TH~RSDAY, JUNE SOTH. l~3S TH E CA N.XDI.X N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mr. aîîd Nirs. 'M. W. Taniblil aiîd Nîr-. \. L. Darda i ilI aitiid tilt J imir îo. I s. F. NI. Tamiibi î pI)Cl<lt iiM l>-v> mi Girl . R ciii al Scinda' wiiii relatives iii NI idlaiffd. Tv. tedillii.. eekeiîd. Mir. atîd Mrs. R. J. Gaîîîî T,,- Nu.... Nargacet W\ighaiiiaiî. T- ronito, i'isiicd NMr. atiid Nrs. I-farcici.' .n vekn nn fN . Casbouril. Nar.\-Jtweil. Mr. and N.Irý, jamres Adlai aiiul son Clareîîce. Chiesiey. visiied Ii I.. M . ail NI s. L. S. N.It re-v ienia sîste. Mrs R. . Arnsi 'J'lîi. C)ak'.ilia'. speîîî Siidav w itl' site.Mr.R.H.Ai toup, lier i ier anid sisir' ..XMiss.,1. Uiss Vý,irgiîiia Deîîîîis, Tecciît, Ha'.vicx and I cs. F'. J. 'Nuire. was a Siidav gcîest ivitli Dr. amid Nîr. aid Nir,.. L. S. Duasia.. it'i Mrs. J. C. Deviii. amaid Roîîainie. aîîd Nîrs. R. Dumias Mirs. R. H. liVesiaw'av aiîd Richl- iere weekeiîd atiesîs tif Lieuii-CO. ard hlave been ivisititig ai Dr. P. E. H. Sauva Hiit'î. lreîad's. oroîîo. Nr. WX. C. Cole lias cetaîriiecl fcî'ia Xictoria. B.C., afier sptiidi;iig a ~ i aeasaiitti iicee-iriiihs' i isit witi ii i brothier. Mc. Jamîes Colt'. pNIrc. ami NI s. F..-J. XXVizliail' NI I~a D . 'oiiy Xiglîi. C liiaa t'et ii vc wekctid v ith 'Mc. aaîl N c NMr. iiîiNî.. H. C. Alliai ali( - ~ f;iii'. . akvilic. sîaeîî it ' xccliii 1Wili hur iii tlii.c Nr.. H. Il. D)iliiaia ~t tiîir c"îîagc atIlthe b..acli. SLA S MlLI NMr. ai! NîMr.. h acci 0s1l... i v r lil] XXagiter.I)i'i.v.iaiNr For Saturday only w e offer these !nIai I c' . .t).b ai iiac Cash and Carry Prices for best NI-. Gc"ruc NcTag.Lataci aad iii quality Beef raised in Durhamn il., Mr- io. NI. 1.Nhliî.t. NI rcca. i.atec iNIr. Gcocg..' NI County: Tacgaci's. Round Steak 23e Sirloin Steak 25e Chuck or Short Rib Roast 15e Pot Roast or Boiling Beef 13e Rolled Pot Roast - - -15e Loin Veal Chops ---------25c Front Quarter Chops 22c Ail of these young prime cattie corne from well known Durham County farmers. COMPARE PRICES AND QUALITY 'C AWKER BUTCHER SHOP BOIVMAN VILLE NIrs .NM...N rai. Fred amiJaaid ' acinI cr. F. Lamît'Kaîa ffuîîaaîI..ava ticiar faima ui'iîte oLake jch'Ii hic\. a. Cinmi...iaaaî Fredl X. Nelr,. iof iii t.'tiiitir.. Commiîussionî iVas inIi ['cir. baoco sevecai dav s hast %veck iakiiic suiecial uîîc<icah treaîmeuîîs. MIr. Goxxer Rogers lias cetucîcd t', bis horne in Sashîatchexvaîî.afinr siieudiuig seieraI weeks îvit Nlr. and 'Mrs. Bob Corbeit. Mr. Geo. E. Clhsse, 'Manîager cf the Public Utilities. bias purcbased tlie Nîrs. F. -1. Homne residence. coîrner of Ontîario and Cbcarclî Streets. Mr. Clarenice Cosb and MNis- X'c'i ma Beck. Bobcaygeon, xîece Scuffai ziiesis cf NMc. and Nîrs. Rav Diliug. Chucch St. NMailinîg hist- %ireecorrecied this xrcek. Looak at x'ciar label andcise(- au itas correct. Acîvise lis if thicia an- aix uîistake. NMr. Jauîîes Dcîclhe.