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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1938, p. 4

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v -w' feon aaýd ocal tc, f OY.ý *atiel 1.a sense- off pe-ace, tefOsesrn bd e. o iý - o m n t r s ih ne . s .Pl ý e a nd o i- sou. i cl. te l T he-re se-em s iittle- likelihooci f H B A BP E A C H E STi rIIoe u ol n ohrmtra hnei Andi raging passion know's a glad tanyatintermae-iaIcne ina o ODUYSFca o su rceasetaain'ieie seci-idu- 2 fo :15eRY aca So 2 CAKES j ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO., LTD. Anci1'cui-nulatec te-i-ors freni me- lion.' howeve-,t- ta the-re- w-i liei i-o, i-e-iy ne-arly if nol quite a balanc-aycl Oshawa e-c budget foirlte year just clos-Vle fetv No longer shall the- pulpit cari-y ed, w-It. all that tlîat me-ans for G. I. JonesPHN pi4t-h fe-ar lthe-maintenance- off national ci-e-OHRO pi t- Itîto ntylie-art. anci kee-p il on te dit andi as a promising sign foi-*MaaUe J. . M Kee erjump. tPhonuture J . H . M e K e qv e rFor Hell must lie a place- of ghad- Phofuture-. saniecie-e-r. The Railway Problemn Phoe 41Bowmanviile Temperance St. T'rI evowns ne raucous Main Thte state-ment offlte Canadian ________________________________________________________________ Stre-et Fump. National for last year, presented PG FORTHE CANADIAN STATESMNI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOTH SDY APL H,13 le-ft Bowmanville. Things a re How I mpornt ~#Is oV tcialty the Commons by the Transport the statutes. Liniits ta expendi- rJaeBlor, Kn Stet unning aong quite smootltly in AUJAGIL S o r Minister. Mr-. Howe, shows 1 u-sintscam pai n wiIl endsaet. . toh Eersnfth INHE_______MAIlerGrdeCiy,_ut____bi cash deficit for the year at slight- the amounst esetdpfd ae r n r.Osn saa 1N THE oMAILGfrn sabt apli sthelY over 42 million dollars. The inpopulation. Cheqlues will adgrandsonf against miotor accidents and the haz- net income f rom operations was 8 be issued for expenises flOt CS.Sh . Th LemigtnOt. te, eY andeseee ethe. Heresow-downhe afec spe u il - ). .L. Brittain. M\anagiiîî a rds of epidemics. It educate-, his million dollars, but there was the An inspecter or controller generlmu.TcRx .V cel Learingte,. Ont. tr, vrit e svere, eather Here'iopngt W1c pd P Drector. Bureau of 'Municipal Ici'rnadhsseugahr n 0mlindlas0 neetOiwilI inspect party contributions.promdtecrmfv Deae Gerge-e Mi-hg3,:138 rRhesearhcnhn, oinprCgaoonaBeiaongodleshs. e.arI.tl Caadansselrk I asesss hs roprteamabods wnenbyth pulicandIntits wy thethesouoercehe rid, Tarng brideIn Enlsdfn usrp n ie a.t oui- door. The meadow lark Phrurad - are Business taxes his substance. I h -iv ia theb o ver onenythea opubl e cnrbtoscrefully watcheci taffeta gown rimd ih o, Encosd tn sbari teVois wth us again and Robin Red(re R oIf)rua o sbubn omuite i heov-e teme ut.he oficouenco ndrieutinssvoce di u-admthigacsoiS a t St.atesman. Its vartous -featui-es Breast will be here solon. .Fly ua rsbra oinni% i ocdt aeu h eiiny ndepne ocee nabs ,diaci continue o make theii- appeal to We stili speak of the Durham Hi, municipalitv touches ever% municipal corporation - vflthJust as in the case of the Cana- inesslike way, it is hoQe dd tene bv 1irssc.Ms ae recentissue were icussd in or in 25 - 1th Av.tN.aE iis 1uedirecently.les the.wi-e- re e t i s e w r i u s d n o i n c w s c o d d in o t o e f wSt. Pete isburg, Flori dla h m service every hour of the night i miportant to him .po t w s i ue c n ly th r -e .T e gr tuehpoos acrewdood.iAter theceremon hoby heailes n n uraCahegdminstrtio ofhis uniipa veneseuifere fro _____________________r___ et Thegrom ws atendd b Mr home by mil from C lai3', and eds, We et man de ai d ri - Ma -ch 28. 