THURSDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOV'.MANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWO Established 1854 A Weekly News pape r devoted to the interests of the town of Bowmaniville and surrounding country, bIssued at Ki ng Street, B owmanville. every T hursday, y M. A. James & Sons, owners and publiahera. The Canadian Sta tesman is a member of the Canadian Weeki!y News papers Association. aiso the Class 'A' Week Îes of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere ln Canada $250 a year; when paid in ad. vance $2.00 a year; 50e extra in United States to cever postage . Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1938 Whither Democracy! Ilu Iis 1u0w illinîîrtall 'poeolhat tv- burg, on Nîîvenber i !tth. I~2 Alraharui Lincoiln dtr ddci i vas (-î 'rui- of the peole tlii'peipli' and for thet people. - Tlwe iterîd f cîîrîdiiii'.s inii (aul- ada cauises nuanuv t liintkinigr puaple ta wotider îlot a I ittie ltlcr we are liv iug aumder a (lenlacraecv(or Il t. TIe re oIîwt h otf( 'a- nîrruiistui. Fas.cisuîl. anîd tille deteriiira riirg systeluof s ceal led part,.pol itical goveru- nient are alloi caînhîju îugtauderînine thLe verv farudatiou of the British demioeratic forîn of gaoverumieut. The (isgltstiug re- velatious af the Hydro probe ini Ontario, and of the Peuiteutiaries report froni Ot- tawa, the evideut lack of intelligent inter- est iin publie affairs, and tire coivardix- bowing of iudividual inxbers ta tire party whip, are ail serions tirreats ta the demo- cratic ýsystemn. It is farcical ta suppose that government of the people, by tIre people and for the people stili exists. There is crookeduless ~ini high places, and too few politicians and others iii authority have -the courage ta tackle the real problemis, but prefer to de- vote longy hours of debate to sorne riio matter that doesu *t neaur a thui. "'The Spectator- writing ini the Midland Free Press says 'Deniocracy in Canada is doomned. Tîrere is absolutely no0 hope for it. Canada xill be either C"Olnirunistie or Fascist withiu five years." We would hardly like ta agree with The Spectatar to that extent, but we do agyree that demaoc- racy is dooined urless tire average man does somne sound thinking for himiself and actin.- in the ver% .riear future. Col. H. R. Alley, President of the Pro- vincial Conimand of the Canadian Legion, said ini an address ini Toronto recentlv that Commiunists and Fasci'sts were undermnin- ing, with the subtlety of intellectuals, the democratic svstemi. TLey have ceased ta land their own "isms" and are concentrat- ing on tire iuefficieucy of demnocracy', the heartlessness of sonie ini indnstry. anýd the rottenness in politics. To prevent aur ouiingc' people froni espousing these - isms" Cal. Ailey said that Canadiaus nust trot Le just anti-communist or auti-fascist but pro-de- mocratic. Demnocracy nrnst use the same means of propagauda ta edîrcate the people of the value of the democratie systemn. The difficulty is that as long as ovýcr-governi- ment, disinterest in the unemployed and down right wickedne4 and deception ini higir places continues, demnocracy a-, it is being practised to-day will have littile ap- peal or respect. We have just concîuded tire observance of Magna Carta week. During the wveek the value of demnocracy lias been stresse(l by speakers across the Domninion. These speakers believe as we believe that (lemoc- racy has everything ta offer as a way of life. It is claimied and perhaps trutlrfuliy, that a dictatarship) is more efficient than a demnodracy. Life however is flot only a matter of efficiency. It is a matter af free- dom, and justice and spiritual anrd cultuîral values, and if we have any use at aIl for» these things wve have g-ot ta cleair up de- nuor4acy, or we will be