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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1938, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN ,rur ~1 'A.\ Fq A \LI. OW NIANX'lLLE , ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 28TH, 1938TH ANDI. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ____________________Phone 663 Anglers cn their toes! The trout Miss Molly Smith --penit the season opens Saturday, April 30. past week wit.h Mr. and 'Mrs. Miss Betty Tamblyn spent Eas-JonM ed.Ota.n. ter week with f riends in Toronto.! Mrs. W.J.i Hall and Barry,1 Mrs. R. Hoskin, Simcoe. visited Mimico, spent Easter week with lie siter Mss ret Wcket. her earents, Dr. and Mr,,. J. C. her iste, Mis Geta îcket. vitt. Miss Florence McGillivary. To- Dr. C. W. Slemon was in Belle-1 ronto, was weekend guest of Mr. :ville April 20th attendïng a meet-1 and Mis. George Souch. : ing of the District Medical As-1 Principal and Mrs. L. W. Dip- sociation. peil and daughters spent Easter Misses Dorothy Carter and Ger-j ~o1idays at Clinton. trude Hooper. Messrs. A r t h u r,' WMr. and Mrs. B. E. Ingham and Humpage and Clarence Oke visit-t family spent Ealster week in Pet- ed f riends in Kington on Sunday. erboro Mrs. A. E. Oldrey. Trenton. Mr. George Spencer. Toronto, MIs. Paul Saariemaki. Toronto. was home at the Rectory for the and Miss Grace Hellyar. Massey. weekend. spent the weekend" wth Mr. John Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Hefkey and Hellyar. son Bruce, Belleville, visited fri- Mr. and Mrs. William Pettigrew. Irlds in town Eateî Monday. Miss Margaret Pettigrew and Mr. Mis. F. A. Haddy and Mrs. C. Dave Bonner. Toronto, were Sun- . addy. Toronto, visted Mis.' day vistors with Mr. and Mrs. R. H.W Foster. Patterson. Westmount. M.Norman Paterson. Barranca Mrs. G. A. Ross. Miss Gertrulde Bermeja, Colombia, South Ameni- Ross. Owen Sound. Mr. and Mr.s. ca, visited bis brother. Mr. W. L. R. Paul Kennedy. Master Ros Paterson. Kennedy. were guests- of Mir. and Mrs. H. F. Hutcheson and Mr. Mrs. H. B. Foster. and Mrs. A. J. Trebilcock. were Scoutma.ster B. H. Mort'.ock weekend visitors with their mo- represented thie local organiza- ther, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. t:on at the Provincial Boy Scout EXCHANGE YOUR LUX AND RINSO COUPONS HERE Buy a Package of Rinso and Get One Free with Coupon Canned pumpkin.................. 3 tins Habitant Pea Soup................... 2 for 25c 19C Fine Quality Jamn - ïour choice of Strawberry, Raspberry, Peach or Black Currant Jam................ 32-0z. bottle 30e Tomatoes................ large tin 10c Puffed Wheat ...............pkg* 10c Baker's Cocoa ...................1/2 lb. tin 17c Lifebuoy Soap Free with Rinso ...................... large 25c Peaches ...................... tin lc Free China with Trea Cup Tea.......... ........ lb. 70c Vegetable or Tomate Aylmer Soups.............. 3 tins 25c Aunt Jemdiî Pancake Flour............... pkg. 16c Prunes .................... 2 lbs. 25c Chicken Haddies............ 2 tins 25e Maple Syrup ........ qt. 50c - gai. $1.75 weston's Chocolate Mallow Biscuits ......l. 20c A Meal in a Glass Toddy.................. large tin 25c Seeds -sait - Molasses HARRY ALLIN Phones 367 - 368 - GROCER - Bowmanville Oshawa Garage Limited Sales 4MService 139 King Street West - OSHAWA - BUY A USED CAR NOW! Why not plan your su-mer now including many short or lonig trips in one of our Used or New Cars? They make driving a pleasure and cost littie to operate. Prices are excePtiola.llY 10w. Fordor Sedans 1936 Ford Tg. Fordor trunk 1935 Ford Standard 1932 Ford Deluxe 1930 Chev. Sedan Touring 1929 Ford coupes Ford Standard Ford Standard Willys Standard Plymiouth Colpe Marquette Chevrolet 1937 1937 1937 1936 1935 1933 1928 1928 Coaches Ford Standard, trunk Ford Standard. trunk Ford Standard Ford Tg. Tudor, trunk Ford Deluxe Ford Standaurd Essex Ford Trucks 1935 Chev. Sedan Delivery 1930 G.M.C. Two Ton Chassis 1931 Rugby 11/2 Ton Stake (Singles) DIES IN LOS ANGELES 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Penning- I______________ an. Mis. Gordon Mitchell. Mr. ind Mrs. AIf. Pennington and REV. C. LLEWEILLYN BILKEY ois. Toronto. Mirs. H. F. Os- Son of t'he late Re',. R. A. Bil- f Dorne, Ebenezer. were Sunday key. rec :or of St. John*s Church. f 1 .ue.ýts cf 'Mr. and Mis. Fred Cry- Bo.manville. fîom. 1892 to 1898. ci e-man. who died in Los, Angeles iecently. g, Col. Edwy White under date of He was a graduate of Bowii'an- xi Aprîl l4th writes the edîtor: Arn ville High School. Obîtuary ap- ai spending a few days in Havana. pears on page 10.- Cuba. Havent, been here in 12 yEaîs. It is a beautiful city of, 1rthîu:' guest of lus Sson-in-lSaw;. 0O.00. Many' millions have been i, Gordoni Loweiy. '. pent in improvements. Capttol MnLaeynatd umru u:ldng cst 2 flilll0lS.stories cf blind people wlîo are That 85 yesr old chap who fin-1 to.dsy engaged through the ef- i ýshed the 26 m:le marathon inl forts of the Institute in almost 3cs*on 'ast ;veiýk xill be in as every type cf gainful occupation. trest demand as the Dionne Pnior to the address the Club qu4ntuples by nianufacturers to 'voted to, donate $10 toward thei boost theïr good.s for their nutri- 'local campaign for the blind. ative qualitîes and xitamin con- Guests at the Club included" ents' for ppoonging youth. 'besides Mrs. Lawley and Mt'. Me-t Messrs. Forrest Dillîng. Jini Arthur. W. J. Davidge of Ne\V Burns an] Ray Dilling w'ere tn Lowell, Ontario. father of Geo. L. i Oshawa Monday evening attend- Davidge of the Ontario Trainingt ng the, ast meeting of the ses- Sclîool. Stan Mort:son of Bow- son of "Thle Oshawa Accounitants I manville. an]d\V. W. Horn of- ý.lib' xiere 11r. Ross Strike tvas!Hampton. guest 'speaker. Mr. Ray Dilling.[ Bill Oliver. chairman of the C.G.A.. %vas elected Chairmanio Bli nd Work Commit tee. h a d the club fot' the comîug season.o charge of the meeting and Ted iChant exptes-ed the cluib's ap- A Buffabo .iudge fine] a motot-i îst $5 a toot for honking his auto iectation te the speaker. horn in the srnall hours of the morning. We know 0f some resi- T W O N I 1 ents'on Centre Street who would ____ 1:ke ta bave the s-ame penalty îçontiriuec froni Page i) hane] ît o acoule f yuth Extensioni Course in Municipal w'ho in]îilged in the samne prank, Affairs. on belîsîf of the Council. one niglht - or was it earlî' morn- w.hicîî course lie proposes to at- ing - last week. tn this week. Now jus-,xx'hat does Toronto The offer of Joseph Flett to Postai Department mean when ut puicliase the lot at the corner of stamps on the letters "Observe Church and George Streets was Sunday" 2 According te Web- not~ enteitained. but Mn. Flett was suer's dictionsiy observe rneans to offered the ]o; at $50 with a full celebrate. Guess we mnust be too understanding of the tax situa- old f ashioned as we thought Sun- tion on this lot. day was -et spart for a day of Fine Chief Geo. Lyle will be in- rest and medit-ation. Maybe some structe] when the bnig.