E i ~-1 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAIYIT,13 [~ DOTOR"~MARY ROBERTrS 5%jDOTOR,ýRIN EHAR (Continued from Page 9) tir îs it ail of fer f Was analyzing both man and offer. . t S an o ffer."' The Mayor. he knew, wvas iargeiv a Thtun J'Il take it.' figurehead. The city was run by the *** local machine, and the head of that machine was Staunton Lewis. Shortiîý aftcr Chris left. Peveriv "Where does that of fer corne lreathiesslv entered the \a%-or's of- from ?" he inquired. fice, to find im there alone, still "It' UQan ffe ve. Dcto. ~grinning over his cigar. He jimnved tse f ar ou t tlk t ve r." 1 to uf fer ber a chair, but she waved sen fr outotak t ve - it awav. 'Well. the suggestion then. If it's Fin flot staving," she said. "Did from Staunton Lewis or any of his he take it 1*' crowd-'."H i.BtIws1 -e wla The Mayor sat forward and lost it"He did.abut I wish I1 kn ellha some of bis unction. Lookc here. .uis:il about. B herl I adevli Doctor," he said. I don't kno von tifhs: Tw.her' ba he deil ii anytbing about you personallv. or vonavig eke.Hsassîîw just why you resent 'Mr. Lewis. )VW-e 'v oi]% uwhBaieý. need another citv phvsician. ' We Ie 0(vo wb.Brv. Pay a hundred dollars a month. dand He reached over and Put a i'anid if you don't want to talk about it. over bers as it iay on the desk. "Ail there are about a tbousand otiier Imn saving, Bcverlv. is dont Let ini- Young medical men wbo wiil. Thats terested in him. Hes got a liate uni fiat. and that's ail." vour lather for sanie reason or 'Al1 arn asking," sai(l Chris stili other. and a inan's a fool ro do a stubbornlv, "is bow the igrictiiinz like that." came to strike me, Mr. Mayor. It's Sue colored. "I like to pa'. mv a good offer, of course." debts, Barnev." The Mavor was somewlat molli- Wlil thats ail it is. voh se fied. His fuil name wa., Barnev cdonc it. But dont flu in lo\ i vth O'Neill, and being what he was. bulîie iii A girl's a fool to marrv a doc- rather liked a fighiter. tur ans how; ont at ail lîcurs. stting *'VI.I dont mind teliing vut bv other women's beds, and holding that. WNe hear more things here thier baud- than mavbe 'you tiin w e do. an(i She iaughced nnexpecte(li\. *Noî one of thern sias the wav vou car- saw hlmii. Does lie look like a hiand ried on during the tvphoid epidemic. holder If you can work like tlîat for nîth- E.ver. mians a hand holder when ing. s-ou ougbt to work like heil he zets a chance." said the Navur for t\wvjve bundrud a vear!" gnirl. Chris relaxed. He suas lot beinL, Chris walked home on air that subsidized by Lewis and his crowd afternioon. Hc suas consciouis ia then. and the money would be a god- vst relia!i. and of something mor-. send. He grinned across the des],.(if recognition. He suent home n-ith 'That's different," he said. "Amn I a nuw confidence. onlu to , nd il to take it that it is stili a suggestion. in tear-. He bent over and put a hanl( on lier shiul(er. It suas shock- said aiter a moment'sbusitation. iinjgI thin, anid shakiuiig oW with ".\fter ail. sou made a zood job of supitrtciad sobs. ne Mien 1 looked like a hamburger -it docînt (do aiv g \-ouye steak: ani( treated me like a humau kilo%%, i\-'. tar. Bi are like tluat. being at that. If s'au're interestud Vounil lra r smath iiig ehufore long.'*iin thise *it*s îot J)ick." she said astonisli- 'She's imv latidiadv%'s dauRbter. Shie lîcamne histerical airer that. Sucicilet hlmn abruiptIv and went b:ut at la-t bu bad the wliolc storv. up tbe stairs. the treads crcaking Katie latcl-v bad taken to gainz ont uinder ber weigbt. Jr suas a hall at liiht. ani the îîiglît hefore suc boum before she reappiearud, lier had gone ont tii danîce aîîd ]ad îlot face as iiîscrutable as ever. coule hack. 