r j. k - i 'i. Ferguson. The Leaflet was read BURKETON ýby Mrs. Colwill. The current _______________________chapter of the study book, "A Manifold Ministry" was ably tak- Mr. and 'Mrs. Harrv Rahmi have en by Mrs. Rackham. Mrs. Col- movd m te busefomer v c-wilî gave a readlng on Temper- cupied by Mr. Brown. Both have, ance. Next meeting Tuesday. May been sick. Mr. Rahm wih bron- 17, at home of Mrs. W. W. Horn. chitis and M.\rs. Rahm with a lbad YugPolsUinmto caof l.Tewrei.rvn Friday evening with President IMrs.A. Blanchard in the chair. rs. Bwmanle ohan n cil The worship service was in charge ren Bomavile.have heen wjth o! Miss Doris Cryderman. Wil- ber moher. also Mr. Sidney Pediar frid Smale read the Bible lesson. of Toronto, helping them 10 Cget followed by a reading bY Miss moved into the new home. Jessie Hogarth. Rev. W. Rack- Sunday visitors: M.\r. and M.\rs.1 hamt led in prayer. AI!. Randie Fred Rahm and cildren. Oshawa-, took charge of the programt. Hu- Mr. and Mi\rs. Clarence Rahim and morous reading was given by Miss Bdtty, \Veston; Mrs. S. J. Pediar. Doris Cryderman. Douglas Rack- Toronto; Mi\r. Cecil Rabim and '.\r. 'ham favored with a vocal solo. and Mrs. George Rabm and famnilv, An address on the ever present Burketon, witb their parents, !question o! "Immortality" was. Mr. Nelson Hudson of Peterboro.1 delivered by Rev. Rackham. We with iriends. were favored with an instrumen.- Mr. and M.\rs. Stanlev Moffat el tal by Miss Madlyn Wilcox. Bruce Oshawa, are moving mbt the house Hogarth gave a humorous read- formerly occupied bv Mr. and M.\rs. ing. A! Randle conducted a con- Rahm. test and gantes. We would like to sec as nmailvas, Mrs. W. Watchorn visited with possible out 10 church next Sundav ,friends at Nestleton and Port morning at Il oclock to hear 'Mr. perry. March of T' rone Circuit. prcach. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harford. To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Watchorn. HAMPTON -IýinBn e i h Scbool R001on \o Monav .\At"ei Hampton W. M.S. met at the wvas recited bv 'eudrev Kercr\u:a home of Mi-ss Lulu Reynolds on1 storv Nwas rca(l bv Ethel Gilbert: Tuesday, April 19, with President M.\rs. .Re\tnîIlds gave each chil'l an Mrs. A. E. BiUlett in the chair. Easter eg.. Ater the cail to worship. minutes ___________ and business were attended to.1 The Easter service was conduct- The bxclfro is being in-ýtallvl in ed by Mrs. Billett, assisted bysone of the farni hionie-. al 'o Ire- Mrs. A. Blanchard. Mrs. W. Ra.ck-'tric cooline svstenî' for îIiç'tt inithe, ham was in charge o! devotional. î nilk shipping iiîdustrv around Eben- The lesson wau read by Mrs. B. czer. .kAI)de NOW.~ Y A LOVELY GUIST ROOM IFIEE Johns-ManviIIe Book shows how to turn waste spateeInto extra rooms, pictures many other remodellng suggestlonsl T lUS book will help you visuali.