\. TYrouîc ceceav. cdt itîe sad îîex'.s oiSattucchav irveti alie cîcaî cf lus ehlesi brocher, XXii. liaiauî [idîei, ixhtapasseci airaiai XVaihcjo. Cai. Caxvlr'..Batchier Shbp, . NIGre- gr, 'c. Driig Store anmd Cavecîx * M ISCELLANEOUS GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE Kitchen Clock Bedroom locks Silver Bread Trays Casseroles Book Ends Silver Bon Bon Dishes $2.95 upwards from $1.29 upwards from $1.25 .......... -$2.95 $2.95 $1.00 MARR'S JEWELRY Bownxanville IJULY lst WEEK-END Special Values at Harry Aliif's 25e - small 15C Helnz TOMATO CATSUP .......... 2 for 35e For Preservlng CERTO................... bottie For Jell.y Maklng JELLS-RITE ..................... Plain or Colored SERVIETTES............... pkg. 27e 20e 15c Aylmer MARMALADE ............ Ige. jar 25e Swlft's POTTED MEATS, for sandwiches 10elO Kuntz GINGER AIE............... 2 for (Deposit on Botties) Royal York SARDINES, they taste better...... 25e loc swlft's SALAD DRESSING, in bridge glass 21c Aylmer SWEET CORN...... ....... 3 tins 25e NIle Soft TOILET TISSUE............ 5 rols 23e Easiflrst or Domestie SHORTENING................. lb. 14e Redpath SU GAR..............I OO-Ib. bag $5.30 Berry BOXES.,................50 for Best Quallty Shredded6 COCONUT................... lb. Our Own Blend BULK TEA................... lb. HARRYALLIN Phone 367 - 368 $1.75 25c 55c mm Grocer Bowmanville -G ccxart' aiioiig thie .tùre.. t' ce- Ceix c e.\iteci' r dcc' 'cati' il iiiigtIim i'at fuxv dax s. Mir. andîai NI. . e"iîrd hcxandl pc.. ii. . andMi lî. .i.\'i.c _NIr. amI Nir.\X\'ni. Ec. d<l igCiii. le ulivieaiîd .son. EhI' 'îîanid Th,. lliiin. 'aand l ia. h. "f Pilck.. t' 'a.-Titait tS unîuav w iIliNI c. ,iî i -. aiîîc..Arîîirrcg > NI r. F. Laiîc Kaaiiffînaîî, Santa Fet. New Nixice. lia.. becai a gîîc..i fi'c id x d cavs.. 'f h'ccalN..aI. lu c' ii iaic ailt the leat e ScIa' o'Ifor i., NMr. T. H. Kîîight \%a.. awacdeci i hý , i.' h iic for iniarkcî iii g f ir ..î lot' "f n"I ..l'wIIa ai 'c.. Icîme 23cî1. 'I'iiv werc catcH size and splendid quialiiv NIr. W. 1. Fcirze's niany friends [i u-t I 1d t e h i (Nýi S t GARDEN PARTY HOSTESS llfaîcî a ndîil ' '.iiîg So .c, w ll afit'c Ilis ]o'-i1,_ ad l'a iîai i i hie.1 . H.'ie .. ,ý1 '.aýi v.ili Ili>. iî iii O..lav. '.NIr. amI ýNI c.. E. P. Bratht. aaîd Nîr. amd NIr..W. R. -Su ike andAl X- liii aiteîîhedthie anîîtaah gaiheciaig Mrs. J. Clark Bell '-a thie.\Iianiii? <'f 0..%..(:,and<h Nîe- Hostess for the Bowmanville i1"alhHall ai Guieph, Saîîîc(hax\. Xomen*s Liberal Association ai I 'i/e i iaîc.iiin ahi.inithe .'îit'h air- i their first garden party ai her 'liat "iiqt..t c' 'a(hiiic(( i hJ i lîa.'n.. 'ýhomne, Gheîcomnmun"last Thurs- ".. Si' 'ce v. t e: I >1. DI )i \*(!i- dax'. t-i : 211(l. E-rne> t.i NIoecri..: 3cud, Droî- aI \i liîaî: ..'..cîai 'a i.'iiîl.'r N ir.orn. i'cana. Iallaï,arei- k. -i .Ni. FHoliiigad ('onh ., Nr.S.- SPONSOR GARDEN G,riiian anda faîîiiv are icaving to. PARTY THURSDAY cm f'rGi 'ic..or . New cv. rsex -. f cr o\ .iaii 11- eiacati.iî .NI. Mcii: irs. J. Clark Bell. President of xxii 'aaci ar'.