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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1938, p. 11

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THURSDAY, JUXE l6TH. 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN THE Concert Baud Stand To Be Buiît On Portable Basis Over Hall Steps A joint meeting o! the Central Commuittee of the L.O.L. and Or- ORONO OFFICERS ono Chamber o! Commerce was AR N T LE lield Manday night ta complete R N T LE plans for the l2th o! July Orange DURING BANQUET Selebîation ta be lield in Grena.____ %Arrangements ai the present The installation of afficers ef lme caîl for the parade at 1 Orono Lodge, A. F. & A. M. No. a'clock with the course te be de- 325, was held Thuîsday night with termined. Following the parade, a banquet in the basement o! the the gathening will adjourin ta the Town Hall, the ladies o! St. Sav- Meminal Park wliere C. G.,iour's Anglican Churcli catering Froste, o! Lindsay, Rev. W. F. for the event. Banister, Bowmanville, W. F. Ric- Wor. Bro. P. H. Jobb, Oshawa, kard, M.P., Newcastle, C. G. Mer- assisted by a teamn froin Oshiawa M.PP. Elzaethileand Lodge, undertookthe ceremony fallaw with foui teanis in!WB lye J .A al bath the girls' and boys' tourna- Chaplain-J. C. Gainey; Treas.- ment. Races wili be held for kid- O .W. Roîpli; Sec.-N. Colville; dies. JS. D.-F. L y ce tt; J. D.-J. C. The evening piogiami will con- Tainblyn; D. C.-E. J. Hamm; S. sisi o! a play by a Newcastle casi S.-R. C' Rosboiougli; J.S.--C. B. "Look Me in the Eye," and a Tyrrell; Organist-Reg. Geen, dance in the Town Hall. Oshiawa; I. G-J. A. D. Little; The village will also be array- Tyler-S. E. Allen. ed for the occasion with suitable Entertainent was provided by f lags and caler! ul decorations. an Oshawa violinist with excep- tional talent, accompanied by Mn. A report was made by Neil F. Reg Geen, and instrumental duels Porter concerning the preposed by Gea. Roweý and Donald Hammn. band concerts. The band express- Acting W. M. J. C. Gainey con- ed wllingness ta co-operate witli ducted tlie meeting priai ta the a concert every other Saiurday installation in the absence o! W. evenmng, piavided a suitable stand M. N. Wlnter wlio was sîck. was bult. Il is planned te build a portable stand to fit aventhee Town Hall steps, and Mr. Porter ami Mr. Clarke were auiliorized DIM AND DISTANT ta undertake the projec. Mn. H Chas. T. Miller was appointed ta HAPPENINGS caflect money ta de! ray expenses. A communication wasred rom The Orono News of frein the Hydro Commission stat- June 5, 1913 ing thal figures iegarding the earnings in Orono during the pat Rev. R. A. and in. Delve and yeari were being complled and son, o! Wooler, visited ber pan- w' be farwarded wien tliey ents, Mi. and Mis. John Buckley. w ea&ly. Mr. Robi. Knox lias given up Wif"tee tailoring business which lie lias carried an inthIis village fan aver fi! ty yeais.. KIRBY TAKES TOP The deed o! tee old drill shied 0F 1-10 COREami ground lias been received by OF 1-10 COREthe Orono Agricutural Society. Tue management wil Prooeed ta Tue exhibition game between put in a concrete founidation and Kiîby and Orono laut Wednesday remodel tee building generally. niglit was an eye-opener. Kurby Mis. Broa.d Luxon bas had lieri lias an ace up lier sleeves un the lieuse brightened up with a new peison o! Walker who pitohed ceai o! paint. real bail when lie replaced Coop- Col. John Hughes o! Newton-i er on tee mound. Rosa Wood uni- ville ýwill have the honor a! coin- pired, while Watson caught and inanding tee camp at Barriefield Power and Myles pilched for Or- this year. ana, and Lawery cauglit and MT. Alex Walsh, Perytown, vis- Cooper and Walker pltclied for1 ited !rien<ls lere. Kfrby. MiLss