*e ,thee many things you can do ho improve your home. How te, put a game room i your basernent with panels of Insulating Board; insulate against heat and cold with J-M ]Rock WooI Home Insulation; mnod- ernize kitchen or bathroom walls with aheet-tile Asbestos Wainscot- TO IMPROVE - YOUR HOME dust Collecter and catchail for f 'castoff s.' rr CAN BECOME -'anost 0,cr- night"-tise use- fui den or guest consa below. built wfthJohns- ManilIle 5nsulat- ing Board and decorathe. clor- ful Abestos Fiez - board. FREE BOOK! ing; re-roof or re-side your home wth fireproof J-M asbestes Shingles, etc. Also tells how you can finance borne improvernents with conven- jent monthly payrncnts out of in-. corne under the governrnent-spon- sored Homne Improvernent Plan. SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY 0F THE J-M 1"101P BOOK( TODAYI Use The Coupon or Phono 2130 Please send NAME ...... ............................. free copy of J-M 111011" dea ADDRESS ...........................e.. Book. CITYV ........... PROV . ..... OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS CO. Box 74 - Oshawa /4 f UNSIAMOLE TUE 1117115 Cf EAILH INiYNE AUSWER ,IA PR lfas A YEN WORD ilNTENCE 0111V ON£ WORD TO EACN 111<1 £'PSENTEO 6V FITTHYR OSMIWA -LEOPPE ,e PARE PATICE URO - THEN SCITY pz'No. 3 F Or immaculately < Y do n ereasonably spriccd laîmndry ser- CNGEA ices assureprec ___ sati.faction.TESO Prizes UsIed heretn will be awarded for what we judge 10 De tic most accurate tise neatet and thle most attractive solutions rnailed or brougist te us wth- la tive days tolowing publication of.$.00 Free this advertisement. Anybody, except our employees, may conspete. It Is flot $100 Free neccCssary to inake any purchases.tUse 15eFe the tom above, or a separate sleet. 5eFe Write your naine and address plaly. PRIZES ee Laundry or CIeaflifl ee Laundry or Cleaing ,Laundry or Cleaning WINNERS 0F LAST WEEK'S PRIZES 1. MIYJSS MARlONX SNOWDEN, R. R. 3, Bownsanville, Ont. 2. MS.EIZABETH EDMOND, Prospect St., BowmanvlUe. 3. MRS. T. A. RODGER, Newcastle, Ont. PORT HOPE - . - -PHONE 404 BOWMANVILLE *PHONE 419 MAPLE GROVE Recent i>tl-ur- NI i-- Dor'n-Grecimis.'NI r. lordami Shar p. Tnrciît. suitîî NIis Nildrccî Snosuden. Mîr. Vero n Trinîble. Port -oie.i ai bornie.1 NIi-s, - es ra Tritiuble. Suisie Laird and< NIr. Fred Miiller have returmcl te' tlîetr sdi 'olý. N\I r,. Rav Sii'isvdcmî. NMisses Heleti. ,Nlarv, Dontna have rctnrned t0 To- romtn. Nus jessic Yellouulees. Solimia. su 1h Nr.-. J. D. Piekard. MIr. aîîd Nrs. Wcstlake. NMr. XW. Wsak.Soliiia. ih 'Nirs. Le-lie Collacit cinSuitdas-. Nirs. Johni Allimi and son. Mr. AlI- fred .\litî, lTosemu, ai M-\rs. L. C. Stiiosdeti'-. .NlIs i Greta Mnîtdas itiu'.\Ir. atnd NIrs. Elziii u nîutas. Belleville. ,NI r-. jates Rx. NIcizies. datgicer Georgitia. Hotiati. China. 'Nr. amnI NIr-. Pe r csSmibth. Torotnto. Nvitît NMr. atnd Mr-* . F. Suvallosu. .\Ir. atnd Nir-. lamc- Grceeîlîatîî Bobb v atid Herluv. Port Hutron,. Mieli., Nir-. W E. Hcsit atîd cattehier. Bcverle-y. Toronto, aI NIr. Clua-. îr,.ethin. Sotidavs 5d It sili sîart tiexi Sutidas au 1 .mi. :Cîurciî -ervice au 2 pt..b' ii St anmda rd T imte and con- thitiiitg dutr iltiz tîîe d, s 1 gl sasitue. \Votiei-n li-i'nrsS' ciels Fas- ter Tlîaîk-Offeritîe -ervice %vsu a elcI Suttdas siilî a futîl hall and NI r-. -lamues R. Nletîzie-. Ni-sî,nars .uit China. addrc-sed tIl h , aîhuîriti. Cho'ir wsa- ee'tîîîîî'-dc,î f -VNIS.- lad,. - suito rendu.reil use' îice ai- Oti Tiinr-cIas csctitîg, zApril l4tfi, abolit 70 t o iti gpc' ile atîd <(,er mies- a--ctublcd at the htu'te (o Nir. andl NI r-. Llis ci Su' 'su dn ît' sttrlîri-c tîieti. al-o NMr. atnd NMr-.W. E. De leY s inice VNi naBitie iontithe ioc - ea-iq 't, f ulîetr harriage. 