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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1938, p. 3

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lU~k.m THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESIMAN, BlOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE tented employees when thieir home lf sa perpetual irritation?9 y sg tE uc to --- YOUR WORLD AND MINE J____1_____VLL By JOHN C. KIRKWOOD There's a bright side in regard And kuc the truth that what one sows.Rcn io. iCopý rioght) thaC sah e rap.u VisosiEtons:c tha,*shal liereap If w sowE fficieMLsý Meda Couch, Buffalo. N.Y love, we shall reap love. If we with M~E. Milison. We reap wlha. we sov.. Not ai- ias they are called. takina place sow industry. ive shall reap the Mr aisadMs.T I ways is it optional with us - the in Russia now are a harvest of fruits of îndustry. n.ý sm adM.T.A reaping process. Qu:te often it is sorts of what, the Lenin and Sta- When we see people about us C.ILTuck lin w' ti Mrs. Reg. Woodliam. To- inevilable. If we sow trouble. we lin administration have been SOW- living in peace and comfort, and rougth Mr hodme SunWda are pretty certain to reap trouble. ing since the Revolution. having happiness, then we s ysgt re ary Soe.Trno Take the case of the Versaillesl The civil war in Spain is the people who have sowed the seed Eeih rý ar tnTrno Treaty - the treaty which gave l harvest of centuries of bad gov- which, in fruition, becomes peace. SpeciolWs with Miss Jenn;e Thompson. miany count ries new boundaries,,ernmnent and of that country's comfort and happiness. Mr. Arthur Haines. Gormley, and which broke up sorte coun- failure to educate hier cornmon None of us is lef t in the dark .Disney BIdg. w 'hMr. Ronnie Burley. tries. to f orm new states. The people. The Irish rebellion was concerning what to sow. nor are (OPP. P. 0.) Mr. and Mrs. T. McGîl. Argyle, treaty heaped punishments on tle harvest o! what Englandi we denied the riglit kindo! seed Oshawa, Phone 1516 Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Toronto, Germiany - whicli was probably sowed in that country over a per- to sow. We can have ail the good and Mr. and Mrs. A. Barclay, right. if not wholly wise. That is iod of some hundreds of years. seed wanted by us. Nmber 30 Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Laur- to say. there may have been bet- The Duke of Windsor's loss of What we want to be, do or have Wla gar: he xid- ençe Savery. ter ways of punishing Gerrnany lis throne was the direct cOnse- 10-20-30-40 years f rom now lias ed romth ge:iWpoi nt 0 tere- MrMevleJnsi trbo for lier liaving begun' the Great, cuence of lis own way of li! e. relation to what we are now. wliat dfm.tevwpi othel on a business trip. Xay and for hier terrible ruthless- The chaos in the United States we are doing now. Each day of ectric liglit companues in thre cam- r.PLawihfensnTo 11955. is the hax-vest frorn the sowing of our life is an extension of the day paign o! 'better light and better rs .Lawi rensnTo Today it is pretty well agreed mneasureless quantities of exrors, before. So it is of the very great- si1ght.' First let us consider a rosnto. ad r Pwel yeverybody that those who not the least of whicli is its Poli- est importance to us that we do simple definition of glare. There BoMaiss Morri r and Mn. owll 1ýramed the Versailles T re a ty tical syý,stem - a system which each day what is right. in nela- are many. It las been defined.I JDrh made many first-class blunders. makes judges politcal creatures. tion to the future which we de- think best as follows: 'Glare is M Dr. vrtBelmTon. And now. in these present times The present dissensions in Can- sire. any brigltness within the field of~ witl Mr. and Mrs. Lof tus Bellamy. Germnany is rebelling very suc-1 ada between the provinces and * _________ vision of such a cliaracter as. to Mr F. Moore and son, Castle- ces.sfully against that treaty. and the federal governiment are an cause discornfort. annoyance, in ton. -vith hier daugliter. Mrs. J. bec-ause o! the many and large outcropping of what the sevex-al terfenne with vision or eye fa- -Stark. errors made by those who f ramed provinces have individually sown. Rt ary Cl.ub tigue." Glare is a common cause 14r. and Mrs. Aif. George, Port the treaty, these exring countries Our provinces in their flush days of eye strain and Photophobia Hope. witl Mr. and Mis, S. R. t ~he allies