THURSDAY, APRIL 281H, 1938 hMARY ROBERTSi Eyesight Education1 SDOCTOR&ýRIN EH ARTAnd (Conti nued from Page 4) Nscar. Ili lier hall L(di 'n itL11UCI tal( o 01.-An , litilie w b, 'ilrinig w îîh Ieat. ss id I ic, e B SO flot ioo wilinglv : Tiie.ciu:nn iti b. r' ont ati bc lîî'e thi dsî: £oLT doctoir wlih o too tîtat hine ,lt o to -nd-o \C..u l .Saîîdvsthrmat w a51w re lIcat tl 1- 't sînlit'inhr wi tinte',H akunccarisbitid'ud 'heu tias.~~ Ie îvn lai un i , lit n slcu 1). lie n n d Fil tiîîg started." 'i1 and e ie I n î li nrr 5 sec lier \iciaiZ i 1-e sîared ait lier. "Diii hý a\ juil, a 'iil crniil,îti're. It Soi?" tuirbuîlence tj ni ted fior thie t i ne ai Disney BIdg. -Nutiii 'O rnanv svor(i'. 1 atlier looikig childih i ini i'e'npetu(s.P . lie was raîlier arn n abiut it. ah;liiniteit. (p.P . Blt Beverlv likes iîîî. andl -inring tlue dav lie liail tt tuec Oshawa, Phone 1516 -Wlats tlîe niatter sith s tn lit art to drive lier away from the Aines?" frotnt office windî 'ws. aiî l(]ie sat Number 33 'gaîler thai thats ovr. tht re uis lî rongl iiiclt(of te -Tîten slie.. .afeuil, lie saiîl 'ii - .lîI vacatiotn, her cliiîi ont lier Color 0f wails anti backgroands Iv, an(l atîtîcul I t ilke uliîoc- liatid,. IIigoutt at th, li.tcrt ue houlIdflot appear brighter under lors. Tlîev're aNviwt. - wvasliv 'ireel. natural light than the work is cro(l" Wh'Iat' the uratater. Katic?- îtSelf because in most cases th'-, crot .t ytît. I tt 1ki'. vwi'îi, 1I a(ilwill prove hard on the eyes and "How oti eartli ( \tli s utkîîowfiti .Thiat' aî. iK generally due to over-illumin- that? lie cdunîaîideud. .WhVlat \%,)id iî Io do li it?- ation but the glare effect may "He is proud. igîir i ' Sîietîd ti. Get awav frtîîi lier,?s corne from reflection rtsrta alno'tvioentwhet Bvurs -anîd itroncglit conitiitit(i liîrr îtebi from direct light. This is one of a bil for iliat boue. Sailie \vas itIs\ andi tl ii 'encti and (lin, the main reasons for givng light nio (log doctor. or solniethiuw'i , f thte wattingitl. kicw w liai it nu eait. colering to ceilings and darker sort." n() la lie * a\w iiia îes îapr colors to the walls and lower walls Rer voice suas casuial.bluit lu ic it-1ille oti.' leli 'ugilte tii St ait Il so shading toa1e more comforting knit iei.r mnî. Staitiî" - ii iLeus it heeys faintti. He llked mii suw1, dit" îîî n -Whlîle t ifater' ar, 'a fi.b The retàna o! the eye wili re- trickle. lHe sas stirreinideul b li -iii i Eunî 't i.i iakinuih'litse-e tain for a time an after image wiio triîekled. Tiiere sua' tin tîluastr, st Vu w are jaeud witi a rcuir anti thîs is noticeti when looking iii punlc iic ga jîilloi s. li-lu n 'anl 'jlt1 hi îil-e iki oi tii n l. For a t poor] y illumined obi ec ts afi er vasvned elahorateîv. 