'Mr. H. G. Ire,.tiuahi a-kcc NIr. atndl Nr-Site duc atnd Ni r. anîd NIr-, . lst" take (, f h. iuîr. NI i-- Eîtua SusaI- l'us rcîd ai ihr--ti Nr. aid NMr, Sîu' 'sucîctu ahuilNIi- - sTleltîîa Freemnai rua ail ic addre-- ti' Nîr. atîin I 'r-. Miges.\ r. Cli f orî Suvaîl' 'su. NIr. IE'n '-t Ts i-t. 'Mrr Fil F les hpec- >u. hted NI r. andi'M Ir-.Sh, v l, wvitl ant cî:curic Tusil igi f' rIaîîîp. NIr. atnd Nlr-.> lju. hi -taîl table atnd atn elcetric talle Iaîîîîî. Thie grooms hitih rct'Iuttd hlatIiitisthe peuiple fr ilîcir Icîvels gift-. Ses cral spcechvs cto'f'sul atnd g'n si-hes, fol- lis.,cd bu a hrogra tii l'h au i dii t, NMarion FoIes aîîd Betts Stceti- sioli ditt. Statiles ahndîBeri tîu i aécoiuîaiiie<l on thue iiamîn bs iheir si-tr. L-illiatu reciuatîin. Betîs Stees ; .c' 'mii ut i tiis tctie mnutsic bu Nîr. liue Sirini-ki. iclii.Nr. Leslie Crcllacttt, riaii : recitati' 'tu. FI. R. Fulev. XA <aiuts Iluttchi a - sors cd. .\pri I 2< <iiiW tact - NIi s -iotî,îru Socitv mse ltenti tuv ctiriaiîied the Nî\iissii n Bandl atnd s cîtng ladits oif uh c ccmmtuitv, nmblerittg abîuit 90. \V.N.S. Pre-idutit. Nrs.Ivei 'MnIttda% cit:ined lie meetitg and l îbc culleil uliti Lenore Collactit to itak' charge for thie 'Mission Batdid w sucre t" gis c ic uiroerati : Do'n Stes e- sad Litiore Cclacut eau\- a sic'il <uct ; t ari(.ti F. les thu n ici k1 thle chiai r:l'ilble ruaditie. NIar- garut Catmpîbell ; -cîtîg 1lus the Sr. girl>- Es-ler ILii's- :rucitati' n 1I Aiiîd re v Grectilamîi. The 1)irt<idauv box ua- akctî follosucd bs-e praye;r isv Nîr-. Is -ot Nîitias :;s 'lin ii dtc Stamles atid Bert Stîîîsu dcii ;recut - tiîm.Doris Steves i. Tlîe ,brv Su, tcld lis NI r. W. C. Smuitht. Theîi al tbe taicî ntibers of the NIis'î Banid sucre callec te' ihe platiortut am(I Rev. \V. C. Siniîb ure-utitt!,! tbem us itiluir NIissionî Batndlpitts L.adies of \V.N.S. served a delicioi- lunîch. ENFIELD r.and M r s. W. Secullv and Billv, Moicnt Detînis. NMr. anîd AMrs. E. Ormiston, Bowmanville. at Mrs. \V. J. Ormiston's. M r. and Nirs. G(,rdûn Luas., Ewart aind Etinice, Tauntonî, M r. and< .NIr.. Huggli.Annis, Eîîîîi-killcn. at MIr. Franîk Glbert':. MNr. and Nirs. H. L. Pascoe. Col- umnbus, at Mir. G. Bowmans. MIr. and Nirs. H. Beaton. Oshî- awa, at Mr. Walace Pascoe'. M\r. and Nrs. (io. \V. .James. L', mai.,Ucat hîi> ice's, NIlr. Sain Br av. I SALEM '-ae ra chuiit %us >- ailtniiti i ,t e rc il ,,iertii~i -cs ecSiila l uis c. A W\. Narcîtuîil i r lanattpphr' prite .tt.. Atc piig Xrtl 2(itlm sua- 'tîtîîlli \c 'r-beîNIfr. I. Sc<uair iiin i (t4enithe I 'residltit. keý. A .. W. Nlarclu gave te Jutii tiraser anud Mr. G. IImeri, fil dthe, secrc:taru .ý chair. lrogram suas cotn- dîtctvdî lu C t izutîslîî \ ice, NI rc. F. )Cilgî t: ari noftwttic pic aais- cîts-titi s was cd lis Rev. Nîarcli; NIs rA-I Sîjuair gave atiother tîhase of tli-t tuc : nîusical uiah er cr gi tîlv Mr. J. NMils,"f liamiiîitu. onth le tianonacco rcî att; NMr. \V. Tas 1cmr <oi ithesi il ium atuindIMasmîr Boîhie hi 'c klarti ti thec miiumho rgatm %'ccalI sol"., s NI i. ss G. 1lcm îcî aitd NI rs. S. Blitterv : ruadiumgs 1 s NîIrs. E~. Silv-er. Nîrs. H. Gatmd, Nîrs. IL. Barrie. Ni rs. L. R icha rds tatnd NIr. R. liall, .tteutdauce 33. C 'ttgratilaiinlto i NI r. Fartsell l IlIack blii tandMuNIi ss Le la Xtl sîî ciii tlitir recett marriage. NIr.r lack-- litrtchbas bhîîîteac lic r fcf Sa lent scliii i for -uveraIs cars atnd suetmi- lerliandtil is cigagud