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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1938, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY î9TH, 1938 Notice I TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON AUCTION SALES Court of Revision and Appeal Saiurday, May 21-Mis5 Evelyn Notice is hereby gven that the: Marnnîng wll seil ai hier home on first sittings o! the Court o! Re- Concession Si., Bowmanville. lier vision for the Township o! Dar- houAehald furniture and equip- lington will be held in the Town ment including refrigerator, gar- Hall, in the village o! Hampton, on Saturday, June 4th. 1938, at den tools. carpets, piano and gen- the hour a! 2 p.m. ta hear and eral cantents of dwelling. Terms determine the several complaints cash. Sale ai 2 p.m. D.S.T. W. J. and omissions in the Assessmenc hliacone;CH.Ms. Roll for the saiti Municipality forChhiacone;.H.Msn the year 1938. clerk. 19-2 AIl persans having business ai the Court are requested ta attend. Saturday. May 21 - Mr. Fred J. D. HOGARTH, Lane, llavrng solti his farm and Clerk a! the Township having ta vacate immediately. will of Daringian. seil on the property o! Thomas Dated at Hampton this l8th day o! May, 1938. 20-2 Gtmblett, souili haîf Lot 24. Con. a2, Darlingion (1 mile east a! 1; Courtice and south), ail his house- jCOMING EVENTS hold effects. including kitchen, u,,Ùrialn jrjIL. pas sus -,ss.ruei The Women's Institute w l~riure, cooking utensils, dish- meet at the home of Mrs. W. B. es, silvenvare. bedding. 2 stoves. Pollard on Thursday afternoon. tools. whiffletrees, tongues, and May 26, at 3 p.m. Pragram in other articles too numerous ta charge of Group No. 6, Mrs. Spen- mention. Terms cash. Sale at cer and Mrs. E. J. Wood, conven- 1.30 S. T. Elmer Wilbur, auc- ers. Note change of day. tianeer. 19-2 VICTORIA DAY 7 Specials8 at Nelles On Sale Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Mon. Red & White Coffee.................... 1/2 l1b. Chocolate Marsbmallow Biscuits ................... 2 lbs. Del Maize Niblets Corn..................... 2 tins Sweet Mixed Pickles - Special........... 28-oz. Durham Corn Starch................ pkg. Golden Spray Cheese............... 1/2 -1b. pkg. Bu&k Macaroni.................... lb. P. & G. Soap.................... 5 bars Old Duteh Cieanser.................. 2 tins Llfebuoy a Soap ..................... 3 bars F. W. NELLES 22C 29C 25C 23C loc i 5c Se 19C 19C 21c Phone 596 GROCER Bowmanville I4~............! BIRTN COWLING-In Bowmanville Hos- pital. on Thursday. May l9th. 1938. to M.r. and Mrs. Percy Cowling. twins, a boy and girl. MAPRR-In Bowmanville Hospital on Thursday. May 19, 1938, ta Mr. and Mrs. James Marr, a son (since died). * DEATHS BLEAKLEy - At his residenc,3, Lamý,e Park. on May 14. 1938. Thomas William Bleakley, be- loved husband o! Ida Gibbard Bleakley. in his 8lst year. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. BOND-At Broaklin. May 13. 1938 Samuel James Bond, beioved husband o! Emiiy Etta Stan- lick, in his 82nd year. Inter- ment in Groveside Cemetery. COLE -In Bowmanville, Thurs- day, May 19. 1938, Marion R. McDougall, behoved wi!e of Harry M. Cale. Funeral from her laie residence, Centre Street, an Saturday. May 21. Service ai 2.30 p.m. Intermeni Bowmanville Cerne- tery. Funeral private. EMMERSON - In Bow~manville. on Thursday, May l9th. 1938. James G. Emmerson, in his 69th year. Funerai wiil take place from his laie residence. Church St., an Saturday, May 21. Service ai 3.30 p.m. Interment Oakwood Cemetery on arrivai of motors. FINLEY-In Newéastle, on Sat- urday, May 14. 1938, Sarah Elizabeth Finley, beloved wife o! the laie Thomas Finley, in her 82nd year. Interment St. George's Cemetery. Newcastle. GRANT-At hem home, 264 Rus- holme Road, Toronto, Thurs- day. May 12, 1938, Margaret Waugh Dawson, beloved wife o! the lae George W. Grant. and mother o! Charle.s W. Grant, in hem 81st year.1 McMURTRY-At the Julia Green- shields Home, Toronto, on Sun- day. May 15. 