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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1938, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE -r-r -AN.%l,TXi TAýTFSNgx4N, P.ûXX7\ANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDA , APRIL 21ST, 1938 T E AN DI N 'A r- 'l-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -of To on oMr 1Svno s o -------__ M MT ER OFA LOCALN and Mrs. Thos. Chambers, Val- hers met wilhhat p1nefo LA ISW S9 N ý entia, Ont. the audience. EASTER SUNDAY , Miss Tucerth holnse Mms. Edgar L. Gausby, Toronto gave a brief tl.srsigtefc S Mrs. John Rear. one of Lind-: M-s. Beatrice Tamblyn GausbY, ta uigcidho h elhc oldestcîtizes celerated ife of Dr. Egar L. Gausby, died the individual sbltfrle h WOE ays odetciizn, eebatds.trongly a&vsdproi xmn O F 0F INTEREST TO 'XO M Eli er 92nd u-rthday o EaterDay Monday evening, April18th, fol- saWns b: theFa 4in Bowmanville. while x siting lier ' Webterlowng a lengthy illness. at ber when a chiidi pprnl haty included Mis.aF. W. Kir.endallrGiAY Conces- residence, 259 Glencairn Avenue, Tonsils. adenod n inssudr 1 ndMr. . eshwToono ed years Mis. Rear is a remaxk-:William and Julia Ferguson Tam- teand MrdMs. .M Nawh Hints Fo r nomeuuuod s Gay seems taso abound; ably active wornan. Whi1e she bas: blyn, she w~as born at Ùshawa, Ver cent. of erdsoesamn ELU TER VISITORS ln(e d ic) saa rte o h ttsa Gray clouds that lift, gray miss the most intricatefleedlework ad Bowmanville and W tby,nd re-recuenthed ,l* niam rul sons ohn nd Frd atend- Jessie Allen Brown Gray raind.rops slanting dlown the in some embroidery work. An- by Higb School and the Lilian wvith an appeaifra es e n -----__________inMssahusets,_.S.i_____e other inteîesting f act about this Massey School o! Household Sci-hl ouss Mis lady.aso, toonadgraîowdosoldrnethtn -schooi child. Mi&., T. A. Reid, Kendal, wit.b1 Mr. and Mis. Johnson, Galt, Mis eln asnMacoBodGrkshaowslnarey, hewho refuses t rw l nence, Toronto. For six years she Mr. and Mis. Willard tvn, Mrs. Herb. Creeper and Tom, MisJaIoriMcoad ends trip ta the lending library. Yet gray should not be sadl; that she is a great radio f an, and of the Lilian Massey School. SheHthno.o h avto rv Toronte, wth friends iChathamwith relaives here. ý Mistands Mforiallcthat's gg ad.e has listenedI strndughoutlthehasea-ladttendedstSt.dChemugnt's Anglican attendea SraphicenpicAngricaf ateeadan- Toroto, itb riens. Cathan, wth rlaties8hî ',Hall, Guelph, with her parents. The books Igtwr ua r For in my eyes. it typi! les son to Foster Hewitt's broadcastsIChurch, North Toronto. Besidles gers experiencdb h olmnr Mr. Joe Edgerton. Toronto, Mrs. A. E. Alun, Fort William, ' Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris. 'N er eBek nd Joseph- 1Tetig !lf ems ap- ot the National Hockey League b er busband. she is suîvived b on theescoast ofNvSci. with bis sister, Mis. J. A. Living. with friends here. 1 Dr. Harold V. Slemon. Western mne Lawrence's 'Bow Dowfl tO plaud, games. In f act net only is she twO sons, Athur and William; WVith the helpo igasdanO Mr. Mark Roenigk, Stratford,i Mr. Frank McIlveen, Orono. at Hospital. Toronto, with bis par- Wood and Stone.' 