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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY I9TH, 1938 At the end of 1937 the number 37,e4 over the previous year. of Bell telephones in servie was Long Distance usage was Up 10.4 746,051 which was an increase of per cent over 1936. Holiday Tuesdayv If you 're planning a Picnic - Remeniber, weh have Hamburg and Weiner ROUlS, Buns and Cookies of ail kinds. L Try Our New Rich Lunch Cake t s iCORBETT'S BAKERY ýl Phone 890 Bowmanville A N T ar Garden -Plantsw Annuals - Perennials - Vegetables o ANNUALS Pansies -Asters Snapdragon -Verbena Ageratum - Callendula Zinias - Straw Flowers Salvia (Blue and Red) Marigolds - Petunias Stocks - Swect AIlysum Hollyhocks -Begonias Geraniunis -Cannas Grown From Tested Seed PERENNIAL ROOTS Gallardia - Iris Peonies - Delphinium Columbine Baby's Breath VEGETABLES Tomatoes - Chaulks Jewel, Bonny Best, Fargo, Bec! Steak. John Bear Pritchard. Snowball Cauliflower - Broccoli. Cabbage - Golden Acre, Jersey Wakefield Copenhagen, Danish Ballhead. GEO. W. HUMPAGE Phone 710 Free Delivery Duke Street Ladies' Spring Coats Rsl-95 "4695 To Clear Crepe Dresses................ $1 .95 up If it's warm you may swlm on the 24th. Be pre- pareil with a new "Ruffeli" suit. its any size. COMPLETE STOCK 0F CURTAINS & CURTAIN NET Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 836 LIMITED Bowinanville L ULaRYcNAM flal7f ftIA MILE tUe IT FIRS P MULM-i..Tri $wab WhuM 55i m PA Te WORD SINTINCE -OwtY Sm[ WORD TO EAmitÙNS I a c3% Nrtn R l COMIfCAL ONE 'r c. SFEmVES UO051 KATE V-AD TANAGEý FO RUO ANS. TO TEN FICEFI PUZZLE GRU (ýIaIga DE» PRA of moi RED PAY asures -il LIENACG pM« s 11ud herein will be awarded for Wbat w. Judelo be the. moSt accuratO aM meatot dhemostattractive PIE la UTc days folowig publicati oof$200 Freet L-undryd tbb adve oneeft. Anybody, excePt Jub oui 0mplore.B'm& compete. fits flot $1.00 Free aoufly te in*ak ny purcbases. Use ~F. C» foîm above, gr asesparate sheet. 5eF«Lnr WyuO our mme and address plailY. WàiNERS 0F LAST WEEK'S PRIZE8 1. ARLENE NORTHCUTT, Bowmanvllle, Ont. 2. DMe.. T. A. RODGER, Newcastle, Ont. S. MES. EFFE LINGARDE, Port Hope, Ont. PORT HOPE 3OWMAN VILLE No 6 masterfuli or Cleanf or CleanIn -PHONE 404 PHONE 419 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. Jack Hart is home on sum- not spoiling the traditions by any ner vacation f romn Queen's Uni- deficiencies on his own part for versity, Kingston. besides his successful venture as a Mrs. J. H. Gibson moved to sehool paper editon he has won Oshawa last. weekend to be xvithi bronze. silver and gold medals in' her son. Mr. Ralph Gibson. elocutionary contests in the past Mrs. Catherne Filer has re- year. tuxned f rom. Toronto to her sum- uer home at Newcastle-on-the-H N RE SA T D Lake. U D E SA T N Miss Eileen Clark, nurse in COLWILL FUNERAL trainig at eATevNEeWCASTLEl spent last week with her mother, A E C S L Mrs. Merklcy Clark. Mrs. R. W. Walton. Gaît, and (Ctiedfo Pae1 MIiss Pearl Abar, Toronto, were the empty tomb o! Jesus, Why Sunday week visJtors at Mr. and seek ye the living among the Mrs. E. Thackray's. dead? St. Luke 24:5. Jesus over- Misses Dorothy Hcnning and came death and the grave that Audrey Bonathan motored to alI might have eternal life and qiagara Falls and Buffalo on because o! this Albert Colwill is unday with friends. alive. His poor body might be Mrs. Jno. Tuffi. Mr. Percy