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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1938, p. 6

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wvit andi humor and lantern slides bai gave a.gcood address and read- HAMPWTON ANNIVERSARY made the meeting an nteresting BL C ST C iis wcre ziveu liv Kathleen Cauî- HmtnSudySho nn-O IU RE H M T Nanprfitableone Ms. Ed Wer- cn Dorecu Bal-cii aundMrs. iL vHamponSdySerhioesAnnu- OBITUARISun HAMPTON ~ r. olna in the absence of the\Vrcida.Je2.Re.BueGGa.Ms.H Wettt Mr. .Jonsvslei î~n npresident. Mrs. J. KivelI. presided. ______ B2.owmanruceG.lray M .CJon ite redinMusic ivas supplied by Mrs. C. J. oiiNtr-* Toronto, will speak at 10.30 ar..Ms .WsntBumnil Toront.o last week. Kerslake in piano solo: vocal solos . NJ. \l.ow l Mu .\ and 7 p.m. Special music by the arnandMr. ilur WrettlIbuMrs ABDumnon.tOon.1îcy iirs. A.l-ii T roîo TonsipCoucis ehol nde ladrshp f1M.T.ohensahipifNi...Magae.tWc.u Oshawa. -visited Mr. and Mxs. W. aý-d Sam Castle. and an approp- -îr aid Nr.W îiwatîdSle n isEio ye.A.uf.iiei r er uit Wilbur. iate vocal duet by Mr. Melville cllui l ufvr.r o ud' ALN NCUCL C.M.: Solo'st. Mrs. Ida Tennant; tiick lplace at lier bomne (ou Second ed jimvile iiii%-csar% onI;iid.i--. ARLIGTO COUCIL Pianist. Mi's Norah Horn. Special Street, B(,\v,wuauville. on Jiuiie l3tlî 'Mss Edith Rackham iwith fri- Staples and Mrs. A. Drummond. 'Ur. nd.Ir-. H. 1.owrî MNfr..Naîiofrngi i f udySholhefîîea evie aglsatîd ends at Maple Grove. ail of which were much enioyed. feinNnairf.ndySholTefirva sriailrev ted C-arrow. Nr. afi(l Mu. Ro\%e.'\Ir Darlington Counc imet. oflJune fnsFia.Jl .0pm db reîsadîegioî- ~ A nubero! Hmptn pople S. . Anivesar Serice iv li Nuli Eccle.ioî. Toroto. -Miss a 4tb. with members aIl presen' attended anniversary services at be held on Sunday. June 26th. at Scotf and îNîr. Win. Scott. Beîhliîi and Reeve C. Carruthers pres:d- Leagu.e Girls' Softball game. Ma- beliii St. Josepll's Chuircb li w'r,, ple Grove vs Hamp:cn: 6.30 p.m. Requiiemi Highi M\ass was siig b% Maple Grove. 110.30 a.m. and 7 p.m . Rev. Bruce _Nrs. \V. Deîmem laud M\rs. H. Hini- ing. League Football game. Solina vs Rev. S. i. Coifcv . The pal bearcrs The play "The Modern Cinder- Gey Il be the speaker. jliries. Boi iauville. witl IMr. anîd Communicationls were read rom Hampton. Supper will be served were J. F. Gormai'.lus ella" given by C.G.I.T. girls in the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch are Nr... J. Archecr. Bowmanville Public Utilities Com- from 4.3D p.m. At 8 p.m. Broug- Brown,. R. Bird, J. Sheclîaîî aid 1L basmen o th curc onFrdayviitig tei dagher. Mrs. K. M.ai\,\r H ari Caîri auad mission. Orono Weekly Times. ham Young People will present Green. eeigwas well attended. The Caverly. Toronto. Gluîi. '-\r. andtl Mrs. W. Werrv anîd Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- their drama "The Ginger Girl- nTclh'Nfs esiit parts were well chosen and the The Pascoe famiîy pienic was Ni1 witlî frieud- iii Bowînaivýille tion. Letter Shop & Supply Co.. music between acts with Mautc Performance splendid and reflect- hed in the park on Fr:day after- A\ iîîîiiber f romn here atteuded( n earmr ofPbi elhDvis . boy soprano. Miss Marion camle to Bowinanvillc