'No HeartS te Our homes, oui motheis and oui interested in hea.ring the gaine, 1 two brot.hers, Dr. William Tam- the blackboardh okhsadec wit M. nd rs T H Kngh. hoe. nt, r. ndMr. . W Semn.but she can tell the life history blyn of Western University,.Lon- down the shftoamiesoin with~~~~~rek Mi.andMissT.H. n otf omJeeroDr.an Mi. C W.Sleon Miss Mary Elen Fenwick, To- 1 Mi. Edward J. Mason, Florence,' Mi. and Mrs. Glen E. Strike Bek sasoyo!Jrm oa .of practically every N. H. L. play- don, Ont., and Charles Tamblyn. the- what te o~l ido h ronto, with Miss Diana Wheeleî. Ont., witb bis mother, Mrs. T. G. ;and leanor. Ottawa. witb bis parte, the youngest brother Of On winter mormings cold er. Mrs. Rears husband died 15 'Toronto; and three sisters, Mis. various lev(i.hwteca a Miss Jean Bell, Toronto. withiMason. mother, Mrs. E. M. Strike. I Napoleon and bis American wife. The upper air will bold yeaîs ago, and she has lived in1 W. H. Greenwood and Miss Ber- taken out.,n tesgni;ha e her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mi. and Mis. Fred Crydermail, Miss Audrey Elliott. University Miss Pattersen. Napeleon would Pillars of gray that float away Lindsay fer 40 years. Besidles Mrs. tha L. Tamblyn, o! Toronto, and tokened dange.l oecssiie Bell. Ruth and Barbara. with Mr. and of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. net recognize the marriage noer o ae re ig he h Wese n Mrs. Rer ason eh rr augh- .Ege f lvead etnddo Cat.ad i. . .E.Mat.Mrs. Alfred Penningtoni. Toronte.o dMs.W .eIot.heegay !theiCorson. The ____asone___________ -etiby severihndefetfson Cat n r.C .E etb n r.W .MJteleiiayo hi o.TeFrom the beaîth-fire of a borne. ter. Mrs. J. B. Saunders of Lind- above, butacosntathade Ottawa, at the Balmoral Hotel1 Mr. Donald Williams, lîamilton. Mr. Byron Vanstone. Toronto, story is a very readable one o! aadtosn.Goreo ai ekp o and called on friends. 'with bis parents, Mr. anid MrS. wth bis parents. Mr. and Mis. F. the time ef Napeleon. The next The birids' nestis in the trees saadt0sns ereo ali LVA TIbOepNfrpo hls.Th trnuu Fiank Williams. C. Vanstone. Ithing ta do is to try te find eut That swing in every breeze. fornia and Joseph of Cleveland.S LV T.%AR i ork. and th1 miec fdne M.r. Charlie Cawker, Toronto, Witlx Mrs. Rear in Bowmanville OFFICER IS GUEST i developed themnrnomnc with bis parents. Mr. and Mis. Miss Marion Warder. Tam- Mr. George Tordifi. Toronto, hew much of it is founded on Where nesÈlings frail, on love pie- this weekend were Mi. and Mis.slndph T. W. Cawkei. woîth. witb her parents. 'Mr. and with h;s mother. MiS. Wm. Toi- fact.*Josephine Lawrence's best splendiobet phs sîque and greaSPE KERATtCcourage. wo Mi. Robt. Claîke, Torento. with ~bok is If I Have Foui Apples* Wbat speaks more mnother theught her here fer her Easter visit. HoeapSho lbAs e rhow mnaer wrecaeissabu his parents. Dr. and Mrs. R . W. Dr. and Mis. Fred Cryderman. iMiss Selma Bartlett. University Son' sHoime aoudanbsdAn eerhoe ! be iCgayub____Aise___________ rhotecte h-anin.forimwa Clarke. !Detroit. with bis brother, Mr. J.!fToronto. witb