Tuf!. here *but he liveth for evermore. [isses Florencç. Mary and Hilda Many fricnds called at the ruff, and Master Kenneth Fen- house of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cry- -ing. Toronto, vene guests o! 1Nr. derman wherc the remains lay nil Mrs. T. F. Branton. iduring Monday and Tuesday and Mr. A. A. Martin, IFPS., Br-igh- where a short private service was mn, and Mns. Martin were among i conducted by Rer. S' MacLean .e many friends from outside just prior to their remorval to the )oints who attended tht luneral church on Wednesday afternoon. )f the late Albert A. Colwill. Teewr ag ubro Mrs. R. A. Delve and son. ,Mr. Teewr ag ubro Fhn Delve. Oszhawa. attended lcvely floral tnibutes fromn rela- 1e funeral o! the late A. A. Col- ftie nd friends besides pieces iîî anti were evening guests o. ro Cowanville Loyal Orange [r. nti rs. . W.Gleney. Lodge, Newcastle Lodge S. O. E., UrurhamdLodge A. F. & A. M., The measurement o! the village. Newcast L Unîed.Chrch SessMon ip one streiet. down another andtNecTh e United Church W. sA.,oTh long the next. by a party o! men BoardUo!ted Cucon. A.Th xith books and tape lines and Boaldofeuares er: . W rd iencils, was in progress ah the ley Fre Flgg. red G . raam iast week:le.Fe lgre Gahm Mrs. Wmn. Brunt. bride o! re- Geo. Jamieson, Win. C. Lake and tnt date, was tendered a miscel-RotMain ineous shower by a large number At the graveside in Bowman- Df er illge nd ura gil fi-ville ccmetery following the bur- her vlag h e nd rral girfn-ial rites o! the church the mcm- nd.sai ottn hMe o Mrsh. Fedbers o! the Orange Order joined -Laaoon MayIn th. , a3atin their solcmn and impressive ,ok My areI h y,'a3atburial service for a departed bro- omedy arcewill be prescnted interldbyhehaaiD.R the Community Hall, Newcastle, Th. Ruterd. h hpl ,D.R n Friday evening, May 20, ut 8.30 _T._Rutherford.__ D.S.T. Rickard Orchestra in ut- tenjiance. Admission 25c. U. C. SUNDAY SCHOOL The two hundredth anniversary MO0THER'S DAY SERVICEý f the conversion of John Wesley will be commemorated at the Un- lIntended for last week) ted Church Sunday, May 22, with The theme o! the special Mo- special emphasis on the hymnol- thcr's Day program. at the United gy of Charles Wesley in the ev- Church Sunday School, Newcastle, ning. !on May 8. was "The Spirit o! Mrs. Jno. Douglas and son. Mr. Christ in the life of the Home" Wltgla ogaen reon lOng and with special reference to Susan- Dlears. anscaoedKiyexpertsnah Wesley, mother o! John Wes- Beaer ts.lanscpedby xpetsley. On Sunday, May 22, the Un- .nd the gardens wilI be remodel- ited Church of Canada will be ld in accordance with the plans celebrating the 200th unniversary submitted. o! the conversion o! John Wesley Young Men's Quartette o! the and in anticipation of this event United Church, Wilbun Baskcr- the Ontario Religious Education ville, Wilbur Blackburn, Stanley Council preparcd a programi in Riekard and Chas. Clemence, with leaf let f ormn providing interesting pianists Reita Cooke and Marg- information regarding John Wes- nret Pearce, will be at Tyrone ley's mother, for the use o! Sun- next Sunday takirig part in the 'day schools on Mothcr's Day. church services.1 A distinctive feature was a Mr. Neil Porter. Orono, gave pageant dcpicting some of the re- ils uddress on 'Communism" at 1 markably fine traits o! Susannah the Y. P. U. meeting at. the Unit- wi!c o! Samuel