îde attends of oui fnierds in "Toronto-the- an out of town fine. to leeep haîf Good" xvill*explain. the brigade and the Chief on Miss Nons Werry. Kedron. vis- Deputy Chief in Bowmanville in ited relatives in Montreal duning case of s local fine. Easter week. spending the great- Fire Committee was instricted er part of the time with ber bro- to meet the Chief. DeputN Chief ther. Mr. R. Luther Wern3' who and a nepresentative of the Fine undenwent a serious operation on Brigade to, discuss matters of f ire April l8tlî. in thîe Royal Victoria department administration. Hospital and passed awsy Apnil Ail service station operat-ors 26th. He is being buried to-day will be notified they must keep ail in Eldad Cemetery. Miss Werry gravel placedi by them around is now with her sister, Mns. R. J. ti'eir premises off the sidew'alks. Luke at Kedron wbo lias Pneu- ' monia.- IS DTO Fniends and relatives gathered IST E ITO au the home of Mn. and Mrs. AI- SCH OOL PAPERI bert Ruiler on Friday, Apnil 22. to, join \xith them in celebnating (Continued from Page 1) the 2Otlî anniversary of theit' te%, uîn-t uc ciii dc'wîî bufit. auîid rriarniage. After congratulationSsos, the pîîpii is tatuglît te select xvuîat hsd been offered the bride and cs f ueN%.s Naue, antci the atîtotittof groom were presented with ~aceasev,'rats number of lovely gifts. An en- pac aitlîcîîgi ibis itc s. 51' joyable evening of reminiscing the etîtîuuisiasi lias becui retiarkable. was enjoyed and after refresh-Iioiofcew ladhvee- mnents were served the gue- î left Iticr orsffice e iea]v aes ex -* wishing the happy couple many frbi cati coi ttescl inr reat more years of happy married life. Duthamica it anv sacbcci inet W. C. T. U. met at the home of sbield wiii be awarded the be-t Mrs. John Darch. Libert-Y St., on ic xvspaper ptxbiished. Apnil 26th. witli Presidei't Mns. Extra copties otuf e puaper miav I)t L. A. W. Tole in the chair. Mem- seicutrcîlai the regijiar raies. Aliv bers presejît quoted passages Of teacher wlîo desires 10 etîiter his tor scripture which had helped tbem., lier sîoiii the cotitest att] xvitt and made commentS thereon. uîocs îot fulIv understatiii the detatl- Plans were made for the Coun- tîtax' secire conîpiete detaiis frc'nt t4es W. C. T. U. Convention to be otur office. ld here next month. The clip We a]]litere ibat the ccite-t wtie sheet 'Drugs and their Menace" oîIv lias tue approvai but the i-Iess- was, taken, and an earnest discus- iu-gofCl. E.EF tic.Iipco sibn followed on the terrible con- of Public Scbocis, wbc 5ees iit tit ;ditions revealed. coittesi a verv defitiie ai] it ti Miss Muriel Moore of the Pub- ti% stuidies. nlic Utilities Commission staff w.s .At the close cf the cotîtesttitre, hoste_-s st ier home south of En- troiiiiti it uIges. ilot residitt iî' niskillen on Wedinesday night of \\c-h Duiiaiîî. hut auîîîiv exp)eriettc last xveek at a sbower in bonor of Ie] iii Icuirnaliitic work,, viii be ap- Miss Grace Hastings whose atar- po itti. alit]11î)011 ilicir decisicti ii'; niage to Mn. Mervin Cryderman rn-,t tht axvarditig of tue îrc'ttix. ot Hampton takes Place tlîis week. W\atclî The Statesutii iifor tlit About 25 girls attended and pre- 'ciîiN.