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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1938, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN TU4F.CANAIS.tCTATESMAN. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mrs. W. J. Cully àr., Sudbury. be held on Friday afternbon at I visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cully.12 o'clock. Public is cordiahly in- t Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maynard vted ta witness the 'parade onC and Mr. and Mrp. Stan Kitchen the Higb Scbaal campus. t spent Sunday.with Mr. and Mrs. Plan your work next week so Otto Mayers at Hamilton. You can attend Music Fesîival Miss Eva J. Wakelin, wbo bas sessions when the judging takesJ spen thewintr wih he siser,!place. You will find it bath en-c Msent rthe winrawiltonber seligbtening and informative ta e rs.rgi tsnli hmion bshear the adjudicator's remarjcs. 1 Miss EvaW J. Wakelin writes: I Mis., J. Clark Bell was in Lon-t enJoed hvingThe tateman on this week attending the Pro-r e.edt hainThesti amtesmn viciaî Women's Liberal Associa- 1~ pst . otsi aitn tian Convention. Mrs. Bell had semed like leters from home. the bonor o! replying ta the Mi. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt at- 'Mayor's address o! wecome. Mrs. tended the funeral o! the faim-, Bell also bas charge o! the mu- er's aunt, Mrs. W. J. Quinsey, at!sýýcal programn for the convention. Cayuga, Tuesday. Mr. James W. Devitt, son1 0f Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cates and Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt, Qileen ýdaugbter, Mrs. John Hamilton, Street. on Tbursday returned Toronto, were guest o! Mr. and !romn Halifax wbere lie is emPloy- Mgrs. W. L. Paterson. I ed. After a few days in this vic- Mis. Thas. Johnston. Part Hope inity lie will drive back ta h t and Miss Harriett Barthett. To- Maiitimes. ronto, were weekend guests o! The Grand concert F ri da y Miss Eva and Mr. John Hehyar. night. May l3tb, is o! course the Several stores, including the iglight of the Music Festival. Coronation Cafe, Serite Stores, However with many people the Fred W. Nelles Gracery, and somej sessions wben the campetitions others have redecorated their l are behd and tbe adjudicatar store fronts in recent weeks.I makes bis remarks and decisions Mr. and Mr. Will H. Calver and prove most interesting and enter- Mr: and Mrs. A. Cooper, 'Roches- taining. Plan ta attend some of! ter, N. Y., spent the weekenwil these sessions Tuesday and youIll the former's mother, Mis.Oo want ta attend tbem ail. Barton, Liberty St. The Canadian Legion Band was Mi. W. W. Horn, Hampton. bas most encouraged an Monday when been elected President of Eves nearly 35 boys tu.ned up for the Industries Limited, Toronto, In- arganizatian meeting o! a Junior dustrial Chemists. Tbey special-1 Band. Several a! the boys own ize in sanita.ry products. linstruments and under the tute- In connection witb the Oshawa l age o! Bandrnaster Thos. Demi'- Book Pair a Poster contest was sey.it is hoped ta soan have this held in which Miss Inla Jackman junior graup make a public ap- o! Bowmanville Higb Schaol was pearance. awarded a prize by the Associa- Dave Osborne, lanky Bowman- tion o! Canadian Boakinen. ville hurler, bas secured a trans- The annual inspection o! 3ow- fer !rom Bowmanville ta Toronto manville H:gb Scbooi cadets iil the O.B.A.A. reports. Dave ex- _______________________pects to pay with the wefl known Dan! ortb Aces this su mm er. UKDave's going will be a distinct lass ta tbe, local Intermediates. both from the standpoint o! bis ability UE'DE"Cand o! the color bis actions ah- FIEIILU 1ways added toa a e Dr. and Mrs. James C. Paterson, lateo! Regina, Ss. eeget !f Mr. and Mrs. W. L aesn THE SECRET D W.r . Pae aterwo sona bs h o Mraters.onatwronis boter a! painted Pathologist at the Ot- Some women can look tawa Civic Hospital and alsoaa - member o! the newly !ormed Na- smiart i moderately pric- tional Research Council 'which is ed clothes, others cannot beaded by Sir Frederick Banting. look smart in expensave Business conditions at t h e elo4es. her'~ asecr 1 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Camp- clotes. heSl