~ii.ld' .the Bouxmani'ille Women's Lib- Ilai c "aaiaîaci"î v.iii ihe Laichar- ýeral Association. opened her beau- i ..ic C af.rîc'i Qnlebýç cii'.. cie tiful garden on Thursday for the cc'îaacsaîi'ao'f Si. Joel'îlîs Raîîan lfirst of the association's garden Caiholie Cliiich hield a fort'. vicctirs1 parties. The party ivas not in uts de-voin a ia'ivek. wihcli '.'as con- strictest sense a rally of Liberal Qdciuea li Rev-. Eîhuer C"ffex. women. but a very happy social ýNIr. anîd Nîrs. E. J. XWood, Brook- gathering attended by both Lib- iiaekii.'xi Nurseries, phayed eral and Conservative ladies. r h"..i '< ile Yocung Peopile of Ficst The grounds looked gay with Bapii..c Chiirci, Oshawa. Mfonda'%. summer furniture and colorful îîitlî '.\More îiiaîi iweuiîv fcom garden umbrellas. The tea table. O..baiva nuade thie tripanad sevecal laid with silver, a lace cloth and meîîîtaers of the Port Hope B.Y.P. large bouquets of summer flowers r U. ivere cciests. stood on the terrace under the Caîîaciaî Legion Band is plannaing trees, with Mrs. T. S. Holgate and t.. îîccseuîî a tw.o.hîour conicert fcouîî Mrs. Geo. W. James pourîng tea. 730 tc 9.30 î..m. on Saicîrdav. Jcîhv Tea assistants were Misses Kay 9thi on the vacanît lot nexite Chaîhis O'Neill, Elba Caverly, R u t h \I,tor SaIes. Nl\eîîîbecs "'f the band James, Mary Cowan, Helen Ma- are asked te tcîrîîont in fullhi ncîî- son, Moira Dînnîwelh, Helen Prit- bers for practice nexi MIondai'. This cadadJa ie wihh lbc the firsi caf a series of Suu-. Among the distinguished guests nîier conicerts giveîîbv thie band. who lent their patronage to the garden party were Mrs. Gordon .Aiiicai îicîîic of Ontîario Regi- Conant, Oshýawa, ivife of the At- ment ( iTanîk) Scrgeants' ..~ e.s iras torney General. Mrs. C. R. Wididi- lici<h at Creain 'f Bacie '\ Camp.) field, Stratford. President of the 1.-iv iiaiaviiie, Saturdav aftecuioon. Ontario Womens Liberal Associ- .\îi.îa hîundrcd , iicliffiiîg faimil- ation, Mrs. A. B. Conmee, Port îe.. ..f tie iîibers wtre ini actend- Arthur, Mrs. WV. H. Fox. Past aaic. nîer tie supecv-isioii of Sgt. President of the O.W.L.A., Toron- >. (.Haaii..'îîc)i efreslînicaît.. ivece 10.Miss M. Rooney. Cobourg, Mrs. ..ecvud. W. F. Riekard, Newcastle, wife of I"re..ideuit J. j. Browvn of the Lionîs the federal member, and Misses iChili. Noîr. BrDow.Ies.,rs Chînlie Pearl and Vivian Mercer, Eliza- Cartr "f Bc'îvîaavilie. aînd Tt'd bethville, daughters of Cecil G. 'of Hamîptoni. representech Boinauî. Mercer, provincial member. ville -ieu.. Cluab at thie District A\ The tea coni-ener xvas Mrs. R. CQeiiiiiii ai Bigw.iii Inn this w'eek. E. Dinniwell, while Mrs. Frances Ii)i..îcicî A conprises thie irbohe of Clark made tea, assisted by Mrs. thie Pro'vinîce of Ontario andc part ()f Benjamin King. On the lawns, Quebe. were many booths, while contestsi CecîiihocXV.J.Chhhs iashisiwere conducted among the large cotliillr ,V.J.