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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1938, p. 10

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- - s-- - -..- ~ --- __ -t mu PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMfAN, BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO DO// MARY ROBE RTS he no, Jerry. Not with Mo- CAN YOU RECALL SCENES LIKE THIS? difference in him, save that he gest?" he was in love with her e STOR + MAYR OBNE H AR T He ad ars osile he - egan then to develop those deep "He thinks I need not have it1 when-" h tpete de waunotHe made Paris possible. She nes from nose to mouth which at all." calmly,j"I thought that you would was fot in love vitb Shm. but she were so characteristic of him Apparent rather go to hlm than have me go 1 S t a t i n t o n , v a s C h r i s w a s p u z z l e d . p a e t y r h r was fond of hlm. Staunto wasuhevery soon after h e anednobîg ro 'O her." (Continued from page 9) "What in the world brought you seeing his foreign agents. buying hetha set ey soo e after t t he wae dt infrohi s T b g o ht s o r ha one o those experiences ut there was a determination i (To be continued) bere0pictures and old French furniture. ta e ayamdclmnt er voice, a purpostapuhl __________ sleep. Then back again to the' keeping buisvý to f111 a strange odrniaknhscarobevghr long, heav German dmnner to lCan you ask' I ve chased you emptiness in his life: and Beverly, wondering just wbere right andber vihe s haroservingu her ole athx, o aall over the map and onto the facing a lonely day, would hear ustice lie, and which caused him with mee es. Weairoldobservi sent father, to bad coffee later margns! And now that I've Jerry on the telephone. man aslkedes ngs offiwes ilev e ese in the lounge or a liqueur in the found you-" .. to come. She was er loel there danHow about dinner and a will marry you, I suppose?" men and women see in each other. smal bar. h aIvr oel h hi ac"'H a5e nohishffieane;N-n htvr ei bu e night to find a young woman "None whatever. He is about Men who can be bought imag- She had no time to make fr1- i tbe cold with her muf against Iv as going to bed earlv." atigform. n t emaredtiomnn-es. ends, no lightness and laughter in her cheek, with her face flushed awaiingforhim.Shehada ariedsoe they can't be caught. er li e nday ereforthatwhenwere old, telligent face and was well dress- Suddenly she sat forward in bier life. Wben one day near the! in tbe wind and ber skirts xx bp- 'iefrta bnwr od b iuto'hn h olwdtr"sesIld.ot yet, t ast.c canal she came face to face wit ping around her slender legs. He my child. Come on: put on some- - ed, and he had no suspicion of her chair. "I don't need a doc- Jerry Ames, it was like recaptur- eyed her with appreciation. ting pretty and lets go some- n when she followed tor," she said. "Not yet, at least. wng him into the consulting room. Her But I want some one young don rat hrprcd ed to tuc ng oltt i you o Bev." F Then one night in a taxicab he first words enlightened him. enough to understand and be in- her arm under his and do some She said nothing to that. He slipped something on her engage- am in rouble, Doctor. I sup- terested in helpng me, DoctorERN capturing -of his own. ment finger and. leaning over, pose you know what that means Arden. And I chose you because gsve. He took er to tea, came to kissed it gently. She looked down And I imagine you will refuse t' theman is Jervis Ames, and I SAVE at bis bright head and, when he do anything about it." She smiled think you know the girl he is go- dinner party later, and sometime straightened, up into his blue gravely. "I know, because I've ing to marry. tat nigt she found herself danc- eyes. tried before. There's a law against "You see," she went on, "I have Having made arrangements -Do you mind?" he asked, smil-t two courses open, and only two. to secure more o! my supplies ¾3iwaltz ton bsar e p l ng th e rBlumn 'Do-you m d- - "It's rat er m ore than m erely a Doctor. One is to go to M iss loc , It is unnecessary xaltz to a band playing the "Blue ing. laxv, sn'the it?" nmrey Lewis. I don't want to do that 'fo Danube." Jerry holding her and I don't know. Give