Trixie Rutlierford visited Klrby failed ta score in the lier uncle, Mi. A. T. Gzamsby, To- fixai three innings but wakened ronta. ,W in _the 4ti te. gel four runs Rev. J. A- McKeen attended thei NMrougi John Keane, Walker, Presbyteriari Congress at Masseyi Mwery and Bob Keane. There Hall, Toronto. seemed no stopping thern in the Mi. Reuben Werry is reported Stli wîen tliey gai eight runs - te be growing more feeble. but in lie sixti and last they got Mn. ami Mis. Tuas. Long, Partj oniy two. Hope, visited lis biathier, Mr. G. Orono got lier firsi score tlira' M. Long, before the latter leaves a whiz bang o! a homer froin on Uis visit ta the West. West's bal. In tee 41li Widdis Mr. John Thointen, Peterboro. axrived safeiy home a!ter hittàng visited lis brother Wes. wlo is a one-baser and being moved on seriously ill. as several alliera arrived in turn Miss Neya Si'th is homne frein ai fi-at. In the th Powers gai Califoinia. having spent several eut, but West knacked a thiee- monilis in Briitish Columbia, Oie- basé Uit, Wat.son liii a one-baser. gon and allier points. Mtcenditto,,Wîddis a two-basei. Mis. C. G. Armstrong le! I Mon- e. la-Iten go'I home sa!ely, and MFes and Grady gel oui. Thus orena scoied four ihnaugli West, Watsen, Mercen and Widdis. The iast innings was neal fast and we'ie net quite sure wiellier there weie four or five i-uns, but there were at least four ihnaugli Neil Wood, Powers, Watscn and Mercer. Tue 7tli innings was not played s0 the gaine ended something like 14-10 in favor o! Kirby. day to visit lier son John aI Bill- ings, Montana. Mi. Armsrong and son Plerpont accompanied lier asf ar as Tarante. Mariage: Cowan - Cowan - on May 28, aitee Parsonage, New- castle, by Rev. Mn. Claie, Effie, daugliten o! Mr. J. H. Cowan. ta Mr. William Cowan, ail o! Clarke. Died: McLîod - It Orono, an June 51b, Marîha Gibson, beloved wife o! Mn. William MrL,-ed, age 68 years. The First Telephone Thd world's first telephene conversation over any distance was in 1876 when contact was made between Brantford and Paris, Ontario. People wouldn't believe it. Even Alexander Graham Bell at first saw scant possibilities in his own discovery. Twerity-nine years before this mamentaus event the Canada Life, then the only Canadian life insur- ance cernpany, issued its flrst policy ta a resident of On tario. From its humble birth nineîy-one years ago, the Canada Life has develeped into a great ce-operatîve organizatien. Ta-day, hundreds of thousands of policyholders enîrust te, it savings of more than $250,000,000. e Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company ERNIE PARSONS ODRONO REV. OSTERHOUT GIVES ACUNT OF CONFERIENCE Rev. Osteilieut gave a mosi in- teresting account o! the Confer- ence ai Napanee in lieu o! ser- mon Sunday moi-ning at Park St. Churcli. He outlined the courts o! the cliurch. gave a synopsis of tlie conference, and mentianed also the memarial service for preacli- ers who had passed on including Rev. Delve, tlie ordination a! new mninistens including Rev. Delves son, thee iansferring a! Rev. S. Littlewood te tlie Bay o! Quinte conference and himsel! ta the Montreal-Ottawa canference, thee service at Hay Bay churcli, and tle fat Ihat lie had dnner wilh Mayor Hewson and his wife in- stead o! going ta lie layman's banquet. At this service the choir rend- ered "Oh, send out Tuy Light," and Mi. Artliur Bell favouîed wiîtl a vocal sale. Tue question arase as ta when an induction service for tie new pasiar would be held and a mo- tion by Mi. Neil F. Porter, sec- onded by Mi. R. J. Souci. car- ied that an induction service be held on July lst. At the evening service the pas- toi spoke an the topic "Parting a! tee Ways." After telling the congregation tee story