1938, Miss Eliza- beth M. McMurtry. in her 97tl7. year, daughter af th'e late Mr. and Mis. Wm. McMurtry, Bow- manville. Intemmeni at Baw- manville Cemeiery. WILLIAMS-.In Souris, Man.. on Saiurday, May 14, 1938, Cecii H. B. Williams, bcloved hus- band o! Bertha Ashhcy and son o! the late Charles Williams,, Enniskillen. Deceased was a brother o! Mrs. Howard John- stan (Ollie) anti Dr. L. B. Wil- liams, bath o! Toranta. Funeral ai Souris. May 16. IN MEMORIAM ARMISTEAD-In loving memory of Elizabeth Emma Armistead who passed away May 20, 1937. In aur hearts your memnory lin- -ers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is.not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. -Lavingly remembered by An- nie and son-in-law. CARDS 0F THANKSI The family of the late Mr. D. H. Jamieson wish ta express their sincere appreciation o! the kind expressions o! sympathy extended ta them, and Vo thank those wna assisted them in any way during their recent sad bereavement. Mr. Ira F. Purdy and !atuily wish ta thank their relatives and neighbours for their messages o! sympathy. floral tributes and ath- er great kindnesses extended dur- ing their sad bereavement in tl* loss of a wife and mather. Engagement Mr. ànd Mrs. Wm. Fee, Burke- ton. announce the engagement a! their eldest daughiem, Josephine Elizabeth (Bessie), ta James A. Armstrong, son af Mrs. and the late Robi. Armstrong o! Maple Grave. Marriage ta take place ealy in June. Mr. Teasdale Whitfield, Black- stock, announces the engagement a! his daughter, Marjorie, to Mr. Earî Badburn, son o! Mr. ana Mrs. D. W. Bradburn, Blackstock. The marriage ta take place early .in June. Horse Route Dunure Moncur (27291) Clydesdale Stalilon, will through June and Juhy make the following route. Tuesday noan ai Robi. Hodgson's, Tyrane, Night ai J. D. Brown's, Orono:* Wednesday noon ai Austin Turner's, Trlckey's Cor- ners; Night at W. J. S. Rlckard's, Shaw's; Thursday noon at Wm. Cann's, Hamptan; then Vo his own stable, Lot 28, Con. 7, Dar- lingion, until follawing Tuesay Narman C. Yellowlees, 20-1 Owner. Wanted MA SO0N WORK WANTED- Brick work, stone work, and pla.stering. Apply Breck's Store. Burketori. Phone Bowmanville 2334, Port Perry 193-32. 19-3 MAN WITH CAR - WATKINS Dealer (preferably between 25 and 50) needed immedlately ta supply established demand for World Famous Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Soaps, Cleans- ers, Medicines, Fly Spray, Min- eralized Stock and Poultry Tanics. 70 year reputation. 10,000O dealers. Must be satisfied with $30.00 weekly at start. Selling experience unnecessary. Farm experience helpfut. Cre- dit furnished right p ar t ies. Write immediately, The J. R. Watkins Company, Montreal, Que., Dept. 0-B-9. 17-4 WANTED - MAID FOR COT- tage at Williams Point, Caes- area, must be fond of children, $20 a month. Write ta Mrs. Greatrex. Caesarea. 20-1* WANTED - HOME FOR CON- valescent 7 year oid boy with aduits on farm near rural school, references r e qu ir ed. State terms, etc. "A.H." Draw- er B, Bowmanville. 20-2 Miscellaneous WEST EN]) GARAGIE AND) MA- chine Shop - We speciajize ini xnachinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, weiding, towlng, service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- prietor, Bowmanville. P h o n e 781. 23-t! MR. C. MILLS., WATCHMAKR, Hampton Village, can salve your time-keeping troubles. Moder- ate prices and dependability. Try him. Phone 2689. 19-4 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR - Estimates gladly given on al types of electric wirîng. F. W. Werry, Enniskillen. Phone 2539. 19-.3* MATTRESSES & COMFORTERS -R e pre sentative here now. Specializing rebuilding Mat- tresses. Your Mattresses rebuilt absolutely new again. Some spring filled haîf the cost of a new one. Feather beds washed. stripped. made into comforters and feather mattresses. Eider- dawns recavered. Phone 362. 20-6 Roomi and Board BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL- ly lacated. Apply Mrs. F. Mc- Indoo, phane 894, King Street East. 20-1' Lost LOST - A HOLSTEIN HEIFER cal!, vicinity o! Burketan. Any- ane having information. please telephone H. Holwell. Hampton, 2554. or Talmage Taylor, 2338. 