'i'.er, ar- ibis )iap r lia, ail\- lookingata somnehing briglit tlsis It beats teio sctw'iitfali eaî,îl a iiw aiîl]lutter filtrai îîeffeet -o! glare is injurious to tUat for the înlial trAfliî" iiniu . s,'ti 'cif'r itie cits. aiîdt utiworker who looking up fromn Atît soinzîc w iîtî,rstîavitî,r ssitIs 'i it)irvi>ii 'Iýf Ille ruser-. brghtly tlumînateti work o! libv trbu ndtl'~ i f ' Eti lin aîid tlîî r)aiter bail jbiight thingz shossving notîceable voice,îrih. Tii, ris, r Iîlsu i rileîlirfe -tiofl5 to look away to dimly RHe neser .at hs is 1,I. Andîîhi, Ii.jtitl grcat laiîfsceraekiuic11uii(dremote anti improperly or tUe op- v 'w,: crtaitllu isit 'i it. t', ia,,s h' nI, rudit (-il i'eitlîr ide. ad aili nsPcs.:e extreme a*, tUe other parts vont cotll uitdo Siu1ilic ! i'.111.ittî \îdttUthe acnelut. It 'tni,<Cf tUe rocm. There may 1e even Yuiuni liglit 'Ve îitî itslha irîe-t atîionz ~the tîîîî r. sut"w îîîîîzone losS o! t'ne while tUe eyes -Hoîs. G, t a bîiîe iii îîus ilîr' 'i?' ii' 'oi liul îî' t Iloiiitheurriikîcatilu- t hems&výes back from tUe 1-e wsa.rather plîlaseil 55 til tht a 5,0r. it l li tue w rkrs il, ecrie to tUe other andti tUs wil as lie weîit ont. an itlc ut' Itliiit g 1 ishl. sulîî îfttîî urailfr.'ni Ile leadt 10nerv ;vacing srî n svjtlit o mtt et.It \\15a, a 1,iiîic iiare>t lis Irat liaril't if ail nl injlur:, both to tUe eyes andtihtUe t int n i os ili uc lie i ' ilh-r ]li t t hi. tiietiii hie I .eNN i. s 1at . f inI divi dual. ctiu-ic .atndl sit iîl n il tII i-.îîîei lil l îîtîî'es hli 1ii vrht ___________________________ If somnetinie'shec sua > iis. ci i uswatcr îî' 'r ý,\usrace. andil wati ri ont lier 'o ft hud ititîlllu\tueIlras î fr iii( iesell 'w a' oilî e' i N EST LETO N lîtxtirics hJitaîl rrîisiud i ili tî aîîîiuatd frîtît the î'îti'n' - ni r __________________________ cî'ntsliltiti i 'lic se ws' ! .l î,'nî li"'. tuR Staitlitioi Iesi s i for h iii . Sliî w ii iiil ii\-,* kl Eu roip)c it h iis fain ils. andî Chr". i(Tin lai , fr la 't ,e, k Soi.- ot11 îe,î'i \ith alj sî ,,,,siiiîgssithîîîîî as (lasandîîlIiti. Iiiduvisitor- svere: i'Anniîe lanlitr.wail'ruic iiiii1 iiich liaiciiîc i 'vr lin i setltl~ Grifîiths. Laiiiicton ii vth Dr.andl uitile k s'itiail iiii"ratc' *îî -aTittars hlon',' sulild Z.c" iiie t'î' 1I. R. Py'. l. . Nîr. andîl Mr'. fidences, (-t s,î ii laiiat tîer fa -ticli rt't as lit' eolilu cet. filcd s5itiR.Tliitirttin. HRtnsville. Nir. aiidj tîiliarlîs .' iii atcer s' i su lnt tlat i -b k Nr>. 1. Thiittî'ti Jaieîviile. ssiii Site dropîîed lu lt'etî tuait jiiciîi luii.Nir. aîîîl:.1ir '. R. Sheffiel.. . NI,. su'îlrîcalbout Cliri-. Tiiut i lit-îad uttcltite, liîîsue:r. i.tii a,,îil 'Y r' \\arretî Preston '.Ir. atie li as-'iînd, iivoitîicmal, " f.rvidiIatiit. l lie c,ait, 1-uNr'.W. Fîlioti. Fraîîkford. ss tii Ille 'i n lieu-rivshoiî ni îarr.. lRe ssi'ihlii.(>es"wcre uttikeiî t î îi Nîr. lal NIrs. H. Philp...\Ir. aîîui I ci' k, il Iie ia iiman ii' ' wm~iil lie tlicie lii.ail. bis c iiek ' l l i s. Tht ru 55 tru N\Irs. 1). NI cN li ut itt sil e fater Hd-- er tiras ers lit t ilt's \ilen lie Lcût littlu sieP. a n ai(d NI r-. N . Argnle. '%I. andI NIr-. ilut.svhit lh le un\vsu 'ulcl,, f'-i 'ýtb t tiighl' vhtlie ciioti't"iClt Pruice Fred ,, andi son Tetitis. ablv iii lier lied. were raile r uic- ail.* \îîîl netiii soii niake tlle (îiîeitîee. \vitlî Nir . Arthur Hnlhberi. liereuit. Nattirailv shesi atteti G,î(Il \altr tainilv careui. aliiiitii Ini look afier Staiitî u, atlioîicli b e e suvec kiîid eiolîglî. . . Ir. Cli fjord Hs latit. Toreîîtî-, seeiled pîretiv suelable ti.'