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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STA?-ES-MAN, BOWINANVILLE, ONTARIO THI7RSDAY. lUNE 9TH, 1938 1/ MA YRO E TSB OK R VI WA MAN 0F CULTURE iall the Sparrcws. If this s so, one year, f the 1,321 deaths due BOOK EVIE theWhàte-crcwn. its cousin. us aVo -this cause, 470 were t.hosê cf close second. No one can really cbildren under fifteen years of I ~ DOCTOR & y'R RN EH AÀR T IF DHP: THE KEY TO juige wito bas not heard tbem n nage hv euei eetyfe <Cet ned romPag 9) thtn ~ b B b Macmillan. $250. Buc;witere then- singing lis a, its beét. the Hospital for Sick Ohildren, (Coninud fom age9) hený Wel, aNb. Bt ravbý iThesame twe birds are also de- Toronto, sorne information re- "Net se he couldti t eart aid the, Bug '\fan bias got sernething cise,1 The former Lieutenant -Gover- cidedly the hantisomest of the garding appendicitias, containing HiwTh a house wst pthe entNa\be He's put soniething inteý nor of Ontario. Hon. Dr. Bruce, !Sparrows. The adultsar rn-satmns hi re0 get main street, with the big iarm be - ut t k lite rin Slight? I rc issterprofd ession tiufrngatakable because of the truly white publicimpoartance. The experi t kWýdfeod t nyhow. Teunepincil rohebstrnadyîhtitm o throat cf te cne anti white crcwn ence of tts ntruin ihw hîd ndlp~oni t Chris was a' a Tt lfn t qsreeday. 'long series of functions. At these c h ter u le on fthtapnicitittis onons startled hen he saw nId Dav e.His I wen t h'.c te ,sec it. lbut yen May."' he was often requireti to speak, Ofthe peces re uteiy ccng oed. am en cfcitiren it ail ges. big frame was as hunge as ev er but O uv efore lie let did ie touch anti the activity of is mnd ver theIf by ch a e o e i e r e e gt'W e h o dton t e o nzt th e fle sh h a d g n e fr em in t. O u i l% n h i ,' er o a .a w id e ra n g e o f to P ic s is re v e a le d If o r Y o uCohan c ko e i e a y ello w d o t a l y n d o f s re e ly t r a tel , he bis eYes. iercing anti direct, were v \V<hat about w0rnen: Tttýiuble'un adtiresses that touched agri- infOr on t cf ee otye. y out erultn s r ot satfatry.If, stil i Y o u n g ." v ? 'c u ltu re a n d i h is to r y . p o litic s , jo u r - h s u re t h a ft hy eu a e , lo e k i n at a e v rts er e ms d e]a y n _c r 4Well Chris, go~ p b~ n c bc O u. e w rv alis a. me icine, education at,_iethot ig po e r ar e t orand the y e. " nicl. ' of co u rse . Uis fav o rite sc h e re fo r W Gie ttin a ot i i w0. h t - c n i i n i l o e o p o r s 'Tire p sseir. ln rn u But lie colored, anti David Iauîgh- town laniong. mThesefir s lsh- throat's nest is even more diffucult!unltil the apni utrs h thirty." ed . etiscaections19f4rom theades titletan seeing the bird itsef at inet inf requent reswt s the death Tir!'said olt ivue. Cilre j1 utk acul ey'lesjl scm 94udrtetteClO-se range. It is placeti on the 'of te oUlt despite ail efforzts te chlCr0 ab nans f "Our Heritage." The secondgenio h edrsc od sehm chld Cri. ab u anu .~~ c( IiS it iv-t u Friendsiip' is now available. gU i n tan e cf wdrspberry Tavhcitincms o. e man deesnt know auiting unutil uxut eer kuuow xchat veire thiuik Bea1b0iinees ae nt a r o bushes The rnt he's sixty. He's got w'enn Cut (f akit.et a wife blI travtl rcsaiyipyee-itei cteir bs oeu.Tit yorenAs Tes oatetion earîy proer are- ,hoité b wit ~ th a ter as it hî,rsaib u. nt i~ress; anti Dr. Bruce is a gente- ilong as you watch, tiey creep tnsae al rprtet He houeti~vih luQitc aCbr~ tta- caiman witb firm convictions. He' noiseiessly ite anti fron'm