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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1938, p. 11

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TUE (RONO NEWS PAGE ELEVEN 0 Rector Compliments Caretakt On Well Kept Graves At Cern Large crowds fromn Orono, To- ronto, Newcastle, Oshawa, Bow- casion of their decorati nanville, and many other places but that hie did flot kn( gathered at Orono Cemetery on tory of the first gathei Sunday for the annual Decoration kind. He congratulate Day services, charge of the Orono Midiand Regiment Band march- and expressed the opir from the armouries and assist- was because men whc by Mr. H. Allun of Newcastle terested in their wor] nd Mr. Sunday of Crooked Creek charge. Personally, hi rendred usi fortheservice. would flot care what rendred usi forthewas like but it was g Entering the cemetery gates play- that others cared in u mng "Nearer My God to Thee" they tion their loved ones' r marched a littie forth east arid ces were kept. Fort took their stand for the service pol on n rn over which Mr. H. J. Souch pre- tepla coe tatdi al sided.mem"3ries and it was a. èJ'Abide with Me" and "Before did thing to be sentit Jehovah's awful Throne" were led stn eie h rv by the band, after which Scripture ones and think of the pj readings and prayer, followed by a sight it would be if the Lord's Prayer in unison, were hie exclaimed. given by Rev. J. H. Osterhout. Mr. Soeoftseure Souch spoke briefly, and the band Se toe ure played a selection. "What a Fn - tecrated, and others wE end we have in Jesus", was sung. !e if as good as we ai speaker continued. ani Rev. D. R. Dewdney. rector of "the latter as trying tg St. Saviour's, who gave the ad-! love God and man in dress. began by saying that the wonld and trying to lea people had gathered as usual in ship God in the right w« the beautiful cemetery on the oc- can do is to leave them _________________________of the Creator and ren, they are nearer Him or bside and will make ul mistakes and be savE M A R K S S t;aecontinuedth OSHAWA not go to services of thi cause they are afrai Thur. - n. -Sat. thought of dying. To th( Thurs - Fi. -Sat. a message urging th, June 30 - July 1-2 courageous and to prep 'Crime of Dr. Hallet' Thesrvc wycl With RALPH BELLAMY Osterhout pronounced JOSEPHINE RUTCHINSON diction. Added ýMost Sensattonal FORTY-FIVE Eb 'Figoht Pictures TOUR 0F DI.0 Louis-Schmneling the tour sponsored by Championship cultural Society on Fightq Leaving the hall ea evening. nin? cars wei way to the north an Sunday Midnite Kirby in due course. and. reaching the forth1 hait was madle and aUl Mon. - Tues. - Wed. hilli tram which a mr 2 - BIG HITS - 2 of the countryside was.j there had been no ni "Love On Tost bttaer.Kna a Wlth JOHN PAYNE, in the distance and the sightseers eagerly po STELLA ARDLER. other fmla lcs plus s fn o te ay la~ 1 P ra ie attracted uhatni luesi P rds The ride was resuine wlh John Boles, Madge Evans. cars followed the leadE Crae's, New Park, and ta Leskard and thenc( stnong's orchard leased H. Staples. Incidenta] , way A. J. Tamblyn'ý land was surveyed and W ILSONS at as the cars drove sic hef ires were started up. ith rush theglo ne'ghbcirs to stewhat Here. as 'the flamnes le the sky and sparks ga pression o! fireworks,1 sent enjoyed social eh lunch of delicious sandwiches and cakes. UVVbegan to wane M.Sa ]REA LY K LLa singscng which was hl One pad klfs fies ail day and everý 'dLlged if. day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads lb eacb Later the drivers fo packet. No spraylng, no stickinges.