Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1938, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN In the year 1927-2TGrea19B8 Tlil \ ( <F TEUSNIAN. Uî?iNI .ONT \RIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Miss Ruth Peacock, New Yorlt Watch for- the announcemnent City, N.Y., is visitng her sister. egarding a sale of householti fur- Mos. L. W. Lufiman, Division St. nture in Bov.manville on Satur-2 They're really delicious - Car- cay. June 18h. Full particulars ter Family Butte IcLyer next week. 23-1 Cakes ai 40c. Get one for the Mr. andi Mrs. C. H. Mason and weekend. Phone 855. Misses Marion Allin and Eileen MÈr and Mrs. Herman C. Lapp, Gibgbs ttended the graduation Lonconvisted ithMr.andexercises ai Ontario Ladies' Co- Mrs.dSR. Jaes wTuesda. adltge. Whitby, Wednesday after- Walter Goode, Toronto. spent MisPaoneWgr.BA..a the eeknti ithhis arets.successfully completeti her yeao Mr. and Mos. Robt. Rogers. at the Univerity o! Toronto Lib- Mns. Harry Foster has retuoned ra- coh hwl eev h from a week's visit. with her sis- degree o! Bachelor of Libraî-y Set- ters, Mrs. F. A. Haddy andi M-os. nce on June 9. W. N TileyToroto.Mor. C. H. Haddy. Tor-onto. lef t You'll want one of Carters de- ýsaturday on a businnss trip to licious Marshmallow Goiti Cakes, Providence. R.. and New York this weekend. They aie 30c each. Citj e was accompanieti by Mrs. but don't f orget to order eauly. Haddy.Mrs. J. B. E. Staples. To- Miss Vioginia Dennis. Toronto. ronto. and Mos. N. S. B. James. spent the weekend with Dr. anti1 Bownanviile. Mos. J. C. Devitt. 1 Mrs. F. W. Guernsey. Vancou- Yeu've demanded it. so here it:%ver. B. C.. daughter. Mrs, B. Jag- is - Carter Family lemon pies. ger, and niece. Mrs. B. Mâcag'ý again this wcek only 25c. Order 'andi Mos. John Hyde andi son Har- early. 'ry. Toronto. were guests of Mrs. Mos. Charlotte Morgritson andi J. A. M-cClelan. son Wilfred. Hamilton. sp e nt Re%. Victor Spencer- of Japan Sunday with her sister anti bro-wi1ocupy his brothers pulpit ai, ther, Miss Eva and Herbert Wake- St. John's Chuoch Sunday moon- lin. ing. andi Tom Dustan Jr. will con- WEEK-END SAVINGS Clasic Cleanser------------------..3 tins Burlington Catsup-------------------..12-oz. 14c lOc Best QuaUity Sago or Tapioca........ lb. 10c Red Rtock Pumpkin................... tins 25c "SALADKE Brown Label ..- 1/2 lb. 34c - Mb. 68c Cream of Barley, Reg. 29c--------- 25c Redpath Sugar-----------------..100 Ibs. $5.55 Ontario Docley Potatoes ............. bag 75c MAGIC COFFEE ~ lb. 29e - 1/2 lb. 15e Spratt's Dog Biscuits................. lb. 15C San! Flush................... tin 27c Santa Clara Valley Prunes-------------------..2 lbs. Fine 0Wd Cheese----------------------..b. Chick Starter - Sat - Turnip and Mangel Seed 25c 28c Seed Corn Robin Hood, Quaker, Five Roses Flour HARRY ALLIN Phones 367 - 368 MM Grocer Bownianville SAVE ON SUITS We have taken nine Ladies' Tweed and Wo«sted Suité from our stock and are put- ting them out at HALl' PRICE - As Low As - $3,095 ALL LADIES' Dark Straw Hats At Greatly REDUCED PRICES NEW SUMMER DRESSES AriviVmg Daily Chldren's Socks 15C &25c Pr. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN' Phone 836 JIMED Bowmnlville duct the ievening service. The Rector will accompany the Mens Club on Uts annual t-rip te Nor- land. Ladies' Auxlîary of St. And- rcws resbyterian Church held their June meeting ai Mrs. H. Gaud's. Scugog Road. President Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin presided, and during the meeting arrange- nients were made for the annual bazaar in the faîl. A large num- ber of ladies were present andi enjoyed very much a pleasant af- ternoon. Bow-manville High Selhool wili no, observe the Kings Birthd.aY hoL:day today. other than by fly- in- tte Union Jack. Examinations a.,; in fuIl1 swing. and that is giv- en as the reason for the non-ob- -ervance. At the Public School al pupils will receive a holiday with :he exception of the entrance ciass which hati a holiday recent- ly. Dr. W. H. Birks. Presiden': of the Health Officers Association of Onta,*io. presideti ai the annuai convention o! the Association ai the Royal York Hotel ast Thurs- coay. andi later presideti at the annual dinner. Dr. Birks has re- :rdater a most suecessful Year' a-s president. Dr. Butler fromn Newcastle was a.lso a delegate to the conference. M ss Margaret Caaipbell. grand- daughter of Mrs. Josep'h Fletcher. Cr.uoch Street. andi daughter of Dr. andi Mrs. James P. Campbell. Toronto, wil receive her Bachelor of Arts degree at the Convoca- ,ion of ihe University of Toronto on June lt. Edwxard Campbell. Mrs. Fletchers grantison. was ruccessfui in passing the Examin- ation o! the first year medical 2--urse ýa' the UniversitY. Rev. C. R. Spencer ofciateti on Sunziay at. the baptism o! hîs erand-daughter. Wendy Spencer i Lcckhart. at the Little Island Church o! St. An.drew, Centre Is- land,. Wendy is a daughter o! Mo.r and Mrs. Douglas Lockhart. Capt. C. V. Vessenden was gotfather. andi Elizabeth Fister and Mos. E. G. Gower. godmothers. One hun- oireti guesis attended the christ- enung tea at 6 Chippawa Ave, fol- l1cwing the baptJsm. TOWN COUNCIL (çontinued fromn Page 1) iati been receiveti from Dr. Bell o! men anti boys trampling thru' his gerden after foui bahîs anti he hati, through his slicitoe t- ifieti the clubs thai this- was to cease. Mr. Little wanteti police te stop trespassing on Dr. Bell's Pro- 'perty. it. was suggested that the Town would be gladt t swear in special constables if the ball clubs wouiti bear the expense. The agreement between the Wemen's Institute anti the Town with regard te, the rest rorns re- cently instalîcti was aPProveti. The agreernent prevides tliat the town lease the premnises for $1.00. anti that the Institute be solcly responsible for the care anti maintenance of thte reun, anti te ,supply an attendant if anti when neeessary. The tewn is te provide light. heat anti water. Each party mnust give one month's notice be- f ore vacating the premises. Finance Commuùtice presenteti accounts totalling $162333 for regulai- expenditure, anti $135.18 for relief. Councillor Gunn. oeporting on the proposeti rcsur!acing e! On- tarie, Street, stateti that hie coulti secure no action. until the cal- cium was laid, anti then everyone wanied the werk donc. Ih ceulti net be donc now, hie said. Mayor Joncs instnueteti Ceun1- ciller Furber te cahl a meeting o! thte Fire Brigade, anti if the f ire- men titi net attend other stePs would be taken. Councilor FUT- ber had compUineti that he coulti net get a meeting te discuss poob- lems. Continumng the discussion