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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1938, p. 3

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THE CA NA DIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANÏILLE, ONTARIO YOUR WORLD AND MINE tCopyright) By John C. Kfrkwood -- ShoUld we be coriservative or cmy o! space, of time, of interes-L destructive? Should we bang on, and attention. When our Pioneer tO Old things, or shoulti we ge: ancestors settled in the back- rid Of themn? Should we be ac- woods, it wa.s absolutely neces- cumulative or distributive? ,sary for them to destroy -the for'- In MiY own case - perhaps be- est trees in order to clear the land cause there is Scott.ish blood in r ure for tillage and pastur- me - MY habit is to hang on toaRge. In these modern times it i things. Thus, I keep the maga-, often n'ecessary te teax down od zines which I receive for monthis. ýbuildings to make room for new There they remain on a table:,ones or for new passsage ways. w;eek iter week, wth none,. Sometilnes it is nec'essar3' to de- *ouehing them. Then, in a mc-1 stroy aniimal life - as it is in the 'li'ent o! boldness, I take them- case Of the surplus buffaloes in Plvay with nie to give to somie the herds which the Canad4a.n Pler-Son who I hope wiI enjoy Govenment preserves for senti- them. I hang on te old necktiles 'mental veasons. Sometimes moun- -perhaps for years- And to old tains have to be destroyeti - or ,zhirts - which I may neyer weax partially destroyed - to make way bec-ause o! holes - patched ones - for roads, or to get at the Min- :n their fronts. I harig on to 01d eral wealth contained in 'hem. suits of clothes andi 01<1 shoes,J Old machinery lias tO be de- trYing to Persuade myself that I:stroyed to make room for newv shall wear them again. I hang and better machinery. It is rigdi.ý ,0n1 to olti books - books which I to destroy 01<1 furniture and fur- ney,%er touch, nor. I suppose, mean nishings, old dwelling h ous e tc, ead. I save old papers antd which have become unsantary or booklets. 1 have masses of old s hk hti el eusf writings of nmine - neyer tyPed, t o occuy them. It is righ: ta:e neyr ubmttd o ay ublshr.old horses and other kinds cf MY office is like a junk sbop, with cattie should be destroyed. It is Pilles Of wraPPing paper 'which 1 1 rigl4t to ciestroy olti ships and o:d have hated to destroy. I have locomotives and cld motor cars. manIy boxes f illedi with 01<1 cor- and old trees which have become les~pondence, now no use to any- a menae. body. I have many 01<1 cheque Smtmsi srgtt eto books, going back for years. 01< afetion i s and 1<1 toetch- When I was a lad I found a Ments. I,, was necessary in past sort o! pleasure POkIdng about ini days for men and wemen 'to emi- OUr attic where was an accun'u- grate - to seek in new land.s lai- latiOtn Of valueless stuf O! ail ger opportunit'es and larger f ree- sorts. Not long ago I had to deal dom. Often it'is necessaury Vto de- with the contents of the cellar stroy our own pat - to break of tihe house in which our fairWiy away from 01<1 associations andi had liveti 60 years. It was crowd- 'ties and old habits and o01<1 us- ed with oid bottles anti china - toms, The fact is that we canne stuif fit on]y for throwing away. make progress if always we try I arn sure 'that my habits -to carry along wth us old tiùngs. habits wh4ch mrake me bang on old ways, olti views. Anti this to 01<1 stuff of no value - are the means that sometimes we have habits of many o! my readers;1 to drop old friendships. It be- and the oIder I get, lhe more Il comes a practical impossibility to amn persuaded that