ie ,ar jr - thIle i' tlire- irilui. Y O R ORL A D IN ~ i* ~>ttie Newtonville Men Stage Banquet By OH C KRKOOD~ îitliu j îii rî D.l R. Morrison Is Guest Speaker 11\ ! 11 1Ii il.x. 1ru ii . iO . C,,Iti-i)lli.,I to l'le il i I!l'one 'f t eniiht 1 I1\ ha-ie i a' .. ' tiiiliC'it lit"'liSti ., -igl 'ti ' 1111 ,i ' \11 t'i;-ii- titi'~1. >'r. In-, xx Men s Club First Annual Ban- liai iî ~ It1 i'a f-lii > iana ii'icît Ee',tiiig ,ti 'n:e a O 'i'xxi x l am Iu e- filj'u tin a tIti tr'i1n-f0,01-i! x -c ii n Itt tic xxax iiil % I itlxIi' quet Big Success - Ladies ftr ie 11 (j f tile1V11 11 ai' lxiirfl lilt el '>c lie i'î it. 1-'11xe.11 t e ee. A e ai,' ne, lit a Calîin -et 'Iltit!ie ' t :t f i,'tri ,t'i t lie mîalle %xxa> a Ii,%% exe \ai,î11x I, ugib'î- hc ii _______ ,;x tail Ii, lietae\-il\'N, \\'i îîaiu if 'a.r r'-tfil )ft4n (i-td .dHe -r'.au off 'ictai> i 'rîîhî.i'i,;r -t x'fa 'i daeliLzlit- ilii ie-pon<l tig ti Cal i, i 'r The fir-t atnimal blnet nof Itle h- -t "ifie i Nai.gie I ' Jr g1atcst of genîîi-x -cat i(1,l" l, in iix rkiiî t~i,,in îtli'r iel- N xt'iî i ii'- Chili Sa- el l i "N'tix r,î a '.' xi ii ii' fii ' ii ru 'I i kiî ar i"il t .îleif ielId , but lie j. exceeIlîîLx' dilati ue n vixlie Ortge Hall oitn c i. ' ie trî'llîîîg "n dx iii rlx'lu%. bit tire lierald - tile a i attîl idin g t. h i "wtt rc r'îî's. VI t \ dli%-I xcxut ic t, p nI I.î ,1 'îi >v iii -i ' cret in Lrivi tiicgîtx î- x l'.11er, - 'if xx'haît "e C "11 Il 1 ichiance t,, 'a-- lis flace. xx ii I1 ,il t'1'l a -'CCc- f'til anîd tturest- h-;mx in Ili xidxv ' -eîl.îi ilre ulîf am ii ii. \\1uî freî îtx i'.it i, tmore'tlîau lîku i n, elît. Thie ieibers uit iti k41111','a 1b..k xx ii i-tii tiie.* i:c!iîuh aîlierait! -aiid- f'rtl pii i t1ilu tii t 1I -all -ee iîiim lifting ! a IaV x%% xe- aiti lad\ f rietul- xere there -01% of uttueir,- i tterul." 1'ttieîiietit-. lie Cace p xcx' x . trparau"rx t') 1ii I L!'îîiîig a lelie, i fuil irtce and Iabot t 5 sat doxvi 1 liiij n t rt'ea it!e 1k.-, Ikirxx ni 'i, îtteratîîee fIi x L\erx car: t \'xx'rk iit týic f l xicti l eicl'-- t' a -î'endid -tiptier of Ilîxie Cooîk- t' liC f't il, c"iitjI1t-, ]lit Itle tlîl ' tiit - tire tirgi . liu't lg, ' 'e- lit -î l oo1.k - ce inteuu ia. Tt scxc- wîtli, 'iltt sa% iig tliat "rîtk tii' a ixeitg -îîgîîar xii j tue xxa-, br, l"xx tu I i 111t1 a i;I(I'ni ' r txx.' liter,Ixxi le -re xr','x i j l Ittce t il a i. t liad tixxr ' iic xi't xlaI t. -ek tîix'îa .il i -t i. Uît ii r i tit.e -aille finir t"" 'table. \ft'r -tiît Illte fo'l'xx- j eçxî îtxtiiu k la ti_' - ca tiu ter reicct tliîi'r îil 'ri. 'n i r' xx bck h"II, i t udlta 'îrîi xxa ie "'f an ax îu. 't' iiix \:i ir t î-xi' liî xîd le lia- i Ii l, 1 lie ux i reitxiri'- finu x "I t .eta-t t', tilt! Kilig xxa-i; troî- 'uiitg a glea ~ iî r liii iii ibît t.' uluev thi 'iii~i 'f f 'r thie ktîlîcti -luxe itl lit l u' teli ateturl p a i te xxh e 1 ix- e ret'eii (1 r i\ 'dl,- 1i iir n :il-reti îur.ttîît ,r attîl xx'ii"îi ffl li hi%; xxifc er.