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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1938, p. 9

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- e -.-- e' ..-,I,, rN'\:ATA>M T,STFC.UAM FBOWMANV,%ILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND, 1938 THfE . NAVIL~N b..' Zx. S N [>eDOCTý ( Continued froni la'.t week He straiglhteuled and w alked ni but he did not entirelv recever fron bis fuk until lie reachied the hlî- nital. Then s.uddenlv lie%%-as ii. self again. Yes, lie ivas back hiome. and tbe hospital reaclied out and welconmed Iiiii. lu the office. vw len he checked lu, %v.as lusnine, îîew on1 the board. The first oeperatien bld becii schedulled for ten o'cloc, and it iva. almeost tlîat now. He foouud \ViI- liainsinl the hall %vaitiniz f,-r iiii. and thev went tir togetlier in tthe elevater. Williais. watchinv Ihîni. wondereýd if lie lîad anc nerce.. ,F~Ie had. h seemed. tlîree cases thiat Iorig and WVilliamîs lauîîclîed into explanatietîs as Clîris scrubbed uiî and gt jte bis coat. Chris lis- tened and nodded. It s.ccuîed arîîaz- ing te iinîi now tlîat lie hiad been afraid of this tlîing. It was Ilus work. It was to he lus lifework. He drew a deep breath and tlîrew out hi:.ýche st. The opcrating room was waiting.ý spotless and gicanîing. It looked like a stage set, îith thîe nursesý scattered here and tliere and Chrisi the star actor makinz lus entrance. For a moment aIl mecemexît ceased. ail faces turned teward him. Tlien HAULIN G A complete fleet of moden trucks make it economica' to have Knirht's do youi long distance hauling Everythingr we move is con Ipetely insured. Complete, Safie KNIGH'J But sue aiustd liii at tinies. H-e "Bettvr soir temper tliau a pa- ceuîînonî witl iliimi. or thouigbt se; T'NI~~ ~ treatedlh'ýr as:lie wonld tirent a tient, said Miss, etedri o i i lnged te a class apart. liav M R RO E Tchîil<ei. sualIv with the facetieus H-e l'ed î' work. He lîad thi, lie thotuglut resentfullc. As if hie I Aeieerfuliiess sue loathed. liads' f rtue bornt surgeoni, hotu les er liaul plaved a gainie o f gol f. or tau< '0 R Àýe R 1N E H A Fi Stili poutin_- Katie !Yeu'll speil gentle ail ..si rog..A \nd. ait,îi ro tbal- at college ; as if. iîideed. pmr nioutli.%-ou kuow.' lie w.as l"î.co, of it, tie (dra- lias ig hconie a d ictor, lie haliad . u: It'. tnsvnieuti. sti matic ie 'fthe I isulues apitealed s)iestr:iLge wivsbecm e ailîg Ni~o a'. Clr" teled ie omnent. Tlueuu.as ud Ite hini. \\ uni at uiglît lie rode u;i niait. .ýIi- Clrk,-,, te head urse. iioved sift . 1%-0tnir toele haeatorlok ast t in sieeIita fipasr th skienu lorsckoiitterbcklî.eail, tiltattlui i rWaril. quiet and compnleteuit.. deiilv as it began, it euîdcd.Tue I %i ieabtl eweite,1I moein rozuî about Chrisabouit I .5 ieabatehute thieu e tueUr'tinLg rooi, tue 'Ieiiore was te sec was thuat ie had net been Dotr nd e. 'writetalcîrad "tie ell ae ehc ta teeatto wudde01cuc-u ç~euterfic V<er racDoto.aîd 1vcr .tu allnîd about lus first iopera- hguheredo-î at btatugbuîgap futuaiai .he' îtr i ar to tieni or te hîniiseht 'Itrvi ail deigflited to liai e sou back. tien case a'. a nicuniber of the staff. ef deadly seriousness te her. Alter- survisai îi.i' strung inIi iiiii. But anid that the real gui f lac. tiet in 1îîîur, hlm a iftd us îeay badandloocd athse Juated and adored hlm. geing limo etîrougîî the iniglit or thîcir failure te recoguize thiat mcdi. iHe glaiîceh aruid hn. For aHe lfe lshaylcdadloe aete evce o rimec 110W\ ecdi icar this was te lue about hii. LEvery-tiiiig was thîcre. But at the first epportunlity suie tire gra. caris morning, ivears but cite s\vas a scienîce - tu1 rwpete lii' kiligloii. ÉHis scord îcild heb ie %vec as