Wesley, rector o! ed Church on Monduy evening. Epworth, and her methodical The Young People have secured'home if e. Patricia Pearce. suit- Rev. W. J. H. Smythc, M.A..B.D.. lably gowned, rcpresented Susan- Port Perry, for ther anniversary nah Wesley. Jean and Barbara nreacher on Sunday, May 29. Bonathan. Grace Powell. Grace Girls' So!tball held a practîce1 Cotter, Mary Toms and Betty Saturday aftennoon at the park IVanDusen took the part o! six o! nd also a meeting to transact . the daught ers. while Neil Brittan usiness and clect these officers: and Ronald Hockin acted the part [on. President. Dr. J. A. Butler; !o! the two f amous brothers, John [on. Vice Fresidents, Mr. W. F.and Charles Wesley. Susannah1 Rickard. M.P.. and Reeve C. R. Wesley taught her own children uarveth; President, P a t r i c i a at home and the first scnde Pearce; Sec'y.-Treasurer, Marg- p:cted a short review o! what was iret Pearce; Coach, Geo. Crow- leurncd at school the first day o! ter. Present members o! the John Wesley's attendance at 51 am are: Jean Holmes, Edith ______________ lendry, Pauline Deline, Charlotte Gray, Margaret Bowen, Mabel Dray, Ethel Spencer, Patricia and gargaret Pearce, Jean Bonathan, Narma and Betty VanDusen and SPECIALS AT >olly Purdy who has been quite i but has now recovercd and ammenceti sehool again. Dorothy Kl Bonuthan, Frances Brereton and o m n il 'lorence Spencer are also help- rig out at practice and showing the younger girls how ta get into u s r Homidng Pigeon Flys to Sehool J. Larmour, Prop. A homing pigeou flew inta the porch o! the Lake Shore school On South side, next to, house last Sunday a little while before the service started and be- Hospital ing either tired out on quite tame was easily picked up by Maurice Powell. She took it home and a!- To ail CUStomers and friends terwards released it. The inscrip- ion on the band on its le! t îeg ipurchasinff tas as follaws: 60828 Montreal, Reg. 30, and on its right leg E422. 6 BOXES OF PLANTS Another Sehool Paper Editor we w311 give "ails.FomNecatl Dress Up Cool, Colorfu] Cottens, Sizes 14 te 46,- Priced' $1.5o te $6.95 Petit Point Sheers, Suzes 14 te 44 ............> $29 Printed Chiffons $4.95 to $15.00 Hopsackcing, Plain or Printed $6,95 to $15.00 White Polo Coato $15.00 - And 0f Course AIl Accessories- THE EVLYN SHOP Phone 594 Bowmanville 2 Big Specials Layer Cake.30 Your Favourite Leinon Pie ... each 25C COOL OFF AT OUTR SODA FOUNTAIN The Carter Family Phone 855- - Bowmanville years of age. Neil repeated the whole alphabet to show what John learned. The second scene showed how Susannah Wesley conducted divine services and drew large crowds when her hus- band was away attending meet- ings of clergymen. The third scene Portrayed John's mother devoting a spe2cial hour in the week to his spiri:ual culture. The explanatory script was read by Superintendent Thos. A. Rodger. A sýtory, The EDiwoth Parsonage Fire. was read by Miss Evelyn Allin. The S. S. Orchestra of 13 mem- bers conducted by Mr. Stanley Rickard, led in the singing and all present, including many adults. joined heartily in the responsive readings and prayers. Four girls of Reta Powell's class. Norma Alldread, Viola Cotter, Yvonne Megit and Yvonne Van- Dusen, collected the offering. NEWCASTLE Y. P. UNION (Intended for last week> Rc\. W. J. H. Smythe, Port Ferry, held the rapt attention o! a large audience at the Y. P. U. meeting in