-xx1i sanig Itle \ational .'A ttliein. 'r t nid iiia îi'ee l Art Rîtîknat> t'r'pi-e'!the toast t"> in vC Ktrai.li1 ittlu' xx ix -lie or'dg'- t iter- xx 'xýri, ,'t-ir lb in a x crx'clexer xecclî aîîd I i, a- a ic xx"-liq er 1itii' .îtgîit 'liu tî.ue ai'ttIg-t xx i. 11 I hi l ' tliîîtite. tilieigîi ki'xx iîî îat it titi' Club Pre-julett. 1. T. Nieller. re- i ~ ý%i o'f1gil t xa 'ilarace'a'a il igw aie nt iIlijîcratý. fof ti c tîtî 1 i"e -"'ter or later. lie i) c. IliIltle tua-t tn Ouîr Coli- D. R. Morrison " i l ioi"ort ot att ilt' xx itlitt 1 i i 'ii1Ikit' xx ten-uial tiiee tix ii altîaed t1aiîetx. i g- t ri xx'e lîeard txxo clexer speeches. x41Ial i - Ii l 't)xx tuie laxx tft' r ltiI 'iii x tile xxii'> catiiiut rcaul "r xxrite. lirtiig ritllie lias -ýix eul ef font ia,-, xx%-len Siti Rutîerford proploscd it o0tf îî k z' t' i iriediid atl i Ttîk di ffereîîtIx i 1'xx. Iucre eiii \t î ter cti1ea îlîîe. lut ait- ea. luit 1 caîti' 't -ee jlirt lioxx' ie anid Laxxrence Sax crx're-pcxnded IT ît î iia iî e e"îia xxii lt i-'loiiel -îgi.i it xx rite.. MII the re-t cati real. arrive- at t1iat cottcltt-îuiîi. xas Itle lattle of tlle seiiol %var. Ili, urecli xva, aptreciateul ' ol~r'f a gteîiî g xIt- ai(lin~î-î ',j titent ca-jîx . atux l ii cati 'Žxlaiix if iii; x re et.are île- teacliers. Nfelville -jTiltes proimed c " i ,ui ail. The lait tua-it i lît lie îcx tiaî Il ii iî xrite. thtigîtli "t o t e xx î%rk lgîîîlxd1,. Itixr lcaî tit 1u tat lu oi ue-t. anîd D. tIel 'le - x'a pup'-e h Iliz ltirarx itmet 'f ii- ti1 le ii'at.x l "'tis. Fuît tue itajuritv i lte oiak 'f atîx' iltuetît exee tt 'NfQ R M rrisot. rf Bu'xx'natîîille. ne- Glw . ih xas - raîîk'- 'îîîitiiaex.aîdtd luit li.e ixex l1 it' ra t e % rad but littli' and %xxrcte' i x en lie -aid lie ihadla xvorrni ti iii pliexi \Viti a -peecl, lealia xxitliî sPtc'. bit it xxa, hotu clux er at al!. l ac lidlxe- iee ii- -uiicî rlv ti~ -ut i- x"l-xieaffairs. Fie gave a i erv xxitî ý NIr- kL.Sax erx týI-'uuled i .' li tan x tmatr x l t'r t ia aît fruittn ît'ti-t, iai I <ar le-cri p tî of coud l itin: it a ti a n-ii td lîapp ai n aîer. lur'(Idlice f'îctîî r' 11wthe j' iiti totruaci'.aelîe "r e 'lie. The Chita and japan. shoxx'ed ltoxxw a- Ti'x iea arx saa x iithli e " xxii - t't .fvri r la-t tite I I r ilxl a-l iii gzerjt- xx ere cuttiuîitns i Eurir)eý. succu-- an it' vie-great promitset' xîî li u 1 ~ li x t' xt î<l -"t tt'i'îîîg ai îrta'd ni x't t'ciix tî tue -iccs o h iiu a t au-and utia. lie dox. 'ttro f.1 t u r- 'lxii thu' ' \lr' r'ad. entî 'lute ûoii ur d hu re llî'îe hcti o f lwn ii îîîr c l UI- i re c l x ofx gra e ti Ed CTee'sa(ood Reason Iiowil.uuy iîr l'.'