reginient.ed iuta somik of the "isms" that are being rrrged on us anrd aur liberties will l)e a thinr o f the past. Democracy gives every iman the right ta free speech, freedoin of action witli- in the law, freedom of religion anrd juistice. Dictator-ship demands tLat the individrial subjugate hiniseif ta tire state whli i suprenle. lie is told whiat ta say, what ta think, wliat ta do, and if le disagreesthr is noa justice ta ensure huai a fair trial. Goveruiment Lv dietatorsîril)is gavýeririret by the will of ane mani, goveriîrmeut 1l).yftiie whims arnd prejudices af a sinîgle iu(ivid- ual. If Caniadians ivant this fîîrnr of gv- ernment, they are niost certaimrlylieadIii They inîuîsidenîand amiIw Contuindisilc greatvr assurance of soec rrifo r i i wu 1 un. Tliey murst fore out ac4ii isiitrylie Ireartless anrd solfisîîlrrthitri l hoIiîtliils odry of irîmdref aud uotîinug ofi ls îiiiilax- ees or Liscnntry. We must cliii upil siili d îsgra ('(fr1 situations as have teli- e(I in thLe lldro probe anîd tire P. a iiitial. jes iii vstgaMtii. Thdase are tio-Iht ings that îreed d iscou terrt, dissatisfact iii tiria t Lrccd t 'anin ii iistir and Faseistit. anîd ar ,U'O Ligfin'-Irlichefaunirîatioins form'the ex- ciiitualI eventîi n v(ef denocracv. I t Le- Iiîavcs .a1l thinkitrg peoplle ta gel to work mtîrw xhile. thet'e i5 '<et tiiw. Trhi, i, irruncn tiiore ser'o urs t hanitnutt* v surspect antd ii iiss il>() %*('1*11Ie]it alin mdîstr'v amduI udiviclmrals, tItoi nlt juta gctienal practice tire Goldenr Riunie. we a rc i Iined t agarnee with 'lire .Iet torilat C atnada xiii have Cauo nirunr- inin or Fa,istni xxitîntfix e ea iN. Strangers Victimize Merchants Last xeek. irn a fexe short Inîrrs a piatus- ihlo cit'< ucnîtietitai witina -ut of tire «ZlIt andinliare for' Iigir pressmniesalestriarsltip. etliie'ted $48 ii invsi riira groulp ai local irere liai ts ini the so acnlled iîtcrests of a local c irureli. Thinis trrrist. approaehied tire jastîn'tif itIre cirurciîand aiiered ta get aout soille Sornt ofanlisiitcss (drectorv'Leimu a ictre aifiis ecirîc. Tir echîreir xas ta gret a nnînier of copiies ta sel ta tIre coin- g regatiair amnitIre philamnthropuetie 'ieinnts xxere cadi ta get a fre copy ta sec iliat tîreir traines appcared aor it. Framn xvlat we hraxve luecraLle ta gatherr tire plawnible salefuirati xas gonng ta prinît at hoast amie litîrndredi copiies, xviicl w'oîld cast a vcrx' sirahl fraction ai tire monley icolleuted. T'lIe t'est ai tire easy moîrey we presune to go ita iris oxxn pocket. Tire caîrgnregta- tio>i w'as -Oing ta benrefit onrî\-iiainrr as tire menibers ai the couîgreg-atiomu deeided ta Ltiy tire bursiness <irectar'<. Nox tire unnfortrnrate tinirg about this is tlrit tire cirurcit xas îrkcd as a meamts ta faitemilte packctbook ai the stramîger xxhoasnisrîitîren' interest Àtr tir'c local cirureli or tIf cair- mîrnity. The merciaîts, prax'ed easy itarks ta tire extenrt that thtey feit tircv xerc lelp- in.- a local churcli and as anc rcniarked( mright oficîrd custamers ironi tirat i'Lirrci if they didm't camie acrass. We w oulr if these saire merchamîts xvould havi' shoAlld ount a simlar enitriLîrtian sa easi!'< anrd wxiliîrgîy if their owtî minister Ladcl all"d( for a free will oficrinîg,. What is more ta tire pointi as far as xxve persoîialiy are comrerned xvas tLat nireaif tire nerciranits wvio saoxilliirgy Lamded thre stramrgcr $300 or $500, werc îire'hnrt, who seldomtu. if ever sl)emd any nume'im,-i advertisinrg in tireir local nexsaper. w'hicL firni pays local taxes, suppoarts local instu- trrtion(ý, cmplo.ys local labor anrd spu-ondi a trernenu s ainoîrmît af mnonre' eaclr year ;-iglit im tire toxx'm. Otrly a xvcek a),,. ou infornîttionr givemr us 1)y Ciief Mentît:, \xxi w'arttcd arr reanlers ta iiewari' if swne