their nests , ~ ncsayifVt ain fhushd. e rtah~ a inîl ernçu tieu bs mti upbi mm vry efn- under the foliage anti appear and ti lie given a fair chance for "Hit veou uhere, eh-- Si.,îc~ and iht rv oui inatrinucul'. anti Chtis itelv about most vings. But he s jdsperatadfeetpr i eoeyttogttebnft0 it n suP oe Lettv stut <1 .u.w tî. h I'uSlu at ni..sti hw e cat i - a g ntem n an e t bas a r d Hon. Dr. H. A. Bruce the s rubbery eaci Ure. Anti as m edicai science. The physician itsnegotChu. tî.. Autnuc let tk> IIn surgery. one cannot geha o ut hyke pacn antielp Vhose who do nov People semething. Stune ouiIiei with vague. benevoient f eelings bis, I amn pleaseti with these evi- tinual, louti, metallic "cbinkW*.' corne for bis advice. The cause et owe me, tee! Alwvavý have anu i- ýtoad h ork in banti. One bas dences of a dignity that was char- giving you the impression that*tidelay in securing treatrnent gen- wav xii. BitFi nt luuîtngISSUE NEW BULLETIN tokwar nticittpecso.acteristic of hum anti bef itted ii you must be just geing te step on Ei8lyrsawt h aet h îitil 1 have te. Now hat about ON INSECTS ATTACKING Loose endis wcn't do: anti there s ofc.Ianpot ttecuae'h etat a bètter retreat. aixe unaware of the dangers that yeurself ? ONTARIO VEGETABLES possibly a finality about the doc- that led hum to take Positive Wben the Wiite-titroats p ny cepaysveeadoia the day. New anti then a car or teeVleV AlVgtbewbere the lawyer migbt prefer i'like sterilization et mental de- 'way south, they assLst fariners byusVuhtbtitecfaniie l rm au oAlVgtbethe safety of suspendeti jutigment fectives. etn ed sei ri h chilt is frequently given a dose bugy eul div up ationce Gr>wers, Is Free of Charge- But this neatness of Dr. Bruce's The volume as a whoie - coin- ipieugitet, auturnn fieldis. Keeping tif hc s et ci rsom the r purgi ta-t Chris was calleti i tesec the results lWritt.en by Prof. Lawson Cae- tikn nicnlsosmkspcgaiuna sasatis- under cever, they can be tiiscov- iewchsttedgsivtrt of Ppîsfratue fnel st aud sar, Provincial Entomogs,. for gooti, f irin writing. His essay f actory conclusion anti memento ereti only by Vhe soft, shortenetiu oinjs i ietrewe menieti. Chris was surprised at the A. . style s admirable in its pith anti cf a penioti of officiai service that version cf their torner seng. nature wishes it to be at i-est. wio d r tef b ne kcaleadger- A75pgeblltip Iseyconcision; an, as an admirer f s worthy of being reremberet. Who s the ventriloquist ef When appendicitis ocurs there gical journals, anti he hatitheories illustrateti. on insects attacking bcrarnp-lie a nn )dt cildsu ay pit it of his ewn, which Chris always Ontario vegetables, written by eut as being in the region cf the rememnbered. . Professor Lawson Caesar, Provin- B3ULLETINS Written For umbilicus. Younger chiltiren just "Look at germs,' hie saiti. *Wh\ cia] Entcmelogist, O.A.C., Guelph, TheS*'tsmanPoint Vo thie abdomen when ask- aren't we al dead ef germs- Be- s just off the press anti May be fronth taemn êV L Iet wbere the pain is, anti cry as cause we set up an immunity te ebtaineti free cf charge by writ- By i nlanai ll hrei nue ing te Statistics anti Publications BIRDLAND Winlfred E. Wilson andi vomniting. There s only one turanchTontao. Dpt flgice sensible thing Vo lie done for the Teot.THE WHITE-THROATED SPARROW -----NàwALN SENvics op Ohilti with abdominal pain, andi Ki ie c d hsbooklet will lie of value Vo VE CANA08AS. MEDICAL that Is Vo cal ite doctor anti re- St ryvgeabegrowsr in On- By ights the Whute- squirrels ' chiprnunks, incas gr-'wn AAIM c ou As LIgEfanf-mgvngayhue-o DCVf ea t a tr i otifin s os teta tdS ar ow I o u pnite eUac iL~ NADArernedies. Tihis may seet a neeti- Rob Your Re dsrpiolf hsoyadeson-ie hoatd eS ar ew a- l s I sthe mo COMPAfIMay .. S amiount et fus anti bother, Many peole gel go f net htan n eaenot suggesting that night' arest. They turn andl toa-lie àaa nuaily level a loss of bundreds of nd' ainlbr.atieJune tanfecuit wy rm veY stomnacb-acbe ita appendu- anal~~~ cen he le ~bae nthousantis of dollars Vo Ontario Tt wrso!ussogteruimblre cf itiesh, yoie il of' NI abdoNmHIDRN iinalbutaendoi a t u essd unes hen t may Le their kîdacys. vegevable crop Swetsweet, Canada, Canada, j ifern tri egnize . th osc bdmnlpini lay ead dufern: bue.hrots Athogh is generaliy known that ap-eti seicusly, cases ot appendicitis Healthy kidneys ilter poisons lirons the Vegetable experts state that Canada" seem so distinct te lus the song s always te saine, te pendicitis is a comparatively coin- Wl]] be neglecteti antielciildiren wil bloodL If they are faulty and ida, poisons there Js a remedy for eveny insect that iv is bard vo realize that Oui ptcb varies. Perhaps tbere us amon disease. I' is net 50 general- continue to lie sacrificiet to pro- stay in the systes anal leeplessness, head- pesvttakn eealsat egbr coatebre n ilusort an:3 close bY. a cn ly known. itewever. that appendu- crastination. ache, backache often follow. If you don't these remedies are all <utlittet in agine it says "Peabody. peabotiy. tralto tarther off anti a mezzo- c.tus s responsb'e for between Questions cencernînz elh sleep wel, try Dodd's Kidney Pilla-for Professor Caesars valuable pam- paoy"Ths gt cerntssoprano wbose tonies you can 130at 140ttts abya airseiVoteCnd a Mtii- hal a century the favorite renuedy. 103 phiet wýhicb is yours for the ask- ccme vo us frein the forest ant i u-St catch.inC ad.PriuryisintclAsoain.84CleeS. spEak of quie*t wootis. pale sun- Many people tbink the White-1 kncwn tbat it s a conditio c-Tronto. will lie answered per-_ Dodd*sKidney Pili *WÈtfor it nli gh, itrn-tru h lae. hotisthe sweevest sngrof! ri.ga o biltren. Duringsonally b etr Wealth is not is who gets it To fil the pulPit is One thing; Ebut his who enjoys it. 1tO filthe church is quite an- Look before you eap y-0 uther. can't jump from the fire bak in- Whefl a man setties down he is Lto the fryng pan. expected to settle Up. Jealousy is the offsprng of A soft answer turnt away distrust. vwrath. STRY rGLEN RAE ~, A FULL CUP 0F CREAM IN EVERY QUART You get more health value, more food value and more value per penny when you buy Glen Rae Milk! The extra cream in every bottie is your guarantee of its richness, of its nourish- ment and its wholesomeness. Order IGlen Rae today. - Phone 2665. Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 Bowmanville SPECTATOR, CROOKED CREEK, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 9TH, 1938 THURSDAY, JUNE 9TH, 1938 The Prize Winning Home and School Homemade Kite Pupils Demand Speech Club Happenings îHr yWorll) History Mr. Chairman, (Raymnond Gilmer) The kite is a very amusing Cniudfo ae1 Honourabl Judges, he firat eeting cf ttoy to play with and tw make. (Cniudro Pae1 Ladies and geleen:he an Schoetnolftbha'The malcing of a kite nmay be in our district. Indiai n k Laish ud Gnl me n: Hra Come d C ek wS mainjlub a done in several ways. The one sketch-es adrn thej.r notebooks, attention to a top'c which lQe Iorganize. 