(do tlat *Her,.' ,a gla" of leîîîîîîadeie fr N t Ir. atîti Nins. B. IcNnln. for linîself t huti ihev sucre ai- ciii- soit. Doctîîr. its so hot I illoiitzlt aîNIr.Lai]'s. B.t vlljoii vM. nt fn'ed sitît a rathen siiabhv VuciiiiicN-0o1ttIdlikze il. nIdr.L.ois, ckletv... tNIr. and r. doctor wio was In0 help GotI tioûk ,ý% Thanks. Diti veli hou t I ii s Dick se. .Barbaja and N.Iure afier Bevecrîs-. sater?' Lan usi l. Tomoto, itlan .fr itl And fur"ir tme lime îliîîc' lo<.ked Tue lemnoîtkili- itie geii'.Nfr. Lansing.. ii .Ir, RaIndl raîher proniiig îi. c iî1g îî NIc ot o îroN. TLrntito. anI r. Eian dailv 10 'e EIi7a iii ilat 'tîîail Ip- - oEierson. \Torenoandu iiNn. Edarî ver rooti f liers. svas a' ikels a, (To he contijiuetid), I Emerso aetit .\il; Nand iil 10 havijin ouiBever itl Ai- Tas mron, at ber home. ni, Lewis suotul sec a luiziin lier You can form a pretty goodTi Ni Tr o iNn.t. ahrhîm . a at face afier tîcscettIcointur>-. attul idea o! what a man hasnt done B-\rut. Oshasua. wT. i in. Fainir' iiake sjniaîl woiîianlike plaît'. by tUe things he is going to do. S. Hile. hw.. Bvrin Tiîeîîoîîe uav Statiiîîii .eui a- People votlnt know you Uad Hillaîttia.îd famIr. aIrs.viîl,il noîîîîeu tatthîev- vere pig îtîg :a temper if you diint lose it oc- r]ai(]iandfmJirs. . H land . . le Eutrope aindlsailiîîg te iiexî seek%. 1casionally. SiieiuiantI \Vin. lnd. 'arlsseant anti site hatl a jicer senise if appre- ' Most people can have a lot of Nîr.w. nd Kintniv. Os\farlowandsi bension. a' tîtiglu 'omeit i s lsnice things saiti about them - yNr. aW.uîNcire R.Vi.sharaosu. i and bopefil suaIr.aano .Nfis. R.îW..N\arlyiflg. iirdcdlil su'I.' A man who looks like a sinner Nifr. Gomrdon Polati. Torontio. with, ****toaother men may look like a Nr'. 'Tii-. Forter. .. NIr.- and l Irs'. The iiiiiier a, ot nd rv lla 'ýain tosom woan.Nas br. Oshaw a. wvithiNirs. Robecrt Tît 'iîtîîtu sas ui tîu trs-iha sant o omewoiiar. CKtu .. Nir. anid Georce Rck'ý. -Tîîreîîîîî. sitt Nr. aind Nrs. W. E. .\ rî-iiiti. ',\INr. andtul rs. Aliitu NrlsWliitlv is.ulîli NI r. anti Nr'. N. Ntres. . .\Ir. antIN'.\ .Y ii s siiu Ni r. atîind s.F. Roopv. 'Ir, L. WVriglitof WinuIor. sjit Nr'. Pcttr Wrightî. TOP\isiuî r'iouit of tossît for Faster S T O! ret Nlisz Mars-'.\Ialccliim NITr. an NIr. G. Tlictiîti>titi anditu a nu s toPefferlasu aîd Beaetron. . . Mrs. 12 Coats Fu' rter and Nlr. G. laiwtl Specall selcte frm ou stck iii!Falli, with lier parents, Cadiin. Specallyseleted rom ur sockNîr. andu Nirs. jointî Ballingaîl, To- and pacedronir, are- vs iitig silî M r. and i rs. N\Ir. anti'NIr,. Jos. \'eale andI Bev- 0 N S A L E crîcu. Toronto. have ninovct 1 North -NestIleoîi, for th ui somer. ReLxlarly to $18.95 Niss Benice Rahmn, Oshawa. ils visitiiiglhem grantiparents, Mm\f. andu Now -Nrs. Stephen Huîbert. '\lisses Joycc aîîd Lois 1\icNi\ulien, Janciville. are with Nir. andi M.