on -the Fire Departimenit, Mo. Fuorber repooteti that a battery was puT- chiaseti that was net needeti. The f irst thing we know," he saii, -if we annoy the f iremen toe much we will have te change the alarmn system." Mayor Jones retorted, "If they think they are going te run the thln'g we wiilMost certain1Y change the alarm. systemn." I was aise sa;d that several have keYs to the fre hall wihu have ne righl te them. Complaint was alsr) madie that seme firemen sent sub- stitutes te fires who wcÈre ne' covereti by the insurance Polic.t anti if they were injureti the towr woulti be hiable. This was the or- iginal maiter te be discusseti ai the prcposet meting Councillor Challis informeti counrcil. Coun- ciller Furber complaineti about the condition o! the f ire engine which hie saiti 'runs worse than a manure spocatier." A reslution notifying merch- anis that they must net sehl any- thing tc> îown emphoyces without .lhe cemmittee chairman's O.K. was passeti. Bylaw te provide for preven- tien o! sale o!foesh nteats that are net wrapped recelveti itS three readings. Penalties *will be freun $5 te $50 andi costs. Councilior Gunn ashcet council's atile 'on laying calcium on the Lakeshore roati anti on Liberty Street. Mayor Jones stateti that it was net. justifieti when coune:i was spending a lot on the other lake roati. Mo. Jones aise in- formeti counicil that this wasa ceunty roati, but when the par- ing was put in on Liberty Nornl anti Scugog Streets it was agreed te forego all grants on the et-hel ocatis for ten years. Thiat perieÉ was now up andt he tewn bas nc authouity te spenti money on tlit roati. The matter will be taker up ai the Counties Counicil nexi week - Roati Supetiniendent Bickel waà notifieti that the Ceunty Roas Superntendcnt has ne autheril: te ortier the local superintentien te erect road signs on ceuniý reads within the tevjn. Legien Banti, through Cou2icil 1er Abernethy, was given permis sion te heldibanti concerts wherd -it saw fit andi where it could aa SCOUT CHURCH PARADE Brigadier Rufus T. Spaoneir Director o! Scou'iing in the Sal- vation Army. who is te a.ddress the Boy Scouts andi Cubs at their annual church parade -at Trinity Unitedi Church on Sunday morn- ing. Brigadier Spooner is an eut- standing speaker and a member o! the Provincial Council o! the Boy Scouts Association. FREE CHOCOLATE BARS Another Fiee Chercolate B a r Day ai. Cream of Barley Park on Saturday. June il. at 3.30 o'clock. We want eveoy mether anti child un Bowmapville anti surrountiang country to corne te Cream of Bar- ley Park to get a chocolate bar free of charge. Corne one - corne ail. I gives us pleasure to mneet you there. tract the largesi audience. lthe band was aise permitteti to take up collections if it so tiesireti. Complaint was matie o! the noise on King Street ai might. Re- ference was matie te blaring phoncgraPhs in certain stores. but more particularly to trucks which were le! t with the moters run- ning sometimes for hours. Police -,iii be asked to check uP. Council session closeti with the complaunts about vaxious cli- cisms already referredti t. CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Council me, Fr ida y morning for regular meeting anti Fritiay afterncon for the Court o! Revision. Theze accounts were passed: Roani Voucher .