readi. He reaclîed wouhd be ba£rc in the empty office content, te xlainwudde sine bt1cýenterfioivIi Xii.aî heesbet.c i itlsladl t ubr gleve. and again, teuching his old pipe, his andasI' 1ledtebueliwol adl, blime and wit îe orluin hite w udWilliamsu.haudcd hiîî a scalpel, office coat. lus rien. Suie coqtLd fol- hîconue giiiecyat\er-ti oSity rush toi chic it. But lie knevte,* * * lois this bv readiîîg lus case records day v :,î Mli, iorrNitîîg about Girl. anîd vi iug îîoini drilukilig tlît iesc'.nithci lau'. a tec Oit a Nlarcli niglit toward teidthe hereinng bxau'ganeceI ort!efurtiace or the relit, andttî a o lie iirrv. meni w ithi hiiglihaiis il su cc ili Ilii'. Tues were fricndic, of Ilis first terni of service ai thue thiroughi bis bQQJcs for pictures: for with a ciî that the nurtaju lîad lui tleir Iîanuhà. soinc onle aing a thîe'e internes aîd înurses, hit NIcere IlosîitalI Chris sat at tue desk inl ' sue, was iîtensely and insatiabhy rung oinut 5 oiîiethlîuîî ratiier pijai. ab'tractred cojuples i corners Onîce thiev lad leeîî indulgent, now hauk office aîîd ricr a pille reviesî'ed curiiius . Chris, coming in. would magîifiî.nt anîd lîad lfîuîit lm one- or cri tue stairs. aiid a Itaîll dciit.tu tlîc u 'îid e satcîfu am crticl. us itutio. iiîd thiîugs ont of plaçe and surmise wliercet-ic intilte lark. iliax-rare iotaut icaiied Jerry Anies tir It as a chised worhl, îrotecting its .-rndli wlies csqit ciat lîad happeîîed, but hie feit help- Thiat e a'.the 1profesioîial suIe cf hangiîig cicr Beî'erhv as if sue bc- toi owîi, aîîdtue staff îîeîî did etqciet.-le ss ; ani thât night, sittiflg there his life \\'iat about the ctIer ? I'îged to lii - thiat icaslus iieni- ive ù%vi, tidthestif en id ot n-It exuded the oder of tue Walter -ah eue, ie disînsdth hleWl tievbln.Te aeadwnses,' old dusty issed theandoae \Val- Semeb' os, '.someîî'here, the brief ory cfio'.e afîerîîooîs at the Lewiis t'iol tIireleloîîg.ofTlîec cinaîî rd . veîît ca o modrtiet anda fantters family with a gesture. Gooid or iîtimiacx bels cciBeverlv Lewis lieuse, t Wsui but heý eloned otsidbad, ie lad theni te feed aîud slielter io \va tes. 1hne d îsîde hevoîîd its ceîîîeîted cellar beloîv. Tue trebletiiîanud cccii teclethe. He bad th'eim and biiîîiî lî lad beeîî lest. For cule CII.PTER XIX e thi kowd et f the \Valters f *vladn Te oldnthv ii.tig i l beniucrediblyisv ; Thueîîonie uiglît lue \vas te go thîcre timu linvais ee ienas t Miss kuowhedge a faîîuitlc ad titTeyrol nt ae ui.andIfor aîîitler, it isas the scasîn, aîoiîe, ainl Bevcrlc bau romised 0w, Carke".. anud slie colored fainthy mit- iisatisfactoîrv' and expeisive. Katie Professionaly lic was deing bet- aîud sue wa'. popuhar. He latI-sec"liiî a quiet eveniîîg; aiud of ail off der his quizzical gaze. huddscovered tie teephetie as a ter thatu îîust. He lîad his City' job lier. of cuirse. Onîce or tîcice lue hadtI tiîgs on eartbhue luatI falleîî asleep tim "Tlîat's ccry kiîîd of voir," lie nialis cf commuunicationi aîd 11%Vaiid t1hu ospital work. He was even goîle te te bouse in respoîlse te a on a street car aîîd aisakened at thue said. -l'Il tri' îot te threîc tbiîgs. ,lenttlonug perîods on it. He iceuld obliged te sacrifice the suit hue need- rail or a nlote, but suie %vas uiccer cud of the hue, miles eut of tewn. - Ail riglt. W\illiains. eCalit)his office to fiîîd tue lune cd te huv Katie a ivinter coat. lie aloîue. Hu,%voîîld go in, verc stiff andîe He telephîoted as sîoîui as lie couhd. griîsed atrtiehia meor, oat dain trai 't11 'lis old cletiies. te tue but sue was aîunovcd auud slowed it. aeTuetitb wag ovhueel d siii, te busin. î u hercie.wi udo eltrh idse ai nbrsound cf taik aîud laugbter and tiue "Wlat in the îverld