the U. C. Sunday Sehool, Newcastle. on Monday evenmng. May 9th. as he told his enthralling story o! his trip to Ircland, his native land. He sea-t soned his lecture with rare bits1 of Irish wit, some original and some acquired in the Emcrald1 Isle. With the vehicle o! eloquence and fervor, such as Sir Wle Scott had in mind when he pen- ned those immortal w or ds, "Breathes there a man with soul so dead" he took his hearers through the breadth and length o! lovely Ireland from Cobh on- the southwest to Belfast in thec northeast in the vicinity o! which he spent twelve wonderfully full days with his rapturous relatives. At the conclusion o! his travel talk he presented a set of over 160 colored sides o! scenes and people in England, Scotland and Ireland. Bill Rowland, who moved a vote o! thanks to the speaker. voiced the feelings o! most present when he said he had instilled in his hearers a keen desire to travel and see Ireland too. Miss Jean Clemence seconded the vote of thanks. The meeting opened with Pres- ident Garnet Rickard in the chair and Bill Rowland as secretary. Miss Margaret Sanderson, Mis- sJonary convener, had charge o! the progrnm and was instrumen- tal in secuning Rer. W. J. H. Smythe. Miss Grace Powell read the sct'ipture lesson, Miss Reita Cooke gave a reading, and Mrs. H. M. Allin contributed a solo, The Stranger of Galilee, with- Mrs. C. A. Cowan at the piano. ANNIVERSARY AT LAKE SHORE S.S. 1 Sundav M.\aY ISth. Lake Shore -Lnion S.S. lield its 47th Annlversarv -The school wvas packed to the doors. 1Rev. W. F. Banister of St. Paul's. rBowmanville gave a verv %interest- cing sermoni which ail enjoved. The cNewcastle Young Men's qiuartette, Y Wilbur Baskerville \Vilbur Black- burn. Stanlev Rickar(l and Charlie Clrecsang two hivmnrs atnd Mrs. EC.Fshier wvas pianist. BillNe Javnes and Archie Hendrv took ni) the offering. W'e vere aclad to sec N. and M.\rs. W'alter Cotxch. '.\r. 1andt M'irs. Chas. Cowan. Theodore Stevens among the outsiders at this srevice. It ivas a beautiftul after- ntoon and manv people admired our gav tulj-ns and newlv planted trees. Among those attending Lake Shore artniversarv on Sunday were: '.Ir aud 'Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen: 1h DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 4th~i An.rsary, SALE In appreciation of the splendid support yonr community has given our young business these past four years we reciprocate by now making availabie prices iower than we have ever offered in electricai appliances. - Two weeks only. Telephone 84 DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC TOASTERS 'Usually $1.45 Our Price........... 98c ELECTRIC IRONS Usually $1.45 Our Price........... 98e MANTEL RADIOS Reg. $34.50 on Sale......... $14.95 Rundreds of pieces ALUMINUM WARE Values up to $1.25 - Our Sale Your Choice......... 39e Open Evenings until 10 p.m. Store at 38 Simcoe St., N., Oshawa We invite you te sec our newly re- novated store - the f inest ini Eastern Ontario - Sec our General Electrie Kit- chen. latest andi most complete - Sec our.lghting Studio, displaylng the lat word in Modern House and Office Lighting - Next year's styles are here - General Electrie lghting. Sec our Radio Studio, in the same eomfort and privaey as your own home. Radios from the lowest to hlghest prices - the eountry's best makes are on display here - from the sniali Mantel ut $12.95 to the DeLuxe Console at $400.00. Among huxidreds of articles es- vecially priced for this sale only. Electrie Buiba 30 and 60 Watt 6 for 49o usually 8i for 90e Gen. Electric Refrigerator Latest 1938 model, Brand new Linxted Quantity $1L3900O GENERAL ELECTRIC 1937 Model Washers Demonstrator, Values up to $98. As low as $39eOO- IRONING CORDS Usually 39c On Sale ............ 