icîr anuttttr % gaèr. XVilii -bis e utii ig.. uiI 20tîh. %%,;iltlîcsicîîtii a ttîsrr>'f NMr. atndlMNI n. Il. Rîmdiiit adi iîein chîtiglitur, Ir-,I.cesCauium lucîcIa gýatllteniftg ffeuicI- dintieîirlît'r The ladiu, l1sult t hec icu in t '<uilîilug atîcî ,futr ca lîî'îtiftîl u-tii t'en ai suhic luitriii gît stir'o of ithe- iuuu sI iian . use vetîîmig is uic inttugaîttc- ttl nd'tiliiterciîumru antd tutecxtcttcliuig ciof icîwslles ci thle hontc u red coiuIle forimait s-mocre vnrs cil happyi we iîe le. .Nrs. F. Cator suho has been in Toronto Hospital and a convales- THURSDAY, APRIL 28TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\VMANVILLE, ONTARIO cenît at tic homîes of her daugbîer, Nîrs. H. Hobbs and lier son, Mr. J. Cator. arris d borne 0o, Sundav liuch i îltros ud ini lîcalth and vers' thatilitil to lier iianv Saiemt friends syhî reiiiciibcred lier sih letters and cards (if g'odî wi-lic dîiring ber sia' in Toronîto.' Nir-. Conlitu lia., recos ercd suffie- ientlu 10 bc brouiglt home lrorn Bowiniaiville Hospital aitcr an ai- tacko 'i pîîcumoiia. Nîrs. NI. J . Roach andîd raighter, .Nîrs. NlcDerniott, Rochiester, N.Y., wecre ltînichi#*aîi guests at "The .Niales' on Tlînrsday. 0.E.A. Highlights (Continued from Page 1) bn tlie last generation or two. but it iimportant thaI the principles of riglît aîîd wrong do not change. that boys and girls respect cach other. and that pareints are svmnpatlîetic te vouth's desire te chýange tbings.* That was the essence oi advice giveti the Homne and Sehool Associations Section bv Miss Gordon Waughî. Prinîcipal of St. Clemients Sehool. Theuetiw programt of the Depart- meint of Education p)rovidt.ý nosv for puipils to take one of four courses: thie getieral course. agricultural or art, houscliold arts ('r commercial. The subjects' of the general course andî lime allotted is as folloss obligatorvsusbjects-English 20 ', social studies 15<'< . ealthi education 7ý1 ;c optinns-matliematics 121 % to 15% 7c, scienice or agriculture 12ý1 < to 1.517c Frenchi, shopwork or bornie ecoîîoiîics l2ý to I51% commer- cial svork <'r Germiatu or Greck. 10 t" 12' e. %, iiii-ic atîd art 10 te 121 %. Latin 12; to 1517. The îesv pro- grai netdeavours 10 emtîhasize the -uîl'iccts which arc of s ,'uete 10oth a coimercial andc cultuiral life. ratli'r îiaîî tmrcls academic. Dr. H. C. Bliss. of the Onîtario Fedvratiî'ti ofAîgîcrs îold the Coti- ventuonthtla the future of Ontario'- îatutral re-etirez deceîds cii the at- titiftle wi îIcl isi ii subu itidevel' 'tîd ini the tîrinilarvs senols. He itrgcd iliat p ubl ciclinhol pupîi I - be tan glit the s aliteof otsr, tcicf our iatirail re-oLîtrcez, *lin * * * "liiitIiat the Peiti F utn' w a- tîtîfair t, nien ws a îacat i Public Sci o1 eusTua1cliers FIe eratheti at thc 0E. \. The claini wsa. mîade onthte basis thaI suomen lise loniger. retire earlivr, aiid paiii'. tue f uindl for a -h' rter tien i o f t i tuethan îthc meti -- cati give rea-oîîable assuranîce iliat this \ car the Dcpartmcîînt utf Edulcation w ili haid'it ont10Scboul Boards anid Boards o f Eduication appro\iiuiatclv 51,200.009 more tîlî tlîev reccived in 1937,' lion. Dr. I., j. Si a-n.NIiister ('t E<lucation. atitotice(I a thie OEA. Convention. Aliî atiemrpt isbcing imade 10 case thi local burîri n othe groi'unds that edulcationi is niationial railier tin local in il- s' cp. Educational program- nii iS lic piaver tb pav. A. J. fi. (rav of tie I )i î art îîîcîîî of N ni pî \f f. rs. \% arnied utheCoitiv Couiic il dcîea1ves to uIlleO.F .