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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1938, p. 12

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THURSDAX, APRIL 28TH, 1938 THE C.\N.DIAN STATESM.\N, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Ethel Webber, Hilliardton, Waiaces bithday. Ont., spent Easter week with Mr. Easter week visitors with M and Mrs; H. C. Allin. and Mrs. Wm. C. Lake and fair Miss Jean Gowans, Toronto' ily were their grandiniece. Mi has been holidaying with her fri- Madeine Hay, Toronto. and the: end, Mrs. R. W. Gibson. grandson. Master Loyd Skiniii Mrs. A. H. Fisher and Miss Tyrone. Marion, Behleville, were Sunday A large number of mnembersc gUeSts of Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. Durhamn Lodge, A. F. & A. M Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner and paid a fratemnal visit to Oshîaw Sons, Oshawa, visited lier par- brethrcn at the Masonic Temipl ents, Mr. and Mss. Geo. Robinson Oshawa. on Tuesday evenir! Miss Marie Allin, Ida, spent April 19. Easter week with hem parents, Mrs. Mercer. Toronto. visite Mr. and Mrs. Imwin Aluin, Third hem sister, Mrs. He:'b Toms. hi. Line. week and assisted in waiting Mr. and Ms. Bert Moore and table at. the Rotary banqueti sons, Colbomi'e, were Su n day the community hall on Wednez guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. day eveninz. Allin. Rev. F. H. Mason. Rector 0fS Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and Miss Monicas Chumch. Toronto. wi Helen have returned froin New motoing east ast Wednesda: York to their summer home at April 20. and stopped for a shci Newcastle-on-the-Lake. visit and tea at Mm. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Toms S. Hormocks'. and family and Miss Kathleen Mm. and Mrs. Allan Spencer a: Toms pent the wcekend in Belle- I daughter. Bowm-nanv-ilie. were Ew vihle at Mr. Eric Toms.i ter "guests of Mm. Thos. Spenc Mrs. H. C. Allin visîted Ms. and and daughtems. They were al- Mss. R. J. Rowe, Newtonvihhe. last down for the Variety Show in tl Wednesday and ead a paper at parish hall on Thursday evenin the Women's Institute meeting. iast. Mr. Roy Wright and sister, Miss Mrs. Geo. H. Carveth and M Margaret Wright, Toronto, spent l and Mms. Hudson Stowe an Eastcr holidays with their.grand- George. Toonto. visited Dr~. Ar mother, Mrs. Hoatio Wethýerall.I nie Higbee iast %veekend and ali Mm. Geo. Trenwith. Oshawa. took a 100k over their NewcastlE has been visiting his fathe r. on-the-Lake pmoperty and co w th the gardening at "Cloverlea- Two very fine reports of New castle stage productions at th, United and Angican churche had to be held oveîr due to laci of space. Mrs. W. J. S. Rckards groui of the W. A. are presenting- thei pantomime. Pictures Old and New at Canton tmis week and at Orori next week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch at tended a Wallace family gather ing at Greenbank Sunday, Api 24. on the occasion of Rev. Thos I SPECIAL BARGAINS WALLPAPER See Our Windows. New Wallpaper, new de- signs, superior quality, la- boratory tested, wonderful values. Window Shades 50c Mother 's Day Greeting Cards and Gifts Agents for New Service Cleaners JOHNSTON'S Book Store Phone 651 Bowmanville L.1 April lias nlot passed. but0 x- eady a number of farmiers in tt he ,ocaity have finislied seedîng ai es befome the week is out sevet ckmore will be through. There hi been no ain to h:nder operatio .P thts spring. ir A