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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1938, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE C.\NADIAN STATESNtAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JUNE 301H, 1938 qmi I à àà a aa m M\r. John Henrdy. Jr.. Vterin- arv student at O.A.C., is spending bis vacation on the steamier -King-1 iThe New castle Inaepenuent Mýun(îpa! otcllairps'e Phione Clarke 1114 their clerical staffs lu Newý,castle the holding of a joint pienie some Miss Mary VanDusen îeft for attendance and punctuality con~- tinei July. This xill include Brooklyn and Long Island Satur- test throughout the terni .vith te imembers of the Counicil, the day to attend the wedding of her'Harold Rogerson and Harold Board of Education. the Publie sister, Miss Jessie VanDusen. Smith as captains. Harold Smitb's Librarv Board, the Community Trustees of No. 9 Sehool have side were winners by a small Hall Mvanagemnt Coînmittee. the engaged Mc. Roy B. Patton who margin and were entertained by Hvdro Eleetrie Convînission, the has been teaching at No. 8l Man- Harold Rogerson's. Police Department aîîd their fana- vers, to succeed Miss E. Brooks ýMc. Robt. Duck, Jr~., xvho lias ilies. It is a good idea and ît is who resigned to teach in Oshawa. been sailing on a Great Lakes hoped the idea xvll materialize. Mr. Patten is a son of Mr. and freightec. came home froin Sarnia Reeve C. R. Carvetb and Mr. Mrs. Percy Patten. of No. 9 sec-; last wveek, his ship being laid rip. Fred Grahami have beeîi on a two tion.j Mr. Jack Hare left Suniday for da ' s' fishing. trip. Although they Master Seldon Parker xvas two Algonquin Park to take a posi- '-eren't bucdened ivith many fish years of age June 23, and cele- tion for the summer under the thbey saC a lt of country includ- brated his bicthday simultaneous- Departnient of Forests. iîîg Lindsay. Bobcaygeon. Ban-E ly with Edward Duke of Windsor. Mr. and Mcs. J. Scott Mlont- croft, Norwood. Havelock and ini- Mrs. A. O. Parker entertained ,oeyhv eundt loi termediate points.1 about fifteen littie boys and girls. fîeld. 'The carpenter and other St. George*s Sunday Sehool pic- assisted by some of the niothers artisans are remnaining at thie nieked at Cceam of Barley Parkr and other ladies. Seldonis grand- hure Montgomery home cr Miil Jue 25th. An initeresting pro- father, Mr. XWalter Seldon. alSO St. uintil the svork of renox ation i, grain of sports .v.as run off under contributed to the enjoyment Of coînpleted. the nmanagement of John VanDu- the occasion w.ith the show.ing of Segat nd rs «lai. sen and Jas. P. Lovekin. assisted lantern slides. Iu the evening the Miss Dean ied M iss amsa by the lady~ teachers. A fine pie- ladies of Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's Martini, Toronto. xv-ere SLInday nie lunch that -%vas relished bv alI, group were entertained and sho'.vn get f c n rs anb including Rexv. D. R. Dewdney. the pictures by Mc. Seldon. Martin and of Mr. and Mrs. Laruewaseed Miss Jessie McNaughton. To- Martin, Shawýs. Miss Phyllis Wil- Farewell Services at the ronto, is visitiug Miss Annie':iams returnied to Toronto with Unîited Church Drumon. tem.On Sunday rnorning Rexv. S. f Mc. and Mcs. H. C. Aluin and Mr. and Mrs. HaineyndMs MacLean conducted communione Ruth attended Decoration Day:Hattie McCuteheon, Toronto. and service in the United Chucch. The services at Orono Cernetery on Rev. Wesley C. Lundv. formerlY elements were served by Eiders Sunday and were guests of Miss of Buck's Falls, were SundaY Robt. Martin, Fred Fligg, Norman Laura Allin. guests of Mc. and Mrs. J. H. Jose