bal$pened? I aîctheis beîdng ve ita~it ai aglu, bc.newv finery oui the street ardomupan- cbeerfui titîkie of ire in glasses. But Where are vouir icaime. To thie oders of steam and Once she was takiîug te a b .ied bv ait apparentlv infatuated altbougb '.hc was glad te scec hîiiîu deî't knosv exacthý. frsh ltet sa ueî ddd hat of anud licescas ruit ii oui the huie. Here \,outi. aîîd bad beuglit birnseif a andI sh"sved it. even bis youtlî and 'Xeu dont knoic ' chr Teatincr s sae c as anwKte cets andicilîue iv dollar îîecktie immediately bis god looks reuld net entirehs' 'Oîîhc apprcxinuatehy. Yensece, I iceerated. thue characters MuoVed '.igtly affected. auîd he isteied te afterward as a shîcer act of self- offset t1he fart that bie was a îu'orker suas coi a car, hîurrsiuîg homue for a lier grinuii . assertioun. aiuung tle drones. divinîe ceuing îitb cour. TiietiI "Identtsee hoi'veu rau '.av thiat. Aîud ie suas deing well at tue boa- "Wbait -No liquor? 'Net sick. arc shuet iv eces for a miuinute - onI' a I tlîotiglit 1 huoked terribule. Sas pital. Nothuiug startling. but sub- yeou ?"-mtîte- adsbt oee hn Ii'tei, lii. eseutteîigt a astantiahic scel, He had learned a 'Workiîîg heurs,' ie scotld sac agaluî. I suas bere. The îîagic car- mîeetinîg. Yo cii a rnie aroiîd if lot and- i had kept his bead atid lis wuitb lis disaruning smihe, 'I do ii ucpet. Ne Icas."' vo i like. l'Il have the front office," teînpcr - except for that one tume bard driuking at uight." 'Yo wen utt tii sieep?," suie said He rad te cil ac teier wienieiihît. about tui chote an aldemetu, She scatcli&l bini. He teui'eced iîcreduleuuslc. 'ýThuatsîot r fa- leget lhontîe that day. but iniiite the sphoutge counit had been serified, oser tiecir stilîuess and fris'olity ike teriîîg to me, is it? 0f course if v'ont end he conmroiiised. She couhd use andtul%hvhis quick eye bad discov- a yeuiîg giatit, but uuben thes' fouid thiîk its funirnc- tuîe îuaitiîîg rooni aftcr office lueurs ered thue corner of a bit of gauze out wuuat hie was. tbev affected te "Funîuy! Mc dean girl, Fini lauigli- ui tuîe e'ening. but his was te bie titIv beucre it sv.us tgc late. He bad stif- fiîîd it sightlu humerons, iîîg for fear l'Il weep." atîd aired before ie camne iin. In ier fened auud lhîed at the nurse wbe "A dector ! Von donttlook like Slue bad laugbed, tee. St that. but wuay she was living up te tue agree- latI made the count. one." he kuesu'lber pride, and sire uadtIut alment, but the con had about it nieu' "Sure of tluat. are yen?" ",Whus' ut ?" repeated thue invitation, Ir a consistent aroma of cbeap petr- "X'es, doctor." -"\Vell, cheres the good old lîcard, After ail. wbat usas hie te lier or 9.tTlehn fume and cheaper cigarettes. Nes'- "Thuen vo're a fool and a danger- or wbatever it is?" te that greuup areund lier, but semne- JustTelehoneenthelesa bie waa relieved. Better eus one at that." "Gice me tume. cant ion?' tbing between a butcher atud a glor- n- Bowmanviflle 448 for lier te sec boys of her ouun age He 1usd pulletI ont the gauze He %vas indulgent, like sorte bin if ied miduife? Younug Ames grin- than te cberisb any silly romlantir sponge, and the nurse liad bail an mastiffi witb puppies plas'iîu about ning at bum. dreani about hirnseif. W\el. thiat attack of- bystenical rri= in the hinu, but lie was net entirely rom- "How's the babu' businuess these STrucking Service waa oser. tbank GotI. hall. , lHe Was -stilishkig witb fortable among then. It usas net dais?" i He suniIhave beeîu shoked lad atuger ichile he f inisbed bis work, only that thues disiked ihîneas and "StilI paving dividenda." any eue tolt him that night thiat it but later ou le bad intereded for thurefore his profession, or es'cn "vJv, oYelosbv H AULAGE suas fan f nom oi'cr. se fan as Katie her witb Miss Simupson. that laugbing ait a tbing thue mind riîicb, on get us romîng and geiîug. SERVICE was cencenued. Sbe suas gresving "Sheil be safer new than she ever does îuot comprebeud is eue methîod Even nature wuorks for yenit" 1up. Even lie could ste týuat. And stuc was before," he said. "And I bast uf overcominz a sense of infcnieritv, "WNe bave to belp bier a bit nouc _____________________________ sas alwsays somewluere uîderfoot. ,mv temper Fi'n sorry about that." It was becausp tbev had uoting lu aîîd then." Better clîaîîge vour mmd and other people's troubles - a maii who PuC' L(-)'R' FAUL. PUa- - - THE BLACK HAWK NEWS, KENDAL, ONTARIO Town Gossmp Home Should Be (Audrey Patton, Grade VII) Pae t ea Mvr. Marvin McKay hlas been (Dy Angelo Patri) a recent visitor at Mr. William Gon osblisao. Mercer's. ea.ns concentrated work fa On March the eleventh' Mrs. log periods. Grown people an hlis entertained a flulinbOI 0f likely te overlook thuus f act be. txhe' people around Kendal by cause their school days are fa: having a crokinole p&ty. behind thein. They forgeit Vi We axe sorry o say that t.imes wheîn they pushed thi Mrs. George Thompson is very cdock hands with te ful sick with the flu. pressure of their ninds, whei On Mardli the seventeenth theix legs and antis ached ar( there was a St. Patrick's pairty their lieads went light. Ail Vhi given by the Young People's happems to achool chiidren. Union. The distiùssal bell is th On March the tweuty-fith sweetest sound a school chilkt ears etjoy. Even the child whi there was a crokinole Party at loves going t.o school loves 1 Mr. Brysofl's whic.h entertain- get home again. Home spell ed a number of the people. release f rom restriction. lAiss Almas Bell was mri 'ed chance te move freely unde recently to Mr. Arthurt Bell of one's own will. It means resi Leskard. They are going te 1 recregtion, and an audienc liye at Wepome. jfrien'dly to the performer.A Congrat.ulationls te Mr. and least, it cught te be. Mrs. Alex Reid on -the birth of Some auixious mothuers mnai a baby girl. thie istake of continuing tl Mrs. Honey of Milliken is school atmosp.here in thi visiting lier mother. Mrs. A.'home. The moment the chli Jackson. entiers the house he is ordere We are gladtliat M~r. George te get ready for lis mus! Mercier Sr. is improving grea'tiy. Prartice sit right dow'n nom andi do hias homework; brin There was a bee held at Mr. lis book and recite bis lessor George Mercer's Sr., on Mardi to his moth~er; maice accural the 29th for sPlittiflg Wood. andi prolonged reports on wlu Col. Saider has been visiting lie did today andi whai he many scivools in Clarke but he te do for tomorrow. hasn't visited ours yet. Have a ight lunch wait.ing Semne of the pupils f our an apple and a few cookie chool brouglit orne sap anýd iwe an apple and a bit of pli boile' it and hati some nap cake, or brown. breati andi bu sugar. ter. Let them tell their a< Mr. Bill Vannatto lef t On ventures. Listen genroUs1 Mardithe Oth or Prt ~ When -the last dI'umlbs are gon Marc the30thforstantAr them on the a! tern thui. ,Drutine. ePlay clohes, a spE Mrs. George Clarke h'u re- of out.door play: then mus turned teo ur vilaeafe pract.ice; rest; pizeparations f< spending the winter in To- the evening meal: study hou ronto. î'eSt %itliout restrictions as duties; then preparat-on. uE tract quoteti frorn the Glo Junior Red Cross and M4il). Heatlh Rules (Earl Burley) Games 1. Eat plenty of whlole cer- Players are duvded into%ù eals, vegetables and f resh fruit tea 'riTere are t.wo pie( every day, and scuuue meat, f sh. 0f srin, e li avingt eggs or cheese. saine number of