me time, Th law, isn't it?I wispering in er ear: - ont you? I feel so lost Cle above picture, kindly loaned to us by the Goodyear Wingfoot S "Mucb more.IThe other is to hand Jerry his me to c "I love you sweetheart. Love Beverl's father seend pleas- a s t he Balmoral Hotel back in the days when it was known know a e arguments. I've ad I part of thisproblem and make paints and supplies as form- On Garatee Trst "ou.love yoseteat o ed wen'rvs herld him she as- a 'te Godyear Club, and when the vehicle pictured in front used nwateagmns ehdhimi take it. So far I've failed. He, erly GoderCuvbcepcuetnfotue several montbs to tbink tbemn is frigbtened, but he is stili not CoriißcaSe n a tbnyou. Love yoa." ed xen she told hm she xasen- to meet aIlte trains at the C.N.R. Station. This is not so very long overa Alonen,"shetadded with a frightened enougt. You see, e CeufeaesSh wn bcktobe ad ogaged to Jerry: or as pleased as ago - less than 25 years. gI o se eittatringingandher he could be just then, with the slight emphasis. knowstee. enowsh. o e Paif Vare nae et it ne e ui th ringing inhtorder of his life altered without "Then the father of the ono im, and he's banking on tat" IegaI Investment for ears, the music, the soft lights. bis consent. And.at his suggestion nerves, and then another. Bev- go back to the hospital, grateful child-?" And she added. "It's just bis bad ll a ou to get in touch Trust Funds ering over her. The next dav he she began to select her trousseau. erly waited for him until late in to it for its order and quiet. "Has been away. He didn't And she ine , ts just in with me n Yn sent her a huge bunch of violets, going from shop to shop with a the evening, and then went to Chris was mentally wretched know about it, you see. Not that love wit ' himand that was that" plenty b now. action nconditionally Guaranteed and she pinned them to her blacky orriedafron, dermine bed. He turned up the next and pysically highly uncomfort- that would have made any differ- Chris still said nothing, and she p senct. er a uge buncbo f vioes mî oredfon eemne-Pbd etrndu h etable, for Lily had lapsed even ence. I thought once be wudwent on. 0f course Jerry was "a We cnalo upyyu ers since Annie's death. of her, her youth, her mother, and morning with a cut lip and a story from ber previous state of inef- marry me eventually, but-well, bad man with women." She kneyo T ey e Annt t i n of course Chris Arden. That sense of a taxi crash, however, and she f iciency. Her wrappers were more that doesn't matter now. I think that now. He would neyer be with TE N TTey went to Paris, and he of practicality she had inherited believed him. She had to believe bedraggled, the accumulation of now that I will have the child, faithful to a wife. But l ead beis went witb themn. When Stauinton ýfrom hier father told bier tbat STERLING TRU S slept in the compartment of the r te fa ber tdcher oh bim. He was all she had. unwasheddishes and dust every- Doctor." She smiled again. "I'm good points, too. He was kind. He CtRPORATONeainerry came over and sitting nr C s v a n a s ri n edre r e e t , t n a u l e d e h n ng r CORORINeYoidocar, oereandr.t yunife,whereas Chris neyer had and That was in Paris. In Anerica, too, when she acted like a woman you see,,I happened to care for to her until now. But he thought COROYouN es d eoare rme, dont o neyer would; and she was fond too, spring bad corne; and in the drugged, altbougb she angriîy the man.' she was a fool 'for having the ~ me ICICLl STERLNGTowEnBTORONT e?" ' of Jerry. In time, she thought, hospital the spring and new hope denied it. She was so carefully matter- child, and e was furiously angry O"I don't want to think about she would probably love him . had put a little dance into Katie's e with ber. Pasnte>of Phone4of-fact3thatlhe keatthora e- c h iewa fu i sy n r And he was cheerful, cheerful step, and a trifle of coquetry when "Drugs? What sort o! drugs, of a be kept bis own fac withhe. ad ratdr demranding. She would an interne idled into her ward. It and where would I get them?" mvassive. You arebetng very "You see, he's very much in come into the botel from a long went no further than that, how- He