THURSDAY, JUNE 9TI1, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO Weekly Editors of Ontario and Quebec at New Home of The Globe and Mail M r oà ji uan taitteiuin in a circle far' wider than tise ininediaite K N G C A N Establisiied 1854 environs of Bownmanville. His suceess lias A K N CND WeekIy Newspaper devoted ta the interests oô isot heen due ta having been boni with a etr lc nWhc oLieadNork the town of Bowmanvilie and surrounding count ' etrPaei hc oLv n Isu ed at King Street, BowmanvlIIe, every'Thursd ý,lvert spooui in i s noiitli. or to lus lsaviiiit by M. A. James & sons, owners an d publishers. e We:kly Newspapers Association, also theC lass "A" h a eî uî pn ls plcto roblems iffectingz the Future Welfare of Canada Weklso aaa taf lui tabltt ia us bsess. Mie .Jîrx.SpeciaIIy Wrltten for Canadian Weekiy Newspapers Association -GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR of_______tlet_____buinss_'r.___'\____ RNO 1 ________________________________________________ was boraii i porer cireunistaîices tiîan inost SUBSCRIPTION RATES adiad ofiswosrv oiika uesofbs MyD- Jm: tem. This would do inucis ta im- Anywhere ln Canada $250 a year; when papublief s uiiadminiostraeatscionofbus M DarJans vance $2.00 a year;50c extra ln United States ta itOSSs toda% . Wlieî lie started ini bis fii-st Wirh re.a:d to the question Of prove pbi dittainai t wkg;y tie àto apatform for the Canad'andiscourage corrupt polittes. cevhie fer postage.Single cpies, 5c Weekiies. any suggestions I have 5. An effort to raiz:e the stan- TUSAJN T,1938 hi1 tîeatr lstiltî iiht on St 'o cfer %woud be based on the dard of sport, which has a dis- THRSAY JNE9Turday. ansdnafl nmiles hack th i ls woi'k conviction that cur troubles, and tinct effect on thse chatacter Cf liefore opeuiig tulle an Monday (One eoiil( the word's troubles, have pri- the people. This aplz'ies bc,h ta importance of the Editorial Page eînumerte ny good wo'rks lie lias dloute marily a moral rather than an the players and. ta the "fan3." . 1an economie basis; or perhaps it Commercializat:ofl has made win- 'Wemaybe£orivn sme for bis contsinunity aisd to nime oisiY a few would be more accura-'e ta say, a ning t.he chief 'objet tve. Wema le~ogce if we take e we have his gift of a 100-acre farm ta start moral basLs underiying thse ecaon- pride ini haviîsg been awarded the Pearce teOtaiTrnigShlfoBosls omC Fc this reaso;n, I would Trph lstTursday, for the best editorial itrs atîîn'ieHsia u îd have aur papers inculcate hlgh page among the weekly newspapers of the fatiL-ab1e sork for the no defuuîct ort- sandaprds of porlitc al. n e- provinces of Ontarioanaîd Qee.W ae icuittral So" isefforts t moetae an pe omcrty, A ad- p iin the award. not se,îssuch for the Sceyln inrvets lpefrmthemLs p:-eto pride bî~l)isiiiess sectiaîs of the town. lis upbutiding icalmeasures i h ieto I would sugge3t: honor il has brought ta tise editor, buit oftetreridsr.bsatveneîe- rather becaî it is a recagisitiais of a de- ship ii th Rotarv ('mb, anid tise scorek of i. Thal moral and ethical in- terrinaionon or prt o gie ral ou-struction. wth the abject of de- teriafatailaisau pat a gve ea C0i~ otiser gond works luelisas beg-iiit, coxtiiuied veloping charac'er, should be giv- strucive ofeTerShiptsaougMIn tieseeral asd eiided ini stceess- Mr. Jur *v is a slu(!- en greater prcmninence in oui' ed- colnits a Tie Satemat. Ls te pst ew cess becatîse lie made Iiiins-lf a sitccess. ani ucational system., whtch at p::s- years we have coîstantly strivens ta give as~eteîaîe 'cnî vty~~en' emphasises tie intelligence.I Sound leadershsip in aur owvuscotiifluiit- as eînuityassd et ud as siticcMr. w th a view ta material advan- We av asotried by quititsg ansd coin- lias muost eertaiuily earîued tise riigbt t age. Weha'ealo k 2. That mate atten'ion shou'd 1 mentîng aot ather editorials ta britug hause eaîîed ais oitstaîtding e itizeisnp.d n mr norgmn ta oîsr readers a cross sectoso 'itpa v.t Ieahlr nae pie acrass the Daminiotn are thiikin-. There wth more than ordinary abiiity, was a tume when pieople eonusidered ihe cdi- dtrGvesiw n aig o~ as ta develop their brains tz> uvîeretie eitr asued anda eter aewsa ain hihghest degree possible. withý tonaal Bag.eraPplaceaview ta producing leaders of himself eaclî eek b.' 