we ough-t to retain themn and to cultivate destroy or get rid of! iTany things tihnm. New friendtships anti as- qtnckly - that it is profitless and!scciates consume us. wOrse to save what we shaîl neyer 1 J Cai use In my own case I have had to J C Kabandon many old frientiships. I (rhe fart of this matter îs, it is, live<1 in England for a good many economy to desrmoy. It is econ- yEars. There I made many goodE ______________________fmends. But. I cannot maintain9 Iail these 01<1 friendships. Dis- tance is a factor which one mustE IBusiness Directory take into accoun:. Then. toc. ttere is the factor of tinte. My new obligations - when I le!t LEGAL England m eurdne to give my3 _________________________and toc M. G. V. GOULD, BA., LL.B. new friends. This sort of experi-t -ence is that of ministers who gof Barrister. Solicitor, Notary to new charges. Fromthe very3 Phone 351 nature of things thEy cannot for0 Royal Bank Bdg., Bowmanville long keep warm old friendships . in the town or city where they W. R. STRIKE formerly laboured.r Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 01< f aiths have to be aban- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal doned. It becomes quite impos- Money to Loan. Phone 791. sible for us to carry along with' Bowmanville. Ontario us many old convictions andi be- J.lie! s. There was a timie when wed ' L C. MASON, BA. may have believe<1 the universe -m Barmister - Solicitor or the planet on which we live -d Notary Public - Etc. te have been created ini six daysa Law in aIl its branches. of 24 heurs, and to have been 2 Office immediately east o! Royal created about 6000 years ago. But a Theatre. f ew of us retain this old belief. h Phons: ffie 68; ome Tinte was when we belieuve<1 Long- v Phones:__Office_688;_Home_55_. fellow to be a first-class poet. DENTALThat belief may net be ours to- DEN ALday. Even 01<1 heroes- like Rich- ard the Lion Hearted- may now ' DR. iJ. C. DEVITT be less heroic to us.F Asistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson J C K ri Graduate of Royal Dental College, More dnd more are we com- fi Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee pelled to live in the present, and eý Bldg., Bowmanvifle. Office bours the Present makes very large de- t. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- mands en us. Most o! us are 8: day. troubled with the problem cf Phone 790. House Phone 883. making a livin'- and with the la X-Ray Equipment in Office. prblem o! our fu'turp. However F, aPPealing the past may be to us. ia FUNER L DIR CTOR intellectually and1 sentimentally, FUNER L DIR CTOR we cannot give much time to the FUNERAL DIRECTORS Past. Only the seholars and those untroubled by the problem of Service, any hour, any day. making a living can give mucb fo F. . ORRS O. time to -the past - ta the writers e1 and Vo the hitr fps as Modern Motor Equipment. Arn-!Possibly Our newspapers and Our of bulance and Invalid Car. Cal. magazines anti our lendin.g ib- ce Phone 480 or 734. Assistant 573. v'aries and the movies and ra.dio R, ar an explanation of eux much pi CONTRACTOR ccupation with the pr-escrt antd fil T. E. FIAXMAN linger in the paist. Today pretty v-i Builder and. Contractor I effectually washeu-s out yesterday. Thwre books and the magazines nm Loyers' Lane - Bowmanville whicrh we Put aâside for future m~ Phone 318 reading are ikely Vo go u.rread.. Wt The old shoes which we hang or. to in the belief that we sçhaU wear .hem again might. just as well be given te the Salvat.ion Army when we buy a n-iv pair. The idle books on our sheives- books which we .shail neyer'eati should be gven ,ci o'hers wbaD will