't was held in Janu-twh icksI lbestcrs ade by raig adsytM been the ridicule cf our past jary and about forty people at- tosik hc rs erpse rwnsadsse. gene:ation. namely "Sports in 1 ende t. thbe top. They are tied in tilis atzecl accounts make up -the position and string put from balance. One source bo00k a Rural Community." Why1 The council presented a mo- dto n feahsiktaoebaseehnrdad have sports played such a lit- de] meeting. A very flîce pro- endchth n ear ti k 1ewn o ehssvn ud n tie part in Our rural. life? i, ra was given by Mr. Rick- pasted on to. Two pieces of rt-w agsi i.Hv think the answer easy to find.i aTd nh brought his orc.hes string are attacheci from p- Grade VII pupils wmastecl their Talk as you like. a farm youth tra. Mrs. Bowen and Mr. os- posite corners to whých the turne in this exacting study? works seven days a week, and borne gave talks on the other logstigsattacbed. A tai] Wi: they flot interpret their tired. stiff muscles haven't ex-itHeores.ndThpogramlbs.endd ateneat the bottom. an.don rbemsntisse actly encouraged an interest in! h ue.Teporr ne h kite is ready for use. This w rrolm:intssae sports. We have been content by having a very nice lunch, sr fIiewl ali n cnuuy ntelgtc to istn v an beiev tht, verbcd at hertiy.weather if not raining or snow- facts gatliered from the lives of "A day in the liarvest field is In the second meeting, Mr. ing. Cloth ('an be used in- their Pioneer ancestors? Qur enougb exercise mîthout run- E. A. Summers gave an ad- stead of paper. own Grade VIII arithmetic ning around after a bail." dress and then showed Pictures There is skill in flyi.ng, kites. Yet. according to the old of Northern Ontario f rom bis w hms oy nw f~ provides its Practical problenis. proerb te wrmwiî tinmoihedcamera Te pictures a windy day more tail should Just recently we bave been and turn iv has. The fresh air degtdeeybody, and some be attached. The tai] cani be discovering the square root of and bard work haven't quite; violin music 'was conducted by made out of rags which serve numbers - nonsense, maybe- dulled the thinking ability Of young violiflists. the Purpose well. String is let the farmer's child. Wh&t is Dr. Willson was the main out and the kite shou.ld, if set but arie0 with a simple draw- happening then - you notice feature of the third metn.rgx ganseil.Ise ing. rught-anglEd triangle and1 no changes! Ah! but there Prograrn carried on, and then t.akes nose dives taiere i u surerot e a dtr you are nust.aken. Fascism he took the platform and gave enough tai]. Sometimes the of:n tht new barnouite fters may have Itaiy in its clutches la talk on the Sin of Waste. kite will be wrecked if it hits oere builng. an Orthe and Spain at its fingertips, but First, Dr. Millson had every- the ground toc bard. This can wr ulig a hy the youth of Canada are being 'body roaring and laughing over be stopped by letting it have Thus might I continue for -aroused by a force even great- bis jokes and joky hauppen- more string. If you want her time to cm in desca-img oui er tha.n that of fascism - an! ings that hie had seen. HLs vo go higher you let it have activities at schcol - practical enthusiasm with- the contagion i speech ran along the Uine of string and then take II, in wcrk, basic work - work that of measles. Canadian ycuth the waaite of -the young people's quickly. When the kite is sal- Ou parents fail to enquire in- bas overnight becomne s p o r t lives - of bein-' killed by drunk- ing good you cari make lier tO. We realize fully oui ig- conscious. The sport section of ards - by being killed