'ieiîsg bis persotial firaI rate cap'acity - Our gra opinions. Taday tise editorial page of %veek- - need. At prese-nt cur educationail ly newspapers ts sonsetling vastiydferri -etrsw ae reeeived anud front systefi is based on the average, ent anedioril apeas i prnt coînîents nmade totails 1ersonally by our pupil, with speciai attention paid! et.Befare a dtra per rn.1 teud~~iiee, hî a.necil Ludv is made af the subjeet ts- aders we know that nsuch iîterest is lue- t the unr-privilegd , lt C H1Hl s,' t 111g1t the suetn tue st'rî are i.en lit- C. H. Hal ni-tolp, anea- tale nwtts. ith may eof kt 6- home 11f e. n parîlculr e- der discii.sioli and the 'suggestions made and the advice offered is seldoni a sxsap conclusion, made without a de qit at e thaught. Last w'eek The Statesman was represent- ed ais a trip made by nearly oine ltindred Ontario aîsd Quebec weekiy edtors ta Northerîs Ontaria minîng camps. The ah- ject of this trip was ta learîs first lsaîsd about the nieeds and canditions of the great ~Nortlland. In a seriés of articles begin- ning this week tise country visited will be descnibed. Naturally one leartis a tremen- dous amount ais a thousaîsd mile&trip sueb as this, and in future we will he ahle ta speak wth same authority ais the needs of Canada's great nlining area, because we have been an the spot, talked with mine executives and miners and studied their needs. And so it will be seen that behuîsd the editorial page is travel, thauglit, study and educatian. It is because weekl v ed- itors do these things that they can give a true picture and sane leadership ta the backhone of the country - the rural coin- mlunities. This editonial wouid he incomplete were we not ta mention aur associates who belp- ed make il possible ta wiîs tîis coveted award. Aýs the competitian iîicluded geis- eral makeup of the page, aur conîpasiîsg rooni staff shares in the honors. Otir Pois- tributars throug-h the series "Makiuug (ait- ada," Scribe G.. Hiram from the Seventh dloncessian, aîgd alaIliers whorieecoitri- butions appear each week, or froin. lime fi> time an aur editorial page, share eqîsialiy in this hoîtar whicli bas conue ta The Statesman. 00An Outatanding Citizen Honore By Lions Club On Monda3' Bowm.anville Lions Clubi tendered a compliiueftary bansquet ta Mr. J. H. H. Jury, Bowmanville's oldest active business man, and one who hias lotng played an important raie in the affairs of the town of Bowtsaiville. Unfortuinatelv '.Mr. Jury, througrh illusess andi hereavenuent, was unable ta attend. As aise speaker put il, the penalty af lsuccess is often the carpitsg criticistu of sanie ane who would like ta have beets as successfiil but wlso lacked the initiative ansd the eiergy la do so0 Inia Press af Toronto poîîted onît tîsat nisOt ai us caîs reeail tise nainie'sof îuîeî wlo lhave made iportanut places foi' thettseives and< who have been the ýsîb.j't of severt- cnritie- ismi becatuse they have beiîe' sutcessful thenuscives ansd have playedi a part inthte suticcess of others ini tleir uoinitnuuîity ansd eeýli'ere. It is nal due ta uvisut tlut' otset' feliow lias ust goItishat briags about titis criti('isnii luit rathser wlsat the sî"~si mni, bx' vîtrtsle aoflis owVfl iuitiati e. lia obtaiîued. Is Mi'.. Jiy Bowinaiivilie lias a usaiii wlîo iîg ais this page "Makiisg Canada a Better Place iii Wlsicbta Live ansd Work." In tise past several w'eek., we have presented let- ters fironm îmenu s'o isave attaiîsed sîîecess iii the religiouis. eduicat ional. iiidustrial anid commsiercial life of tiseinationt. These letters hsave been us ll af vaînabie sutggestionus ansd tise pitilosoplsy af deep tltinking men. This week w-e publisb a letter fron C. H. Hale of Orillia Pae'ket and Times, ats outstaisdiusg e(itar o ai niadiais weekly îsewspapers. You uill becîîarticîtlarli3iterested lis bis letter. Our readers huave noa dotubt uoted in