in the Great War - contracted impossibly heavy debts 'Antolerance o! light." When ex- Jones. rather powexless to baulk Ger- - debts whicli imposed intoler- (continued from page 1) isting should as much as possible Mrs. Hoskin and Miss Rena in ian. or even Italy. able taxes on the people of echcorne before the League. When bern aoidentil te idh t i5s a iPeterboro.key asr Pnobably Britains attitude to- province. Today provinces and Italy brought in a motion to ex- tem ltien hemedghigsedIt s a MisStUaCieklylis e wards Cermany in recent years municipalities. desperate for mo- pe bsii rmtelau o eeti h ihigsse stred to Hamilton aftex- a visit ne. retrin t gt eleff omnot living up to hier obligations i fet o ryu oiina with hier aunt. Mrs. W. Milligan. li e eemined. in ar. by feea oeriet nrte198areensn-work. It may be possible for the Miss Florence Burley f inished liereraeptiondthatbaderros the federal governent usftinser e a1928 agemns t. anc- ox-inany person to recognize glare lier mont.h's Short Course at wer mae. nd hatshemus Th feex-l gvenmet isel tins ereappiedaganstItayby symptoms produced but 't 'S Hampton and lias returned home. reap what. she and others sowed. is not guiltless. Among ts many an action which was not t.aken the duty o! or best left to an il- Re.EL.Bcl.MsT.Sa I: may have been a bad error errors is the Canadian National wlîen a few months before Japan luiainegnero oeoepeo.-. Landch Mrs. erg Sta- to create the state o! Czechoslo- Railway - an unnecessary rail- hýad taken Manchuria. Italy ne- versed in ibis or r tieneic pleton. Jr. and fmily erepre- vakia. the state o! Poland. and , ay - a raîlway incepted by twO gards war a.s the only final me- p. masreips oîanl ctr eto ntdat tlîeshwer" f r - n +lie smiall Baltic st.ates. It mayl men each o! whom wanted to ac- tlîod o! arbitration and says there are to be considex-ed generally. Mr.AthrBlinK daS.. have been an error to separatelquire riches. It would hiave been is no hope fox- peace so long as ______ArthurBellin________S._S. Eat Pruss:a from Germany by rnfinîtely chieaper for Ottawa to thiere is a Bolshevxst Governiment room Tlursday niglit. the Polîsh Corridor. Time will have given thesEý men thie millions in Russia with the decax-ed ob- sinia in 1890 and hiad even mark- On Thux-sday Mrs. Willis Jones. mnake a.1 things clear. and Britain they wanted. and not to have ij.ert to destroy the knowvledge o! ed Abyssinia as Italian on thein Misses Rena Hoskin and Bex-nice and sc'o ohîer counitries may s;tarted them building the C.N.R. Go lo hu h ol.Frofc as hybc me ]ia attended the e igo! Go hogotteol.Frforeign Mificemigan closingne l have to take a good lîcking- be-: Manitoba is t.oday reaping an un- tus- reason slîe rnterfered in £,hccked at Italy's acquisitiveness the nionth's course at Hampton cause of theix pal-t in framing a welcome harvest because it al-1Spain. feeling that it was more and went to the League. Sanc- wlien the work o! the girls was on bad trea. .. 'Klowed is politicians to build la wrong to rob a man o! lus failliî nons wex-e rmposed and France display and aftex-noon tea was was u r m x-ilwy toan rctc prt. thin land philosoply than to despoil was foxced to support in carx-yingseed The wvorld *a urmlBritish Columbia more thim o! bis property and territory. themn out or England could have A number from lhere motored shocked when it heard o! the! other provinces sowed errors - it Russia contnadicts the Italian ax-gued that France lad repudiat- to Y. P. U. Convention at Picker- as1sassnaton o! the Czar o! Rus- becarne extravagant and spent dlaimis and states its whole pur- ed its obligations under the Lo- ing Satux-day. sia. Iis wife and his childnen, but money like a drunken sailor. To- pose now is to develop the nat- carno Treaty. hcd at the sudden eatlyo this texrible event was the due day British Columbians are reap- ural resources and the machines. French policy is based on fear sHanued thepson in a tof c liarvest o! wliat the royal famrly ing grief. They feel that. given the fxeedom o! Germany and as tley f elt tley cidnt ednesday n igimt Deep o! Russia hiad been sowing for J C K to do this they will be able tO could not depend on Britain t sympathy is extended to tlie ber- centuries; and ail the purgings, Seldom la there penitence for decrease poverty and unemploy- implements it.s promise o! Lo- wrong doing by individuals or ment to such an ext.ent -that tIre carno