Allun. J. W. Bradley,. Fred Gra- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Avde and land Mrs. J. Lord. ham, J. E. W. Philp, W. J. S. Rick- Mr. Thos. Couch visited Mrs. 1Mr. H. S. Britton hias been wir- ard. Norman Riekard and A. O. Walter Cobbledick. Orono, oniing '*The Liîacs" and installing Parker. In the evening Rex-. Mr. Sunday. fixtures in this sommer cottage MacLean preached his farewell Sunday week guests of Mc. and o n the northeast confines of Dr. sermon, taking as bis text. Be not Mrs. T. F. Branton were: Mc. Walton-Ball's Harris Lodge es- moved away from the hope of the Percy Tuff and mother, Mrs. John tate. lately îeased by the Misses gospel, Col. 1:23. Thece vas a Tuif, Misses Mary and Florence, Chidley. large attendance. The senior choir Tuif, Toronto, and Miss Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. Le Gallais, Toc- led in the singing and rendered and Miss Hilda Tuf, Toronto, who onto, and Mrs. Le Quesne, Mon- the anthem, Nearer, My God to e are leaving on a trip to England treal, were guests of Mc. and Mrs. Thee, in the morning, Miss Ber- July 2nd. P. F. LeGresley. nice Gilbank and Mrs. H. R. v Miss Mason's room held a picnic Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Beman vis- Pearce leading the theme wvith a. under the shade trees inf the 1 ited their cousin, Rev. Mc. Smith, duet, and Mc. W. J. S. Riekard t school grounds. Two teams of ah Woodstock, who lias retired.from and Mrs. R. T. Rutherford sing- the pupils had been holding an United Church ministry. ing solo parts. The junior choir leri i thp zruipp f znngin th SPECIALS For The Holiday We.kend Grimsby Sweet Mixed PICKLES.............. pienie size* 1Irradiated Cereai MUFFETS.............. ........ Watèr Ice WAFERS ..................... lb. Rose Brand BAKING POWDER.............. Stuff ed OLIVES..................... jar National Soap FLAKES............... 5-lb. bag Royal Cream Sandwich BISCUITS ................. 2 Ibs. Frenchs Prepared MUSTARD ............ with spoon F. We NELLES Phone 596 loc 23c 14c lOc 35c 29c lOc Bowxnanville BE PRETTY 1 AND COOL In the Brand New SUMMER DRESSES J'ust Unpacked $ 2e95 Up SALE SPRING COATS 9 OnIy at. Exactly Hait Price Sorne As Lcw As $4e50 WHITE , 3 COATS Greatly Reduced - Pnices to Clear Large Assortment cf SWIM SUITS Ail Latest Styles Couch, Johnston &Cryderman Phone 836 LIIWITED Bowmanville leu inite ser vi.e Ciun. t.l, in me evening. Ministers Exchange Charges Rev. and Mrs. S. MacLean left by bus for their new charge at Paisley Tuesday afternoon after dining with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin. On Monday evening they were tea guests of Major H. W. and Mrs. Dudley. On completion of his three years' pastorate in Paisley Mr. and Mrs. MacLean in- tend to make their home in Ot- tawa where their son-in-law~ Mr. R. S. Whittle, is on the staff of the Lisgar Collegiate Institute. Wednesday the new pastor, Rev. R. E. Morton, Mrs. Morton and son Lawrence arrived in New- castle and were received at the parsonage by ladies of the par- sonage committee and representa- tives of Session and Stewards. Bowmanville girls' s o f t b a il team took unto themselves a glor- ious win in Port Hope Wednesday night when they hauled dlown 16 runs to their opponents 7. Several new players added greatly to their hitting and fielding strength. -Misfortunes never corne sing- 1V" said the servant as she an- nounced Miss Fortunes and her two sisters. It Ls easier for some men to sing a hymn than to speak the truth. Somne men neyer get past their f irst success. Union, Darlington Recent XVi'itors : Miss Blanche Beech %witl issi' ,Eleanor Stainton, Torontto. . . . NMr. and Mrs. Ricli. ar(l Griffin and Celia witl NMr. andl NIfrs. Plîil Conlin, Oshawa. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Ferzuson on celebrating their C0tlî xe<ding aniver',ary on Satur. dav. Our sehool picnic will be lield Tlîur'day afternoon on the schîool itrouii(s. ILockhart's School 1 R\'ecet\ i',itlurs Nîr'. J. Fi-. Nlddleton and soin, Evîx n, ',pent the weekend uithi Mr. anîd Nrs. Frank Branton. Tlieb wuilI be attending the funeral ofi Nîrs. Oscar Scott, Orono. Nîr',. arold spent a few days lat xeek with bier mothier, Mrs. An. nis. Scarborough. Best %vishe', are extended to the f ive Entrance candidates from this sec±ion who wrote at Newcastle. Miss Shirley MacPherson is vis- îting lier family at NewPark. Miss Margaret McMullen of To- ronto, spent a few days at the home of Mîr. Fl-oward Glenney. Mr. Geo. Clements, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mark Black- hurn ZMON Dont forget the Strawberry Social at Mr. Russell Perkins' on Monday night. Zion football teamn played Cour- tice on 1Mondav nighit and after hav- iue their goal keep)er kîîocked out. took a beatiîg 3-0. I}ecoration iservice at Zioiî at 2 oclock on Suinday, JulY 3rîl. Balson Quartette sang at Decora- tion service at Salein Cenîeterv ai Kinsale. Mr. and Nr',. J. \V. Bal- son. Gerald and I lar'.ey andl Mis, Eileeni Stainton vere enieriained ai Nfrs.May l-larhreî's,.Kiîîsale : NIr. and M rs. A uson Bal s n 'anîd fain il'. at Mr. C. Bavle", at Brougham. M rs. John Truli, Toronto, bas bh:eînîoved t0 lier dauighter's, Mrs, A. T. Staitîton, for the summer. .She lia', 10 remiain in bied for a while lonîger. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Staînton, Mr. anîd Mrs. F. B. Glasp)el, Mr. anîd Mrs. Russell Stairîtoît atîended the Trustees and Ratep)ayers' Conveîî-I tioli at Millbrook, on Thursday. Mr. and1 Mrs. A. T. Stainton weît 0on t, * I Xerboro and( visited tliei r daii I - e .I i,ý BBerîice Sîaiîîtoîî. Receit \Yi 'itors : Mîr. aîîlnd r I-ave lagerîiîaîî, Nîeda and li, iNasa.a fr. J. \V. Balsois*' mI.. Lau ,Nc.Nater, Nîr. 1l1-. NlNa Te.,rTente, at Nir. J. \\-. .NNI c *. ' . Mi',s Emmua iill.î ).,Iîasv,î ai NMr. Relut. Killeu . NI r. and Nîrs. Russell Staiîîton ail fainilv. Nrs. jas. Sbaiîîtoln at Nîr. Herbuert Caneroîî's, Tyrone. .Nîr. andl Nrs. Leslie Hoskin, Thorti- toni', Cortiers, at Mir. J. XV. BaIsa)i'.. SCNOOL REPORT BETHESDA S. S. No. 10, Daclington, Beth- esda School report: Grade VI: Jean Lageer B plus. Beth Miller A. Grade V: Florence Rundle B minus. Grade IV: Bert Stire B plus. Grade III: Helen Miller A min- us. Dorothy Wright B plus. Hugh Smale, teacher. TWO TEAMS LEAD SOFTBALL GROUP Following is the standing of the four teams including games play- ed to Jue 25th: Won Lost P.C. Courtice 3 1 .7.50 Providence 3 1 .750 Salem 3 2 .600 Maple Grove 0 5 .000 Homne-Run Standing for J. W. Jeiv-.eli Prize C. Macdonald, Salem, 3. W. Gibson, Providence, 2. K.* Wercy, Salem, 2. M. Rickard, Providenice, 2. F. Blackburn, E. Webber, Sal- em, 1 each. C. Clemence. G. Riekard, Pro- vidence, 1 each. S. Gay, H. Gay, J. Gay, Cour- tice, 1 each. F. Miller, N. Bothwell, I. Piper, siaple Grove. 1 each. Garnes ta, be Played June 28-Maple Grove vs Providence 29-Salem vs Courtice July 4-Courtice vs Maple Grove 6-Providence vs Salem 8-Maple Grove vs Providence 11-Sa îem vs Courtice 14-Courtice vs Providence 15-Maple Grove vs Salem. SALEM Recent Visitors : MIr. and M.%rs. WV. G. \Verrv and Miss Thelma Werry and Nir. and '%Irs. W. Henderson vi',ited Mr. and M.