$771.01 MoIs. E. J. Randahi. R vs F. 40.00 A. J. Staples. sundries 11.45 R. H. Wood. caretaker 8.50 East Whitby. relief-- 9.20 0. W. Rolph. relie! sup. .50 Weekly Times. ptg. -- 8.00 J, C. Tamblyn. relie!finilk 4.90 P. Lunn. i-cie! sup. .- - 2.80 E. Patterson, relief sup. 16.63 W. E. Davey. taxi to hosp. 4.50 Depi. o! Health, insulin .54 Orono Coal. relief sup.- 4.00 Hospital Accis. totalleti- 50.25 Dr. E. C. Wilson, services 15.00 Several alteratiens weoe matie in assessmeflis during thie Court o! Revision but due te lack of space they will be published .nexi ;ribute to Mr. Jury ventur but xxe too oftin forget that xvthutt the enterprisine nian ot ai- fairs. thel diseoverer is hieule--.tO Inake hbis achievernelui availahie un the îieeds cf mankind. Compatative- lv lue mexnare endowed xitli nai- lrai zifts and traits of character thax ,,jade ht possible for mien of 'ir. Jurv*s sort. lacking ini ,o mauy coni- vonu-eiiCe- anti improvements ni meth- rd. 'xv <made avaiabue u1- their ef forts. 10 ]av sound andi sirong foti- ations for the next gn-eraiionti t futher huild upoii" 'Ouiside Boxvmanville Mir. lurv'Y talents have been directed along Ouitt varions hunes. Verx- notable is Ili xxorklu ib te fieldi of co-operatixe enterprise. W\,hen the progress ot the division of labour w-as takixte îttclii xork oui of the retail places aud bestoxinz ih in manulaetttries.. ,\Ir. jury was one of the lirsi mnet In take pari sud encourage tinte- gîsis to take part lu ihe co-orper- atie mnutfacture of their ossu priî ducis." Contiiuiug tir. Burgess saiti. The lirsi co-riperatixve xvoiesale hotîse ir ho properix nrgatizet inluCanuada -i the Drug Trainxg Comnpanv of xxlici ,\Ir. Jurx bas been a rirector atîd nitiig spirit aumosi sînce its ini- cetîtion. -Sixice the erocerx- andt' ui cî-operaiives copieti it. the ben(iit- nerixeul froîxî that esiablil t. haxc ,en c sprnalV Il!(, of retail tralle. , r. Jury xNVaS i n-uîlîer of tuein- - clî rf tuhe 1: tari Ciliie oif l'haruîacx i'r tarx2,; xears. If axis fauxit tI lie l'iud \itl the cotuncilus f i Mr.. j ury's t liie. it is t liai thiex- li tht 'r j(..t,"'xx il. h xxas culvnutc'- sItr% toîtel1 iliat onte 55as a uradulia ',f tlîe Ottari oCtîiie 10irniiiîedl- iv seceure a tpositiontin Ilte Ut iit i States. aiid thus mats- fie ito- were loit to Ontario." Nir. Jutrs took, a keen iierest ;i the assoieation sxork of Ipbariuiac%* anti occupiet-the chair of Presidell' nI tlie Catiadian Pharmnaceultieal Association, Iu bis private hîtsiic- tir. Jury' bas auways associatcîl \xx lu hlm lu bis ef forts mnauv voulue Itltu t0 whri the naturai talcu's aîud wiie exîîenieice of tir. I urx x i reat betefits. for as Honier viiteti ?out, ' The sounîg are rash anti lit ail' ii li debate. 1-\And youth tiîseli ai, enîp)tv wavcr- r ig siate. -Cooîl age adls-sces venerabîx x iILTurus 0on ail bauds listIrep <is- cecriliz eves. 1Sues sxbat befllndiax(ihxaitua t etc 1beflil, rjuidgeosfroni ecad udhesi Proi's îfor al.' uIn onclitdiug' bis atitirts-. Nr. e îirg-s qoieuifroni Kiîliug f I andîi nîîeîi l'y sayiîte WTC hax11- ki :tds <i, f admiulration for tir. 1ir admuirationi for bis uîýtablcl 'i [I pishileiits,and icinliplete autirt au 'I dfor Iiîiui.s-il ý a~ n." t PROVIDENCE y Providence Chureh arc te have -the pleasure e! the Salvation -Army Bandi on Suntiay. June .12, ,e at 8 p>m. D.S.T. Cene anti bring -your f ientis. 