read 'them. Surplus pieces o! furnire and disused china and glass shoulti be got riti 0f Pýýeromply. AtZ.csl andi store-rooms ough t o be emptieti o! their lunk. In the matter cf knowledge it is no, necessamy for us to carry about wth us an enormous amount 0f *. We ae net required to be enocYZlope-dias. We do net have to store Our mindis wth a vasrt amount of knowledge which we sehall never use. We would do f ar bet*ter to acquire a gocti deal cf. knowledge about things o! acute anti sPecial interest to us than tLo ead promiscuou.sly. It îs neither necessars' nom wise to reati everything in the m.agazina< vhch we buy. or to take home w':h us from ien'ing libramies any book on any subject or by any author. We ought ta b? selective. AI' cf us neEd4 more vOccational know]edge. yet, few o! us ead bcoks related Ito our kin< o! o- cu'pation. Reading anyihing and eý ery:hiLngL does flot contribute ta Our culture. Listening to every- thing, on the radio is net any- thirn.g to bcast about, for it sug- g.-s s hat one lean.s on outsiders ail the t'nte for one's enjoyment. Among the things ta be de- -roYeti by us are our inclina- tions - not aIl o! thent 0f course. Anti O! course we should destmoy aur enemies - neo,,of course. Our human enemies. jI cOmrnend to my readers the -ndulgen.e of the idea that many helti-on-to things sbould be de- tmoyed or go,, ri<1 of. ELEOTED TREASURER OBITUARY Dr. Edgar L. Gausby, Toronto Six weeks to the day aftem t-1e dea:h cf his iife, Dr. Edgar L. Gausby, Well know,ýn dentist, died May UOtb, in the Toronto General Hospital. He had been ilI on.ly a ,week. and resideti at 259 Gien- cairn Avenue. Teronto. Dr. Gaus- by w'as born in Guelph. and was cIte son cf thte late Robert anti Annie Gausby. He received his early edu.cazion in Guelph. and graduateti front -the Tox'onto Den- tal College. taking post-g'raduate work in Chicago. He hat p'ractis- Ed in Toronco for th.irty years. He attended 1S-t! Clement's Angli - can Churcit. Dr. Ga.usby's wife, who died April 18, was fcmemly Mtary Beatrice Tamblyn, f ormerly of Bowmanville. Survivin-g are two sons, Artihur and William; four sisters. Mrs. sherwood- Hart, Misses Mary, Rose and1 Edith,&Il Of Toronto; three brothers, Gýeog H~erbert, Hamilton,; r e<ýe r i c k. Welland; and Harcld S. o! To- Mrm. Willard Caldwell, Oshal Th0omasine Jane Caldwell, dow o!f te laite Willar1 Calci' who passed away lest Seputent lied o! a heart attack follow t short illness on Tuesday, Nt 24th. Heur sutiden deauth comei ashock to lier friencls who kr. her bright cheeriness. Site is & vived by one daughter, Aura Ca veul, o! Oshawa. Heur nmarriage te the late M lard Caldwel tcok place in CIa; T'ownship witere she was b< "or the Past nine years she1 resided in Oshawa, com-ing h fromn Bowmanville wbere site1 ed for some years. Since comj to Oshawa she bas been active Simcoae Street United Church. The funeural was held from1 ate residence. 76 Elgin. Str Euat, Oshawa, on May 26thi. B' [al was in Welcome Cemetery. Mrs. Wm. Rogers, Stratford A well known resident cf Stni or< Passeci away in her 78th ye 3n M1ay 17th, in the person [vs. Emnily Jewell Rogers, widý )fWilliam Rogers, who pre< lease<1 her by tbree years. ms og9ers died in the Qeneral H. liail Wbetre she had been cc ineci for eleven days. She b ten ill for about four weeks pi .0113 'te goang Vo the hespital. MIrs. Rogers was, bor aat Bo, nanvil.le. daugh Ver cf Mr. au éE. William Jewell. She mos, t *Mitchell sanie years la vheure she became the wl! e rilljm Rogers. Fdllowing b marriage she and her h'usbai esided on a fan two and a hi niles west o! Mitchell. Mr. Rc, Ts retired 26 yeuar ago andt] ouple