THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN. BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE .LlbIGH SPORTNEWS ROYALS CHALK UP ll'iliams. Cobourg had three hits ANOTHER VICTORY Pitcher Turpin for Cobourg DEFEAT COBOURG liad seven strike-outs to his ce dit and allowed fwo bases on balls. Lefty Phiiips once agaîn pitch- Score by Irnnangs R H E ed the Rayais te a victory onfl BoWýmanville 300 220 0 - 7 6 i Wednesday, June 8tli. in Ca- Cobourg 000 000 0 -0 3 4 bourg wlien lie retired 12 men by the strike-out route. alliwed only LIONS JUNIORS thnree hits and twa walks, aad LOSE FIRST GAME hcld tlic county towners scoreless. The Rayais romped arouad fthe HERE WEDNESDAY bases for seven i-uns to make their third win in succession. A seventh inning Cobourg rallY Tlie iocais -were neyer in any Wednesday, June 8th. at Bow - difficuity during the gane, open- manville park, ieft the local Lions ing the lop-sided but interesting Juniors holding the short end of fixture witli threc runs when Ted a 5 to 3 score for their first bs Bagneli waiked. stole second and of ftle series. third and crossed the plate on a Witheridgc pitclied for Lions. lut by Aiex Coiviie. Hicks alsa but was repiaced by Hooper in the waiked and scored on Colville's 7tli, when 'le walked a Cobourg drive to lef t. First baseman, o man with three men on bases' Petre made finat wlicn tlie Co- Withcridge had been pitching bourgs tried to catch Colvilie at fine bail, collecting 8 strike-auts home and catcher Coopr rop and ailowing 3 walks. Bateman. ped the ibal Cobourg's ace hurler, liad oniy 5 Couniters aiso wene recorded strikeouts and 2 walks. fortheRoalsin hefouth nd Bof h teams broke into the for the Bll aai indhe fortlondcou.nfing cliamber in the opener, fcrn ifn Bh Beli thand Cao lie evisitors acoring one foUlowing scoin inf ie out han Coviiean errar by Aines, a walk and a and Petre in the fiffli. Colvilleie hit to centre. Cobourg also had a establishing hinisif as quite a lut- bit of taughl uck whlen their first ter, circliag flic bases for a liom-batrpud otarilan er in the last game and collecting neglteode oulaitsecond. n two lits and two ruas out of four ela teLi os'haiscrewybas fines t bt a Cboug. herunning took out two runners, Corden sciuad had Six bits la the but stili lef t two runs crossing gameandon]yoneerro byDonthe plate. Aines made first on a walk, advanced to second on Nic-j hais' hit and scored when Slemoni drove a double ta right field.! Slemon was trying for third on the play wlien lie saw Nichol s la stopped there and lie was caught befween bases. The pair tried a double steal, but Nichols was thrown ouf at the plate. Witli- eridge lit a short one ta ieft, scoring Siemon, but was caught off first by a f hrow from Bate- man. The visitons tied the score in second t0 complete the sconing until the seveafli which praved s0 unlucky for the local crew. lHooper scored ýthe third run in flie hast hlf of the final inning. Score by Innings: R H-1E Cobourg 110 0003 - 513 2 Bowmanville 200 000 1 -3 9 1 GIRLS! SCHEDULE GETS UNDER WAY FRIDAY NIGHT After losing four exhibition games in a raw, flic blue and white clad Bowmanvilie girls have their saftflal feamn ready to stant the schedule Piday wif h confi- dence and expenience. On Manday niglif thcy visited Cobourg and 10sf by only five runs, 20 ta 15, after a hectic bat- tic that was anybody's gaIne un- fil the last round. Dot White liurled for the locals and funned in a good game. Isobel Btkell was the heavy lutter of the ev- cning counfîing three runs in six times at bat. Miss Bickell shouid end fthc season witli fli top score fan home ruas and triples if she is able to connecf wit haut strik- ing ouf. Wlien she fakes a ouf at flic oversize plîIl if usually finds itself ouf ianflie taîl grass or test- ing peacefully in flie catcher's mitt. Tuesday. flic Cobourg invaders took anoflier game f nom flic