27th ai her home on Division- Concession St. Fast Gooup o! Street. Almost to the lasi this Tr.ntty ýW. A. are holding an a!- fine personaliiy, widdow of the ternoon. tea and sale ai Mos. Vir- laie Rev. W. C. Washington. took gins on Fritiay. June 17. 25c. an interest in the aflairs o! her Maple Grove Sunday School church and o! the W.C.T.U. Sihe Anniver.rary will be held on Sun- was 93 years o! age. day. June 19. when the Rev. Dr. Mrs. Wash-ingten was born on Doyle will preach. and on Wed. December 14. 1844. near Kings- June 22. supper will be serveti. ton. andi was the daugitter of Cal- andi Maple Grove Young People vin W. Day and Elizabeth Wright. wih present their play --Rse She was marrieti at her home to Lawn.' Full part4culars rex: wek. Rev. W. C. Washington on Aug- ________________ usi 19. 1868, by Rev. J. Case. Mos. Washington ardently sup- EBENEZER ANNIVERSARY portet heu- husband in his church work until he retired in 1898 te Ebenezer Sunday S.chool Anni- live in Barrie. In 1907 ihey came ersary Services will be held or to Bwnvil hr r ah Sunday. June 12. ai 10 a.m.. 2 and ungion died on April 4. 1929. Mos. 7p. m. <Standard Time). Rev. Wa.s:hingion is surviveti by three Furanklin Ban.ster. B.A., B.Th., of oaughters. Mos. iR.ev.) Herman S*,. Paul's Unitedi Church. B3ow- McConnel. Richardson. S a sk.. manville. wiil be guest speaker. Mu-s. J. R. Standen. Penticton. B. Special music by Ebenezer Sun- C..Mos. B. M. Warnica. Bowman- clay School. A double trio f rom ville ; ant two sons. Dr E. Day Toronto will sing. under leader-IWasigo.Vnovr .. n SIÉP Of Miss Wilson. Ebenezer ev . C VC ashingion. B.A.,B.D. Choir wili provide spEcial musie Toronto. at ahI the services. Wetinesday. Mrs. Washington hati an amaz- June hth - Tea andi Concert. In jing eapacity for werk. For many the afiernoon ai. 3.30 (standard years she was supply secretary o! tzme'1 rports for chiltiren. Tea the W. M. S. anti took an active sýetif roin 4.30 until all are part in nearly every women's or- serveti. Softbali game. Ebenezer 'aniz,7ation. The W. C. T. U. met vs Maple Grove, at 6 p.m.. ai, the eachmonth aia her home, anti she church. Concert at 8 p.m.. when was aise active in the Women's a play will be presenteti by Zion Association activities. She has Young People entitled "No Ac- been unable to attend her church. coun, David.' Services and ev- Trinity Unit'Ed. since Febnuary. ents on Standard Time. Admis- Mos. Washington hati sireng con- ýion: Adulis. tea andi concert 50c. viciions andi was self reliant and tea only 40c. concert 25c: Chul- conscientious. Her church anti her dren. tea anti concert 30c, tea f amily were the great motivating only 20c, concert 15c. Norman factors o! her life. and xnuch o! Down, Supt.; Arthur Founti, Sec. her spare urne was spent in knit-: ex A IVE MERCHANT ting for Missions. For many years 1 MAPL GRO E ,she belonged to the Women's duet Td X'~Xi1(lHospital Auxiliaxy and wvas re-0 fliIraî(li. '. nfrie (rat' 'r xîul sponsible for the sheet making1- lx ~ ~ (ýâ( 'lw î~hn hatrxith riach Nlý, nnt i îî' -:\li- -'ra enterpoise of that group. i. a 8 x iidnxllt xai iii.I ririli "lit Iltibilttt. t)tt'i~. The funeral was heid atTrn n. ' ru -tý,rt iî. Or' in'. lIn a luttetr alîtc. w itlh fr. aifd Mr. .D itv United Chuoch on May 3th. il-'1 lu th Canadlian '<larcîni Cni- Tinil......r. aifd M.