ber parents, Mi. Stide, as arie aIlbr ook.a Tais n vr n f hr sga.Public Health Nurse - Meet- gas acculaionadiaeut Miss Gre-a Pollard. Toronto. H. Cryderiman. and Mis. C. A. Baitlett. roetl !teemtoa a1 iyar b ibyrcs OBITUARYr ing Held at South Ward ooensuprswe ed witb ber parents, Mi. and Mis. 1Mi. Tom Dustan. Jr.. Trinity Mr. Aec Birks. Univesity o! faction three sisters get frem sac- Time noer volcanic shocks School He describe iil h xlso W. B. Pollard. ïCollege, Toronto, with Mi. and !Toronto. wth bis parents. Dr. and I îifice. The f iist one sacrifices Could weai tbem 10w; they seem Mrs. George Gilbert, Bovýnnvilele 1 ii>the minr i hc ewre Mr. and Mis. Fred Bateman. Mis. T. A. Dustan. Mis. W. H. Birks. herself for lier childien. She ty t hwO Sna, pi 1t 98 On Wednesdav evenîng. April 13, near the clos ftecar o hc Toroto.wit ther dughei. Miss Dori Wright. Mi. and Mis.:, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1Beatty 1ta absoib tbem .and wants te own Wbile weakei shale bas ciumbed teepse eaeul w te n e andiSittch oolCuh mard exG aploi65inr eeild.H Mir Hrb hilis. iturFrie r.lBetysTronelaerso Rss Elzaetvile.wih tei cElizeabeirctnthber e n .be etrnl esiElzaethJae chorstenciltrstenil adnhd sifiça aen thsewh Mir. and Mis. G. W. Gainer. with Mi. and Mis. Thes. Wright. Mi. and Mis. M. W. Tamblyn. every action. She ends by losing The stiength and steadfastness of Colwel beloved wife o! Mi. lavn b the pupils. arrange(i fought their alhog a ue Osha~a. ît, hermotess Cs. ess..WDnalhPbilipsandBoboef nd Ms.nC C.nd hng-easho!nteuna-, Georangn- Gilberertt, ihnti eorg Gilert in er .th eai.arnnd te wils aveahveritavet saftv. ltbugh vera hudre D. T. Morris. Emmett., Mount Royal. Que.. witb ton. Toronto. with his mether. bhappy lonely l1e. The next sis- She had been a l! e long resident iroom a festive air. Germans andAsraswr m Mi ad rs S J Hgbe ad i.an Ms.A.A.~ ett M.W.C Wsintn ter sacrifices heiself for he bus- o omnil n itit n Mr n r.S .Hgson Gle. nd. To ont.o. MARRY C.CWahingto.* of alwmanvsfeundisbricuacd Mirs. 'M. J. Hutchieison. the Presi- ploved in themn lvtowie so ln oot.witb Mi. and Easteî visitera witb Mi. and Mr. and Mis. Samn Bartlett. To- rband. He is a streng mnan and was onthl ba th ou day.She 1v iet pne h eeig hecn ha a oexa kle.th t Mis. Frank Rundle. Ms .A. Edgei, Carlisle Ave.. ronte, with Miss Eva and Mi.tr eera aciiewashmpew ovuther for the eveningv . MrThelso.cou-ntdariga oe-ae a d cown until be finally leaves bel* WED UN TORONTO ed hier Sunday Scbool and was avnrfrteeeig Mr.Wloi on e _________________________________Miss__Marguerite_______ John- and they are divoiced. She tee MisMrgeieJoea o h hrdsse teacher for many yeaîs. and was tmnusi c a rge n hifor the d.iturask. awekbfothdrds roto i b er parents. Mr. and unbappy. Tetid itrsacri- TO WINNIFRED KING a life member o! Trinity W.M.S. cn 1 sictd al p ano whic hllove. at s arthog sn h agr rente. V~it.Jfices hersel!ffo er woîk and for She was always îeady te belp the \Vorm " Dfar in ut.'h i~ hddsredtemn, eta o Mis. F. H. Joness. distant cousins. She leses bier Groom lis Son of Mr. and Mis. poo and needy' and