took to locking his medicine course; the only sensible tbing." ve with Miss Lewis. I suppose day to find him, smiling and fresh. ever, for Katie was watching ber closet then, but Lily knew a trick She had notgfinisbed. bowever. "How about dinner and danc- step. She was competent and will- worth two of that. There were She was still calm, but he saw r ingaa ing, but she was too self-contain- always the samples left in Chris's th , saw ing?" ed, a trifle hard; and to the other absence, and one day she got in gt he has a!wer ceh d. N" we have to, Jerry? I'm so nurses she was merey a a- de l tb tand ad a second key t"Wi at I want, and what I tink * * g tired."-CO SUL pact, efficient little machine, daingmaettecast is fair, is that the-the man in "Change of occupation is rest, ber work but no more. Now and then Chris brought in the case shatl see me traugn it my love! Hurry now, get a bot She seldomn saw Chrs. He was a colored woman from the alley and support the child later. That's bath, and you'Il be ready to go." busy again; bis practice growing, behind tbe bouse to dlean up, and not being mercenary. I support 1 One night sbe said to bim, "Wespedn byndtebokno for a day or two the brass plate myself-I'm a stenographer in aneW ,, can't dance aIl tbrougb Iife, the ward and from there slowly on the front door would shine and of the mills-and I shall have to JerO" sextending. On her afternoons at the house be orderly. But soon it go somewhere else to live.aUn- "Wbo wan ts o! And we're only home he would come in, eat hur- would lapse again, with Lily shut fortunately he does not see it that you 'once, and it's spring, my riedly, and go out again, closing away m ber upstairs room, rock- way. He thinks it will give me a ItvP th e do to thbemetimesfie i aingslowly in her comfortable hold on him, be a sort of black- * I t at spring in Paris that firm finality. Sometimes she did daze. mail." She flushed. "In other HEAD OFFICE-MONTREAL Jerry go a etter from America. not see bim at all, and the house One day Chris saw the Lewis words, now it might be anybody's He read twice and thenrcare- without him meant nothing to car on a downtown street and child; if he sends me money or F. C. PRESTON fully destroyed it, and after that ber. It seemed untidier than ever, knew that Beverly was back from checks, it is his." he took a drink to steady his and after a visit home she would Europe. It made no appreciable "And what else does he sug- ocal Agent Bowmanville and Newcastle THE SOLINA NEWS FLASH, SOLINA, ONTAR.IO THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH, 1938 WILLIE TUE WAIF How Woolien cesses of pressing and steam - Clothes Are Made "Tead obesip. (Bernice Warren, GradeeIX)st cloth is made fromn Be IX) IB Sounds like music," replied the Merino sheep's fleece. The It was in a very narrow street Bob. Presently they came to a (Muriel Langmaid) wool raised from the sheep in in London. The houses were sO small building. Peping in the Many peple have pet lambs tSouth Africa is also very good high on either side that the door, they saw many children tatta no as in Ontariais sun could not shine down up- like themselves. Suppose tat we bave aonte. not nearly as gooi quality as on the pavement. Even if it The little waifs entered and Supse thmatweshae rane thesea a sthercountries. could it would never have shone found themselves inside a these lambs. First we raise it str ie through the windows. Theylmission school. Ihey enjoyd on the bottIe, feeding it all In Australia they have large were toa dirty, most of them mtheselves and often visited summer long. Then the next sheep farms. The largest thefe vsie ranches are in New Sautit were patched with brown pa- the school afterward. spring our little lamb is shear- Waes but in New Sth per. In fact the houses, and 1 ed. We roll up its wool and I s u other states even the streets, were filthy. One of the leaders, a very send it to the distributing sheep are also raised. The e The hildrento, were ity kindly lady, was much taken centre. sheep graze on the salt bush The cltildren, (00, were dirty te little Wihîie, but not until a Hoe(e rd Lat ak~n (lic !ri.nge o! Australian and