-, paŽsengers and ail wer no bad odor. Ask ypur Druggist, way hcme, each remarký Grocery or General Store, excellent way the evi 10 ~ ~ .I CETePRPAKT n dretsince it wý 10 CNTSPER PAKE. hata divewas much WHY PAY MORE? ed, and the majority THE XSONFLYPAD O.,Hamito, that t.hey had seen cou TI4EWILON FY PO CO, H t'Iont-UI had neyer seen before. I son.- COMEDY FEATURES ers BERRY FESTIVAL etry coredy reigned supreme riday SOCIAL AND PERSONAL sponsored a concert and straw- on services berry festival, wth Fredenick The Badminton Club was en 2n, and were defeated 14-11 by 0Wý the his- Dasno oot stee ter etained at the home of Mrs.Ar the oals ýrn ftetainer of the eveninig. Whattam, Oshawa, Tuesday even- Mr. and Mns. Harold Alun and d those in A banquet fit for a king was ing. . Ruth of Newcastle, Mn. Couch, Cemetery, served ona the beautifwl c'hurch Mrs. Les. McGee, hier two sons Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. nion that it i&wfl bya bevy o! waitei-s, the and Mrs. Patterson, Ottawwa, visit- Brown, Whitby, Mr. and Mns. ko were in-mbenrelwcreanig. deliiou ed with Mrs. Fairbainn at Kum- F'rank Dring of Raglan, and quite tkhati eres el ra.deilu rite Inn. a flamber of strangens were pre- e said, he cakes, pies and tants, the cup tt M r. and Mrs. Earl Fowler spent sent ait the strawbenry festival on hisg'av ceed tesafo!l. w the weekend with Mrs. Jas. Eag- fniday. Mr. Frank Dring wasa ]odt ee utn leson. former resident of Orono,anai ehat condi- When the inner man had beenndweepesdtsehi. resting pia- satisfied ail went ia the church Mr. A. H. Davy, Mn. and Mrs. friencswr lae osehm this reason and for two hours fargot their Kenneth Fralick and daughter Congratulations to Mr. and fflowers to troubles as they enjoyed the Ruby, and Mr. Dunn, Toronto, MIs. Hanny Harrington o! Toronto iowed with jokes. neadings and music given were Sunday visitons with Miss 0n the binth o! a daughten, Lor- Iso a spien- bY the entertaînen. Piano selec- M. Davy and Mrs. L. Fralick. raine Elenor. Mrs. Harrington mental and tions of aid tme nmusic, commun- Mn. and Mrs. Weddell and twin was the former Bessie HalloweUl. es o! loved itY singing o! old favorites such daughters, Agnes and Helen, Pet- Miss Ward visited Miss Myrtle ast. "WhaV as "Old Black Jae,. Pack Up erbono, spent Sunday with Mrs. Tamblyn. all anose!" Your TIroubles." "Bels o! St. D. Noble. A Piece of sidewalk has been Marys," *'Sw,;eet Rosie O'Grady" Mn. and Mns. Chantes Hunten built outside Dean's Baker3'. 1 wene con- etc.. were interspersed by vocal and son Gilbert, Lakefield, wene Giad to see Mn. Wyven Reid out ,ee no bet- solos by Mn. Dawson, monologues Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mns. around again. -e now, the and jokes with real humor n in. Cowan. The entrance pupils tried their d pictuned them. Among the monologues The 0. C. S. had a very enjoy- examinations Manday, Tuesday to îearn to were "I've Kissed Many Gfirls." able picnic Wednesday aftennooti and Weclnesday of this week. ithe other "'The Single Hain." "Fathen Buys to bring the academic year to a Next football game Is July 6th inn to won- a Car" and "Advice ta Women"; close. and pnesented Miss E. Gai- when Hampton plays Orono here. ,ay. All we and among the solos wene "Little loway, who resigned as a mem- in the cane by ittl an bit by bit," and "D~oo- ber of the staff, with two lovely 5Niext boys' softbaUl gaine is July ember that ley's Farm." vanity iamps. Miss Galloway was t when Fonestny piays Orono. ýn the othen Space will fat permit a detailed a very populan teachen and the Next girls' softbatl game is July P for their account of the Vwo houn prognam pupils are sorry to have lier go. 13th When Newcastle plays Orono ,ed, he in- but some af the jokes will nemain The football game