mother the 'a rn.D. T. A\. and 'Miss J. Part- one rat waskie.Tebaexf Mis.s Helen Gunn. Toronto. job and ber money and can do John Cowling, Hamptonl - sick, and will thus be greatly îîdge: a ocal solo. "My Ain Feik ' the minerswssoei h a with ber parents. Mr. and Mis. ne more foi the remaifling cou-i Couple Wili Reside in North misdb ermn rena h ith the Gospel Singers theme sorLy thev begged eb loedt obc J. A. Gunn. rsin. an dlives with only the com- Bay After Honeymon was a dauht ! he latfrendT hsrae necr ri i.Ae i ersu oidsairhvn Dr. and Mis. W. J. T. Vealle, panionship o! bier deg. Very di! - and Elizabeth Colwell and ' I ill twn vocal enbers he It*s beexi rescuedthmees odios Harrow, with the:i parents, Mir. ferent books but bath interesting. Carlton Street United Chuich, boîn in Soutb Darlingten. She ITîsilight 'on the Triai'* and "Bell. in the mine remc iprvd andMr. ho. ealean M. nd ]RspctMut e arerf the Seca' bv i. Sam Ca stie: a Hovever niigi tl agru £ ad issTos9V90bad i.an Rspct ut e ialed Toronto, was the scene o! a pretty was mariied April 3rd, 1879. te vi-iis .Minuet in G" bv M\aster and strenueu, cuain F We often C.ea. thatsthe.c-il- wedding on Satu.rday evening. George Gilbert who still survives Pa i ien ;ad wmrerli- i!s.\ls epsedertaL Mr. ad isaAnWdPikad re o t-dy aW.etrepetfl.Aprl dt, be MssWînîfeofe, e oezs f ueseahrM.easte.prcitin e il îh cetibte t Special Spring and Summer Prices and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James 11 believe they are as respectftil as King, cîaughtei o! Mr. and Mia. The funeral was beld fîom ber'lTheacccn ns t ofi Ms.E the seaccess'cfIr. er meeting. Theo ail tyues o± ~with Mr. and Mis. R. H. Piekard 'they ever weîe but it is manifest- W. J. King, Toronto. became the late nesidence. Westmeunt, on'TXI fi Ma om ivillwere Mis E.nahe servngcf eliu efeh t 011 ~~~~and daughter Pauline. Kingsville. led in a dîff erent way. Childien bieo aî ohn.sno April 13th. te Bowmanville Ceme Tom and Mark Humby. Hamn- us;ed ta be taugbt an outward de- Mr. and Mis. John Cowling of tery. The service was conducted Sw'allow foi Mi\I. Castie. and M.irs. hiouîîht the vnn eacoe iIton. are spending Easter holi-iference and a hJp respect. Re- Hmtn h brbwsdc yhcpsoRv .Dvsno Fur Repairing days xith the'r 'cousin. Bïlly spect cannot lôe taught: it must orated with sprng fjowers and rnt United Cuci who pai - .Aytd - Mc. e es neotwcsarilyowof ilsran! tevcc. J oD. ffici-ed. a rbt t terigchr And Mr. ~~~~~and Mrs. Kenneth Fletcher respect de e eesrl mean itro h hrlofcae-atr and sons. Kennie. Donald and real respect. There is an attitude Alfred King, cousin o! the bride, The pallbeaiers were Messrs.T. Dav4d Aex. Harmeny: witb beil o! fiiendliness and camaradere played the wedding music, and H. Knight. Wm. Painton. Clarence Remo elU g m*,ýr. Ms. . E Wrnn. beteenparntsand teacliersan Harold Norman sang during the Hall. M. Jamieson, R. R. Stevens, Mn n i..eo a the lren. much different tlîan signîng e! the register. . Thos. Snewden. _______________________ Tr.ntd wît belsmother m.thece used ta be. This fiiendl;- The bride. whe was given in Tefoa rbtswr eu \I\ A.E. ~nnandh~ athr. .nesincreases the influence par- manaeb e ahr a iul. expressing the bigh esteemn ie.