in the take a ail-spin by running ncrance of many of the prob- our newspapers has increased. war. away. You can gev a pieoe 0of lemns confronting you aduits, from one to four pages. Radio In the f outh meeting Mr. paper andi mate a hole in it. but we have the answer Vo broad-casts of evezy sport inI HodgetVs of the Children's Put the string through the hole many a r'ddle if you older the world mrches te remot-'Sbe.zer near Cobourg gave a an~d let lt go. This wil] go up P'eOp:e will just s'upply the rid- est homes. The naines cf our talk on the great help it is Vo the string to the kite, and in dies that we rnight apply them. hockey stars - Conacher, Jack- the orphan children - Or chil- t4his way have the fun of send- Be-.fcre leavng this sensitive son, Schrùzner - are as familiar <ren that are sck and canneot ing messages Vo te kite. question. let me say a word to the rural boy a-, a milk pail lie kept by their parents who _________ about Our sports at school. or a turnip hoe. Andi you may; are poor. Play, if You insist - tomfoci.- believe measse"a",nIay ht ________________Canoeing ery - itile moments - you won't sh"f ard morse toad nay Of.have time for such traipsings ,ht"ma oe ox*n frmnk; then if dad c'an't find (oiiudfo ae1 when you get hoeing the corn us than crop rotaiucn andi his chore boy he knows whe:e (.11 f fo Pge1 and rnaking :he hay at home. suznmer fallowing. v o look. The hockey stick îs thrillof being upset and get-i But beung frank. wAe don't be-iý What bas been the influence missing from :'he waodshed- ting a real good d.ucking. i leve we can take up Your work on the lives of our rural yout-h apparentiy hockey cornes firs-t. Tilting is a sport used wth SuCessfullY With OnlYVth e with such a w:despr*Ead Inter- Or it may be that dad is mn ss- canoes. They have two canoes training You hati. We will be est in sports. ing - you will fini bim tO~ and each canoe bas two men. liv.ng in a <ifferEnt age - dif- Last surnier we evidenced dowsn at the rînk, skating a- The man In the stern bas a ferent 'conditions - andi we will a revival of sports in our cern- fa:t as b's rheurnatism will long light pole made of dry feeti a d;fferent training. munity - -the rasture field be- lre-mit. cedar, pine or spruce, wiib a Sports. I believe, are an es- came th~e baseb'all diainond -' There is somethiing about bail of soft cotton on the end. setial Dat fOur training. blocks of wood were ala.rmed 1,hls sport xnovemenz that is Each men tries te kn'ock bis O orgaoivon of basebgjl, to, hear theinselves bases. andi infectious - the carefree sports- opponent out of the canoe andi basketball and hockey teanis, the talk of stealing bases made manship - the eare&tne.ts if doing so he wins the bout. teach us tle value of group themn shutider. Old Dobbin with whicb each participant1 A certain number of bouts is wOrk. The necti for teami-.ply edgd ff o he arhes cr-PlYS «ces to the making of a agreed upon before starting the and neigbborîy co-operation ner cf the pazture and listened more able, broad minded c-ti- game. develops bere - xe apprec<te with strange interet to the zen. Canoeing is dene principaîly an.d realize fully its value. shouts of the bail] playei-s, We have Uistenied to the olti on thte lakes and rivers of WOiild the like net imProve 'kno>ck eut some f lies" - cry "You can'v keep young Canada wbich have beautiful any community? And lastly, strange. hati he neo t h ad 'peo'ple on the fanm today" - scenery around them a ntd we leari Io lie gcod sports - Vo enough