the letters already puil)iLsbed ai sa maîsy fatu- oias meniIhat maie ' imes refereruce bas beets made ta tbc weekly sesspapees as the great stabilizing influence in ('anada. Even editors of great metrapolitans tewspapers ag-ece fhat because the weekly editor ks dloser ta the people, be knows hetter than anyaueie hat the people are thinking, and becatîse ofl the personal cyntact, be can weild a greater itnfluence on the lIde aof the commuîity than can the editor of aîsy other type of publication or periodical. Editors fron other provinces who wili write in this series are al men whis have made a stscces of their own lives, and iwbo have made -jreat contributions ta their coasmusnitie.ï. T.bey know andsci cîse the puN~e of publie feeling, aîsd tbey will interpret tisat feelingz in. their letters in this senies. Observe Magna Carta Week Across Canada We know af natbiîsg we can mare read- ily aîsd wbolebeartedly endarse thuan tise olj-drvaiice of Magna (larta Week. irom -lune 121h ta June l9tb which is being' spoîssoned hy the Dominion Conunand af lise (anadian Legion witb the full support of the Provincial Oommands anud local utîits. In Bownanville every organizatiait is beiîtg asked ta make special isole af the week ansd what il nîcans, anud on Jusie l9tb, the wbole district is iîsvited ta joiili a great Drimhead Service at bhc Hîg h Sebool -rounds %'hen thue observance will reacis its climax. There was isever a tinte ils (aîîadianu ii.4- tor'y'w'len suds ais observaunce waý.i 50 i)a(Iiv ieeded. A g-reat ntaiuy of <tise vuîtg people', (iiseotuuagedl lby depressed ecoiuoini' o odi- îuoas. have tîîtned bhi idly for lie1 p t a aiy groutp tliaI eliîns ta have a5 cuti' or soluî- t ion. Oit thtese conditions siubver'si ve oir- graniizat iaus bave tltrived, uttil tiuey hav ue bécautue a reai ltî'eat ta <>111 deinoeraiîey. Miagnia (arta \Veek is seiial for thue pîîrpose of shiowimtg vang ('anadianis tîsat svlîils' the densocratic mtetisod nuay bring its elaîigels siowly, it is ta be pî'eferred ta tlhase neîbods thal wotild overthuraw law~ ad ai oder, anîd woîld place iuthue lbands of ancetiais tte desliny ai aur people. The tbreat of Fîsscism is vol-y ceai. The higisesî use ta the state. moving thse buedennorne taxation, 3. The development of aur which makes ownership of pro- lib: ary system, with a view ta en- perîy unpopular, and often a lia- couraging aduits ta continue lher bility. and la dniving peuple into education after leaving schaol. apartment3 instead of homes. Scisool shculd be the beginning 7. To pieach tise doctrine of of education. not thse end. Train- contentment and self dental to a ing ta read will have to begin in generation bent on pleasure and thse scisools, and should be part of covetous of ail tisaI their neigh- lise curriculum. Thus we shall go boues have. far la salve tIse problem of adul education. Thse new curriculum 8. To inculoate respect for recently introduced by these t- iaw, because it is iaw. partment of Education is a move TisaI wiii do for my share. If in this direction. you care la incarporate any of 4. The organization of a high- these ideas in your programme, ly traîned, non-partisan civil ser--I daim no copyright. vice in both tise Federal and Pro- Yours faitb.fuliy, vincial fields of admftnistralion, C~ . 1HFALE, and the elimination from tbe C. H. HALE. Editor, civil servie of tise patronage sys- Oriflia Packet and Timtes. leaders ai the movement dlaim. membership îsp in the thausands. Communism bas made its bid for the young people, and unless those wvho valise aur demacracy, aur frec- doîm, aur British traditions and aur juÉtice awake ta the dan'gens, these yauilg folk will soons e ceushed hetwcen the apposing- forces ai Fascistu and ('omimunism. Tweiu- ty-foiur years ago 600,000 young Canadiatus w'eut ta svar ta preserve for pasterity this freedons we value s0 mîsci. Tbday we need another 600,000 yaung CGaîadiaîss, mot ta go to ar b. uit ta awake to the daîsgens that threaten their country, and ta se ta t, I)v educatian aund hy tise fraishise, that th ese tbreats ta aur deînocracy are swept foroyer from the Canadian scene. Without hesitatiais we endarse the Legion Mag-na Carta Week and appeai for tbe strongest ai publiciesupport- Living to Eat or Eatlng to Live Science Ls even invadiisg new fields ansd wbule we nuay sometinues resent huis insvas- ioui iito aur pe.esoîiai affairs, appanently il is making us a heaithier andi mare content- cd people. Years aga what a man ate was his awîî butsintess. Scientce however has beeis teiliîsg us in recent years that we would lue happier if wîe at.e îlantusd meaLs witlu jusst tise 'iglit proportioîn if calories auud vita- nitis. 