'T'ound lier," she said laconicaiiv. **W\hv didiî't v\ou tell nie?' "But doiî't get anuv wrong, ideas in "I didii't know subat s-ou'd tliink.' vour bead, Doctor. Shu's ail rigbt. -Butter Rive me a list af the pua- Friund of mîine saw she'd had tao pIe -sie knows. and I look tliern utp. nucb ta drinîk and took ber borne \Vheru was this danîce last night ?' to sieep it off." The next four bours were a niglit- He got up. He suas sligbhtly dizzv mare. At firsi he suas more irritated witb fatigue and hunger but ahi- tbaîî apprebensive; but as the even- witlb relief. "Tlianks. Bessie. l'i ing wvore on be bucamne increasinz- go and get ber.", Iv anxious. He found the girl with "'ol do notbing ai the kind," w;hoi she gone ta the danîce bail., said Bessie bmusquelv. "You'll go but during tbu evunilie the two had borne anîd wait for ber. You've got beconie suparateil, and Katie haulý mv word of lionor that she'l corne, disappuared. i and tbat's enough ." 'WVas she drinking ?"; He was both hungrv and diseust- "Shus ito drinker, but she'd had cd. as witb the stealtlî of a b.urgiar anc or tiso. Doctor." bueuîîtered tije bouse that nigbt, and Thuru suas nothing 10 bu learîîud bu suas sbivuriing witu cold lu the at the hall citlier. Tlîe proprietor dark Iront -office suhen at last bu shruzged bis shouldurs. huard Ilusitating stups on' the pave- "XVe have mavbe a lîuindred girls ment, and a kev cautiousîs' inserted bure iniilnev-etiiin." lie sajd, 'And ini the front door. He waited until ive mun a decent place. Yoîi eau ask theu dosîr had oîueîued and ciosed the poîlice." agaiuî. Then bue spoku vumv quiets-. He left the bail. hoivever. suitiî "Katie. cornu in lucre, pleasu." onîe cIv. an(l ornnous euuougli it She did not mos-e. She stood -.îuiîded. A suaiter renîcnil-ered that suhere she w-as, a srnall dark shadow a girl anlssurinfz Katie*s duscripition suith a wulitish blotchi abos-e it wbiclu hiad fuît sick and dizzv. andl that a suas lier lace. Then shu made a nîiddlle aged suainan lia(l takeîî lier quick move toward tue door again, outî ti thu dressing roorn. Neither aîîd lie rcaclued ber itîst in time to sullni îor girl. so far as lue knew. pruvefît ber escape. He caugbt ber lad cerne back. bv tue armn and lerked ber inta the Chris suent out onto the street roani, closing the door after her aîud again and stood tiiere uncurtainlv. liirniug an the light switcu. And tieu bu reîuîembercd Bussie "You sis- little foai.' bu saids Smnith. Suc w-as no angel of light. furiouslv. "Do van know wberc suas Bessie; but she kîuew lier hall vou've been? And wliat I got von sucrld suell, and sue nuight bu able out of?" Iu bis raw anger bu sbookà ta luelp. bier. "XXhat business is it of mine Nevertbelcss bu feit rathur ah- to hiunt the dives of this tawn far surd suben at last bu coîufrontccl lier, sou?ý I've Rot sometbing butter to and she es-ed hirn quizzicals-. do." "XV\ell. Doctor. are vou visuiiug lis 'ou got me ont ? Oh. God." tirofessionaIlyrý Or bas-e vou brauRlut He looked at ber. Hem face wast tue cuif links-?" swolleu suitb erving. bier eves terri-f "'Tve broumght the linîks. Bessie." lied. alrnost desperate. He meleasedi "\\Vliat", tîhe trouble"1 lier arrn aîud took a tumrn around thet ~'It's not mine. Soinci.odv uelse. A roorni. girl." "Geltîu "bu said, "and get it i He told hem ubun. andi she listened iiosu. 1 prornised vour lather to carciulIv. look aiter van, and Ive tricd to do i 'I lieu(] belti. Bessie. And 1 rather it. But l'vc about ceached the end, tlîiîk it's sour so(i f lct. aid(] oîiglur lias finisbed me." Slie l<>(ku( at bim. Her uves. tail Katie suent a dcad subite aîud ias bucsuas suerealamait luvel suitl] caugbt at the table for support bis. "Yi'c u goiîîg ta Icave. are ':I iluiglur teleplboiî around." she s.ou ' Ha siuung ou i lr. NVou wsuc -l'Il do il." she said, andI otup driiiking last îîigluî. That's truc. j"Aiud-just forget subat 1I ;aid.,a- i-n t it ?"i tor. i guiess I was excitcd. I kiîîd 'I îîcver did hucbore. Cluri,. 