Wednesday here. a long ti.me in the memories o!, night will be reponted in next is- A numben attended Kirby anni- speaker, do those present. Prom the time o! sue. versai-y Sunday and Monday. -s kind 'be- the toast ta, "Home Sweet Home - Mn. N. F. Porter addressed the Mrs. W. M. Stutt lias returned id o! the the place where we are treat.ed Cnooked Creek Sunday School fromn a pleasant visit in Toronto. iese he gave best and where we grawl the last week.. Unused cakes, pies, etc. wene em to be Most", to the humonous mono- Miss Eileen Riddell was in odatnth spe ndynlh are for the logue wherein women are advised Bowmanville Tuesday atternoon. 1,9aiPaftr t hctheus iaddnig Vo marry rather than make a Mn. Gardon Dent, Toronto, hasit PheaStou i th coffen caneer, the entertainen kept the been holidayi.ng with his parents, i otea uninhecfrs ;ed by sing- audience in fits of laughten. In Mn. and Mrs. L. A. Dent. Miss Staples, sister of Mr. M. H. Ig ané Rev. othen 'words, except when singing, Mn. and Mns. Thomas Cowan Stapies. and sanie other visitons the bene- the audience was laughing ail the attended the St. Catharines horse went on the tour Wednesday time. show and report it to be as good iiight. 22nd. The plight o! the mnan who îost as the Royal. Mrs. J. Gibsan, Sn., has been on 4JOY his last hain and the joke about Bethesda Home and School Club the sick list. the boy who when o! fened any are scheduled to have a picnic if Mr. F. Dawson, Toronto, was STRICT car in the Fond establishment for Orono Park ta-day (Thursday), entertained by Mn and Mns. F. $1 decided to keep bis money, the and the Co-operative Society, Osh- Duncan. ,'antage of neai humai- displayed in the ac- awa, and the junior class o! the Mn. and Mrs. Roy Fowler and the Hoti- count o! an auction sale of kisse Salvation Army, Oshawa, are Mn. and Mrs. Art Cooke o! Whitby Wednesday where a pretty ginl's kiss cost bath scheduled for to-mornow. were guests o! Orme Gainsby an many dollars while old miaids wene Enn Dent is not so sure o! being Sunday. .ly in the 3 for 25c, etc.. brought teans of able Vo start operations on July KibscolpccedaOrn nded their ilaughten. and Mn. Ostenhout ex- Ist as hie was because the glass in Kr by.o inckda r id reached Pressed the opinion of! ah present the gasoline pump was broken. Mn. Mrd. Beln0 omnil just betore when hie intimated that they The schedule in the softbalatne h aialgm ndy F'oestry a wauld like to have the entertain- lau a a o ecagdad Mn. Calvin Hamin is expce 1climbed a er back again. wili be printed next Keek. This home today froin Strattonfrhi .elOus vista, Thus another festival bas corne is because the North Oshawa bail holidays. granted. If! and gone but will linger long in tearn has joined the league. A near accident occunned Sun- ist even a memony. Mn. and Mns. Norman WinVer day when a car swooped around e been ob- _______ visited relatives hene. the corner o! Main and Simcoe enestling Q EMn. and Mrs. Roy Cornîsh, Pont streets missing a tailtrtee by a GIR S' OES Penny, visited relatives in Onono hair's bneadth and mowing sanie Aite outanvinty GaeWib, o the grass for the ownen o! the A> gae - TO NEWTONVILLE Miss Glenn aeWib s neanest house. Fortunately a miss gr hllave- holidaying at home. is as good as a mileannodm r i.llas Orono girls lost the first game Members o! the Agicutunal wg %as done. an o! the softball schedule Monday Society removed a concrete foun- Rev. J. H. Ostenhout was in ed and the night Vo Newtonviile by 9-5. The dation and sevenal stumps during Hamilton on Friday attending ,er via Mc- Oronoites were handicapped by the bee at the grounds last week.