\rs. Law- and was conducted b3' Rev. Sid- Nî \r. X < l) a- hbeun ath -ruce MNutxSnu l 'nl.Osl1- n.ey Davison. her pastor. R.ev. J. ix i .uratulatcd for I x rulursniawa. xx itl 'Ilses Thielîna and Lx ra U. Robi.ns, a former pastor. and x in luleh sale ('1 tht jr iîw" Frtveuîaui.. . . . \Ir. Veruou Trimnble.ýR'ev. W. A. Bunner. Fitting tri- bute to a long if e of service te doi lîîriug Ille ipas seasoil. *Veur Port Hope t l Ile. . Irs. Fe'. h'Ier Master was paid and the in- dai- ffort certajîîlx rnîsî le grat- NIxr-. Gaudmu., Town, witli MIrs. I.i fuence for good she exerted. if.îîz 1 xr.rseif. as it lias I)eceu 1). steýcens.M.\rs. Grriîi Sav- Pali bearers were S. Chas. Al- 1h us, and we feed sure tliat wlth thle igux. MNiss Hclti, NMr. Ken. Otton i.Go .Ans .C asoe 1lu. to date facilitit s whilîjeî \' abc alie. with i Nir. and N'Irs. R. 1DliGeo. W. Jaes, W. R. VaStri e n mlii~-o lt. h emii sa-<- Trimbl e. '.\r. an(l Nj\rs. John '.\un' Cha. . ason . ntrend a l'il ll eu last seasonsîaied the (la\-. r. XWallace Muindla-. ',\r. aihm . adei om. nilerCmetery. i uî r. \Ir .H-arry \ie-erv atteudied th e aei omnil eeey B1sei reedlers' Ficid Dax ai. Many beautitul floral tributes \\"r. oodx'ard has biiilt ii aii u I-'t teri' r' -dud xvisiteK.<îrelatives. 1 expressed. sympathy to the ber- xitrepultatîrî ldurinueItle pa>- 'î . ý . G1îlei eaved family and tribute to the Il\ lx iling utarîx' 200 ut r tent. ls l i 3nbetacco' iiiitfldsplendid Christian who had gone r ii- fluiota Xli Exe lxii N Ir. Sid anifflMr. 1" b her reward. oh". ~a'thr f'r ti. dî-îritt inlarrallall. (turtjee. (iu a motor trti eaivsatndnph fnr C , - i - ( le a l l c t o k l i . . l ri t .- Ia S a - . a t c li e x v i î t o x î - t I l e l a t e - f o o e l a i s t n e ere . M r . e r -l e if li s Ii s , ca r f s i ( t 'rd in >1111 a u î d(augliter. ý r m a d s a c e e r . H r t "î'aîdbs u ' cl îal<iatt r-.m an McConnell. of Richardson, :7 . A. Duistans Harîlxare tt. t îîîlay shl x il il t t 10 Sask.: Mrs. E. Day Washington, t), <itact fixe <of this i--ut qaiarLt . ST.). No :hutrch serviet <'ii Vancouver; Warden and Mrs. J. 'X ' iitni.ilax Il aiiataLn ec'uî fE nze nuvnr. F George. Phyllis. Jean. Shirley s gilir.tie axfine_______i and. Harrold. Smithfield: Rev. I l'îx irý Figid11a iee. ui lue t iiand Mos. C. C. Washington. Mis- x,~î. d-pavrrrns xlîrt -ixceOBITUARY eses Joyce and Anna, Toronto: ail îai sains are Ilhe 1factuýr- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Warn.ica. \\xihidi lave bilit 11T thi-us iis. ýýu James and Kenneth. Oshawa- a"' xci)ionllysl(lr lue.Mrs. W. C. Washington, Mis. Margaret Southeombe. Mr. ,'l i\eeltl'ali sri tiii'.Bowmanville Ezra Washington, H i gh iand Another fait.hful and earnest Creek; Mxr. and Mrs. A. E. Day worker in the cause of Christian- and son Jack, and Mrs. H. E. Day, COMING EVENTS ity and Temperance. Mr§'. W. C. Kingston. Cat and Dog SANLE ~ii1IiWWe have dug up some elderly cats and dogs for clearance. We are telling you the bitter truth about them. Cats and dogs in the merchant's language are itemns of merchandise that have been airound toc, long. You will find many items here that will corne in handy and at the same tinte save you anything from 25% to 50%. Ail mer- chandrse is perfect. The prices are reduced for quick sale. Buy now for future use and save. A FEW 0F THE ITEMS Wool, Stamped Goods, Stationery, School Supplies, Gamnes, China, Leather Goods. JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE S-...