a scret any plant bave shown a decided to smartuess - and that trend for the better i recent fondtion weeks. The recession, for wbicb see the fu dto the officials are stihi at a loss to garment.' ind a cause for, bas proven only wbat was expected, temporaiy. Many employees are 'working DoIt waste moIIey on langer hours and saine depart- good clothes unles y ments are very busy. have a Gossard or Nemo- Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rectar o! Flex foundation garment. St. John's Cburch, W. F. Depew, R. M. Cotton and B. H. Martlock. T he y wil show y ou r îay representatives, are attending clothes and yourself off te sessions o! the Synod o! the Dio- best advantage. cese o! Toronto at St. James Cathedral in Toronto this week. Mr. Spencer and one or more o! the lay deegates will be in at- TheEvln Ste ndance this a!ternaon atth 1TheEvIn S op arden Party and Reception at Phone 594the See Hause,. 186 Warren Road, Phone594 - Bwmanifle wen His Grace, Archbisbop D. T. Owen and Mrs. Owen will enter- tain. Food Values Heinz Tomato CATSUP ................... bottie 20c Swft's (S DRESSING . in Bridge Glass 21c WHEAT SWEET, JUICY MOLASSES CRISPS ORANGES SNAPS Pkg. - - 10e 2 Doz. - 39e Lb. --lic Apple Blossom COOKIES ..................... lb. 20e Fig BARS ......................... lb. 18e j - SPECIAL- I aper - Wild rmlJa AloMarmalade - to clear 2 jars 29c 32 oz. Jar MARMALADE.................lar 2c Mapie Leaf SOAP FLAKES ...........ge. pkg. 63e Cabbage I SeedsFu-Pe Plants for Poultry Ail Kinds of BdigPlants Field & Garden Feeds Bur of Lfebuoy Free with RINSO ...................Ige. pkg. 25e Keflogg's ALL WHEAT .............. 2 pkgs. 25e Chocolate Dlpped MARASCHINO CHERRIES .... box 18e HARRY ALUIN Phones 367 - 368 - GROCER - Bowmanville COUNCIL DECLINES TO BACK SCHOOL Il L r RADIO PROBLEMS v ARE DISCUSSED ec D <ContInued from Page 1)> sa terference o! some kind. a The ast division o! channeis l taak place in 1932, and ail na- a lions signed a covenant ta re- o spect the division witb the ex- h ception o! Mexico wbich was not t a party ta the convention. Can- 0 ada was given six clear channeis, hý and a %number o! other channels I for stations o! small power witb cniy local coverage. As a resultit a! Mexico remaining outside the p agreement many lluge stations t v:ere built there anrd these inter- s f ered witb stations in Canada. t The second canference wus held S in Havana afteî Canada had pro-* tested vebemently against the in-V trusion o! the Mexican stations. 2 At this con! erence Canada was r given seven cear channels for bigh power stations, four for -0,- 000 watt stations, and fouirfo 15,000 watt stations. It also shar-h ed some 40 free channels for sta- tions f rom 100 ta 1000 watts. In 1928 the Air Comnnissionl brought in its report on radia inp Canada, Mi. Howe explained.p This bîought about te formation s o! the Broadcasting Commissionv wbich was changed ta the Bioad- casting Corporation under theq King Goverumnent. It was agreed that if the development was left ta private industry, that tbeYv wolild concentrate on the thickly populated areas and the thinlyp populated sections would have no I service at ail. Realizing that the tbinly populated sections needede the radia most, the C.B.C. bas endeavoured ta work out a caver-0 age that will be fair toalal. t Today Radio Corporation sta-a tions are giving 605, caverage in the day tinie, and very few peo- pIe are unable ta secure radio ne- j ceptian during the better houns at nigbt. What use sbould we make o! these facilities? Mn. Howe asked. First, they should be used for en- tertainment. and an endeavoun sbouhd be made ta imprave the tastes o! aur people in music and educatian. The broe.dcast o! news was a difficuht matter, the minis-1 ter stated, as it was important that uncolored reports be given. News commentaries were also a matter for concein, as it was di!