and as they lad alienated eaved am i rgrt.htw stts hysIm osu hi taitc ilbeIItepoa heIaimb uprigtela t wath r(eret tatlace Llnes irectorv eyes in ox-dex- that they may not ganda necessary to convert otler Sanctions. rt le! t only Russia with Greenbank. lad suffered a stroke. I ' see the conseciuences o! their own countries to thei.r methods. They whidli to ally as she ta the nat- At time o! writing lier condition f olly. Each pexson absolves hlm- admit that a! tex- the revolution ural en-em-y o! Germany.iss ewaimnv.Mx.Go frmbae o-errsadtei otie a ofoetUl Germanys point O! view goes Wvallace, Belleville, and Miss Elsie LG Ltheir consequences. Each sees rest tlroughout the woxld. but say back to the Treaty o! Versailes. Wallace visited lier Friday niglit. M. G V. OUL, B.., L.B. guilt in others. Yet this sort o! that now they are sliooting Trot- Te i o idbigtlite M. Gs. .SoUlcto, NB.a..LLB conduct - an evasion o! responsi- skyites in Russia for expounding TIedid o te w d Tei n toldte Par htr oictor351 ar bility - makes not much differ- the idea. To justify 1er interfer- lrady.ostter. dthey kine that r Plione 351 ence: punisîment cornes just the ence in Spain and China and her anay o i le .n hi Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvrhle samie. alliance wtl France. R us s i aconisbngtk fmthr CR O E C E Tlex-e ta a fox-m of folly being riught say that as long as Germ- aese th so i ! wx-, but the A .idur asstrdI W. R. STRIKE extensively pracDtised ight under any and Japan thneaten them. nresent t tis eng donon itto re A ew vnuree aso trtued on Barrister, Solicitor, Notary our eyes. It ta that folly which tliey cannot be blamed for t-ig apretetlatthem. wee not fi sa CroodyCene slog busedon Solicitor for Bank of Montreal leads employees te make it di!- te receive governmnents wîicî are t-anniter tem Tey ansd thy Sunday wlen tle lng taled o!a Money to Loan. Phone 791. ficult for employers to make pro- fxiendly so they will have f riends tutterrammn n h udySlolbgn hr a Bowanvll. Otaio is. r eenreminin usnes -if attacked. If you can give us a presence o!fitler in power can a large attendance and the or- Bowmanvlle. Otario fts, oreven rmain inbusines - soldbessattceibutedermoytheeteconomd toctganizationganwasio almos alo completed.d L. . MSO, BA. this by continuaily dernandingsoi asunc thtGray policy o! thre Allies. Thre officers are: Supt.-J. J. Mel- L. C MASN, BA. liglex- wages and shorter houx-s. and Japan will not menace us. Barrister - Solicitor In the United States one o! the they say, we will keep out o! In 1920 United States and 'on; Assistant Supt.-Mrs. W. Notary Public - Etc. explanations o! the bad turnes politics rn Spain, France and France wrere the lange creditor Reid: Sec.-Treas.-Mrs. J. Turn- Law in aIl its branches. tliere is strikes - strikes for more China. nations and also the Iigh tariff er; Teaclers: Aduits, J. J. Mel- Offie imeditel eas ofRoya waes ad sorte hors.This seemns to leave thre respon- rations. England was a free trade lor; BOYS' cla-ss., S. R. Ruther- Offie heateeatoRoawasan oehos. sibility for wortdi unrest on thle nation. France and United States ford: Girls. to be appointed; Pri- Thar.I am flot againait thre pracULce o! shoulders of Japan. Germany and refused to admit Our goods in Mary, Mrs. W. Reid; Organtt- fÊhones: Office 688: Home 553. strxking when employees have France. payment o! debts on the grou.nd Mrs. J. J. Mellon. Thre interest D NT Lsound grievances in regard to Japan does not feel justified to that they were tIre products Of shown in tins move promises DÈNTALconditions whicl are hurtful to explain lier war witl China. Her clieap labour and would reduce splendid success for the future. -lealth. or dangerous to life or reason is historical. A!ter tlhe the domestic wage scale. England This commu.nity was thrown in- DR. J. C. DEVITT limb. or which are intolerabl.y faîl o! tIre Roman Empire. Europe eventually put on tariffs witli the t the depths o! gloom last week Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson haxsl and unjust. I arn quite was in a state o! seige for 1000 resu.lt that Germany's ecOnomic because o! the unfortunate acci- Graduate o! Royal D~ental College, ready to agx-ee to the proposition yeans and began to expand. tak- structure was knocked endways. dent which causedi the death o! Toronto. Office: Jury J u b i 1 e e thuat labour lias a riglit teoxgan- ing in Northi and Southi