Çhali wa hstnumber who attended during the ic i nembers of the Town Cocîncil aftcrnoon. Booth attendants were: and Civic officiais ai his summrrer Ice cream, Mes. Gerald Tait and cottage ai Bewdhe\' ast X'ediiesdax'. Mrs. G. E. Pritchard; soft drinks. wbt'îian inîformai dLisccîssion of Mrs. John Tait; post office, Mrs. mnîicipal affaîrs was field. Coun- Percy Cowan. The guessing game cillor G. B. Bickhe preseniedhlias ce- conducted by Mrs. Dinniwell was Port o'f the Extension Couîrse ini won by Mes. Gordon Conant, with Nîîuîîiicipal Adniinistration. Mrs. W. H. Fox winning second Nîernbers cf the 58th Baîtahioxi prize. are mobiliziniz f Qr a good tinte Mrs. Jack MacNaughton had dlariîig ihe Canadian Corps. Reun- charge of the Mining Claints ion iii Torontîo, Jcuhv 29-.30. Head- booth, at which Mrs. Pritchardg ociarturs wihhliebcai Horticcîhîcral was prize winner, with Mes. E. L. Buildinig, Exhibition Park. Seccîre Oliver second. Mrs. E. L. Oliv'er paiaciîars f ronitXW. H. Flaherîv-, conducted the ranch game, while Baliiecrah Hoîci. Mrs. Gordon Conant guessed the .Nir.. W. H. Fox, ToîrontîoPasi correct name and won a doîl. The l<cesidciîiî cf the Ontario XV*onieîî's name was Elaine. The mystecy Libt cal Associationi, ias gaiest 1 foc parcel was won by Mrs. Arthur ..!\eeah Hav- of Dr. ant I Nrs. J. Johnston, Peterboro. CackBEcll. On Sataîrdav NIrs. J. H. Miss Nina Neads was in charge1 Hi. Jaîr'. eîîîrtaiîîec ai a tea foc of the tea cup reading booth. ýNrs. Foîx. On Eciday Nrs. Biell anîd Receiving the guests were Mirs. Nîrs. Ftox vece gcîcsts ai tea of J. C. Bell, Mrs. A. M. Hardy and .Nîrs. ..L. Hairciiaii ai her saîm- Mes. J. O'Neill. tier cotage ai Sticrgeon PePint. Faîher and su were brocîglît be- SCHOOL RESULTS foîre Mazisirate F. S. Ebbs in Police Court, Bowvnîan'ille., when (Continued from Page 1) ohîîsonXosenhkofi an is17yer-over: Hazel Alder, Shirley Camp- cad on. Iosaepho arigo Sta- bell, Marion Dudley, Patricia Dus- îio. leaedguilty to charges of tan, Grace Hall, Marion Mahood, îvorking a horse that iras unfit for jean Metcalf, Lindsay Mitchell. îvork. John WVogenkoski was f îned Grigg Morden, Barbara Rehdec.i $500 anîd cosis. wiîh the option of Sidney Rundle, Bernice Sleep. f iie days in jail, while bis son was George Underhill, Donald Venton. remnanded for sentence. W\ogenkos- Helen Werry, Winifred Wood. ki Sr.. îocîk the f ive dai-s. Second Class Honours, 66o- to Camnp Akeha, Scout and Cub Cainp 75%: James Clark, Eileen Couch, condcacted b i'N thie local A'ssociation, Donalda Creasser, Jean Davey. openîs nexi MNouiday w.hen the Ccib., Maxine Derngrling, Patricia Enu-1 leave for a four-daî' canîp. Scouts mett. Catharine Wight, Mark wilI follow oii Friclav taf nexi v.eek Lambourne, Gilbert Mc Il vee n. for a niiie-tlav daiai. Ail Cabsanaîd Peggy Moses, Jean Pattinson. Sciauts irhi have îîoî regisîered are Jean Prout, Keith Slemon, Mar- aske<h to doa 50 bv Saîcîrda%-îight. garet Storey. Kelvin Symons, Isa- 1; i., im.eratiivé that registration be bel Thompson, Helen Tighe, Loti- ccîîîîîleîed for the îîurchase of slip.. ase Wilson. plies. Boy-s shouhd register w.itlî Third Class Honours, 60% o t B. H. Nlortloack. 