committee of the Hortîcul w. umal Society met at presîdent 10 'H. Jose's on Monday evening draft a prize hst for the Distri tNo. 4 Fiower Show to be held Newcastle next August. Mms. Jc ril ~erVed refeshmeîits. M. Mr. Jas. 2. Lovekin spent Ea - ter in Tom-onto with his paren Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Coulson. whI 1h his brotheir Richard. Toronto. r c:procated by spending the wve :nNewýcastlc with his gran parents, Mr. and Mms. Jos. Cot son. Mrs. H. Harrington. Syracuý N. Y.. is again summnering wi her cousin, Miss Louise 1Hedtc who lias retuned to hem home Mihl St. after spendîng the w: ter with Mms. S. R. Bonathii Miss Clama Hedges, Toronto, vis cd ier aunt. Miss Hedges. o: the weekend. Foliowing it.3 eguar Poiicy several yeams past'the Municir Council has hîad men engaged plantîng Maphe trees on tue sic of streets of the vîiage. The tri arc got from. the Fomestmy Stati at Orono when young. phanted t'he municipal nursery at the bý park, and in a few years wlî they have attained sufficient si: are tansplanted on the streetý Dr. Margaret E. T. Addison w be the special afternoon --Peak at the Eastern Sectional Prest terial Rally at Newcastle Unit Church on Thusday. May 5. T Oshawa pesbytery also nîcets Ebenezer on the saine day w; probably 60 ministcmc and la men in attendande. This W pobably prevent somne Ofit Courtice and Ebenezer ladies fmc attending tue Pesbytemiah rail Rev. S. MacLean. B.A.. and N Fred Grahiam. lay epresentatit will be attending Pesbytery fmc Newcastle. Many school teachiers, neai ahi of theni native to the distric are attracted to Newcastle vacat ion time. Those hiere fi Easter hoidays weme: Miss Phy lis Clemence. Beleville; Miss Jul Brown, Bellevihle; Miss Maric Allin, Bolton; Mr. Walter Bhacl burn. Solina; Miss Helen Lycet Oshawa; Miss Sara Moise, Os: awa; Miss Ettie Holmes, Oshaw, ir' Mr. Edwin Hancock, Dorlan( Special Price on Clover Seed For the Balance of the Season W1e are offering Choice Ontario Home Grown Government Tested and Graded No. 1 Red Clover at $15-50 per bus. Special Prices on Sweet Clover Both White and Yellow Blossom Varieties A. W. GLENNEY Phone Clark 26rl2 Newcastle ir. of wa )le.' ýed' as t on in es CLASSIFIED RATES one cent a word cash. each insertion tmýnimurn charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made Mien advetisement is not paid same wcek as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10C whien repies are diected to a St atesm an box nu.mber. Birt.hs, deaths and marriagýes 30c each. In Memoriams, 50c for notice, plus 10c per uine for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until IN MEMORIAM CANDLER-In loving memomy of our mother and grandmother. Mrs. Louisa Candler, who pass- ed away April 22. 1935. -Ever .remcmbemed by son Rus-' seli. and grandsons Stuart. Nor- man and Russell. MOODY-In ever loving meinomy of Fceddic. youngem son of Ma- jor and Mrs. ,F. H. Moody, Tim-' mins, Ont., who lef t us Aprih 23, 1930.1 COMING EVENTS The Women's Institute w. i hi meet at the home of Mrs. L. Braund, Anna Street, on Friday afternoon, April 29th, at 3 p.m. 'Prograni in charge of Group 5, Mrs. H. Connors and Mrs. L. J. Barton, conveners. Ouest speak- er, Mrs. A. L. Nicholls. Topic: Current Events. I. O. O. F. Florence Nighl'tingale 1Lodge church parade on Sunday 'morning, May 8th, to St. Paul's Ulnited Church. Brethren phease! Wanted MAN WITH CAR - WAI'KINS F Dealer ipmefemably between 25 and 50) needed immediately to supply establishîed demand fori Worid Famous Spices. Extmacts. Baking Powder. Soaps. Cleans- er- Medicines. Fhy Spray, Min- erklized Stock and Pouhtry Tonics. 