ragged. Sitting alone, onfrienimentined it, did Here they grade it and pack dserter th st this certain evening, was a lit- ,notice the likeness between her it into bales ready for shipment much rainfal.ere is not so tle 'boy about six years of age- niece ant little Willie. to the factory. Let us say that ____ _____ _____ His hair had never been comb- Fe . . ithe fleece of the pet lamb was cd, itis clothes were much t lFor many years the mission graded Ontario number one. THE LIFE 0F iig for him, and as he st lady and her brother had been Sorting of the fleece comes 'THE ESQUIMOS there hie seemd ta e waiing searching for their dead sis- next. That is the breaking of for some one. . ter's son, who had been taken it up into different parts and Al at once he eagrly start- awaygbythis nurse ani left putting it into a huge basket. (Helen Langmaid, Grade VI) ed forward, as the one for sc TIis will mean that the fleece The Esquimas are fountii whom le hai been waiting ai- sumS. The brother and the of our pet lamb may help to rived. This was his brother, a ase og taken up ther or make many different things. the norenpart of North boy of about ten. He had spent fimndinng (lum-lost child. a The next step after sorting is Amerca, Greenland, and the the day trying to earn a few scouring. The wool p a sa es Arctic Islands. The name giv- pence by sweeping a cra eth had su ceede onlyug through (hree or four vats en them is supposed tabe o! "I'm se giad you'vegcomeisappoied uccgdi andy aain con ainng warm, soapy water, an Indian origin meaning eat- homo, lsd yai u'vdc c e disappointed again and again. ant is kept in constant motion ers of raw fish. There are at home, Bob," sai Whaie. "I'v Tiey ithd amost given ups ipe by means ofiautamatic rakes, least three principal divisions been waiting fer suce a long until (heir attention was dir hisChfree it from dirt antioo! (is race - the Esquimo pro- time." ectet tcWillie. s teIase. per, in Labrador, the Green- 'Poar litt e cap! Is'n a bit At once (ey set ta swork, alen t is then boiled in a dye landers, and those occupying haLe to-day, anto wsuppose brother going to eslums, anti solution. When taken out of the country west of Baffin Bay you're lounly. Leok wha I've s sister going a osec Widlie. his it is dried. It looks very and west to Bering Strait. gt for you Wilai,'ie bnid, as The on y way e o identifica- different when it has been dyed. The Esquimo's nose is flat- ihelli up a large bun. ion was a red markion (le ith is very seldom that they get tened, they are short and stout, WiBie clappat fr miantis. shouter. The mission lady r the same colour of dye twice. J and their skin is rather a "Oh Bob, la (biat for me, reaily? .faund out fram (lie awner a!' After ewo sde ti rw Let's sit down and caL it." I the lioardiing bouse (bat Willie Atr the wool is dyedi it is brown. The chidren sat dtiwn antidheba ditsu h a mar on a ileft put in a mixer. Different col- Their summer residence con- soon T idvouired the bun between shouloer. ours are mixed to procure right sists o! tents made with poes hem, ' SIe was overjoyedi at (his, shade, and different qualities and skins. In the winter time Bo hadn't earned any mon- ant sue was she tat itws to procure right quality. the Esquimos build houses of ey b t akhotad anymand her long-lost nephew she went The wooli 1 now ready to be snow and ice. In some dis- Ite knew btat his father w d andt boughit him a suit. carded. It passes through the tricts they live in the same wpmceu The mission lady had kept carding machine which con- places in bath winter and sum- as long as nothing liappened ta herniece's nurse and she re- sists of a great many rollers mer, then their houses are Willie. Bob sat very still for a cognized little Willie as Ber- covered with short steel teeth. made o! stone in whicb turf is whie. lst in thought. tram Vincent, the long-ost When it Passes through tlhis used for cement. From fifty to child. machine it has been combed several bundred inmates ac- At last he sprung up, say- Little Gladys, his sister, at many times, and it comes out'cupy a single bouse hichoc- ing, "Come on Wilie f we won't once loved Bertram dearly. the end in