- ficult ta secure a commentatai on !oneign affairs wbo was not bias-i ed. A typical case he said was thet broadcasts o! Oea. B. Fergusan,t Winnipeg editor, wbose personal admiration for Anthony Eden cal-ç ored bis commentaries on the news. No commentaries on Can-1 adian news are alaowed. Some latitude is permitted at election tume, Mi. Howe explain- ed, but the corporation rules that a political speaker must be spon- sared by a party and not as an individual. Political skits, such as !eatured the 1935 election, are probîbited. Between elections thie Corpora- tion pnotects the public from pro- pagande. by contro]Iiirg purchas- ing privileges. Freedom o! the air is a vitalhy difierent thing ta !ne- dom o! speech anrd freedom o! the press, Mr. Hawe said. Local stations are permitted ta braad- cast speeches on controversial subjects, but they are not allow- ed on the chairs. Howeiyer, ta give an opportunity ta hean bath sides o! cantraversial subjects the Corporation arranges for speak- ers te present bath sides o! a question an the same evening. It would be dangerous ta give freedom o! the air. because weal- tby interests could use it for pro- paganda purposes for some pet purpose. The aficials encourage discussion o! public interest, but tbey do not selI time for this pur- pose, tbey give it. That is essen- tially freedam o! the air, the Cabinet Minister expleined. The matter o! programs. Mr. Howe continued, was a difficult problem. Every program ta some people is the worst tbey ever beard and ta others the very best. Tastes di!! er widely, and it is the endeavoun o! the Corporation te pravide ve.iety ta suit every taste. Musical programs are mare eas- ily supplied because there are mare eccomplished m u s i c i a n s than any othiers in the entertain- ment f ield. The Corporation ta- day produces 54 hours o! pro- grams a week. In addition tbey import programs f rom England and the United States. There are also some commercial programs r' o! Canadian origin, and some (Continued from Page 1l The Utihities are going ahead witb .aying cables in preparatian ta removal o! the Hydro pohes. A resalution was passed accepting the $1000 and the Roads & Streets Committee was given permission1 to wark in conjuniction with the( P~ublic Utihities Commission. 1 On imotion a! Councillor Oea.1 Bickhe. Han. Eric Cross. Minister of Public Affairs. wihl be petition- ed by cauncil to dehegate Mr. J. P. Caombes ta interview Counties C.ounoil with reference ta paying the town o! Bowmanville approxi- riately $7000 wbich was over- paid in scbooh taxation. Chairmen o! Roads & Streets C.omm.. Property and Finance Comm.ittees were appointed a standing cammittee ta ca-operate with the Bowmanvihle Beach As- sociation witb a view to finding a permanent roadway ta the west side beach. Rentai charge for tawn hall by 1. O. O. F. was reduced fîam $12 ta $5.00 in consideratian o! the worthiness o! the cause. Chairman o! Roads & Streets Committee was given authonity ta obtain prices for surfacing st.reets ard ta contact praPertY awners on Ontario St. with a view a! cantributing ta the cost. Equitable Fire and Marine In- su-ance Ca. was given permission tu make a survey of the insur- ance now carried by the town. Accaunts were passed totalling $L167.33. Councillar W. J. Challis was ab- sent fromn the meeting wbich concluded at il P.M. LUTHER WERRY ~1~ (Continued from Page 1) lifetime, being closelv associated with the old Sherbrooke Street Mthodist Churcb, the Royal Temn- plars, the Anti-Alcoholic League. and the Que!ýec League Against Alcohol. During bis associations in 'Montreal lice vas Secrctarv of the Dominion Alliance. and Secrc- tarv of the Builders' Exchange. A funeral service was hcld in the chapel of Tees and Companv at Montreal, Wedniesdav cevening. Rcv. Dr. Bruce Hunter, of St. James United Church, where 'Mr. \VetrrNv served for 13 vears as clerk of the session, eulogized the deceased as a devout man who wvas agg1-essive and encrgctic. consistent ini business witlî his religions convictions and wvhosc artistic temperament wvas reflected ini bis poems. A hymnl written byi MNr. \Verrv wvas suinz during 'lie s;ervice. Among organizations represented were tîhe Montreal Brotherhood Federatioli. the Quebec Lecajgue Aýgainst Alcoholism. St. Ja me s United Cburch, former members of the old Sherbrooke Street Nietlîod- ist Clîurch. now mergcd witli st. Jaines. the Salvation Armiv. Tbe \Vitness, The Familv Herald and W\eeklv Star. The Standard and The Montreal