o! Abra- bamn and Lot and iaw Lot chose the wrong, the speaker elucidated on tee faci thal ail musi choose eitlier tee nai-row way or the broad way that leads ta -destruc- tion. Somne chose by appearance, ailiers by the money in it, etc.j Ai must choase eitlier one way ai anoteer and if guided by wise inen, tee Bible, ami ane's con- science, eadli wauld ohoase riglit. The pastar an behaif o!tee cengregation wished Mr. C. J. Huglison inany hiappy returns o! lie day - il being his 9lst brhi-i day. PICTURES SHOWN AT MISSION BAND, Park St. Mission Band provid- ed a splendid evening's enteitain- ment Fniday niglil with Rev. J. H. Osterliaut presiding aven the1 progiam. whicli opened with a1 chorus by tee Junior Band 'with Mis. W. C. Lynchi at the piano. Little Laina Clarke and wee Jean Mofat endered -the vocal duel 'Twinkie. twinkle, lit.tle star" ami claimed the audience wilh theur winsomeness and sweet singing. Mis. Lynch accompanied thein. Donald McLaren gave a splendid necitation, afler wl-àcli Joyce Sut- ton sang "My Kitty", wilh Mis. Hr. Walsh ai the piano. Joyce la also going ta be a singer when aie grows up if preseni voice is any indication. Wilda Hooey fa- voured with a piano solo, îami the Rainey twins, Jean and Gerald, rendered a vocal duel "My Pussy"9 willi their mather, Mis. E. R.1 Rainey ai the piano. Dawn Mo!-1 fatI gave a splendid piano solo1 and Helen Clarke and Arche Mc- Laren reciled "Teaching Scliool"1 and "JusI Canadian" respective- ly. Margaret Flinteif ami Lois Manlie favaured witli a vocal1 duel with Mrs. Lynch aI the1 piano; Gwen Chatterton a reca- talion; and Carmait Crisi and Allen Conii a vocal duel, "Tue1 Lincolnshire Poacher," witli Mis.1 Lynchi at lie piano. Marjonie McLaren gave a splendid recita- lion "Lii' Balise." The lasi item on île program. "Welcome, Little Travellers". ai singing gaine, was participated in1 by neaîly aIl the childien. Mis. Lynchi played ami as a numben o! chuîdren sang and ciicled1 aiaund the plalforin variaus anes came in dressed in costunme a! allier lands and tld o! the land froin whicl tliey rame. Helen Clarke dressed in whie represent- ed a girl frain Trinidad; Mar- garet Flinloif withi red cap, brown skirl and striped scaif, an Afri- dan; Lois Manile. un white, an Indian; Greta Merder in yellaw scan! and Pink pyjamas and black cap - nat la mention the chop sticks - a Chinese girl; Dawn Mofait in green waist, black skirt and fancy liai, a girl froin Korea; and Shirley Myles in grey kimona with blue sash witli a big bow ami grey and pink !lowers on lien ixain, a cliannung Japanese niaid-1 en. This item which meant a lot o! work concluded the prograin and the main-feature a! the en- tertaininent followed, Tuis was tee showing a! tee picture "One Family' witl Rev. Osterhout neadlng and Mi. R. Dr. Chasds Ointmentl Pll.d, - SOCIAL AN] Mi. Vernon Saunders and f xi- end, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mi. and Mrs. A. Sau.nders. Miss R. R. Tlioînton, Bowmian- ville, spent the past week at Mi. C. J. Huglisons. Mr. and Mis. M. A. Carleten, Phyllis, Ross and Ray, and two f niends, spent the weekend with relatives here. Mis. George Rowe, Toronto, spent the wNeekend witli Mi. and Mis. Fred Blackburn. Fiist and Second form pupils are now liaving liolidays. The swimming tank is f ull and some have been in swimniing, ai- thougli it is still rather cliilly. MiU. and Mis. Syd Huglison and Glen, Toronto, spent Sunday witli bis father, Mr. C. J. Huglison. Mi. Howard Walsli and Mr. W. J, Riddell attended thie I.O.O.F. parade at Port Perry Sunday ev- ening. Ernest Anderson, Lindsay, waz the speaker and members of the order were present froin To- ronto, Maikham, Pickering, Whit- by, Oshawa and Lindsay. Two candidates were