70 year reputation. 10.000 dealers. Must be satisfied with $30.00 weekhy at start. Seiling experience unnecessamy. Farm experience helpful. Cre- dit furnishied riglit p art i es.- Write immediately. The J. R. ' Ulutiins Cmmurînx M ntmpa.. tipn.waesa iWLIN-nfoig eor f eet at the lodge room at 10.30 ue.,"Dept. 0-B-9. 17-4 ort our dear mother and father. ar. W NTD-1R7FR-ENRA C. Mis. Morley Wilkins who pass -_______________ ndBIRTHS ed away April 24, 1936, and Mr. For Sale i ousNeD-or inFOR Eem Trnt _____________________ Moley Wilinswho pa.s1 home, 4 children. $20 a month. I SLEWIS-At Osrhaw~a eneral Hos- away May 7, 1937. :Apy".. rwrBBw er1 pital. on Saturday. April 23.. The sun fadeth. 'FRSL-AYCRIG1A7yR. rwrB o-1 .SO: 1938, to Dr. and Mrs. Hartley The shadows faîl, and babys commode. Phone: manville, Ont. 1- ,he, Lewis mnec Agnes Vanstone), a But love and memory live for~- 413, Bowmanville. 14-f -Evr rmeberd y Fmiy. RAE BRNFORSAE-2 ~WANTED TO BUY - A GOOD mg daughter. ever. second-hORandx I vi.ROWAN-Near Bethany, o pi ________________ 34, in good condition, suitabl 28r1 Orono.A 17-11 19, 1938, to Mr. and Mr~s. C. H. .or implement shed. Apply M.________________ ,nd' a-: Live stock For Sale J. Stainton. EnniýýkiIlen. Phone L- Rowan i nee Alice WerryI, C n_________P___ WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL I van, a daughiter. 2354. 16-2 hueoî.Ms.Bae1hr. - ~~~~~~~~Young bulîs for sale, $45.00 and MEN! IF YOU'R EK ON Bwavle hn 49 et-T up. J. Baker. Hamnpton. 16-tf1 OUT try raw oyster invigorators 17-1i il ______________*HLSEN FRSLEUL and other stimulants in new a ERl- Mnrela HRy l accedite FeR A- lood OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Pep IF YOU ARE AMBITIO)US. THIS his ERR -InMonrea, a Roalaccedied erd- Boodtested up rundown body. If not de- is for you! Success guaranteed- nd Victoria Hospital. Tuesday. Ap-: cow, 6 years old, due May 3rd: î:glited. maker refunds price, No risk selling une of 200 pop- a ril 26, 1938, R. Luther Werry. aiso fresh and springing grades.' $1.25. Cal. write Jury & Loy- ular products in exclusive ter- as aged 74 years, eldest son of the Windsor Lodge Farin, Newcas- ehl. 15-tf ritory! Join our sales force for ns late Mr~. and Mrs. Wm. Werry, tle, Lot 26, Con. -3,-Carke. profitable wages! 750 men av- LI- Solina. Phone Clarke 3904. 17-1* FOR SALE-1923 McLAUGHLIN eage income of $35.00 iveekly! The funeral service in Eidad ' - Buick 4, touring, in running Foir free particulars %vithout ob- qff Chiurch. Solina. Thursday. April FOR SALE-TWO HORSES AND codtn.WlseIchea. ligation, write today. Familex tO 28. at 2 p.m. standard' time. 6 cows. Apply H. C. Pedwell. Harvey Smith, Tyrone R. R. 1. Co.. 570 St. Clement St., Mont- ict Buili faiypo Edd Newcastle R. R. 2. Phone 3823.11- ea.1- in Cetry. nfaiypotEdd17-1 _17-f ____________17-311___ ose ___________ FO SLETHTE i MR. I. NEVER THOUGHT NOj-1 FO-AETITE YOUNG t.hing could ever remnove his Grain For Sale f as- pigs. Taylor & Hall. R. R. 51 Coins and Bunions. Cress Corn lt. Engagement 1 Bowmanville. Phone 2402. 1- and Bunion Salves did. Sold bylFOR SALE - 18 BUSHELS 0F ile 17-1______________ Cowvling's. Jury & Lovell's, and choice dlean Alaska Early Seed r- Mr. Arthur Beech announces FOR SALE - PIGS. 6 WEEKS McGregor's Drug t o r e i n oats. lef t over from our own' ekthe engagement of his youngest , l.RyVnCm.R Bowmanville; Mllow's in New- seed. Immune from sinut. 