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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1938, p. 1

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READ BY 12,000 People e' zbg 04 nb n r _ _ _ _ Wîth Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1938NUER2 STATESMANl WIN$ PEARCE ýEDITORIAL PADE TROPH BUILDING BOOM Unveil Mernorial Plaque at NOW UNDER A >1 ~COURTfICIE AREA New Victoria Hospital at BOu orieCrspnnt Changes o! owxne:,ship o! lanti ithis vicinihy this spring inclutie Training School For Boys tIiý purchase of lots by Mr.an M.andi Mr. Earl McLean f romn H.G.StoelsOf i- NEW PRESIDENT Mr Cecil Adams; by Mr. and Mrs. iates at Ceremony inl Penfounti; and. by Mr. Jack Rob- Connection With An- i -s P ~~ a fluai Physical Train- built, on these lots, which. situat- ing Dispîay - i-on. edfil ls o ahohr n Colin Campbell Pre- !airly new houses, give an air o! sent prcsperity very appreciative in sent these tîmes. Mr. William Robin- son's bouse. north o! Prestonvale, lii he re~er.~ ora rrembr fis having an addition built. and Mr. Retcbuk is erecting a house the ebn Ca'imet. and(i ther close by. Mr. Blake Oke lias pur- Quvi 'JPark f ficas, a trueririal chaseti Mr. Harold WoOd's pro- plraiirw a un eiid n\Verredavperty on the bighway. the latter at tire Victoria Hospital at tlirc On- liaving left this district. Mr. El- tari. Trajnjniir School for Bovs. Nir. don Smith lias renteti Mms. Ben- H, G. Stapeli.,, Torronto, carried ont jamin Cocranes cottage; andi the actuiai rînveilinirz as Ho n. Col in land from Mr. James Balson, Campbell, MNiiiiiter of punb lic which is now being cultivateti for NIks r. C. L. Burrtorr, Pre-ident the first limte in many years. A of the Rzobt. Sinrpson Comipan,. arnd new ti-actor. purchaseti bY Mr. scores, of visitors and tihe bha >t Smith, has turnedt Iis large pas- tlir scirnol iooked arr. ture landi into wokable shape in l'lie îrr'vciiiin, was tihe cocindirrc a very short time. featirre of tire afternoon's prograrn or events. Eariier the bovs of the seiruol under the direction of J. Fanl ROTARIANS TAKE Cunrninghram and Gordon Lowerv,INPC U ES O staied tri anrmal deniorstratro)n A. N. MitchelI IT R H W - of' pirsicai training. Thei)r prorari iepesdn.ad a1 Rtran eeIeae oa iid nded nrassed demoristration of4mViae-resi teCanad ie erA- Rtnn ee rae 0a -arîmanager o! thetCanada LifesAs-sunusual program Fritiay when ona rtietaric swre S oug.gath Ld surance Co., who bhas been electeti inteati o! the routine schedule o! on ireappraus.theSorti Loecpresiiient of the Canad'an Life eat and listen to a speaker, theY~ Circirs. a irumoroîrs iterlride. ' tn nurance Officers' Ascciation. were entertained by Rotarian C.J mnrg lanrd drill, pyranrid buildinrg anr] Tliis associaticn comprises 45 l! e T. R.oss at the Royal Theatre. turnbliir. The displav was as isuai d" of he ervhigestcalbre aid i ~insurance comanes whoEe busi- Special films were prezenteifa of h vr ibi wast cairba~etandiit tt ness represents 99.8 per cent Of turing a Western short wrhich in: is ossblevs vrhas ven1-terthe hf e insurance in force in Can- I-utiedi -Home on the Range," the tbiarrirr previonîrs years. ada. Mm. Mitchell i's a Eon o! the song which service clubs have Superirriendent A. R. Viruni rtre- late ]Dm. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell. taken 10 their heats anti at every sided ton the nnlveiliirrgservrce. Tire Enniskil'en. and is a son-in-taw opportunity sing over anti over io ' \ operred the -service witir tieof Mms. W. E. Tilley. Bowmanville. again to the embarrassment o! siligrrg ofthtie Sarnctus. Hoiv. Hoix nynetrying 10cary on a pro- HNlvajndC R prrer r, lgienbvRv. k Mrs. M. A. Neal left by motor gramn. rcia or CR.St. ener" ure r). TIWedn2sday for Unitedi States. Visitors at the club inclutiet Lecor ofraStr wo-nîrrre b.tire boy-.e Her son F:ed. at:ending school in E. A. Lovell. Oshawa, and Junior LorPracrýva >ng lvtheho'>.NMarachustts. witl return with anti Danny Ross. the two sons o! Speakers inclnded Mfr. C. L. Bur- her. C. T. anti Mrs. Ross. tarn, Chairinanr of tire Industrial Seiroois Adxisorv Board. Hon. Coliir Cipçlad i.HretG. Stap- ~T 1 u s lis. Chairmari of tihe Irîdustria a or Wvasiles nanas or u s Scîrools A.ssociationr Trust. xvho urn- in Obe tn o rtcs veiied tire bronze plaque arr the trorth fujm. wvall of the building. The National u sïn O j cig t Cr iim .Vrýtlicenr brattght tire cerernony îo a a]______________________________ close.W Tire inscriptionr orrtire plaque read: G Mercer. ruember of the Legisia- Says Telephone and Letter Vi 'VcoiaMnona osia. hstitre for Durham. tu icorita ei Mriorial Hotal.Te silt Ferguson Hall following the Campaign of Criticism Car- NI cd 'iccess fui work of rîtraining nncli r M. H. G. Stapelis and re nBcl bet ciildreti ard adolescets as carrred Mrs. C. F. Neelands notrrcd rea. to Newspaper Criticism TI on !.s tire Toroto Indîtstrial Scirools wviiirrtire gîests of the day were en- -Furber Leaves in i .\.. eiîtoi ttie itoiaSholtertalired. Tihe hall \vas ieautifuill nr tirBry, linici. 88-19.atnd the ricrated lwiiir irelv sprirre andiHf A\lexandura Scîrool for Girls. Scar- .ýrrnrrrrer fiowîr-rs arrd arranrgemrents 0 1*rrrriik!h Towvnslip, 1892-1935. Tire . wre ti tire ranrds of MIrs. W. H. er~rîiet rroerr eiîipnett f tire Dlisetrr - iviile atirer tuembers ofthe ue ta criticism3 levelleti at Q 'ro~uirai 'aa..mdern attiti froti theestaff. iassisted iîr senvirre. so h im over the telephone anti hy V ilosptaiva.,adoatio______th letter Mayor R. 0. Jones lias 'T d\Ittirial ii toolst.esrcto Ili-TAHESATB H .washed bis hands o! the Public dusria Scool \,.,oiat(it.*' NEWTEAHER ATR.HS. HealtiliNurse question and ibas j Arrotrg tirose proscrt ta wittres.. Tlitre.,-rrew teacirer.. have !ý-I ap- abantioneti alI efforts to dlean up fi tire irr'eiling. besides tirrse mnrtioni- r,itted oni the staff of wranie the situation. lie bold Town Coun- h ed \vere '.I. A\. Sorsoleil. formrer De_- High Suîrool to ruplace Miss K. A cil on Monday niglît. H£s Wor- p, prtv Nlirister of Purblie Welfarez Brown, .BA.; IMr. B. E. Irrgham, M.\. ship reporteti that some hati even g Jamres Hilock, Accoîrîtanri of tire A., 1,1_1., ard Nr. WV. R. Bllakel1 gone as far as ho threaten boy- r Provincial Sccretary's office; MNar- B3.A. Nliss Brown atrd Nir. Blake- cof ! embers o! the council tini Keisni. of tire Iîdîstrial Scirool: lev hrave sectred position. ni otirer who were unfavorable to the a A\ssociatin; Geo. Hambiv arrd Dr. scirools atrd Mr. lngliam, n. we Iunr nurse. Mayor Jones atidedti .at ti E. p. 1Lewis of tire Advisony Board dlerstatrd, gaine int tire grocerv bui- býýe was quite prepamedti 1 have là of the Scirool; C. F. Neelanrds. D)e. ness in Peterboro. i gone aheati immediately with r pity Provinrcial Secrtarv: Wnrr. jTire ess eacher-s are Mliss Mfae plans t0 have a Victoian Ortier0 Ttrrrbtll atrd L. Stewart of tire To-1 MeIGuire. B.A.. Toronto, teachîng Nurse visit Bomnireat roito Big Irotlrer N1lovctrrerrt Mr. irls' tirsical trainîing and lower survey ,was ta have been matie,s anlNIrs. R. D. Stott ofthtie fHaiîrl- 1scronl subiects: iîr. H. F. Lotre., but since the cam.paign o! criti- tonri Bg Brother Niovctirett : T. Hlio: 'a- rtir, KA?. Wodstock.' assq'tanrt csmn hati gone 10 such endis he