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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1938, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATES'MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE .TWO Estabished 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the town of Bowmaniviile and surrouniding country, lesued at King Street, Bowmnanville. every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and pubishers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekiý' Newspapers Association, also the Class "A' Weekloes of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere In Canada $2.50 a year; when pald in ad- vance $2.00 a year; 50c extra In United States to cever postage. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY. MAX' I9TH, 1938 There's Nothing Like Success Everv Cuuîuînîiiity is better off w1l suniieliudy succeeeds - and w'orse off wvhei one fails- states a pamplhlet issu.ed 1) ' vthe Suutbain Press entitled 'Tliere 's Nuthiîg Like Suiceess.'Fhulat is trîuc ini more thiaî one seîuse. Success alwavs lias a favorable etteet.ipnia eoliiiiuiit..A town utfuie- eessfiil mien is a good business toffii. aur1 iflue sainie uiainci' a towii ut hîtI"iliiess failtires is a townl fu le avuided. Vinfor- tuîniatelyý. as this pamiphlet pointfs onf, there is a tendelicv aînulg sume lpeop)le t0 alwvays discredit fliose wlho have muadle a suiccess of lite. '-\r. C. L. Burton, President ufthfle factor in bis leffer ini the series "Making Canîada a Better Place" w'hiehi lias beeîî niunîiing iin Thei Statesman for somne weeks. At the back ut this desire f0 discredit is usually'uîîe thing - jealousy. The green eyed miuns ter, as this trait is usually dlub- bed, is responsible for a great maîiy evils. and it is usually flhe basis upon vhich agrit- ators xork. There are sonie peuple, generally those lacking ini ambition anîd initiative, w'ho vill tell vou that nu maîn can be luunest and 'accuiuîiate a fortune. This is neither a trufh îîur a haIftfruth. Truc some men hav'eumade fortunes fhruugh dishunest prac- tices, but their nunibers are sînaîl. The critie, w'ho is lacking, in some of the es- sentials that make for success, furns fu dishionesty and fhe answer for ftle reasun some make a success and thers do npt. If is neither a crime nor is if unfair for a person f0 uake a success ut lite, even if thaf success bringys with if ftic accumulation of muney. The onlv dangyer f0 success ut the mon- efary type is when ftic unîney is îîuf used fo best advanitage. Butifhfli aîîy tund- afions in the xorld, tinanccd by wealfhy meni for fhe prevention and flic stuidY ut dîsease, for the advaîîecmcntf u educafioui. illustrafe what eau be acconplished. We refer particuilai'ly f0 suichi foundafions as flic Rocktcller, Carniegie and Mellun Trusts. whieh have beeîî utincalculable value f0 fthe world af large. If w'uuld be w'ell before we affempf f0 criticise peuple who are wealfhy liecause fhey have liad vision, f0 look back info fheir pasfs, and find perhaps fhev lacked fthe upporfunties fliaf we have, andi yef despif c fhe handicaps made a suc- cess. Henry Ford was a pour man; Sir Ed- ward Beatty was onîce a C.P.R. office boy: Hou. Charles Dunîing was a poor imini- granf; C. L. Burton was a produef ut an Ontario County tarin; Ramsay MacDonald once worked in a coal mine-, Premier Cham- berlain's father Sw'as a pour man; David Lloyd George used f0 selI vegefables trom a streef w'agon. There are hundreds ut others who are successtîîl and pcrhaps wealfhy tuday, because f bey bad ambition, uscd f beij' brains, wurked bard and long houns, and showed infiative. and made a success ut wbafever fbey undertook. Dis- hoiuesfy is a verv sinaîl factor in the ac- cumulation ut wealth. Make Bowmanville Beautiful In some comuniuiies puîblie spiritcd peu- ple or Horficîultural Sociefies have offereol prizes f0 flic home fhat shoîuld prorluieflic fiucsf gardens or flic musf improveinelit ini these places. The resîuts have been mai'- vellous. Maiîy humes that prevîously were indiffereuf about fhieir appearpice suidren- ly gof bnsy, cleanict up o1jeetiunall sputs, and pîaîîted beautfiul flowei's ahi1 sbrîbs. So manu' homes that oince Iooked plain aiid unattractive, iin a short fime became iests of beauufy. The samne resuits ean be had ini Bowînanviîle