\. fie îîrgcd ilii' aîîal- Lcaliati n 'n 'i nmal ru rai -cctiis inii' coiin-olidate(l sccim' 'o- a tues n ' f cuti ni down ci'-tS' .f u- cation 1 1, 1parýcl s -ttled a ruas. Theîc rading lhabit., cf clilîdreti liaci n,,,ci t(,di. ýwitli the siabilitv of the nation and tIeuicrroteccti ' f iitioc- racs. Chtarles R. Saîîdcrson. Chief Li bra rian of To rontoi told thelue îb- lic School Sectioin. If children secre forc,.d to rcad dru- classic., tues iîîav I"sc iitcrest iin readiîîg, and thus 1,-e an '.tup' rttiiiits 10 iidcr- taniC thue s.orkings and svalute of (lcnioC- racs. To explain to vour cliild wlîs soit catînot af ford an aiitcni' 'l'ile whe;î voutr oiglbotîr cati wsa offcrcd as a worthier subi cct for social study tîtantite movernett f tic ancient races by Elssood Oakc., , Headmnas- ter oîf Ottawa Normal Sehoo(l. in tic training' section of îtîc OEA. Hwcati puils uderstaiîd the con- ditionîs in tiîe landîs shen the%- rati- tont intderstand the conditions i ii tlîcir own countrv. Mr. Oakces ask- cd. Edilcational radio bruadcaqts ver C.BC. stationto bsupplerlint tScîool Thurs. - Fri.- Sat. April 28 - 29- 30 "The Girl of the Golden West" with NELSON EDDY and JEANNETTE MacDONALD Added Colored Cartoon -: Revival :- Friday - 10.30 p.m. -Marx Brothers 'A Night At the Opera' Mon. - Tues. May 2 - 3 'l Met My Love Again' with JOAN BENNETT - HIENRY FONDA. Wednes. - Thurs. May 4 - 5 2 - Big Features - 2 'Navy Blue and Gold' and 'Under Cover of Night' wctk sucre recommended Liv G. S. plîtv Ninister Dr. Dunîcan McArthur r: I'axtoii of St. Davids at the Rural told tlie Music Sectiotn of ic O. El Tritees Section. \Vliat eati le(donc .. Vlat is happening in Gernmatis. %va, dcmonstrated lastflu Mhen ait Itals and Russia todav are the re-t eîîideinic closed Toronto sebools andtuil sts oi great emotîuînal stirs. Con- 1e-sotis were given iii the new-spati i trol of the emototins willi make er- and over the radio. the speak ,r studeiits lietter ablc un face crises t" ititeCl out. witli cleai hicatîs. Adlolescents in the scliîoIs muýt lie iîîdoctrinated wuith tlîe funidainen Sitc i eoossol ea tals nifeemocracy if democrac", în-colIoil ca mn survive, Dr. H. F. Munro. Supier- ecctting cubject. Stîmdcît- ,hould ittendeîit of Education for Nov a learît mw cdocks svork. slis steel Scotia. said in addressinzteîeSc boats fInat. heîw plants amîd animas iiti(Iarv SeboolSectin- ls got their names. svhere fîowcrs andl of the future will bc betNeetî (le- i mît c ame f rom enlîv hlls b0%iic tiocracv aînd dictatorslîip. The boys îslevsaegem. hs lou atdgrls of todav are Coing to bc grow, whv a match liglits. Wliv theî asked te make their choice. A-re sc kvisbne1wv n' bclbrr' giin hemrntroper training to en- <)ne cat nmoue more thamu lie eauilift. gbeîuîng iak ws coce Professor F. A. Coroish suggcted abe sphaer o ake asucechic.that tItis suas real scienice ai the tlî spake ased Natîral Sciemîce Sectionu of tlîe O.i Pupils slioild bie allouved 10 leave**** ulicnes-çr tlîev are mno longer inter- esbed in ttheir ~school work. A. E. Ruissell Osbornîe, President of thec O'Neill, President of the Colîebiate Durhanm Coimnt%- Triuctees anie Ratc- and