80C i- dagtrndaLuel. oRs od avil PoyV ne 2310R. . castle: Tyrrelî*s in Orono. and. per bushel. Apply Bill Rowv-1 Elmer. youngest sonofMr and 17-1. i du- cutes 1902. 17-1j ise, Mrs. Af. Richards of Haydon.1 STRAWBERRY PLANTS F O R -1 îhThe marriage to take place quiet- Baby Chicks Sale-Mary Washingtonl. extra HAY FOR sALE-QUANTITY 0F ges ____the __middle ___of __May. early; Senator Dunlap, Dorset mixed Alfalfa and Timothy bal- on FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS. S. and Premier, 75c per hundred ed hay. Apply Boys' Training! in- Miss Annabelle Hendry. Kendal:i C. W. Leghorns and B a r r le d or $SJ.00 per 1000. Raspberry School, Bowmanvillc. 15-3 ,an. Miss Marion Rickard. B.A.. Whit- Rocks, sired by super grade canes,. Lathain and Viking. 2c it- by; Miss Lilian Smale. Creighton, cockerels. il and 12 cents. Five per canle. Ivan Farrow. Omono. N tice to rdt s ver Mine. with Misses Catherine and! per cent discounit on all orders Te'.ephone 3921 Clarke. 17-2!N!Ceitr Estella Blackburn. receivedi before May 4. Ap ply of to Charles Godfrey. R. R. 2,NEW WASHERS PRICED FROM In the Estî4te of David Brunt, pal Lk hr niesr Burketon. On. 17-l' $69.50 and up. Used Washers Deceased.r .in Lake Shoe Sunav echool priced f rom $19.50 and up. EasY ALL PERSONS having dlaims l niverary service will be hield atr FOR SALE - BARRED ROCKrmohltrm.Algraee.gintteEtt 0fhelt .sthe sehioo lieouse on Sunday. Mav and White Leghorn B a by Wringýer post Ironers at a neW David Brunt, who died at the io1n at23 in T Pece Cllicks. s*arted chicks. cocker- 10w price. See them in our Township of DarUington, in the ilRev W. F. Baister. B.Tl.. B.D.. els. froin blood tested flocks wno.Trs$0 e ek ony0 uhm no bu .enbî Chmes, ea Haptn cheap. See I. Whitefield ait 1935. are hereby notif ied t 'f ile ze. Newaste Grag Reted PhOi~ 433 16tf Dustans 1Hdwe. Phone 774. proof of the amount with the un- NecslsaaeRne 17-1 idersigned solicitor on or before vill, Mrs. E. C. Hoar hias ented The .BABY C HI C KS - OUR S. C. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - the 9th day of May, 1938, after ker'ecsl Gaaetrr odn WieLgenCýk r ie wh.tch date the assets of the Said Newcstl Gaageto r. ordn Whte eghrn hics ae sred Beauty Parlor in Oshawa for 1saewl edsrbtdhvn ry Ash. son-in-law of Mrs. Homatio by R.O.P. cockerels from Fishersale. Fully equipped. Goed avin edrWetherall. Newcastle. Mm.Ar olr ai. AIlbrsae uies.Cepfr ah regard only to dlaims of which 'lie' .ho lhas been emplo3yed for some bne ndbodtested usphv M." awefr cBs. Bow-t he executor shah then have net- at, -e ihagraei saa Govemninent Inspectors. All eggs manville. 17-1 ice. ît iltk possession and srart foi set weight 24 oz. and over toe _________________ Dated at Oshawa, the 5th day hisef onay My . s he &dzen. Place your order nowix*ls o Sl of April, A.D. 1938. il, have a house in Oshawa Mr. and and get your chicks when you Artce o l ARTHUR W. S. GREER. ýhe Mms. Ash t the for-mer *;«iiî con- want them.R Phone 2636, H. J. 6 King St. East, ..WethieralIt and family xl3 cn Brooks, R R. 3, Bowmanville. 'FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO,, Oshawa, Ontario. [,,v' tinue to reside there for 'he pie- 7-f Twenty-five dollars. sacrifice. Solicitor for Cecil J. Brunt, Ir." sent._________________ need the space. H. J. Davis. R. Executor of the Estate of ve., Y. P.U. Crkî r PRadio Repairing R. 6. Bowmanville. 