'Naît'sc-iee gises onte stelp fartber ansd tells us wseiu we susad cal. aîsd ta uî'iat degu'es'. J)r. Doaildl A. Laird, expeu'- itteutal Jsyi' hologist. teeeutly coisducted t ests xî'l c l led huis ta thle conclusioîn tlu at au il-iay I iglit i uiucies sîut'i igreater t'ffii'- ieîîiioi iidusîry and ibSsiness. Oit certain days these huiman test tube% wvei'e jroî'iîed wîitii full sized meals at îtid- ilay'. 'lTî"w'eee peiîitîed ta cal ail they w'aîted. O11ailier îlays tluey were proiîid witi just a I igitt luiîtili aI îsooiiday _atIl straig.el3' enouiglu itis hiabtit was vintiicated in tite liglit af altos' eiicieuiey. Dr. Laird tells us tlua tise tests rcî'ealcd tîsat i recalliusgaddresstïsrnemorized aisly 1What Others Say THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS (Toronto Globe and Maîi When a convention of weekly newspapers assembles. such as that bceld in Toronto last Thursday tbe citv beconîes aware of a public1 force which %vas unknowvn not many years ago. By geting togeter. ex- cbangmng ideas. and planning imn- provements. publisbers of weeklies tbroughotit the country bave estab- lisbied for themselves an im-portant and enduring p)lace within the realmn of the Fourth Estate. The develop- ment has led to political independ- ence whicb., supported by a bigh degree of editorial intelligence, bas made themi a power for good gov- ernment and communitv leadership. At tbe saine time the 'close contact they are able to maintain witb tbeir readers enables tbem to interpret public opinion with manifest accur- ac. Collectively te weeklies pict-tre Canadian life more trulv iban any otbier medium. It ks acknowledged tbat the weeklý paper is closely read. It is neigb.- liorly and friendly. occupying a place in community life wbichi is îlot otberwise f illed. The publisbers, for tbis reason, bave a serious re- sponsibility in giving direction to tbougbit. Tbat tbey are observing tbis so admirably must be gratifying to tbe readers as well as themselves. Ontario may well be proud of its weekly papers. It is doubtful tat a Iiigber standard of service is main- tained anywere. Prciiistoric long distance roads .for trading purposes acros West Central Europe date back to r2000 B. C. The namne road is a variant of 1raid and is used in the Bible in 1that sense, referring ta a mas- .sacre. vided by religion s ent im e nt along roads designated bytie churcis as "sacred". htaîf atu hotur previously tbe men ais tbe light meals were 22 per cent. better than t hase w-ho ate a heavy lunch. Accuracy is purely mental addition, without the aid of paper and pencil, was 25 per cent. better. With a heavy meal, lie points out, the stomn- ach is a gorged statuLs and sucks blaod away from the braiuu which leaves tIse head iii io condition ta do much else thatu sleep. as, maisy persans know ta their soreowv eaniy in the aferîtoon. Dr. Laird recoîsmeusds a hearty hreak- fast, a liglit lunch and ais ample eveusiisg dinuier for work days, and be makes mua ex- ceptiauî of Siuday. "Tbe tsuai Suiîday stutffiisg aI noon," le says, "leaves aose grog-gy and paon campaîsy the neîuaiîsder af the day. I suspect it is a factor too, ini Sîsnday automobile accidents." Sa îsw we know that if we have a lazy feeling after mid-day, temu chances ta anc il is because we have eaten 100 bearty a nueai. The tests weee conducled on eigbt young meis for a wboie mothli wt.hout Ibeir knowledge and the te'its mosl conclusively proved that light lunce.s speli aftenoon