1Jof lest niv head. I didn't muai] it. nuur (lraik ai'. tbiîug.' i (iiikiosu." "\\el], soun madeu a zi 4( start, He suas eiad ta ]et if' go' at îlîat. lie ýaiul sas-aguls-. He c]idni t us un belieVe it suas triîc. \\'bieu tue notice lier use if luis nine. "I sl - dem aofluîiliîug coilce brouglut Liii Pos~e vou kuiosi' suere voive lceuî? Xalters i-lîiyi sonuesubat later. it OJr <lit ion kposv before voiuw-eut?" îuas 10 f iid thern campanionabls Slie sluook lier lucad. -ltiassed cnittiug bread aîîd butter. and ta ouit, I guess. Tiiere suas a suoiuuau listai t(.i Katie's carefuliv invcnted there. andI she said shc'd take me stirv oi luasing danccd until mrnî- home. 1 didn't kuow uintil î.îdav ingan(] slept ail day at tlhe home Muien 1 wake ut). Isuas going ta of stme girl suie callcd Gert. lumip Ont the windosu.- "You migbt at luast have lut me He saw tluat shu w-as îeliig the kiios." trutb, altluough pcrbap)s not aIl of "Thes- basen*t a n s- telephone. it: aîîd she looked entîrels- exhamst-i Moni.- cd. He pusied a chair behind lier. Anud that suas ail. Chris. listeuiîg aîîd she droppcd into it as if ber to this uxcbange, could onlv mre kiuuus suuldna loîîew al" ur at the case witb w'bicb Katie had N"DsM uwcovercd tîventv-four liaurs ai sheer "N."trama aîud near tragedv. It was "-Arc '1'u gaing ta tellilber?- 't lantastic iîîcredibîe. But theii the Heuid ki hum. hs." liadw-holc situation suas faîutastic. Sit- tHo t onsidurd ta. bi ia tiiig tlîure at the kîtchen table. cat- tbrnst fwamd. It fomivbutileaingincredible tluantities of bread expei avtbng ronLii' bt tarsaîud driîuking s-ast uquantities aiflhot andt *rcnimiîuations. anud the aliair calicee, bue survevcd wluat uoiv w-as taa grav'e for eitber. Katie luad anuouîîtcd ta bis familu; a heilesi escapced once, but another tiîuue it soinan, a iaalisb girl, and a Mîonu- nîight ual bu so eass'. And lue tlidw not w'ant the girl driven to the grel dog. His familv! street.tîik He did uuot go ta slcp for sortie 'Iltin about it. Katie." lie tinue tluat niglut. Bevond tue parti- said mare gentîs.'.*But vou'll have tion Katie suas tossing restlussly. tii lix up a storv tluat she'Il bulieve. aIh logt htsî uscmv- Wliat on eartb made van do it ? uv. Tlie littie fool ! He rappcd ou Take those drinks, I mean ?"' .the suail. Anîd tlieuita bis utter borror she "Listcîî. cluild." bue callud. -Its suid off the chair ta the floor at s ail oser. andutl is ail right. Forgut leat anud begau ta sob. it and et sorze slgcep." 'l suas so suretclucd, Chris. Yo îî "Ail riglît." she called bac], iiia jîcuer eveuî sue nue. You look at nue srnall voice. "just sa vau're not as tliouglu I w-asn't ibere. And l'm ang rv.' so crazv about s-ou. sa crazv -about "Wbo? Nie? I'ni ulevar aln. sH oth. Hu 0lugbt« buehuard lber latigha He w-as aimost frozeu sirlu can- iittlu. aîud at that bue turned us-ar sternatou. aînd sucut ta sleup. "You siiiy little fool ! Gui up) and**** stop crving. W\hat do vou knsu On the first ai Deccuuur hr le about loi-e anuhosi? Guti up an(d Statinou Lcwises gave- their iirst stop thÙs nonisenuse." Idînuier ai the season - trre foot- Chris w-as mcd suill indignuationu mei anud Holmes ini the hall, a table auid embarrassmcnt w-bun Katie set %uitlî purple-and-white archids drazed herseli ta luer ict. but she ini the diiuing raam. auud the drive- ioiuked so crusbud that for the lirai suav fiied suith the misceilans- of the tli e bufuit a faiîut stirring ai pitv r îîeniod : sleek borses drasu inz sleek- for bier. Alier ail. sue suas bar(]]v- ur brougluanus and carniages. alun- muore than a cbild. a foolish. romnî- mobiles. anid uven hure anîd thereoa tic child : and she must hiave bad a taxicab. îîrattv îhiuî tinue tlîat day. to îav theu Ainie Lewis, iacud suith lilling a least. s acaîucv at the lait marnent, suie- "Listen.' bie said. "Vs'eu did von cested Chiris Arden. b base it s-e- eit last 1 toed îîromîtfls-b' Bus-cris-. -I dou't knosu. 'Last îîigir. 1 "He suouidn't caine. \Vhv bither P giîess.