slippcryv stramrgers w-La are oint ta fîcce' ait rinnoceirt punblie.84a eveir if saine urerchajîts don 'tnilvertise xxitL us xxe (caitsaxvurneini mîrarex if thrcy xxould otiiY rend tire papen' anrd profit from tire advice givemt. Not Iaiig ago another ai tîrese itîneranit rackctcers ai the city sliiker type pn'adnrc-ul a menur for a local restauîranît, grivinrg tire merchant the story that ire Iad seî'nred a priee on tire job Iocaily, but he irever' iad aity itention ai getting it priitted hee'. Severai inerchants xvho adx'crthscd in tire mnurî asked where t was being îrinteul andc werc tolîl "xv have secured a prite froni yornr local îrexx'paper. "Tirat is fm'aifuntn salesnianship and we are sorry tirnt trie Inierchants nare gulliLle cnoîngL to a pri'aizP, these people xvio tucan nîthinrg tt iitîor tIre toxx'm. Not An Election Budget Finaînce Mimister Diiinuimrg iras Iroiglit iris buirget, andil hei se itloainims it>)irn'x taxatiomn ai any kiîrd it s heitngt, LPrer'illwieh reccived aerîss tire I)itiiîiii om. M1m. Duniiig reparted na defie i iti ate Irni r $13 mn ilions wîtivh itie attrnilîrteîl largrely tii dromight relief ciists ini the \West, anrdIoa ni nitîtec1 deficit ai $7 mril liaors an the'C.N.Rl. x'.iv i s just atrothrnar'gumntirc in iiit',rîur of uniificationt. *TLe remmovnrî of thne 8 5 sale's tnrx on Lr tld imrg nîaierini s sinuuld jîraviie na spur tî tînis inîeprîutnnt ini<rstry. witinr-h îu iîiu'nenise rmî etiîiloinert. A ver'x largeri pereirtage if îtI1eIýipl xvinentlias 111ii thle raiist rur(titrade and ail ici itidmtries. so ht hiIisnrave sirauîd prase nrst Libene- fii' . Otiter imdîstîies xere also hie ied lix Sales mx tchanmges. Editorial Notes Anotitîr orchid î goes out titis x-ekta C( T. Ross, suLose' Iersi5tenrt effar'ts ta opîr tte u'aad ta tlire West Side BacR end I atltn bornre fruit. Tanmmry uns gixenunrst un- sehishiy oaiIis limie anid nutrev ta inke possible the souît.ionr ai Iis pit i'a lîni. Ta thue toxvtt eounriIlalso gaes t4penial tlliikS form i tri co-uîîerationr Siecee'diig mr iin ieil. lirnîe Iad ta face luis very difficu'i rît ui leinbu Lnnt Iina syhire. 50 thie pr'ese'it ,'auni cil is ta lie conuratîlnted oam i n xmg Innkemn nîdxnnrage <if thne pportuntity aif setîmnir NOIn'mrtirat oîîpon'irntity îîresentî'd tsn'I i. 'Tie 'onrd is now 'openi witii na wit-iciitrni the jhah nl.thneC.N.R. v'm'ssini. W'hin 's hecoe o f tihe Scax . a n uIhI i dof:'xvlioknows al l e aitsxxers 7We sliunld I ike ta hiave lier ineetaither, wlro kmoxnlIlIrhe qîrestiams.-Jtroit Nexws MAKING CANADA 'A Better Place in Which to Live and Work A Sertes of Letters from Dlstlnguished Canadians on Vital Probiems Affectlng the Future Welf are of Canada Speciaiiy Written for Canadian weekiy Newapapers Association LETTER NO. 18 Dear Mr. James: Thank you for tire copy o!flire letter sent 10 various Canadlians in connectian witir a possible pal- icy for the weekby newspapers ta follow. My awn answer ta tire question wauld be thaltirhe mast important thrng ta work for us a national spiril. To-day provincialismn is growing aI sucir a rate thal tire Dominion is almasl a collection o!f nmne ndependent states. We caný neyer be a nation until we learn' ta tirink like a nation, and we can neyer tiiink like a nation so long as we tb-ùnk onby o! ane section o! a country. We need a reduction o! govern- nient macirinery and a reductian o! taxation. We need ta eliminale party patronage. We need ta improve aur educa- tional system. aIl or pi And, in my opinion, we need ta I think t cultivate and emphasize aur Bri- duce resi tisir cannection. Very s: Tirese are the things for which1 Maclean's stands and is working for year in and year out. WiIh the weekly press standing uniledly for'Toronlo. H. Napier Moore >art o! such a progranune their