1938 ( a hte eis awake vr IT e efficiencv and cono me 0 crovinuethufe e dur ing 937.ehJ a pe o upe lft fr Ha îtn bo e r e r e leeping. If h ieThen rai le ad iitfto r i het etl df r w ea w re__1937._ __ __ by iio s from Cour trghtow . anand rou ht ack e m ories oth - muDeai u ple im w t o i m ncpa h Geg t l orge: w reW LUED D I ___te__________ on ef ro m uyou o rs o, . s e t a d a . A r ad e t f T h is is " T h e F estival of S ta tes e m u i e t s p l e i h plu t corporation are m ore than direct l dr s ca y d w n In o h r e - Very truy yours, these friends have passed on - Week" and I thought the report Or at least safe water brought froin important to him than the properitionsaf the ou n triereusc-e iofte ot miet s mlyr S. J. Courtice. Mrs. Julia M anning, M rs. W . A. m ight interest you s e a rn send ing sources sometimes miles awaý, a i operation of his Province po r te o the wer hi her than in 1936.sEv ry n 21 uyS. inpg Haycraf t. and others. Hope you It was 86- here yesterday. stifcts the mnilk, mecat and other food ,tiid,, of governimental econoeo In the senate a comnùttele of On Fridaveveeing. Februarv 1 than his paievlp n.cts F I pro28,ts1usedbv his familv. it the 'entire countre without adequate twenty members is making a the maàrriagesa oemç at the Perhaps th1 otcfu al 21 Rb S.,Wnntpg are enjoying good healtit and'Sncrly su o anda aiwy ra-K asnaeOsaw.of'e ifeen i ui eihbr wr March 28 1938 irty Siceel. n'pect' the wiring and plumbýing If icusideration of -municipal admuinisuyo d's ailay pobtret a P )elllzejdffr Dear EdiPar- findJ.nHlH. JuIy. an The colmittee was appoint- Ruhv elDta. 5aughter of Mr. ai(, what they sol e my subsciptien or yourworth Mi-s.) M. A. Young. EdtrS Note - Thanks. 'Mr.i-. .levator service. and general as bad as putting on, thepavoteSntef-rsouinpo- mY ubsripionforyou wrth 1 apes si 1. t%-of the buildng lfe sv'orksiia.Hamlet wihsctuasiamlet Paper, The Canadian Statesman. -'Jui-y, for sending the ppeli po e bil odn iewa k ndhattl. Eervt toaxp al . hhhean oe Senato-rBeaoubien sfo i Your little reminder in the last Gras'en-hui-st, Ont. which I have enjoyeci ,eýnz. s- I rt uhi od n catIý1sr.ifibî.enainrmanagementfof the issue hsbe oicc.IanDear Sir: pecially the pictures of -the beau-la1fiî-t ire and(ltheft. It providcs- serv ef-tainyr.ing ctizea np i ficatiima nagyem ntThf im- something like 'DumPy' in Sno-w Find enclosec subscrption to tiful young ladies repre etrS ~ m aeets for the bu-taes to bis municipalitv, his Pre-o- mensedificutes baThepoiica Whie.ths tme tailngaîngThe Statesman. I always look the "Festival of Staies: QQuer. . -x:r- f his happiness ail isîe n h Dmno.I inalnsei cnoiclisurrounithe behind - but e always got there.'forward ta every Friday m orning H wever. I've co re :o the con- . . Il tries to Protet bh:îî result it miakes littie the fillacial ralw y robem wee b ou ht Ot We aveit a i IÀ - hen yaur paper arrives here te clusion it i t al.- w::-, 5'ee - feecsto him which of those rcla r in t ee bouifica- have a look at the news of Bow- herse editor fram your honme ' h e.:- iny:ihing about thent m ubi aeesge- tt a reentoflaret ion.WtshuE bHnte.VE ______________________manîle aci eiroudin di- antaffrdte induige ' in ' e&we ai-e doomedtedlsap- o-f his taxe s.,a ater l aeever'. that amalgamation of the :ricts. Itak lxre sawntersojurI c'nre:.Te e teGôvtI liin 1935, out of eeerv dollar colleed two.