-taerfi-),, uit t (Il>u- sented the bride with a miscel- ~iî laneous group of enamnelwaie items for ber newx home. Guests ________________ who were present f roui Osîaa, Bowmsnville an] Hanmpton spent the eveuing tn gaines and re- freshments wete serve] by itie IAm A Frock LIONS CLUB <Continued tram Page 1) "A High Rate for a Healthy City" and then hie went eut to justifY bis slogan with the result that Birmingham became one of the healthiest cities in England. Lord Pa.ssfield. perhaps better known as Sydney Webb, once said that a ',Health Life Produced Worthy Citizenship.' Mn. Lawley, xvho is a masterful speaker, dealt withî the methods adopted by the Blind Institute in caring for the blind of Canada. He deaît mostly with the work in Ontario which receives public support te the extent of $183,000 and yet turns into thie poekets of the blin] a quarter cf a million dollars. No otlien social organiza- tion bas sucli a record, lie said. Speaking of tlîe manner in whichî bindf people adapt them- selv'es, ie told the story of a blin] man ishi becarne a piano tuner and wa.s foreman over 14 piano tuners in the Heintzman plant. When thie piano business faded hie adapted himself te become an expert masseur at Christie Street Hospital, and laten became a suc- cessful neal estate operator. The man of wborn he spoke was pres- ent at the meeting, Geo. K. Mc- My deign came aIl the way from Paris, and 1 came from f ax, far away. just so that 1 could make soute lovely woman here look loveiler. 1 know that YOD wil Idolize my soft fragile loveliness. You'Il adore my delightful dif- f erence and discern at once my glamorous lines. They appeal. 1 know that 1 can make you happy. Won't you corne and seef me? There la only one of me, so you had best hurry. 1 amn at The Evlyn Shop Phone 584 --Bownanif Conference at Kitchiener last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnistn weîe in Tor'onto Monday attend- ing the funeral of her sunt. Mrs. J. J. Perry. Hon. C. D. Howe. Minister of Transport. will speak on "Prob- lems of Radio Broadcasting' at the Ladies' Night meeting of the Men's Canadian Club at Balmoral Hotel, May 2nd. at 7 p.m. In thîe report of the Esster ser- vice of St. Andrew*s Presbyterian Church laut %eek we inadvertent- ly omitted to mention that Mrs. William Ingrsm. nee Helen Argue. rendered a vocal solo. Rev. C. C. Washington. B.A.. B.D.. of Fsirlawn United Church. Toronto, lias received an invita- tion to Central United Church at Sault Ste Marie. R<ev. Elmer S. Sinclair. B.A..B.D.. of Sault Ste Marie hias been invited to Fa:t- lawn Church. The final dance of Bowman- ville Badminton Club's 1937-38 season was held Friday night with possibly the smallest crowd1 in the history of its dances pres- ent. Those who did attend ac- claimed the committee in charge for their elaborate and beautiful decorations and the fine music produced by Mose Yokoni and his Music