.i-'aille- hi" -il tfo ua tnakî'Ioixdenti arfare pî ilul . a--\V,x i-rai uo tir iu t 'di Yo'rontiaed t ireiitu.' n d izii jatinn.i f'tlie r kitchei. and ati-kd rue ii I l 'it. cIîangx'ý vhliïliî have taken place Ge"'X. laillefor lte intere-î Yo 'r on fpa e ! lia*' iaixx L!farlat i ii gr t -ax hax "ii t'luI hn t' l ix' -îîag e ricIte fr t i a> k itî ' - ut in ti iaclub î i ' ris lx i x'îî- - t. x' iieii 'd h ei C liz f, iii li i, trikl er nq e n t le ii, Iat e i it fe! When thermll.esla ),unli st smethc kining wirongin_ýNl- wth you, the first rnie s: get ait lali-blrue - i X- .î r 'f1 I it ilalh t e iiti . luit l' aidt.iu'i tu tie xiîîte -'l tnrue dx ' i.t axir'aid the cause. If you are constipated. i, i 'liu iite-'c'i 'Aiîk ihI i. x îii titet xut-uc-iî dont fiddle around with make- i tiit 'u~a1-01. hl i~îîîîîî' x vrI-iehi shift remedies. Find out what's ;1'-. ai xi the r 'xx - "tfu'îîe'îaj. BULII r liblii( ,Wrte o giving you the trouble! 'îxî utui-îx k' f Itllte ilîtîax'f iti-luBThLStTeINS Chances are it's simple if you à liz \ii itIai of,1ai 1 1_1i, ai 1:t> týtl- ýa . eat only what most people do: .-li - ' iai x.'itl. ii l' 1- 'ld ii'. iiili tit i i'x- i' t' tti r. ilfrom B meat. bread, potatoes. Its likely ýiit'h ",fh xi uIx' tiLAitN' it linifred E. Wilson you don't get enough "bulk ."And 'i'a tl xiitîl.'Ihi ii .l'. i hitt I and t-f'l itBR LA "*bulk" doesn't mean atlot of food. Foriitth' un-aid partilli a ii!,xv, It's a kind of food that isut con- ~Ilic i i 'ha ' i tk al-t XX'inîtte xicixlieulejTH OI paîg.ndw1ae h d' stued in t:ebody,but leaves asoft Yît 1àIl uni-iret iat jît ait r'lli THEi 'ROBIN uit >îxî'iarand i'hiit'î uttîaek 't c "ýbulky" mass ini the intestinesPil>ic ir(,bauewhveasgta i and helps a bowel movement. itîlati. t iin it\ arxl. rgt'xii axv1caîîîî. g gî Il.,beiii-te- ecasoer.ehe Ra i sugn hat If that fits you, your ticket is a raiit .'t'rt i x'h.o ~'tie1till% C 'tie fl'an lit- aiýte t t Il l eu ofr L ..Th obian î l. crsp cru.nchy breakfast cereal- liaiur-liuîii t ilitîrd lui t,..\iitit.t'.'1 ' xx re rex eaîiîtg utiiex itdicated leAtogaheBu-Ur-trsfo urlw..s Kelg' i-Bran. It contains tiee -iie.llr aicil'tuIh tî.t >,- fe'îîteîîthx' iticuli cî al]> eur brdrturns to usrot '.sbela-ntegru the "buik" you need plus the ii îi xil] " a I"tî xx\\.\.aux! t I- c tt'tixbr eeu eleintt r t. h oi s'A pour housekeeper ti cxe Eat itetAil-Bran vta every pv orth hvt 1c"lt tirespect.d o teiritthez iRobin Rbi irepec. heRoinb a caaca atitetna Ofi, ia.iji 1 cl 'llit' u u iîetlx".t iitigf-îîîî auIlluco~ie iiiercl\in toi' ' îuftener referredto e&ne ofcasgasanir eny of water, and just watch Aitîîîvct ut i îîîakt:~he"Ilarbinger () f lets.s ned itith finer grass a "he od wold gow blghtr' li tuexx' nit!- a clu - "f-ceurut' . JC K pring . for i. makes its presence mud u ok f re n ,Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Il' t. 