17-1' ai rnt eesd >i Y. *.C0Io artv EXERT14-4 Y.U. held a second crokinoler NEW FURNITtJRE FOR SALE EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING- Jardineîe and sinoke s;tands, Notice To Creditors ly party in the S. S. hall on April Reasonable rates. Phone Osh- large and small tables, hall_______________ ct.25 with President Garnet Rick- awa 1827r23. reverse charges. trees, wamcrobes. Also repairing.I In the Estate of James Reuben in ax'd acting as managing director. Robert L. Hancock. R. R. 2, leainadsoae .B ihr eesd Éor Ten tabes were in pla7Y. Amon., Oshawa. 16-4* Caltertio.an sorae. Ph.nB l- the visitors present were Mm. at eeBwanni628. P 7h3o n E NTIsrdCE aeald er ne Mrs. Howard Cryderman and Miss <______________ 68 73 TK OIEta hpr ýon Foley. Maple Grove. Miss Mar- i RI ' IEB WLE on aigcam gis h ýk gre Pare o firt riea ESTETON hav seainless Wilton, large Estate of James Reuben Fisher, tt, boxof chocolates, with a total of durable wine Italian broad- late of the Village of Newcastle, ;h-1575 points. Mr. Sid Brown stood îoprhsdhs al u-i the County of Durham, Retir- a; scon an wo th mc's riz Mis. Kthlen a~ir vithMm. ner, scatters, Franco Persian, ed Merchant. deceasedwode dci with 1565 points. Lunch of and aIMrs. J. Forder. Axminster, cash recauired quick- on or about the 8th day of De- wiches, cake and coff ee was serv- Mir. 1). J. NMcLeaii. Toronto, ait îy. Offeir appreciated. Box -I. cember. 1937, at the Village of - d. hunie. T." Drawer B. Bowmaflville. Newcastle, are hereby notified to ______________________ _NMm. FHarrv Atkinson. .Albert Col-. 17-1* send in to the undersigned. or lais hlege. Belleville, witilî Mm. and NMm. . Solicitor, on or before the 23rd FOR SALE - 1 NEW PIECE 0F day of May, 1938, full particulars S P e Mm. a 1d8Ma r Jaa i nil-. Mm. anti floor covering, 2 yds. by 5 yds. and proof of their cdaims. m N. ade PhilaP, eitj. t'.\Ir n Cheap. Mrs. Albert Ruiter. On- mediately af ter the last mention- ~~tario St.. Bowmanville. 17-1V cd date the assets of the Estate1 E 0NS o..C l will be distributed among theý E X C U R SI O N S .\ftr, Asa .Spink.. in Locust I1H11 FOR SALE - BUREAU, ¾BDpr3s niîdtert.hvn TO LLSTTINS N liî em cittnglîter.s. witri fine spring and inne-rgr only to the dlaims of Western Canada I.\landulfrs. . o.. rder. Caxdîî.' spring mattress, aise full width 'wlùcl the Administrator shaîl at %vitli Mmr. andi Mmr. Il. Tinncy. cotton mattress. like new; ra- that turne have notice. Going Dates Mml. Cliftmn l'eacock snd f. dio (table model) : dining table Dated at Bowmanvihhe this 2th DAILY MAY 17 TO 28, 1938 liet hlIacock I hume iront Perthi. i and six chairs. Apply -W.A." day of April. 1938. Return Limit: 45 days. Nfi. rs.. Non lîrl'.e lier ankle r Dawer B. Bowmanvihle. 17-1* Emerson Fisher, Newcastle TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL W,'le.«hs w ti .rIiiItit{ ont th AW IGSFR TREO Administrator, N COACHES hacktic. Mm. .Collhiî ins ofreiece enie ury Venrt by his Solicitor, lir_______i ll.(. eidne GeuneSrr Lawrence C. Mason, 1- Excursion tickets good in Touri le aîutr.i.tiee Blinds. 48c square foot installed. Bowmanville. 1- Parlor and Standard sleeping cars al- NltnV.\ llliniesmm Northicutt & Smith. Phone 668. ____________________ savailable, on paymnent of slightlY ..iai i Ile c litimeli i a..eiiietit. ,11 17-4* oieT rdtr higher opass ge fares, plus price of qI'jIrImm..