camXfe te Statford Vo lh' hey. celebraited 'their geli 7dd"ng ait theuir hoant, 107 Hu n Street, in 1932. Mrs. Roge ms idexatif-ed w*th central un. d Chuz-ch ar- was greatly inte sted in the w'ork o!fte var-ie« rganizations the-.e. A broitber, Haxry Je-weli, FItir Lichigan, survives. Tw.o sens ar 'o daughtees a.lso .survivîng an c-t'ai an-d Rosy Rogers, Flirt Is. L. D. Nethercott (Gertr'ude 7 Huron St., S'tratford, a, rEn. W. J. Miner (F'anny), al EStm~tford. There ar-e ailso ýtE ra.dchldreri. Intermient was mnade ia A vot le Cemetery. wl w n ini e'r ce: w' or ed est tiw No 101 MT da] Cecil H. B. Williamns (Plaindealer, Souris, Mari.) Ceeil H. B. Williaims, onie Souris' b9st known merchn dieud in the Memeial Hospital o May 14, 1938, in bis 54th yea For some mont.hs'heu iad beeni poor healtit, aititougb oux]i a feu weeuks ago when he u nffered a attack o!f flu, was aible Vo atteri to business as usuel. A relaps last week developed into pnet, monia and buis condition gradual ly became werseu. Alt.heugh ric onexpeuted the a.nnouncemeuntc his death on Saturday came as shock te a ccmmtunity that ha knDmwn hlm weIl for nearly2 years. Heu was borna at Enniskiller Ont., in May 1884, son of the lai Charles Williamns, bis early lif being spent lante east. As, young mari be came west, was M La tune a resdent o! northeQr Dr. C. W. Siemon Prominent BowmanviUle physi- cian and church worker who was elected trea-surer of the Bay of Quinte Layman*s Assoc-iation at the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church at Napanee last week. Manitoba and later was employed at Darlingford. Early in March 1915 he pmrchased the furniiture andi undertaking business o! Wm. McCulloch in Souris. Duing his 23 years of residence in Souris he had taken an active interest in xnany branches cf coninunity life. For some years he was a member of the town council, representing wards one and two at diffeurent, tines. He was an entlLusiastjc mem ber of the golf and curling clubs, and of t.he I.O.O.F. He was maa'ried twice, his f irt wife, Minmie Armstrong cf La Riviere, died during the flu epi- dentcic n early 1919. Later he miarried Miss Bert4ha A.shley cf Oshawa, Ont., wvho survives with (ne son. Norman. A brother, Dr. L. B. Williamis, Presadent of the Durham County Club. andi a sis- ter, Mrs. Howard Joh-nston, are living in Toronto. The funeral was held under 700.OF. auspI'ces. from Knox Church. Rev. N. L. Daynard con- ducting the services. Palîbearers were F. E. Wenman, R. Mitchell. C. Edgert.on, F. C. Stockden. A. W. Tulis and S. Slade. trieswfrom te difeaen coun- AudrS ee Grahmend oyJan Antil, Audpianoraamolo Jasgn byAntil Ae piano.oo adgiNbyCauence renfud Ciraam.tndeMS. Clarenke Penfountidedtoo, h Sthy Bock Itua Mas d.idetiBahd c.Then fluai Misaon Banmetin c. Te p Ir, ti st ty Local Ministers and Laymen Attend Quinte Conference Sessions HeldaIn Napanee ,wa Se ra Yo g M n Canada, and by Dr. S. S. Davies. wi- Odie e George Williams, B.A., spoke Weil Chrchne into United following te report of the mids- ýber. C uc Ministry on sionary andi maintenance fund vin Sudayconunlttee. Ot.ber speakers were %l~ u ay Rev. Bruce Gray and Dr. S. S. as ___Davies. tew Over 400 delegates attende< te Ordination on Sunday ur- Bay o! Quinte con.feuence of the The young men *who were or- ild- United1 Ciurch o! Canada which <ained at the conference on Sun- epenecd in Napanee lest Tuesday. day momnlng and wito were pre- Vil- Napan-Ee's central position in te sented te the conference on yeurig xke confeuence is one reeson for t.he people's night, were: From Osit- orn. unusuaîîy large regstration. awa pesbytery. James Robertson has Nearly