'M . A 4 i 'oc The heavy black lines on the above map show the railway lines1 carding of 2,216 miles of the C.NR.'s main Unes and 1,042 miles of that would be scrappecl in Ontario under -the line abandonment pro- the C.N.R.'s branch lines; 744 miles of the C.P.R.'s main lines and gramme submitted recently to the Sonate Comniittee at Otawa by 961 miles o! the C.P.R.'s branch linos throughout Canada. The line the Canadian Pacific RLailway in presenting its case for unification of abandonment programme was first submitted by -the C.P.R. to the the Railways. Under the C. P. R. plan 1,804 miles of C. N. R. Uine and Dut! Commission in 1932, but was kept secret until presented to the 596 miles of C. P. R. uine would be discarded in Ontario, a total of Senate Committee at the present. hearing. 2.400 miles of railway. The unification proposai cals for the dis- *and Mlrs. F. Harris vas weIl at- tended on Saturdav. i j.ETO On th 'e eve of Rev. and M.%rs. C. C. Harcourt's departure for Eng- \Vhat might have easily been a land a special meeting of the Orange serioi', f ire was narrowly averted Lodge was held and -.%r. Harcourt \Vednesday, when the large resi- was presented witb a gold ring ili dence of M.\iss MNary %Ialcolm caught scribed with the symbol of the fire fromn a spark from the chim- Royal Arch, in token of their esteemn nev. Evidently the f ire smouldered and f raternal reRaid. away amorig the oId ivood shingles. unnoticed and was only discovered when it blazed up about two o'clock in the afternoon. Fortunately car- Ne wcastle News penters were at work at one end of the house and were able to give u. K . O GE T0 mediate assistance. If they had flot H D TO been there, with ladders right at the CHILDREN'S AID start, the fire would have gained GUEST SPEAKER ýuch headway that the meagre f ire- f ighting equipment of the village (Held over from last week) would have been uiseless. Once the W. A. o! the United Church, alarm was given a large crowd 500fl Newcastle were f avored with a gathered, but it took about hialf an visit from Superintendent K. J. hour to get the blaze under control. Hodgert of the Children's Shel- l)aniage wvas confined to the roof ter, Port Hope, and Mrs. Hodgert andl the atuic. M.,iss .\alcolni is hax'- at their monthly meeting on June ing a new asphalt roof laid on the 9th. They were present on invita- \vhole bouse. tion o! Mrs. W. J. S. RLickard, Nestleton hardbal1k team (le eate' group leader. Mr. Hodgert spoke YvIverton twice recentîy in leagu( of the work of Children's Aid 50- eamnes. At Blackstock they wÛir cieties in general and o! what the 10-7 on June 13, and on Fridax -Society for Northumberland and Yelverton. in a game playe(l mostly Durham is doing in particular, in heraî, hevagin on7-2. -e mentioning several kinds o! casess in he amthe agin on extunder their care. Mrs. Wallace League game is at Nestleton Satuir- Holmes move'd and Mrs. N. L. day evening with Bethalnv. Rickard seconded a vote o! thanks 1\r. and NMrs Jack Bedford. To- Vo Mr. and Mrs. Hodgeit for their ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford jaz- presence and bis address. Mrs. C. s.-n and familv, Nestleton. \1sit'e<l A. Cowan favored with a piano .Nr. James Gordon and Mil. and solo: Mrs. Wallace Holmes gave a M\rs. K. Burton. reading; and Mrs. Cowan's niece, NMrs. H. Tinnev and Mlis,, Tinnev. Mis Gwen Gilmer. Shilob, con- Cavan, called on '.\r. and MNrs. J. tributed two solos Vo the program, Forder. on their wav home~ froni June Time, and Softly and Ten- Windsor. derly Jesus Is Calling. Mrs. W. J. Carperiters are busy making ex- -9. Rick&rd's group served refresb- tensive repairs on '.\r. NecbI)tt's ments. house. MNiss Rubv Veale, Toronti. visited P.~Goi rvl her father. Sir. A. H. Veale. Pa ru rvl MNr. and M.\rs. Dick Russell, '%r. Robert Lansing. M.\rs. Jack Barton (Held over from last week) arnd Joan, Toronto, spent Sunday On the holiday, June 9tJi. the with Mir. and \Irs. Norman Lai,.$. cast o! "Wild Ginger" picnucked sng. Mro alr at Lake Scugog near the former i\lss .