îlax eIiItIt. \Il-, . Jobhhj', NoieT Crdt s parlor or sleeping car accommodation. gmîîîîî ail thamge of ilo' progmalu. FOR SALE - FULL LUJE FARM AND OTHERS t ,.'. eriv ia i. a' i ieîliQ d ii fle suppem. rmachinemy: aise two good work -- r n iîist .o Mi .' i Ne.tletrîî i lînclîi Lîgu 'met on horses. Appiy R. F. Duck. New NTEETT FCR r,', rre 1 ~ r~ i, t i ii,- Erilav e r îiîîgi. Rnîînmî of 'E. castie. Phone 2530. l'7-i * de CARTERE'I'.late of the i .ii, ','nIrr. i it. '.nen iniî i Pickerg was giv. il--' Town of Bowmanville. in the .1r,, ' tilia ii~i r 4,t. uti tdil'at'. Mme [alo, hln Real Estate For Sale County of Durham, Widow. ()I. rnsmn n I. Nerle T hionmlo.iî _________________________________ :~~ui Il ,SIll W. Jai.k..nm.anîd a >,Io hv Noma FOR SALE - TWO BUILDING Ail persons having clainis a- st'-.',I-rr,',-NIj'iîi ;,(1.ii'- a tri,lix N. l'îimeliiî. l. Slheffield. lots, approximately 66 X 94 and 'ainst the Estate of Coma de Cart- ti'. uttirîl. ,flii. ~ unP n . 'ems incli îîuxd 66 x 165. Make off er. Bargain eret, late of the Town of Bow- ________foi' quick sale. David Mutton. manville, Ontario. deceased. who Tii/I p oil: misI'i îalVct/'i King St. E.. Bowmanville. died on or about the third day cf i ~17-1* April. A.D. 1938, are hemeby noti- Canadian Pacific M*ZON _________ 7-1 I1 - _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _I f ied t o send in t o th e u n d ersig n ed , iii HOUSE FOR SALE - B R I C K the personal representative of the j Ynnî'.,lu tl viîlai house, hamdwood floors, h'ot said deceased, on or before the Mun, îrun .1 \ rîîn.r'a iiglit r water hcating, ail conveifletices.,seventhi day of May AD. 1938. \.'tand,îîI Mm.. I.W. liaIson g1aveý good location. sialli garden. full partîculars of their dlaimis a limililax iitt\- Satîîmîlav njghllt forý Apply Miss Evelyn Manning. Iveri.fied by Declaration. Immed- tr î'mgaîl.rî Nla'.îr'r lack Hîr.kiîî.' Concession St., Bowmanville. 1 iately aftem the said date the said i 'llirmiiini.. 'i i Mste Iak r17-1personal represcntative wilh dis- and il G, ge ln.kîî.tat'ed m.'n'm ' - tribute the assets of the said de- sîIIIIîl,vt1 wtli-îtir Lriiiîthiiamcnt-. ARM FOR SALE - 85 ACRES.,'ceased having regar~d oniy to ery. Production being taken from Mmr. anl M .sainî \cKlliI,,itl. sandy loam. good buildings, on daims of whi1ch shie shial+-len completions expected on June 10th (..ivatt At Killuln... good county road, not far froi lhave notice, to the exclusion of of~~~~~~~~~ o-poue yti omay î.,îdM... - 1' 1cm-11J11-higway. 1losef- -1-oh nd a il ohes.Ad she ilino-bh. i- An April Shower 0f Values for the Last April Weekend C IJ T Containa a special oil that i beneficial to the cuticle and naila ...quickly removea every trace of old poUach. For a ImItd Urne only you reoetv with it FR= a coton dipenaer. Both for ... 35Ç BIsaRe VALUEoz.S 5 Elkma 's oth-K-ler-z75c, Red Cedar Flakes and Garment Bag bath for 49C Scott's Emulsion - 53c-98o 4 Square Floor Wax with Steel Wool - both fao 390 Seidlitz Powders - 2 fot 25c Lyon's Tooth Powd. 24 -39c Pond 's Creams - - 29c-490 Berses - - - 2 Dr. he's N- re-Fo- 2 for 25c ..& Ovaltine - - 38c-58c-98o Moth Fume Grystals- 39c Absorbine Jr.