~ ~ ~~M. enta and teachers have. I was gewned in white stif.ee hfo nwibale'a ed ,A u I & ~Nelson Barton. ýfortunate in baving parents tha' over taffeta with matching jacket Relativefromn a distance weie Mis. Gertrude El:ett. Toronto.,wî, iinl ndcmanoal and shoulder veil beld in place by P *. A T and Ms R. M. Mitchell. Belle- btntalm a halo o! net. She caiiied a bou- E e g tE u ain v:ie. w.tb thein fathen. Mn. John were. I think those e! us who quet o! buttei! ly roses. and lilies L'yie. ~~~~o! the valley. Miss Pauline King. y sg tE u ain Expert in Mdatohing and Cutting F'urs Mrl.Mos L. bod*ýad, were influenced more by ouir, sister o! the bride, was the oflly Mc os odan. Trin- parents than those who o- Ad ilty College. Toronte, wit b bis ered and loved their parents butannt and wore a turquoise Phon 73 « gandarens, nd Ms. . wh cold nt b frindswir blue chiffon gewn witb pmnk ta! - Phne73 BwmanvilUe rigprtts, M.*1 nd Mis. . wdho n t eesw-tfeta lbat and caiiied a bouquet o fe!iec Messrs. Tom. SýIby. and George moat o! thein. But they were net talisman roses. Percy R. Cowling By Spencer. Toronto, and Mca. Dud-my frienda. Leoking back 1 can- ofe Bowinanville was bis biethers Ba'y. watb their parents. Rev. n public or high achool who bad icheo!fTeenteand i thur S. j " IDHWS LO LS O.Mrs. C. R. Spencer. aniy lasting influence on me. La- AIBak ee onanvld e. .. Ot r_________the____________________ "I FND HWES'FLOO GLO SQMr. and Mis. George Gùs ter thece ;as a professer in Eng-cernyattebne !te Eyesiolît r M--. and Mca. W'I1ýan Gibbs and 'u b bdadfîieinlec bride's parents. lber mether re- Sjiecialist btIceitainly neyer considered Icie tie nselpikstnDse lg L1ITLE ON MY LINOLEUMS .AND 'f amily. Oshawa. Mns . H. Gibbs bîm a fîiend. Oui childien have w civeatî ieinmelljackt nDsey a. A H YR C PAINTED FLOORS.AND TEY DRY AND and Mr. Richard Gibbs. Tyran e. ad several teahers. witb andma GLLM I 20MINTES IT15 f* rwitb Mi. and Mis. B. H. Morleck. tehae beaen god fienda and corsage o! butterfly roses. The (oip. P. 0.)1 Misses Elsie and Gladys Howitt. , antaeI e:ddiflec grooms mother. wbo also receiv- Oshawa, Phone 1516 j Kingston. wi*,h Mn. and Mis. C. in their intereats te some o! these ed, woîe midniglit blue and a H. Calt*er. Miss Edythe Carter teachers. Childien as well as corsge of! buttenfly roses. A!tei Number 32 j returned wth thein for a few adulta can onîy respect tlhee îe h a short moter trip the couple will It mngbt naw be consldered that REMUsethene grEuite 00days in Kingston. ean bt Iîîîybelev tia North Bay. The bride frein what ia said above that a Mr. and Mis. Wil!red Addinall the parent and teachers wbo can i gen ut ib iit e coe eth yewl AS p youAS Dbuy. e and 'Miss Doiothy. London. Mi-, gain the friendsbip o! the chil- 1brown accessorieB. flood the eye more than it would1 I Si and Mis. J. D. Fluker and Miss 'dren bave a much greater o I _________ if it weie faither away and alse, j Jen. rocvile. ~îb i. nd uniy fr i~ueningther uxesr ray be diiectly in the Uine o! jenSpcvle 1t r n uiyf rhfuig er ive . .A M T O G vision. 