\rs. Orville Heu- derson. Toronto. Sundav. Cliturch service and Sunday School sill be restimed here next Sunday. .IMiss Idla Stephens, Towvn, enter- tained lier nieces and nephiews on Saturdav evening at the home of lier sister. MIrs. F. L. Squair. MXr s. J. Stephens, Belcarres, Sask., was guest of honour and xvas presented wîth a silver pitcher and a reading glass as a silver svedding anniver- ',arv gift. Mrs. Stephens and ber, riiece. Miss Stephens who have been visiting relatives and friends, for tlhe past 1nionîli left for the W«est on Wednesdas and expect to arrive home July 211ç whicli is the real svedding date and wliere she and lier farnilv hope to celebrate the oc- ca.,i4oîî. Synipatliv and liopes for a speedy recoverv are extended to Mrs. A. Tlîorpson in ber seru>uts îllnless wshich necessitated ber being taken te Lockwood Clinic, Toronto, last xveek and returninîr to Bowmanville Hospital on Tuesdav. Sympathy is extended te relatives of Mrs. Craig who passed away at lier home ini Deloraine. Nirs. G. A. Steplhens who is a sister. took the lonIg jouriIey te attenid the fuîîeral. .Mr. and Mrs. C. NI. Carruthers and MXrs. Rutherford attended an- niversarv services at Coîbourne, their old home church, on Sunday wlîen the church celebrated its lO8th birtliday. Two little niieces of MIr'. Carruthers returned wiîlî theni for a hioliday visit. Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale, there Will be offered for sale by Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer at PUBLIC AUCTION on Tuesday. the 5th day of July. 1938, at the heur cf 1.30 p.m. Standard Time at the farm of Edmund C. Hooey, R. R. No. 1, Nestleton, Ontario, the followlng property, namely, ALL AND SINGULAR -that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premnises, situate, lying and being in the Township cf Cartwrlg.ht, ln the County of Durham, being composed of the north-half of Lot 24, in the 7th Concession, of the said Township, containlng 100 acres more or less, subject to the reservation of ti.mber in Bar- gain & Sale dated June l9th, 1912, from James Hooey, et ux, to Edmund C. Hooey, ywhich Deed was registered on June 22nd, 1912, as nunîber 4602, which lands are described in mortgage numiber 6734 to the Agricultural Develop- ment Board, and STJBJECT toaa Lease expiring on December 3lst, 1938. On the said f arm there is said te hie erected a dwelîing house with suitable farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to a Resere Bld. TERMS 0F SALE: Twenty-five per cent of the purchase money to be paid doivn at the time of the sale, the balance to be secus-- ed by a moctgage withî interest at four per cent per annum. FOR further particulars and conditions of sale apply to W. ERIC STEWART, K.C., East Block, Parliament Bîdgs. Toronto, Ontario. Solicitor te, the Mortgagee. DATED at Toronto this Tenth day of June, 1938. 24-3 BIRTHS .I NTON- It Bosiiaiîsille Hos-~ pitaI. oni Fridîîv. Juie 24t1î, te NIr. and hNîrs. G. NI. Lintoui of Omoto, a sou anîd a rlauiglter, I5URDY - Mr. and Mm.. H. E. i tee Liiella .\ritut Williams), Iait- îoiuce thie airiival (f a son (i i l-vl Edwsard) on Juîîe 22iîd. at Kirk- lan iir 11t. Hospital, Kirklaiid l ake., Oliîtai t i MARRIAGES COUNIER -THONIPSON - Oit XX~diesds.Juue 22tid. 1938 ai King Street Uitied Clînirclî. O..li- assa. b'. Rev.. J. V. MNNelv.. <,ladx s 1Eds t. ,dauigier of NI r. and Nlr',. A. Edgar TIi uîpsoni. 0-liawsa. te Gregory W. Colitier. 