-'Welui corne' Vshat oui canil "Tliat's shat's isrue w-iîh iil. do \.Ou i îuan? Suppose vs-a it lucre whbile I1uuaku '"He doesiî't like ris." said Bey- -orne calice and1 lind sonie bread enIv. "Wc're the dîust under luis and butter. 1 missed niv tuinuier. too.' faut .Ask luir if sou like. ai course \iin heasen's naine doesn't You cannot share your joy too be like us"? Annie inquired. besuildl- much nor your grief too littie. -I sratherud that we causc<l tue eviduînjc last sunlîniier." "Dca rnic,- sa id Atn nie, st ii n ru bewildcrud. -We've been biamecd for mnanv thingRs, but niever betore becatue it dlidn't ramn Arc îNî roptpymn sure e rmt'amn 'That's what lie toldi ic,' .-d gaa wintee ul Ch tet ing erv n moie ta ofiith rss eavmît can clearly Ditemized. place - bib he ofinlu die eîuitl Write for carrent picee. plaerry hic .*1 e fnl dwt1Ncharge for cana. Jer re* * * * LINDSAY CREAMERY Limitd (To be continued) LINDSAY, ONTARIO Why isit More People Buy Glen Rae MiIk Did you know that more people are steady, satisfied cuistoniers of the IGlen Rae Daxry. Plenty of reason why too. . . they 're sold on the richness and full flavor of a better milk! It saves money in the kitchen because every- thing tastes better when prepared with fresher milk. If you alren 't already a steady C#len Rae customer . . . why flot try this superior milk. Glen Rae Dairy 'Phone 2665 Bowmanville ENTERPRISE FLASH, ENTERPRISE, ONTARIO.- THURSDAY, MAY I12TH, 1938 THURSDAY, 'MA-Y I2TH, 1937 ENTERPRISE FLASH, ENTERPRISE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE EDITORIALS Enterprise Flash ESTABLISHED 1938 A newspaper devoted to the interests of Enterprise Community. Subscription Rates: SIngle Copies Five Cents. Teacher- Miss Bessie Pattersen Editor..................M. A. Cochrane Reporter of Social News-----------E. Ransberry Reporter of Local News------------. Cochrane Reporters of Sports . J. Ard and S. Lane Co-reporters - Ralph Charles, Norma Ransberry, Eva Elson T-IURSDAY, MAY l2th, 1938 13PRING "Spring is hume, Spriug is bure." This la the about that goes up frnm the eager litrle crowd of cbildmen wben the lirat suosv-drop appuars aboeu the grouud or wlueu a little pussy-willow is louud. Indeed, Spiug is a s-erv joyans tirn wheu the snow is ail gone; the ceeks are rushing ou rhum dawuward course. the sap is weliug up into the branchus ai the trucs, aud the fiosuers are peeping tbrough the ground. Sprnug bas many purposus other than making people happy. Witb the apriugtime camtes the grass which feuds the cows, hanses, sbeep and ther domestic animnais depeudent upan il for ife. Spriuiî aiso, in iin direct wau, lurnislies a liiig for ail humant h eiuugs lu the way of food. Il a mriu bas becu iii ail winter and bu secs the birds and flowers anud smells the spring air, a Iougiug passasses bluT ta bu outsidu and bu verv ofrun recosars. It is very iutrestiîîgiin the sping if tue sear ta waîci the birds as thes rerurtu lrîm their winter migrationî sud legin building ileir uuss. The sas ing sayss. iat irds siuug iii tue Sprng but aiter the Sping contes Suunmer, andt airer tue Stunumur. Auturnuî. The irds sie and the flosuers bhouîm îbmetigh ail tueur. indicating that Sping lx the h egiuuiiug (of ail thiiugs gond anidbap Spriuîg also bas a liard 'ide suich w-e sec wlîui at werk. Sometimes the wlsh is expni-ssed. '*0, il the dav sucre oinlv short5 r as tbey are in ii uuter.' Thuis uishu is uingrouiideui, hacautia. for ail ils toil, Spring bras rny compensations. Sîîriuig is a hlitîi lime for il il sucre always here mnuchu monev suould le aved by uthe niai. wliîo gocaso(uth ta Vloida for lus vacatioîn in the sinter. AVIATION IN ONTARIO To bu aut air-piler s a greau achuve meut. There anre iauiules suich must he fui filicil helome tru e du-i îcare rau bue ehtauitie imQM the Depamtmneuu i Tranîsport. The masr imporuautîr mle- deciares that before ibem