all Unitet Cituxch pas-. Helden, B.A.; f rom the Belleville iere tors i Bwmanville aind district presbytery, Stanley B o w mi a n iv- and1 nany laiymen were in attend- 'Smith, B.A., Edwax<1 W. Todd; ing ance at the ainnual conference. front Cobourg presbytery, Herbert in The confemence inoludes -the ccun- Staples Blezzard, B.A., B.D.; from ties o! Lanark, Renf rew, Leedis,'Peterboro presbytery, Obarles Geo. heur Fronteunac. Lenncx and1 A<1<ing- Ktney, B.A.; from Saskatchewan r&- on, Hastings. Prince Edward, cenference, J. T. Niccis. B.A.; and or- Northumnberland, Ontario, Victor- from te Toronto con f e v e n c e, iai, Peterboro, and1 Haliburton. John Leng, B.A..9 B.D. Conducted by President Assisting the president o! the The opening session was held conference at the Sunday morn- at- Tuesday aftemnoon wben Rev. J. ing ordination service were Rev. >ar Maxwell Allan, Pembroke, presi- Harold1 E. Wellwoo<1.anid t h e o! dent o! -the conference, a.sisted by chairman o! each presbytery or lo Rev. H. E. Wellwood, pastor of one delegated by him. The prea- de- Trinity United Churcit, Napanee, cher et the ordination service was rs. conducted the Communion ser- Principal H. A. Kent o! Queeri's or vice which was attendeti by neairîy Theological College. n- 400. A ýministeurial choir under Transfers Sanctioned ladj the direction of Rev. S. L. Os- Transfeurs front other confer- ,re borne, Napanee, led te singixng, ences into the Bay cf Quinte con- ande Rev. Roy Rickard, Colborne, f ereunce include: Rev. Stanleuy B. yw- sang a solo. . Smith front Montreai; Rev. W. J. wj Tte sermon 'was preachc<1 by Davis f rom Saskatchewan; Rev. 'ed Rev. Mr. Allen. The lesson was W. T. R. Delve from Aberta, Rev. te read by te secretary o!f-te con- S. M. Glmour front Manitoba; of ference, Rev. James E. Beekel. Rev. Samson Littlewood front To- he and prayer was given by Rev. Mr. vante; Rev. A. C. McCallum f rom nd Wellwood. Saskatchewan; Rev. H. F. Mal- ai! IMssionazy Service colm front Saskatchewan; Rev. R. 3- Tuesday evening the president E. Mor ton front Hailmton; Rev. theu again presided at a intssbonaLy Edwam<1 W. Todd front Newfound- te, service a, which attciress;es were lanti; Rev. H. L. Morrison f'rom len given by Rev. J. U. Tanner, D.D. Monreal anti Ottawa. Ir-~ Îmd Rev. Robert L.aird, M.A.,D.D. Transfei-s front the Bay of ez Wednesday morning the presi- Quinte confemence to ether con- i ient's message was delve:ed, fol- fErences inc'-ude: Rev. Aridreuw ev- ' owed by an atidreas by Rev. Syl- McNabb to Toi-ante; Rev. Samuel Svenus S. Davies, D.D.. o! Niagara MarLean to Hamilton: Rev. R. R. Fails, N.Y. At the xncetirigs for Nicholson ta Monytreal; Rev. H. t,. Iaymen aind ministers, Rev. J. W. Peters to Toronto; Rev. C. H. KId Woodsi<1e. MA., D.D., gave aid- Wragg to Alberta; and Rev. Eld- re: dresses. mund Unstead Vo Toronto. t; A pigrimage te te historic Memoril. Service >.HUY Bay Churcit, in Prince Ed- Durlng the past yeuar themie have nd ward County, was amade W-Edne"- teen several deaths o!frmnsters L0 day afternocn, andi et righît t, o!fte conference, and a memnorlal enl bicentenry o! John Wes'ev,'.z con- service te bonor their memory version was observed. A5dd-e&es was conducted by the president a-were given by Rev. Charles E. on F'rlcay afternocn with Rev. Silicox, M.A., S.T.B., secretairy o! Wilam Higgs o! Beachburg de- the Social Service Councuil o! livering te address. The deceas- ed members o! conference axe: ____________________Rev. Scford F. Dîxori, BElleuville; of Rev. G. J. Gall, Flton: Rev. Fred Howard. Deseronto; Rev. G. t ENTERTAINER W. Marvin. Toronto; Rev. John M. Scr AP ODN h