't'a piactically conceded IN ALL MY YEARS 0F EXPEREC V au.1:3aMr.Gu onsl.SpIg ee !D E R ST O G that glare annoyances are fie- NVRUE OPA ODA The Spring sun is merci'ess WED UN TORONTO quently due te and meat objec- NVRUE O PA wben it comes te sbowing up duat ___ tiens faund when ligbt as an the - CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDt ISRIH and dirt. It has been said that a' Mitro rntUnt iefsgl ado csetth \ * * I 5 .geed bousekeeper sbould neve me r Ministei of Trinlty Unit- Une e! sight and tee close te th I i ~~~~~~~need te bouseclean. If that is the ed Church, Bowmanmvile, As- ys L.flew hrfoeta cas, ter ar nt mny oo sitsat Weddlng of Hla Son the ligbt sbould be o! suffcient DAY EASY. THEY SOAK U çase thele re nt may god sstspower that wben li!ted above the housekeepeis in this werld. Wîiat brDrthiije ope îe e! sight pioper ligbting is GERMS AND DIRT.N -gives a more satisfactory feeling Miss Dorotliy Violet Cooper, affected. This is net being saîd SCRUBBING. AND M tanta eavedltherue al re d daugbter o! the latie Mr. and Mrs. witb a view te solving lightîng andchl e!Tbeuselaes.the Sidney Cooper, o! Toronto, was probleins but xnay be o! assisbance CLOTHES ALWAYS R scol o os-cenrs h married saturday. April l6tb. te as a relief for certain troubles te *HOSPITAL.,CLEAN up-and-at-it kind and the wa.t- Mi. Douglas E. Armstrong. o! Te- the eyes. PRUNES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ers. The first named vaiiety havetsoofteRvan r.Wnyurlxfoiwrkt their bouse-cleaning all finislied rne o !teRv n is When fyeu aax rtok t beor te eoi eaîeE. F. Amstrong, o! Blenheii,.e..o....sytiapea o .. ~/ The este! s t wa~0sÎ~iformery e! Trinity Cburcb, Bow- te distance er perbaps in most LargTe es ce o slta wa n tk mnille. at St. Michael and AIl cases on the level. Ligbt sources aet _I l i smany tbigsas osbe n aetiAngels' Anglican Church. Te- sheuld therefore be weîl aibove ' o!0,cdoors m fie the sun nd a;i. onto.Rx.C .Cak.rcothis level whtbeTi glare exita -or iI ) 2 fo 9c YRU PBOTHand bake in a slow oven tintil tlle __________________AUNT JEMIMA FLOUR FOR niFR eringue bas brewned. Cool but I Succesaful mien seldoin band FYs A A E 4ýdo net chill. tlieii friend thie brand o! advîce P A CK~Qulek M.Narmalade tey tise theinselves. TOMAT ES 1 grapefruit There are stîli a few legitimale 2 Ub. fo 25 THEE VAUES1 orange r ways o! acquiriîîg wealthi. EFFECTIVE APRIL 1 leinon _____18__H________3RD_ Put on te boil in 1 quart o! There is a great beauty in go- PHONE water and coek tîntil soft. abolit ing thîceugh life fearlessly. Haîf OR ROPan heur. Reinove the fruit.îand oui fears are baselesa, the otlier G. 1.Jone INTOYOURput tbrougb tlhe chopper. ilîloe 'bal! d isciedit able. "-Bovee. Manager aîîy seeds and put fruit baek in1 Fear always. apringa frein ig- PHONE 680 the water. Stir in 31-- lbs. gran- n eranece. "-Eiersen. ulated sugai and beil ixetît' it 1IlFeai in thie world firat created ____________________________jelîs. Bottle in sterilîzed bottes. thle gods."-St a titis. 't r t r r, J

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