\. $4 9 $ 09 Robert Dickev. Ni,;Elleit Emem,.on is1il, Port Permm v sithî Nrs. L. R. Cornrîc. The flirtera] <of N m.John it ceîl Newv Swiagger Coats a iliiiteUie hrhSt itrtiav afîemîîooîî. tr. R. il. iue c uIIhinctcd l le service t uit ierniciti These are outstanding in every way. - Bright solid iii Ille aduîiiîig ceîîîeîerv. colors, expertly tailored in the 1938 mode. Praced at $13b50 SCORES 0F NEW SPRING DRESSES IN STOCK Curtalus 17 M il And Curtain Nets We naturally have a pride ini the fact that Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman 's curtains are found in West Durham 's finest homes. We have the largest stock we have ever carried. Priced from 19c to $ 1.00 yd. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRY DERMAN I3MTED Bowmanville MODERATION" True happiness springs from muieration.--Goethe. "Let us resp>ect the rights o! conscience andthte liberty of the sons o! Gui. 50 letting our "mo- deration 1e known 10 ail men.- Mary Baker Eddy. -Health. iongevity, beauty. are other names for personal purity;i and temperance in the regimen. for all.'-A. Bronson Alcott. 1 "Who loves the golden mean is safe from the poverty o! a tene-j ment, is free from the envy o! aJ palae.-Horace. -Tranquil. pleasures last the1 longest.'-Boavee. "Fortify yourseif with motiera- tion; for this is an iinpregnabie fortres-s."-Epictetus.1 COMBAT RH EUMAT IS M the blood. Tis blood iupunity shouid b. extreced by the kidneya. If kidneys 4lan d ezceu Urie &Cid remaina, it inritates !h. muscles and joit causing ezcniciating pains Plan te heip prevent vheumationm by ke79 orkidneys ini good condition, - e 1egiuy Doddaà Kidney Pill-lor hall a cetuy the favoite kidney remcedy. 106 DoddsKidney Pis. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE NYAL MAGNESIA PAR SHAVING ScBad TOHPASTE SPECIALS 25rSc NBluL NYAegns the Teeth and SOC: SHAVING CREAM 1.00 Cornu LI ln,..Sweetens the Breatli. 5OC SHAVING LOTION t' 50 Emuls HALIBT 1 25cSize1.00 ENur LIVER îze 25c STYPTIC PENCIL 250 Nyai CAPSULES 2 fo 0.2for 25c. 35c Nyalyl 2 for $1.00 lb MURIEL ASTOR AT "2 FOR 1"10 iu SCCamphorlIce Skin Cream ................ 2for5SOC 12Citm ILK OF 50c Face ~Powder, 3 Shades .....*.......2fr "' 2cVgt SOtiasngra..........2 5e . 25c Syrup PLGESASOC50eansing Crea ............. . '2 for 50SOc ' 5 Nur. M"INTrO LI 35e Lipstick, 3 Shades ................. 2 for 35c .0Na I& N SOc V~ a t h gCryais................ 2 for 50c SOC Rou eWSave set................ 2 for 50c NYAL 2 for5oc 50c Bi RUTHne LA......... AT...2 foR 1» 16Oz. M 25 alu oc Pode.. 2.S.. .e.. ....22fr25 qmfr 0e 25c uNal M DCRNNE 5Dusing 50weFacal...... . ..... ...SfrC5e 0eAron CABIET N 50 Clensin Cra2......... for5035ce Nyai) REMOER OcALNVanishin Ceam.Crea.. . .... .22forr5ce SOCeEezeud 25eCas or Ou, Tas eas .afor 5e st...' i. .v .. 25e T .c...P... .. ........20for 25e 2 e d 20e B orePet,(l O ). 2 for 20e Iflu Wa\e Set B.. int.. . ..... ...2fforSOCe 25c Nand BOTE:2Fr2c o. . 2 for 50c. 8 Oz.ntiOrani.....2 orN! ouncez. Su'II Sc'4Fac e Tisuer Crhaes..........2 for SOC 25c Pnoa o ce 2fr 25e for', 7k SOCGHSOCRFacia Astr5e nLtion......2 o 0 M rm 20E DCN CiAEuclypusT5%50c Cl e oing Crea ..........2 for SOc SOC Nyal1 .2,orc 2 TaC *' SI. Po w e .. . ....2f 5c5c 1.00C e i 25c CatorOi , stee ........2 for 25 e tY an OC' 'il hai oo..........2 for 50SOC ya 20c Poi cd Sfe o)e.. ---2 for 0'SC lmndsrem ......2 frYAC 25L \l 25c FirsBso,1ounes.....2 for 2 NYAL EHOUND 0caTiKse ea -..... 