A. Black, Toronto; Rev. Geo. M. in wndrul Clayt'on, Minden; Rev. J. A. Keni- ýw werfor versatile entertain- nedy', Omemee. and Rev. R. A. n l o your ncxt entertain- Delve, Oshtawa. id Amang the memorials present- %e ment. Jllustrated circular free. edt t conference from te presby- î- Addràs 628b Crawford Street. teries were: A xequest -to tihe On- a- Toronto. aria government for a referen- ot dum on tite beverage ooms; ask- Of' ing for dloser co-eperation be- a_______________ tween farmers and cther pimairy ti producers to itelp bririg about a 5 change in eronomic conditions; a "Lest We Forget" rcsolution opposing sweepstakes. n. anti one ccncerning te seltte- te A. H. BOUNSALL ment o! ministers. fe Designer and Deaier tn A discussion was conducted on a Monuments, Tabiets, Marker@, etc. te question o! corifelrence boun- or In Granite and Marbie. dlaries. The suggestion bas been M1 made that te Bay o! Quinte con- 1 ference be SPlit up, icining King- ston and Renfrew presbyeries to Montreal and Ottawa conference, anti Belleville, Cobourg, Oshawa. Lind.say andi Petemboro presby- temies ta the Toronto conference. The proposition lias been vote<1 on1 by all the Presbyteries and murnd dcn ineachcase Je Je MASON & SON- INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville E. M I - N '5"',"'~ "'~,\4 ~ ~ V'~~S~î~ *~ -CANADAS COQOPERATJVE ENTERPRISE TS MEMBERSHIP includesonou Jof treCndas It pays out $500,000 every working day to families tbrougbout Canada. It extends its benefits to more than half the population of the Dominion. It bas Two Billion Dollars of its mem- < bers' funds invested in Canada's homes and farms, industries and utilities, muni- cipalities and governments -a greater financial stake in Canada than any other single enterprise. It safeguards the savings of millions of Canadians and enables them to guar- antee financial. security for themselves and their families. This enterprise-.by far the greatest and most important ini our country-is Life Insurance. INSURANCE G UA 8D 1A N 0 F CANADIAN HOMES L.OOX DEAN HODOSON White Rose Service Station Bowmanville THURSDAY, JUNE 9TH, 19.38 THE CANADIAN STATES'.PIAN, BOýý7-,\fANïILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE 1 ANOTHER DURHAM vtdta p'reparing some work! to pastorates. Settlement commit- "ITRUE BEAUTY" ~~ ~~ which will be sent to children of tees, the conference urged, should ____ Bo0Y JqING WEL the West. ýfunction throughout the year,an ____A surprise birthday Party Was mak'e settiement as the need arises. -Your face is a book, where W-ferhovmtv fou ea! g;ven in honor of Mr Ralp'h Tool- Rcmedm'nta insesnen may read st.range matters."1 ers ruulmIa hr w ax hack in the earIv ey onl Monday. stipeds be paid monthly in everv-hkepae 9()s Wivi a ailg<,)d ookng ad Congratulations to Messrs. Ross 90bv le tii al Ws Ld lookxng B4<j B a nd jAJ nVijn&on uoncase and that congreRations pro- "The recipe for beauty is to ti a(c groervLatre clrked their Zeent marrages I ceüd t9 cali. as soon as they learn have less illusion and more Soul. iii ubleQuck. r1(r)sor -e We are pleased to correct a a xacancy is about to occur was to ?etrea.t from Vhe bellef of pain i ' lcated %vlcre Kerslake's druizrvos'ro, v inyRc macle on Saturday by the conference. or pleasuire in the body inito the stoervsnd. A few vear. having lost one horse in.tead of E. L. Fraser, of Trenton, was unhagigcalina and glorjous later \Ves Iva-sesized with the %van- two. lected president of the Lax' Asso freedom of spiritual -he.rony."