efficiency. The Biglitoîs Etsign published by Mes. R. M. Lapp bas made a distinsct improve- mient iii its appearalîce and service by in- auguratiiug anu ali-hoîsue pnt pape. For isaîîv vears some ai he pagos have beets prnîted it Toronto anud coîtaiised nso local îsews. Front iuow ait all ai tise eiglit pages ai the Eissigns will be edited anîd priîited it the Brighitons planut. It is a distiiuct ad- vaîiueiet anîd one wihe reflets vividlv tise cuterpise tif the pishlislser aîîd 11(11 duigltet'. AUl adveirtisiig lias beeîî reîuîav- eti froîntishe fronst page and tise papel' geit- eilydeessed up. Cosgt'atulat ions Mes. Laîuî. Not oitly hsave yaui added prestige ta a uaper witlî a dislingtiislucd record, but voit have howis yot are keepiîsg ini tise\vas- guard ai tuaI great army ai weekly mcws- saîsees seeking ta serve their comnîîuities by tise publicationu ai a tsewspaper itn keep- iutg witb tisese progressive days. WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING By Scribe G---------- The text for ths mrfllfg. saiaili matgages. He laned the dearly beloved bre'hrefl. you wuU m ioney ta per--sns who had coMie find in the fable of Little, Red t,,)hiifl'and asked himu ta ban il Ridng Hood, viz: "Oh Grandmfa tc thetit They al claimed that . .. what big eyes you ga". or ta t.hey vvere bth honorable and paraphrase il a litle, "Good Gra- f air in altler dealifgs. Their cius Grandma . c..yur eyes are own satemen-ts ta this effect was bigger than your s'ýomach." what formed the basis of conf - Onzeupona lime .. . onlly asý, d..fce so far asle xasconlcern-f end of ours who is a jeweller in te, est and taxes and some off the a large Ontario town sld saine principal at certain tines. Christnmas gif s on short credit. rDr-ng he ten years sifce they Il was an experiment in Confi- borrowed the money, al the pax- dence, which he has been told is, ies have been employed. None af er ail. the basis of bsies... have paid anyhing off the prin- atho hitherto he had nDt aken cpal as proinised .. .. two have this truism toa literaly. let the interest lapse . and the He sold $600.00 worh of his third bth interesl and taxes. Christmas stock on c-redk .Aie- One of tbemn paid a lawyer ta find- cord'ng ta the promses of thcse ou,, if there was some way .to de- whosa Puchases mace u this fraud tie ld man. Analer Oý amounit, il -woud be paid in fu1llie parties dives a car for ple-' by the 9th of February. (One of sure and thumbs his nse at tie lie town's indusriai pay days) - man wha oanled him money, and This jeweller enjoys a redit rat- tise ad gentleman cannaI begin ing with whoesalers wiich re- br affori. a car himself. fict.s i is regard toward fulfilling Our 831 year old citizen is naw obligations. He had bught is b:ken in faýtti and spirit. He is Chrstmas stock on enghenied a Bibe -sudent but is f inding it ternis, the fufilment of m-hich had ta beliee what e reads epended ta a large extent con tie about the ab'dingý Nobiliy of tie ý=fidence he feir hat h's eus- Iuman heart. tcmers would pay in full by the Wiît one oci aur le'.el-headed 19th of Febs-uary . .. as tisey l-ad :.eaders please write ta the editor prcmised. antI state what he thinks the He sent out bills ta tisese cus- answer is? Is it Hered.ty . .. En- tomers as a remmnder. Then the viraniment . .. Satan. . . the mo- iglis of February came and only tr car . . . or have too ian1y $30.00 was paid . . . hie did not Christians mistaken tie mien- isear a word from tiose who owed tion conveyed in the pa.rable of the remaining $570.00. Oue friend the Prodigai Son? was horrifed .. . bewildered .. . Our underslanding bas been and f alth-stricken. On MondaY thal nobllity and honor are tise night, followinig t.he 19th. his wif e lùghest isunsan attribules. How suggested t.hal they go ta the are we ta know where lhey flour- 1Movies 10 geltisheir minds off the 'sh? How can we tell (in real- Pe'-fidiousness of human nature. itY) that they are not faise? For The jewelier tld bis wife he did Our part we would rather breakc not feel he could afford tise Price bread with iigh-jackers