apîli- canion far the cerilicate is marla the apîîlicaur mîust Il over 23 years ai age anud ual more rbauî 45. Belare tbe lait starc-uiîu-ii sua passcd the boys sucre allow-ed tai enter when rues sueru 19 sears of age. The pilot-ehect rmist bave prom f su hiug lunîue air at luaaî fis-e bunuuled huuus itb c<îunpltîe cuntrol of thîeriai- The formenr muniîiînsuas orilv eue-bal f ibis icuigt ii ima. Tue candidate iuîst giu -satisfaction ithelia -xaniiuîiitu of ficer sithout exieior viteius tu recuivur quickl v from l,îth ignilt anîd huit baudsîiis. Bufore ibis limne- tuai suarealal ueuhtilias a exîuriur s luss. le nutut aIs- nakeIhrue flighus (f ar iast 15 minuutes Ccdi at a baiglîr of l.5t0lu ut al),u si lcusa,%seunlau Il andtlwarer. These iligbt, nimst bc îsuuu louir'.altur inu t andult\%,, hotîrs belura suiuise oiiauark iiigit. The asiator uuuusti uîake auiu-enduranice- iliht fi a'.t ai l 114,1r in the air, at.unr ahi-,' e I2,(KXi faut aluuiva sea have!. 'li, i,gî was in iner l v cuîl 's-6.000 icai tii us iuui car inug tie auiihud ha rulshit- whiici oua unusi guo i lumîg hi tco hcci mue an a -at(rin bOitai uut ai the sauna tinie sloiinig lu.t a hurler standlardl i.,îii le ul,- iii tbc pilots. Il is hîc-iusc-d.<ie itoi dhc siadi- wuuki-ii- lof uîuî(inur'. that itue Ttn,riitto aimpi-uni miil I buhartiahhi- pluto i, se suiui noua- duiig the sumrnier. This ssilie 'auîcessamv toi, in iil% -as .k- the .'\neicans' hritie dosun.h)(.cause, alriuoligh tw'u ailies lia-, beenu tîoppeul, their nuuuiber of ihassetigers bas-e grearhs- iîcrcaseul. Tori-nuto s'tîiîeii hase beu takiîig au]'.autage of thue frc trasel uiierr-u Iciwises i-if uus! aniîu- nakiîug tmips freontcc-rtainu VUnitetd States air-hune stationus. Tua su omc-ii are si-inetirieus %viuu- dernug whcîlucr il iâ îîecassamv ta wear extra heavv gamuneuts suhîaî in the air, burt it mnusI bu uuuea.Uioiuud, ir is loterlaî colulur iii ai) air-lhuer than iin a train. Aviation la the meauus ai futtume iras-el, so ici rus take ai, iuîlcrcstîiin tiie future by ioilowiug the ucwust devulapinuents ai tras-cl. Today's Adventure (By M. A. Cochrane) Victor sat up and looked about himn. How long he had lain there he did not know. He had a dim recoilection of having stumbled in the dark- uîess, but he could remembex ne more. Then as his uyes be- came accustomed to the dinu ight he saw that he was in a large cave o! which the floor was covered with a soft gruen moss. The walls and ceiîng were of a sheer gray rock. Vlctor's next thought was o! getting out of the cav'e. He groped around and at laut found the entrance. He was about to step out when he saw a trap in the form cf a bush- coverud hole which ha<I un- doubtedly been set fer hjm. While îhinking what to do he heard a 10w growl. He looked around and saw a man, with a pistol, emerging from t h e woods in front of the cave, te- ward him. He nuxt thought o! bis father's money and the man. When the mani spoku the words struck hirn like a biow. He was kidnapped. When Vctor had eaten the food offered and had' huard his orders te stay in the cave, ou' be sho*t. he startud te in- vestigate the cave. He had a smal îorch and when hu reached the back of the cave the rock seumed Io glitter. Victor thougbt his uyes were playing tricks and it neyer un- terud bis mind again untîl bu bad hus fruedom. Two wueks aftur Victoi found himself in the cave, his father andi somu policemen came te bhis ruscue. Thuy caught the man red-handed. and Victor was considured a veu-y rich Yeung man becausu of the gruat copper mine bu had fonnd -from the big cave ~the north woods. KNITTING d (E. Ransbemr) d Knitting: si - slip; kn - knit. r. A knitted blouse in crochet f cotton No. 5. Needlus No. 18. Front r Cast on 132 stitches and do two inchus o! ribbing: 2 plain and 2 purled. Then begin the -pattern: lst row: si 1, kn 5, * 1 over, 1 purled, kn 2. 