Dailv Star. Rev. Rov' P. Stafford assiste(] at the service wvlile 'Mrs. Do-oîki Duncan, soloist at St. James Ullited( Church sang. accompanied bv MNrs. Heur ' C. Harvett. Mr. W\errv- alwaYs had a warnîl spot iin bis heart for the old home and relatives and friends' of the homneland of Durliani, and kettiil remarkablv close touchi with a host of the "home folk." Thronghnut Restful Sleep When you are sleepless, nervous, irritable, -use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Most people consider it a most effec- tive restorative for the nerves. For new pep and energy use Dr. Chas.'s NERVE F00» Tnisile; . hals, Osaa;an bsdaA3Y s te aa<a asuce1938 ~.o bassadr of his Master and xvas par- main anîd Nrs. John Colwill, Hamp-- tic ul arîsv gified ini expressing bis ton andu othens. praises ini the spoken word. paetrv and sg Maniv of his poems have been tihlishied in these columiis. He Freak Animal Born ivas a gejîcral favorite wiih aIl due _____ ta lis happy, kindlv disnosiiioîî and (Continued from Page 1) lis love for music and sinjziîi. an(] sure footedîîess of the jackass His souiîgesi brother. S. Edgar with tie vigor. courage and inteil- Werry and familv now' live on thc igence of the horse. No instance is hamesteaul ai SaUna, and it was; hene an record of a Hinnes' baving ne- that a lovinz tribute xsas paid 1) vpnoduced.", the imînediate relatives in a short Big jack - tbc subjeci of tbis pnivate service Thursdav afîennooîî narration stands 5 hands (20 inches) led bv Rev. NV. Rackbamn. Ai the higb. measures a perfect 36 (around churcli a lange concounse of reuatives the busi> and weigbed 30 poundcs at and frieîîds gathered ta pas' respect birih. He is totallv useless atilier ta a loval friend and wsorthv son of than as pnovidîng the mati hilanious Solina. Rex'. W. Rackham. paston. and continued enteriainmeni of ans' had chargc of the service and de- boss ever seen by' mvself or M v livered a message fulîl of inspiration famiîy. and comfort. Captain Hutchinson of He - Big jack - could, and the Sals'ation Army. Bowmanx'ille. did. mun. kick, brick and cavant ai assisted with praven. Mns. joli'î lightning-like speed and 'huajder- Baker sang "The C itv Four Square' ons impact anouîîd aîîd anound the and Miss Lena Taylor presided ai apple trees wilen but six, hours aid. the angan and plaved Beeihoven's A feat which I assure x'au. is un- Funeral 'March. Hvmns read wene known ta ordinars' hanse colts ai "Rock of Ages" and "Jesus. Lover double that age. \Vbat this Hinnev of 'Mv Soul." His lasi requesi wzis înav evelop ilîta remains ta be scen. granted as lie xsas laid ta nestini: But judgi;ig f ranimx' own observa- the faîîîilx' plat. Eldad Cemeters'. tions axer a conideral-le portion of where bis twin sister xvas buried in Anîcica. lie ;hould turn ilîto some- 1865. îhing a-s valuiable as an old-fashioned Beaners wene six nepbews: M.\essns watch cbanm. Clarence and Harold \Verrv, Ked- In catîle countriçs like Texas. ran; Francis and Ernest \Verrv. En- Newv Mexico and the South \Western niskillen: XWeslevy \Vernv. Sauina. States hiineys - sometimes calied and A. R. J. Luke. Toronto. Jenets. are highlv prized as caîf.- Surviving him are bis widow and roping or cut-out maunts by cow- twa sons. Rayai E. C. Xerry, K. boys. Since thes' (the hinnevs) C., Moiuineai, and \Vilf id W. possets the nimble speed and quick Wernv. MMA.. C.A.. Professor of thinking abilities of the best of caw Engiisb ai the 'Montreal Technical panies. xith the desert-living ap)ti- School. Also four brothers H. tude af the mulie and jackass. How- Fletcher, Kedron; James Arihur., even. Big Jack'1s sire, weighs but 225 Lconductor of the worl faanous Eendelssohn Choir of Toronto, td organist and choirmaster of he Metropolitan Church. Since hat time bis busy life bas been el known to Canadians. And this is the gentleman hom Bowmanville bas the priv- lge to entertain next week as 'hie! Adjudicator at the Music iestival. àq~4 Suppose this were the heading of a newspaper article about YOL'R car! WHEREVER gasoline is there is danger of f ire. A short circuit, a leak in the gas tank or pipe Une, or a garage fire - any may resuit in the destruction of youir car. This agency will seil you insurance that will inake good your Ions. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville reveaied that the Club bad 48 'tembers, and bad heard seven ;eakers on a wide variety o! subjects during the year. The f i- X ncial -statement sbawed a ba- ihce on hand o! $17.34, as com- pared with $57,27 the previaus ear. Mis. McLaughiin after express- ing ber appreciation o! the boor accorded ber introduced Mrs. Da.- 'idson, the guest speaker. Ta x'iew the rapidly cbanging -vents o! the present time, Mis. Davidson said, one must have ome sort o! spiritual composure if tbey were ta avent becomingi absolutely bewildered. Wbat is1 happening must be viewed, she added. in the long point o! view of past bistory. because wh.atevei happens today is not just some- bhing that cornes suddenly ta overwhelm us, but somnething that has materîaiized because o! a ong line o! causes. Sa if you view what is happenr- ng in Germany today witb aP- prebensian, you must remember, the speaker said, that if our statesmen and the st-atesmen o! the allied nations bad had foare- s;gbt wben tbey drew Up the treaty that ended the great war. We can only prevent such tbings as are happening today in Ger- rnany if we avoid the causes which produce themr, Mis. David- son contended. Reviewing all the events, whicb huave led up ta the absorption o! Austrie. by Oermany, Mrs. David- son sbowed bow events o! the past determined the events o! the present day. Must we submit te, Gernian strpremacy in Europe? Mis. Da- vidson e.sked. .Miswering- her own question, the speaker se.id tbat Germany's power was based an injustice and histary reveals that no uni ust cause ever su.rvived very long. Today Oermany pie- pares for that de! eat wbicb must came in the nat too f ai distant tomorrow. That is how history works. Justice will triumph in the end, the speaker concluded. Miss Greta Wickett expiessed on behal! o! the club appreciatian ta the speaker for an exception- ally dlean analysis o! current hap- penings in the aId world, and Mýrs. McLaughiin extended the vote o! tbanks. Several guests were pie- sent, anrd it being the annual meeting, tea was served by tbe Executive. P I ODO-RO-NO Re9ular or Instant "*Checks Body Odor " Keeps Underarm Dry " Saves Your Clothes 35c m 59c PALMOLUVE SHAVE CREAM ccThe OLIVEOILn thIs unique shove crom nsoethes and conditions initod skin. LARGE TUN w 230 OIANT TUN êa 39C i AGENCY UNITED CIGAR STORE GIFTS FOR MOTHER Mother's Day Chocolates Page & Shaw - Neilson's - Moirs Price ................ 25e to $2.00 Mother's Day Cards ..........5ce up Yardley's Lavender . 40c-75c-$1.1O The NE Face Povy t&i, generous fi PerFury 'W SPECIAL 'w De Luxe Botte of )* Yardley's Laven der free with 3 cakes of Yardley's Soap. ,der Price $1.00 gacon of IRIS BATH SALTS Price - - -- 23o iie YARDLEY BATH Both 101 SALTS - - $1.10 $1.10 FANCY BOXED I OAPS - 50c-$1.00 ~ Photo Flnishing Developing - Print- ig - Mnarging Copying and FILMS For Mother 's Day Agfa, Selochtome, Kodak Complete fresh stock Alex Phone 792 For best results and speedlest service bring your film to us. Filmns taken in Up to 10 a.m. are ready the saine day at 6 p.m. TABLETS Nature'. tonlc and body buIlder, con- isting f heath- giving n a t u ra minerais and vite- min. supplied by Atlantic" deep sea kelp. For practi- caliy every kind of aiment. Uncondit- Iorialiy guaranteed. 150 79e, 300 $1.39, 750 $2.79 NEW PRICES Calcium A - - $1.10-$2.00 Lysol - - - 35c-63c-$1.25 Dutch Drop - - - 1 OC-25C For Corns or Callouses Use LLOYD'S THVMOLATED CORN SAL.VE. De- sensitizes and relieves pain with firt application. VOU CAN 'T LOSE. VOUR MONEY BACK dI will be pad by the maker to anyone producing, at their office, a corn or cal- lous, that they cannot remove wîth this wonderful new scientific pre- paration which thousands of usera praise hirhly. Follow Up wlt" Lloyd's APPlicat:on Pade and obtain perma- nent re te. McGregor DRUGS We Deliver [i -- ý- .,,--ý.A rêý A ýci limA United States commercial Pro- COMPLETES 10 YEARS grams. Comedy is the most difficult thing to produce, and tbe type o! program l'ked by many Canadians w couhd flot be produced here be- cause o! the tremendous expense