Se condarv School Sectiomi atd pas crs' Associatiomi. sa-lectcd a Primncipal nf Oshawa Collegiate, cirector nithie Rural Truisice Stc- -îated ah one session. He suggested lion at tlhe çlosîmîg .,csn if o the tuaI if somne children were gisctî conîventiomn. apîîrcnticeships inii îdustry thev** * seocld later retuirmi te sclîool 10 cotil \ egce Bachele-r <f Prituîarv tilde their educatiomi as ilicv sasu Elicatioti' shoutld be asuarded t" îlîat h uould benefit their trade. * * * teacliers svho acclutre prîtes-inal Parents aînd sclîool tcacher sucere skill, il suas urgcd atiieCtts urgcd bv NI. A. Sorsoleil. fornmer'CtîciSctitofueO A gai Deputy Ntimistcr ni Wcl fare, t ctn. tnake an effort to control m~ot* n EtîdoQlsitîg a proposaI of thc cx,.- piitires so that thes- migtz mîlMore cumîl e comtîittcc. .the Fedefratien iio trcîls interpret lufe. He wsa cu- tContinued on Page 11) ccrned, he said, not about the moral issues involucd butt lest ottr vonng pte ile shiould mnistake artificialite A young man and a girl wxere t',r rcalitv. in a tram by themselVEs * * *Conductor' said the yon 1-îiiotiîital trainîing uvas tureed a- a 'iman, -I want to get off.*' tocamîs of guardimig dernocracv, Deu- Weil, now's your chance. lad." Arcade Store: New Spring Millinery Smatt styles for young and old. With the new off the face effects, bonnet shapes, sailor types and matrons styles, large and small head sizes. 98C Phone 854 $1.49 $1.98 Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generatiofls We Deliver Arcade Store Dressy and Casual SUITS a nd COATS Reduced For Immediate Clearing Dressy Woollens! Travel Tweeds! Bright Fleeces YoulU razely find values like these at sueh a price. A really imn- pressive saving to you! Boxy and fitted___ types, reefer effects, dark and high . shde. izs14 t 44, including some 78 haif sizes. Two-season guaranteed art$7J8 Don't Rub Your Eyes ITFS REALLY TRUE A sale of sales in the Ladies' SUik Dress department, destined to be one of the season's highlghts. Washable sUik crepe dresses, flower- ed patterns, or plain pastel sha4les; short and long sleeves; sizes 14 to 52. $legs Arcade Spring Sale men's TOPCOATS WeU tailored throughouh , these coats were bought ~ to selI à.t S15.00. Madei' of ail wool tweeds in slip-on and raglan styles.V In the Popular SPring e colours. Clearance of Men's Suits And at such a 10w price t.heY wiHI sel fast. Act qulckly! Made of ail wool worSteds and serges, in blues, greys and browns. Broken slzes f rom 38 to 40. Regular to $1950. Priced for quick disposal. Bowmanville PAGE SIX i J < PI e '-4. THE ARCADE STORE Your Favorite Department Store -i - ~ rw . r9....l. ... 4i~. 0 uqww- replied the conductor. -Make the We have often- wondered how best of i t while the tram's emp- many xives Solomon hacI annex- ed before dscovering that there ty. was nothing new under the su.. "1BOY, THIS SURE. TASTES SWELL" That's what they ail say when they 're eating baked goods from the Carter Family N Bakery SOME SWELL SPECIALS Cherry Pie ........ each 2c Green Apple Pie ....... each 25c Chocolate Layer Cake each 25c-35e MOTHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 8 Chocolates - Special Wrapped by Neison 's and Annie Laurie Lb ............ SOC SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL Cherry MaIIow Sundae ... 2 for 25c THE CARTER FAMILY