'xvIlii tt'uiex x g"- itritnx il liofCil'. and xx îîcuî caîitît liîe îî'utîleuîui ialici . v.. etîi\- xricîti- ltter. Ileie 1known by corntng close 1.0 our ledgesabout buildings; fiequeri andu tîre- 'inlî. 'fxxuîehcai'riu', ai'.'r lie -cent- tu lue îîî' rc dxellngs and singing lustily from mIuch coQ accessible for cats îhî-îcîî-d xxitit vjtl hi' - u - t'tihetiC xx itiîtheile i îîaîîtiraitidawn until after dark. And hoiv chipmiunks. If the nest us î'obb> <iî'i utiî ro'xitlfol1k - citd tuiicr xxiut- x ie ýiVdelighited ive are 10 xxelcomne it as us often the case. the birdu d(Iix -inii tti'îttig trî I uicw1ei'tlI'. andxîhe1rUp, cheertly" it keeps t*e- rebuild in just as danglerous thiciti brîiktiteir lak-,il'i k i ___________________ spot. The four or fîve eggs a 1 Ieiii- f 'r r'.rati fx t.i!tc hlU I I6 IP r a-- muai'be expec:ed. "robin-e Il WON'T BE.. nr ui:t; î h ic rt UN O MDCLIBusiness uirectory Htr~l~e s aqercobnt -fh i i T. tî\îî %iax' "ftliiiikinct. theiie t I rsfles nd fa fles £ NENO ALT ll 1rgrNstUa I ailt:iCI E CANAI IFC.ALLE AL 1 homte close to man. thte Robin xx 'kiîîg lit î-uueut.n.b rx'xtr SOCIATION ANMDeLOFE1 oicnsttasotkefg tt"tîtantu aiuliug cacli t u ter. lav WUAMEcol PAN ES M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. very easily. Rarely do birds lea triade, [)lit tlle îvuk of iiaidedi-d en cANA1DA -* Barrister. Solicitor, Notary their young at the approach YuHb oln onte diviiial tiliîds hiene anîd tîter -Phne 35 danger. A Rogin. however. af You' bewokin'oIth lte iind. of irieti xho sougit i"nooe 51making, ts nest right beside land. Is your harness 'lîcîti otiier tuitnfrono theirn x l ixc WHAT TO EAT TO BE Royal Bank BIdg., Bowmanville front door. will fly off screami .1atd ears. Everv' uew religiott atnd HEALTHY W. R. STRIKE every time a person goes in ready? If flot let fls re- îexx' tiilisoîiv carne iittu beiîug futlI out. returning to ts fan'iily oi par t r epac i wth flcdged in une minc finst, andtdîhîei Number Twe Barrister. Solicitor, Not.ary when things quiet down. pai i orrelae i wth secxiud-rate iet di-torted it. uand A deficiency off any of the es- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Nevertheless, I know -off a p new harness. vrute coinineîttaniex tiui it, atdîtl gI"- sential food.s known as vitamins. Money to Loan, Phone 791. tl'at acted much more caînr ed it over, utttil Illetorigintal furce miunerais. proteins. fats and carbo- Bowmanville. Ontario They had built on a windo _______________________ uuu bî'aîtx xxceeail lttul-tredI. h1ae ndnes~ou in such a way that the \r Wegarneeor ok Tlixe utîttîtr if liii' 13.uek f Il'h cuuld If any one of these necessary L. C. MASON, B.A. dow could not be opened. A mie: iîa'e raxa'lî'utia, ittu li-, xii food elernents is missing from Barrister - Solicitor e f h îueodpce ------u'-xvaîce xas ,î catiel'- Itack ait titaitryour diet. il wiil resuit in a grad- Notary Publie - Etc. the nest, eggs and ail. and ci lit, pl'e cis I-fuor îîed itat ion xx cre îtut ual or, in somne cases, a rapid Law in ail ils branches. ried Il 10 a more conx'enient led INIfTilt in xrehl-II stufeu) lîbnraie. luit lowering off your levxel of health. Office immediately east of Royal The parents contînued to inc Ji LtirL-t li.iax,,\x "f tue -tui-hakeul vaîî You.r vigor will be impaured. You Theatre. . bate as though nothing unusi t"JOHN uwj LENZlt î.