ho- cals 11-4. Bofh teamis lit mudli boffer f hans lAey wcrcable Vo f ied, and put on a good exhibi- tion of fasf base running. Saily Kllpatnick, the tali blonde pfl- Singer for Bowmanville, fook un- te lieracîf aine strike-outs, allow- ed ony two walks. Home mans Ask your local .V dealer. Learn how to save dollars by filling your fuel bin with "Canada's finest ________ Coke" NOW. MANCOK HAMILTON BY-PflODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITEW HAMILTON. CANADA Sheppard & Gi Lumber Company Ltd. Phone 715-- BowmanvilUe GET A DANDY IAXCO COKE 8HOVECL et a fraction of reular Codt. %. your dealer. 0 Ask hlm, fo, about the new IIMCO AUTOMATIC DRAFPT CONTROL and HAIWCO BOT WATEIR HEATER were collected by Isobel Bickell for the locais, and R. Hoskin. fla.s.y catcher for the visitors. Eest catch of the evening was mnade bjy Pitcher Kilpatrick who blind stabbed a labelied drive, but was too surprised ta double the play at first. Dottie White al- most duplicated the feat on a drive between short and tliird, but was a littie over anxious and fumbled. Friday's game is not only the f irst of the schedule, but is a benefit game to naise expenses for the teain. Tickets are being sold by members of flic team. Their opponents will be Port Hope. Don't miss it. Bowmanville line-up: J. Wood- ward. c; D. White, 3b: L. Sleep and E. Welsli, ss; I. Bickeil, cf; S Kilpatrick. p; M. Gilhooley, lb; D. Bickeli and L. Large, If; J. Large, 2b; M. Wiseman, rf. Umpires Tuesday were Moore and Murphy. Bowmanvilie. COURTICE TEAMS SOFTBALL CHAMPS ON FARMERS' DAY Sixth Annual Junior Farmers' Fleld Day Draws Large Crowd at Bethany on Saturday - HardbaU Game Stopped By Ramn Over 600 Young People gatlicred at Bethany for the Sixth Annual1 Junior Farmers' Fieid Day on1 Sat.urday, which inciuded a ful day of softbali games, ýtug-of-1 war, a liard bail game, and a1 dance at night. Not fargetting the delicious supper served by la-1 dies of Bethany. Twenty teams competed for the boys' sot tbali prizes. witli Courtice and Providence playing j the final game. Courtice won the igame by the narrow margin of 3 to 2 runs. Eiglit teams struggied far su- premacy in the ginls' s'oftbal ioop with the iassies fram Courtice de- feating Newtonvilie ta win first pnize ýby a scare of 8 to 1. The tug-of-war provided con- siderable interest for thle specta- tors as the huskiest Young giants f romn Manvens dug in their lieds and pulled for shane with flic brawny Cavan broadbacks tnying Vo hlod them back. Af ter quite a tussie Manvers took the match. Southl Durliam and North Dur- ham played the handball game, but were forced ta stop in the fourth innings because 0f flie ramn. South Durham was ahiead 4-1 at the conclusion. Supper was servcd in tlie Or- ange Hall by ladies of the cam- munity and was weil taken care of by the large gatlierinLg. In thle evening the boys and girls enjoyed fhcmseives in the Town Hall, dancing to the music of Galloway's Orchestra. Oshawa. E. A. Sumniers, Agriculturai Representative foar Durhiam Coun- ty. who acted as general manager of the field day, was deighted with the fine co-operation te- ceived fnom flic junior girls and boys who were nespansible for the succesof ftle day. W. DURHAM GIRLS' BALL SCHEDULE Visiting team supply umpîre at plate. Gaines sclieduled ta atari at 6.15 p.m Standard Time. June- 24-Oshawa at Court ice 24-Hampton at Maple Grove 27-Maple Grove at Oshiawa 28-Courtice at Hampton Juiy- 1-Maple Grave af Hamapton 5-Maple Grrove at Courfice 8-Hampton at Oshawa 12-Courtice af Oshiawa 14-Osliawa at Maple Grove 15-Hampton at Courtice 18-Courtice at Mapie Grave 22-Osliawa at Hanmpton 26-Court ice at Oshawa 29-Mapie Orove at Hamnpton Auguf- 3-Osliawa at Mapie Grave 5-Hampton at Courtice. ISPORT NOTES l AND PRlEDICTIONS One suggestion lias come in whirh would iipirove seating con- ditions af the higli adhool grounds considýerably. This party