admitted to membership at a meeting of L. O. L. 409, last Wednesday ev- ening. Friday evening, the degree team of Orono Orange Lodge visited Oshawa and conferred the Blue Degree on four candidates. Citizens are wondea-ing if ths metropolis will have a Street Pair in August as planned. Apparent- ly nothing lias been done about it since the original meeting wliere sucli entliusiastic plans w er e made. Correction - The word "exain- ination" should have read, -ex- emnPtion"' in the Lower Scliool re- port in last issue. Students did flot have to try the subjets after tlir naines but tried other sub- .iects Friday of last week and a few days of this week. Congratulations to Roy Colville Wlio passed lis year in Law at Toronto. Mis. R. Sutton lias been on the sick ]ist. Harmony Sunday scliool and Blackstock Continuation Scliool plcnicked in the park on Thurs- day,; 9rth. Congratulations to C. Sisson on passing in 3rd year Arts, Toronto University. The softball gaines at Kendal and Orono Priday were cancelled. People thought tliey would be enjoying a good gaine but Pluvlus thouglit otlierwise. Congratulations to Dr. Harold Rickaby on .being appointed De- puty Miniuster of Mines. Mr. and Mis. Art Bell visited friends here over the weekend, and the former rendered a splen- did solo at the Park St. Churcli. Mis. (Dr.) Manning was tak- en te Bowmanville Hospital Sat- urday. Dr. Mannang's father and mother are taking charge of tlie house and family. Mr. E. E. Pa.tteison attended a f uneral in Port Hope Sunday. Congratulations to Orono Girls who came third at Bethany Sat- urday. Tliose present say tliey played a real good gaine. We understand tliat foui girls' softball teanis will compete in Orono on July 12th - namely, Newt-onville, Millbrook, Newcastle and Orono. Inspector Col. OdelI, Cobourg, lias resigned lis position and was tendered a banquet by the teacli- ers in Uis inspectorate. He was presented with a pipe and his wife with a liandkerchief bouquet. Hlis resignation was received with great regret by ail. Rev. and Mis. Doney and fi- ends - missiona.ries f rom Egypt - visited Miss MarJorie Oak and also weîe st Mr. Doney's former home now owned by George Bail. The visit proved te be most in- teresting and enJoyable. There was no dance at the Fa- vilion Saturday niglit. Mi. Kennetli Hall, Toronto. visited Mi. and Mis. W. J. Hall on the king's birtliday. Mr. A. J. StaPles' rose bushes are attracting muc~h attention. Mr. C. J. Huglison spen-L a quiet but happy day Sunday on the oc- casion o! lis 91st birthday. Ail Us chldren and nearly ail Uis grandcliildren were witl i hm dur- ing the day. Incidentally lie, as usual, attended divine worship at Park St. Churcli botli morning and nigl tand ieceived best wish- es from a hast o!f friends. Mr. Huglison Is Orono's oldest resi- dent, and a very highly respec-ted so, let us hear about it by return miail, bu-t fot about the f isl that "ýgot away.e' NIEWS QUINTE PRESIDENT DPERSONAL Mrs. H. G. Reid, Lindsay, spent 1Thursday with her sister, Mis. R. H. Brown. Mr. G. M. Linton hma a new car. Mr. George Dent and Miss Edythe Dent visited their par- ents, Mr. and Mis. L. A. Dent. Mis. M. Cartmill, Miilbrook, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Whyte. Departmiental examin a tions ihave started. We wish the stu- dents success. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Os Cowan spent the weekencl with Mr. and Mis. J. FI. Morris a,. their cottage at the lake. 