influence wauid pro- sults. sincerely yours. H. NAPIER MOORE, Editor, Macbean's Magazine. BY THE OLD BOX STOVE By Hiram Back on the Seventh Concession We are living in an age of crit- icism. Il seem ta be the f'ashion to t ind f aulI with everybody and everything. We hear tirai the so- cial syslem is wrang, dernocrazy is dead or dying, capitliin is wicked aand labor is vile, the gov- ernmnent is f inding fault with the preachers and the preadliers are returning tire compliment. In fact, if we leed aUl we hear and read, tis od worbd is f ull o! trouble and croakedness and is rapidly goig ta the bow-wows. The people cannaI be blamed al- together for doubi and suspicion. As recentiy as the last few days we have had put betare us tire opinions o! some a! aur leaders. One prominent member of tire Federal House said tire meatý packers were tire warst enemnies o! the farmers and a lot of !armn- ers will believe it and grumble. in that crowd yau can count the gang around lie old box stave. The Penitenliary Commnission bras come out with ils report ami aIl dawn tire Une ftram tire highee official ta tire lowesî guard there is nothing ýbut condemnatian. One haif o! tire people are kicking be- cause Iliere is s0 mucir relief and those on relie! are kicking be- cause tley are not getîing enough. We have Fascists holding a meet- ing in Toronto condemnning tire Governmenî, wbile thre Commun- ists. wiro also irate our way o! gaverning, are waiting outside ta f ight ithe Fascmsts. Peaple are rushing about ýthe country wi-ti chips on their siroulders saying the wo>rld owes them a living and they intend having tliat living no mattEr -wiro pays the cost. In tire realm of religion one denominia- tion f inds f ault with anot.her and dont seem ta be willing ta Work together for tire good of all. It's a gloamy picture and would be depressing if a fellow would let it get hlm down. I f ound the reason why Sa mansr of tire coun- try People do nat get discouraged. I had been ta churcli often hop- ing ta get samne new streiguh ta carry on and lhad been d=sP- pointed time an-dtime again. I1irad ireard sermons explainrng away miracles of Jesus, sermons on how Jesus got out of tire tomb, on ev- olution, and even ane on the art of good governunent. but not un- tii I went to a little coun-try chiurcli did I find the Peace I needed. Tirese small cangrega- tions uibrougiraut the rural dis- tricts are a means of strength that is beyond piice and they do not get tire recognition t.hey sirould. Tire congregatiafls are small, the service simple, but there is an atmosphere and a reality that cannot be found anywirere else. Perhaps I had better leave a description o! some of these ser- vices tilb next week. Native of Bowmanville Wins $250 Prize For Best Essay On Value of Advertising David W. Foley of St.1 Catherines, Has En- try Selected as Best of 3,200 in Contest - Son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Foley Sehectei f roîui 3,200) e-savs sîrb- inittvd 1) v iiH gîtSchoîul stdniduîs iii Canlada andth le Unitedl States, ait entrv 'uiîttucd lieDavidi \V. Fuies 18 y cars o>1<1 soit if NI r. andi rs. Fenu R-. Foiîev, St. Catîterittes. svas aw..anded te $250 firsi uîize Lv tLe inag a z ileA d vert is i iltgAgu. \Ve of- fer sitîcere conugratuilaionus tii David, un 5îL fîrnt stutlcit at St. Caîîernîîs Cîllegiatc '..lui s'.as Iorît iinBow- inanvihlle. We tltink le miust lias-e acannire< i Itkflire aindi kno%'.ledee of adsentisirtg fnîîm is niau who. '.'-len a Luiî t andulslîoe tîtenclia n in Bos'.nîansille s'.rote sorme luf the mosl readaLlu and coiuvincntg auîts. in this ùzpuer. Davids essav which ks a ".eih cout.