eveit if oui' good old liorticul- tural Society is a hiuîg outhfli past and nu prizes arc offcred. Thiose wbo (do stucli fili nrfgagre was for uiîly $1,000, lie ud still hiaveflue privilege ut donafing $2,000 to flic delîtur beture lie couhd forclose anîd colleef his $1,000 deJ . Pcrhaps it is wel f that flue Albcrta Guv- eriiieiit bas passed these acfs, for if îuîay bhe lic eans ut briîuging flic peuple ut Albecrta f0 flîir seiises and to rid tlîeîîîsel' ves of Aberliart and luis folowci's. \\'hat w'ould have happenetli Alberta (turing the past few years, had it îuît hecu for the opp)osition01ofuthle press of tlhe lroviice it is liard tu tell. Most certainil.y Aberliart -would liave heîi more drast le iii lis ilfia- iinairv retoi 'ns thait 1ielias hccii iad if liot bcci; for' the sauity outhtîe p)oineell"s iiWws- paper editors. .Tu.st î'eceiitl v thie Edmonuîton J1 uii'iilaaaI u tWir(le(lthle Puilitzer' Prize tutr its tighît toi'ti'eedoiii of the pr'ess. anid thei weekly niewspapers of the Prov'ince receev- ed specitîl certifieates iin recogniition ufthte pînrt tliey liad played, ini stopping thiis Pol- itical Ptilliteer front destrovîngone ofîuthe vîvsafecgîiaruls of the deniocratic state. While Alber'ta people appeai' f0 lie still struîig- foir AIhcrlaî'ti"îîî wMien they have an uppoî'ttiiity to expre4.s tliîiselves tlîrouglî tlic seeret ballot. we feed sure thîcy ill vote fui' a retni'n to siue guovei'iiieuit. aid this proîiisiîîg plitical prattler will he able tu rctrn itu lus class in the lîiglî sehool, and lus pîilpit iin the (algaryý Bible Iiistitute. Young Singers Most Interested Tflic lasses for juniors anid for schîool ehuirs weî'e well filled at the Music Fes- tival last w'eek, but the adult classes overe very s canty. This ivas uiîfortunate as both are îîeeessary' to have a well-rotîîded-out prugrain. Tliere are plenty uf good aduit sin-rs ini the district. Why are the en- tries su few? Is it because the adults are too senisitive to bear havingý the faults ini their sinîging commented upon ini publie? While criticismn may flot be easy to take, it is valtiable if the singer really desires f0 i mprove. Even with the weakness in the aduif sec- tion. the festival vas vers-v înueh orth w~hile. It deînunstrated ftie prugress w'hiehî bas been made in group singing in the sehools and alsu showed that many pro- rising youung singers are being developed. The above cumments were flot writfen bN us bui; are part of an editoxýal in last week's Barrie Examiner. How'ever the samne constructive criticismn applies equally as w'ell to the Durham County Music Festival held ini Buw'ranville lasf week. Too manv musicians arouiid their late teens and earlv twenties think w'hen they have been award- ed a guld niedal in1 a festival contest they have reachied the lîeightf ut flir musie career and they are sitfing pretty. on top ut the world. That's the saine taise idea some students hold when the.v graduate from universjty. Bless your innocenît yuîîng hearfs you are oîîly starfiîîg in life's school of hiard knocks. Tliere are hetter anîd greater fhings ahead for you but thev are only aceomiplished by liard work and con- sistenit practice. Another point about the festival - w'e were just a bit disappuiîîted aînd ashamed that more rural and fuwn churcli ehoirs did îîut enter. Tlîink ut if. unly one frim W"est Durham! "Not Fear of One Man" William Aile!n White, sage ufthtle Em- poria (Kan.) Gazette, the small-tuwn editor whose wrifings have broughlt hiiîn an andi- îeiîe ut millions -ives some real food for fhougbit about thie solviiiîg ut present day prubleis andi unrest wu'ben lie wurites. -Thli obstacle to the thiîîg w-e calI re- cuverv is flot fear ut une mani. If Roose- velt, Ilitler. Muissolini and Stalin alI were tr (lie within a mn, hte ulstacle wotld remini. For huidrerls utfimillionis utf ii., rounîd pegs in square indlustrial li<les îlot fuiîefioiig ttîlly tu capacity.