î ~' wiIl probably feel what. is com- Phones:. Office 688; Home 553. liad happened£. In the former 'i t'eî'xrîîiug. Vet xxîcuîce catiîîu' monly kinown as n'seedy, and i The fatlier birds head us blai his itia îtclied l itenani lint. î'îîîiîî iîis eiiec'usinrkdadDENTAL 'xxhile the mothers us grey a Cwin Drug Store tI'helfi'.t sîuecilhîtio'ns, vithî tlle continues for any length off lime. lier_________________se,__deepa___ Bowrnan ill ttî.etg "x'itig iiîîagc rx. andu tite i' t y- wili dle.aihe-dofsb DR. J. C. DEVITT dish-brown. Although flot mc King Stretî'.îîîle littiîîg tiiii',C tft ctIacsclled Ciiamns.1Tlere Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Ihan two weeks old when rea D a _ ,rwlx tîî hx' arunîxîîî are al leasi: six of these sub- Craduate of Royal Dental College, to leav.e Ithe nes 1, the young bit MMý vur da - he Ivw ofstances ail off whtch are essentiai Toronto. Office:. Jury J lu b i 1 e e can aLready be idenlifîed for health and lîfe it.selff. They Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours maIes or femnales. The breasts _______________________________________________have one thing in common. the 9 a.m. 10 6 p.m. daily except Sun- both are spotted wvith black, b daily amounts' requtred are ex- day. some are nalîceably a daîker ri tremely smali. For exampie, one Phone 790. House phone 883. Ilian others. Pound of vitamin D would cover X-Ray Equipment in Office. The diet off the Robin us sort PROC A M AT ON te neds f th aveageadul forvbat 'aried. It eals insects oheneeilsoftheavrag et itou FUNERAL DIRECTOR wild fruits accordng to these it we would die. Vitamin A is es- son,. remaining ihuunl sential for the health off the mu- FUNERAL DIRECTORS can find no more bernies hangi e ~ L . - ous membranes offthie eyes. nose. Service, any hour, any day Occsonaltle ue aves bancen <I throat, simuses. bronchial tubes. cainlyoebae net D aylight S dvin oesophagus. stomacli, intestinal F. F. MORRIS Co. Canadian winter. W'hat matertal dues a Ba tract. and thie genito-urinary Modemn Motor Equnpment, Am- Swallow use for ils nest? psssages. Vulamins Bl and B2 are bulance and Invalid Car. Cali Change tG Summer Time necessary for the ner'tes, skin. Phone 480 or 734. Assistant 573._________ and the normal burning up off Alack off vitamin C affects the ____________________ A pril 23 to September 24, 1938 miles and miles of capillarles T. E. FLAXMAN In a higl -up crot:h off ama min D is