'AU. and Mrs. Dick McGrath vi.sited friends here recently. New telephone poles, etc., are being Placed in New Park by the local exchiange. Mr. Ed. Morton 17as been on the sick list. The engagement has been an- nounced in the Ottawa and Carle- ton Place papers of! Doris Irene, only daughter of Rev. and M.r&. J. HI. Osterhout of Orono, to Ron- ali William Labaron Hagerman of Montreal, son of Mr. and Mis. Samuel Hurd Hagerman of To- ronto, the mariage to, take place early in July. Miss Osterhouit is the daugliter of the retiring min- ister of Park St. Churcli, and is well known liere. The bride-to- be lias been the reciplent of many gifts at several showers and was also pîesented witli a silver tea service by the staff o! the School of Commerce in whioh she and lier fiance have been teaching. Mis. W. S. Roy attended the funerai of lier aunt, Mrs. Tliomp- son, widow of the late Thomas George Tliompson. in Toronto on Monday. Quite a number from Orono and district attended the circus at Cobourg Friday. Mr. J. Elmo Staples and lis mother, Mis. Wm. Staples, o! To- ronte. visited Mr. and Mis. A. J. Staples Thursday. Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Osteihout wio, on Fri- day 10th, quietly celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mis. Walter Burns, Peterboro. and Mr. and M.rs. Wil- liamn Westlake, Toronto, were re- cent visitors with Mr. W. R. Bail. Mis. George Shiaw, Boston, Mis. Thomas Powers, Bowman v 111 e, and Miss Janette Poster, Milton, called on fiiends here Saturday. The Nesbitt f amily of Whitby and the Junior Choir of the Bap- tist Churcli, Oshiawa, picniciced heme Saturday. Miss Ethel Davidson and Mr. William Davidson, Markham, vis- ited Mi. and Mirs. W. J. Stark. Mr. Wm. Downing and Miss R4saline Gamsby, Toronto, were in tovrn over the weekend. Dr. and Mis. N. Colville and Roy and Mis. A. Cliapmhan spent Monday in Toronto. Mi. and Mis. A. Blewett were liosi and hostess at a familY ga- thering Sunday wlien nearly fortY relatives and f riends spent a pleasant afternoon. A ntumber attended the Horti- cultural gatlierings at wh.icli Dick, the Garldener spoke. Mr. Lyall Lowery is stili soie about the ribs wliere lie was hurt while playing bail at BethanY Satuiday. Mr. O. A. Gamsby was ajnong the invited guests at the BOYS' Training Sehool on Wednesday when a real demionstration of athletic events and the unveiling o! a plaque in connection with the Victoria Memorial Hospital were f eatured. He reports a veiY pleasant Wtfernoon. 717e ladies' executive served a delicious lunch to the guests. Don't f ail to corne to the Straw- berry Festival at Park St. Churcli on June 23rd. Frederick Dawson is a noted entertainer. You1l en- joy him. Mrs. A. Cliapman enjoyed a visit f: cm lier o1<1 scliool mate. Mis. Dr. Shaw , when she was liere the latter Part o! last week. Mr. and Mis. W. K. Sloane of Pe:erboro visited Mi. and Mis. 0. W. Scott on Sunday. Mr. George Smith, Tamworth. loi-merly in the Standard Bank here. lias been renewing aC- >quaintanceship this week vltli !riends in Orono and v!'cinity. ApPeals at the Court of Re- vision of Clarke Township on June 3,rd at Orono resulted as follows: w. j. Carson, asseasment confirmed; M. J. Holman, reduc- ed $500; Wm. Milligan reduoe $300: Chas. PoUlard confirmed; '0 District Representative Oshawa Ladies Crowd Into Cooking School To Learn New Domestic Wrinkles The cooking sdliool conducted FORESTRY WINS by Miss Leta Small, o! Moffatts, Limited. opened in Orono Tues- FIRST GAME 0F day, with over 100 entliusiastic S H D L 91 xwomen piesent, eadli o! wlom re- S H D L 91 ceived an envelope o! recipes . Oeiggm fsfbl ce Two stoves, an electiic nuxer,1 dule, postponed froin Friday niglit a nef rigerator, and a lamp abovebeaeo!rwspayd n the steve made eveiything easy Monay wo riti Forsrydotn for the cooking expert who was 19-18.hFoesr dfatn assisted by Miss Betty Clougli o! r 1-8 Orono.Myles hurled the first few inn- Orono.inga for Orono, being ieplaoed by Mi. Chase welcomed tlie gath- powerswen