2fo S 165c io 25c erurocpsome, Iounce ...2 for 25ce , FRU OCHndLo .......... 2sfor 25OCyc ie 20c Oi u atise at.2....... for 25eC SOCm LIER NalCr a ,r.......2 orSO 2c ya 2yceSp ri ne V Iu .. .. .. . .. ..2Mou2crOCS am o .. . .. . f rS OC >i SOC Nyce 25c Tincyrgen Poie ,...........2 for 2cN ALN 2Sc Litl 2.1;cCompund_______________.._._2_or_2CAP UE16*. NALOz. N:Fr50. e Re 25c Pun resngltCounces.......2 for 2cFr a d n255cdD z. ~ ~ "~ SKNBAT .0Nyait 25c Mlyerans oe b.. .......2 for 25c SNatal Cor..>v 350c Nyait i5c~ITMI 23or0c Fr$12SIZEO.SZ 25c IyRoageindero th Br....s..... 2 for 25c _____________*'~ 2 Fr SOC NHol CPSLE N2sefor T$th rush......2Dfrc.OSOC 7ectio b5 yetLetPeel.........2 for 25c BABY SPECDALS ' N,, ,' 1.00 Coti Blade.10 or 2e 25 Bab Power.2for 5e - 2 f*o NYAL 35c e n 2Dfoe35e 25egouoiSnirpa.' for25SOCCHO OLAX , 1 100 NlnsP ce o b ....2 for 102 i trig ote . 0 8oz. E *sy t75cTake 15cONLai e B .....m..........2 for 1.50 c LteSNppcs3 or10 Lxaj 25RylWnsrTohBuh.. 2 for 125 o .52 F r 7cMl 39cNe ptlTohB h..... 2 for 53ce NYSISP AD NL OTIS5C. 1.0o.Cod L 150 Hoe t Syren ing.......2 for 1.50 ScNssW eSt. .....2frOc L/' BEE, ION 2 e bs l.75nim aRoti Boties. 2... 0for 21.7 5 Sc Liae Haiwdr .................2for 50eAX ,cBl 35c Laye esotaterottl...... 2 for 31. 25 c lo gh ru ,La............ ...2frf.0or 25eE ." 'N 15Oz.AN 1.a0 h ltha (Celohani.......2 for 15e00e1}cINrsingne, Smal.. ....... ... .2fo O forn6E as oT 13ONal ce aps......... ..... fo 1.0 1c FacexCreNiLres ........ ........21fr 50 1.25_______________________........Oc.Ha...LotinoLare...............25foA NYAI 39STn ATINEry PaT U.....2 for 39c unYine AirTNDe............2f 1.5un rat ue r...........2 for 71. 50 Fa e w ,Set ............ .......E2F IR,../ O OD 2c Aso 50e BrsiiatnLqut.. .. ... ............22for 50e 1.75nbaroEnvHotp e........... .2 for 1375 SOC acysepto l \ ' 125Nyes Ho W te Btt ......2tor1. 5 100e Beaut Ba, 3arg 2IfrNEe 15c% RAd:E S aintelePtri (esLop ned...2 for 15e Oc6c oanut 011e Sampo................ ..... ...22frfSrc 60e * 0c Fiih.................5c Falle an Cream . ...................... 2 for SOCefosi e" DeRmsy Pperle, inn atiKit SOCQineand tinSargeHa.r.on.......................rforSOc5 Finsh..............2fo 75 2e o o th Paste. inre en ..........................ofor25eA * WTancIffePaEtRle inAnTi2 KFRt1i5c QAuinieainticm..rCrea..................... fr5o 7CO G Finish.....................................N2A L O 2 O r.5 6 Finis................ 2rfo,13eShaVING .........T............. 2for Glentcaia PatrioeSz, Linen ant iSEIAS < 9OWE FinisFinis..................2 for S1 5 c onCeansang Cream F........... Cas.... 2Sour D RtS 6 Glenalda Envelopes, Linen anti Kidi THIRTY FIVE , NYAL For Soe, in- '0 Gienaltia Pati, LNen aizeK it Finsh, E I Lotin SomacDatiR ' DR tOPS - LadFiieshete .............2 for 15c "i.t' ACd Dsesaa , Gead a ,innanti KidiFinish, 35c ha. T Lotin Eyes.yspesla 2 Letter Size..................2Jfer 30C 2 For 35c. 2 For 50c. siE 2 For 0c HOME REMEDIES d's Laxative Tablets. ...2 for 50c SLaxacold Tabiets ......... 2 for 25c %p. Syrup Hypophosphitea ... 2 for 1.00 sion Cod Liver 011....2 for 50c ision Cod Liver 011....2 for 1.00 Jache and Neurailia Tabs.. . 