- Grand Lodge 100.OF. where hie Enterprise, the absence of some of thein reg- They also filled i quite a numn- was instailed as Grand Chaplain, ýe ta Arm- ular playens. Kimbali and Bella- ber o! low spots. o h rn og fOtno by n.M. y augt nd ithedrepeciv- The T. Eaton Company have, Mn. John Keane, Toronto, visit- lIy, on the ly for Newtonvîlle, and Brown offered special prizes in the Fair ed Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. 's forcsted caught and Fowler pitched for for a pen o! !ive bacan hogs. Thene Teidcino e.S ite 1marvelied Onano. lare six prizes froni $12.00 down. Thooductew Par t . ite-l owly by. Newtonville secuned i1i-un in Details o! this special wiii be an- be h, eldPFridy igt. mise. W C. ýhe orcha.rd the first innings, 2 in the third, nounced laVer. Smith wilt be iii chare.w Rev..C I ad kpt2 ii te ift, 4inthesixh. Mîdland Regiment camp is Vo H C. Bell and Rev. W. F. Banis- rw bringing Onono got one ini eveny innings be heid at Barriefield from July ter assisting. The latter will be It was uP. but the second and third. Wannan 24 Vo August 3. Arrangements ai-e the speaker. eaped i nto scored in the lst, Goode in the almost complete except that many Next Sunday is a big day for ýve an lm - 4th, Wannan in the 5th, Brown un new recruits are desired. Traops Park St. congregation. In the those pre- the 6Vh, and Cooper in the 7th. wiil receive full pay this year and morning hey will weicome the1 at and a Line-up: Newtonville - McKay, ai-e assured an enjoyable outing. new minister who will adminis-1 lemafade. Pearce, Kimbali, Stark, Beilamny, Any who wish Vo go should get in ter armn.Ithevigte As the tire A. Brown, Farrow, Stapleton R. touch with Major F. L. Dudley, I sacramodent.in thereening he ýles led. in Brown. Orono - Fowler, Wannan, Tyrone, on Major J. C. Gamey, L.O.LR. Lgew wii l pardeVochc ieril n Cooper, Case, Clough, Brown, Orono.1 Mrs. Welsh, Wilsonviile, spent >udtenLowden, Goode, Middleton. Professor J. H. and Mrs. Billings Sunday with hier mother, Mrs. I. rided their and son, Philadelphia, visited ne- T. Chapman. ,ndd teircently wîth Mrs. Sami Billings. Mn. Hiram Powers, Unionville, ing an the Misses Helen Case, Marion Mn. and Mns. Dane Found and Mns Thomas Powers, Mn. Chârles enng had Cooper. olive Brown, Beatrice son Bille, Mn. and Mrs. Leyland Doncse, shwtene te ras so hot Hammi, AdeMooe.Aele Keat and daughter Eleanor, To- Deoainaevcs appecit- orin. nidCobbledick a n d ronto, visited with Mn. and Mrs.1 Miss Loi-na Clarke, Bowman- nemarking Ethel Stark are expected Vo leave W. E. Davey. Ivle a eneggdV ec .inry heytomnro fo a en-ay tayai Mr. Orme Gamsby was amang Clarke Union school succeeding Morris' cottage. Janetville. the invited guests at a Liberal Miss Mamie Archer. ________________garden Party given by Mrs. Bell Miss Edith Bennett and Mn. o! Bawmianvilie on Thursday last, 1 Fred-Bennett, Bowmanville, visit- -~ but Caspan's heant tailed hîm as led aV Mn. H. R. Rowe's. usuai and he didn't put in an ap-1 isMno afn saa pearace. visited Mrs. W. Bannan. The staff o! our school are en- 1Mn. and Mrs. C. French and joyîng hol'days at thei- nespec- !famiy and Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence jtive homes. Beal. Oshawa, visited Mrs. T. Mc- The McIsaac tamily o! Toronto Conib. are expectedl hene tomorrow (Fri- MnJ.CbedcN cate 1H 1dUIay) o genui tnb mer!rno 1Mra.nobldiNwcste day)ta sendVhe umme atwas in town Sunday. thein cottage. Mrs. George Wannan and tam- Oronitesteacing i oten ily, Toronto, wene in own Sun- places are home this week for 1dy ýTH 15 ivififf ~~~sumxnen holdays.1 e.adMsS.Ltlwoan V Sctt an etendea to! hrsMiss May McGrath, and grand-, Osca Scot o thedeah ofhisdaughter, Miss Jane Gnibble, To-' wife 