1 over, 1 puri- ed, kn 3, rupeat from *. Even numiberud rows to 28: si 1, kn 1, puri and knit the last 2 stitches. 3rd row: s1 1, kn 5, * 1 over, kn 1, pudi 1, kn 6, repeat *. 5th row: si 1, kn 5, * 1 ovur, kn 2, puri I. kn 5, rupeat *. 7th row: sI 1, kn 5, * 1 over, kn 3, puri 1, kn 4, rupeat *. 9th row: s] 1, kn 6, * 1 over, kn 4, puri 1, kn 3, repeat ~ iith row: si 1, kn 5, * 1 over. kn 5, puri 1, kn 2, repeat *. 13th row: sl 1, kn 5, * 1 over. kn 6, purl 1, kn 1, repeat *. iSth row: s1 1,* kn 3, puri 1, 1 ovur, kn 2, puri 1, 1 over, rupeat *, kn 5. l7th ow: s1 1, * kn 6, puri 1. kn 1, i ovur, repeat from, kn 5. I9th row: s . * Ion 5, puri 1, Ion 2, 1 over, repeat *, kn 5. 21st rowv: si 1. * Ion 4. puri 1, kn 3, 1 over. rupuat *, In 5. 23kn row: s] 1. *Ion 3, puri 1. kn4, 1 asur. rupeat *, on 5. 25tb row: s . * kn 2, puri 1, kn 5, i ovur, repeat *. kn 5. 27th row: sI 1 *kIn 1, puri 1, Ion 6. 1 ovur, repeat *,Ion 5. Rupuat until knitting is 14" dieep, thun ducruasme by onu stitch at end o! each row untul it is one inch longer. Dividu the stitches in the centre and work on for shoulders decruas- ing onu stitch at und o! uach row on the arm-boie sidu onîy. When 36 stitches remain. cast off. Gypsis Cat on124 stîtches. Do 2 unchus of ribbing, thun begin By E. F. Ranserry'î 'the pattern pulling over the A group cf gypsius wuru on first stitcb and continuing witb thuir way te Cardiff in Senths 123 stitches. Repeat the part- Wales. Ti-_ gypsies are d1s- tern 13 rimes until knitting is isonest and flot thu best kind 14" leng, thun decrease at the D! people to know. Tbey are'end of eacb row' unti] 56 stit- s'emy dirty people. Tbuy ns- chus rumain. Cast off. uauly help themsulves to any- thîug thuy want. They au-e Sieeves really thJeves. Tnie reasen wby Cast ou 80 stitcbes. Do 12 nobody likeil then w'a.s ,h at rows of ribbing. thun uncruase tbeY didn't knos"w'bere tiicy to 150 stitches. Work on untîl came from and they w'auld n,: k n i t t i n g muasures about 5 tell them. Thuy are hanilsome, unches. then ducruase by onu strong and healthy people. stitch at the end o! uacb row They did not like work, wash- until thure are 112 stitches left. ing or war. They bail no par- 'Divicle the stitchus te work the î:cular religion. Finally tbeyi shoulder and ducruase ai the reacbud Europe anil w're calu- endls cf uach neudie until ouly ed by diffurunt namus. 8 stitches rumain an each In about a hundruci yuars neudie. Cast them off. they were stopped entering Europe. Tbuy saan stauted Making tmp the Blouse * more crime than uver, kidnap-- Sew the back and front te- ping. murdering, and witcli- gerber uncler the arms. Close crafting. in those days tIse up the sleeves and join tIse people were in druad of witcb- edgus o! the shouleur curve, u s. Then tbey started telling 'and fasten to the body of the fertunes. blouse. Long ago people neyer said Edge the nuck with crochet- a gocld thing about tlsum. They, ing in a centrasting colour. are rathur nervous people when1 Fasten down the two points asked te tell thuir way of liv- o! the nuck with fancy pam- (Turn to Page 3) I poms or buttons. iBy Mildred Cochrane) BABY CHICKS FOR SALE - In. cubator hatched, from 1 day te three weeks old. Appiy W. J. Finck. FOUND - One brass watch at Stakes gate. it is in very good conmdition and is vemy small. In. itiais 1. P. engraved on the back. Appiy Jack Homrner. WANTED-A red halred girl with Sharp temper and no education to look after pups on dog farm. Big Sale at can be seen in his pocket, a fishing pole of rare and yen- Leetyre's Grocery erable otigin over his shoulder, Store and a dog of dubious vintage Do your shopping early in the tosgiyaoga i ie week a nd get the best result. "Oh. to be a boy again, now Thursdlay - Friclay - Saturday that spring is hure!" Brown Sugar......... 100 îbs. $3.00 Boys are shy and do things White Sugar........ 