2 for 25c itîve Hypophosphites ...2 for 1.00 Cold Sore Lotion ......... 2 for 25c lptus Cough Syrup ....2 for 35c lptus Cough Syrup ....2 for 75c .mnatic Remedy, Large..2 for 1.00 Earache Drops .......... 2 for 25c nach andi Liver Pilis ....2 for 25e etable Laxative Tablets..2 for 25C sp White Pine and Tar ...2 for 25c sp White Pine and Tar ...2 for 50c 1Digestive Tonic ........ý. 2 for 1.00 ro-Tonle Tablets .......... 2 for 50c Mineral 011, (Russian)..2 for 85c nie Bromide Tablets...2 for 25c arrhai Balm ............. 2 for 50e ýAnalgesic Balmn........... 2 for 5c drine Naaal Jelly ......... 2 for 50c drine Cough Sprup ....2 for 50c id H Cough SYruP........ 2 for 25c Nyseptol Antlseptic ....2 for 50c Nyseptol Antisepti ....2 for 1.00 ýA. B. S. & C. Tabiets ...2 for 25c matic C.. a............... 2 for 50c JDyspepsia Tablets....2 for 50c ema Lotion, for Eczema..2 for 50c ;n, A Milti Laxative ....2 for 25c lods, for Hoarsenesa...2 for 25c cl ough Syrup........... 2for 25c e Liniment, for Pain ...2 for 50c ýYellow Pis.. .......... 2 for 25c ry Nervine Conmpound ...2 for 1.00 ýKidney Pils............ 2 for 50c le Liver Pis ............. 2 for 25c Nyagar, for Constipation. ..2 for 1.00 etai Tableta, 24 Tablets..... 2 for 25c etai Tablets, 50 Tabiets..2 for 35c etaI Tabiets. 100 Tablets . . ..2 for 50c Igesic Liniment........... 2 for 50c tone, for Piles............ 2 for 50c Healing Salve........... 2 for 25c etai Compound Tablets. ..2 for 25c iSarsaparilla ............ 2 for 1.00 lWorm Syrup.......... .2 for 50c and Yeast Tablets....2 for 75c tîte Dental Plate Powder. . .2 for 50c of Mlagnesia Tablets...2 for 75c 1Liver 011 Tablets.......... 2 for 1.00 mgthening Tonic .......... 2 for 1.00 SSaits Tabiets ............ ý2 for 75c Nyal Pure Codi Liver 01 ..2 for 1.25. bo Liniment, Large ........ 2 for 1Coo FIRST AID SUPPLIES i®rbent Gauze, 1 Yard...2 for 25c eosive, 1/2 In. x 21/ Yds ...2 for 20c Lhesîve, l In. x 1 Yd ....2 for 15c Bandage, 2 In. x 10 Yds..2 for 20e kBandage, l In. x 10 Ydi. ..2 for 15c 25 Absorbent Cotton ...2 for 25c 25c Nyal Corn Pades...2 for 25c NYj WH DNCF AIXTU Ew .5 PY LOR A Tooth Powcier ~ The Eaîel cSIZE 'AL\\NYLO AITE '~PLAYING :HIIS CARDS JRE 2 f 2or i 75c - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Cowi-ing $ Oru[ Store, Phone 695 We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses BGwmanvilIe threatened opposition is over- shall lose the sovereignty of our normal burziing up of sugars and corne and it passes into law. i territory. "For ail their diplo- I i~ v starches in the body. Th ta aThe Visit of the Bitih matic reticence, these unwelcome The lack of vitamins Bi and Air Mission1 truths will seemi to many Cana B2 results ini neurit.s. A lack of S olgt1Interest has been aroused by dians as unansweralble. Teo h.evt!isas eut ncn Spotigh'on the defence ministry seem stipation. By pecato _______the visit o! a British air mission' gradually to 13e swerving from £ NE ltftUlRVcE OF olwn fosgv o to America. It is hoped and be-, proving defence is needed to prov- vitamins Bl and B2: Most vege- Ottawa, April 26th. - Af ter a 'lieved that af ter making the jing that the