invohved. Sa such progçams as Charlie McCartby are imported.j Concluding. Mr. Howe said that the saturation point for Cana- dian stations had just about beefi reached. However there w a s plenty in the offing. witb tele-.1 vision onhy two or three years away an a commercial basis, and witb the radio tehetype now be- comning practical. This hatest in- novation sends out messages over the air, and these are printed on a machine in the home wtb the news being provided in print al- most as soon as it is received. This would, the Minister agreed, provide considerable opposition for the daily newspapers whicb feature worhd news. Mr. T. A. Rodger o! Newcastle expressed on behaîf o! the gath- ering o! more than 100, thankS Roy Mciiona-d ta Mr. Howe for an extrernely in- Empîoyee of the Bowmanville formative address on a timely Goodyear plant. Mr. McDonald subject. has just completed 10 years with ________________ the Company. The Wingfoot Clan describes him as "a rather quiet MRS. McLAUGHLIN cbap w-ho knaws when h swl NEW PRESIDENT off, 50 stays single, and éan f _______ford ta drive a gaod car and keep fýnM PGe 1) it in first casas condition.' Enilskilen;W. hares, shaa- pouindsan idm30,s th C S. Edgar, Saunia, and t-o sisters. 1chancS; are ibis agile and intelligent aw M\rs. R. J. Luke and M\iss Nora hiinnevýs future in the round-up 1 \Verrv, Kedron. blusiness. lies ini the grouind hag or a Bu(anltifuil floral trihutes testified 1COtt( itail class. t, tuie igkli esteeîi n n which 1Mr. hAig jack nma% be seen fromt over t Werrv w as hield. Be!sides, thosefrn thc î'ence bv aIl readers of The tl rülatives and friends were \yreathls Saumn (ihu hre h and sprax s fromn "Thec Stars" of the travel tlue main Kingston higlîtay late. Sherbrooke M\ethodist Chtircl on s1Uny days.W S S.; Trnistee Board, St. James1 P.S.-LBig Jack bas I een photo- ii Uniitedl Clurch :mlembers of St. i graphied 1wv a New York artist îvhoc James Brrotherhood :M\ontreal and made thecttip ta Bowmanville for District Brotlierhood Federationi; the special purpose on Sunday. Officers and miembers of Court Prince Arthiur, No. 1867, . 1F.: Elgin L-odge ; staff of M.\ontreal MUSIC FESTIVAL Teclînical School: boys of Second Year Technieal Scliool Tht M.\ont- (Continued from Page 1) real Star Co., Liimited: Eldad Bih le1 The conductors during this period Class and Solina Womnen's In'.titiite. ýwere Sir Charles Stanford, wbose Amnong those present wha lîad church music is known througb- leen life-long comrades and friends out the Christian worhd, and Ar- of '.\r. W tcrr\- were '.\r. John thur Nikisch. Dr. Frlcker wbile Wright, .\fr. and Mýfrs. John Larmner, in Leeds was also organist o! St. M\rs. A\. Werrv, Blackstock; M\rs. P. Aiden's and St. Michael and Al Wright, Nestlet,,ii: Nrs. Thos. \Vil-i Angels Churches. liams. Cacsarea: Nfr. andI M\rs. R. As if these task were flot su!- Philp). Burketon: Mdr. and Mrs. A. ficient, Dr. Fricker wa-s also con- Power, NMr. an(] Nrs. Jas. Runidle. ductor o! the Leeds Philharmonic 1ind(sa-, '.\r. Toni and Mfiss M.\ary- Chorus Bradford Festival Chorus, Eliord, hlav M;'.\essrs Wýill andl JohnlIMorley' Choral Society, and the Elford. Oakwcnod: M. 1r. WV. T. Halifax Choral Society. During Clarke. L-ittle Brittain; M\r. aild M rs . one Christmas season w h e n A~. B.\r. Ehenezer. M r Christmas day was at the end of Brav. Fnfield: M.\r. and Ms S. \Vil- the week, ]Dr. Fricker conducted lianis. Hampton; MIrs. R. Pasce.The Messiab at eacb city begin- M.\rs. J. T. Runldle, M.\r. arndMr.. ning on Monday and ending on L. Pascoe. \Mrs. Geo. White. \fMr. Thursday, an achievement prob- and Mfrs. Thos. Baker. Solina; Mr. bly unequalhed by any other con- W. Lamminiai. 'M\r. Frank Cross- Iductor.__ ]lm IrliTliDcl-%Av %;Av ýTT-T 101Q 1 h --iý--1917 Dr. Fricker came to * ~MOTHER'S DAY SUN. MAY O buà You wiIl agree with us that every day should be Mother's Day bu nthis one day of each year we specially honour our mothers on their memory. Lowest Make her day a happy one by eiving her a special gift. If you Prices are flot able to visit ber this Sunday we shail be glad to mail your gift 'I ________for you. - . Il.

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