66*/: Betty Bettles, Geraldine Coulter. Frances Crook (French). Dr. aîacl Nîr,. Ra nîacîad Rcogers. Thomas Depew, Margaret Finini- New York, iick ave bec"ti aîsîs <'f hi gan, Carl Fisher, Marlon Gibsoîî parentîs, Rcu'. and \Irs. W'V. P. (French), Ruth James, Kennetht Rcogers.. Centîre St. Dr. Rogers ce- Sumersford. Jas. Knox (Frenchl. ceivc<(lhils NI.A. degrea f rom Toarconto Marion Knox, Margaret Osborne. Uîîiversiîv aîd bis PhiD. f rein Frances Rowe, Mary Spence" Colcînîbia Univ'ersity, New, York, (French). where he bas been Lectcring inî Pass, 50% to 60%: Donald Allin. Chîeîîicah Engiîiieeriiîp focr soîne Dorothy Bickell, Glenn Brooks, voeaccu Nfrs. Rogers receiî'ed ber Florence Calver, Kenneth Cole, B.A. aegree (rom 1\îanitoba Uni- Moira Dinnîwell (Latin, French), î'er.ity. XWinnîipeg, aîîd NIA. frcaîn Trevor Davison (Latin, Frenchu), Ccliaiibia Unîversîîyý. Rachael Hilderley, William Hut- chinson (French), Douglas Jack-t man (French), Oscar Jessen (Lat- 1.11 117]Wrnai in French), Jean Rice (French), tyn. Madge Moses, Ernest Taylor, Chicch.' liv Mrs. ILevi McGiiI. Thie' (ence. Mr. and M.\rs. M. M,\ouintov, À Macion Werry. Irene Wright. prograiniva, iii cha rge of M\rs. F'. Nesîleton. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Giffler, Supplernentàl Exarninations will Hanmilton: 0îaver piano mnusic and Pickering, at Mr. T. Mountjov's be hehd an the falli n Speed Short- ceadings w*ça-re given liv Mcs. -1. XINr. and Mrs. R. Gilbert an dP hanci and Speed Typing and the i artcr ia'a'I Mrs. Wni. Cravford; a Velinia. Enniskillenl, Mr. and \Irs.I folloxang students'rnay obtain ictur va.. read frein Nirs. Rcv. C. J. E. Ellict. Cadmus. Mr. and M~ dipiornas ai that time: Ex'elyn AI - C. Ha( rcei Rex'. E. P. X> igavc .-J. Njlnnijoy. IslingRtoni, MissL li.Helen Cotton. Archie Martin, a >11,rt îalk. Luniich avas served. Tai 1er Foresîville. N.Y., at M.M Helen Meteaif, Roy S-windells. M.aIM~ i. aladScn' C'redits \vere obtained as fol- lrtce!. Tr' ni.'-. Jc.sie Nlr. andINMrs. S. Morton and bu,ýs: anid\Vilnla Van Camp w ovih the' [sekie. Maple Grove, M\iss E. Tam- ,ellie Arcnour - Literature. 0f- Siîiîih hir...n Sciinda'N.. îe.Orn.MssH\riso.Oh fiec, Practace, Bookkeeping, Writ- The I.l\ iixicetinig of thi'e iciail aiva. Mfr. W-. Bowman, Enfieid, NMr. ing. T,'ping Problemrs. Arithme- XX a.i.l'îîicWill hb c id ai anid Mrs. M. Stainton and familv. tic. Buisin()s Law, Business Cor- ii liainuof'.f\Ir. anid Nrs. \VesieY J Ir. and Nifrs. R. Ormiston, Enni- responden<ce, Rapid Calculation. He..iJale û tli. ..kilîi. ai M.