-.. il p Lowest Prices PHOTO FINISHINOý When yen entrust your photo work to us you are as- sured of the finest possible resuits. Our work is unequalled here and unexceiled elsewhere. We also offer you speedy service. Films left at 10 a.m- are finished the same day at 6 p.m Copying and Colouring Developing - Printing - Enlarging PHONE 792 AND LET US CALL FOR YOUR FILMS AND N!EGATIVES FILMS CAMERAS,- Agfa, Selochrome and Boxr - - - 69c$4.25 Kodak Complete, Fresh Stock Folding-- $2.50 up- LET US OVERHAUL AND REPAIR YOUR CAMERA Cleaning and niinor adjustments made free bing -caps ktyefoew au ttrcie ein Design-------------.19C Latex............. 25e eatex........... Strings ........... ___ __ _ P Dati ______________________ Cemplete Stock WHITE SHOE CLEANERS 1 Palm Beach- -- - --- 25c Fiat Spray [D Tops - - - - - 25o Fine Hair Dt Shu-Milk - - - - 15e For Corns or TSean Sye Callouses SaSelL Use LLOYD'S THYMOLATrEO CORN Aviator TWIe SALVE. De.aeniizes and relievea pain with first application. '<OU CAN T i.OSE. YOUR MONEV BACK If it falis. 111i be paid by the maker 25 taanyone producing. ai $2 ther office, a corn or cal- lous, thai they cannait ramove with NUJOL -T'wo1 thia wvonderfui new sc leniific pre- paration which thousanda of usera CRI E pralse hirhiy. Foiiow up wlih Lloyd'saCRI N Appicaton a da and obtain perma. OD5 IN nent rexuits. ODS IN LYDIA PINKHj LISTERINE the sale Antiseptic the Quick Deodorant A 25Ç - 49Ç -79 UNITED iCIGAR 'STORE AGENOY Phone 792 NOVA - KELP TABLETS Nature'8 tonlc and body builder, con« s isting of health- minerais and vit&- Mine aupplied by Atlantic deeP aea kelp. For practi- caliy every kind of aliment. Uncondit- lonaily guaranteed. 150 79c, 300 $1.39, 750 $2.79 SPECIAL A Bandana with every large bottle of HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOIND CREAX Both for - - - - 50e 29CODRON 39~C laRegulaDOr o NOt BARGAINS BILE SALTS- rEY PILLS - [AM'S COMP- 100's 94c'i - 27e~ - - 87c a Checks Body Odor 0 K.eps Underarm Dry e Saives Your Clothes 35c 59c McGrgor '* 1 A! ai PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Namib. tain spent $300.000.000 on roads or more than half as much as ontario*s entire investmeflt in its highway system. DO NOT MISS A GOOD JOKE Yeu may not be deaf. Only a slight deafness may cause You to miss the point of many a good jolie and mucli of the conversation at the table, or at social gatherings. This nervous strain which robs you of the pleasure on- such occasions is completely overcome by a marvelous im- provement in aids to hearing. This will be shown for the first, time in Canada at Jury & Lo- vf B's, Friday, June 10, 4 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 11, 8 a.m. to 1O P.m. Bring a fricnd and test this new device. No charge for con- sultation. No obligation to buy. The advice gathered during 15 years' experience is absolutely free tW all. Jury & Loveil Bowmanville m wmýý mi IrIAT11DCn-ýV TT7VW n'rW lrýO 1 il Bowmanville Phone 651 ,ai 49e We Deliver DRUCS

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