measures being @m *aet OPNE tables and fruits, particularly fortnight's Easter recess, the par- rounds of aircraft manufacturing ýadopted are adequate for ther BN CANADA ea, eas nd enis whl liament o! Canada is again back plants in the United States and, objectives, grain ceeals.anegg yol, wver n in harness. Before it lie the final carryiflg out negot'ations for the A ewPrvicekln e legylk ie n stages of legislation already in-, delivery of aircraf t 10 Britain Antrestis rose ytesg- WA OEA OB itaEes ielyutfo itiated, a large part of the estim- from that country they will make gnest f rom the Peace River that HEA TY B ananl dsrutd. ely ust o ates, the budget, whatever new a similar extensive tour of Cafia- gsto_____he___ wvrtht ELTYabantauly Vo uee tatwe mget bills thegornetienso dian factories.Mayppefee that area joined with the Yukonan ciqteupy ft.Ts .ntioduce this session. and in ail that. the delivery of aircraft f rom and part of the Northw'est Terri- Vitamin A is essential for the van lqateabundanoft. This probabi.ity the new truie pact fa.ctories in Canada. relatîeely torie.5 sould 13e f ormeci into a health of the mucous membranes vtmnd yast. ntn aty with the Un:ted Statferomaeralcattacknew province I] ring upthe o! the eyes, nose, throat, sinuses, germ an es.Ufrualy now in process of negotiation at on accourît of distance than question of the future of the bronchial tubeso e s op ha g u 5vitain l4l mun o waterl.I Wash'ington. There iîaso1ePlants i h ntdKndm whole vast territory th9t lJes stomach, intestinal tract. andi the ie a c oking, as fighas 90% the announicement of means to be would flot only stimulate ou~r air--North of th Western prvncsgenîi<-urînar passages. '0us itamoina 3e tlas'90% adopted by the goverfimerît in the craft manufacturing industbt andi west of Hudson Bay. I s Telc fVtmnAi U camaig agins unmplymet. i wuldbe geui cotrbutfo air to assume that none of the cdiel, causes eye trouble and tend- away In the cooking water. c a p nP r a gin qstnm p iller t o ld e e nuno tr u n w estern provinces w iîî give up any ency t n e t o sI h e t a t c e i h s s r Trnsoratonqusios l o efnc.o! the territory they fO S5. te ifocioinfs. gieIn ~thwe nwlladiclss itais sC fi a gooti deal of the time ofthe National Defence Estimates Ls utm U peiof BriesT- e vîtamin A: Pasteuie yu esofmWatt and DbeHel pariamnt.Not only will these There is likely to 13e a lively dis- 'ish Columbia suggested that tUi creanmindA:butter oloretilg- Wthhssre frcmlt important andi baffling problems cussion over the balance of the Eastern boundary of his province traabl u tasspnc, rrots,-an D 13e~~~~ dicse naseilcmi-defence estimates when they are'should 13e prolonged to the Arc- leaf lettuce, eggs, liver andi kid- and authentic information On tee of the senate. and the Cana- ýbrought Up in parliament but in tic seas. In tîme possibly the 1e htt a n hr ofn t dian National deficit 13e the sub- ,view of the bitter truths in re- other western provinces will seek he dsriuio f Wamn At_________an___________________ ject of debate in the commions. gard to the world situation which the extension of their boundaxies Tsheryiswibetianof itasoveA