inî 1913 fi) (.i:- ed credit on the girl.s and their!noon. and the Williarms Famîly on PIXcîratiîîi -ervice beld at Pitie Treasurers bond was renewed Hagerman. soloist. Miss Gertrude lier hlsiîaud who liatl arrived lierc leaders. Ice cream and cookiesSaturday afternoon. trc Ccîîeterv. Prince Albert,. with Mrs. E. V. Scobell. Poynter. soloist. Roy MiNller. ac- sunie twcî %ears before. For soint was served at the close. îa. F. L. Dudley. tax collector, pre- companisu. Admission: Tea and veau slîe ivas ail ardtîut wrke!r b Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baulch. Miss railMr. T. Saînelîs aîîd '.\ sented huas report for May. Jconcert 50c. tea only 35e, concert Su. Jojseîîb's Clîurclî anI a îiot½ Eien 'ono.Mr.Bll ea,- There is but one v:rtue - the an Is. S. rcustateiîded Çounicil formed themselves in* l 5c; Ch4ldren. tea 20c. con- moflier fi lier faîîîilv. but ilI-hlilt es, Jimmy. Ruth, Port Hope. Mr. Eternal sacrif:ce of sef-Geofue euI uaîîieuar\- on Siiday. to a Court of Revision to hear ceTim c lsries nliadad o .eli tolreti ffort fndiir Her Bro addagtr isSand. lirvHll witii fricîids i and determina the several com- iein sclio.A forstha Edna. Brooklin. at Mr. C. J. Ker- At the dawvn of wri*ten history Truif. pîs/ints agains: the Assessment;,;tepors flirdea adt slake's. the loneýest rcads in existenc~e had \Ir. andNIr-.H.Builev anid so', Roll for 1938. Eighteen complains 1 iru-fore lier foriner lcîl failed Miss R. An.thist.le. Toronto. with been built by silk :,raders a.nd \ i1Nr idNr. Sîd )w eehad ihterslsta SOLINA Fortified bv tlîe Iast rite- cf bl hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. An- conneeted Persia îvth the Aegean - ii ind-'îîr. the taxable assessment of the - Clîurch aîîd coiforted iv itie s- r thistle. Sea to the WeÉt and China in the -NIr-. H. De La N.iater, Toronito, township was reduced by $2800. ros\ituîg îieinbers of lber fainulv. shu Horticultural meetin- June 13th- Far East. withIiNIr. anîd 'N\r' . Niriai Tas lor. T. H. Rickards presented lus A\ îîuîuîber froni liere attfifded thi aefîlelft i1lis .world laSt Nioîî was well attended. there being a -He that rernembers no: ta keep ,îiiiiI Nr-, Geurce Crawford. Sr. report and vouchers for May. Gradilatiou Exercise.. cf Nicill. day c eeiiig. nu.mber frorn the Orono Society the Chrstian Sabbath at the be- NîIr . Lirîte lradhuîî'ii. Toronfto. $1039.87, îvhich were ordered plaid. Hiospital. Peterboro. oun \oiiîdax cv- Besicles her liusbaiid she luit t who joined with the Hampton- ginning of the week. wll be in wjtî ilii- parenits, Mr. and î Nrs. J. 1Th Cuniladî',ised the R.oad uîii .lîenMiss Muiriel Baker iaS ioîirii lier. fwo daugliter-. Nîri. C Solina Branch to enjoy the splen- :danger of forgetting. before the \\- Bradbîri Sup-. to purchase two creoso:e 'i1b gauts \ecîîrat Johnusoni. Obw.ai u did talk on gardening by -Diek end of the week. that lie is a NrailNr.Cire alait uvrsIulf ire hadiiutlir la- - .tre Os. Riad, .Alb 1 the Gardener' who with his ready Chi-tian.'