- - - 98c Eno 's Fruit Saits - 47-79 Mi-31 Shaving Cream 19o Nu-Feet - - - pr. 25c 2 for 37c Britn Toth aste29eAdrienne Face Powder, Britn Toth aste29cRouge or Lipstick 2 for 53c Ea4h -- -- -----)c Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly '~TT '~ 'I PAG Tl'tJl. J ~ V L< PLAINS PETRLEUM Regular tank car shipments being made to a Regina refine No. 2 welI at the rate of 144 barrels daily. Additional welI and june 25th. On account of the demand for the grade there is no proration applicable to its production. The Company owns or controls in excess of 17,000 acres on Abrta. The Company's Participating 6% Preferred stock-138,4( publicly traded in. After receiving 6% in dividienda it shar issue in the profits of the Company. A recent issue of the 'Montana OUl and 34ining journal mak "That Plains Petroleum lias tapped an important oil poola G. FIRTH-200 BAYE ,VALYP- -1-ýVLLVE /OU tir READ SE theWA 'T 1 Tro Rent Do You Hear Well? FOR RENT-HOUSE ON ELGIN We have secured the agency for Street, between Wefllgtonl anda most wjonderful device for those Concession, (3 roonis and bath. who do flot liear distilctly. Our Apply Miss BrimaCombe. Elgini suppIy ;ill reach us about May 1. St.. Bowmanville. Phone 871. 'Send for circular now. 17-l' JURY & LOVELL F'OR RENT-FARM 0F ABOUTPoe78BwaliI 65 acres. Conveniently located' in Oshawa with city water sup- Room and Board p l y . A m p l e b u i l d i n g s . I m m e d - - - - - - - --_ 'q iate possession. ApplY to Con-, B30ARD AND ROOM-CENTR_ ant & Annis, Barristers, &c.. ly located. Apply Murs. F. Mc- Oshawa. 13-tf Inddo, phone 894, King Street TO LET - T HR EE ROOVMED Est 62 apartmeflt with aill modernl,R M A.ND BOARD - AIL conveniefices. electric stove and home comiforts. Phone 2193. electric refrigerator. Possessioni 17-1* May lst. Phone 870. 15 -tf ________________ PASTUJRE FOR RENT - GO:ODý For The Gardent(e stiade and running water. Ap-i ply W. T. Perrett. Hampton. SELECT STRAWB3ERRY PLANTS Phone 2553. 17-1 from new beds - Premier Dor- L'O RENT - TWO FOUR.-ROOM sett, for table use. $1 per 100, apartmeflts on Temperafice St. $8 per 1000; Parsofl's Beauty Smal hose o Gerge t. ar- for cannfing, $1 per 100. A. Laird ages on Wellington and Temp- BwavlePhn21. * erance Sts. J. B. Martyfi. ___15____________ 17-2*ýSTRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR 1Sale-Senator Dunlop, good lst MiscellaneouS class plants, 75c per 100 or $5 per 1000. Apply T. Btittery, WEST END GARAGE AND M- cuog St.. Bowmafville. Phone chine Shop - We specialize in 406. 1- machinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towing FRSL AAEEBR service. J. L. Demerling, Pro-, berry bushes, 2 year old, just prietor. Bowmanville. P h o n e the righit size for a hedge, 20c 781. 23-tf each. $15 a hundred. C. Brad- ley. Jackman Rd., Bowmanville. Many a man has built a castli _16________ 'in the air while his wif e was1 nailing a board on the back Poverty is no disgrace - if your Sfence. credit's good. GardenerâS!f Faraners! SThe Best Seed is The Pr&fitable Seed Look over our stock of choice Field and Garden Seeds, g-raded and tested for high germnination and purity. Sold in bulk, small or large quantities. WE BELIEVE .... YOur good soUl and work deserve high vitality seeds. See our Red Clover, Af alfa, Alsike, Sweet Clover, Ttmothy and Mlsike Mixture, Dwarf Essex Rape, Sudan Grass, Lawn Seed, Certified Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Soy Beans, Fertilizers. PLEASE NOTE .... We suggest it would be to Your deided advantage to consult us before purchasing Seed Con. Our rices are right and our quality the best. EXTRA SPECIALS Caf eteria CHICK MASH ........... 100 lb. $2.90 Caf eteria GROWING MASH ........ 100 lb. $2110 l -S. STEWART Phone 577 Peeds Seeds Phone 778 Bowmanville

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