ý although oui- prcsideîîts anîd dictators all w'ere îlearl. ivoiilt still fcel that the distiributive systexît <f ('hrisfendiîî is îîuf perfect. Tiiese hîîni- dreds ut millions w'îll contintile 0agitate fuor a larg-er shiare thait tle ievnw'receive ini the gros.s produr' f u the niachine age. -Iniversal edtieatiuii andrlthe conmit use out uîuiciiîery. have fîîsed a niew dx'î- anîite ut discoîîtint iin thte wurlrl. In Europe the comnmon man lias tiiried futilcly tu the rîjetator. Soon the dictatur - 'll pass. It Ainerica, flic forgotfeii man ti tîriî tu Roose- velt. lie also is f[îprr. lis tullowei's are lhere fu staY. liilcss the w'isd<iiii ut nail can find som.e tair way to secure exceptiun- aI rew'ards fu exceptioiial minwluo have or,,aniziiigy talents andr at the saine tiîne to àsaliî universally higb standard ut li ving w'lîh wiIl satisty the commuon man \lio lias onily a conuînoti talent, we shahl hiave nu peace in business or industrv. (uiîînenting editorially on Buwniaîîvillc Town ('otncil firing its publlic hîcal nurse the Whitlîy Gazette and 'hîronicle îiakes this commnît : 'We believe thtfin Bow- manville as iin Whithy a nîuise las saved the nuniipality lundreds ot dollars an- niually ii hospital biills, to say uothing ut the lîundreds ut healtît defecfs la chidren detecfed and corrected tbrough li er inter- vent ion." MAKING CANADA A Better Place in Whieh to Live and Work A Sertes of Letters from Distingulshed Canadians on Vital Problenis Affectlng the Future Welf are of Canadla Specially Written for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association LETTER NO. 13 Monfreal, March 21, 1938 Dear Mr. James:- In response f0 your letter, Il sheuhd like te say that fthe officers of the Canadian National Rail- ways are always corîscieus of the important part the weekly news- papers play in Canadian afairs and that we fully appreciate the keen intercst the members of your association take in the wel- f are of the National Railways system. We have noticed witli satisfaction thaf you have ex- tended this to Canada's newest enterprise, fthe Trans-Canada Air Lines. I hope that t he weekly news- papers wihl continue their valu- able work of fostering a spirit of unity flirouglicut the Dominion and encouraging Canadians f0 work for steady improvement in conditions by avoidîng useless controversies which can onhy fend to retard the nation's progress. Above ail, I hope you wiil carry on your discouragement of those pessimists who seem f0o have no other contribution te make than flhe foreeast of disaster. The fhings to be advocated to>day, if seems te, me, are the avoidance of anything which miglif cause sec- fional. racial or any oflier f orm of strife, and the positive quali- fies of sane optim.ism and liard work. These. I think you will agree, are Canadian characteris- tics. If is flot enougli f0 recognize thern and be proud of them; we must mainfain and extend tliem. S. J. Hungeriord Witli kind regards and all goed wislies f0 your membership and te yoursclf, I am, Yours faithfully, S. J. HUNGERFORD, President. BY THE OLD BOX STOVE By Hiram Baek on the Seventh Concession Advertising That Us Hay-Wire A pamphlet vas mailed te me flic other day by flic editor en- f ifted "The Case of Adverflslng" writfen by that lovable person, John C. Kirkwood. wlie writes for The Statesman cvery wcck. If was a well writfcn article funl of surprising information and cer- tainly proved adequafely flic need for good advcrtising. A fellow cannof hclp being in entire agrec- ment wif h the whole case as if wxas written. But there is another side whicli I feel sure should come under ftli condemnatien of ail f air f hinking f olk, and partlc- ul.arly the chap wlio creafes such copy and. pictures. - Clever people know we arce gullible. people and fliaf Barnum was riglit when lic said "A foot is born evcry minute." The kind of advertising I refer te is seen in toc many of our papers and mag- azines and we aise get oodles cf the same stuf over the air. This kind cf ad. sfarfs at the top of your head where if deals Wit h dandruif and works down foucli- ing cvery part cf your body tilt it ends with flic calleuses on flic soles cf your feef. Ycu are urged te put drops in your eyes, profect your face against cosmetic skin, bewarc cf film on your teeth, stir up yuur liver, and agitate your bile. Yen arc given a picture of yourself stripped naked and skn- ned alive te show flic mess of muscles which need tubricafing. In fact. accrrding te this particu- lai' type of ad. everything under flic sun can be cured or eradicat- ed. Af fer paying ouftliard earned cash te f ry alliese cure-ails and face-liffers you finally land up in Your own docfor's office