narrow strips which winter is warmed by lamps go home te-night! We'U find Many years have passed. ithe fibres lay side by side. TIhis consuming whale oil as fuel. s tmew<ere ta go!" That niglt Both Bertram and Bob are liv- is called roping. It goes from The food consists ofaflesh o! tlie two' chiltiren slept in cdiing with the mission lady. They here to the spinning room the walrus, whaie, seal and others arms in an empty bar- are both well educated, and where these strips of wool are other aniruas, tloug s is is rel. Bertram is going through for a twisted into a strong woolien usually eaten raw, In summer The next morning they arose ministerfor he too. is greatly yarn and wound on spools they eat some berrIes wich early antiwasbed quickly, but interesteid in the waifs of Lon- The yarn is wound from they find growing in (le nar- DameuFortna nearby pool. don, anti is hoping that they these spools into the warping J thern land. Dame Fortune was good ti too will some day have the machine into the warping The men ant women dress (bose twe little wains bat g same chance as he has had.I beam a kint do! large spool nearly ike,atheirdress con- far w ntheyfu nd lerwhicilaattvaciedng t loom' sists of trousers and a coat or far wben (eyfounte a silver for weaving. sack made of skins drawn over sixpence. Nature Notes After the cloth is woven it their heads. That evenng anti many sn thisveryrough and has to be Governme pen air, but as winer drew (Frayn Johns, Grade VIII) finished. Fi'rst, any holes which uiossr>balmnThe Es- openair bu as intr dewbappen tabe le! t in iL by lie' inembersare selecteti as chiefs nearer it became too cold to The school grounds look very bapem tobealeft ni yth membeaseethe oldest sleep outside. So they went to beautiful with the green trees lo mare sewn, and The knLts whio officiate amonvei tîbefs a boarding house to sleep, bust nestling around the school usie te join are untied. This Large numbers ha e tbens. it was too wid. In the roorn house and along the fences. is don by Itand. IL is then maie Christians avb eansi where they slept, someone was -- washed ant goes througb ite missionaries, though yoeash always smoking or drinking, We have quite a forestry at festing process. This consists worship in (beir old wso s and as a result the two children the back a! the schol. The o! passing (ie cltth whichi Ta got very little sleep. oak tree that we got at the soakedi h raugb a machine made of ue a boat or kyak The owner of the boarding time of the Coronation is com- wichl lhas many rlhlers. IL skill. As hunters an fishers house, a very kind lady, offer- ing along nicely. It has leafed called (le milling machine. they can use their arrows, ed them a room that she did out well this spring. The cloth is now washed spears and lances very we, not use, to sleep in, and the -::- again to remove the soap used these usua nce laving baenor children gratefully accepted. The school garden is coming in felting process, and dried by metal pointsa. The Esquimo dog One foggy day in November, along fine. We are doing our running it through the vacuum or husky is their Eny animai when Bob was working hard best to keep our plots free from drier. and serves as a vaiuable il at his crossing, Willie began to weeds. The felting process leaves in hunting ant drawing shed- cry. "Let's go home now, Bob" -::- heavy cloth for overcoating, so ges. It is almost as big as a he said. "I'm so tired and We had many beautiful tulips it is now raised. This brushes police dog andoshas short but cold." in our flower garden this it up uneven so that it has to strong legs, and from its bushy "All right," said Bob. They spring. Although one althe be sheared. This machine Is tail has awolfish appearan ce. had not gone f!r when Willie pupils mistook a Columbine for similar to that of a lawn mow- By means of a team otraine. suddenly stopped. a weed the bed is coming along er or a mowing machine. Af- dogs the Esq mas can travel "What's that, Bob?" he said. nicely. oter passing through find pro- sixty miles a day. EDITORIALS .MUSIC MELODIES The Solina News Flash EDITORIAL STAFF Mining in Canada (Muriel Langmaid, Grade IX) Editor.