\Iriol Tylo, Tro<nto. home of the principal maie char- spent the weekend wih Nestleton acter, Mr. Chas. Glenney, and the f riends. following night, Friday. Juno 10, '\Ir. 'ýVilliamn Hunking, Dc-troit. i' ________________________ holidaying with Mir. and M.\rs. R. W. ________ NMarlow. Miss Ena Brooks. teacher at No. 9, and the public health nurse in the play. entertained the cast at her parents' home in Oshawa. The group is presenting "Wild Ginger" at Yelverton on Friday. June 17, and at Long Sa.ult on t.he follow- ing Tuesday. The cast of "~Look Me In the Eye" are also bookinig engage- ments for Kedron and other com- munities. The large group appearing on several occasions in the panto- mime, "Piotures Old and New" were guests of Mrs. W. J. S. Rîck- ard's group of t.he W. A. of the United Çhurch on Tuesday. June 14. at Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Park- er's where they ha.d their pictures taken in the costumes and make- Up in wbich they appeared in "The Album." Mr. Walter Seldon, Toronto. Mrs. Parker's father. took camera shots of the whole group together, of smaller groups and pairs and of certain individ- uals. MASTER MAGICIAN SCORES BIG HIT AT NEWCASTLE John Giordmaîne, Master of Gags and Gadgets (Held over from last week) John Giordlmaine, magician and ventriloquist, entertained at the Newcastle Cornmunity Hall on Friday evening, June lOt.h, under the auspices of the management comnxittee of the hall. He had an attractive variety of paraphernalia and put on a Teal clever show reminiscent of the times when such entertainiments were xnuch more in vogue than they have been since the advent of the taik- ies, movies. automobiles and ra- dios. Ail children under 15 were admitted f ree and were present in cruantlty. It was a red letter night for all and espocially for several boys and girls whom Mr. Giord- maine called w the stage, mostly in pairs, to assist Mim. The final act was the taking o! Always Rereshing FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAE 13e each 2 for 25e BAKERY SPECIALS Lemon Pie.................... Each 25e Orange Layer' Cake............ Each 30e Fresh Fruit Tarts THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers For Two Generations a live white rabbit out of a plug hat after yards and yards of col- ored ribbon-like confetti had been taien out ahead of it an.d then the magician walking down on the floor of the hall and giving the white rabbit to Artie TOMS. Before Mr. Giordinaine began his sleight of hand work and leg- erdexnain tricks which the adults enjoyed as rnuch as the Young, Miss Plauline Deline f avored with a vocal solo accomPanied by Miss Dolly Purdy, and during inter- mission Mrs. Donald Robb, Or- ono. presented a nunber of ber medal winning pupils in dance and vocal numbers. Reeve C. R. Carveth acted as chairmafl and briefly addressed the audience. &&GO PLACES FOR" DOMINION DAY July 1, 1938 ENJOY A LONG WEEK-END Low Rail Fares Between ail points in Canada and to certain destinations in the United States FARE AND ONE-QUARTER For the Round Trip Tickets good going any time Thursday, June 30, until 2 P.m. Sunday. Jul[y 3, 1938. Return Limit to leave destination flot later than midnight Monday, July 4, 1938. Times shown are "Standard" MINMUM SPECIAL FARE - 25c FuIlI particulars frokm aeiy aget CANADIAN PACIFIC Always Delicious m * OIION TORE SHIRRIFF'S ASSORTID JELLY POWDERS Pkg nos5 BEAVER BRAND FA"-YILCE LOBSTER - s.27 KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WRIP '.1 AYLMER CHOICE WHITE CORN 3 17g.2t) AYLMER TOUMATO Julce 3Tins .22 HELMEI CORNED DEEF 2 Tins. 23 CHASE AND SANBORN il.3 COFFEE PICNIC SWEET MIXED PICKLES -MIN -ja. .25 CHEESE GRUYERE Pkg.29 CHOICE FRUITS Snow White Caulillowers sa. loc Fresh Fruit and Vegetables For Your Salads CHECK THESE SHREDDED WHEAT 2 Pk .2a3 WELCH'S GRAPE Med. > JUICE Uti.32 NEILSONS COCOA 8T-oin. .19 FLEISCI4MANN'S YEAST - C ke .04 DURHAM CORN STARCH i-;lb. .10 PALMOLIVE SOAP - Cak. .0r» NAVY TISSUE 2 R.11. .15 ROSE BRAND SUMMER DRINKS - 13o. -.25 DR. BALLARD'S DOG FPOOD 2 1-1.2 P7DRýOPIINTO YOUR NEIGHDOURHOOD ..d " In 1! THURSDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1938 Bowmanville Phone 855