-E. Turner. ir. a.d W. Keeîaî Nir.all Nrs. reated clers aîîie uieluona $2500prier aiid Bron. tr onsauviîe. Ale*- . . :. ý These ordfrs weie drawt n i -.i, cwiiiý-le .Mn. F. H. Joness, Bowmanville A\il aciite Iîeart conditionî broilglt cIeath on Tucsdav, Jiuîue 7tli. to Lii- iiaîî Niatde Morris. blocved wife of Fredcrielk H. Jciiess. Bowiiiaîîville. A vaiucd neriiber <if Triiîitv Clîurcli choir and thlic Xoîiieiis orgaîîiza. fions for inaii ycars. anid a very taleîîteîl îiiusîciaii. Nirs joniesw as the daugliter of 'Mrs. Morris anidflic late D. T. Morris. Suie ias boi ini Boîviiaiîviile anîd atteiicld pubîlic schlîcohere anid later îvliîcuthfli aîi- ily iioved to Brantford site atteîîdecI ftie Coliegiate aiid flicLadies' Col- luge tiiere îvhere sue stîidied uîîî-îc. Sîte gave iisitiiglv of lier servifeu andî talents i tiis directionf. SW. rcturie d tcî B<iviiaiivil le off the (luafl of lier fatlier iii Li.tiis ci anid tauiglît iiiiic fcor a short flie befcre lier niarriage ini 1901 to 1-redlericl, H. Joficîs. There were fouir cllilîdreuiuo fi.is unîionf, ail oii shoiiiwîiîth te scrri su- iîîg iiushaîid survive. Tlîev are Nr.. i br. )J . H. Foîx. XWashinigtoni. 1 C.:How ard. <f tlîe Detroiti Saviiig- Baîik. Detroit, Nicl.. Mocrriso(fif (G neral N.Ict<rs ini 0-hiasa. anid Miarguerite vhîo «is uilfi the cnii in L.i fe Coiipaiiv ini hiirciitci. -\ i..c survîviiig are lier iîoihîr.'n;rs.1). h. 'Morris. andîi Ilirecesister-. Miss.es Fillel andd Helcîî NMorris at ihomie. Nirs. G. WV. Garnier. O.shiawa. andl also onîe hrother. Dr. A-rthiur NV. Mocrris of Vieîiîa, Auistria. Fîiieral services uere lîcld urcîîîî tlîe faîiiil-v resideîîcc, Carlislee .. » (.11 Jiîîe 9tlî, andrlwcre largel.y au- teu(le(. The obsequiies werec ccnduc t-i ed bv Rcv. Sidniey Davisoîî. pastcîrI <if Trîiit %-Unitcd Clîîîrclî. anîd at flie graveside 'Mr. Davison wa, as.sc by Rev. Fredl Joiuliii, Scugog Islai.111 The casket uvas sîirroiviîded by a maSsscf lovelv flcoral tribute s ex- piressionis if sviiipathy andi e.tci.ii î rcir a uvule circie cf frieîid-, iii chiîdîîîg riîiitv Chuirci chocir, Car- l->le Grouîp oneis A.-cciatii . J'- i FREE public Sebiool staff. Douijuiion 1I-i i(. Tir uito : Gelcral 'Motors Enlgilleur-ý PONTYPOOL I iuig Dept., Oshawa, and others. ______________ Palibearers were 'Messrs ili ie. ac Rig iStrike. Geui. \\. jaies. C.,H. \Iascii: W Cddlu el r ig 1--..C. \'anstoiic. R. Thonnlîoou ail, ut po1 aud looks very pro- Dr. J. C. Devitt. îu.I-iu for the l2th of Jiuly. CI Aiîug flic irieuds and relatv These day. we wonder whether 1 atcndiizefroi ouit of to\uwn rev, e l ctIPouitypool o rsa - Mrs. j. H. Fox. Washingtoni. w buý Beach. Mr. Crystal of Pou'tyPool is 1 lad beeu with lier niother for the cxpectiîîg a big turnover on the sec- Cpast five weeks. M\iss 'Marguerite ,nil of July anid will Jack Pairie Joniess. Toronto: MNr. aud M\rs. 1-0i o briug ouft lîe baud. sward Joîîess, Detroit: 'Mr. and Mrs. \ is Merita Richardson spçi t Morris Jouess, NMr. andI Mrs. G. W- Suuida' vitli frieuds at Tyrouc. Garner, Oshawa; Mr. and NMrs. j. Tobliu aud Rev. Fred Joblu . Sculgog Mis, .Auuie Whîite is expcctiug a Island:î'Miss R. Clarke. M iss Katlîb groinu 0f vouung boys and zirls for erlue Pinch,.'Miss Floreuce M.\cNair *ithe wc'ekeud, a (lauce at lier liouîc .eAr. ..Clark. Torouto; Mr. Pruui- ]b%3uîg 1lauiieilbs eutertaiiiet. ic r. M\r. Nlobrav, 'Mr. Aruîstroiug. re- Nls. Vetta Wh'ite, Toronto, is i_ :1 preseîitiug Doiuiiou 1.1fe. Toroiît j day iz iililier fauiilv. A l~ Mariorie Aritage. Dr. Fraiik I SproilIc. Torouto ; N'r. andI'.