esented again. i5li lestent, off birds and bird songs. Miss trieliope triai parents anti teacri- in complete satisfaction off trie audi- In i'ecognition offbei- woi'k as Until lie wvas 17, Dr. Re%.mîolds Wilson's moilien was a poeiess, ers will urge crilîdren to make it l1,. ence thr'e weî'e thiiee. wlio by vii'- direchor. a poresentation was matie reeeivcd ail Iis eduication at the Su- anti among her best poems ar'e a regulan weekly habit te read th ttie off tlieir difficuit î'ôles anti the to Mrs, Gale aitrihe close off trie L l1ctrose concerning birds. them. mannei' in wliicli tliey liandied pl.ay. (Contjnued on page 7) Miss Wilson was always intel'- (Turn to Page Six, Please) MARKS 78TH BIRTHDAY Sumn is Credited to Bowmanville System by Ontario Commis. sMon WiII be Added to Bowmnanville's 13t.h Power Bill for 1937 is a credit of $5,140.25, _______________________Manager Geo. E. Chase of the Pblic ttilities Commission re- vealed this week. This is some- Harry Deyman what less than last Year 'when the Well known Cobourg barrister 13th Bil was a credlit for $6,175. wlio delivered a most enlighten- The reason for the differenoe ng analysis of conditions in Eur-this ear was that the On'taio ope at tlie Rotary Club luncheon Commis-sion returned to their for- on Friday. mer practice f holding back a certain Portion of the l3th Power MANAGR ROS 0FBill credit to Place in Hydro i-e- ROALG THEATRE OF serves. Due tW conditions the Re servs oftheProvincial System ROYALTHEAT E ISbave been somewhat depleted in 13ACK FROM souTrH recent years, and in an effort to 1rbuldthem the Comm.Lssion.'bas Enjoyed Nine Day Visit to Movie ao retUrned to its former practice of CaptalButDi No Viit x-ayo J.J. asn witholding Part of the l3th bill. Studios - Says Living Wbh.o onMonday ceiebrated his The amounit witbeld is placed to Cheaper in Callfornia 78 th birtliday by attending his the credit of Bowia.nville as an office as usual. Mr. Mason lias i equity in the Ontario H-ydro Elec- Jus te ines bt unuredbeen identified ;with the business trie System. Manager Tommy R.oss ofthele if e of Bowmanville for more than 1 For the benefit of citizeris who Royal Theatre lias returned from haîf a century. He was Mayor off;do flot understexid where the l3th a business trp to Los Angeles, Bowmanville in 1909 and 1910. Po w rce t o sf om th ex California. Mr. Ross made the jplaionreit crs fom, :Asthe- trip by rail and bus and was away 8st BIRTHDAY Cormnission has no way of telling nine days. While in Los Angeles____ beforehand exactly what thie cost Mr. Ross was a guest of Mrs. J. Mr. Tliomas Bottreil celebraed lf power will be for thie yeaa, H. Perrin, formerly of Bowman- his 81st birtliday on SundayhaP- ahead, it strikes an interim rate ville, and owner off thie Royal pUly surrounded by members of which is charged throughout thie Theatre building. Whule Mr. Ross lis f amily. In addition to thie yar t thie end., of 12 montba was frequently in Hollywood f amily resident in Bowmanville, t'e Commission compiles a state- whle in thiesunny south, lie did others who came to join in thprieonde.On h aow fin atay1 cot off not visit any of trie movie studios. celebration were Mr. and Mrs. E.poutoadifi amn The weather, e said. wus ery j. Dopp and family, and Miss the interimi rate a municipsity pleasant in thie day time vbut Edna Bottrehi of Toronto, and hais Paid more than the cost cf quite cool at nights. He fomid Mr. J. E. Bottreli of Peterboro. Production any amount over and that living in California was <cn~- _______________above thie SSt is returnetj to thie siderably cheaper than in Ontario, munlciPality as a credit. This and this was particula.rly true -of flned for thie sU.ghtest misde- credit is called "The l3th Power fruits and vegetables. Mr. Ross meanour, and the fines are neot Bih," althougri it ls flot necessary w.as much struck with thie nag- like thie Bowmanvifle Rotary Club that it will be a credit. If thie nificent mar-kets in Los Angeles. 5 and 10 cent fines, with a quar- a.(>tu8l coSt was more than thie One could buy trie largest size ter the limit. Los Angeles fines mn1terimt rate -the munlcipality oranges for 15 cents Per dozen. its members from $1.00 o $5.