knots tied 2. Drink at leasi two glass- thein. and tivere ar-e an ecP es of miik and four glasses of nuniber of players, each te water every day. but no tea or standing in a row. Att cofee.word "go" lie f irst one o! *3. Sleep with te'indows temtieVouoon opno0 nth pnar Be i andi when he bas derme it, Pa open Inheas oen lairs envery the string on tote enexi bed t last en oursevey th ro, an soon until ail1 nigit. players in tivat row have 4. Be regular every day in turn andiaal the knots are I going to the ýtoilOl. îied. 0f cors the wttrÉ 5. Play out-of-doOrs every tem is the one which i i day. é tieti their knots f irst. 6. HoId the body straiglit Jumbled Words while sittlng or standing. Thi.nk of a dozen or ni 7. Brusi the eetli at least naines of a well-known P01 every nigbt and every tiorfiflg. cian. a filin star, an actjres 8. Take aà'warm bath o! ten- car. a sport, a gaine, andi sô er than once a week. Prit tivese naines in a Juinu 9. Wash Vie hantis befoul'e fashiofi on separate slips tguchlng f ood andi af er usiliz paper. nu.rnbe'r each slip,j the toilet. Keep the f inger- pin thein Up in Varleus Pi nails dlean. of a ron. You xnust of coi 10. Use a hantikerchie! over provide a clue, by, statin9 the rnouth when coughiivg or town", or "an actor" or wl sfleezing. ever it rnay be. Providee 11. Keep f ingers, pendc 11 s, guest with a pencil and PE pens, erasers and rulers away anti give them Von minutE fronute Uouit andi U05e. f lad ail the lisp. The onme 12. Do net spit. Use a liand- gets tie correct list VIns kerchiief. gainie. %two eceS d in quai Vthe tie mot, )ass- lin the un- Ming un- more iliti- ýs, a ôon' bled ns o! anti parts )Urse, vhat- eaciv paper ;s to Swluo sVive Poems (COPied by George Mercer, Grade V) 0 fie! Do not cry, If you liii your tee; And let 1V go. Be a nan If you oan And do not crY. The Maple Tree I love Vthe sugar maple ree, The beast of any I know, Because it gives us sugar sweet, That's why I love iV so. Winds and Rains Winds of March Melt Vthe snow; Rains of March Malte flowers grow. Spring Iheard tie wcodpecker peck- Thie sapsucker tenderly sing, I turneti and looketi oui e! riny windoW, AndtIo! it was Spring. Çood News The Uittle birds f ly over. And,. O iow sweet hey sing h To tell the happy chiltiren That once again 'is Spring. Tongue Twisters George Mercer. Grade V) 1. Arounti Vie nuggeti rock lie raggeti rascal ran. 2. 'rlree grey geese on Vie green grass grazing. 3. She sells seas sils. 25e 25o 18c 5c loc 20c 25c 25c 25c 18c 25c THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND. 1938 Pussy WiIlow's Secret (Copied by Ariel Laufgstaff, Grade VIII) Pussy Willow bas a sècrettViat Vie snowdrops wlispered ber, Anti sie purretiilte Vite soniVi winti while it stroketi her velvet' f ur; Andth le sauti wind buuvmeti it softly te 'Vie busy ivoney- bees; Andt iey buzzed iVte Vite blos- sortis on the scarlet maple trees: Andti tey troppeti it te Vive wooti-brooks brining ful o! melteti snow. AndtihVe brooks telti Robin Retibreast, as Viey civaitnered te anti fro; Little Robin coulti net keep i, se be sang it louti anti clear To tie sleeping fields anti rneadews. Wake upt Cheer up! Sps-ung is heu-e. Be Careful t Helen Mercer, Grade VI) 1. Be careful wien you cross Vie streel. 2. Be careful noV Vo Play with f ire. 3. Be careful te keep awaY frein hings that nuigliV l. 4. Be careful neit te Play with glass. 5. Be careful when ridling a bicycle. 6. Be cane! ul wluen Playingl near water. 7. Be cane! ni wien climnbing. 8. Be careful noVtet play wttisharp iliings. 