îderedl urgumntt for ads'ertisiitg antd tîte bene fits il iras Irougltt iii a igîter standhardl of liv- inîg anidculture ix uroduced Lelow. By David W. Foley .Modern ad'.crtisintg ix Lx no inleanis perfect. Every o)ne knows tat. NIost aniverisers admit it williîugly. Therc is stilI adîxertise- inents tfuir tIi: wortîtless rtrodlnct. there is stilI u-Xaggeratiu.iî haîf. tiaitt au(i mccii nntrutît. Caîi.cicn- tiains anleriiets, Lowever. are ser- iiius3 s 3 tudi<i ik'tîte c til le-it a nd trs irîg tu correct tlînm. Nleaîî."lile the a'.erave conrstiter, dî-.iiitc i ts i ccaioiiual gn niiLl nss vict tue ait- oititcer iuterrupnts Iii' fa'.inf-ti ro grain, r s.lutlie iiudsli-itmail ci utt-nç-u s'.-tht circumiars ttiut stnates cciiîcliuiivmlx Iis faitît iinail. ci-rtî-.îng as it is tîîuav. b lilt-s i uer_ pvr-iiîgtre fercutce for au(1% giuods. Produet on Trial Orne of tîe rprinicipial rea.sons four ilis hiefcrenice kthat advcî tisiguig p uts thle priidnet iou trial Le fine thIej critical eves of tîte biyiitg puîblic. Ve. ii the deinucratic cointries. ini-1 sist trîsuit freedoni ouf expressiaot anudi openly comîdicted govcrnînrent le-. cause we believe that the glaritîgi whîite igLt ai publicity ik a greal purifier. So il is with advertisinîg,i Il emables the buver lui sec sx-It il ;îroducer Las la if fer, 10 c-ý t Itis product x'.ih Ihatof lus coi- jietilors, anid ta j udge nls salue iii lîimself. Because af advertising -a mannufacturer is forced ta i1tr12 'ua jiraduet if menit and~ of funl %aluie. for oitîy sucît a kiitd seul survive. .\ds-riing '.orks Lott xias s, antd the rnnsortliy ruruduet suait beciîmcs knos'.ruanid ceasvs to attract. Not titIv nirislntte adverticr niaitain a ià tsaundard îof qutalitv, brît lue mnii., cuitsaittl c i utîro e liis tino. duct . dcnrtising alhow..s it-t ti- tfacttrer tii stantd still Le musi contintunîllY ffer lte rpublic Soule- thing te'.'.- -înthing lctter. lucre- fore tLe communercial researcli laîx orators lias coule ita Iieiiig "Iî tint rprtse i: ti guve te ati- surîter %vliat lie s'.auts at a reasan- able prime. TheL fact tîtat auIertising rednîces te cost ta tîte cîînsuiner is tndcrîi- able. Tweury-five vears ago ait autonmobile cosîtx'.-o tîtousand dlth lars. Toilay a nînneh etter onec sei., for Icss tItan laif ltaI aittount. Xct labor cost, Ihave innauîtefI steadilv. overhead lias itereascul newer, mitre expeitsive mnaterials Lave garte iitto productioni. Why, tdten, thte clîcaper prince ? The aîîswer is simple. Ad- verlisirng lias prourced v'olume; vohume lias produced greater mass production ; ntass productioîn Las ne- duîced te exst af manuîfacture per unit.The saine is truc of cameras, radios, vacurumîncioaiers, lotng dis- tance tcerîtîîîe ruales - aîrîuist every tm) rueitf rmtodernt ci linoiiduty ur sel- vice tîtat ci iitîs toii iitil. Serves the Consumer l1araîhî xicat 1%, -coiiisnimers sanlie- timts i ij <A lii ailenrtising Lecause of tluî larve sni i-.sptenit n iiit Lut tisirîg; that of giving information vital ta purchase'rs - where certaiîr articles are sold. their retail ;îrce and when sinecial bargains aie offered. Its importance is easily ah- served ini the average liane wherui the evening paper arrives. \\ cî:t- ads are scainned carefully mier consults the grocery coluiins lu complete lier shopping list. Trii. newspaper advertisimîg is nies. Advertising lias been te <1uicIc anid direct wav of telling the rî'iblic abtout inventiouns and discoveries. This is its important part in 01cr coniplicated anîd ighly specialized systemn of distributiion. But would tliese innoîvationis corne intotause %vitlîaut advertising ? Yes. !)ut fev pecople tadav svould be etiiuoN,1îr tîreni. N.Ioreover. the demiand cre- aîed in lte mid of the co:îýzxîiîcr bL. advertising miakes it wvortluh i for thue invextor to create rie%%, r! o. duels. Int a moire indirect va%. adverîi~- ing lias Iîenefiîted aIl by ils iniflu- ence an cultural life. Tîhe ralir- %vhicl playýs such an imuportanî t v3n ini our hem, tadav ivas tmade possible enlirely through advertising. "1711 daily iiewspaper, witîî its greaf traditions of puublic leadership and service, is suîîported principally Ilîrougli this medium .Advertisii,4 hrings te short story and te in.