N\iorganr. Sîtperntetrdent of Work itr Niodertrs arrd 'Mr. L.Lurcas.. hati throw-n up tbe whole thing. iirg BOYs Homre. Toronrto, anrd Cecil Ottaw%%a. wito ill teacir nathematies. -1 shail continue.' His WorshiP saiti, 1to figbt for wbat I think is right." Other memnbers O! the crrticism antinCounciieor okite Newcastle Hyro ystem Pois ciiimadCuiilrBcl informeti counicil that hie hati vot- Rfll n irt F te n êh eti with other memibers o on Are $ 8 0 i is Fifte oflL5 cil for the Victorian Ortier Nurs-c ______ _____ _______ing Service anti he woulti Like to have a public meeting calleti First Report of Profits Since! NEW DEPUTY KINISTER ,wlen the plan woulti be expîsin- 1eti. System Became Municipally Mayor Jones' complaint follow-ç Owne - onsuerseti complaints by Councillor Bickle Pleased With o! thie editorial appearing in The Resuita Statesman ast week which liet ______ ermeti unfair anti unjust. 'We are looking a long way inte the Newcastle CtarIs:)ond,-fl) ni. future when we act on Ibis couin- ,Newca6hlý Hydira Commission cil." Mr-. Biolie saiti, "anti the Inav evey mesontc b pleaedlocal paper seemis to present un- tyjti te oe:aizn f te lcaljust pictures o! what we are -do- s3sem pne.a.ncfC tetilol ing." Mr. Biokle also asketi for buy it in January 1937. On M:cn- the Finance Committee 10 pre- da.y o! tis wz Ek Conmmissioner pare a statement o! the High Geo. Jamieson eceived !rom trhe School debenture tiebât. to bc pi-e- H.E..C. ! Otari a heckforsentedtito R. J. Moore together $îso0.0O. representing the net with the council's position in de- pirofits fonm*the syztemn for the f erimg action on the proposeti James, Mr. John M. James and Ontario and Quebec Mr. B. H. Mortlock, and in Nor- Pubishrs rethern Ontar'o by Mr. and Mrs. Guess o C.Geoge The visit to the W. H. Wright McCullagh at Mg Building, the home of the Globe nificent New HoMe and Mail, and -the meeting with Mr. McCullagh followed t h e of The Globe a nd morning session of the conven- Mail tion. over which, President H. E. MailRite, Editor of the Huntsville (By . H.Mortock) presided. The morning programn (By . H.Mortock was made up of a series o! busi- One laundre1 and f if.ty Ontario 1 ness sessions aýt which the pub- nd Quebec editors and their1 lishers induiged largely in shop %ives on Thursday had the pri- talk, which, while of vital interest vilege of meeting Çanada's most t.0 them, was naturrally not of talked of young man, C. George equal interesit to Our readers. So :IcCuJ.lagh1-, dynainic publisher of we will pass over the business Canada's National News p a p e r, portion of the convention. Hi-, TIle Globe andi Mail. This i.eet- Worship Mayor Ralph Day broke ig with Caniada's 32 year Old way f rom. his office for a f ew min- iniracle mnan, as the U. S. maga- uýtes to corne down to the Royal zine "Liberty" described h.im, was York and welcomne the editors to one of many highlighits of the, an- the Queexl City. nual convention of th.e Ontario- Quebec Divis'on of the Canadiani At the W. H. Wright Building Weekly Newspapeis Assoc-iation. Space does not permit a very The convention itself was unIque elaborate accounit of America's in that sessions were held in cit- Most modern newspaper plant. ies f ive hundred miles apart. The We happenied. to be standing near' first part of the convention xas John C. Kirkwood, author of The held in Toronto, and the second Statesman weekly feature -Your part in Northern Ontario, in the World andi Mine." We do not great mini.ng districts of Tim- make a habit of listening in on nins and Kirkland Lake. other people's conversation but This is the first af a series of %we could not help but hear