100 lbs. $500 SOMetifl'es to cover up their Peanut Butter, Pt jar...21c bashfulness. We shouki try Lettuce Seeds, pkg. ..3 for 5c harder te, understand what Other Vegetables, pkg. ... 2 for 5c goes on inside him. Many of Flower Seeds, pkg ............ 5c our great men of to-day werej Green Lettuce, per bunch .... 20c poor, mischievous boys a num- Oatmneal.............. .. 5 lbs. 35c ber of years ago. Quitu a num- ber of brilliant men in Canada scId newspapers on the city McDougalils Garage i streets. rnany have very little For Qulck Service sc-hooling .but from life and We endeavour to please the public lIiving they have madle use oft wlth our untiring and quick ser. many lessons flo, found in vice in repair work. We selI Bat- books.f teries, Tires, Oul, Orease, Gas, and Trust them and they i-il] Repairs for automobiles, trucks, trust you. Rernumber you were1 tractors. an'd nany other articles once young. toc, and probablyç of machinery. wished to do just the sarne1 Please give us your troubles things bcys like to do noiî'ý. se to cure, have an understanding atti-1 Signed on behaîf of tudu toward them. Boys areE JOHN A. McDOUGALL & CO the raw material out of whiche men aze made. ail they neud isc -. .. -a chance.r FOR SALE-One room full of an- tique furnîlure, at least fifty years of age; also One well fur» nîshed antique wardrobe of lady. Apply J. H. Rîne. LOST - One black Airdale pup, about three months old, wlth white leather collar. Tag No. 39. Fifty cents reward, bring to T. F. Botts. FOR SALE-One tlower sack fuît of quilt patches of ail sizes and materials, very reasonabie. Aiso dress-maklng done cheap. Ap- i ake Aavantage etf(Our Low. Priced THE SPORTING WORLD RBY J. Aid and B. Lane) The hockey season is over. Basebal. horse-racing, g olf and other sports are here. Joe Louis, the "Brown Bomb- ber," de! eated Harry- Thomas on April Ist in f ive rounds. He v:ill have no more tune-up matches until he meets his op- ponent, Max Schmeling. Players and pitchers a r e warming up their curves fori the coming baseball season. Baer vs. Farr Farr and Baer Go To Battle (By B. Lane) Mest of the Canadian listen- urs huard the figbt betweun Tommy Farr antd Maxie Baux, and was it a figbt? At 10 o'ciock, just after their wuights and agus were given out, thuy bath went into ac- tion. Baur gave Farr quite a beat- ing in the first ibrue rounds, but Farr was working on Baur. too. Soon the two weru put- t:ng in lefts and rigbts te the face. In the third round Baur knocked Farr clown but. Farr bouncud up again, and in the suxth round Baur again ma-du Farr lift onu foot off the mat. But ail that trne Farr was punching bard at Baer's lu.ft eyu, and rnaking it close tigbî- er and tigbter. Farr's eyu was cnt a littlu bit t.oa but not as mnch as his rivaI's. On wenr the struggie. Baer Sale of. Pictures Gypsies use was shut ancl he could net thun looclown on him se. sue vemy w-e. Baer seemied a 'Ihuy have many beautiful cus- Wlth every five.dollar photograph I:tt:e tirud but soon pickedud ptems and ila eltu ~ we are givlng free a tunted photo (Gontiifued fronu Page 2) and gave battie te Farr. Sean Iind te rhum and show tburi, from your favorite portrair. Comne ng or their language. Thuir after the bell rang and it w-as the good un iheir customs and early and avoid the rush of peo. priest wears a ram's born. over. The iudges stated thal lhow te make use of tbem, pie eager te snap at such a bar- When a man and %ife *weru Baur w'as the winner. gain. Sale is on ail week so put suparated by a div'orce it w-as on your spring attire and cone clone over the body ei a herse. Smile A Whule along. lTbey ho'd hands oser it. walIo Indian Lore around the animal thrue timus.DoorDiyusetatpl The Ceeal Bros. clo certain other things and a(By D. Cochrane) o wo:d n tI se yard? pil Phone 2A53 Pine Ridge tdiun depart. onu geing nortîb.f Ourn heyad Onun oub h gp:s r - arly Anserican Indians TaP:Yp I suen it. workai hittingpegs, and iwere intemsting people. They Dector:Yo shud ayI Being a Boy dancing or w'uas-ng baskets.