trouble with flies! but. just give the farm youth makes you forget your scrrows take a beatîng witb our chin Andi so the sununer passed on la chance te show bis wares in and happenings of the past. UP and Our mouth shut. The - the corn hoes more qunckly - la sporting world - give him a Many Amerloan tourists ceme Value of being good sports - the hay makes faster - if there1 basebaîl gleve and a hockey over to Canada to canoe an playirig the game fairîy. re- is a bail] game to De playeti. stick, andi you worv't have te for their heatth in msany cases. spoecting rules and the rights Winter comes, andi with it worry about Johnny running Calices are useti by ýtourists to cf others. cornes the memories of chores off to the city - Johnnie will catch trout and muskalung in te do and wood to chop. But stay on the f arm anti like it. the lakes of nortbern Canada. beautiful lakes and forest. o-ther memories are comiing. You older peppîe may be Canees are not, nearly as Somne olti Indians cenmae' too - sleigh îiding, hockey,[ aggravated to have goal post plentiful as Vhey were in the buîcb caniceinavrsht sbinlny. and skating parties. lon the front lawn, hockey days when Canada was young. time. iia~r hr end wbo knows what but this sticks on the verandah, a bro- Champlain and many otherf Ca noeing almost d r1- PP e d winter may see home-matie kçn nose or a bruiseti sUn - explorers travelleti this beau- tram s'igbv but lately n'en have skiis leaping the snowdrifts. just go eut antd play the gaine tiful country whicb was te er~Jteueo thenat The most important of these yeurself. You'll be the best a wilderness, by canoes, even they are gratiuallY coming back sports to boys offcoui corn- i sport in the community, you over the Rockles by Macken- into use altough flot as P1!enti- nlunity (anti I arn more in- will be leniing encouragement zie. fui as tbey once wvere. Marly terested in boys> is hockey. A te a worthy enterprise, and Some old Indians are still A.mericans corne andi b uy cold night or vwo will freeze above ail y6u will be giving the making canees Vo Sel] to Ami- tanices f rom Canada anti to the creek andi a few pals of youth a better place in which enicans when ýthey come over enjoy tbem on her lakes, andi water wil] floodi it into a good te live. te visit Canada andi see ber rivers. EDITORIALS Spectator After tbis honest atcmpt of curs te, present a Schoeî Newspaper, wiîh aIl its dii ficulîjes anti inîeresting highlights, wve, the pupils of Creeketi Creek appreciate the efforts matie by Mr. James anti his staff in publishing a xeekîy newspaper. Editor-«------ --------- ------arry Worrali Assistant Editor » . . . Ruby Sunday THURSDAY, JUNE 9. 1938 SOHOOL VISITORS Music Supervisor: Our music supervisor cernes on Friday aiternoon. Wc al like him. He tells us sorne interesting things about theý musicians. He says things which rnake us laugh. School Inspector: Net verv rnany school children like the visit of the school inspecter, but he is rice. He givas us mental arithmetic, and we're not very good at that. Mr. Melior: - One day we had a visit frorn MIr. Miellor, he was our teacher for that da%. He told us çerne interesting stories frorn the biblQ, the one we liked was David and Goliath. WALKING FOR HEALTH At different limes turing the, winîer that is new grewing rapitily te a close, the, roatis anti sidewalks have beeui thickli coateti with ice that has resulteti in not a few liroken bones. Hew-_ ever, warmer days wiII seen be bere anti peole generaîîy weuI<I be well advisq