of Peterboro. They were almost unanimous in stating that it was the finest dance of the season. This Priday evening the club %vill officially close with a party for club members and their fri- ends. it is planned to stage an unusual variety of games and contests. with the concluding fiasco a return to the gay rnne- ties when box socials were in rvogue in every section of the country. Ladies will bring lunch- es in daintîly decorated boxeýs and th-e male membeis of the party will have t.o outbid their rivals to %vin the lunch brought by their heart .s desire and also to h ave the plea.aure of her company during that period. The rivalry shudbe keen and as *he auc- tion will be alterei oeh. froni the expected. there will. without doubt. 'be inuch merri- ment. Club members are urged to attend in large numnbers for this, tuie concludingeveent of the year. There will be garnes for al and those who corne stag will be taken care of so fat as edibles are concerned. TO TUESDAY, SEPT. 6 Sumnier bolidays for sobool childien have been extended te the Tuesday following Labon Day. "The real reason for this change,'" Dr. Duncan McArtbun, Deputy Ministen of Education, ex- plained, -is te make it possible for teachers tahdng summer courses to have a f ull mont.b's holidays befone returning te school. "Fon several years 10 corne. sumnuer courses will hav'e te be provided for the re-traiîmng of teachers sa, that they may be pre- pared adequately te teach the new course of studies," he said. "It is only fair and proper thaI these teacliers who are engaged in tak- ing summen courses, sbould be as- sured cf a reasonable holiday, and I am certain tlîey slîould have at least four weeks.' It was felt. aIso, Dr. McArtlîur continued. that suchi an extension would be welcomed by the many parents wbo spend the summnel belidays away from town and do not wish to return home until Labon Day. "I think the definite setting of the opening cf sehool on the day aften Labon Day will be welcomed ail round,, he said. CADMUS AI tlii hoi otf Tli tili a ,let Jii fir soi N( re( ail H; wý Cit CI; Ai LMATEUR'PROGRAM AT BLACKSTOCK Be f. rc iau etldt sst îc auiet c i t ti uie Ctonii ' Hiv -al at NIk' k.M la ighit. t wClit% nteurtilttertaitiet' vicd(i i 'th nour, taid pr;zt'- tai ahotw 1<- )red b\ 1"p of the' Ladies' Ait! fNu -un' ut ii 'rc'iux tenait Ciiircli. lie t ntCrtaiiiiiieiit w a- (4 i \ci')ilt Il-vIid-i calibre, andi the iludget haîl (il f ictili ta-k -eiectiig ilt w nii- rs inii tu ibret' cla.-cs. Iliu tlî,peciaI cia sfer childrtni. imnix ee Scîtgog I sland. wcoi irst pi n/ witlî a M ickcv Molise ng,. l îiCe-t unît C:Gv en W il -t n est1 inw'nst cent! place w tiia ecitai' 'îî iarhara IPreston. Betil- Il V. t ii pri ze with a s 'n gani azt A ldt-cai]. Burketen, was a- vardtti,îica a prize for lier rt'- itati' il. Fix i wuirt' tuttiretiiii ilt' ecal ass aiff ilt firt prize xvent fI rthtii' S-aî,lutm a vetitlig Eglislî- nan. Mi,,' lias iiist rt'turtiet frc,îtîa ivni. itili- trip te Eliglînl(. Staple- on lia, a s- îifdid vtjlceant is o <f- erii (ditew a generous resporîse 7rii tlItihLatitliCtICC. lit secondilt iaci' ,auit i P ( 1rîtn Bi'tlîaiv. Thi- mu ia.who like t1e cia-- x\vin- t e r a p p t a r e d la t r i n a n o t h e r ca s- . so l1a- a 11titaig x ict'. l11 thini lac'. caniniw r-. H 'cil f SciLî'ci .isarl. \ho pri -î'ntd a lîunoro'il> ttc11121 . i ii iiin'the .c ai cia ' .ver li1ait aePort l'urrî , anti Ili tht itiair cia-'. wIici\vas 'u to ai 1k iIti d ><f-i t tertaiilcr-. t \, 0h1 1<1'.lillu be t. 1'a'lîiv Wci-i andt Th( -, w\\( alto xvoiu the award ai ht'. llal..li' a-t Nwcck iii Ilie U.t t O . c'iTtît. A.