\r. L. Ashton's. Spelling. Reccit VXsitiîrs: Miss Jean \fcl-£ai, Toronto, ai Sv dney Casbourn - Literature, Nli.s Eierciice Ntl-aiiglil, iii, To- Mc. E. Bradiev'S. Office Practice. Writing, Business renie. wiiîi lier taceiiis. \Ir. anîd Mr. and Mrs. Rav Smith, Miss Correspondence, Rapid Calcula- Mc... -.J"îIli R. Nh\cLalîghîliîî. Wiima Snith* Oshawa. 'Mr. and tion. Mlr. and( NIrcs. \Vini. Foer aicai 1 Mrs. \\'in. Virtiic. Long Saîîlt. MIrs. .\Iacion Crago - L i te r a t u r e, Je'ce. Ezgyi>î .Mr. anI Nfrs. 1-arl S. Redînan. Scuigog Island, Miss . Shorthand Theory. Office Practice. 1Bcadibtirîi. TYcene, \Iissus..Sara Mac-' Vitiie, Enniskilleîî. Mr. Aritur t Bookkeeping. Writing. T yp i ng 1' 'vand P.eaînice Whiî field aial' N.\r. ITce .wiiî Brooklin, at Mr. Wmn. Tre- Problen-as. Rapid Calculati'on. .îd lce.N.'cîeîiýt,1. '.ith NIr. Wi5 Ronald Crago - Shorthand The- anI Nîr.. Wý r..addbrti. Or ' . Office Practice, Arithmetic. MIi.... l.aleic Hoec.viaîipg RaPid Caleulation. xit1lî NI i.. Ncrîiia Hoc'.*. School Newsnaper l-aceld Ccook - Office Practice. Mci. ai Mrs. Johnîiî . NicL-amîgil- ' Bookkeeping. Arithmetic, Rapid lin ii nul Floece' vitli McI. aîîlnd r. After a week's lay-off the sehool Caclelation. Ccciil)' c.Reabero. papers wilI continue this week Miea Leo ieatr.0- lc.aî'". Jm. ci..cîciThe Solina News Flash" is this fk Pacic.Writing. Typing Maîlj)e Gaie. -.jîiNr. andirs M.. . week's edition and a moat note- Pcoblemis. Business Law, Business ."rclivr. wnh n t s eea ee Cocesondnc. Rpi Cacua- hi.....Sîî..i<' Vanl Caml xeî heretofore unused have appeared, tia > . alie!Olive ý'.aii Caiîîîî. aîaîc.e-an.tcaîîîi- especially an interesting one con- Luc' L-le- Ltertur. Ofic jag ii Wliei.. 1-o'.pitai. Torniîto, 'cerning the Reunion in that local- Practace. Writing. Typing Prob- villi îh.c ;'.î rc . Mc. amI Ma..A. ity the latter part of July. 1c..Aithmetic. Business Law. X.\-aiî Caîîî;i.1 B3,,siness Cocrespondence, Rapid , \ igai îaaai'acelilieP Cal.. lation. Spellîng. Ph" c. alIM.Hrv iîx sa.a v. ElIsie Limer - Literature. Short- lrîlîan ae.Naj.x\ii e( veedaieic i. cnî o hand Theoru'-. Office Practice. e Vdî.a ' aiiag fl ic c>'îîî- lge fciend, Mîr. Tonm Dustan.vJr. Wcî'iang. Tvpi'ng Problems. Tu'pingiiîiix c.î.\c.JacreDvi Speed. Arithmetic. Business Law, ac1111111.. t\ ainaî . r.lverai spelie. Business Corcespondence. Rapid \xx cc iiîîad(ibc>..î wî..licsexinded- Caienhation. EdadiIilson - Literature. t. tii>lc(t ania harmoca solo. ack Officle Practice. Writing, Arithcne- aiiiîgealarîiiasiac tie. Business Law. c' .iiiiaiiied l 'lix Jack Siih ai fic I0ieheq e Bohei Seti Offce ractce. iano: I r<. s. T. Snmith gave a read.. Jane Tkatch -Literature. Office 1' Sta'.ing M\arriedl*', and Mc. J Practice. Writang. Business Law. Sîîîitlî gave a lliîiîorousý solo. The ___________________ ride aîîd grooni received înv E very M onth. I oveie p 'i fis. whiclîithe groon itt Water Supply ~ ~ lv acknov.iedgedh Lcînch was ser- ~ L k t rni (Contînued fcom Page 1) ecan as high as 420,000 gallons in one day. Even the equalizer tanks fail