9. Be caef ul not te Put smtail trhdngs inth ie nauth. HEALTH Sugar - - - 4 lbs. Mock Turtie Soup - 3 Cheese - - - - lb. Lettuce - - - head -âk - - - - - qt. Apples - - - basket Orangea - - - - doz. Prunes - - - 2 lbs. Bran Flakes-- 3 for Strawberries - - -. - Grapes ----2 lbs. Ibe Oream. - --- Pineapples 2 for Raisins - 2 Ibs. D~ates- - - 2 Ibo. Figs- - - pkg. Brown Bread - - Cocoa--- -- --- Vitone--- -- -- Toddy--- -- -- Malted M[il.k - - - Chocolate - - - - Carrots- - - bunch Sec Eggs - - - - doz. 17e Cabbage--- head 15e1 Lenions-- 3 for 10e -BUY AT OUR STORE AND BE HEALTHY - THE BLACK HAWK NEW$ Vol. 5 KENDAL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARMi 30, 1938 Price 5 Cents Pupils Plan Sprlng azaar At Scbool (Myrtle Falis, GrdeVH> Memorial Park Interesting Trip Durham The pupâ Of Our- sciveol are (Myrtie FaUs, Grade VII) (Alec Litte, Grade VH) (Audrey Patton, Grade VIII> Tr' gn anti oest Si ance.a We are very proud of ouI' On the ]s.st. day of Juine of The Trustees andi Ratrepay- We made a cuili îast year and Mmorial Park which was Vie ast year I lef t my home for a ers of Durham introduSet pub- teWonen's Association quilt- gif t o! orne o! ouI' citizens in1 tiotor trip of niany huundreds lic speaku.ng in Durhaman e the h os aena 1936. Euch sohool has a con- etiit 're oysha e mace nory o!f iùs son wbose naine o! mules, one which I shah] tes of is Own anth Ve inner tiog c radies anti pot liolders in the park bears. Harvey Jac~tk- neyer forget anti from wh.ich I is chosen. Tivese winners comn- the shape of a tea-pot. The hslf nteGet ere uh o.pt ihwneso te girls madle pot lioldens,te go sonl gav'e hs schn he Graoaresm foro pte w th e t a m o aViPe witli Viem. one boy matie a War net long before Vthe sign- Thie f irst part of our journ o l frthe csW. ta lri desk set andi another macle a inug of the Armistice. took us to Vie city o! Clicagoot.u onlP Valae In 925thi pak ws rcei- ad w wee oe dy ad 0date Vivese speakers try for thue pull tey. The girls are making an 925ibispar worrecth- ntiwe wre roe ayur- bed socks. a tes. cosy anti a bot ed as a gif t te Vie commumity haîf reaching there. iI Chi- hildforThe county o! Dur- water bottie cover. We work and wasdedicateti ai an m-cago ve were joned by u' oipeelia . th o te winners o at hisforan heur every Fri- pressive service atlendeti by uncle whe batiplasuneti a won opte uwth iv nde winero day. We hope te have a ba- many people. A beautiful me- tierful trip ilrougli tie n'uoun- cisna h eueiinla zaar i hehat ! heyer. monial gaie stands aV te en- tains. Leaving Chicago we a hnce Vo speak aitite On- trance to thie park on wlich drove for two days anti arivedti o Educational AssoCuuatiDf ___________ Vele is s. bronze plate suitably ai Fort Collins in Vie state o! held in Toronte durng Vtve A Famous Kendal engravei. Coloradoin uthVe evening. We Easier holidays. This endss Vie Boy Since then, a grandstaivd, hati e111Y intendedti t staY here cotetandtihie winner lvene Botwo boot.hs anti a skating rink fer one day but rny uncle matie wil, be tive champion public have been built. Tiere is aise arrangements for a week's sty. seakerof! Ontasio. The wun.- jean Mercer, Grade IX) an ocean wave anti a siide for The folîowing day we visteti per for 1937 was a boy fmn In 1875 tiere was born in the childl'en. Vie mountains. Tive sene-I Dur-hamn coun.ty andi ie will tie village o! Kendal. -a boy. Every year a Fieldi Day is was very beautiful anti ai- speak in Tron»fto in a few wbo was tiestinedti o ecouTe lueld st wiicli severai basebail thougi I hati of ten seenl pid- weeks. Alec Little represenjiet orme o! the fanions doctrors o! teaxtis take part in a tourna- tunes O! mounltatis I cOUiti our scivool in 1937 in OSio. the British Empire - Thomias ment for a silver cup. 'rie pro- handly realize ihaitiey were_______ Ambrose Stanten. a sont Of Mr. ceeds of this Fieldi Day go 'Vo se0iigh. On our way up the andi Mrs. Thomas Stanton o! tie upkeep o! Vie park andt t mountains we were caughtin Th e Advenue Pontypool. Atlentiing the vil previe plants for 'Vie fl<awer- t'wo rainstermis. As we clîmbeti 0f Snowball lage scliool ai Kentiaa le be- beds. Our scicol is just across up Vie roadti thVe mountaitis___ gati bis educaiomi. Laler lie tive neat f rom tie park anti we matie wiat is known as (rgnl attendeti Poni Hope iigli schoDl ciuring tie suinmer anti aut- hairpin curves anti we neyer andti athle age o! !ifteen w8.S umn monilis Our teacheur gvves knew wiat wontierful scenie lay (By Jean Mercer, Grade 1IX) teaching cbcol. us permission te play in tie jtist around Vhe nexi curve. A oaV once hat f ive. UtlVe He w7as a guaduatie o! Trin- park. The girls may go one day When we reaciedth Ve top -we kittens. One- was white while i'y Medidal College and the anti the boys the next. Scmre- were 11,550 feet above ses.- tie otier four were black. University et Toronto anti lai- limes in lie sumnIer ie level. iigier tivan any o! us Wiven -tes ktti were young tu studieti 2n tiontion, England.thIlere are picnids Viere. liat ever been before. Here we tie black ormes cluaseti anti In 1899 he was ivouse surgeoni saw 1Ice laites anti uttile se3às cratched, Vhe white cm~ so at the Hospital for Sick Chil nurning froin tluem dewn the mici Vâbue ran suway am& it duen in Toronto. 'rIe Unilver- mouintali side. Wiven People madie lis moiier very sad. sity o!f'Toronto conferreti on Our Village in C anada were sweltening This white kitten wa veoey liim the degree O! Docteur o!fA-a witl Vie heai. rny uncle anti I intelligent andi caulti speait Sclenoe in 1933, andi he was An *h o we re snow-baliina inth ie any language at ail, so whSn knigitiet by King Geolrge V in noumains. The mountain air ue ocame te a house lie osled 1934. Er ulyGrdVI) macle you have a iveadadie the womoen for a dihlof milk. Sir Thoumas Stanton was an Et ureGad II which was noV very pleasaut. This hind lady Uk.ed animais auiluorltY on tropical diseaffes The village of Kentialias six Jusi as dusk came on we were andi cailed çive kItteu, SnùwbBfll and publisieti sevenal books on miljes north of!-Vie provincial still in <tie aountaina follow- Sive 1sd hsoe freeh nuit andi the subjecl. AMien leaving Cati- bighwla3. In our village rthere ing Vihe roati whici wc&und in gave it te 'Vthe cat. Wlhen Vthe ada in 1901 lie becaie surgeoni are about eigity or nineiy Peo- anti oui. I a1so saw some mies catibard finisived lapping uP on Vie Eripress of China anti ple. 'heure are iwo stores anti andthVe mnets witiv lights on tie nilk hue saith 4e would bave t.bereaf er speni a large pari Vwo huzaber inills anti one grisl iheir heimeis. We titi noV ar- te go on because he 'wasson bias of bis ur n thVe Far Easst. nùui, andtwo ponds wiici are rive back ai eut hotuel until way te seVive warld. IThivs was At Vie ime o! Uis deati on Vthe begii'uing of tie Geiveras- iwelve o'cleck at nigiut anti a gooti excuse bece e i it january 25. 1938, he was chie! ka River. Tivere are about noue o! us wlshed to go te Vihe noVt wani Vo tell the lady ivow Medical Ativiser te Vie Secre- hirly houses. We èbave one mountains ounVive uext day. Uis brohets andi sistrers luati ary o! State for tie Colonies. librarry, andti wo g a so11n e 7Tue nexit point o! intenest uset i u before lue ran away punps ai two places. 'rie was a vis t o Vive f isherues. Iu frS o me otli. ___________ chool is quite olti anti wOa a large building Viene were He le! i Vie cotiage anti went Our Llbrary buili about sity-seveii years many ti-oughisnawhidi Vive Vo a liasbous- wiere bg 9ships ago. 