but Mr. Howes transport billwill'have been driven home to peace to take in the part of the terr i abun dant ,I yud it slontanseryV have still to run the gamit ofi loving andi peace supportlng Can- tory now lying totenrh'abupint of astur ie milkaidynsU VAL invetigtio an criicim bfor I aian duing thepast f e W 6th parallel. The growth o! min-J butter, andti wo vegetablesbeie It ecoes aw.Hitert th ral- onts, her wil i aI prbabl-ing in this northern landi has giv- ipotato. as weîî as an egg a dy.Reliev Itchia, quiclcy, tborciiallvbe" way ony hve ee uner it 13 httle serlous obstutint en added interest to the question. you wîîî certainly 13e receiving an ho skin. amoste0fective treatmoet ferE;eema board o! regulation, the Board o! 1the appropriations. As M.Mc but the population is still so small adequate su'pply o! vitamin A. dd t-bl Àr«Ocrd ofa80yeara aiay Cmiins.U erenithe Minstr !btonl that it seems a luttle early to de- Vitaînins El and B2 are neces- Pr. CIase inm tUe ew 1111this board, to 13e caîl- Defence, said in an explanatory cide whether a new provincewl(ayfrtenevs kn n U ed tUeBoardo! Trnspor Com-speech at Vancouver iast Wed- 13e formed or whether the land ______________________________ missioners, wil control rates on nesday, the bulk of the criticism wlll 13e divideti between the pres- inland sUipping (except bulk com- ntow being directed against the ent provinces. modlties such as grain and coal) estimates is that they are too n> andi air tramfc. as well as coastal small. As he pointeti out the de- $~~:~ ki>q~ç - shipping via the Panama Canal. fe-nce programme is directed to The wheel of fortune has turn- The bill lsn't an attack on the the defence o! our trade routes. ed many a man'4 Uead. rallway Probiemn along the who]e along which flow our wheat, tim- Some iucky men fint iIt as dif- line. It is a prepared acivance in ber, mineraIs and other commoci- f icult to borrow as they do Vo pay certain segments o! the lUne. ities which axe part o! the life- back. Hlghway trafflc. being under the blood o! our industries; defence The ring of friendship is less control o! the provinces. except o! Our ports and o! our neutral- expensive than an engagement for the smahl interprovincial traf- ity in case some nation on the ring. fie ics not inciuded. The grini and Pacifie sought Vo use oui territory It ýtakes a ciever child to re- forbidding fortress o! the raiiway as an ativance post for attacking f ramn from saying cute things. problem it.self stil] remains in the another nation. "If we do not Treat a man like a dog and il Path. The bill, however. repre- drive off those who seek to use will make himl mad - even if he HIAD omciCEm0NTNAI sents a real advance and the gen- our bays and inlets for un-neu- doesn't develop hydrophobla. eral opinion appears Vo 13e that tral purposes, as bases for attack Many a man who starts out to F. C. PRESTON the transportation situation wll on another f riendly power, some- becomne a self-made man maltes Local Agent Bowmanville and Newcastle 1e conslderably I m p ro ve d if body else wil do it f or us, and we a mistake in the pattern. ; J THURSDAY Phone 836 - &neý iv A4 L s