lie began to weaken. ering and ecpiessed a hope that Neale'pitclied for Foiestry. Cat- this would be an annual affair in chers weîe Clougli for Grona and Orono. Ogden for the -tree men. Miss Sinal ook charge o! pro- The sun tannied lads froin the ceedings, f irst making an apple- PForestry bunclied their runs into sauce cake witli broiled icing witli four innings and as tlie seventh cherries and nuts. inning rolled around tliey looked She then prepared a complete ýas thougli tley would be on the oven dinner consisting o! bakeld losing end of the score slieet. potatoes, veal and bacon rolîs Orono finislied their hall of te witl chili sauce, celery witli creain seventli by pounding seven men sauce and oheese, strawberry araund tlie circuit to give thein a mai10 with marshmallow on top. three run lead. But the gaine is While this wa.s coeking sheneeovrutlheltmais made cocoanut nests, and later out and Forestry camne througli bioiled steak witli left-over vege- witli four runs before one put-out tables. lad been made ta win tlie gaine. Ail tlie turne slie was working They were still going strang but she explalned what she was do- the gamne was called to miake way ing, giving reasons, and alse ex- for soccer practice. plained about the stoves and liaw Several home runs were record- to use thein. Rer talks were in_ ed durlng t.he heavy hitting fix- terspersed wltl quips and proved ture as well as nuinerous two and mnteresting and instructive. three baggers. Stîong men for FoUlowing tlie completion of Orono included Mcllveen, Mercer, the cooking, Miss Gertrude Hoop- Neil Wood, Pawers, West, Patter- er drew numbers for the prises son and Myles, and for tee jungle whioli were Piesented as follows: loyers Cantreli, Ogden. Mlddle- Lamps, Mis. J. Dickson and Mrs ton, Neale, Major and Wood. Silas Souch; Sets o! 4 Meaur5 tUmpires were Lyail Lowery at Cups, Mis. W. J. Cowan, Mis te- e plate and Fred Wood on bas- Allin, Mis. H. J. Best, Mis. E. E. es. Score by innings: Patterson, Mis. G. W. Bowen,' Giono 033 2127 -18 Myrtle Tamblyn, Mis. Yorke, Mis. Forestry 005 046 4 - 19 A. Chapman, Elsie Rowe, Mis. W. Jordan. The delicious looking things PLAYER UNJURED v.hich the cooking expert had COMPLETES GAME prepared were awarded as fol-____ lows, Miss Sinall namiing te h scndgie !th ofbe and Miss Hlooper drawing the Tescn an ftesfbi tickets: Steak, Mis. J. J. Gilfil- schedule was played Tuegday, and lan; veal and bacon raIls, Mrs. resuited in a vlctory for Forestt'y Helena. H. McDonald: p>tatoes, over Kirby 11-10. Mrs. Thos. Patteison; celery, Mis' Lowery cauglit for Kirby and W. B. Hoar; dessert, Mis. George Cooper vitched until the sixth Mitchell; cccoanut nests, Mis. J. when Walker replaced Ui. Og- Nunn; and the partjicularly at- den caught for Forestry a.nd tractive iced applesauce cake by Neale pltched. Aib West was uxn- Mrs. Giddus Jones. Ail were f rom Pire with Frank Pearson et tihe Orono.bases. Oron ue nx week) Kirby scored one in the flrst, (Cetined extthrough Hars; none in the sec- ond; one in the tliird through W.A. MET TUESDAY McCutcleon one in the fourth out a hamer; two in the fifth Park St. W. A. met Tuesday ait tuough McCutcheon and Harris, 2 p.m. Meeting was in charge o! the former belng a diome run; Mis. R. BestiIn the absence Of one in the s,.xth; ami fiVe In the Mrs W. M. Stutt. $10 *as5 Voted lust through Harris, McCutcheon, ta the Sunday school on motion ]Keane, McDon<an d Walker. o! Miss F. Cobbledick, seconded The anly untoward accident by Mis. F. Soruci. Arrangements was ta Davey wio hurt lis foot were made for the entertainnient but played wltli someone running o! Mi. Dawson, and coiniittees for hini. were announced for tee festival. Forestry taok two runs by Mid- Bills