19c GENERAL ELECTRIO CONSOLE RADIOS Reg. $79.50 On Sale..*.......$39.50 And Your Old Radio GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT RANGES Reg. $109.00 On Sale......... $69.00 Use our services - Radio Experts, first class electricians and elec- trical appliance service men. We specialiie in electrical appli. ances - niake our shop your headquarters We employ no finance companies - yon deal on»y with uis. Ice Boxes - Rangettes Coleman Gasoline Stoves Floor Lamps - Etc. as much as 1-3 reduction* Our new show rooms are crowded with theilatest applianees of the worlds Iargest electrical manufacturer, General Electrie. Over $20,000.00 of the Iatest and best electrical equipment now on display here. THURSDAY, IIAY 19TH, 1938 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO .\r. and Nfr. F. \V. Bowen :M\r. scul, silver iilcdalist; Betty Osborne, and M.\rs. Glen Pollard, jovce and bro.nze rncdalist. Great credit is due jimnnv:MNI. Wi)bur Blackburn. itle teachcrs. \Iiss Brooks and Mrs. The svxinpathv of the section is iRobb unider whose capable direction extenlecl Su'.\r. Ed Dean in the 1os- these cihiren traincd. of his niother. M.\rs. Edgertoii. On Sundav,. MaY 8th, the near record numrbe-r in attendatnce at Sun- Whien somne peopie do tell the dav School in the school lhuu1ýe liad truth they ought to label it. the ffleasuire of hearinz froin a hos Rev. .Miltonl Sanderson of St. violin quartette from O s h awa. Cuthbert's - Fairbaflk Un ited brouglit to the service through the Church. Toronto. has been elected kilnducss of Miss Brooks. Chairman of Toronto West Pres- Congratulat ions to No. 9 coipet- byterY. Milton ]s a native 0f itors ini the Durham Countv \uIiei Burke tonl-Effisk illen section of Festival: Ruby Gibson and Keith1 Darlingtofl and a graduate of Brantonl, gold inedalists; Leslie Gib- IBowmalville Hligh School. COWLING, SELLS FOR LESS And Serves You WeII lVhen we do your Developing aýnd Printing you can get Art Border Prints and clear pictures at no extra cost. Moth Bags- - 25c - 49e Larvex- - 83e - S1.29 Moth Kifler 1 -ilb. 39e Dichioricide 1 lb. 53e , Malce your fret happy with NU- S pecials -oothe tender, aching, urn Dr. West's Faste 17- c ~tfofot odor. Puce per 25 Hospital Cotton, 1 lb. 29e 25c Dodd's Puis - - - 27e. Fellow's Syrup - - - 87c Pinkham's Comp. 87 Sc Syvringe Fittings --39e Olynipene Absorbine White Minard's Liniment Jr. Liniment Liniment SOC -$ 98- 1.95 25C - SOC 29C - 59C /IMA IN$'t n FLASHLIGHTS WITH Dry airBecoes 95c - $1.00 - $1.75 Silky Smooth, - S eiFl hht om ee Mongeabl, Ra. 5Cl lslgtCmlt diant Abter Shm with batteries -Çlmal-t D R E N E Bromno-Seltzer 25e - 49c - 95e FOR DRY HAIR M.Neeca Oint. - - 23e - 45e - 79c 59cap Odorono - - - - 35c - 59e 7ý 59C Nova-Kelp Tablets Mediflft 99C79e - $1.39 - $2.79 41e/.upt. 9c Noxemna Cream and Soap, 54e We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses to your entire satisfaction in quality, fit and ipriee. 695; P. R. CDWLING, Druggistn 'm

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