'Who died suddenly the lat- nonto, cailed on lier uncle, Mn. terpart o! last week.1 Edward Morton, Satui-day on the the. anndMrs..ran_ Hall KIRBY 15 SWAMPED BY FORESTRY 18-4 Sanie game Friday, wasn't it? Imagine such a score as 18-4 when Kirby pitched Walker, their celebrated "ace" at least for the first 31/2 innings. West umpiredi at the plate and Clough at the bases. Loowery caught fbr Kirby, and Walker pitched but the lat- ter was replaced in the middle of the 4th innings with Cooper. For Fonestry. Middleton caught and Neale pitched. Kirby was scoreless if the f irst three and the 6th, but managed Vo get one if the 4th through Cochi- ranle, one in the 5th through Me- Cutcheon. and two in the last through McCutcheon and Davey. In the 6th Cooper got to third and attempted ta get Vo the home plate but was caught when he saw he couid-n't make it and headed back to 3rd again. Forestry was scoreless in the lst and 5th but secured f ive in the 2nd, one in the 3rd, seven in the 4th. and f ive in the 6th. Their haîf of the 'Tth was not played. The five runs in the 2nd were obtained by Couvier. Winter, Ma- jor, Middleton and V. Cooper. Couvier got the sole score in the 3i'd. In the 4th V. Cooper, R. Wood. Ogden, Neale. Couvier, Winter and Glanville sconed. The 6th wau started out with a home run by Glanville, and the other i-uns were secured by Middleton. Wood, V. Cooper and Ogden. Many wild throws and plenty of fouis made the game entértain- lng and exciting and it sure was enjoyed by ail present. ocked By Death zen, Mrs. O. Scott Lden; Mn. and Mrs. Norman Plum- Imer and Mrs. H. Fletcher, and Mn. Harry Hamm, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mns. W. K. Sloane, Peterboro, Mrs. F. Branton, Newcastle; Mrs. P. C. Brown, Whitby; Mrs. Jessie Herbent Toms, Newcastle; Mrs. W. Smith, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. D. Hooper spent Sunday with friends in Tyrone. Mn. and Mns. Jack Kiveil, So- lina, attended decoration day ser- vices. jSocial & Personal i mu it 15 iAI Mn. and Mrs. Martin LinVon, 0f Esteemed Citbz Mn. and Mrs. Howard Linton and1+ Florence, Marmora, visited Mns. The community was shocked on Henry Cantreil and Mrs. Henry Satunday, June 25, ta leann Mrs. Cornish. Oscar ScotV, nee Elizabeth Ma- North Oshawa School, with Mn. guine, a highly nespected citizen, H. C. ArnoVV in charge, picnicked had passed away very suddenly at the park Saturday. When the eanly that manning. Mns. Scott nain came on they went Vo the had been at the strawberry festi- Agicultural park. This was the val Thursday, had visited fniends second picnic Vo be spoiled Voon0fFriday, and appeai-ed in hen some extent that day. How about 1 usual health and spirits. the sheiVen, folks? Born in 1856 at Lifford, the Rev. J. H. Ostenhout ieft Tues- daughter o! Mn. and Mrs. John day for Ottawa where he wiil Maguire, she mai-nied Mr. Scott in niake his home. 1903 on July lst. Since thein Mrs. Charles Adamis and Mr. manniage they have lived an the and Mrs. Nelles Adams and iittle fanm east o! Newcastle and in daughter Joan, Toronto, were Orono. weekend visitons with Miss F. Cobbledick; Mrs. C. Adamis ne- Sunvîving besides her sorrow- niaining for a longer Msit. îng husband are several nieces Mns. Ai! Chapman has returned and nephews, Mns. D i n g ni a n, fro a eeks vsitwith her niece Stratford, John Dobson, Calgary, and nephew at Manilla. unoe Campbell, Caorni,Mad Dr. Davey spent the weekend AinthuCagibel, Calgfran an in Guelph. Atu aurClay Mns. R. Smith is visiting in To-, The funenal service Monday 1nonto. Mar was conducted bic Rev. J. H. Os- Miss Mr Sisson, Toronto1 terhout and was largely attended. spent the weekend here. 