t t gel nuit in the, epen air for a brisk xaîk as a means of restoring the viger of lhealth. There is ne question about il. %waiking is a spîenrlitî exer- cit, for betb yeung anti olti. A brisk waîk in the frcslu air iq a fine heaîîh builder. The henefits of waîking is a mceans cf build- ing up heaîîb anti reîaining it. Se few cf us deo much xaîking icwatia\-s, especiaîlv middtle-ageti people. To gev 10 îheir business tîowntewil, even if it is only a fexv t lcks away thtiv hop inmo the car antd dri%-e when a walk xveuît he geeti for thbcm. A buisiness, manî savs be lias quit tirixing te xork aîd now walk.. HesaYs ht'catauSec th-ii big change in bis hcalîb. Long ago mrany people matie it a praclice to take a lîtisk walk as oftçén as possible anti cndthie week wiib a long strnIl onu Sunday afternoen. This îractict' is nw largel-%' ctnfiîcd to the younger people. Somne pîtc.îtîr\ itch-hikinig iseatl tf tak-inut, a mile or so on foot. It seems te me mititle-ageti men today shouilt do more walking as a ierm -of exercist. that is not too<t srenuctus, yeî tendts te keep) him in goti physical conudition. His slogan migbî 'dil Mr. anti Mis. J. J. Mellor anti Sunday School Mary visiteti f ientis at Smith- A roe re fieldi. A roe r Mi. andi Mis. Widtius. Mill- (Aileen Ogden) brook, visiteti Mr. anti Mis. J. Some people live near a Reidi on Sunday. cituich, but rnany et us don't. There is no churcb ini oui cern- Mi. Tom Týurner, who bas-' munity, anti the trustees anti ecmpleteti bis year ait Peter- Home anti Secol suggesteti borough Normal School. will be baving Sunday Scitool in oui home titis week for the suin- scitool. mrer vacation. eognzdteSda We olorgnizheti ixteSunay Msýs Marion Ogtien. Port 1Schol emo n the irv S ntiyi Hope. spent ber belitiays with Ai-i.W metnthmo- her parents, Mn. ana Mrs. W. ing ait ten-tbirty. There was Ogden. lan attentianice 0f titirty-five Ctour tirs*: meeting. There The ladies "of the Sunday are thiee classes andthie Bibe Scitool helti a special organuza- class. Mis. W Reidi teaches tien meeting ait te home offthe prirnary-class; Mi. Ruth-. Mrs.J. Cystile o MoniayMi. Mellor will teacit the Bible e«%ening. in preparation fer the: Ice Cîeam Social. lass; tbey have nov decideti iwho will teacit the girls' class The Home aix Scitool Club'yet. Tbere were some olti bymn belt its last meeting cf the books at schooi; we gatitereti seaon ay261, nd rgrli- thern Up anti have Our hyn easonoraynoth an tihe gnz- !bocks. Mr. Meller s te Sup- eet for-ote ye itenewly erintendent. anti Mis. Turner eWce. R ten ei ng.Mis the secretary-treasure-, During the suminer montits Opinions I think there will be a ver., OpinionsOn9go0tiattendance. If everyone Currnt iStry keeP upthe interest shewn at Currnt istry ur tii-st meeting we will bave Thepostjo o CzchoSio 'a strawberr festival anti a vakia in teé EuioPean situa- _______________zùc tien is of particular interest te, us. News comning froin that Flig eert ceuntrY te one tof oui pupuls jIFýligMeert bears iittle suggestioun of the 1 isenxousness 1eof their situation. ( Bill Airdrje) The Czecits are a deterunineti Th-is comimunity rocketi with lot et people anti are rnuch toc alamIast night as a falling preuti et their tiemocratic frîee- star burtled wwards sarcti dom te aIllw the Nazi govein- bers, Tuestiay evening ait dusk. mrent vo repeat a sintila.r meve' It starteti as a glowing da.zz- to that in Austria. The Si-' ling wbite light, anti as iv ap- yaks or Slavs, however. are flot pa-cciet the eartb iv ýtutineti