essentialfr hie normal BThat. stands cn front laxe B utlhorit fi teTonConilo teCoprain formatin aitheébnsan d îtiteepth. Loyers' Lane - Bowmanville TeeMr.Rbn okde PA\GE THREE -ii'l liii th; iii. ir un wle .e ci o' re- ut a igIt Lor ea 1orf pa low ave er a ig sai and :twd - 'mn- a- sgef but rual me- or ra- ais. t rn ta- .an an h tay. hed ty: 'l und ned in- of t, r. il So il ia very important for us w"il .urmue - ga s s..ia ta kow te fod elment ~ f ThlegMr. Robin, in t.he îree, t wthe food elements w ol ae DEC R AlEeroan for itenobe: e need. how much off eacli une off UE OT 1 An d so l ier seenadbe: t CO F DE A I N I Eand where we can gel t. Tlîrough Besr n e n estins- And a-hen they're fledged wili proper nutrition we can secure aefomu.Wcnsaeay increased health and happines.smu. e a sv aa gî-atr vgo, bttr messtanc yle money. To seek their own lifes goal. HEA OFIE*ORNT disease, and longer lfe. Then wife and hubby Robin wil Tlhe nexî article ini Ibis series Go forth in earnest quest, secure a adequale supply off Vit- hn 3 omnll -Ralph Gordc amins A, Bl and B2. iý628 Crawford St., Toronto. The Ottawa Spotlight By Spectator 1-u11'.u X 1 ' 'i ' I i - i., an l'iu ht1ic i ' rl't i'it li(ii t ae -ixulit îîInt xx'ek. î'ux ' îr, ii theiniih %%il! lxi ýjruindiimg a î.î. Tii're hia- iuî"îi a t'utux't î i 'r iuiuitii'r "f pl'.iuer- t.,cax h ait týic -uîalî aiîî'îîît 'fi finut d lc thiat hlias't \i ît i)u'î'î tr -tii l lx îue lugi-iatix e itihi. Thu- 1' ' - t tîtait. t ix ex r. iitî't A tin ..t.uuIuith 'f lezi-laîi.'î ,,Il iaxi w î'arictx if -tuieCt- xvill i'e ilac cxl ý tthe-tattuh' -be- t'u'the --i utr uu>-t',î'an î'nd. Th"ii- arliaitîcitxx Ill. 'x i r r- ahI xli e i uudged bx b-s restraint as xxei' Iaut-lu' t- c xit i' in ithe i 'nui ý'i aual l'tit't L.ut Il>-L"la:lce att Iltît-ti t ther v'î"Ii 'ttld ahi'! pliticai c 'iluitink.- xxhîl f. urtît the luackr' 'îtîlt ' the îualî.îîîî't- 'iraî' 't- Tiere lias bu-cii utrecci - 'iiin uilie - - ri ii lthe xvater ilîîark- iii Srîuteîîîher andu <het. ler "f la-t x car. The ,Iacku'n- it'a- ,'f b iii îî ý - l i as- h eii titicli lu' - u'ut'tiuul thii ttue' silîu ti) iii titi' L ititcrl States. Thi-isua- beet the 'b- Sect 'i e"InInit in t tt'ilited States- pa;per-. the ii 'raI cîraxx ut eiuîe tîat Saitaca ji,-utifforinzg le-- tlîaî hier -rua t iiaîu trlic ueCanadalia - aipxu' I tuumîtu îurîîîitîc andti ,' ther e i. '--sah reittutute extueiiiits..'>fter tlii rxl'Iuîuitiix 'f îuarîatîîeîît ltheNMini- î-tî'r ýf Iab 'r xxil1 'iitiuiiice titi i)îcl t ic tha wie xhidi tue iî't wtu' xill au)' 't ini t- eaiîîîîu lic'x'i t.-'u] ,[ t it ishue u i', h"- x iii alit' "" ilî'hîîtruîl ictu xiti"- "i the tituralWlîl r' iice. X'îlc'- i-, in Ctii tuha. ' " uce' 'itt'f tii' :i tit ii' t i u.tate- xx ixx îtciî xx th alîjxictî le cff' 'rt- ît t'. Xahiî ' il axeuît'î t,' -u i l- h fifetll tii- iii raixx uîxandthe'ttr flh ulxe hi iii' uit ltitt tiîî-ar'cItheliiitter- ',f titi' ratiec eci--h it itîat ha>î j,îiîî t. t,,the lI't "i iîîxlîtrx ii the Uni dsta'. If wxxi'iax c a g. dcrou;n tue XX'mt al iini .t 'Ire c uui'i-a t e(litnz tileart- er- tt,îlx fai 'rauhi'.C.