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Bernice Warren i Ms. Roblidees fat miss Managing Editor . . - . Charlie Langmaid ýargaet Perkmns, Grade [X) many days. When she dees Canada is one o!fte great- -MISS we miss her very much. THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1938 est o! mining countries and She bas missed some on ac- stili cacit year ber production count o! the Festival, but we We, the pupils of Solina School, wish to express our 0f minerai wealth is becoring don't mmd that if sie is belp- ippreciation to Mr. James and The Canadian Statesman for greater. She praduces nearly ing other scbeals. their kindness in printing "The Solina Newsflash." ail the world's nickel, andiis tethird greatest golti and sul-*** ver mining country, and la (the THE VALUE OF SPORTSMANSHIP third also in er store o! coal. Two o! the boys have 1w A great part o! Canada is' veices and it bas became a joke Sports of to-day are clean and well-governed. There is mountainous or rocky wilder- among the athers te make (heu more demand for the good, clean sports. If we as individuals ness. This gives the prospec- vaices 10w also. We hope (bat could be honest enough to play the bail, instead of playing tors an almost endless field for it daesn't spoil their vaices: their searcb. Tbey must take the man, and not look for the faults in others, our sports wfth tber food and supplies wouldClie much more enajayed. for weeks or monthe. In tse Take for instance skating rinks at seool, it isn't pro- Mouftai s of British Columbia The juniors have tw or they carry these on the backs three songs that they sing very per for the senior cbildren to take possession o! ail the ice and of ponies. In Eastern Canada wel, ne is the festival piece. flot give tge juniors a chance. the prospectors travel n They o!ten get their words You can't expect to win ail the time, ecause life isn't canoes. Th ey alsa fly in aero- mixed up whictannays Mr. lilce that. A person bas to take the bard as wehl as the gooti planes. They carry their awn 'BlackbUni. tsupplies on their backs. In ei- ** aidea! things, that is, if you lose, do nnt er case they camp where ather one, but te a good loser, because it's fhar harder to re a ey see fit, an searc the Two of thes a l w gadlaser than telie a gooti winner, therefare more credit is rocks far ant wide forany viers ar teie beoat upien due te the goad loser. imntnouf valuable minerai. er ia torthe os te-i ness. his gves thpros evoces owaronWeohop e-a We shoulti train ourselves talie good losers, sathat Ifors aU ashoul es visit a work- ceived it this year, but Bernice ing mine and go underground, Warren eing almost as god when 'ae corne ta the larger prablems in lue we xvi le alile lawered down a deep shaf t at was given an Eversbarp for a breath-taking speeeimfoodc t e met chbem andoe ae e aclose wsteel cage, you . ul e f inin a large mine miles o! REFORESTRATION IN THE COMMUNITY passages that hatbeen blasted The Musical Festival out o! the seid rock ta reach To-day the weather conditions are different than (bey t aore. You would see iners were same time ago. They are different aecause there are busily at work by thehight o! (Helen Langn littie gas lamps, with noisy eh-madGre I ew trees ta hol the moisture o and as a resuit we ave ver ectric drills, in brea rock i On Tuesday, May 10, 1938, otte raon in the summer. This causes the grain ta die ant chambers cahled "stopes"Sa na Scool wenta Bew- oloave na cropa. In the west the dust storms are a menace wihich they were making still manvile to sing at the Durham wto thegoodoser. larger by blasting down the County Musical Festival. This te We ar sth ta trsl ay b If the trees were ti roof anouwals waso(tre firs time SaBna Scbol he pat wo! thi they wauld stop the wind. Thus refrestra- There wauld lie a huge mi had ever campeted at the fes- tion ma he a bblps ate farmer. asflull o!greatmachines crusing tival andt we are glad ta an- Any kind a! fores: tree is available. free af charge, at the ard alre t a fine pwder, nounce that we were placed t REFRSt RnATON INTE OMMUIT Ysundredsa or perhaps busanda fourth in a ciassl a fifteen en- o! tons of it in a day, and re- tries with