or Arab Cf admission. Instead they walk- thieves than the sort of Shysters ed up to tise theatre at 7 o'clock rE-ferred ta in tise foregoing ,ar- and stood oulside. Withrin an rallye. - hour tise Jeweller -MW 20 people, Wliat makes people prey on oSe 1whO Owed brn for Chrirstmas another? Is it the instinct thst gifts, pay and go inta thse show. causes an animal ta devour its We know an old man wbo bas ow,ýn Young? Whal ARLE tîhese 1been an honorable and law-abid- chisselers, cheats, crooks an d ing citizen for 80 years. He work- hiars? Are they not Wolves i ed at his teade until 70 and saved Sbeeps Ciat-hing . . .and breedig enough money ta boan on tbrzee f ast? BY THE OLD BOX STOVE _______________By Hirami in nearly every paper a fellow picks up any more, some one is THE PEDDLER giving his views about our being over-goverfled and ail kinds of There's a man at the door, he is solutions are offered. The gang H' ringing the bell, Hesnane too weUl dressed, he has around the Oid Box Stove gpt to something to seil; talking about it the other even- Yau'Il flot go to meet him, you're ing and some of the proposais sick and You're sore, didn't find faVor andCi cthers did. With peddlers who canstantly cali Il looks very m.uch as if evezy at your door. fellow is looking for argurnents to protect bis own job or pet scheme, The first one to-day had somne so before we get any solution we fleedles and thread, will have to forget our self ish de- Anld polish to shine all the knobs sire and think about the greatest on your bed; good ta the greatest number. You'd noa sooner gat ta the kit- Let's start at the bottom. We chen once more, believed that the township coun- Than ring goes the bell an that cils shculd be lef t alone, except pesky front doar. that it would be best to quit us- ing themn as rubber stamps anbd This timne was a man who waa give thern more responsibility and, selling Chard cheese, flot less. We know vtese men and'Twould cure Your rheumnatics in we are flot a! raid of them; we ankles and knees; can talk to, thema and airgue c»u.i But YOU were so angry as back point. They receive Uittie pay and Yyou did race, knowlng the needs of the ton o pretty near slammed that shlp, they work in tîhe best in- old door in his face. terests of ail, themselves included. Now list, my good woman, ta what Any foolih *move returns to themn I shall say, as well as others, for we all xy These Peddlers who call at your the shot. The further we get door every day, away f rom. ourrelves, reachidng up Are people who've chosen this to the hlgher forfis of <)ov'ern- way, and now strive ment, the more danger there is Of To earn a few dollarsta ep brass buttoniýs and flUnkylsif. them live The County Council should bei hmave reducEd in nuniber bY leavlng the1 And maybe their familles need DePUtY Reeves at home, and more1 clothing and food, of the cou.nty work altogether ta! A babe may>e sick, youl1 admit 'hem. The County Councils can'i that's flot g<><d* get this work done f ar more ec- 1Sa speak to them kindly, and give onomically than the Provincial i tbem a smiîe, House. 'Il won't hurt yau any, 'twill help if you are not willing to, do' themn a pile. away with the Provincial Qavern-. ment <which we should) eltîser And wlsetber you buy f romn them, cut the membership clown ta 25! or you may flot, or 30 and let the Warden of eacî A kind word will mightily soften county act as member for hÈs their lot; terma of office. The 25 would give Sa speak ta them Pleasantly, a permanency and the Wiardens though yau use guile, would intelligently bring the needs 'Twill lielp them a heap as they of their own county ta the dir- trudge life's long aisle. ect notice of the Provincial House. -RalPh Gordon. As far as the Federal House is 628 Crawford St., To~rnto concerned. it would be a good tig ta, cut Hansard out alto- The macadamizec road of to- gether and lirait each speaker ta daY was develop]eci by John Lau- about 10 minutes. Il COSts tOO don Macadam, a Scotsman more much a word as Il 18. 1 than one hunfdYed years ago. i .'~s -< 'et'- 4 ,là - . 1. 7 1