- derlîîqtt( leaVe his home town and Mr. Arthur Pierce, North Osh- ciation, with Harold C. Martin, 1ý Baker Eddy' seed< famie and fortune on his Owil awa, visited friends here. Sterling, as secretarv and Dr. C. W. "H-ow goodness heightens beau- in ie I)eig citx,. That was more Miss GJ.adys WeMs-, Toronto, is Slemon of Bowmanville, treasurer. ty!"ý-Hannah More. than 40 icars ago, for xwe see in tfie home a.ga.n. _____________"Alter ail, it is the divinity 5th alinivcrsarv edition of the Erie Two brothers of Mrs. Robt. Ad- within that makes the divinity (P'aý lailv Times issued recentlv ams. Mý,essrs. Jack and William Abgoisamn hosqut Wth t.W3hgOnIvn. Lawre a arge aderntise C n ofay.wt hi ieand Mr..Silnalo sure of something that he doesn't "I pray thee, 0 God, that I may Laîxir oeBo. fur its pn n r. hlig I fDetroit, know anything about. b euiu ihn"Soats COltnn a t ic ur o is found- M ich., visited at the A dam s W ho l ee at o t e ma n " e a d f ace lake a b9oom ee i e.x.X.Lawrie. Hûres a vara- hcmestead. W hudfe iyfrtemn "ehdafc ieabndc graph from the adxî%ý. which ecauzlht Many from here viewed the who is forced to take conse- tion "-Cervantes. our ttetio: Rbbis Crcu Paadehel inquences tliat he isn't entitled to. I *' sYnoblens begins, ait once, "-\ur h attention: RLari aObbawa.saCneu r ade gfo hel Temnd 'nsa egosýorfieamnsfetxg n '.\tie th etheî lr. imlle 'qes, m5ajorproTmfann g fo th an ho aysfas uthe -go e o elnso e mnsfalttres; any omf:e wthe th c ha impe ila mjrpefrane ayslot go ery fx ut e i- mnnes or enuahyi inr edft rvinuj tle, ub l îattxowy estee hm"Toeu Tii.~ntl honest formula lias DR. JAMES SEMPLE -ee Ile ~iing pz rinciple of Law- rie' (-er iilcc,.* Adheriing ,cloçeîv t., COMMITTEE HEAD heM, time-honîorcrl principles 111e. Store has groxxn and forged allead Dr. C. W. Siemon of Bowmnanville 'Intil todav it is recognized as cque Elected Treasurer of Bay of of the largest and fc'remost ftîri Quinte Conference :ure stnres ini Northwesternî Peii- Laymen Gtîess Xes Iived nup 10 everv word D.JmsSemple, pastor of of it. Io, for he has prospered and Bridge St. United Church, Bellev ille, s 111- enioxing the fruits of his was elected chairman of the settle- laours haxing retired fromn active ment committee of the Bav of Quinte busness management a few vears conference of the United Church of aRo and enjovs life in retirement. Canada at the Friday session of the L,.i ea m o Th attime hie was here was for con ference at Napanee. Suppose this ereth e d n the Durham Old Boys' Reunion last Members of the committee f rom dimnier, when he met a numF.er of Oshawa presbyterv are J. C. Youniz. of a necvspaper article hsodfriends who were mightv Superintendent of St. Andrew's dlad to see himi lookinz sa weiî. Sundax' School, Oshawa; and Rev.ab u o rg a e - C. Wesley Smith, Courtice. Otherab u yo r g a e Smembers are Rev. E. W. Rowland COUR ICEand A. Stewart of Peterixtro; Dr. C U TC asil Thompson and Rev. H. W. WHETHER. you keep your car ini a public Cliff. Kingston; Rev. H. A. M,%eIlow Sunbeam Mission Band met and Rex. J. F. Lane. Cobourg; W. garage or your own it is in1 danger of des- Friday in the formn of a peC T. Gordon of Belleville; Dr. A. E. triiction by fire. Garaes burn very easily Meeting. Peace responses were. Runnelle and T. C. Smith of Ren- so carry fire iiburance to cover t.he value ised in the opening items, and f rew. and Rev. Thomas Wallsoe. three senior girls sang a Peace The cou ference recommended con- of your car - and if you owxi a garage song. Josephine Courtice gave a currence ini the action of the general protect its value toc! mading and the worhip story was couincil xvhichi resolved the time flot told bY Miss A. Wilkins. Peace opplortue to provide for a lime limit - 1

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