elghay-fcur marks. I Orona as there ismucah low-sandnear Oron and pine grows moving e valuable minerai am sure h la an henaur and bet in sandy regians. The torwnship council exempts fram 'urom tbe worthless rock. r delight te be able ta say tis taxation ten acres in every bundret acres if reforeste y ant pera s iniead a! a mii therek about aureawn home 1chol. fenced ta keep out ail livestock. might lie a great smelter, s th Weai Shope for stil tbetter huge rarmn g furnaces melting success next year. If we bave trees on aur farm it makes the scenery more theoare te a fiery liquid and me-' beautiul and hitheland worth more because a! the wood ta- covering de nearly pure metal sig their wntcai from near- is upen it. Fine is especiahly fine lumber andtisl useti ail the !rom it. by seams. In Cape Breton la- time.. If we have a reforeste area on te farm it holde the Net so many years ago the 'land est o the great mines fHudson Bay country w as are auling their coal up long Any kire nd of foesthte a ilablWe fre fha re ttehrer oafn odenuc htw eepae thouglit to e life!na value ex- "slepes" or .in'clineti shaf ta n aoursarm it aolda the moisture and may develop aspring cept for its forests and its furs. from seam beneat the led an! you ca thave water in your bouse ani barn if te water Aboutn alf a century ag gre-:o! the ocean. pgped ta your home. Wtn we consider these advniskel-copper mines were stum- at r a best in sady regions The townhip counci exempts rom fomte thes rok. r elight oo be able omyti we reaize that every farmer, every chool, ani every muni- bled upsn inbiasting tdrougfafibraus minerai calle asbes- If wuehv eeesonour far it maesthecenr more the rocksrinuringahe building tas. Mest the world's sup- e o! e Canadian Pacifi eail -plyis obtainetifrom apen pits wayt ortheo! eargian Bay. or quarries in the soutetrn Osruono Fieistepivaly fnlubradiusdllthe foh i.sheronsefr o iefen lhe announceit ourdshool ts mines supply alglc part o! the province o! Quebec. O o no mesth second .W n h te d with nickel, and can r hasbest s is shrei de ufine. supply ail its needtb wit met xspun int yarn aninwven inte 'MronJohns,Gre g c fiftyor perbaps ahundred fireproof clatb, and a usedin aioteen aves wateri yuer pupiLs ith clas Pins ant years o came. Farthr northc buildings as insulation. e ry frmer, eothers wih special vermAf- lis te famous Cobalt Campi h Oirum lfounm a in siutnl- achpalsconcl sod ndevurttrrette cuty.tuthnaa-a acfc tsuoto hwrdssp Orie whose silver mines have been wsern Ontaidrio ant is usen ifor ~ campetec in th. unrtquarrrsesoio! tue upoushpre aocomparnled Fus n c ho r ui5sente MrsdRobb oith a beau- Turning ut for sle hast twenty making aster for otuses. cmipetitien held in the Orana tif ii baske aifselowerscnMrdyearslihe richeat silver ares in This minerai has been steadily Twn Hall on Ar l 29 . Be- Blackbibn spoke briely Jo the world. tne for neary a hundret aides the choruses there was a to the presentation, expressingJ Farther north still are the years. competitiant There wer he teachers' and pupils' ap- gold mines at Porcupine, Tim- When we realize that min- du-et eompeith ion.ere preciation of the excellent work mis, Kirkland Lake, a n d ing in Canada gives employ- sainefolk thes pn rstd b d l y Mrs. Robli Rouyn, perhaps the largestlment te sa many men, we some of t es restd onIgold mines in any country. should be thankful te bave s>l h aga ieOEA ome peophoSughaveSJ Vancouver Islandi, the eastern such great minerai resouxces. sang the O A Some people have a way of part ofvBriLi Ca lumbia ant And thus we are assured con- We were ail pleased wth the saying things to hurt the feel- Alberta have unlimited sup- tinued sprsperity in t e years resuit that Dr. T. A. Partridge ings of others just as if they plies of coal. In many places to comepas there are sure ta of Bowmanville gave to us were getting paid for it. on the prairies the farmers can be more discovered. '>1' - 'v ..r. ... r . . -- - --- --- ---- --- --- .. - ~ V " '~ '~A m PAGE TWO 'i i THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH, 193S THE SOLINA NEWS FLASH, SOLINA, ONTARIO PAGE THREE

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