'rien tive shool woulti be sinail fisi were kept. Outslde came ln. Wiveu the cat sanw a <Helen Mercer, Grade VI) full O! pupils but now Viere we saw some fisi Vwo feet long. big lip cone linlue goV on 1V Our Library was organizeti are Ouly Vlirteen. There is a We also visitedthe V ie eyes om as iV was docked. This by Vie Womeu's institute. A cIvutolianti a hall in oua-vil- rc hC Ycrtil rsmle aP was irmeted, wiVh avl. very kinti man of Our- village lage. Ourteaclier's naine ~is k hich ey i tany esein' esI Snwbahl was on thie slip when gave us Vive use o! a building Miss Stewart. and Mrs.Robb saw chininey in hae.Theiaend i le! t the ha-bous- andi seon for he ook. A fistwe ad s or msicteaherwhoon anothier day th'ree deer anti augt ail the mice but one some books frein a travellinlg cornes on Tivursday aftmmrn two bears runring wilti. anC is on)Ie da e claseti lIbres-y. Soute of Vive iemibens every week. We have a festi- cth n a i hsdi o! Vie Woinen 's Institute don- val eveny spring anti some e! On tie following Ib xiday we avmti Vithe deck se muc Vivat ateti some bookcs te Vie îlbrary. us go te Oronue to sing solos. le! V for Coloradoe Springs, andtihie geV v'ery dilzzy. He was chas- Our secretary o!fVthe Wornen's There are six ciosen Viere andti leli on Vo Denver. 'rie. nextilng Vie unouse up 0on the raiul institute sent for some more tiese go Vo compete inthe state we visiteti was New Mex- anti fell off anti saauk nueorly Vo books. We now have about eue CouniY 'Festival whichéi ico wiere we saw Mesa Verda the bottoni of Vhe ocean. As hundireti anti sixty bookcs. year was 1jeld ai Bowmanville. (Turn to Page 2) (Turn ta Page 3) PAGE NINE GROCERY. Langataff U Burley 1 ve a drhik." battled ail dav for power over sick- I hiave semne cals te îîake. ,,, îess and death, and dared te abdi- e teainstad."cate only at îiight when at last lie Anîd cciil tlat. bis inabilitv to set nk during working hurs. mark- He' remiembered one of the in- lii cff. ettng iîî asde. ternies mnonths before laing downl I l i , o f , e t t n g i i i a s d e . t h e i a w a f t e e t hi e a s h i o n o f a i l Not coliererît thinking, ail thuts. inte'rne. %vs'a a series of pictures inIi s "\e otr tak rtenhs 1(1: of Bevcrly. cool aiid 1îîveljc. c ocornmke rote.ha jig to mîar'.hal lier disorderlv -hbauds."o.Wlotod o de; of occasional glimPses of her Tl ele w oaWî olto heStantdi ewis hiote hall. aîîd 'weli, look at it. A man who la thwSta.nudd ewriid it heîhellre-ndreaily set 0on getting somewhere in s ow sudenrigdit Min le r- nediciîie or surgerv cati have onu' nihîcrcd Jakze. on ee job.' and that's it. He cafl't ,prette ie'. crowd. Deýctor. '.trike a balance. Either he's a Tlie.'î seeni te like,- '.aid Clîris good liisbaîid or îe's a good doctor. lv, anîd passed on. He canît bc botlî." )Oh, for GedIs sake. stol) it. lie 1** u)Igllt. Sle's net for mne. nor 1 The rooni ivas cohd, and after ýlier. But luis imid %vent ou an- (lamning the furuace, Chris went iaticallc. It ivas îlot thuat she dewn anîd stoked it. It did flot soothe id tak-e the higlu road while lie lim nte fiîîd that the higlît iii the ok the lew. It was the question of celiar hiad been left burning or that iD lice'. witli different objectives, ýthe ceaIlui the corner was getting te boe rýcouiciled. Everv woîîîan. ilaw agaixi. Nobody had taken eut ver1v or aîîy etier, weuld deniand 1the aslies. and after a meomentarv ne. claim the riglit te) love and lier hesitatien lhe toek off his coat and vu romance. And wlîat ceuild lie did tlîat aise. But the centrast bie- er lier? A tired man. irritable at tween -lis recent mnemories of the mes,. werui with the burden cf (Continued on Page 10) 1

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