suggcsts that amali posts bc driven into the ground at intervals up the hill and 'planks be naiied Vo thc tops of flic posta pnoviding clieap but effective bleacher scats that wculd be liard to beat. Spectafors at present must sit uncomfortably on the' grass whidh somnetimes 15 damp and at besf not tao resfful. There is that expression "Ants la tlic pants" that expais flic sit- uation. Arrangements have a I s o been madie to, Police th e grounds so that the neighbors may stil] grow a garden with- out interference from thc boot6 of a bevy of boys old and young who chase foui bala, and others who use Dr. Bels property as an entranoe to the grounds. No, boys, the entrance la over by thse high sehool and chldren are a- lowcd in free. For the older m e mb ers whose financial standing Is not too flush, the fence nea rthe Goodyear and at the lewer end of the field is used extensively for long distance free observance. But, the teams need thse money and would appreclate your ap- pearance at the front gate now and then wlth only two- bits for two hours' entertain- ment. Whene can you do bet- t er, unless it's at the Royal Theatre? advt). As this is being written two games are scheduhed for f0- niglit iWednesday). Cobourg big boys play at the school stadium, an d th;s Juniors visit the counfy town Hanse Park. A short story wilh appear concerning tlie resuits if the edifor doesn't crowd us ouf like lic did last week. On the side: Max Sdhmeling ONTARIO-QUEBEC EDITORS ELEOT OFFICERS A. E. Dobbie Andrew Hebb When weekly newspaper editao's of Ontario and Quebec met in Toronto recently they elected new offilcers for the ensuixlg year. Mr. Dobbie, who is editor and publisher of the Smitlis Falls News-Record, and president of the Rotary Club in t.ha.t town, was elected President to succeed H. E. Rice, Mayer of Huntsville. Andrew Hebb, one of the most energetic of Ontario's younger editors, was elected Secre- tary-Treasurer. Mr. Hebb is editor and publisher of The Era, 87- year-oid Newrnarket newspaper. will figlit Josephi Louis a week ail season. We sincereiy hope so. from yesterday if all goes weli. Right now, lie is to the team, That wil be June 22nd and ai- wliat thee baves and fishes were ready the figlit baliyhoo lias be- ta the hungry crowd in biblicai gun. You figlit fans can expect times. George Pipers pegging anything in the next few days arm is improving a ittle, but stili f rom a story saying how Hitier needs rest. Peculiar as if may will make Schmeling the head of seem, this is the first time since Austria if lie wins to what wiii Piper lias been piaying bail that happen ta Maxie if lie loses. his arm liad been too sore to Probabiy the sports wrters will pitch. bave him sent to a concentration camp or facing a firing squad. One more crack: The Juniors Louis, on the other hand, is a have been doing considerabie home town U.S.A. slugger WhO mucli needed practicing in the will be down and out wit'h oniy a way of base running sînce their couple of hundred thousand if lie last game. Even Stuart <Roninie) loses, but the oniy way lie'l lose James, portly mentor of tlie is to be knocked fiat on the can- youngsters, lias been out show-ing vass for fifteen minutes or s0. them the correct method of slid- Watclitlie bailyhoo of tlie press ing into bases. Ask him to show agents, but don lielieve haîf of [you the bruise on lis lef t hip. it. i Ee i as rroud as a voungster Oshawa Juniors had quite an experience when they vis- ited Peterboro Saturday and wcre greeted with: "Didn't you know, thcre's no gaine to- day, tbere is a plcnic on the bail grounds?" Nat ur ally, they wcrc plenty aggravated and should lie aliowed ex- penses or have Peterboro de- f ault the next game. Prob- ably the fault lies with some of the executives of the club who didn't write the letter that dldn't get to Oshawa en time to give proper notifica- tion. Ernite Foote, sports witer for