20-1 Notice TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWVRIGHT Notice is hereby given thatth first sittings of the Court o! Re- vision for the Township of Cart- wright, will be held in the Cam- munity Hall in the Village o! Blackstock. an Monday, June 6th, at the hour o! 2 a'clo>ck afternaon, ta hear and determine complaints and omissions in the Assessment Rail a! the said Township for the year 1938. AIl persans having business at said Court are requiredti t attend. Wm. Beacock, Clerk. 20-1 Baby Chlcks . CHICKS FOR SALE - PRICES reduced for balance of season on day aId rnixed and sexed Leghorn chicks. I also have a limited number o! 4 week oId Leghorn pulets for sale. Apply H. J. Brooks. Phone 2636. l9tf Radio Repairs Cali 575 R. QUINN King St. Bowmanville Four Low-Priced Stocks With Outatanding Poaaibdliti.a CR0 WSHORE LACOMA CHEMINIS KIRKLANOGATEWAY G. FiRIT13 BROKER 200 BAY ST. TOROTO Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE - 85 ACRES, sandy loam, good buildings, on good caunty road. nat far from highway, close to schoal and church. Will seli as going con- cern or otherwise. Good pro- position for littie cash. Worth investigating. A p p 1 y "M.J." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 17-t HOUSE FOR SALE - SO0L ID brick house on Centre Street irn good locality. desirable home with modern conveniences, will be sold very cheap 1.0 close Up an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman, King Street West, Bowmanville.. Phone 526. 40-t! FOR SALE -FRAME COTITAGE1 and contents on Lake Scugog, Caesarea. summer dwelling. In- formation - William Harran, Caesarea, or Mrs. Williams, phone 2566W, Oshawa. 19-2* ONE QUARTER ACRE LAND for sale or ta rent, on Caroline Street, Newcastle. Ont. Apply Annie Kenefick. 20-1 Tro Rent HOUSE TO RENT - 6 ROOMS, and bath, ail conveniences, gas and electric, electric refrigera- tor, garage, corner Elgin and Horse.y Sts. F. C. Hoar. Phone 417. King St. 18-t! PASTURE FOR RENT - GOOD shade and running water. Ap-t ply W. T. Perrett, Hampton.t Phone 2553. 20-11 HOUSE TO LET-BRICK HOUSE 6 rooms, central, hat water1 heating: garden, garage. Mrs.c John Mclntyre, Church Street,. Bowmanville. 20-1*a HOUSE TO LET - SIX ROOMS and 3 pc. b&th, ail conveniences, garage if wanted, possession at once. Apply at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store or Kingsway Fllower Shop. 20-tf TO RLENT - NICE APARTMENT on Temperance St., and 4 rain Apartment on -Division Street. J. B. Martyn. 20-2* FOR RENT - HOUSE ON WEL- lingtan Street. Apply George MeMullen, Wellington St., Bow- manville. 20-1* FOR RENT OR FOR SALE - 7 room brick hause, hardwoad floors upstairs and down: Beech Avenue. Apply Alan Knight King St. E. Phone 565. 20-1 TO RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE, 6 rooms. goad locality. reason- able. Apply "M . Drawer B. Bowmanville. 20-11 For Sale AWNINGS FOR STORE OR residence. Genuine Sunray yen Blinds, 48c square foot installed. Northcutt & Smith. Phone 668. 17-4* DR. HAIMMOND'S BRAIN AND Nerve Pills. If depressed, mel- ancholy. have that tired feeling, brain fag, jump at the least 1noise. pass sleepless nights - you have a breakdown of the nervous system. Dr. Hammond's nerve treatment f eeds the star- ved nerves and you start ta pick up at once. Only 50 cents. Recommended by McGregor's Drug Store. 18-5 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALF-1933 single A.J.S. model, mileage ap- proximately 7000, new tires, ex- cellent condition. Cheap for cash. Write "A.M.' c o States- man Office. 18-3* FOR SALE -FIVE T AB LE S, cheap: one round. oak, dining. one mahogany parlai': one kit- chen cabinet table; one drap-1 leaf kitchen; one square bed- room; cook stove $3; several dlocks. H. J. Davis, Middle Rd., R. R. 6, Bawmanville. 20-1* FOR SALE - ICE REFRIGERA- tiar and Moff att Electric Range. Apply Mrs. Harold Toms. New- castle. Phone Clarke 1123. 20-1V FOR SALE - DOOLEY POTA- toes, 35c a bag. Also young calves for vealing wanted. Ap- ply Gardon Martin, Haydon. Phone Bowmanville 2505. 20-1* FOR SALE - BASEBALL BATS for hard and sof t basebal. large stock ta choose from. Also make them to order. Prom 50e ta $1. S. J. Jackman, Jackman Street. Phone 780. 20-4 FOR SALE -TIMBER FOR small barn, 18 by 30 by 15 feet high, ail good pine. J. C. Han- cock. Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3724. 20-1* NOT A FO)RTUNE, BUT A PLEA- sant, profitable business f o r earnest and active people. Any dependable persan can operate this simple business 1wý a re- served district. 200 Guaranteed home necessities used by mil- lions of people. Safe and ad- vantageous cash plan. Square deal. No risk. For free partlc- ulars write "Familex"' 570 St. Clement, Montreal, if you wish ta "get samewhere." 20-3 FOR SALE-TWO-ROW TURNIP DrIU, excellent condition; Que- bec Sulky plow: sixteen-plate dilsc harrow with forecarriage; used Spreaders and Cream Sep- arators. W. S. Staples. Massey- Harris dealer, phone 781, Bow- manville. 20-1V STRAWBERRY PLANTS F0OR Sale-Senator Dunlop, good lst class plants, 75e per 100 or $5 per 1000. Apply T. Buttery, Scugog St., Bowmanvllle. Phone 406. 20-1P Livestock For Sale DURHA.M CO. SHORTHOfl'~S- Young buils for sale. $45.00 and up. J. Baker, Hampton. 16-tf COCKERELS FOR SALE-3c UP, White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, baby chicks, started chicks, pul- lets, from blood tested flock, sired by R.O.P. cockerels. Phone 2433, Aibin Clemens, n e a r Hampton. 19-2* FOR SAL-NINE. YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Norman C. Yellowlees, R. R. 1, Enniskilien. Phone Bowmanville 2260. 20-1- FOR SALE - ONE YORKSHIRE White Hag, six months aid. S.- E. Werry. R. R. 1, Hampton. Phone 2471. 20- 1 PIGS FOR SALE -SIX WEEKS old. Apply W. E. Lymer, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 2164. 207 1 Notice t. Creditors In the Estate of MARGARET ANN McDONALD, deceased. TAXE NOTICE that ail persans having dlaims against the estate of Margaret Ann McDonald, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Wîldow, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of March, 1938, in the Township of Darlington, are hereby notified ta send in ta the Lndersgned, or his Solicitor, on or before the 6th day of June, 1938, f ull particulars and proof o! their dlaims. Irnmediately a!- ter the last mentioned date -the assets o! the Estate will be dis- tributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only ta the dlaims o! which the Ad- ministrator shall at that timne have notice. DATED at Bawmanville this 5th day o! May, 1938. Bermuda McDonald, Bowmanville, Administratar by his Solicitor, Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmanville. 18-3 Notice te Creditors In the Estate of JULIA ANN FLIGG, deeeased. TAKE NOTICE that ahi persons having dlaims against the estate o! Julia Ann Fligg, late a! the Village o! Newcastle, ln the Coun- ty o! Durham, Spinster, deceased. wha died an or about the l8th day of March, 1938, in the Village o! Newcastle, are hereby notified ta send in ta the undersigned, or their solicitor, an or before the 6th day o! June, 1938, full1 partic- ulars and proof a! their dlaimis. Immediatehy a! ter the iast .men- tîoned date the assets o! the Es- tate w'11 be distributed among the parties entîthed thereta, having regard anhy to the dlaims of which the Administratars, with the WiUl annexed, shail ai that time have notice. DATED at Bowmanville this Sih day of May, 1938. Allie Reid o! the City a! Toronto, and Frederick William Fligg, Newcastle, Ont. Administrators with the Will annexed by their Solicitor, Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmanville, Ont. 18-3 Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having an y dlaim againsi the Estate o! the late DAVID WALLACE DOWNEY. wrha died on or about the 4th dai o! April, 1938, ai the Township a! Darlington, in the Caunty o! Dur- ham, are recluired ta file the same with proof therea! with the un- dersigned not later than May 26. 1938, a! ter which date the Estate wihl be distributed and al daims o! which the Administratars have flot received notice will be barred as against them. DATED at Bowmanville this 3th day of April, 1938. M. G. V. OOULD, Bawmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for Charles W. Dow- ney and Gladys L. Downey, Applicants foi Letters o! Ad- ministration with WilI an- nexed. 