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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1938, p. 12

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1 THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\VMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEV - - ~ __ _ IThe Newcastle Independent ___________Phone Clarke 1114 0 Miss P.e_-ta Martin. ToiDnte,!Sunday guests of Mr. W. H. visited lier Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pearçe. Paxrnaby Marin.1 Richard Rolley. living with Mr. Congratulations to Mr. and'Truman Clark. sustained a bro- l -.o 1 s. R ob. A l dre iti on the birth 'ken w rist w hile playi fg ba l a t_No t ic e__ __Fre e _ ____ ___ a aygr n My2.Brown's school. B R HE g g m n O N f aBIRTH giEngagement5 Any persDrn or persofis f ýund FREE- SET 0F HOUSEHOLD LOT-FETI EEK,J ion in oeamche'hep at issume catae,'*ood! isnther ianncunceva Jn-duing1Yite Township of Dar-i new milker or cream separatc- black cbony gold tippeti con- Gocd hom( rtcnieain hleNewcastle-on-the-La~ke . km and lier son, Toronto, c alled BARRETT-In Bowmanvlle Hos- The engagement i aicucdumphain eueo t aeo cls oe.h ucae.0 N ILWSE OI holme", pital, on Friday. May 27, 1938. of Catherine Helen. ,n o ill be prosecued acccrd- cholce of DeLava. Renfrew. dut.ors baton. keePsake. re-' Apply FB"Dae ,Bw M. M George Fenntig'on Mrs. W. H. Pearce. o Beeclier and Dorot.hy Bar- daughter of Mrs. Pincho % ' 22-1 mnil Mr.ani Ms.t in and the hytelllaw. Liste . icfrel f2- onhpCek uer, durithe onth f ad.Ponu13 2- mnile.Ot andi Kenneth were holiday guests Mrs. Staples. Toronito. mother alae B nhf o J. D. Hogarth. Jn.Frhrpriuasb ___ ofM.rnono.T . rntn f r M . tp H sn om-aville, toA. L. Knth 2- onsi lr mailing a card or letter to Hy- At bail practice Saturday af- again suxniering in Mis. C.Fd Switzer. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. lad21rtr aeBre-n ternoon Ethel Spencer -vas elect- lr e cottage at the lake. A. Switzer. Vandorf. the mar- For SaleI Ont.21* ed captain of he Girls' So tball Rev. W. j. H. Smythe. Port MA RIGEnage to take place at New To- Teanm. Perry, wvho preached anniversaryM RRA S ronto June 25th. FOR SALE - BASEBALL BATSI Livestoek For Sale IT M.adMsRusl owlsemns for the Y. P. U'. on Sun- fo-. Intsf asbl, ag eay a usofMr. ani Mrs. R.. W.dMaroR.e. stock to choose fromn. Also make cw i er li u ofeh Moyvnd anMr. Trossntowl. sermoforIliardOandARoDt-bIseSaMallargeFOR SALE - GREY DURHAM Us n t It T heuth1 Roy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ooe an en oot.wr a~ us fM.at r ANS~0DAD-It. Nestletoii, announce the engage- them tw order. lrom 50c to $. o sxsur ldu ofeh W. HCe. Johns Anglican Churcli. Bow- ment of theji' daugliter, Anne ~~iin~~~enabout Jurie 1. Apply Misses ______________________ Mr and Mrs C. J. staples. Port nmanvile, on Sat.ukay, May 28, S.n J. . toMr. Wibert E ma- PSnee78. 20- rvilenest. hay Britaifi, oalled on Mis. Oeo. P. 98bWRv .R.5~jin~ire. tof M. Wanet E. Mc- Pighea780.o20an- on8 y R v . R p ncr i sr ,s n o r a d M s .vle W s.22-1 A Rickard o Sunday and f ound lier Laurence Gaines, son of Mr. H. McKinstry. Oshawa. The mar- E NOTUE U PE-FRSAE-DIIN OS; ____________ restmg mucli eairbtsllcn andi Mrs. George Gaines, New- age to take place June 1th. at sat.roial bsnssfor ALsEt- uckheat. J.REt- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ f inet to lier bei. castle, andi Grace Isabell W ood- Nestleton rUteti Churcli at 3.30 eant, andfia te uive pe pe.ss nfor alsosR. R. 2 ea .. etUThSeL ________________________ Mrs, Oliver Emlaw and M. wad, daught'er of M. and Mrs. o'clock ST. dependable personcnopre Phe2492-1HNYSZ _____________anti Mrs. Arthur GrundY a.nd William Woodward, Bowman-anoet Pne23.2- daugliter Carolinie andi son Hai- ville. Mr. andi Mrs. Gr. M. Soper, Ken- this simple business in a ne- HNYSZ - lTrno iitdM .adMs dal, Ont ario, announoe the en- serveti district. 200 Guaranteeti FOR SALE - GO OD W O RK E T ** ** v otd, nTorntaiitt M. i r. STREDWICK-BRIGGS-At Cal- gagement of! thein niece, Bernice home necessities used by mil- horse, 1400 iba., would takeA M r niMs. W.P oso vary BaPtist Churco sha a Elizabeth, on- daughtei f thle lions o! people. Safe and ad.- catte in excbange. Phone Bow- À MU MM I clld n ispensM. an P. 8,138 y ev . a- ae i.atiMs.W B vantageous cash plan. Square ianville 2338. 22-1V M Uc is.Jo.Cosn on hi ae teir.wai deil, Viva Eileen. eIder daugh- sta.ff,, to Kennetli Ros, younger deal. No isk. For free partic- RI y À Li rs ome to Toontonfro their a ter of Mis. Briggs and the late oofM.atMr.-uvg. ulars write "Familex" 570 St. FOR SALE-YEAR 0WD CLYDE oshl hoeFrancis Briggs, M3yrtle, to 1&. per, Kendal. The nariage to Clemefit. Montreal, I if you wisli f illy; as ml is hs oskl honeymocon trip to Ottawa. Haroldi E. Stredwick. Oshawa, talce place quietly in June. _______________203________._._3 Bwnanvll. iz TIR E AT IRE ~At the Unitedi Chuicl next son ofM.T tredwick anti the 11 ienrho .R tvn Sunday xnorfing Mr. Fred Gra- late Mrs. Striewick, nglanti. ~ FrSl FOR SALE-BARN 30 x 44 FI!. Maple Grove. 22-1* BOW ANILL hm, ayreresnttiv, iligie eal m.simme FrSae with steel roof in gooti condi- -7 ofthesessinsofayof_4 --- ton: also split f let stone suit- Room and Board Thur. - n. -Sat. QuitCfrne at Napanee. IlD TH- FARM FOR SALE - 85 ACRES. able for building walks on rock -___CENTS_____ Thr.-Fi a. Mis. Geo. P. Rickarti has suf- DAIS sandy loam. good buildings, onl ery; quantity of goot i mxet BOARD APND ROOM-CENTRAL- JUE -3 4fereti much Pain silie frattiring gooti county noati, not fan from grain. Sidney Trewîf, phone~ ly locateti. Apply Mrs. F. Mc- JUN 2- l-4ier wrist last suriday week an-d CLARKE-In Hamnpton, on Wed- highway, close to schoal andi.2351, Enniskillen. 21-2 Incioo. phone 894, King Street exoept for a tnip to Oshawa. to nesday, Juie 'Il 1938. Ewar curcli. Will sell as going con- _________________1 aJ 22-1* h b lave an x ray taken, w-as in bed John Clarke, age 84 years. cern on otherwise. Gooti pro- FOR SALE-ONE CARON 3-H.P. _____________PooFisjgSpas ail week. Funeral from the residence of positon for little cash. Worth aserigne ingooti condtion; Baby Chicke ae Hampton, Friday. 3 ~~~Drawer B. B{wmanville. 17 t machines wth wringeîs; 1 i d- -___________mksCmrs iman i hospital i o - a vle s n e H m t n on r ay June 3 a- eeotÀ ic w sheî;, dem ons t ra- C I O SALE - PRICES hflt t r S o lb e t e May 4han on Wedflestiay he iCI 3.30 standard tirne. Inteninent HOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D tions glatiîy given on new Lea- reduced for balance of season anigteee1 underweflt an operation. MrS Hampton CemeteI1y. bikbs nCnr tee r inat cmve eîectric on day old i mxed anti sexeti hanength ChplnaenMS Mryhvebecveus*n enrtSretitde ndLaoot egormhiks flYhvea ADhi NE lhp bengoing Up every day. LA1ýERT - In Toronto, Tues- good locaîity, desirable home wasliing machines. F. W. Wer- LgonchksIasoava 4EADLINES opotr.hY ilpoie Mi otinCterla gn o day, May 31, 1938, at the home with modern conveniences, willry phone 2539, Ernikilen. dcals in eveiYofd4 waIk ol W hr do o t r h s g n ob ol e y c e p t , c o e u 2 2 - 1 ' L e g h o n p u lle ts fo r s a le . A P P lY -of t h'e N a tio n b e tte r s r i e t a O P Sharbt Lak withhis bother of he daugter, rs. W M. I. J. rooks. Phoe 263. 1or camerasWb-Ao-r other sWanp- Havy nt wllhep in o ~ Freeman, 17 Rebecca St., Ros- an estate. Apply A. E. Bellman H.J.Brok..hoe 63. 9t. 'i âwpaol-.aaanesthtmae à-- ls !arm. Their biothein-law anti ina Jane. widow f John Lami- Kng Street West, BowmanvlleuPTATOeS for sed aLe-CHrEAP,1 bet nle 8hya.Itr hn 2.40-tf s.tbefrset.lt ait. Miscellanebus - ". . plies.Thtshytpyst ».sister, Mr. anti Mis. Hayes, anti bent iwnailem tCer. ietea hone526.App'ly E. A. Werry. phone 2570.,__luS___b--____use_ f anily, also vesitie at Sharbot ment Bowinn le 3 e marrivaion ie ron h ue re soey nisil .R . 2 - HERE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY- _ FLdakeue3.o.arva f Five *nohous.ond lw ztohrey, __________DRENE__films, viitnswih i.anicotege from, Toonto. frm.hrwoi os hihFOR SALE-PLOWS - FLEURY Madame Melva, noteti psycholo-Oit -lo M s. W. iios wth M .a da d .Di tet . A Pl . N .2 ,sýhtyýsd 'l u y o it i e rlal d i e o M.W.J. S. Rickaiti were: Mr. MARTYN-In Bowianville, Wed- Hobbs, on ~the pisje. 21-21,'ndNOT $NoA7P NOT Obsies.I& veha6esin pioe hr odksp weo. L. Dvidg21.W1anti sde, iuna 1No.387,Agort - e busns. wor , langec. t- anin isd Go.L Drisg, C pair; R1e93. ORSAE- IC BILIN ai: enreeeprato. 00l.; vetmnt.prp6ty0055 tclb&.;9c Pis9ieued Muriel Symofis anti son Paul, Henry Martyn, beloveti husbantiO AE-NC ULIG Rnrwsprtr 40l. e -tlddfeetfo tes I is Vvin .Bunner, BowITI8I- o! Editil Strut.t., age 64 yeais. lot with garage anti fruit trees lRefeseparator. 00 lb.; aMe-i Mothoi tiifeiensom ue ors ville; isâinR adad Fnrlfo apo ntdAl shape. Apply T. S. Mount- Bowman Hou-se. Bowiflanville 5cSP C A Mississ ele R ikaiTor anti "jnraî From HJu ,amtn2u. to, or 10..aply aBvxt263Mu2- lteeartn,60 b; i n ofohsR-ssc R-s okile Mno6,orno. Cucl.Frtay un , t2 .nBoivaVll.Bol632.4. .2.6,B2-ma1 iîe Mr. John Trewin, youngest son M. Standard Time. Interment IPhone_2503._22____-_____ f the late M. anti Mis. Josephi Hamupton Cemetei7. HOUSE FOR. SALE OR RENT - hn 5312-'-Wt eeyfl o 01 1 in EthiopiS. with bath, N chine shop - We pecialize ir 9 ary o!and wh en a beansAionINGTON-In Bowmarvie, 6room e d rc k ouse wtor ah'1 anti Itoiy Toe were f iendly machineiy repains. general gar - i vg a dpetil e w l itin l i form e neigl b n enn lia hntn. pply W. A. Cor l ike. ove orio gas. gv i, aofconquest, ha been is~i- on Friday. May 27, 1938, Cath- 1 i'dfreeti tv with Jerry Foot until Cness age repairs. welding. townp GinOn25 f h EiaWahngowrdw pLne . Clphoe, 2688 v e 22-2,Coin Salve rnemovedti lem. Solti service. J. L. Demerling. Pro- anti Mrs. Wm. Hanna.an cail- >tilae W Wa g_____________ by Cowling's. Jury & Lovell's prietor, Bowmanville. P hon e et nmnyot red.ton, age 93 years. Intement T Rn andi McGregor's Drg Stores in 781. 23t! L ii A gn aeny o!sfitenshundreti mavll emtr. T etBowmianville; Mellow's in New-FOTH Aulis S v. n o t i. .A.CW nHUS '0LT- ROS castle; Tyrell's in Onono, anti MR. C. MIîuS, WATCHMAKER. *39c For UN ani r nd M s C .C w-H U Eti pc LbT, a I c Onvnel S, ail dig <tountes. Hampto ni Village, can solve yourO u a'onlare Teeae n a.btai ovninetime-keeping troubles. Moder-0 theeree dense betis o! tin I MEMORIAM garage if wanteti, possession at DR. HAMMOND'S BRAIN AN ate prices anti depentiability. displaying ail the populan types. *~ once. Apply at Jury & Lovell's Nerve Pills. If tiepresseti. mel- Try him. Phone 2689. 19-4 ---------_____________________ The tulips o! May anti June will nenr rgSoeo igwyFOe nhlhv httrdfeig ---- pass anti give waY to the roses. WILLIAMS - In îov±1 DStore n Kngsay f ow r anol.ave thmat tireti eling, :ESE &COFRT Mr. anti Mis. Cowani have recent- of Mis. E. Willliamfs who PaCtsîO 0tfban ajmpa-he--t-ATESE OMOT îy hati their vere.nta glassei in. away May 30, 1937. HOUE TO LET-BRICK HOUSE noise. pass sîeepîess nights - -aRe p rese ntative here now. -- byO Some of the climbing roses hatitito -Fondly remnembe.red by 6 rooms, central, lot waten you have a bneakdown o! the Specializing rebuild.lng Mat- . 1ZO * be tisturbeti a little int the pro- Cike. heating; garden, garage. Mns. nervousytrem.D am ond'5 hes bltre es. Yur attreSe e ocess. x John Mcntyre, Church Street. nretatntfestestar- asltl e gi.Sm Mr ndM s.Jo.H nryad ow avil.21-tf vt evs at o tn o spring f illeti haf the cost of a Mv7niMr.Jo HniIAat owavle pick up at once. Only 50 cents. new Ione. Feathen betis washed. 1R son John motoreti to Guelph lat CARDS 0F THANKSI HOUSE1 TO RENT -6 ROOMED Recommentiet by McGnegor's stnippeci. mateie nto comfonters ~ tr Wednesday to meet the party o!f 1rcko eligo t I o- Drug Store. 18-7 anifahesates. Eider- ninety-lone Soottish larmers anti- rickonWlligtonSt.,ailon-and_________tre terwives who wene hene on a Mi. Clarence Woodley, Tyrone, veniteices, hardwooti f ons anti towns recoveneci. Phone 362. !Caada anti with themi wishes to express bis thanks for garag. aiso eîectric stove anti0- tcere gesf o te cllge. On the many Iintinesses shown him. iefigei'8to. Possession JUIY 1. 20-6e Phone 778 Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Tuestiay of this week two o! the anti lis f amily tiuring his ecent GIRe40.L23WANT E d ____________"Who___ Bcimemanvilpar ,touring party from Scotlanti. Mr. illness. FOR RENT - FOUR ROOMBU housework. Phone 413, Mus. tioneti be. in memcy shoulti set annies. erguest o Mi ant Miss Etith Woodley, Tyrone. house on Division St.. ail modi- Ceo. w. James. 21-f others free."1-Shakespeae. Mo. TesDWd mies Hefltim ats ofer.eandfuwishes to thank ail those that emn conveniende-ls. gooti gantien. Mon - ues We. Lak enhr liome bati'ltook such a kinti interest in her Phone 2433. 22t JUNE 6 -7- 8 Thnee o! the Male Q>uartette during hen recent iîlness, esPec- HOUSE TO RENT - 6 ROOMS f nom the United Churcli, WilburialSly those 'who wrote interestiiig anti bath. gooti garage. on Lib>- ~c *Blackburn, Staniey Rickarti andi letteis or sent books, etc., or Cal- erty place, possession ,Juîy îst. Cha. Cernnc, wo sngat Ty-eti to see her while in thle hospi- Apply W. A. Buriner, 2 Liberty rone anniversary on May 22, and tal. ail o! which helpeti to make Place, Bawfli'nville. Phone 2924. (reIIs#(! ne the pianist, Miss Margaret Pac,'l days shorter anti brighten 22-1 were guests o! M. anti Ts. A. while waiting for ie ooverY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H. Brent where tliey also m1et Mi. PASTURE FOR RENT - GOOD anti Mrs. Geo. Annis andtiMISS She also showeti sets o! int.eres9t- shatie anti running water. Ap-A Ada Annis o! Ebenezer. The other ing slities illustrating the many ply W. T. Permett, Hampton. Wilbun Baskerville. returiietihome organtisation. y & eOVU a! ter the mornirig service anti Notice a oe went back again in the evening. NEWCASTLE Y. P. U.____________ Miss Lillian Miüller, a f ieldi Sec- ANVRAY EVCSTOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON na>~retary for the Upper Canada etrS TU ICO HE a AV sailors. ligthouse keepers, mou.rt- Mr. *Geo. L. Davidge, Sololst Ma.tin ees Monday 4 p.m. eti police. hildren's hOsp tais. oiei eeygvn ta h heS u i o c h w a p i a an ti settlers in fa n aWay plaCes, Rev. W . j. H . S uythe, Por Nor t ice ns o heb Cgoeu t ttho e keu h en S tundio penC oihen liar sn ng t ti Se pnndfle Wednesday 2.30 p.m. was in Newcastle ls week work- Perry, anti a former assai iinfrteTwsi !Dn lasi f~asisan irsitnso the ourthipo! Dre-11ck uhown ps ad opns. h rn nodul rt tbd îng in the interests o! the Society. pastor o! the Newcastle Unitedti ngton wiîl be helti in thie Town _______________________She attendeti the devoti.onal se'rCh.rh was the anniver-s&ry Hall. in the village o! Hampton, rwnrpsallloepn __________________vice at the Unitedi hunolien preachen for the YoungPol' on Saturtiay, June 4tli, 1938. ait$3 --,.av -veingandThus- 'nio onSundY, ay 9tl thie hour o! 2 p.m. to hean and ueBie',e Leave Nova. Setia points net later thail June 15 'ail branches of science, tdiere are Leave New Brunswick points net. later thain June 14. men who see visions o! betten antivic NotG.odOnTrinLevin Mnteai .0 pm.nobler things. Te laioat N o C o d n T r i L a i n M n re l 3 . 0 P . .th e w orl i s b e tter fo r th eir folo! PFHF .EORRI4C o FURl partl<tUIM5 and Handbilli f rm any Agent lc'jring the vision. Buins, Wonds-, vworth, Shakespeane, A braaInaROY1m C N DA haftsbui-y, weie a f ew ie men- W' Bowmanvillel Drecor CANADIAN POOL CANADIAN d tw iRAN uThe Junior choir rentieneti tSwWoPon 1 rALINATIOTARAantheis andi Mi. Davitige sang, SERV ATIONAL ~~~jesm uer o! MY _____________________________ adi the choir anti pu.lpit precinots

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