fthc Cobourg Sentinel-Star, visit- cd here Tuesday bringing lis red shirted girls' softbail team with hlm ta take thus locals by a 7-mun mangin. Ris team salowc-d mudli evidence of good coachin.g. but we sf iii think thse locals will show tliem a thing or tîrce after they have lad a few more gaines and reaily gef their hands touglieaed. So far, there are a few weak ,spots, but Manager Emnie Hunt is culling ouf the dead wood and rcplacing if with f irsf class ma- teriai. And that wIl li about al for this week. Alex Colvifle receives the verbal orchid or forget-me-not this week for a triple in Cobourg that scoi-ed Bagneil and Hicks. By the way, speedy Hicks bas been rcduelng since we chided hlm last week and should be sylph-Ilke and as fast as a bird on the wtng by the next game. Wat a surprise flic Rayals lianded Cobourg letf week when fliey mowed fhem dawn for a 7-0 win. Broflier Phillips once more was the wnniag pitdher with 12 stnike-auts. and an apparent abil- ity to keep up his tbrowing pace witlihis first black eye. If ftle teamn imitates hes meto>d. tliey will lic lasital cases within a few weeks. Dont f orget the Intfermediate game hene on Safurday and the girls' softball fixture at the pub- lic school grounds on Fiday at 7 p.m. Homning Pigeon C1ubý PIGEONS FLY FROM TILBURY Bowmiaaville Racing P ig eo n Club flew their sixtli old bird race on June 4th fram Tilbury, 216 miles air line, witli fhe following nesulfs: F. Bat treli - 5 lin, 10 mins. 36 sec. F. Bottreil - 5 lit, il mins, 4 sec. L. Richards - 5hr,15 mis, 27 sec. L Richards - 5 lin, 15 mins, 57 sec. I. Piper - - 5 hr. 30 nan, 42 sec. There are men who think the dînner hom makes better music than the pipe oranr. Miners Seek (Continued from Page 3) banquet was not beca.use of aick- ress, or lack of sleep thie niglit previous. Last surniner wlien we fook thie Gilwell Scout Leaders Training Course neas- Acton, four Scout Leaders from Iroquois Falls were among fliose taicing the course. On fhe train going north we received a tel1egrarn informing us that we were expected in Iro- quais Falls on Frlday niglit and "we wonf takc no for an answcr." And so at 5.45 pin. Friday we fook the train to Porquis Junc- tion, wliere 'we were met by Scout- master C. H. Regimbai of Iro- quois Falls wlio accoanpanied us on the bus to the Falls. We had a contrast to Timmins. The wliole an iooked forward to this side trip town is neat and tidy without any ceý in the hopes of having aquetonithe nnnn sThce poulaton i t friens anda mouit infthe hacirsidenesoucton- visit with our redan a goodl, is about 1500, but Ansonville. an- g0 sieep. But our hopes were dashed! other town only tive minutes walk ref to the grounci when we arnived at 'away, has 2000 population. tn Iroquois Falls ta find the Se.ond Now to close this Timmins por- ai' Scout Trco-p ail on parade to give tion of tlie trip witli a few ob- us a royal Northern welcome. servations. Yes. it is true that After addressing the lads we the mines payroli is $5,000,000 per went with our Scoutmaster friend year and that gold production at to ýhis home and got comfortably Hollinger is $15.000.000 per year, settied in a big chesterfield chair but there are problemas. The city wlien we were informed f lat the ha-s grown sa fast that tliey have First Troop was awaiting Our ar- f0 build a scliooi neariy every rival over at the Anglican Churcli. other year. There are few paved And so we ihiked over there a.nd streets, and the roads in and attended the meeting and ad- araund Timmins are terrible. dressed the boys briefiy and then True, there is steady work for thie got prepared to get a night's ners, but ýthey liang on to their sieep. jobs. Don't run away withl the However Scout.master Er n ie idea there's ail kinds of work up Frowe thought different. His igood Uiere. There isn't. Tliere's pienty, lady, lie toid us, was entertadning of unempioyment and