18-31 Farmers Attention!UILIGFRS E GEM 'ELECTRIC FENCER MADE BULIGFRSL in Canada. Keeps ail stock 13Y TENDER where they belang with one wire. Price $30. complete with corrugated, galvanized build- batteries and insulators. 2 year inlg. 155 feet long, 26 fe~et wvide, 8 guarantee. Soid and demon- feet hiiî sides. 15 f cet high centre, strated by W. S. Staples, Bow- 8 double doors, 6 windows- manville. Phone 781. 19-2* suitable for implemnent shed PRIMEý-T'HE ORIGINAL PANEL garages - the purchaser to rm, controlled Electric Fence - keeps saine froin the prernises within cattle enclosed with a single two weeks froin timie of Purchase. strand wire fence. Saves up ta The building *rnay bc inspected. 80', fence costs. Before buying It is located betveenl the factorv see t.he Prime Electric Fence and High Schlool grounds. Also agent. Fred Partner. R. R. 1, a building l4x34'. Tyrone. F re e demonstration. M'%ail tendens to the CGoodvea, Phone 2328. 20-2* Tire & Rubber Conipan', of CI" I ia .intd Bwani .\ko For Sale - Quantity of used lomber. sasli. metal drums, buckets. tubs, etc. 20-1lw LOW RAIL FARES VICTORIA DAY May 24th, 1938 Between ail pointesin Canada and to certain destinations ln United States Fare and One-Quarter FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: Any time Mlonday, May 23, until 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 24, 1938. RETURN: Leave destination up to midnight, Wednesday, Mlay 25, 1938 Times shown are "Standard" Miinium Special Fare - 25c PFll parltwulars fro;;s ony agent Canadian Pacifie MII.~0 Authrize Rad s BNDST W OSHAWA TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Sealed Teniteî. ad1dr.ýssed 10 the uîîdersigned anid endors-O Tndr for (-' oal,- will l)e receiveKl until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Mon. day, June 6, 1938, for the supply 0f coal and coke for the Dominion Build- ings throughout the Province of On- tario Fornis of tender with speci ficationa and conditions a ttached eu b le oh - tained from the t'urcliasing Agent, Departmeat of Public Works, Ottawa; anîd the Supeî sisiîîg A.chit.ect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should lie madoe on the forms suppled by the Department and ln accordance with i epartm1ental specifications and conditions attach- ed thereto. 'When the amounit of a tender ex- cecds the sum of $5.00C.00-wlîether it be for-one building only or more- the tenderers must attach to their tender a certifled cheque on a chart- ercd bank in Canada, maide payable to the order of the Hlonourable tlhe Minister of Publie Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Do- minion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company andl its constituent companies, uncondition- ally guarantccd as t0 principal and interest.bly the Dominion of Canada. or the aforementioncd bonds anîd a ccrtified cheque, If required 10 make up an odd amount. The Department also reser-ves the right to demnandi from any successful tenderer a security (Iclosit. in the form of a certificîl cheque or bond as above. equal to 10 per cent of thc amounit of his lid, 10 guarantee thîe l)ropcr fulfilment of the contract. By order. .J .SONErivlL1TE, Secret.îry. aexrtnîcîit of Publie Worh-s, Ottawa, 'May 6, 1938. 19-2 WANTED Regular supply Ajirshire Fresh MiIk whiclx will con- f orm to city regulations. Advsse number of cans able to ship daily. Send replies to "D.O." Drawer B, Bow- manville. 20-2 Rennies' High Grade No. 1 Seed Corn See These Choice Varieties YeIIow Dents .. Imported Dents.. Improved r.Leaming Eureka White Cap Sweepstakes Golden Glow Yellow Flints Early Bailey Comptons Early Pride of Nishna Longfellow White Flints. White Dents . North Dakota Wisconsin No. 7 Red Dents.. Marmoth Southern Sweet Bloody Butcher MORE FOR YOUR MONEY - - HIGH GRADE SEED IN BULK - - GROWS BEST No. 1 Mangel, Turnip, and other Farm and Garden Seeds Don't Neglect to Fertilize DEAD FARMS PAY NO PROFITS Depleted run-down soil must be rebuilt to yield profitale crops. We recommend uslng NATURAL MINERAL PHOSPHATE The Non-Burning Plant Fo«d. Se STEWART Seeds - - Phone 577 - - Feeds READ"dUSE WANT AOS 1 - à THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 19TH, 1938 PAGE TWELVE 41 1 1

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