<0 wuld be charged Up with the M'r. Ross was a guest in Los Ang- and raises thousands off dollars a differen<e. However, Bowman.. eles of the Rotairy Club of that year for welfare work. Tommy fet vlle has always had a. credit qnce c.ity. An interestlng sideliglit on that if that plan was followed il .owIled it.s own plant. the means off raising funds for liere eitlier tbe Rotar-y Club would During 1937 a reduction in thie welfare work in Los Angeles was cease to exist or every Rotai-ian initei-im rate was made by thie On- given by Mr. Ross. Members are would go bankrupt. tario Commission, s0 tha.t thie 13th Bill might have been even larger than it is. Thie savnýg how- First Health Nurse Ballots Turned was ma193, oraa r f t [n Favor Full Time H eath N urse v e's Yearoffytsn we $6, 015.21 which included the 13th Power Bill. As thie Oscar Hudson Ballot Appears Again in This LEGION TO MARK Co., official auditors f Hydro Issue and Citizens are Urged ANNIVERSARY 0F books, have flot complete<J uieir to Register Their Opin- VIMY NEXT SUNDAY audit at this time the statement for hs year is flot yet availabie. i n on T his Im portant W hil t i o n w h t -h iosOlMenibers off the Bowman- prefit is lo, t known w'tedthe Matter ville Branch of the Canadian pritbs wilbe, it is xpce<te Leglon will commemorate the W e suteadt i mlee \Vilî nîx a mal Popotio i nnlversary of the Battle of and bthe ofcauditat cmetpied allon] -urvea sn l1rvoto f Vimy Ridge onSunday, April teofca ttmn ie ýaoturie f , then inaeo a ful, IOth, when they will parade sentdoth Commission a ful favor ofthe ontiuanc of ful toSt. Johns nlcn aement of omsinfnac nie Public Health Nurse in the t Anglienstat ombe m sSin pfian ownof owanvllc i abut ix Church. AU veterans, whe- es.Wl emd slipeiu '0 One. .As we k-now that nmain, lberso h ein r ni zo .. aueatis service. iThe ILegion has 'extended an in- VIMY DINNER vitation to the Boy Scouts and Wolf Cùbs to loin the Membens off trie Bowmanville Parade, and more thani 120 Brancrioff thie Cnadan Legion Scouts and Cubs wilU parade are to mark trie VIMY Anniversary with the Legionaires to the on F'nlday night wlth a dinfler at chureh. The parade wiIl forn trie Balmoral Hotei. 0f.particulai- at the Town Hall at 10.30 a. interesti s the faci that -the mi. on Sunday and wilhl marh speaker will be M. McIntyre Hood, to the church headed by the Secretary Vo the Atorney3eer Canadian Legion Band. Ma- ah off Ontario, and fa.ther off the jor the Rev. C. R. Spencer. Bowmanville Branch..AMr. Hooti paître off the Legion, will have is also a foi-mer editor off Trie charge of the service. ;Oshuawa Daily Turnes. Analytical Address on Troubles in Europe Given by Cobourg Lawyer Ilarry Deyman D.elivers Scho- ihat srie was proniised for lier larly Analysis on Interna- support In trie Great War, a Mani- tional Politios at Rotary date over Smyrna, but triai pro- Club Luncheon onl mise was neyer carrieci out, there- Friday fore trieY caim they Vook Ethilo- T rie a g u m e n s w b l h m u c i p a in lie u o ff so m e t k în g p ro nis e ti The rguent whch uchto tliem. Thie conquest off Ethio- ýcriticiseti Itaiy. Oerman.nyJapan.. Russia anti France migrit use Vo pia was foi-ced on lier in trie same jusiify ihein recent actions, as manner aé Great Enitai was well as some timely rernarks on foi-ced Vo conquer India Vo Main- trie probable outeome off ciitical ti ec so that trading coulti Eui-opean probleîms, were present- be done hlout so mucri danger eti aitrihe Rotai-y Club luncheon f nom local attack. Tliey diti not Friday by Rotai-ian Han-y Dey- use trie League off Nations to set- man, well neati young Cobourg île trie dispute Witli Abyssinia be- barrisien anti son off HarrY R. cause tliey felitrihe League's idea Deyman,' Manager off National off preserving peace was Vo lbave Gi-oc-ers-ILitet off Oshawa. The things as tliey were settled by the subleci off ris &ddress was "1n- Treaty off Versaies. England us tennational Polilues." fortunate in having agreements It-aly ries been mucli criticiseti with tlie powens witri whom tley for invading Etriiopia anti also for are iikeîy to quarriel which pi-e- lier pari in trie Spanish war, trie vent ihem friom. bringing trieir speaker began. We even learn cases btrite League. Thus New- triai trie reason foi- Anthony Ed- foundland's goverfimeni was talt- en's resignation was because rie en fi-onu lier anti De Valera was diffei'ed witli Neville Chamberlain nef useti to alhow Ireland's case ho in ris attitude toward Italy. ItaIy. in lien deffense, migrit say (Contirnued on page 3) .D"VVIVIlILINVII-J.Lb, Uà'I'AKIU, TIIURSDAY, APRIL 7th. 192R q n IORONO NEWS SECTION ,î tçitteman astie Indenendt-nf And The ilirdim- NI-.-- BILL IS À CREDIT FOR S5§140 Ir