a lit- articles telling the story of what tle o! what Mr. Kirkwoo-d hadto the editors of Ontario andi Que- say to A. A. McIntosh. Ed.itor-in- bec saw and leamned both in To- Chiie! o! The Globe and Mail. -cnto andi in the great golti beit Mr. Kirkwood. like ourselves, was of Ontario. The Statesmnan was amazed with what be saw. andi -epresen ted at the Toronto ses- sions by EIditor and M.rs. Geo. W. (Continued on Page 8) A FRONT PAGE EDITORIAL We Stili Agree to Disagree At Nlorrdav's mneetirrg f tire Tnîsi r t crrticized %vas iis qtrestionnable Coîttreil. Coîrîcillion-Gea. B. B tekk,1ielerirnni ruf i tri ectiig i t mt,> irîr n 'et. corrrnlaitre(i bitterly of arr edittonai a! adnrinu .tration. înmn)eraitrg irr iast week's Statcsinrair At tire saie rretirrg, Coîrtrefliari wlricir ta qîote NIr. Bickle "attacked iibiasiul,1t stenrad ,etu,..in,,in" This sîrnmnlicatiruiinn li hoier ial lsin'ris extuead coitrciîlorrti truedi lv teli , tlir î uCurîiiCrJm rbcis coîrneil tîrat lire tried ta lise a re i1 au jres. injusticetotutire uness.. Chrnistian lilfe arrd follow tire teacir- t Satsraiepeerttseeni irres of iis Divine Creator. arnd lr' o NI . Piekie'. chrarges. 1-ater itire tlroîrgirt Tire Statesrurariuir ao .ý, s errrrrCthinssairre cotinrciiur attack-- unti tis irr citicisine iis neliiîîkuîr 1 i s neîesertatis'e xsitlirtire filtîr-t Nuuw Mr. Bickle liras intertinralIv or usonf laruage arud the rnost absurdît otlrerwise nead ita tîrat editanna. changes. Among these changes; statemenuts wlricir diti nul anunear. To',,a a- One tirat Tire Statesrratr irad urse tIre exact wonds of the editruciai rscîtei inur for five xeans. TIre "One councillor in particular i ex.- rncn of the disagneennent witiu Mn. treiy bad taste introduceti iis Frîrber %vas at a nomnrationi nreeting pensonral religioins scnuples as his a few yeans ago. silien becaînse wve neason fanr antine ta do awav ivitir faiied ta agree ivithir uuethin lire tire services of tIre Healtîr Nurse.'firai ungcd tirnoîglu tire Ratepayers' Mn. Biekie on Monday repeatod his .\,,rîciatiarr. ire thnew The States- nreviaus reinrarks. "I dan't set W1rnrair ta tire florur anti stamped onu it. I slrouid rave to pay taxes to'adNul Sîv neraus NMr. Furber. as a Brrt. a Purblic Health Nurse wiren I lie- jii citizenr, wili agree that we hav'e lieve irr Divine Healine." tire sainee nîglrt 10 atm opinionrs as lire At conrpîete varianuce witlt :slr. iras. Mfans- wiil recaîl that whenr Bicle' sttenen isthereprt -NIr. Bickle was President and Mn. Biekiues sttenreimire rein tr-Furer arr executive of the now de- suto u6i f t ieFrs hr nni fnCretu. fîrruet Ratep)avers' Association. thev- Snti t tIe ist Churir ontwhCl in ade it tireir dutv to act as cnitics Scitentstasonfonu wiicr e, f aIl municipal bodies. But by their inuoteas foiows:attitudte they are not willinz toala- "Our position is a stroetg ape. iris us the same pivilege. especiai- If/e iiever inter! e,'e tl th the h as the editon senved 10 years as a rights of others to enijoy whJat- CntirnciUlon, as- Reeve and as Mayor, ever inethod of healing they arrd in addition is quite a large tax- iay prefer; we assk .rimply tlmat aver. Apant f nom those comsiden- Ou?