to find eut wliat is flic matter wif h ypu and you tell him te put lits fee on flic bocks. This class of advertising shows liow dangerous if is fer young men and women to have B.O. If's a sure way te a tife of lonciness and flic only cure is te wash wifh a soap fliat smells even worse than the B. O. If yeu arc afflicf- cd wif h halitusis your fricnds will yen at flic proper distance when you call toecnjoy a pleasant even- ing. Lovely girls arc pictured in a worshipful mood praying that people wilh like tliem, but cannet make a go cf if because they have a run in flicir stocking and s0 lack S. A. (Stocking Appeal). What tommy rot ! On one page you will tearn if yen drink ceffee you will nef be able f0 steep because flic caffein imps will kecp prodding wlth their sharp forks and swatting you wifli fheir long tails, while on the other page yen arc told that if yen do drink coffec you will slecp like a ncw bern babe. There will be a beantiful pic- t ure cf a roast cf beef tcmPtingly surrounded wit h nicely browned potatoes and jusf as your moufli i.s watcring because of flic prom- isc of a fcast, up pops a man. lis only clothing a pair of shorts araund lits middle and snowslioes on his feet. If you want te, be like hlm yen must shun alI flic nice things on fli Coher page and caf only flic things lic recommcnds. Yen must use flic riglit klnd of soap wlicn washing the clothes or your husband will leave you and Your home will be broken up. This sert of bunkum adverfis- ing may appeal f0 cif y folk but if jusf don'f go over wifh us pure and simpte country folk. If is higli pressure salesmanship - of- ten times deceptive and actually insulting - and is meant f0 ceax flic dollars out f tffli pockets o! gullible people. Some learn how flicy have been f ooled. some don'f. The radio lias solved one prob- lem for me. I have often ivondcr- cd wherc nlliche ld time Evan- gellsts have gene te. Weil if secrns thcy have feund jobs as certain types of radio announcers. You can hear them cdaxing people te f ake pills, use oint ment, face powder, foofli powdcr, soap chips, and fliere is one who persistently begs and prays that you always caf pork and beans. I wonder when fliese sponsors will get wise thaf sucli ads and radio programs arc an insult f0 intelligent peo- ple whose patience and folerance wlth sucli tripe are about cx- hausted. They arc doing flic cause of good advcrtising a distinct in- justice and real harm. N THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST ___________From The Statesman Fies From The Canadian Statesunan, May 9, 1888 Court ice: Darlington U n i o n Cheese Factery opened Menday wif h A. M. Fowler again in charge. ..Mr. William White's youngest child was buricd on Thursday, flic funcral bing conducf cd by flic Salvation Army Lieutenant.. Ebenezer Star Baseball Club was re-organized Friday niglif witli fliese officers: Capf.. A. Werry; Sec.-Treas., R. E. Osborne. Tyrene: T. Gardiner & Sons are erecfing a verandali on flic front and wcsf side of Mr'. T. Creeper's mansion. Post office revenue in Bowman- ville ferrflic ycar endung June 30, 1887, was $4859.06, while salaries paid eut totalled $1360. A report reaclies us from flic township that Wm. Pascec. liv- ing near Zion Cliurcli, was fer- ribly injured on Monday by flic bursting cf a gun while slieuting liens. His lef t arm was badly lac- cratcd and one ide cf lits face and hcad very mucli cut. Dr. Mitchell wlio happened te be af- tending flic quarterly meeting at Solina was promptly In attend- ance and dresscd the weunds. Enntskillen: Wc are pleased te hear fliaf flicLieutenant Gover- ner of Ontario in Council lias ap- poinfed William Blngliam of flua place as issuer cf marriage 11- censes. Hampton: Fcllowing is flic Scliool for April: Si'. Division, 5th Ctass. L. Elliss, A. Brimacombe, L. Elford; Si'. 4th, L. McLean, I. El- lis. L. Beer; Sr. 3rd, R. Robins. F. Cryderman. M. Pascoe; Jr. 3rd. B. Wilcex, N. Meyse, I. McLean: Jr. Division, 2nd Class, I. Taylor. M. Wllcox, E. Cryderman; Sr. 2nd, E. Clarke, H. Cale. T. Stone- lieuse; Jr. 2nd. E. Parisli. H. Hooper, T. McLean; Sr. 1sf. J. MoLean, E. Ctatwortliy. Maud West; Jr. 1sf. A. Cryderman, E. O'Hara. H. Wilcox. W. Clarke, L. Elliott, J. O'Hara; E. J. ICerslake and G. W. Jamieson. feacliers. Fromn The Canadlan Statesman, May 16, 1888 Whaf'a in a namne? If your lover's name is Harry. 