îuuîuiauiîu-îî li f. 'igit tu 'itic- tue thîi'atiit.ýx .iîlt-t îuixx -teiil'. urtrtix' it Ira-t hi'- tîîî'uacuîîg. lia- cix cil tiii r. tii- îrx a uef'ee u. 'lixxhuicihi, hbîlieý c,îrriod'u i t i xxtlile--' u'xý ti ti ii \car thiatu la-t. (fc i Ircthiere xxihI likî'îl\ i' aàlix ii ih-rt-j"u xhî'îî (le jeuice ,-ýi îate>',-u.' iiitt'a i tirrne- .\ - il iltutu. rt,îîîî i î'at u>e f tIti' cI 'tt ltj î. jicailî igrx ittu thtte îx'rî-u'îtî' 'ul f tireutti 't t iati' utt piit xx hîci'. îarlualtiî'îit t- tîti'ittix -eckiluiz t' ji '-tir. TItis - c~ct" lie a I.'ug ir .ee-the allai- lite ~ ~ ~ ~ bu ' -it.îai.t.htmipIlcle Cati ci t hlt Iiat iii' chi i cI jt ht'ru îgîs xx xrthuxxiiv. It 1- cîutfjclî'ttx ex- r'ectec ti'at tie xx uîk 'f tIti R'uxxelh Relatiouns. lx lîxxiîghtixx'guuerîî- îî'î'îtah nl ' tt-I lui litie- ain! taxatijoui rîuuîxx er n, uax he eiitahix' diî'ided. ruIai' Ilîlp ti neunuxe grutntts of dif- fereîtcc- bcîxxeeu thte 1troxinces andu uIn thie iniiît iile tîte umiemî ixîx ý- muenît iîî-uurauîce anteuidunet secmn- likev tiý reuruaju in ahex'ance. Nexx Brnîîî-xx ick- an-xxer. tut the Domîtinu- t.iiitii' urx', t lît titi'guixe ruitnutc ituf thtat pîr'x'ince %x uuld irnefer utii)t to .i-v ce uttil lthe Ruxvelî Cuoinntt, sioi iritus iliutst-repo'rt ouit>hle gemîral dux u o ' i f t" uxx'î' n,- 1)tutut > aiotiier -tt'i'i the xxeel uof ait carîx itiu- cuIi lox iiettiiti -hi ratîce îea - tre. A itigit lighît euf the balanice ouf the se--i.out iill b hîe rtraule tuxct with the United $tatcs. rîîîx uuuden lte- a traule tru'atx xviîh tie Unitedl States xeulceul fo'r 5"> loung t>' att' l ic x tIf higi tuirri fi u-iot citilul'. rîlax'. One 1luax ea-il.v imîagitie tlîe fl(u,'îl tf xxarhujin. I'f <lire <isa-ter frncîîîail îuarts of the ciuitrx' tîat uîîuut havte lîccî .ti'îîitig rite XXashinugtuon. But the îactxiii xx'li hIigli hune, ane blîuilt x wil cuite int> due cuursc. XX'l i'tlicr il t c ioie Ili t iuile tît lavie it- tari ff ciiai.zcs mîcurtuorxîtccl intuhîe lidtis ,mo'ure oxf a q uest ionî. Thire liavxi beî'îrutiiil(u, l, tt t he .'iigloI Alriericalti pact xxIl liebcîuutîtleted luie furi ui treatx xviîhtue Uniited St ate-. A fe iatuce of the luut-neces, >es- -uuonu xi!! b Illte budget of Mni. Duuî- ii ug. X'lîitii t xxi!!bc intuîced it it ertait. Tuat uîax' duteenl "u xxhîî'u the tr,îdc ract ivli tte Utedî Statei', - iguied. The provxixions, of titi bîudget arc of Couise umoust cane- ftuliv gluitrdlt. Suine i tioni ii-be- Yu c an lase alnîosh any mnotiier by praising lier chtildren and roasting tliose of her neigh- boura. It lakes a wise woman to transform