want. at lis house for tlieir distinguisli- The cost of living is very higli. ed (?) visitor from the south. Taxes are even higlier, and the And so on we went to a very next time you hear your govern- pleasant evening witli the Scout ment lias decided to spend some and Girl Guide Leaders Uit's ail money on Northern roads, or in ight, we've already told t.he wife). special grants to nDrthern school We liad a sweli time. Those Nor- building programns, r e ni e ni b e r thlerners sure do know liow ta lic that the need is very great. Don't liospitable. After a short but very forget alsa that the $5,000.000 scund sleep we took tlie bus back payroiî at the Hollinger Mine to Porquis Junction and met the means $5,0l00,000O spent on sup- newspaper party on their way plies from Southern Ontario. Yes south ta Kirkland Lake. ht is very true - Notlern pros- Befare leaving Iroquois Falls we perity is our prosperity, and un- wouid like to mention a few facts. less tlie South will lielp the North Practically everyone works at the now, wlien the need is very great, Abitibi Power & Paper Co. plant. the nortli can neyer cantribute The company owns the whole ail it would wisl f0 contribute to town. Everybody renta houses Our prosperity in tlie sout.h. from the company and they are Next week we shahl tell you of white stucco, comfortabie and aur trip tîrougli the Lake Shore roomny homes. The Falls is quite Mine Refinery at Kirkland Lake, CLEARANCE 0F ELECTRIC Reh-ig&ratrs, Odd Models - Some Trade-Ins Re-Possessed - Some Brand New A decided saving this week at Don Christian Electrie. You need a refrigerator now. Get onc of these Bargains. These refrigerators usualiy seil for much higher prices but duc to our having these re-posscssed refrigerators for sale for balances owing, you can save abnost half on a refrigerator that wiiI last for years. Some have only been used a few manths. FOUR, FIVE AND SIX CUBIO FOOT MODELS 1 ONLY NORGE- Model 47, 1n lnI ONLY ELECTROLUX- was $199.00. For Sale .............1 9.00 41/2 eu. ft., was $219. On Sale 1 ONLY CROSLEY- with1 Used only a few nionths, was $219.W0. On Sale .......... Shelvador 159.00 1 ONLY GENERAL ELEOTRIC- 5.8 cubic foot, same style as 38 mode4s, slightly used, was 189.00n $258.00. SaleI .UU 1 ONLY UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATOR- Brand new. 61/2 cubc foot - 159-n usually sold for $258. Sale. 15... I ONLY GENERAL ELECTRIC- 6 cu5biefoot size, was $219.00 1 90 I ONLY GENERAL ELECTRIC- Brand new, Five year guarantee, 1937 model, was $192.00. iifff On Sale I 1 .00 Bairgaixis in Ice Boxes- Cook Stoves, Electric Washers - Electric Ranges Radios - Etc. Don ChrIstian Electric 38 Simcoe St., North Oshawa Open Evenings = r i j h OSHAWA Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. CLARK GABLE, MYRNA LOY and SPENCER TRACY in "Test Pilot" - Revival - Friday at I11 p.m. "On The Avenue" with DICK POWELL AND MADELEINE CA.RROLL Monday - Tuesday JUNE 20-21 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE "lStolen Heaven", St.arrng GENE RAYMOND and 'Beg Borrow or Steai' wth FRANK MORGAN AND) FLORENCE RICE. Wednes. - Thuraday JUNE 22-23 2 Grand Features on One Progrm ROBERT MONTGOMERY VIRGINIA BRUCE In 'The First 100 Years' also "0f Human Hearts" wth WALTER HUSTON. 99.00I INIS N AMO-CNAAS INS CK ,~ .4 THURSDAY, JUNE I6TH, 1938 ýd týry to tell you just, what Pro- esses the ore goes through f rom he Urne it leaves the mine until ,is safely stored away as PUre old in the Mint, at Ot.tawa- The f ining is a tremendou.s indus- ,y in its own riglit - but more Lout it next week. (To bie continued) MIARKS OSHAWA TrodaY - Fr!. - Sait ROBERT WILCOX NAN GREY - in - I'Reckless Oriving"y Added Hit! GENE AUTRY in "Boots and Saddles" Starting Sun. Midnite abo Mon. .'Tues. - Wed.f HUGH HERBERT ALLEN JENKINS ",Sh! The Octopus"p ALso JOHN LODGE ANTOINETTE CELLIER "The Tenth Man"? b. 1 m IDACý 'CTI-T-Tý a-