-r iglrtt Iorely 011tsprjnrituaol ation()listIe repinary duty of arr editon nteoms for Imaling be Piot inter- ik ta keep) a close watch on munnicipal fcrcd utt." aifains. That is wlrat lis readers ex. Hene Mir. Bickle is conrpletols iIro:t - anti shat is more. that is cunflict witlr tIereulinez of the gov- rst wirat tires have received. ernrîrg 1i udy% of his ow'rtcîrurcr amrd Arrd as for this inraginary p)ense- hie does Iis C»urch an injustice hi ertionî. it liras been tiotîrirr more than iis attiturde. The Statestuan did motiatil st andi fair criticisnî. more Iust criticise Mn. Bickie's religion. Whlat si niglit add that some of the crit. CHURCH SPIRE AT HAMPTON IS PREY High Honor Cornes to Local Hmtns63 year olti UnitediN w ~ ip h n A id e early Tuesday morning when lightning struck the steeple tow- er sýet ting it ablaze. Best in- Ontario and Quebec Citizens ivho heard the deaf- er..mg clap o! thunder and the shattering of splintereti shingles as the lightning struck. rusheti Pearce Trophy for Best Editorial Page Pre- f rom their bouses in night attire ta see flames shooting from the sented at Convention of Ontario-Quebec hall teeple. Bill White, who lîves Weekly Newspaper Publishers in Toronto, next door to the church. was one of the f ir-st on the scene andi sent Thursday - Cup on Display at The States- a humried cail to Bowmanville fîre man Office brigade for assistance. ____ By the time the brigade arriv- eti with truck andi rubber coateti fîremen. the flames were licking 1'hQie Paree Tropliy. for tl1w hest Editorial Page iin their- way up the sides of the %N eetklv i\ vpaero<f the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, tower. weakeningý the structure w'-a., ) 11Thiursdav aNvarded to Thie (anadiari Statdsman at the which took on a tiecideti lean. itri -nvnino 1 nai-uhcDvso fteCn Waher, pumpedti hrough the en- Yorketinofti Oia-i-tele Dvsono heCn gne~~~ anehs rmtep nd. a Iitit eekl.y Newspapers Associationi at the Royal Yr soon pouring on to the church, i HaVi in Toonato. The presentation of tlie trophy was made but coulti not reach th, highest I îv Vienîdenning IPearce of Sinieoe to Editor Geo. W. James part of the steeple. Gradually' pic lypece. thie steeple bumneti of 'lire saem andi feli to the ground, smoking Tire Pearce Trophy was donated and spreading- sparks. WithinfoanulcmeiinbBread t.wo boums only a few blackened YOUTHPUL PUBLISHER Clendenng ace. tin brucesaod tunbers stooti out like the bones the Simcoc Reformer, in memnory of of a huge skeleton. fahrth aeGoePace Damage is estnmatedat approx- I t r eviui e e on bv ear imately $1000 which is totally I ispeiul enwnb h covered by mnsurance. The fire Fergus News-Record. twice;. Hunt- diti little diama.ge to the church jngdon (Que.) Gleaner and Kirklaird proper. except for water and Lake News. lIn the comrretition this smnoke damage ta the gallery. Vear. the Coliinwood Enterinrise- Services will be continueti as us-. Bulletin was awarded second place, ual. Officials of the church have and The Northern News of Kirk. for somne tirne conzidered tearing land Lake, third fflace. down the steeple as it wu. >con- Tudzes ini the contest were H. B. sidered unsafe andi according t Anslow. publishier of the Campbell- reports it will not bL rebuilt. town Herald. New Brunswick; H. Lunch was servedt 1 the Bow- Aý. Nicholson. Edîtor of Printer and manville firemen follow.ingý their Publisher. Toronto. and Harry E. thmee hotur struggle ta subdue the RidMaaeofCadnLn. stubborn flames.Reid, Mnage r oCnadin Lio basetiComnth uty. Tor nto uaiiy a Que change was matie in the teacbing staff o! Central Public Schocl at a meeting o! the Trus- te Boarti Tuesday uight. The l i Moore was aocepteti antiMiSss Mamie Archer, wbo lias been 'eacbing aI Clarke Union for sev- i -______-à erai years, was appointedt i11 the vacancy. No other changes are C. Geo. MeCullagh expe-cteti. ! Presitient anti Publisher of The Miss Jean McCormick. Gaît. Globe anti Mail who entertaineti anti Dr. anti Mrs. Waltter Binkley. Ont-ario anti Quebec week]Vnes bl'orwooti, were recent visitors with paperruen atluncheon last Tlï.urs- Mr. anti Mrs. F. C. Vantone. 