a "good fellaw" mb oa niodel liusband. In ordert' t live a man must work - even if he anly works somebody else. Evten in the darkest hour there are only minutes. WATCH YOUR W ATCH îîutal,eteair c;tablistunuuît. lie iii- xNt-lg a t 'c xxa s tuiiiltlîat lterutajît- -lunLe xxa- Itlact, Ilial i.iv atlire- lii uuiuît'r 'f tliiTurouuto Le~t- (Vii -cul u 'iix' ccianing anîd tlîat tule lur Ilît-itie- Bir l iaxe -tîcecLeuleul cru re j'r snicb service ivuilu) li litliltitc a i iîx t.' "Iii'oif tîxe SCii»> li it uxlxcr i- ta" ii T,f aeer'î . i Nxxtuw a tiir-andu)othernpubl ications,- in Tr)'hi fi,. ""I'f lie facts. rriittt le I- a Jr-.x'a ci xiiT' cx 't' u rtb ic at t 'c clvf xt rItr-r au) xrti siutg dlealIings hav crriul,îu alvrîieueîtl'.i. xvit1î tie "Ilat rate' xvatci neiair -Ittut1 i x.tcuî retair eaccrti iuffrit'. rieketeer. t" netuair xxatchie. : Nuo tîatter hîxîx lbauhi î. 'k -ut j r $2.1)()." Tit-ti k. reptutahie Týr 'tti pubîi- "F E A R" iîcati' 'hi- reju-ecltxut accetît tuie ail- _______ i cnti-cuieti' iieti it xxa. c1i > clxorsed( tîtat tueic atchi neluain .taluliit1inleit "FerÈsfa i thlessnes.--George xva- x ieîiittiia igîmhilule cilî- txîîiler- MacDonald. îîîfauîiîac xviti tuie iî,jcîes 'if t11rir ."I'he understanding, even in a "xx t îîîtxivCeî'. Oit tue nîca tuiat degree. off the Divine AiI-power ..r'art-f.'r tie xw athui ctt-tituitc(l au deslroy3s fear, and pla-nts the feet "'utri ehi.rge, tîte xxatci netair c ut- un the true pa!', - the path which cerut iIIf 'rîuccl a "cuwtne" xxîuleads to the lîouse built without lui j(ttîelt tu a Bureau iictgî hands "eternal in the heavens."- our itiat tlie mîaiînîriîîg uf 1ii- xaîriMary- Baker Eddy. xv,>-lîr'kit. The $2.010 citarge xxa- "WI'at, can that man fear who a-kuul. 'ut-Sl0 for a îîxxilitul takes care to please a Beung tbat -t'nîîxe.Lý able to crush aIllbis adver- Takiuiatuie -ainte xxatclî t., ua re- aaries? --Addison. ROYAL THEAT-RE BD WMAN VILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. APRIL 21 - 22 - 23 TWO DAYS ONLY Monday - Tuesday APRIL 25 - 26 Matinee Monday 4 1 FOUR BIG DAYS Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. Saturday APRIL 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 j ý b gSt hithcaus. it'.p paked with more song fSmashes, dazzling stars, beauti- fl girls, romantic thriUls . . . than any two pictures befor.] «LWUWU NEU$ON EDDY ELEANOR POWELL Frak ORGN EdaF.atur OLuVE Frank MO tRCA *Ena OIE 0Av aOIGER IONMASSEY *ILLY COLBERT REGINALD OWEN Directed by W . S. VAN DYKE Il - Matinees - Wednezday - - - 2.30 p.m. Baturday - - - - 2.30 p.m. -Give me a big build-up, George- "l'Il Say you're as popular as Sweet Caps!"f SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Thse turest toru in whsch tobacco can be smoked." THURSDAY. APRIL 21ST, 1938 TIIE CANADIAýý STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO