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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1938, p. 4

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THURSD.\X UNE 2ND, 1938 THE C.ýNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO rPAGEjFORe experience of t.he young. TIhere was some difficulty in iastering THE MU SIC FESTIVAL tedstle nleinnogh the sibtieifen of tht utheu ByMaieClrkBel to separate a grcup ivherein merit of Grumio. and in wcrking uP to Ki M-as so unifcrm. Katherines emcticnal climax. but (Coftinued f rom last week) each performer didi reniarkably F)l Cla.s 16 pino sloil yars In class 17. piano solo. 13 years ivell. speaking clearly. enunciat- aîe s~~~~~~~nd under. gi evaIdralad e Arnhld Baxter. Port ir.g wvell, and phrasing correctly. ;7. and nder agan rveald rel Hpe tppedthelisit. His goord This ambitious effort va.s ll re-' t.alent. "Churning Scng- was noýt'firm 'tone and variety of expres- cevdb u areadec. Rac an easy piece for littie fingers. siGn were worthy of commenda- evdbtela. uinc. Rd for each hand had to work in-tion. He earned 80 marks. Jean Owîing tw the inevitable oiver- dependently, and 1te rhythm had Malcolm, a natural imusician and lapp:g cfocrtainond~ etîvil four to be kept going. *In spite of ti-t, aable topa s. aied7. b-up. crcoesn tteîad ' the churning movement. was -eU Betty Osborne. who also piayed unabeli e Felent a te ad- produced by ail the competitors nicely, etd with Henry Huyke0fjao of thJoîuane.Krus andthehili tadar 0 the Port. Hope lvith 75 marks. They From miarkings_ and infcormationl andvtheshclas wa we utaind.vere ail competent lttUe arists. received. il woud appar that the The Gwen Brooks, of R. R. 4. Bow--l A mc;st pleasing selection of famotaisa-lotis. iliville. was f i:s, wth 77 'Marks. genuinely gci compositions lhadiathei-y quafity. The wisfr asChe Eleanor Johnstcn w-th 76, Ruth been chcsen for the violin classes. Pearl Cowan of Orcno. lil Abernethy witi 76, anti Jcan The wrInncr in class 36. violin solo. Greenfield w1h 74. The adjudi- il1sears and under. Bruce Lons- Thsbrnstoaentesoy cator obvious' fcund i-, difficuit .ber-y of Bow-manville. proved a of a very succesful Festival. Bo.w- mnr _________________________pleasant surpri-se. A d:sPlay of manville lias reason t0 be proud sl Folow oter etpi's dv2etechnique much in advance of his of the vast popular intereat shown Ti and ycu will aiways have scme- age. go.-d position, an easy f îow--ayaerdy Th w-oe iste thig'10 lae ourfalurs n.ing bc-w. andi perfect intonation, trict should be satisfied ith the slugi thig- o l-ae ourfaiurs ci.proclaimed him as a coming Viol- large number of Up and coming ilnto ________________________in:st cf no mean order. He gave young musicians, iho, if th*ey use troui an outstand;ng indivdual per- their experienre ariglit. are head- theil f crinance. He is being w1eUl ed for distinction in the- unendin13 TI taught, - evqry:htlng p o i n t s to and often, tiring struggle toliards quic ha. and we have na hcstitatiofl musical eminence. heal 1 npredicting a bright future for ,i ied I him. We wish success to this lad i and to his teacher. who seemls o OBITUARUES be dotng such marveUlous ilr ail pain cund. Bruce was an easY win- I ner with 80 marks: second came James Gardiner Emmerson, Carl Boe. Bowinmanville, 76. who Bowmanville wtl played with gcod style; third Carl ago Wolfrain, 75. A wonderfuliy fine :\ter a verv short illness, James \\e effeot was obtained wvhen Dr. Gardiner Emmerson, passed alwav Sur% Fricker f ormed an orchestra and unexpectedlv at lus homne on Chuirclb Osh led the entrants throug-h t.heir St.. Mý\av Ilth. r. Emmerson, who su piece. %vs in his 69th vear liad been in N In clasa 37, only two vîolinsts comiparativelv good health until lie Rus. played 'Minuet" - Donald Ander- ws- takeî iljl two days prior to liî a son. Bow-mranville, and Isabel deatlî. He lia< lived in Bowmnanville Nayor.Doaldba coneforxa-d I'three and a half vears and tfr one by leaps and bounds since his not of that time liad been alsoCiat- F f irst festival appearance Through ed ;vîtl D. R . Alldread in the black- n-rvousness hie did not cover him-s- nithing Fusiness. The late Nfr. Emn- 0V self with glory at the first hear- mierson was of a retiring tiatuire.-h -ng, but hie made a very fine im- and was extremelv fond of biis home a ftt ptession at the final concert when and his familv. the lie played i wth precision and Nr. Emmerson was boni at Val- bis spirit. He earned 80 -marks. entia, Ontario, on july 25thi, 1869. A. Class 38. violin solo, 16 years and was a son of Thomas and M.\ar- bv and under, was won by Harold garet Emmerson. He wvas a black- Sohlievert of Bowm.anville. (80 smitb for about 20 years, and farîn- the marks). "Minuet" is a f avourite ed for another 13 years 1prior to rei piece. as it offers plenty of sco his retirement 14 vears ago to Linîd- be> for violinists. The vwinner's deli- SaV Three years ago li"î October deî cate phrasing and rhythflic swing, revealed the daintiness of lie came t) Bowmaîîville to be with "A the iece. Les1le Darch wa sc his soli. Jack Emmerson. ai ein- Ai e-nd wit-h 78 marks; third place. fflo-.ee of the Goodyear office. 1 Keith Chute. 77. Ai gave quite He was a mnember of Triîîity Ce gord renderings. CUnited Church aîd was -eldon 1 Alithough this year il ha-d a missing from his seat eacli Suîîdav Ri( very go.-d exhibition of Choral morning. He is survived 1w- bis wife. SI » Econamical Six Cyllnder work certain omissions were not- formerly Adelinîe Weldon of Oak- %l ed. Trinaty Churcli Choir, w'hich wood. two sous. Glen of Buffalo, ail Vlve-in-Head Special always entered two classes. Wa.s and Jack of-.Lpwm-ativille, and four Ce Truck Engin. sadly rmssed. Once o! the ou-lt- daughtcrs, MIrs. J. V. WVilsonî aîd Ta standing choirs in the province. Mirs. Robert Byer, Callander, On- '0 New Diaphragm Spring i t always proved to be a Festival tario; r. G. K. Hardy of Bol)-h Clutch highlight. This years audience cavgeon, and Nirs. G. H. Thomas of Heuv Dut Hyroulc 'as truly disappointed when il Toronto, Nineteen grandchildrcîu also ail S HavyDut Hyrauic faled to make it's annual ap- suîrvive î>gether with two sisters. Brakes pearan-ce. Mfrs. J. F. Sutton aînd Mr-. L. NI SWide Range of Factorlr-Built The Garden Hill Choir, alw'ays Brigg ofi Victoria, BC. aý joy to hear, sang beautifully. Bodies including a full line 0. Saviour of the Worid." a slow The frîneral serv ice wa-s held f romn of Hydrau lic Hoist and sustained nuinber, wih would ]lis late rcsideîice on NIav 21s, and Dump Units be a real test o! any choirs >o>e- w-as conducted hy hi-, pastor. Rev.t e-swas listened to wi great Sidniey Davisoni, who delivered a eGreater Driver Comfort; pleasure. Mrs. Hubert Foltr for- comftorting message to the tereavcd Convenience and Safety merly o! Bowmanville, cught t0 Palibearers were D. R. Alldread. F. feel deservedly gràtified with the C. Coulter, Frank Olce. Edwvin Joint, a .*Nation-Wide Parts and Ser- excellence of the performance. H. J. Bahcock and Johnî Reid. The. N! vice Facilities She has a splentlid boly of sing- cortege left followiîig the service Oi ers, and she is doing admrirable for Oakw'ood Cemtery where Rev. ! 0 Lowest Prices in GMC work in Garden Hill' Her choir Nir. Stinson assisted MIr. Davisonii i History could bod irs o-wn beside others the commital -service. A large nium-a .0Easy General Motors mustali r- uhlr~ lcs h ber- of floral tributes froîn relatives, choir procured 80 marks, and the f riends and Goodvear organizatiolust) ment Plan Financingj congratulations o! Dr. Fricker explessed -,y îpathv for the hereaved 11 who was greatly impre-ssed by the naiiv ensemble. Fric-,ud, aud rilhtv- atteîuding Thee was one enry in the froîuu out of town were,.\Ir. andS ýUrban Choir section - the Bap- NIr-,. Robert Weldon. Orillia: M tist Church. Port Hope. directoir George and Nir. and '%r-. Herb lu WlF Douglas Millson. "-This choir 1.5(doli, Oakwood Nu-,- Lorcîta Wl 0very pronising,' sid Dr. Frioker. o .nsy r.Lod Welo -Te p-rasing is good andi the don Lnday Ms.Llydtf 1r t -s rai1eaur (aîin:ingtoil; Nîr. and Nrs. James t 'one c.ea. SwainNîr.and NIrs.N hle s-aîn 1/2 TON ~~~~to have a choir like this in thne San f.ad-ol %an /2TNFes ,ival. They gained 79 marks. aud\Robe rtakn-,on Sud iN.r. r Ciass 31, Rural Cburch Choir an rn tiier,-iadNr o! Welcome, sang. -0 Huas Tbee. Fred Hure. Blanchiard: NIr. and Nr. fMy Babie xvery beautifully. Th- Nlalcol m Eîiîner.,oii Netletoîi anI (Z ~ muîsic of the piece is sweetly pret- Nliss Gertrude Nloffatt, Toronto. ty, the w ords are dainty and de- light!ul. The training of thse Mrs. Ira F. Purdy, BowmianvilleN choir is on good lines - the pian- issno sngmng quite beautiful. fl thde pas-,ing mf Nfr_ý. Ira F. iMr. George Campbell is tbe con- Pîîrd%, after a short illîîc-,s, St lier 3/ TO N ductor. We b-axe always enjoyed hoîue iîî Bowmaniville onî May 12th. hisFesiva Chirs an tederto tîsere wa- removed f rom Our midsta ______________________________ hm our heariy conilgratula.tion.5 olie>of GodI* good wome-n. Sî : on the -igh casa o! this year's %vas bonti at Salemi, Townshipî of work. The maxking was 80. Bai- Cramnalie, living there until 18 ver lieboro Choir toik second place ago, silice thi residing ini Bowîn- 1with 77 marks. They also gave a Ville where lier kindness wvon for very pleasing rendering o! the lier tlîc fr-einlip of aIl who knew piece. ler.C CZ 1As mentiined in last week's (ienial niî lier homne, slîe took well lI TNarticle, the correspondent was not to thîe wavs of bier owru househîold,a 11/2-2 TO able to be present at the eocu- wvhere sme -va-, deeplv lov)%ed. aînd ist leo;a- uictins- consequientiv salhv m-,sel î --va anuenuber1 l1cCO N F E D E R A T-aIO Nr scar of hi- HiEAD i l)arhiî-t->- ater lOingNim Nv; oîsli>îeder ini> HIS BACK ACHED FOR 4 YEARS ruschen Put Him Right id almiost coiitiluotislv. Now, at lie starts the day fresli as a -and luis back aches Io more. d lus storv - [luad contilsiuls lackaclue for rvears. I looked out the black of everyting. :ovI"ri cxtreme gratitude for what schen S2dts lia-, donse for me. freshnes.' witlisvhich I stat dav*s w-ork is îîerfectlv mnaru-el- -After seven dav.s of Krus- I1 felt l)etter anud could get up nediatelv. witblout ajiv special rt. I amui 57. and niv earlv niiîug dose of Krusclueu is My ýati>îi."-J.T. Flue kidîscys are thue filters of hiumaunuachine. If thev becomle ggislu, iniyurities fiîud tlueir wuav j tue I lood-stream and produce iblesomne ss nuptomsi - backaclue. iînatîsnu anud depne-.-ioli. he nunierous saIt, inî Krusclieu :klv coax vour kidnevs back to ýlthy normnal actionu. As aiimn- diste result, vou experieuce re- ffrom tluose old draggiîug painus. y ou persevere. you lose vour ins altogethier. lui Enuily A. Cowlinig. Five vears, ,-) thev elehrated their Golden vivcd bv tw>) solii. Joiunt D., ofC ;awa. aîud Leslie R. >)f Haydon, d two daughter ( Lillie) Nr s. rînan Hall of Oshlawsa. aîid Nîrs. sscI1l Cro-ssnan. Hav doîu. wluo re. for huer ln>tlier. Tluere are enteen grnîdchildreu and twentv- legreat grandeliildnen. Funenal w-as hueld Mav Stlu aîud ving to his svidow tunt beinz able attend service îîu tue chunch a ort service svas lueld at Itue homei ter which a service w-as held ils eUnuited Chuirch amud ronducted k-y sformer aîud bcloved pastor. Rev.1 NI. Wr1ootton. Kexumone. assîsted Rev. WV. A. Manclu, Tyrotue. Mn. 901.1015 spoke words of cornfont to ýbencavcd amnd inu lis remarks ,erned to the maîuv times be had ,n inspired 1,v cheerful w-ords of :eascd. Hymus. "Rock of Ages." bide Wýith NIe" and "Safe itutlue I-ms of Jesus w-ere suing. Internint w-as made is Hamp)toîs emet er y Palîbeaners svere Henn-v Ashuton. cluard MecNeil. A. NicNeil. 'Mr. T. emroîs Elmer Bradley aîud Wilbur arks. Flower bearers beimug Lloy'd d XýVilbent Hall. MIilton Graham. ecil Slemnou Sidney Trewiu and T. abli. Loselv floral tnibutes showed tlue glu csteem iîî w-hich tIse deceased ýa held. HeC will I-e îusissed k- old nd s-oung. Relatives atten'led fiîîuenal froin I arklîanu. Oshiawa. Goodwo>it. Ty- ,ie. L-ind-.av anîd Lonci Sault. Mss Adah Wright, Toronto> A fornmer reid(ent of Bownsan- ill.. iss Adali Wrighut, passed uvlat luer homne in Toonlto.' 0on lauv Qtl. Miss Wrighut vas a sîster f the late Nirs. J. J. NMason. Bow- manville. NIiss \Wright w-as boni lQueetusville. North York. and w-as idauglîter of NMr. and Mirs. Stephemi %Vriglit. Site came with her parenuts io Bosumanville as a child and ne- saiîued lîcre uîmtil 1910 when slue ne- moved t>> Tor on to. She seas a dre--,s- -maker aîud she nesided on Divisionm Street, in tue house now occupied is- Nîn. and Nîns. J. Irufamtimue. Rev. F.C. Frenuchi. at tlîe fuîueral senvice ons Nlay It-u îaid a glowing tnîbtîte to a scondenful hi fe. fullv spent iii lie service of inankind aînd lier l\a-,ter. Tîhe fumuenal ws- largelv attendcd, ansd following tIse-,ervice the ne- main-, ucre bnouglht tio B> wlnamli le fr interment. TIse contege uvas.niet mene is local fniemud-,and relatives. ..Imî j>incd in tIse coxusmittal service at tlue graveside. also conducted hy NIr. Frenceh. NMi-s Wrighut isusr- -ivced I)v twvo si-ten-.. with wîioni luc iverl n. Fred Osbo>rne t Ninnie) and> Ni-,,s NiatuJ Wright. Nirs. Nlason and ,senal brothers prtedecease: uier. Emlly Ami Courtice Rwe, Birmingham, EngILnd T'ise deatîs ccunned onMuNay .3rd. if EîuiihvAmui Courtice I-l<we at lier hmomîue ilsBirmiughain. Englanîl. after a liîîgerniug ilîness from heart tr>îulle. NI r-. Roce svas born ini DarliugomiT>îwnsisl) at Ebeîîezer. iear Bs inamuvilile. <lauglîter of thue laie Clurist>îîluer andl Celena A\shtons Couirtice. Nr-,. Rowe w-len a girl 19 m»vedtl > Pickering w'itlu the rest osf the famnihv wliere she was well kuioun iiitIhe Nfethodhist Church anti Suinday Scluo>ol andI surrounding country. She hater moved back oms tlue old luomesteaul at Ezeuîezer with her youmuger lrother. Arthsur John. and kcpt hotise for hîim until he was inarried. Slîe then took a trip to Emîglaîsul 1.0 isit relatives tlîere, where she was inarrieul andl liveul the rest of her life. Her liusband Win. Rowe (lied many t cars ago. Deceased is suîrviveci bv une son. Rev. XW. A. Rowe and w-if e andtI wo grandîlauglu- ters; also one brother, W. L. Cour- tice of Pickeng, Omt.; one brother. Arthsur J., anti one sister (NMary G.) Mrs. W. S. Croxaîl. Brouklin. pass- cd away several years ago. A Personal Tnibute At Ebemiezer for several stars slîe usetl lier s;iles>i>l talenuts very clîcer- fully is ail the activities of th- clîuirch. hotîs socially and lils religionsm- work. In connccti>îîîw-ith thue Sun- dlay School anîd Youii People's or- gamization-. sîe arrangeul and carriel on1 for soniîe s cars inlsier hluoîe, luar thu- clîtmrcls at thue lit) ilshîionu S umî- day-.. a cla-.s iniiellowsluiiîîamnd cliri.tiam trainîing for a grouîî of te-lu age folk. Shue was blesseul uvid a large- ieuasure of cornmnoli scîse snd witls a stifmdied tactfuhîiess that nade it possible fuir lier to sîucak tIhe riglut word, in seasomu. Tliere have 1:cen antI are still maîiy i)i Ebemiezer coînînumiity who lias-e the lîappiest recollectiolis of lier faitluful andl willing services, so LETTER FROM AFRICA By Mms. Merrill Ferguson De; letl lot 1hý let, PUI ea( Mý qui tei iný 1hi v« a of nu lit m se' W4 se a Mai-ch 4, 1938 ear Folk:-- NearlY a monih since the lasI ber was dated to yc-u. Such a ýseems t10 bave isappened since -en. As Mers-iil said in bis laeL >1ter I have officiaiiy started my ublc .iseaitb work. going oui ich week tc one o! the districts. [y work s f ai- and p-robably for uite a while yet will just, be witls e mothers anti babies. The wo- in turýn out well andi sçem in- Lrested. but Il is .very discourag- g work fs-om rncsi aspecsfo ,ey are s0 very poor and hsave se -i-y lîttie t10 work with tisatiti is Lrd te teacis tlsem things thal e reaily practical to ilseir ways f l i v i n g . ' I have a belper now who, was a irse at, the hospital here before te was iarried. She bhas one ile chilti now and is cne o>f the >st exampies we bave o! a wo- nan who knows how to, keep her- Ilf and iser family clean and ve. She has a lovely baby. She ems very interested in helping ne to adapt thse lessons b tise ives o! these women. Jus', now we are borrowiflg the tales f rom tise hospital but il is ib;t difficult to weigb babies on sem anti impossible to, weigh Vise )Ider cbildren on tisem. Out here ,is the children two years old and older that ai-e not normai in -eight, etc., as a generai thing. 'he; mothers nurse ihemn until tey are about two years olti and fter thaitishe fccd is very lack- ig. accoi-ding b o ui-knowledge nyway. We hope socn ta have scales with a scop on for the babies and also a platforrn that will even weigh an adult. tisese to, be jusi -t ai til al ir ai w a: When you drive too slowly your attention wanders-so does your car. When you're on a main high- way - keep moving at a steady pace. jf for any reason you must drive exceptionally slowly - keep weIl over to the right so that normal traffic can pass you easily and without danger or use the side roads Ieaving main highways unobstructed . A slow, inattentive driver is often just as dangerous as a recklessly speeding driver. j' of cour meschants is go.ing down hefoef-mi e ra e is to the coasi Ibis week anti is go>- tise truck and sise sleEps from think hie went mainly becaureh e i-- tyt det e is ing to buy tisem for uis. then until about two, while we was nervous about me driving the attack. Helen gces rut wiih us eve"Y have oui- general worship service truck alone over tbe slippei-Y INow Irn afraiti I muai close, Fr;day and so far isas been a per- for everyrne; then oui- lunch ansd wVerona.o lve fect baby. We usually arrive jusitîshen we st-art wïish our separate i-catis for tisere hati been a lot o!fwtVhearo!nlve before ber ten o'clock feeding anti groups, Margaret wiih t.he girls. rain. We don't like tD disappoint ______________ afier tbe people have finish-d Merril wibis the nsen, anti ELza- the people if possible when we !reeiing I feeti ier anti put her in bel-t and I witis the wcrnen. have matie arrangements for a ber beti whicis we take along n Tcday is the wamen's day of meeting, for some of tbem waik prayr, 5 w-ew-il be in. long distances to the meeting II about you as you f ollow th.e same place anti there are no telepisones freely givei. and are ever readv toi program. I arn golng ecut 10 be here. Tise week befoce I diintI ackiuowledge thue debt of gratitude wïltiste women o! this district. bbink bisat I wouid be able to go thv ouve to ilis splendid woman whoi They are mreeting at a village that wisen I got up in tise morninga buý was the learer of a beautiful char- : s about bal! an hours drive wit.l we carrieti a camp bed anti I resî- acter alnd a lo-imug spiit deoted 1.0 the truck from bere. Me-rit i ed during tise morning service andi the service of luer Divine Niaster. going te have a men's meting ai carrieti on in the a!ternoon. We wann pcried to ere s Sue' in-a vlle th wom e w-i-il e.ne ae not atixn mali anfrd wAs mie thismuereis Soiué whavger that mn is nearbytseo e ae ot betternw ougai o temndenît of thue Sundav School for Mes-iEl anti I bave bc-shisati a a long urne so I guess w-e cant --- mans years and is delighted to pas- bout o! fever. There is a greal complain. Every lime Helie n this îîensouual tibute of aipreciatiom ideal of iltîshese days. Latt F'i-, doesn't smsile quite sa, mucis as to thii- godly woinan for lier e ff ic- da eiril -as- not w-el, but ivent jusual Vmn afraid sise is gettin., kF - ,it o-mi > 1sr-retots village wi:b us anyway. I malaria, but fortunately she is: ORDER BLANK CONTAINS NO ALUM Maglc Baklng Powder, Toronto, 2, Ont., Bor 5. Completesit of intredients on every Plentesend me free of shlpping conta, one 8 oz. PYREX mes&- tin.Magc BkingPower a fre font urina cup. it 2-year guarantee against breaklng from bhot titi MaIc Bkîn Power e fre Ioni liquide. 1 enclose 25c and a wrapper froni a tinif Magic alunior any harniful intredient.(Aluni1 Bmkîng Powder, any size. ie sodium miumlnum sulPhate irnd l never u ed n M a gic B kin.P erNam e - - - - - - - - - - - --...................................... ...... Addrees--------------------------------------........................... City----------------------- Pr............. P ovince ....................... This offe,' good only white uupply of PYREX cuPs lasis, and ADE EN CANADA .ès lmilIed go the Dominion of Congda ordy. ~~1~~ 't': ->,ti ,<~, Motor vehicies urancn "OAr-W WnUp 1 ent atia mougin. lui - , --

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