'twon't be long before you marry. If lies flic man on whom you'rc gene, you'l mn no risk te trust in John. If Richard is your swcetlieart's name, lic'll likely bring yen wealth and fame. Should yeu wed a man named Chartie. expeet a temper sharp and snarley. If one all pat- ient you must exPecf. Josepli's the name yen must select. There la flot any man can rank for 1ev- ing loyalty like F'rank. To honesf bliss if you incline, te, some sweet William take a shine. If yen seek flic fond and truc, Albert is flic îîame for you. Don't expect a stcady liead. if your fancy ruais te Ned. If unruffled life you'd know. pick ouf faithlful. honcst Joe. The estimates for flic fowmu cf Bowmanville for this year are: TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO c From The Caa nStatesmnf 1 May 8, 1913c Rev. A. H. Drumm recentlyf f romi Belleville where for thec past il years he filled a successfulr pastorate at St. Johin's Presbyfci'- ian Churcli. was on May 2nd in- ducfed into, the pastorate of Sf. Paul's Presbyterian Cliurch in this fown. succeeding Rev. Hugli Munroe who resigned f0 take flic office of assistant paster cf Sf. Andrew'5 Church. Toront o. Rev. A. L. McFayden of Dunbarton piecsided at thle induction service. F. B. Lovekiti, J.P., Newcastle. lias purcliased from Mr. D. B. Simpson, K.C., Bowmanville, t he Otd Pioncer Farm on flic lake shore, formerly the home cf his uncle, the late Richard Lovekin,i J.P., tflcfirst white man born in Clarke Township. Heart lest congratuilatfion s te Brigadier Edwy White. . Buffalo, N. Y., Divisional Offlcer for West- ern New Yorkc of flic Salvation Army, on being promoted from Major te Brigadier. Manson Comstock, Kendal. sold his mill business and ail lits f axim land, some 300 acres, f0 W. J. Fielding of Weston. Mr. Comstock niay live in Oshawa. Blrtli: Linten - In Orono. April 29tli. f0 ?&. and Mrs. Martin Linton, a son. Death: Avery - In Darlington, May 4th. Winnifred Stacey, only dhild o! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Avery, age il monflis and 8 days. R. M. Mitchell & Co., druggists, have movcd tnt o their ncw store, ane door west of their old loca- tion. The old store will be uscd by the Royal Bank cf Canada. Bowmanvillc merchants have signed a petition agrceing te close their stores on Wednesday af fer- noons in July and August. Mr. M. J. A. James, eldest son of the eciter cf The Statcsman, has been promoted te be Adver- tising Manager of flhc Daîly Post, Cincinnatti, his ncw Job te starf in June. Club lieuse of flie Bowling Club is being moved te the ncw greens af flic corner of Temperance and Queen streets. From The Canadian Statesman, May 15, 1913 Hundreds of cifizens visifed flic G.T.R. station Sunday te sec the disastreus railway wrcck whicli occurred by 11.30 Saturday nighf THURSDAY, NIAY 9TH, 1938 - - .. . 1 un a freight train going east. Twenty-one cars formed a heap o! destruction and wreckage. but fortunately no one was killed. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jury an- nounce the engagement cf their dauglifer, Milrcd f0 Mi'. Chester William New, B.A., Brandon. The marriage will take place at their residence, "Woodlawn," on June 18th. The many friends and relatives f Mrs. Stewart Bruce wilt be sorry f0 learn ef lier sudden deaf h in Port Perry f rom hearf failure. Deceased leaves four sons, Dr. Herbert A. Bruce and Rupert Toront o, Albert of Vancouver, B. C.. and Robert, West Toronto. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. About 6 p.m. Thursday evening thue fire brigade was calted oufte quencli a f ire in the rouf of E. R. Bounsalî's ieuse. The f ire was exfinguished before very sericus damage was donc. Birfli: Oke - In Bowmnafvile, May 3rd. te Mi'. and Mrs. Walter Oke, a son. Birth: Milîson - In Clarke, May 7f h. f0 Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mill- son, a daughfei'. Lots cf men are willing te fell us jusf what f0 do, but tliey neyer have f ime f0 show Us. It's easier te falk women ouf of 98e flian if is to fight men ouf of a dollar. Some men run for office and ofliers win in a walk. Suppose this were the heading of a newspaper article about You and Your car! JURIES are now making bigher awards than ever before te parties who bring suits for danmages against car owners. You need the real protection given you by Liabiity Insurance and by the other forms cf Auto- mobile Insitrance. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS M I MAY DRIVE 241TH SAFELYI Last year the holiday trafflc on our streets and highways ran Up a terrible toil of seven killed and 215 injured in 145 accidents! We mut flot have a repetition this year. One thoughtless, move on your part may bring tragedy into your own or somebody ele's home. Before you take the wheel, therefore, resolve to use the utmost care on the highway, and to observe every traffic ru.te. -Drive at a sale speed at ail times. -Keep to the right hand side of the road. -Neyer pass another vehicle on a hil or curve, or any point where the view is obstructed. -Do flot Park on the highway. -Signal the car behind you ini plenty of time betore you turn. -Observe ail road signe and signais. -Sethat your car is ini sale driving condition. In the na.me of hunianity drive safely on this, the firat holiday of summer. Help make the highways sale for yourself and others. If you drink, don't drive The hand et the law is dealing severely with drunken drivera. The maximum penalty for driving 'while drunk is three montha' im.' priaonment. If you have taken even onie drink, don't drive. Min ister ONTARIO DEPARTMENT ONTARIO 0F HIGHWAYS It B 1 ý 1 . Roads and Streets, $4660; Fire Committee, $700; Poor Relief, $700; Police $950; Cemetery $500; Public Property $1600. Mr. N. Ingram. Bowmanv'lle, was elected A.D.G.M. at the meet- ing of the True Blues Grand Lodge in Kingston. On Saturday a man nameci William Taylor who lived near Kendal committed suicide by cut- ting his throat. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his untimely end. A few weeks ago The States- man crew attention of the coun- cil to the dilapidated verandah on the market building. The council has made repairs. Bowmanville Sons of England, accompanied by members from Whitby, Oshawa and Newcastle, will attend St. John's Church on Sunday morning when Rev. Dr. A. Macnab will preach. Mr. and Mrs . Richard Woodley have returned from California both greatly improved in health. Birth: Perrin - In Darlîngtofl, May llth, to the wife of Mr. Chas. Perrin, a son. Died: Nott _ In Bowmanville. May il, Paul RobbinS Nott. sec- ond son of the late Rev. H. J. Nott. age 19 years and 9 months. They Cry-- And The Heavens Are But Brass __________________By Scribe G The seven nost cuinassimate pîuti . . . !)ut one ini which the %vords ini the scriptures arc said to ltîarrY is tusuallv a long way out in bc. MvGod. whv hast Thou for- front . .. andà the distance that separate s -ou and the quarry may sakenl me Dl' The%- are Christ' tnt le shortened this side of the words, ttered on the cross. grave. Tese facts are al known Centuries before that tinie, and. . . it is their emphiasis and values certainlv since, men and -women have hat engage us. cried t0 the heavens . ith treinb- e neer cease to wonder what ing lips. . saline tears. . . ch.Qking cornfort, if anly, is to he found in throats ."My God, whv Ilast Thou the hear s and mnind5 of doomntd forsaken mne?" They are girls who inortals today . .. If ýsuiferers are have "given al for love" . . and emnotional thev may fUnd consolation heen deserted. Men and women ini the reward of the future which eaen alive with cancer. Arthriii a wordv relase mnas bring. If they ~ sufferers, writh-Iinig with excruciating are stoics thev mnay find some satis- 1an... never knowing a free m- faction ini suffering for the sake of ment from humian torture. Brave science . .. if it were aided thereby. men whose blood oozes out of a Probably the mnost significant ser- bullet hole before their verv eves. vice that such sufferers unconscious- and thev die as it drains. '.\en who v render is to remind others of us are victims of a cruel stroke that to bc extremely grateful for deliver- Icaves them with their minds but ance from disonifort . . . distortion distorts and paralyzes their formis . .. disease . . . disgrace . * . and to~ and features. nanifct nr gratitude by p racticiný Trs ing to live a spiritual life ini a what w e preach. Suffering is an material worl is one of the noblest ,imnressýye teacher. 1- 1- FIFTY YEARS AGO Phone 681 Bowmanville

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