- teresting information of tlie penîîîd- ical itîto the home. In every way it has broadened our mental horizonis. Creates New Desires One cannoI overlook tie jobs cre- ated andl the mone), put in circula- tion 1w îLhe stimulation advertisiniz gives ta commerce. There i; stiil another indirect advaiitage --(nie perhaîs which we do uîot ftillv reahize at first. Lt has stintulîteul the co)nsumer hiiinself hv crealinit iiî"v desires :il has given Iliinî xo:cl;ta strive for and thus it lias îouu enthusiastic eiideaeour onit le p;xt of millions. Adeertisinîg lias practicatlv revo- lutionized the h fc of the ."uiei:ceaa Continient bv raising the staiiîlar Ii-tlf living tlanaitundreariced if leLni e. t has brought xithiii rea:. af the consumer comforts aînd lrix'ries wliich would be otherwise utiiol- tainahle. It lias saved iîînumerable lives by ils influence on the healtil of tlie nation. through selliîîg better refrigeration aînd promoting the saîîitarv îîackaged and canîîed food. By relieving mankiîîd. and particri- larly women. from drudgery il Las paid dividends beyoîd aIl measure of money in leisure and cultural pursuuits. Advertising ha5 done this k' carrying word of the new pror- ducts imb the household k' devel- oping tlîeir qualitv and Lv indrîcing the customner to huy, so that costs were brouglit witliin reacîr of the majint%. lt is modemn businîess wliich Las made our present standlard of liv- ing possible aîîd ii tîte complex structure of modernr business. ad- vertising is the vital force. What Others Say RURAL EDITORS RIGHT AGAIN (The Fnanciai Post) Thre country editors were riglit again n Saskatchewan. A few weeks ago The Financiai Past canvassed editors of thre Saskatchewan weekly newspo.pers abo>ut election prospect.s in the province. Over 60 1 of themn said that Preacher Aberhart and hits debt- repudiation policies would be vot- ed down. Only 121/2% thonght the Aberta demagogue irad a chance in their constitu.enz-ies. The aztual vote showed only 15% of theclec- tors voted the Social Credrt ticket. While Otawa politicians and eastern financial suif ered thre pangs of agitated ant.icipaticin, thre editors staod flrm by their conviction that Social C r e d i t cauld flot win.- As usual they were right. Nc group in Canada is dloser ta thre people, or better informed on what the people of rural areas and smaller communities think, titan the editors of Canadas weekly newspapers. COUNTY MUSEUMS (Municipal World) Fram time ýto tirme it iras beeri suggested that each county shouid have its museum for the housing of local treasures for whiclr there1 would be no0 roomn in aur great provincial museurm. Tire apening by His Honor thre ieutenant- overnar af a museumn at Perth, tîri e Is, k iiigti ficantt set con- Giving t'nsoLicited advice is one sidernial un- nxcusi lier unt n W\hLtn way o! borrowing trouble. yoi ai efre-it xîurrlf 'vifh a liattle some men miake fools of tirem- of Coca ('ha fîr exainnîle, vonu as selves for a pretty girl and a lot hess tîtatu îuîc-fifnt if a cenrt for o! others don't even have Ihat ex- ilUvirtising serves tire cuse. cuuîuiîir rbl, aidiirg distribrîtioas " Don't run ta meet trouble. It il rersuiadcs rite local dealer no will meel yau soon enough. stoîck tutguuie lie siarts. x-eu cain- Don't irowl too for jus- harcd siitîri otlter ristriltuting cosis, lice. You miglit get it. it k aliiruut iegigible. Acnuaily, It takes a clever chuld ta keep aulxmtisitiig s rIre hast exîueisixe fram saying sn-rrt