\ ltS' clo'se sec C'îîd %a>. <n 'u-ic r Il' w itaniv i le do,\rt 'iii P aillanît witli i i iiical sa\tini Arciitîe \" 'et! withii-h: t gitii;:. a' <iI îi- 'ti lîintid iîncalm t'u ;n-irlîntitI tdtri., roiliilaiietvilii sttîk i ttan MeNuil. Tii'. n va lttt tilt" -t bte ùeIt u-' > \\ tîî:.î r . ',n11\italf a point -cpar,,t inc- iii iii t acli :iî-taiîcî'. ( itlît i liarîîi tia: l Ckjiiiict' r.n FI-'i. iîkt'î halîti"iiica -ci" it l'at i -t'. i.'t i'irr'.. xc,. anid tai daîcur ;.Arthur Stat' Iciý:1 "N(-tt"i. x ecaliît : l'nnc 1 h. iitiiiîîitaýlî' lacl iîîtî acttI 'ia Nia-w r of CîKiîîeiît'an]w'vaý -inii îiet- utc ..a rtItii iit-iffor I ilisit .uiît of humîîouîr 1111et il sho w, an itul tiiiatch te îîîak'e iî Il (Icciîitîi -tcct - -it x'.as, The irc graini wa- atnaiigeî iv 'Miss N'tîir H,,e t w lie a;ctci] as secrctarv , dt, c' iiît~. aidtheîw latge ancc Nva- \t'c(Ilt uctibv Rev' H. \V. \\a küt ' f lauciville. Rev. C. C. Ha i courtt. rector cf St. Jolît'- Cliîntci Bli-.c.also ..p'c. 'flt îîîîiges wi'ee Mrs. 'H. ' V V Ii« .r. i aîiiîvilie, Mt. TiliiMN. lain atnd Nit. l,. H. Nicrtlî'ck. twna x'îliî . \'î the rC..Ittit wcre ai ionticcîl Ib'tue lattt,. te wnlniie catîte te the stage and received the ittizes ftc'nî ive. 'Mt. Walkcr. 1R iriitcitîeîii- vere serveîi for il Ig t]g th e îcctinnhîttee ini chat' ai tte ci i i ofthee cuieriaiiitiiiiit Badminton Dance art l't't"i t'.t cri 1' i te',. 1"~'.. tIti -. t-' h. tuttI ciLiilcnidnx ; R.ttlriiic h,1 t -ii . inad. .jack Il(,! Mn-. \W. .. \ins antiM- a ' 'tialul aif 11,'1n unî i e j &Au tu 9r. .NIr, ialnIMr. Dtînaid Boxx rs. t i'iic xitli Nir. att] Nir-. Rav - tîttît Clatit. Nir. andtî Nr-. Fred Smithî an] Mi-- Grace Smtitht ihNr. ait] Nir-. jack Ct'ek. Saheut. ,\r-. R. oodxxanii. Misses Hazel antd Nalttia Woodwvardi, Jovce Keni- liedl \. NlI>t-er Rontal] \W'odwaird. Xxx îîî11aîîsille. at '.Ir. Ccc. Stnitlî's. Mn-. Donialdi Davcv au] fauîiix t'.itt NMr. antiNMr. R. lclloigl I .rtune. Mr. and MNrs. Robert Steplieti-. B .x'nîaiiviiIi'. xxith Mn. attlN i nMs. RichtardiGibbts. NIr. antd Nrs. Wtn. Broxxnît andt tantilv xvitlî'.Nr. C. lircîxcit. Lotut'. Fiiîi t't'tNi.îx xvii'xxa- illin titu Sick Chldrnt' «s Hospitl Torotoi. t' is tti e fouiig soute better. Dt'îaid Plainis. Ras'tiottd Daxex tatti Rax' iuirges'. xere uexx'begiti- miir- t0 -chioc'!etonî'oudav. Nir-. Ttc Ni-Ici c,.rts is coufitiet hi c] xviîhî iiihuart trouîble. NMiss \) ,tî IcR,,bcrts ix I-o ou the sick il-t. Outr ctuincît ld iil'. attutal '-et- îtîg Tîîe-ulax' uiglit. -I ROYAL THEATRE D WMAN VILLE Balance of This Mon. - Tues. Week I Wednes. ()-iiaw a. c ý-(iu i t ci t( h e service a t Catriîtt"Clîîîcl on Siudav iiicrî- jîîg t" a gt t d auiietnce. .'dîîiî Bible Ciass li.eld il'. tiectijei "t "i ic r- iou Sundax . lr e-id ctt \V. B. ltt gtt"s" 1re-iguci andti lite etf- i icet. w i ti' ticted : esdti-i E. klhtit: Secetat'- H. 1E. Gai- bîraithit Ttca--Chas. Gibsoti; Tca- citers. ir-. M. Grey and] Ni tw E. Eliioti. Svinpatliv ('f the xviioic10w ii-hîiuî goes onti tc Nrs. R. J. Btuce and] fauiilv in the -suddeni passing cf a helox cd lusbaud atid father oii Tues- day iast. Fittcal service oti Tiitîtt vw a- cone of the iargest. and w as c,tiiitcit i b'. 