V s0 seliti - anti are more ltkely a reti bal ot tire. There was a te le a htintrance vo tite stiong odour et burn.ing su]- Czechs in time of tioube than 'piur irnrediatly iollowung titis te prove a belp. phenemenon. This occurrence * P * was al ite more unteresting as Tbe proposeti reic:-es-ratio.n Bill Arinie hati brougitt te scbeme et tl'.e Dominion gev- iscitool Vhs wsek previeus one erninent bas lisen watched by , of tite f inest specimens of a us witb a certain tiegiree of meteor ever observed. It is amusement. After bearing fi-cm cliiefiy a leati-silver ore witb a a veteran lumbermain titt"the 'core ofi ron. Iv woulti we:gb o dest man living neyer saw a possibly t.hirty pountis, and is. 1Aanteti tree make a stick oif we believe. one et the largeet timber," we have been rather meteorites ever f ountidi inte doubtful of the particular ern- Dominion. imencial valu? ef retores:ration. II will take a second grcw1h uitder these rel'orested areas te' Crooked Creek piovide the tiuber te: future Orator bce: "Walk more andi drive less."~* F Premier Aberbaut's Social Johnny Hicks) Newe Hapenins a'encan,- enMo'hr's a C redit propagantaia u orel in Raymont G.liner, winnen cf N.syHapeins at ned thee on therk st evidence titan ever before. it the Belleville *district, anti a Sunlday at the reguar se:'vuce wout'd seern that ite s simp:.y pupil of our îciteol wl]]spek (Alseen Ogden) suxty-five attendeti. The qun- proving Barnum's slavemenvj un Convocation Hall, Toronto, The commuiCy ie bas beeni day S2hool are Planningto Teeuascernev . April 2lst, in an attpmp tVo quickened in its Pace liy hs holti a spec.al -service on Sun- mnue.- Witb Aberbart asicapture te cbamPionsitip of numerous newsy happenings et day, June 26, in thte mrur-ing. . inister ef Education we won- ilthe Province. the past week. and on te evening of June 27 der if a new course of study un 1 The subje-t o! bis f:rst an icý cream socijal o h p-Aiberta titat would ins;til th~e speech was -Sports un a Rural clous lawn efthVie schoc-I The prin:ip1es oft Ibis ciedi' sYs- Ccmmnunity." Titis speech ap- A pleasan* sur-prise s'beweî same; evennz ttere wùi be tein- in tite mintis ofthte scheol t3ear.s elsewbere inOrPaper. was helti in thte Newtonville playei a softliall gamne a th- 'ch iltren wouid nov lie one way However, the topic en witicb Hall on June 3, f or te newy,-: scitool igrc-un.tis between C' ok- h4 bs attain4ng bis enti. R nniwl pa nTrn wetited coup'e, Mr. anti MrS. eti Creek anti Newtonvill? boys. . s 'Wben l'mn a Man, I wil] Jack Reid. A large crowd av- -.-.-.IT"t' abantionment o! Publictbe a gooti Canadian citizen." tendedti t weîcome Mrs. Re:ti Healtit Nursung un Bowman- No doulit. bef oie oui papeî' Vo our midst anti wish teM.LSS Thelma Mercer ef Gar- vile bas been 'watchieti by usi appears in print titis contest young couple years cf batpidten Hi!] visiteti Miss Beatrice witit regret. In a scitool sucitm,- 'li le over anti we hope Ray- n'ess. hmsnoe iweet. as Ours Where for years titere menti wil]libe the champion ef I . as been no torm.ef medictal 'te province. We shail aI] be Ior healtit inspection, we coulti waiting anxious]v for the e Thte Suntiay**oe bas ex.- Mr. anti Mi. Wm. Reiti visit- itardly undqrtand te action'ksuIts anti are wisiting Ray- ceetiet ila expec'tiens. The eti iritntis at Caiesamea, andofethvie counci]. mondth ie best oif luck. .~' ~-~At ai.: PAGE TWO L THURSDAY. JUNE 9TH, 1938 SPECTATOR, CROOKED CREEK, ONTARIO PAGE THREE

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