tirings. iuietinod of rnaciiing tire cotstiîmnen Sincerlty - a deep genuine sin- lucre is of caurse, a more tang. cerlty - is the firsî oiraracterlstlc ibie service perfonnned Ly adver- o! ahl men in any way heroic. I -~-- c 1___________B Scribe G- In tire boak o! Job 3'ou will find these words: "Shauid a wise man utter vain knowbedge and f ii iris belly with tire east wind. Shouid ire reason witl unprofitable taik or witir speeches wherewith lie can do not good?" . honestly aur answer is Na. William Shakespeare said "Gra- tiana speaks an infinite deal a! notlimng, mare than any man in Venice. His reasons are as two grains o! wireat hid in twa busirels o! ciraif. Yau shaîl seek ail day ere you find tirex and wiren you have thexu tley are nat wortir tle searcir" ... We think this is pret- ty good abso. And we wonder howv often people remark tins o! us af- ter ýthey lave read wirat we write or listened ta wlat w'e may have ta say. In order ta write clearby or speak clearly you have to tir'nk cbeariy. Ail are difficuit. Thre av- erage man listens to a lot o! jar- gon. He reads a bot o! bunk. He gets con!used and doesn't know what ta do or think. Tire patr appears ýta be grawn over witl al Sorts O! weedy impedimenta. Tirat which h iould be easy to find and folio-w is ini facit a labyrinth. There is an excellent maxim ta tire effect trat when you cannot tink of anytiring satisfactarY ta say . . . saY nathing Tis is the f ix we find ourself in ta-niglit. And tire paper goes ta prless tO- morrow. Hlere are two or three interest- ing items we have Just readI in a So7utirerf paper. Six negroes have syphilis ta every white inhabit- ant. Three negroes have tuber- culosis ta every whrite. Tirree negroes ie o!fireart, disease ta exery two wlr4tes. According tai if e insurance figures a male negro born to-day mn the U. S. A. can expect to Live 47 ~ years. A white's expedtandY in tire same Place is 59 years. In a negro adult educational in Savannair, Georgia, four- teen out o! forty men and womnen stated that threy had neyer taiked on a telepholie. -Mrs. Wiggs o! tire cabbagei pateir" was a 'best seller' in aur Sunday Scirool librarY when we were tire Librarian. The authar, Alice Hegan Rice is stili alive. Sire lives in Louisville, Kentucky, wirere tire book was siritten. * -.-~ - ~ - - i' r it's agin the law to use a gun... The Best Way To Hunt Customers is to Use It w'arldn 't do ta take a grun ta go onît for cusomes.Hunt iug cristomers'reqri res a clever technique, luit same bursinress menr are bliud in their seareh for more bursiuess. They are Llirrd to the fact that advertising is good Lbusiness. The invxestmnenît in spaceerît the coluits of Tire Canadiaît Statsinan is ait investment whicir wîll retîrrn. quickly and many tiines over in arr increased sales, volume. Formi the habit of keeping- the news of yanr busintess before the public through the The Can- adian Statesmami. Our readers are quick ta take advantage of shopping apportunities. Yorrr business will inerease and more tradingc will lie datte at home by tire hoppers. It is moreý convenient to trade at home. . . Readers of the home-town paper patroxuze oxu- advertisem'. You don't need a license to advertise. Just phone us. Wç'l be glad to help you solve your advertiuinrg problems. Phone 663 Bowmianville T HIS bank is co-operating with the campaign of the Dominion Government to increase employ. ment, stimulate trade and raise the standard of living by offering HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS up to $2,000 to owners of resi- dential property. These loans are repayable in convenient instalments. The discount rate is 34 per cent. 7'hose interested in anyform o Home Improvement are invir!ed to discuss their reqtuirements uitli the nearest branch o the Bank. I ê Qm À