- lbai many queur customs which saw it'. _____The womun seli tise baskets we do not fuiiy understand. TIramp: Wull Yen suen me (By . Pateron) romdoor te door. They loi-e They wure cruel. brave. daring. sue it, but Y-au didn't sue me "Boys E. Ptteros"nl the usic.andl ai timus, friend]y and saw il. "Bos wli u oys" systhemusc.kind. To-day. there are very - . . oîd adage. When you ask bims few' left, but the goî'urnment tn be quiet and Ieup still, it 14S'tret* as providud Reservus fer thunu Tramp la Lady': Please lady, wiii bu but for a moment. A Items ofIntret n ta lise on by themseîs'us. have yau ans' of the boss' pants mother once toid ber son to sit Nature We have bad seme poerns in Lady: No. stili for an bour but bu said it1 our reacler by Pauline Johnson.1 Tranip- Wby don't s'ou ask was impossible. "If I clon't Yeu cani make friunds of the Indian poutess. I like ber . him? mvel'lkucl. igtoen"h Bats. In some places the batsr "Bird 's LuIllaby" becausu tup ad: - m hîbsso ti bcakd ave been known to fiy to.the suumis te swing aîong. 1 aplacbose!.hi The desire ta be alw'ays mov- reom cf tise kueper and clirnb They worsbip what is known pae ing show's unergy and it shoulcl ovur bis clethes. iEck bis hands, - as the Good Spirit. Tbuy look not bu wastud but guided into and uven dling to the chairs. 'up ta him and try to pluase Missionary lin church): Sal- the riglit patbs ta becomu use- This is ail rigbt for People wbo bim aîw'ays. Tbey do flot be- 1Vation is as Pure andl free as fui. The picturu of a typical love fruaks, but flot many ýlieve in the Bible because man water. boy is with bare feet. a pair wouîd care te have a bat for a 1wrote it. but thuy believu only Native: I believe, o! patched. ragged trousurs, pet. in stories handed clown to Mis.sianariy:We ilno epen-necked shirt, battured old them. haie tihe offening. straw hat witb a tuf t of hair Girl !iund: Now, duarest, In Fubmuary they have the Native: I thought it w'as as poking tbrougb the cr ow n. have 1 given you proof enougb Feast o! the White Dog.' For free as water. cbeemily walking down the road that I can bake biscuits? meals they had Indian corn Missionary: Yes, but when whistiing. An old tin can with Boy friend (sampiing bis- soup, bread, muat. and no des- w'e pipe it te Yeu, it is neces- scme worms dangling f rom it cuits): Yes, concrete proof. sert. The chief of the uvening ýsary to Pay for the piplng. The Crown Brand Sports Club are untertaining t hei r members at a Circus perform- ance te be held in the Coîseum at Exhibition Grounds on Eas- ter Monday, April 18. Ovur in Engla*nd the sport fans are excited over the an- fluaI boat race on the Thames River betwuen the rival uni- versities, Oxford and Ca.m- bridge. Last yuar Oxford wa.s the winner and seems to be the favorite team again this year.1 warnud the people not to waste any food but to pass it on to someone else or scatter it to the birds. For this the voo>d Spirit wouid thank thum. In earîy spring six or eight young braves would put on masks and visit ail their tribe, iuaving a few kerneis of corn at uach place to remind the people te plant their crops. At each s'isit the people would praise and tbank the Good Spirit for guiding them througb the winter. Masks and statues o! wood were macle t-o represent spirits. These were f ud evury s0 often to kuep the spirit peaceful and t4) keep barm away from the bouse. In tîmes of peace long clay peace Pipes w'ere smoked in the council gatherinas to s:gnify puace and plunty. Many relies of Indian days have been fouud threughout Canada. sncb as tomahawks, ,Aar clubs. drums, beacls, dishes, masks. tools. and a host o! others. It seems a shamu that the white man carne te take PAGE TWO CLASSIFIED ADS I y v.'..-~ '~'~.4~~ 4) ENTERPRISE FLASH, ENTERPRISE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE 2 n