51ev. H . i. M IB e l x ii the Orange Lodge in atteudauce sud the%- heu! a service aItue grave a- \\ cil at actitng as fiowcr l'arers. De- cca-ed xvas borniontihe Bru.celhotme- >teciatîati lix ciitbct'e aIl itis life. ani Nvas heu] iii tue iighcst respect. He Na'. in ii ii71 q x'eat'. lîteri'uîît wa asdtîaîicaiDeviti's Cernîterv. Mir. and NIrts. i. 1E'. Eliictt viiti] ý -Nl-.. Rest-\Iotiijov of Nestieton, W\inî. \\'iliiatiisctn Passc'd axvx last S~îa.a ftr a liiîgiîîg iluness. ELEANOR POWELL Frank MRAN *En ayOIE RAY SOLGER ILONA IASSEY *ILLY GILBERT REGUNALD OWEN Directed by W . S. VAN DYKE il - Matinee - Saturday - - - - 2.30 P.m. 1 Our IGang Oomedy Thrills Galore Don't Miss It SONJA HENIE DON AMECHE Happy L A N D I N G Wxth Jean Hersholt And an Ail Star Cast Popeye Cartoon Matinees Monday - - 4 p.m. Wednesday - 2.30 p.m. Prevent Moth Damage Moths Do Millions of Dollars Damage send you some of the weapons Iisted below: OPTER BY DAGGETTa RAMSDELL $1.10 jarofa GOLDEN uxi CLEANSING * CREAM $1 .2 5 larofPERFECT TISECREAM Golden cleansing Cream helpe wsLke up new beautY with Its invitgU action. Perfect Misue Cresin for ovarnighti uga 10 soften lte aiin and help cornet and prevent lines and wrinkles. Two famous Da gtt & Itamadeil COemofor sBghwl o te prica of one. $2.35 VALUE $ A FOR ONLY 'lm49 NOVA - KELP TABLETS Nature's tonle and body builder, con. givlng natural minerais and vita- mins supplied by Atlantic deep sea kelp. Far practi. cally every klrud of lonally guaranteed 150 79c, 300 $1,39, 750 $2.70, UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY Moth-Tox -- 59e PHOTO FINISHING Larvex - - - - 83e Moth Balls lb. 10e - 3 lbs. 25c Moth Bags 15c -25ec-49c -1.19 Treat Seed Grain for Sniut Two Method:- 1. DRY Method - using the new lmproved Ceresan Dust Disinfectant. Seed m ay b e treated now and sown any time up to two montbs later. For wheat. oats, or barley. 1 lb. treats 32 bushels. lb. $1 - 5 lbs. $3.90 2. WET Method - using For- maldehyde. Seed should be sown wlthin 24 hours. Not re- commended for wheat. 16 oz. treats 30 bushels. Price- ------- 25 Enlarging - Copying Coloring PROMPT SERVICE Filma left up te 10 a.m wil be ftnlshed at 6 p.m RECRPTON ASPCALT Alex McCregoi 19361 1935 1930 19301 1930 1929 "ýRosaie" X's M-G-M's t'biggesthit!Because if's pachced with more song smashes, dazzling stars, beaui-.' fui girls, romantiîc hrille than any two pictures belore 1 r '9 MIL. Home - School Club L-akisit' 'e Houîc att] Scîtool As- muicitti' n nit.'ril l..lii xhetinîtr. G. NMartinî. 'liiicctîveor, lia] charge stj tuie ;înîgnaii xviclitcttisst iof tîtti-ical ittunilers i 'x'juîîic'r au] sut- iori ptti - i, i rîctedIt b'.tlie inutîsi -uîîen itîtr. NI ns. Catîitiîeii.Ji ini I tintil'. t'. ciaxvardeîi tuizi- 1. r îhîîir tt' cctt x ltciî xxi e i v ti le- NMr. KcnIith'igetts cf îhu-t flcite. 0f ictr-île] fîun î.eii t i rc. ii'tBulR'tItiitNi ................. Moth Killer Crystals Phone 792 DRUCS We Deliver

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