( railivays. that is unty of L KI D Yours truly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sunny South wt u ~~money enough ta booit from lirntxr.amL 0CCi'jonrsi a e sgetdi si-as ollectd hi imunicipalitv. tt snt rs1uin BEO E~o itnR u tenfs. By the way. M'-\I'.J'd'"'I ahn:erber*s pay $200 per year I-'coirncin axe.il")t4 elý1tlinsenateweoio ugse nL BEFORE YOUth-ink you must have had a a:1 cab:net members' paye mo1stle ini the form ofi taxes Iuli i- Airv-ay Nears Cotnpletiofl stroke or your writine is ge"n S6 0 pe year. while they sas- ý lim.' sorOh ekîet.ti F READY- MY FAiO1 IE St. Catharines. Ont. %vorSe for lTe T:me-s is beire sad 'heze _c;ses mucit poverty, etc., but iieatres lie patronizes. the liililiiirz In the first amnual statenient D C RA E DaGere-March 28. 1938 ressei te me asî fo.lows: Geo.eJ. hey thienizeives (Govt. members ,rprkn lot where bc ieurk.. et., lof the Trans-Canada Air Lines i -EATTHANiS ! ThCRA E 'iD anks yor :n e:enS ta t sm a ni. Bow:4nt:nvî ie. On*,. or Cabinet members) do net do 0or the farm he operates. The ver\ was prophesied that the air ser- g, '4 De sure and get an estim- i&sue of Statesman about how to ficiency of H:s Mj .Mailr:dde ok nth ia0on. uspeîtdsteps Ilini clil'operating Ibefare the endi of titis R ,~~. ate from us. We can save save money. -Pay nosv andi save Set-vice and zhe:r im:nd reading 'siEmno n utamci'deii ulctxainail rîiya.Psegrsrie ol y0u maney. hiaif a dollar." A- Andy saYs departmnent the papers are deLiv- that "Abie' was right when he 1 iiiiiiiicipal taxation anîd i.. a 'ce' îid .not, however, be inauigurateci be- EL sonsgreat-. so here goes a ered te the rigit: party,.--G.W.J. said *You must talk ta people as 1rta:o'îî slue a natioiî-ss de appjrai-al 'fore the fullest tests were made cuple off bucks to secure our though titey haci the mentality of of public f imamce anîd admni-tratiou off ai-ports and general airway, G R Phoneintigoe rtra 43esomntl o unotaga he. vr erS- ihter ya O N F A E J. H. Abernethy weekly budget of news fromn the 640 Lipton Street. Winnipeg 113 year olds." Andi how the:e- ino goeo ra iv îsth,( f acilities. In the begnning plane J HeA en t odhome town. And by George Marcit 31, 1938 IpIe in East Edmonton came forth tbo-iin of muinicipalie.ltî arcayngmlwodfyb a. pae tougeeryits15asue in eeteretsus iath no gacipîgofad eeimusnttk u e gain. almost 16 per ceîît 4fJtue asailable. the Royal Mail in witici eve tiaugt is 1 yers inc wethedeait f y father. Chas. W. muci off your tinte. WiU yOoe bctotal public clc-t, after suhtractiin speed counits se mucit wouldli Press in tite hope that yeu Iwill yolui- way ta tite Coast? 'nîticeahle. is ftic wae. tlîat iniil-1 across tite Dominion wvould start be kind enougi tet finci a smalî You.rs very truly, tal -iîikiiîg funds are oser 60 per'at Moncton and would reach tet .orner witere you could anser tDra out o.cit c o oa iniî uîd f ;Vancouver. some întermle i isat le for the i4n*erest.anc information ail gos'ernîîîeîîts. This i, Ilargels- points of cail being Montres 1. To-1 of the few remainîng old Durhtamnitet upr so ui vî ronte, Northt Bay. K.apuska-sitg. Boys wito wîli remember the de- 0 att igwylTrno-ipervise the suipervisors Tlîe 'ie ;aaig inpe eia n eased. Apil,13 f the municipal net debt andîltlîe ex- Lethbridge. The services ini- rnyfatersi1le~ hewasaîwys Please accept my thanks fortîrece fadEmotnwieonte et Durinthe forteenyei- 0h e ar Mr.JamesatrFliui cet are imp<irtal'týitt e-t a wudetni aCls keenly interezted in thie happen- ceîy of rThe StateEman contain- f t she hle tuuIlic leht pictuir,. ,coast Vancouver would lie lînked -" megs off Durham County. Indeed ing tilt articles wh'ch appeared Theiiiiînust have iluir cilue Neiglit il>'witit Seattle. I