to provide for this quantity. The combined spring and equal- izer tanks have supplied an av- erage daily consumption of 390,000 gallons, but as soon as the tanks are empty only the daily average of the spring has been available. The daîly capacity when both ncw- pumps are in operation will ibe increased by 216.000 gallons. XVath regard to the cost of pro- viding increased capacity, there xîldefinitely be no increase in îu'aier rates. t Bet\xucen 1934 and 1937 the re- u venue of the systenu increased fronu SlO.795.28 to S12.400.56. The present annual profit is approxi- Emnaiely S2000 which is expected 10 more than take care of the cost of fianacing and maintenance of the neu: source of supply. Naturally uxaith more uvater available there Euill be increased consumrption xvhich will bring added revenue. When the work is aIl complet- , and the manner of financing clecided upon, a full statement will be made by the Utilities Commis- sion. Shaw's Picnic The animîcal pucuîic of Sbaîv's Home and Sclîcol Club was held at the Creaun cf Barhev Camp June l8tb. anîd iras well aîîcnded. Seîveral games of sofîbaîl î'ere played huy tbe yoaing peoplhe anid ihe cbildren had a happy tune oui the sw.inigs, shides. etc. .Abocut ne ue bîdced achulis anîd cbildreuî sat <lowui to an appetîziuîg supper afier w.hiclb".Nîr. Kyle Sqcîair. Presideuit cf the Home alîd Scliocai Club. cahled oui NMiss Niargaret Har- ris to reacl an address to the teache-. NMiss Taînbhxîîi he lias cesiguied ici inke 111) aniother lhue of xîork. The adhmess exrpcesscdl regret ai lier dJe- liartaîre andc siuîcere aîîîreciaiioîî of lier sîîheîîcicl '.'cik iii he schiool anlc. coiniiaîx . NMisses Jean IHaiîua anic Hl-eu C'oxandclNfasters Loraie Price andc Arthiur C'Iciîieucc preseiteh lier irith a set of eiecîrie dresser iauîîps. a bel aian ud a fcuiiainui a. These \ere givdnl as a tokeuî cf apuirecia- ticai ama as a reuîîembrauîce cf the îîlessauîî Hunes speuit togeher. Nî 1r. XV. J. S. Riekard, Secretary-Trea- sucer, spcîke wtards of appeciatiaui cii belialf cf the Sehool Board anîd expressed besi wishes for ber future work. Nliss Tamblyuî rei)hied in lier cuscuai capable mnîaîuer tbauîking theni for the gifts and their kind words aînd she aIse spoke of the pleastire andc gomd tiuîîes she liersehf had eii- jox'ed s, teacher cf Shaîr's scbcaai foc the pasi îv.o vears. Games anid races werc enjoyed by Ilcaih adauhîs anîd childreuî and a pcranut ..ccanbîc for the cbildreuî hîcciughit a very scaccessfiliîîicuîic ici ai close. BLACKSTOCKI Oui Frida v eveuîinîg Nrs. Sadler gaie a cecital for hier piiîils iii the Comiuiiti' Hall, i'.hich iras beacu- ti faîl v cecoraied ivith flowers. Sataurdaxv, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith anda ]\lisse's Heleîî an(l NIable \'ait Canîîîîattiid<eh the veddiiîg of 'Miss Beatrice XXValhouito NMr. Ian Stcuart, Toronito. Nirs. J. Siisa'u, lier daughier and lîusbanîc, '.