America. They were being asked for pay~- one o! oun neigîbors in the per- Bldig., Bowrnanville. Office hours ize in the fox-m o! trade unions. Asia and Africa. This le!t onîy nient and having it refused wlen son o! Harvey Thompson. The 9 a.m. to 6 p.rn. daily except Sun- -ind to insest on collective bar- the East to control, but Japan i, was tendered. The only thing funeral service was conducted by day. xaining. But when it cornes to upset the plans by beating tIre to do was to repudiate, but to Rev. W. G. Blake in Newtonville Phone 790. House phione 883. demanding wages and h o ur European invaders at their on-n back this up Germany needed Pnesbyterian Churci on Saturday X-Ray Euipmentin pfoie.rsht make bimosilerenmet garne o! meclianic-al efficiency. guns. Logic was net enough. TleY a!ternoon. The churcI was ful UNE AL IRE TOR r to make protthens feel. Japan de!eated China, but west- could not repudiate so long as with f riends and neigîbours. The ____________________ -)rthat aou r ornittinsIcie.l ern powers would not allow her they could be bu.lied. Ibe Nazi sympathy o! the whole township tha laou iscornitin sicieto annex Port Arthur fearing that governiment was the answer tO goes out to the children, Beatrice FUNERAL DIRECTORS in saying this I arn not standing it would mean the destruction o! the imimediate problemn and now and John. at this time O! their Service. any hour. any day. up for employers wio exploit the integrity o! China. Later. that Germany is rearmed the great loss. F.F M R ISC . their employees. and who refuse Russia took Port Arthur from Nazis ar-e raising Germnany to a Lionel Hughes. Elizabelliville. F.F M R ISC . to pay thern a living wage. Chiina and then Japan defeated Position whicb at least approxi- and Ray Hughes, Toronto. were buoadend Invalid CentArmC-lloer s calipait forlabourn- Russia. gainin&r more respect in n'ated their proper place in tIe visitors at their home. bulace nd nvald Cr. aliPlOyr-scanpay or abor -the eyes o! other powers than it world. Tliey are now respected We are glad to get such favor- Phione 480 or 734. Assistant 573. someth'ng which many employees was intended she shou.ld have. wliere before they were despisedi. able news about Mrs. Wm. Hallo- - _fail to see: and in these present The white man liras been allowed TIre resuit o! these cross accu- well wlo is irnproving rapidly CONTRÂCTOR times. when tracte ta bad. and to settle wlere Ire chooses. while sations will probably be a direct frornlher serious iliness. may grow worse. it taslor-t-siglif- the yellow man has been exclud- cleavage between Communismi and ______ T. E. F1J edness in ernployees to clamour ed f rom many counitries. Japan Fascism witl suppor-ting countrie.s Builder and Contractor for higlier wages and shorter dlaims that China la a yellow lined up on each side. WIicl is Lovers' Lane - Bowmanville hours. One ta ver-y fortunate in man's country and that Europe thre better system o! govern.ment. Phone 318 deed if one las good employment. lis no rigît to interfere or say 1 ar n ot prepared to say. stated ______________________But !olly and stupidity in em- wlicl yellow man sl'all cccupy or the speaker, but in my own opin- ployer-employee retationships are rule it. ion neither ta desinable in this "Lest We Forget"' not only on the side o! employees. Japan does not hope to con- country. Perhaps tIre greatest A. H BO NSAL ro an eyes e of ak.ing er-r quer China, but she does hope te argument against thern ta con- A. . B UNS LL ors- ad ecase ! teseerrrsbring about a stable goverrnent tained in the Statutes o! Ontario Designer and lîcier in tley will have punishment - tIre and people se that. Japan will which states 'that no man shahi Monuments. Tableta, Markers. etc punîslment o! the harvest grow- lave a mar-ket for lier manufac- be taken or imprisoned. nor- pre- n Granite and Marbie. ing out o! their sowing. tux-ed goods. If European coun- judiced o! life or lirnb, nor dis- Employers, singly and co.lect- tries will clear out o! China and seized or put out o!fIris freehold, ______________________ively. should take their employees leae them alone to settle their franchises, or Uiberties or f!ree inIo their counicils, and let themn problerns Japan will withdx-aw customs, nor be outlawed, or ex- _______________________see clearly. iust what are the !rorn European mar-kets whicî iled or any otlierwise destroyed, problerns o! principals. If ern- th_ haveruined by low p rieced unleA zh hebrougît in toansweîni St-ore-whi-ch i-ndicat-es ho-w-quickly-you rat Britain aIse c ause d W. Ro1lyas trik ss o VOireiae j Franc to reakwithItaly overW.Rs tie can reach stores and theatres. teAysna stainand Ber-t Kernaglian, Cobourg, ac- Single rooma, double rooms, suites madle them appear to the Italians cqpa.edMlàernn -ail with bath and shower as unreliable friends. Before that relations witl Italy liad been Thue nearer home a joke cornes, FROM $2.00 DAILY most cordial and now the resuIt the harder- it is te see it. 4 bias been that Hitler and Musso- Our menits neyer- outlast our- MSHERBOURNE ST. (Just above Carlton) RA. 4135 lini have madle a deal over Austria money. wWhc lias threatened thre peace It ta sornetimes better- to liave o! Europe. Though Britain had loved and lest than te be the oU CAN BE encouraged tIre Italians in Abys- other- fellow. O CABE Wishîng Will Not Get You Into Heaven There Is No Aladdin's Lamp Method of Gaining Entrance There are those who believe in the "hereafter" - cal1 them- selves Christians - live fairly clean and even useful lives - yet rarely see the inside of a church. Again and again they promise themselves to start attend ing church - some day. Some do flot keep that promise until graying hair evictences the approach of the winter of life., Many neyer get the chance to commence regular church worshio because their life sDan is shorter than they expected *'Christians" of that type usually believe that salvation may be attained at any time they choose to reach out f or it. By some simple process--through ýa last-niinute conversion-they hope to gain an easy entrance to Heaven on their record as believers in the Christian doctrines-because they 'have obeyed most of the commandments-because they have neyer wronged anyone. GO TO There is no easy road te Heaven. No rubbing of an Aladdin 's Lamp will gain admission there for anyone. Leading a blameless life must be augmented by worshiping God. In God's House - the Church - is the best place to do it. The Ohurcli offers inspiration, instruc- tion and opportunity to associate with people who aspire to live better lives. Join them: tomorrow in some church of your own choosmng. Nothing in 11f es mad ecramble for material success will give vou greater benefit or greater happi, ness - 80 - CHURCH TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS SPONSOR 0F TRIS MESSAGE "OBEDIENCE" 'Obedience completes itseif in understanding."-Phillips Broo>ks. 'To be 'with the Lord" is to be ir. obedience to the law of COo<. to be absolutely governed by Di- vine Love. by Spirit, flot by mat- obey; such offering wlll be more ter."-Mary Baker Eddy. acceptable to God than every "True obedience ts truc liber- other sacr-fice."-Metastaslo. ty."-Henry Ward Beecher. "It ta foolish Wo strive wth' "To be a Christian la to obey what we cannot avold; we are Christ no matter- 10w you feel."- born subjects, and to obe~y God la Henry Ward Beecîer. Perfect liberty; Ire thait does this 'Prepare tIre Seul calnily Wo shall be fr-ee, safe and quiet.- TALK ABOUT VALUE WANT THIS BIG NASH O N "AIL TNREE CiAR?j -EADS-AND SERVICE 9'HRSI. ERENINI8-8 HRS. IRENIN 41 WHELBA26117 To à 915LUS YOD HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET! RT D Your Small Car Dollar Now BUYS-and RUNS- A BIG NASH with AU its Exciting New Features! S URE-the facts about Nash prices and Nash val&ie are amazing! But wait tilt you DRIVE . NASH! ...No car near Nash price bas the terrific Go . .. owner- proved economy ... of this new "Super-Thrift" En- gine! Actually, 10 % more power on 12%0/ lesa gas. Plus Automatie Cruising Gear*. . . Automatie Gear Shifting*. . ."Dancing Sand" sound-proofing... amazing Controlled Air system*. . . 79 other neto features. Tri, to, &nd them AS LOW AS in any other low-priced car. 1938 X-RAY now ready. Gives you the inside story $ 049 on aUl 1938 car value. Ask to see it. No obligation. Delvered to you j F. E. Alexander Nash Dealer King St., East, Phone 551 Bowmanvili SURE 0F HIGH RESALE VALUE IN NASH le Salvation is flot for those who shlrk the work of the Master. They who would b. saved maust testif y to the world their f alth in God and their allegtance to Hils Church, that others may b. won to the cause of the Di- vine Founder of the Charch. ý., 1 1. ýý- - . -- -- - ---w - -ç-zluw , - , --""Oum Mm"RM

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