10io f XMr .andMiir.. F. C. Cul îîîer. Bloss îîaliîvllc. S\\-ITZER -P.INCH - Oit Satuir- (iav. juiîe 25îhî, 1938, ait te home ouf the brite sister. Nirs. G. Fester Bray. 77 lObli St., Nesv Torotto, liv Rev. J. Lorîîe Grahîamî, Cathi- erne Heleîî. auigliter of NI r.. Piîîchî andtilie late \V. B. Pitîcli. to NMr. Anidrew. Leuves Keîîîetlî Ssitzer of Lotiîlac, Ont., son of NMr. and IMrs H. A. Sus lizer. DEATHS HENDERSON - In Darlington, On Tuesday. Juîîe 28th, 1938, john Henderson, age 86 years. Funeral froîn his late residence. Lot 7, Broken Front, Darlington, on Thursdav. June 30th. at 2.30 p.m. Standard Titne. Interment Bow- ianville Cemnetery. LINTON - In Bowmnanville Hos- pital, on Fridav, June 24th, the infant daughter of Mlr. and Mrs. G. M. Linton. Internient Orono Cemnetery. RUSE - In Bowmanville. on Thurs- day, June 23rd, 1938, Cornelius N. Ruse, age 82 years. Internient Bowmanville Cemneterv. SCOTT - lu Orono, june 25. 1938, Elizabeth Maguire Scott, beloved wife of Oscar Scott. Engagement The engagemnent is announced of Lily Mabel. second daughter of Mir. Arthur Beech and the late Mirs. Beechi, Havdon. te, Williani Heurs Larîner, South Monaghan. eldest Son of MNr. and MNrs. R. O. Larnier. Mil llrook. The inarriage to take plac abut he niddle of july. IN MEMORIAM .EDGER - lu loving niemnory of a dear father. Williutn Edger, svho passed away Jue 27, 1928: In our hiearts votur inemnory lingers Sweetlv. tender. fond and true,. Tliere i5 îlot a day. dear father, Tlîat wve do îlot think of you -Ever remeinbered by Fainily. COMING EVENTS Zion \Vonmans Association are holding a Strawberryý Social at Mr. Russell Perkins'. July 4th at 5 p.nî. Admission : Adults 25c ; Children 15c. There ssill be a program. Agents Wanted AGENTS! - IF YOU ARE AM- bitious. active and interested ini establishing your own profitable buusiness with sale of over 200 guaranteed household produets, Act Now ! Safe and solid plan for alert person. Quick S.ales-steady cash! No obligation in scnding for full details of offer. Familex Co., 570 St. Clemnent, Montreal. 26-3 Gifted Reader CONSULT MADAME MAE- gifted reader. Answers questions f rom your silent thoughts, love, business, future; sincere, no f ool- ing. Residence opp)osite Sheli Service Station, Newtonville. Reasonable charge. 26-1w* Lost LOCST-STrRAYED ON JUNE 18, from lot 30 or 3 1, ooncession 2, Darlington, 1 year old dark Jersey heifer. M. G. Gay, Cour- tice. 25-2* Mîscellaneous TLE DRAINAGE - ARRAÀNGE to drain your orchard or farm, machine now worklng at On- tario orchards 2 miles frm Cobourg' Write Day Bras., R.R. 4, Guelph, Ontario. 25-2* WEST END GARAGE AND) MA- chine Shop - We speclalize ln m.achinery repairs, general gar- age repairs. welding, tcwlng service. J. L. Demerîlng, Pro- prletor. Bowmanville. P h o n e 781. 23-tf MATTRESSES & COMFORTERS - Re p re sentative here now. Specializing rebuilding Mat- tresses. Your Mattresses rebult absolutely new again. Some sprlng fllled haîf the cost of a new one. Feather beds washed, strlpped, made into coinforters and feather mattresses. Eider- downs recovered. Phone 362. 25-4 For Sale TRAILIR IOR SALE - T\\O %vieel. box traîler, gond tires, 1938 licelise . Ajupis Stuart Volung, Duke St.. ilear Canning Fýac- îîîr%. 26- 1v S.\LLY SPLASH, THE LOCA\L ssiniinig -star. uses Cre',. Cern and( Butiien Salves. Reinov.e 1uelXVarî',. Calluse', iio. Sold b%, Cî' ig'.jury & Lovsdi' anid NleGreiorsDraz Stores iii 13 su- iuialiville NIellos's iiinecse T% rrell*, ini Oroii.anid ail cdrue cuuiîer',.24-I H.\X FOR SALE - FIFLID 0OP 13 acres. of Staniding NI ixe(l l-1a. .-ppfls (eorze .\lliîî, l3oi'iaville. L.ake Shiore. 20-2* NEGLECT 0F CONSTIPATIOjN lu daiiuerîîus. Take Kippus l-erh Tablets regularly. Sold by NIe- Gregers Drug Store. 2(- FOR SA\LE - BASEBALL BATS for liard anîd sofi baseball. large ,5tock- to chîoocse froîn. Also îîîake thieîîte irder. Frtuuî 50c to $1. S. J. Jackîîîaî, Jackîîîaîî Street. Phonte 780. 