were passed On motion O! dleton ami Ross Woods in the Mis. I. Winter. seconded by Mis. first innings. In tee second inn- J. Dlckson. On motïon o! Mis. ings tliey got tliree through Ma- W. Hoar, seconded by Miss F. jor, G. Winter and Ogden, and Cobbledick, it was decided te can- three in tlie third through Cant- vass for tee festival and conven- reIl, Major and V. Cooper. They ers were appoînted for the work. got two in tee fourth througil Ail plans are thus now coinpleted Wood and Cantreli, but wexe f or the annuel strawberry festi- scoreless ini the next two lnnings. val wbich is .going ta be bigger The last innings they scored thia' ami better than ever. C. Cooper. Engagement . CM[GlVN ~,Park St. W. A. Strawberry FPes- tival at ohurcli June 23rd. Sup- Mi. and Mis. Rober.t Raîney, per f rom 5 te 8, foliawed by two Orono, announce the engagement haurs o! mirti and imusic wlth o! their daugliter, Neya Roxse, ta Mr. Frederlck Dawson in "A Paul Clemens Snadgrass, Roches- Night in Humour Lafld" (goad ter, son a! Mi. and Mis. George dlean enterta.innient in songsanSfd Snodgrass, New Martinsville, West stories). Everybody came. Ad- Virginia, U. S., the marriage ita mission te supper and pragiarn take Place quietily early in July. 40c; chldren 25c. 24-1 THURSDAY, JUIN'I.-- 16TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESNiAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Rev. W. P. Woodger Minister o! Trinity Unitedu Churcli. Cobourg, wlio was elected Piesident o! the Bay o! Quinte Conference o! the United Churcli at the sessions in Napanee re- cently. Rev. Mn. Woodger is a son o! the late Rev. Frederick Woodger wlio lived in Bowman- ville following Uis retirement from the ministiy. ELECT OFFICERS AT WHITE PICNI1C 100 ARE PRESENT Over 100 attended the thi4 aninual White picnc in Orono Cammunity Park on Wednesday, June Rli. friends being piesent froin Elizabetliville, Garden Hill, Osaca, Welcame, Port Hope. Lind- say, Maple Grave, Osha'wa, To- rante, Tyrone, Newtenville, Hamp- ton and Wesleyville. Softball was enjoyed, and fol- lowing supper the follawing pro- grain was enjoyed: Address by Presidenit J. E. White afi EUza- betiville; recitations by Joyce Thickson and Vivian Mercer; f in- ancial report, Edwin Wilson; speeches by Russell White, Mel- vin White, Sain McMillan. Ver- non Peacock. Lawrence WUite, George and Silas Williams, Reeve Wilmont Prouse, and Cecil Mer- cer, M.P.P.; vocal duet by Noreen and Wiima Prouse, accoxnpanied by Noreen on tee guitar; ami a solo by Loryne White. Tliese olficeis were re-elected: President, J. E. White, Elizabeth- ville; Vice President, Cedi White, Welcome; Secretary, is. Cecil Quantrill, Elizabeteville; Treas- urer, Edwin Wilson, Garden Hil; Progiain Comiuttee. Mis. Clar- ence Beatty, Russell White and L'orotliy Wilson; Sports Commit- tee, Wilinont Prouse, Cecil Mer- cer and Clarènce Beatty. It was mentioned that four liad passed away since the last pàcnic in June 1937. An invitation was received te loin the Williams pic- nic next year. Races were won as f ollows: Girls, 5 and under-,June TUick- son; boys. 5 and under-Oordon Wilson; girls. 7 and under-Joyce Thickson; boys. 7 and under- David Wilson; girls, 9 and under - Barbara and Loryne White; boys, 10 ami under-Jackson Wil- son; girls 12 and under-Wilma Prouse; boys 12 and under-Cli!- ford Reid; young ladies-Noreen Pieuse; yaung men - L a veirn Wood; 3-legged race-Wilma Prouse and Evelyn Whi te; kick- ing slioe. girls-Wilina Prouse, kicking slioe. men-Lavein Wood. Spencer Wilson was the oldest an tee ground and Aian Reid the ycungest. What saine folks need is a f cal- proof pay envelope teat can't be opened until they get home.

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