'l Favorite hyns o! the deceased, Mns. G. McGee and sons, and "Jesus Lover o! my Soul," "Rock Mns. Patterson, Ottawa district, 1o! Ages", and "I Heard the Voice were here oven the weekend. Mrs. 1o! Jesus Say" were sung, led by Patterson and the boys are spend-1 the choir. The pastor, whose ing their holidays here. ifrwl sermon she had pianned Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Webber.1 ohean, nead apprapriate scriptune Manitou, Man., called on Mn. and !passages and spoke briefly bring- Mns. Dean Canscadden. îng a message o! conifont Vo those Mrs. Bert Batlagh, son and bereaved o! a loved one. He paid daughten, New York State, called fitting tnibute Vo her Christian on Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Stark. chai-acter, her love o! the church Mn. and Mns. A. Whyte, Toi-on- and o! her Master. ta, visited Mn. and Mns. F. B. Mentioning that in his five Why te. years o! ministry if the Park St. Mn. and Mrs. J. Neals, Cobourg, Chunch he had offlciated at 97 Mn. and Mns. Gordon Suggitt and funenals, nearly 70 percent wene Nancy, Toronto, Miss Pearl O'Neil, funerals o! people oven 70 years Toronto, Mn. Elgin Seymour and o! age, he itimated that the pion- daugh er Joan, Toronto, Mns. eei-s - the pillai-s o! the church - Bruton and Muriel, and Mn. and wene going fast, and that it was Mms. L. Duif, visited Mn. and Mns. up Vo the present generation Vo Wnrt Seymour; Mrs. G. Suggitt take their places. He closed by and daughter Nancy nemaining. bringing a message o! hope, say- Mrs. Maud Hall,' Gait, visited ing that they would meet their relatives here. MasVer ini the sky and receive His Mrs. McElnoy and daughter "Well clone, hou good and !aith- Margaret, Peterboro, visited Mns. fui servant." D. Noble. Pali bearens wene Cecil Scott, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Mowat1 West Guilford, W. K. Sloane, Pet- and daughter June, Mn. and Mns.,erbono, George Campbell, Toron- George Joli, Toronto, and Mn. and Vo, Russell Wilson, Oshawa, An- Mrs. E. P. Doncaster and Mn. Vic- dnew Knox and Russell Best, On- ton Peacock and chiidren. Osh- , ono. Interment was niade in Or- awa, spent Sunday with Mn. and ono Cemetery. Mrs. Jas. E. Richards. Friends froni a distance wene: Mn. Art Clemence, Whitby. was Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Scott and in the village Sunday. ýdaughten, Mrs. Boice, Mn. Oscar Mn. and Mrs. Marshall, Toronto, Scott, West Guilford; Mns. Ding- spent Sunday with hen f ather. Iman, Stratford; George Campbell. Mn. George Cooper. Mns. G. H. Robinson, Mr. and Mn. John Anmstrong is hometMs. J. R. Joy, Toronto; Mn. and froni the West. IMns. Russell Wilson, Oshawa; Mns. Middieton and Alvin, Min- Suppose this were the heading, of a newspaper article about you and your car YOtY MAY have almost been involved in some serious accidents or- you may havei almost been in need of the. immediate help of a dependable inmurance agent. These "almost" accidents should remind you to make sure of your iseance. J, J, MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA,-- 0F -CANADIAN WHEAT OSHAWA Thursday June 30 "Vivaclous Lady"l wlth GINGER ROGERS and JAMES STEWART. Friday - Saturday July lst - 2nd LORETTA YOUNG RICHARD GREENE in "Four Men and A P rayer" Added Colored Cartoon Donald's Bettér Self. Monday - Tuesday July 4 - 5 "Paradise For Three" wlth FRANK MORGAN and ROBERT YOUNG. Wednes. - Thursday 2 - GRAND FEATURES - 2 "The Barrier" and 'Love Is A Headache' THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATES.NfAN, BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO ýrdmmiinillf y la Çhà Offlik la

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