2()-2 FOR SALE - 1 LISTER ENGINE 3-iorse îuower, good condition. 1 sawv heiîcb anîd rip saw.. Toi buggy, arcli axle, 21)' box, îîearhy new. Ap)ply Levi McGill, Nestle. toni. 26-1l'wv* CAR FOR SALE - 1930 FORD Coûp)e, 1938 license, xil seil cheap for cg.,lî. Apply Wmn. Barrett, King St.. West, (near Oshornies Service Station). 2-w FOR SALE - BICYCLES. NEW. and used models, prnced f rom $10 to $80. Tracde-ins a.ccepted. Victor's, 34 King St. W., Oshl- a wa. 23-4* AWNINGS FOR STORE OR residence. Qeniune Sunray yen BUind.s, 48c squaie foot instalied. Northcu.t & Smith. Phone 668. 23-4 HAYt FOR SALE - ABOUT 3-ý acres of Clover and Tiimothy Hay, standing in field for sale. Pur- chaser to buy it standing or we xiii have it cut and raked up) to snit the purchaser. Applv to The Goodycar Tire & Rubber Corn- p)any, Telephone 343. 26-tf FOR SA\LE - NINE ACRES 0F standin1g Hay; also one Sulky Rake. Applly E. L. Willianison, Hamplton. Ont. 26-1 FOR SALE - ESSEX COACH. inechîanicallv 1perfect, imileage 19,000; $100 cash. Apply john Allen., Newcastle. -26-lw* CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE - also anchor posts . Apply H. B. Foster, Bownianville. Phione 745. 26-3 FOR SALE - TENT, ALMOST new; also camping equiîpment. (an be seen standing on the corner of Manvers Rd. and Concession St. Ap)ply E. Laird, Bowniaùvihle. 26-1 * Real Estate For Sale BUILDING FOR SALE - SUIT- able for lake cottage, kitchen or gzarage. Size approximately 15 ft. x 20 ft. R-çnoval at once. Will accep)t hest offer. Apply The Goodvear Tire & Rubber Coin- pany, Telep)hone 343. 26-tf FARM FOR SALE - 85 ACRES, sandy loam. good buildings, on gocd county rcacl, not f ar from highway, close tW school and church. Will sell as going con- cein or otherwise. Good pro- position for little cash. Worth investigating. A p ply "M.J." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 17 -t FOR SALE - BRICK HIOUSE, 7 ro(>ms,.4 acre land, smnall harn, fruit trees. 2 iles north of Bow- nianville on mniddle road. Apply B. MacDonald, Manvers Rd:. Bownianville. 26-2* Wanted to Hire WANTED TO HIRE - MNAN and teamn for farmn work for about 2 weeks. Also to buy a work horse at reasonable price. Ap- ply by letter to Box "H. S." Statesmnan Office.261 Share Cottage MIDDLE AGED WIDOW WOULD share cottage at Little Lake, north of Coîborne, with another lady as payin.g companion, for su.mxner months. Apply Mrs. Jessie Phillips, Colborne. 25-2* Notice PAINTING, PAPER HANGING. and Decorating. Estimates giv- en free. F'irst class worlanan- sh.lp guaranteed. Preston Bras Phone 2493. .23tf,2* Dr. Birks' office will be closed from June 21 to July 1, inclusive 24-3* ATTENTION LADIES - THOSE swho have been goiîîg 10 Madame Callum for permanents. fîîîger waving anîd aIl kinds of heauty ttîlture ivill lie pleased ti hear that Mrs. Howard Bickle of the Estelle Beauity 5.jpn, Liberty St., North, lias taken over lier businîess suhile slie is oi three montlîs' vacationi. AIl permanents are done bs' Mr. Graham Jolînston of John- ston's Beauty Salon (formnerlv Pember's) of Oshawa. Please make aDpiointlwents early to avoid disaphbointinent. 26-I Two classes of people worry about money - those whc have toc littie and those who have too much. To Rent Room and Board FOR RENT - EIGHT ROONIED traîl'. l.oatecI. Aly rs.F house on the corner of Elgin and Ntlîidoo. Pioiîe 894, Kîîîg Street, Odeli Streets, double garage Fastt 26-1* suitable for transport truck and car. Apply Mrs. J. E. AllUn. Wanted Bowrnanville. Phone 2595. ________________ 25-tf WANTEDA SMALL FARM. BY S\ an expeienced farmner. Send HOUSE FOR RENT - SI price. termns and full patieu-. ni ii.brik loue u Xellngîii lacs in first letter. Apply "'T.W.,, Street. Al iîioderi coiiveiiieniîee'i Drawec B, Bowmanvllle. .' brick garage andl garîleit. .