believe that as tite years went in the Lancet and 'rimes of Lon- ~iîîasl( u-i iî uc ' h oilCeiesAed by his interest becamne el-en more don in reference to my only bro- atrîiuîîlri amlrat'lu auid lvf ieauc 'f h Scalmendfetes d - keen. Tite Statesnîan wvas a ther Ambrase Su- Thomas Stan- ment uana.e source of keen delight te him and ton.AsbyAnmnh was sitspete j eare going ta greatly rn-ss his and shunnec publicity. and I m N'reoîver,. cdi tr'siilCe anuil> As Wasn toebehexmotednte g dt rouht e mnd y iiswondering wlîat he wouîiU~ îumîiîltc f'îî iîî aedett iemto og i nec oes bro.. -tointoibysuppdy thnprosei by Mr-. res.ding off some bygene itappen- ofa lt uli:yhevgt ing e îta îîîîit lutlil ut"î1- Bîackrnore. Social Cedte.la ~- ing in a i-ecent edition of the now. About a year ago thte 'o i-Tbe htai îîît'îîcuî i met with defeat. A siniflar fate W M~ woko pap2r. Ilianking you for yor ot Star sent titeir Mr. Halton lseliargccl lv the t risilicialîr',i vs xeine yt1ie sub- M O E VI -o kindness. I arn. te intervsiew iir. He wrote me it izati-'îi. Tlhis unîi i> dieuded îlfsriamendrnent off Mi-. Bennet. Mr-. i His grateful son. erded 'by me finding eut more viitiv iii tie differeuit tirlvillicz,.,ac_ lsckmore*s Iack off confidence real values usuaiiy Han-y A. John.s. abu atntia efud u îrlug i îudtiu- ewe I fiFresolution lîeld titat thle gevei- about me.* The article neyer ap- ctîîIui- aduniiii-terecl cuitrallv. a""Il ment. was not making use off the chbo ose K el l o., 's Edmonton. Ala. ered. Attacited you will finci a fincti,tiî adnîiiistered locali. Iti.ai oniaca esucst O Emno.At.prfstol note to renew my subscrip- tlieref,,re. c(uiteiî-ihe to ii arstamp out poverty. Mi-. Bennett's ConFae.Te Dear Ge.- tion. Again thanking you. i.iti-e federal -pris incial relatiîîuî- subamendment stated titat social Cr Flks hy c Enclosed please find my sub- Sîncerely s-oui-s, uithout the inicluusion iniiithe ptirs 1 credit was net the remeciy. Thie lv ilç - the body builder F1ciito.GeQG.akc et: B. Stanton. ci.il f ield o the muinicirialities il, debte on these anendments %vs kiwta elg' LI 5 your editorals and otiter gocd îhichth aitsp-)iiuhae1loenadsncr.Ibogt rai is cnefar e. ewo S.Mary'sOnt.igdfuuIctieiiis acanineout a clearer exposition offthe crunchy crispness VNFSH BONBUIDIG rdio cocered eo w- woldApril 2, 1938 Ftiv'ul provinuces andaîl a differeit principhe off social credit titan. w-e LV RICH EINi THE ESSENTIAL OEBIDN neyer get any off the present pi- Dear George: stages wlitlîiu cadi tprovinice. believe. lias iteretof are be-en heard admthesfao M IN AS M FET OR YRIL OHS ITLR N OC.B.C. ou es are go n li e w yt e Last Thursday evening the Jiiiay. mino torough i gpro- it this country, ce-tainy in East- a d m t h e s fa o ta samplout hite w-areshe!wtiteemrntai c s heStî~s itiutsrngpefrnM.Bnnttt IH ETFRYU IDRNare getting titem nw Radlio re House off Milîs jou.rne-yed te To- zrani fr the .coutrol 0if gzeii ern Canada. It aiso evokedc a . make them the out- ~ Durhtam Club and returneci home a dt-'ailedl stum lu 'if ecerv admniii- 1tite- governimenîta take due note IT is the Calcium and Phosphorous in milki that very diffet-ent ffrein the East witere witui most pleasant menteries off Ii>tration unit and ils. .iersonneil. off econornîc danger signaIs, a standing favorite builds and maintains sturdy bones and soiind teeth. you can el fareignusatndsin hec ntants made and associations Evervunuiit, eer position, . cr%- i strong attack from Mr-. I]sley on For this reason nutitionists recommend one quart of wesîwho listen te Jack Benny evived. eitiexesli<iiid he aile ii, jistifs what lie