\r,,. Waklv.P r Hoe. ud li . f1 ORONO MUSIC RESULTS 1 iterueiietrasud. i~ ' Congratulations to the follow- mauîuIc euîeery.ing Orono pupils wlio passed theî CI.________ piano examinations this week: If ou suscipionispai i-jGrade I-Wilda Hooey; Grade l' > r1 I yor ubcritin s pidin-Greta Mercer; Grade IV-Shif le acivance this item does flot inter- ley Porter. Stella Best; Grade V-1-. i- est you - but if you aie still civ- Rub'y Allun. Audrey Billings, Ednaj ingfor193 th ligerof iu . Billings. Al pupils of Grade V, ingfo 198 he iner f ui- i received honors and ail passelj opointtng right at you. If in doubt that tried. They are pupi]s of look at the yellow label. Mrs. N. Colville. COWLING SELLS FOR LES And Serves You Well -City Dairy Ice Cream and Bricks - Ice Cold Drinks We have a complete stock Special of fresh 2 tubes of Listerine Tooth KODAK FILMS Faste. 25e size always on hand for your convenuence. For OnIy ---26e CLEANERS Nyal Cream or Liq. 25c Shu-Milk - - - 15e- Palm Beach - - - 25c Cinderella - - - 50c Griffin Kidine --50c SPECIAL PRICES Absorbent Cotton lb. 29c Vacuu.m Botties - - 29c Dodd 's Pis - - - 27c Dr. West's Paste --17e 100 ASA. tabs. - 19e t0W! AMAqZIN NEWý 5HAMPOO SFECIUL IA " NE [DRflENE FOR IFR NO RA DRY AiI OR OILY RY HAIR Il .du 59C 1dren& a"99C HOLDRITE LASTEX BELT Support the back and control the waistline Each - -- $2.25 Paper Serviettes- 15c Thermos Botties 89c - $2.75 Paper Plates - 10c Lunch Kits - - - - 69c Dixie Cups -- 10c Picnic Boxes - - - $1.50 Bathing Caps, fresh stock new styles . . . . 19e - 69e Phone W 695 P. R. CO WLING, DruggistDe.e olin The Arcade reasure Huai1t - YOUR CHOICE - FREE 28-Piece Set of Rose Glassware 21-Piece Set of Floral Design Royal Lace pattern 1 China Tea Set 6 Water Tumblers 6 Sherbet Glasses 1 Cream Jug 1 Salad Bowl 6 Fruit Juice Tuinblers 6 Sherbet Glasses 1 60-oz. Water Jug 1 Sugar Bowl Cups 6Saucers 6 Cake Plates - 1Co s usigarof wl 1 Cream Jug 1 Tea Pot To Be Given Away - Absolutely Free of Charge! NO GUESSING! NOTHING TO BUY - NO OBLIGATIONS! iTreasure Hunit Starts Tburuday, Juste 30 RULES 0F THE ARCADE TREASURE HUNT CLUB Have your naine entered as a contestant in thé Arcade Treasure HUnt Club and reeMve your entry card. The rest is simple. For 18 consecutive shopping days, brlng your card persoflally to thes Arcade Store for reg- istration. That la ail you have to do to wln these prizes open tela"es over the age of 21. These cards are not transferable and must be presented by the same person who orlalnaUfY reglstered. At the end of the le days - every lady whose card shows 10011 attendance will be the reciplent of elther of the above prizes absolutely f ree of charge. To the ladies mlsslng only one day - these Primeswill be obtainable te them on payment of only 50c. To the ladies mising only two, days - these pries wiI be obtainable to thein onpay- ment of only $1.00. Absolutely no allowance made te those mlssing more than two <ays. REMEMBER This la no guessing contest. - There la nothing you have to bu, and you are under no obligation to anyone. The ARCADE Store Inuit.. THURSD.AY. JUNE 23RD, 1938 - Comiisting Of - "nu"

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