- sus.tiî ai once. Telefflîoîîe 3,S9 WANTED - OLD CHINA DOIL ,(-t heads. old china-aniniaIs, vaseýs, _____________________ i bricaback. old gilt mir cors. Leave address at Statesmnan of- TO RENT - 1 HAVE A NICE f.ecîeMC 52 ch icu o f Suite uif r ouli. au I ecaeM..252 aliartiiieiits. il ret lai verv reas,e>ii- Pe an tWaig ' alue liiersto jieofpIe liat eau aîîd __Permanent______________________ suill pavis Ierei. .îsI.B NIants itl.)2s<U R NI.\CHINELESS XVAX'E ___________________________________ 55Ill cive s un a ',nîeuthi coiffure fortbite vacatiei seasoiî. $5.00 Livestock For Sale ai ic. Iris. Beziuts Parleuir, ________________________________________ ossmaux îlle, Tss e le irs cast of Bownsiiait Hon s. Plieiie 2601. FOR SALE - TEN YOUNG 26-1* pîgs w -eSoi. Apl 1.R Bragg, R. R. 4, l3ewiianille. Phone 2192. 2- FOR SALE - COLLIE PUPS. noîhier a good uvatcli (lug. Aph- I)Ii'.' red Steveîîs, Phîone 2245. 26-1~* Farmer's Attention F.\RNIERS-HARVEST - BINDER Twiîe lhas, arrix cd. Prices lower. For satisiaction order carly. Coal as usual. Plionie 473, R. E. Os- borne, Clîurch St. 2-w Holiday Needs DEAF For the benefit of those who were unable to cal during the recent demon- stration we wish to an- nounce we have a complete line of ahl the New Model Little Gems. Bathing Caps- Sun Glasses- 25c Noxzema- Free Soap with Noxzema at Rexenie - 19c to 494 19c to 75o 15CiS - - 54c - - 59c See and test the latest !Uypsy Tan - - 45c - 75c achievement in acoustics . . Pienie Sets the Gem No. 42 with Feath-I erlite Receiver weighing ýý Plates and Napkins ounce . . . f its snugly in thePre ear. rc - - - - 15c CALL FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION __________ EMPECTIlG e? HAY FEVER0 A lmw tiny tablels a day of DOVReR ELP the mineral.rich SEA FOD, will help bulld R E SI1S T AN C E TO RAY FEVERI Your maney back Ul noi fuUly satiefledi Aima correcte, pre- vents, acne and many nervous. qlandular. and rheumatlc troubles. Stan taday! 150 300 Tablt.79 Tablais L39 GOOD PICTURES Are Made With KODAK FILMS bring your Films here. ar e done by experts when ycu 756 Tablais 2.79 iGxoud Printing and Developing Jury & Loveil Z4~e ~Dm Soee Phone 778 - - Bowiaville *. :.s.e1 * .1.111 PDLSENTzD mv WASHAO RUN DALY NULE ANGC ANYC MOP'S HIRT TYF KASW ANS O No 12LoRIDUS ;onsult us, wltbout ASLEEP obligation, about 0IM7MINEMYSEL Prizes 1Ijsted herein will b. awarded for what w. Judge ta b. bhe most ac- curiste, the neateat a nd the masb at- tractive solutions mailed or bought PRîzEs ta us withln fuv. days followlnîg pub ' RII lication of this advertisement. Any- ' $2.0 Free Launeiry or Cleanlng body, except aur emplayees, may $-0I Feesi.ooorClann compete. lb je flot necessary to ma ke I Fe ~nr rCenn any purchase. Use the form abave, or 50C Free Laundry or Cleaning a separate sheet. yWrite Yaur name___________________ and addmess piainl. PRIZE WINNERS PUZZLE NO. 12 1. MISS MARION DUDLEY, Box 124, Bowmanvilîe. Ont. 2. MISS HILDA HALL, CIO Dr. Bell, Bowmanville, Ont. 3. MISS MEDA HALLOWELL, Clarke, Ont. R. R. No. 1 i Bowmanville - Phoue 419 Port Hope -- -* Phone 404 ~a. ~ ___________________________________________________ - -------~- - REàtl SE, NT:r:AÀID]s mmwmmm mmum; PAGE TWELVE THURSDAV. JUNF 30TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\\-'.\[A',ýý*ILLE, ONTARIO 1 jý &--e

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