cansiders tite- fallacy off anoc rea(1v-to-eat cereals. miIk daily for every child, and a pint for every aduit. ardCitai-lie McCaithy on Sunday mThîentiertaiind ga Iwas ils.uier ftilicadxis 5rteniiî'Jiu taht offsocîevi fvorable blnt es officc ItVs a simple recipe fer good health! thirs and frm ayc arîîy ae - rilled ta find titat both lte jhRi s '-ervice reiiderec Ntd'ml trade and a suggestion fi-rn Mi-. Enjoy Kellogg's for breakfast. uc ra WHEN you buy miIk be sure you know something cated near lte radio. IPr-esîdent. Dr. L. B. Williams. and -11 .hiuliiiiicpaii- rio i Dunning lte Alberta governmnen, abou th dary hatproucesit.Gle ~ aii~ ~We have hia aw'onderiful win- his deligitîful life partnerw-ei-e tiractice Of imakig apptiiiutcits ii should establisi a batik off its te-ut.heOui- cold w-eaucs lie lenwase ailr haital-marked Enniskillen: w qhile ihie ment -.tbi.hit Illil- tractic on riTe debate was a nost in- evenînc snack. Alwavs oven-fresh inteecu built lits reputation over many years of dependable service Febi-uary and wasn't very nthd. in Dr. F. C. Ti-ebilcock and ls h i' uulld isci aver l rîii . 'n dîte"re>iving discusien off pi-e-sent day reaeh your table at the peak of their goodness. offte eastei-n po:n'.s reperte-d. iess. were te flawless embodiment 'r c.Tliere is tleuts nf rî"'uun andi suggestIed remedies. but as far 'rie watterno 'sve-y eiy.nc!off genial itospit.altty. wf ta iere for iintrîîcememît at preut sand as social credit is concernied. mnilk or cream. At al grocers. Mdaeb-Kelg wtitsno aU enein lte 'tv Durngttei-e-lui-n trip IAeiiuu ýmunicipal aduiîiitratiîmi-tllîll e iteîther titere is te wlîolesomc i t sn e-aloes- ir e . ed bacK telte long ago csys in siiecelti thîlssaulle critical ix gennioff trutit in lte doctrine o ieono.tna-o hogt oe te village set upon lte hîfli, and aun1,imatioî as tîrosincial and~ feilerau not, it is quite cIe-an that its pr-o- te country.cil No oub yo her ai aoutauramong pîctures conjureciaiose- a(<ninuitratioti. Iliat tlîis ipractîce iii ponients ai-e stil voîces crying in G le n R a e D a iry SNo rdi t gang. Uai bo t or adWeenp~pa heilnct5itw ust bdirected Iv lte wilderness.T S E B T E Phone 2665 Bowmanville my ni:nd is lte onîy way ta* tninintito- ar. lt ie i 1ue los ietr-al The Ne-w Eleetion BillA E B TT R *P CK D B T E ou-$20 dvbunstnn- e ithe enclosed doggerel. ir ut. lElectioneei-ing in Canada wîll A T B T E ou 2.0dvdnsadnvrI am ever titine If -îich a dctailccl exailunatioli in future lie- iun on very sti-et *Billy" W. J îi, 1- mutuade, the citizen. cf Car-and wate- tgitt unes. when Mi- le The Early Bird scia %vil] ccntinîue ta paeolt larg Powersnevbill became-s paît off Long e-ie-thle- Orient lieraids corn-Si. snusinumtalle in uiuuiçcesar%- ta _____ mU i WWhile pallid Luna smliirides wes- -Important. Io- iitich wsil .huîi l U * i L Aternisky.tax oîres-e monire îniiortaiit. - M M And ailhi'te- Patchi" is wrapped thie Itîcîtle wlia lav the- his arec-- i ~ ~~~ neatt Moi-plie-us sway. terminmîdltlat a tliaoighgoiuigNEW OW PRCE Il P E C II N I] M Y And in sweel dreamland wander <rga lization <if Ouir pubhlic alînini-NWLWP Whîle tîred bodies garner strengt mud ecoitomnical ha-sis is ta hie iad NEW HUDSON 112 BEATS "OTHER THREE Andf oradstf e a-estp-it %vihi h4made. Otherwisc deiiiiR CHE L And jded bain re stepe ir fumis wili averpaiver rei]ui(t Ltte's brew. f or ece nomny. n c a « à IN COMPETITIVE TEST Ere cockere-i sou.nds Vhe note Off Or dovecotes elitet the bill and Th1e Otawa .eadl- Rîh ai HUDSN 12 CR A CARI CR Ccee S otlghtaromatit - Truti an pire. q 4

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