1 day. Many Druggists are Guests When Lions Club Honors J. H. H. Jury Dean of the College of Phar- xnacy Delivers Spvlendid Adl- dress on the Drug Store - Guest of Honor Absent Through fllness It %as Dnuggists- Niglît at Boss- nraîrville Lions Club Monrdav, anrd yhuile tire guest of ironrn. Drrggist J. H. H. Jury wsas trot prescrit. nnarrs of iris conîfrenes sverc seateti at tire lread table ta hean Dean R. O. Hunst of the College of Phantnacv, Unuiversity of Tornrto. Drugrrist zucsts inrcluded Johnr Burgess. To- ronrto : J. R. Stîrtt andi P. R- Cowl' ie. Bownranrville; Lamne Plumrnen and Bruce Hynes, Port Hope; J. J. Gilfillan andi Charles Ts'rell. Ororro. Arrothen druýjgist, V1ce-Pteqiderrt Alex MeIGregor. had charge of the rmeetinrg. Other guests were T. H. Knrigit. Gea. E. Chase. Donald Pîtrdv, Bawnranville. andi Lions Roy Corrrislr and H. G. Hutcheson. of Part Penny. D)ean Hîrst's addness svas arr out- stanîdirit nuiiece of onatop. Lt svas -dîcatiorral, rurnors anrd nost d-- :-inledlvis'itenestirre. The speaker ias, irrtronlrrced bi- Ross Stritt. The Drug Store Tire Deanrsnroke arr "Tire Druz Stre," na rrodinrary place ta miost rrerffie, bunt a place with a nomantic anrd letrgtlry histony beilind it. Few muoffle who go ta a druiz store stop ta thitnrk of wlrat is behirrd il ahi. tire speaker saiti. Yet it is one of tire inst numantic and one of the rnldest busirresses arr eanth. ht is lîacked by greiiten scientifie enrdeaj yoîr tlrarrans athen 1-usiness. Mly lob. the Dean continued. is?¶ brneak clown some of the stonies yau hear about drue stores. Some preople hase tire idea tîrat a drue store r. T,,,n To Page 12 BOY SCOUTS TO ATTEND UNIQUE SER VICE SUNDAY Bowmianvihle's Boy Scouts anti Wolf Cubs wilh attenti a unique service on Suntiay next. the occasion o! their annual Church Parade at Triniity Unitedi Churoh. It wîll be unique in that thbe adtiress will be given by Brigadier Ru! us Spooner, heati o! the Salvation Army's Young Peo- ple's activities anti memaber o! the Provincial Council o! the Boy Scouts Association. With Brgadier Spooner wil be Capt. Reg. Gage. who at- tentiedtthe GUlwell Camp hast suinmer with a local Scout- master anti who is Scoutmas- ter o! a Salvation A r my Troop. Capt. Hutchinson o! the local Corps will give up his momning service so that his congregation may join with the Scouts in this special service. Rev. S:clney Davison wilh conduct the service, andi wiil have thre unique honor o! entertaining thîree Salvation Armny officers who wilh assist h-m. Boy Scouts anti Cuba will meet a' the public schoel at 10.30 a.m. and wihl parade to the church heaieti by the Canadian Legion Bandi. At the Cenotaph. Ex-Mayor W. Rosa Strike. chaimman o! the Group Comnlt.tee, anti other members o! the cornmi.ttee Xilhlaite the sainte. bshectomatter ofeitoriqaiseitorad pagjectfatr onfmeup randitoen- paera aeananes. o al o! 0 ontsen eral awpanddanrd Atot atesma0pntws £ziveri tie full award of 50 points. Pearce. Mn. James recalied the late 'NI. A. James' interest anti importance fflaced in editorials. an interest he riersonailv did not share. as a younR nranî. "WNhen I was a make-up man on the pap)er." Mr. James said. "'if ye were a littie pressed for space, w6U-le&Tëave myý father's editorials oint of the paper." Today howevem the editor of The Statesman said. he realized the importance of the edi- tonial columu and always tried to use the editoriai to make his com- munity and thus the province and the dominion, a better place in which ta live and wQnk. The Pearce Tnophy. which The Statesmanu holds for one vear. is on display in The Statesmian office. LEGION BANDSMEN NOTE President Jlm Abernethy o! the Leglon Bandi has asked us to notif y Legion Bantismen t0O e prepareti Sunday for a fuli day. A! ter leading -the Boy Scouts andi cuba to chus-ch, the band will take part. by invitation. in the Druni Headi service aI Oshawa Armories in thle afternoon. Bandaînen are asked to be at the post office st 1 Pmu. to leave for Oshawa. The band is alsoa che- durledtoap-pear in Orono on July 12t.h. Wins Scholarship A gra.ntisn o! Mrs. J. West- away recelveti distigushed bonor this week. His naine is Thomas R. Howe. son of Mr-. ant is. H. T. Ho(we, Hamilton, ant ihe was awartiedtihe A. G . Alexander acholarshlp at McMaster.Univer- sity. Mr. Ho'we graduratet Inlu onor Frenich andi Germnan wtth firet class honors in ail subjeots. Since entes-mg MeMastes- fouir years ago, in ouily ths-ee supiJects diti l'ie ever obtain les han firat class stand- ing. The schola.rship Is of $750 vau.itendedti 1 be uSd for (Iavla tsundy in Europe. It was awazded not only on the bsis o! examlnation sitandis, but also o! qualities of cha.raoter and leaderahlip. ¶tibute to Business Sagacity and N Character of J. H. H. Jury is Paici John Burress, Business AS- ferred t0 his activities outside of the sociate and Member of To- community. Mr. Jury's fine wonk icisin r eselleti by Mn. Furben at tire- for his community is weii known Utilities Commission, fariner Townr ronto University Senate here andi is comnnented upon editon- Cauricils and Schooi Brards. Tells of Local Man's ially in this issue. Incidentaiiy Mn. Inr conîclusionu we might atit as Wide Interosts Burgess was recentiv appointed ta Deputv Reeve Morris said Momrdav ____ the Senrate of the University rif night. that anryone who enters muni- Toonmto as the representative of tire icipal life must 1-e ready ta accept Ont Monday eveninz the Lions Callegze of Pharmacy. criticistu. Mr.. Furber and Mn. Clubh met to pay honon ta Bownnan- "The labour of binging aur soc- Bickle expectd previous municipal vilie's veteran business man. John il and mercantile institutions tir bodies to accept it andi they shouiti H. H. Juryv. Eaclr year the Club whatever degree of perfection tiret be sportsmen enouirh naw ta accenut select. arr outstandimre citizen, who have," Mn. Burgess said. 'has all it tiremsels'es. Little childnenr crv iras mîade a de finite contribution ta been done and organized lîy that wlren scoldeti, but real men dom't tIre proizness of the townn. Urîfor. wide awake, -open eyed, open muindeti react tîrat wav when thîey face cit. trrmatels'. due ta iiiness andthie death amat tireless class of accomplishers tensin. Thank reavenu other members of his sisten. Mrs. A. H. Borland. af whom Mn. Jury is a neiresenta- of Cotncii are he-men enough not MnI. Jury was not able to lie Pre- tis'e type. men who aiwax's saw ta expect everyone 10 aRree With sent at the meeting. things that needti t be donne amad got thein, evemr thouglh. as we reailv be. A stienîdidti tibute was paid Mn. themn done." lieve, tliey. together with Mes'srs Jurnv lv John Burgess. who is as. "M'e qrç frecjuent enoughi in Ourr Bickie and Furber. are absoiuteiy sociateti with himn in the open-ition tnibute ta scholar, scientist and irn- sirreere in 'heir efforts anti eutea- of tIr ecight Hooper Dring Stores in votîns. 1Tornmto. Mn. Burgess' remarks ne- (Conitlnued on Page 7) -, 1 -- - . - - -- -ý ýp , , 1 - 'Irm 1 - - - - 1 !--- 1 ORONO "NEWS on Page il -"SpectatOr" On Pages 9 and 10 Neekly Newspaper Editors Nleet Dynamic and Youthful Publisher of Globe and Mail

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