\r. sud Nîrs. E. Kearuis andc two chihdreuî, Doreu and CIe- mienti, and Miss 1. Hoey. XWinnipeg, Misses Eva English and Ethel Car- ter ndic Mr. J. H. De'iît v.'itb Mc. anîd Nia. F. F. Wihlan, recentîr. Dtictair anîd Nfrs. David Archer. NMiss Lela NIcMcNihlauî, Oshawia, and Mcr. ndicMcs. H Lowry, Toronto, anîd George XVolfc ivitu Nr. amîd Nîrs. J. Archer. Anînii'ersar v services irere lielal ii he St. John's Anîglicanî Clîcurci oui Scurfdav . Services werecoccudcucted bv ibe uiw rectcîr, Rex'. E. P. XWood. Special muisic by the choir. Mîr. and Mrs. F. XVillaii, 1Mrs. J. Sîinstia ndauchMiss I. Hooev iithi relatives iii Seagrave. Little Britain andl Linîdsay on Friday. XV.A. of the- St. Jobn's Anglican Cburcb met on Tbursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. WiIlan. Meeting ivas ini charge caf Mrs. joseph Forder -: studv bock chapter, "Builders of the Indian I HAYDON Annivcrsarv X isitors: MNr. Bill Grant, %Ir. Clarence Simmnons. Miss Ursul McNeil. NMrs. -. MAcNeil, Toronto, at Mr. A. 'Mc- Neil's Mrs. S. Parsons, Base LUne, Miss L. Orchard. B,wmanville. Mr. and MIrs. L. Goodman, 'Mr. and Nfrs. C. Slemon, Tvrone. Nfr. and M.\rs. L. Mea ohioy. Nestleton, Mr. and Nfrs. E. Trimble nnd familv, Solina. at Mrs. S. Trewin*s. Mr. and M.\rs. F. Cowling and Fred c-f Blackstock. Mr. \Vm. Hooey at Mfr. R. M.\cNeil's. Mir. Rov Thonîpson, 'Miss. \j. Erowîî. Bowmanville, .\Ir, Roland Thomnpson. 'Miss L. Devitt, Cadînus. Vjisses Lerna and Andrev Tlhoimp.. son. Toronto, at '.\.W\. Thcîn1il) son s. Mr. Howard \Viglit, Providence. Mliss Hilda Richiards. MNaple Grove. Nir. and M.\rs. Len Richards, Bew\-- nianville. Mr. Harrv Larmer. 'Mill- brook. 'Miss Alice Ashton, NMc. and MNrs. A. H. Beech and familv,.En..ý njskillen, at Mr. A. Beech's. Mfrs. J. Mountjoi-, Miss Rose Mountjov, Nestleton, NMr. and \Mrs. A. Thompson, !Mr. and Mrs. 'M. Dickinson, Port Hope, Mr. A. His. Hampton. Mr. and Mýrs. F. Thomp- son, Tauîntn, Mrs. D. Hall and farnilv, Enfieid, at Mr. C. Cross- nman s. .Nr. and Mfrs. 0. Osborne, 'Miss E. Trull. Providence. at Mr. H. Ash- ton'.s. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay and fainiiiv., Oshawa, ai M'.\IC. Garrard's. Rev. Burry, janetv'ille, Messrs Eari and Russeli Osborne, Prov~i. u Lowest Prices You One Too! " "As regularly as the months roll around... .ît la my pleasant duty to deliver long Canada Life envelopes containing income cheques to a number of homes. . . one of the 'lucky' recipients ex- plained it to me. "Ayman of moderate means can guarantee himself an incorne at 60 through the Canada Life Plan . .. and at the same tirne give bis wife an income for life if he doesn't live." It's great to sit back take life easy. . . knowing that when vou spend this mon'th's cheque another will corne alone, next rnonth without fail ... and this plan is available to women too. The Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company FREE BOOKLET BY MAIL TeCanada Lite Assurance Company. 330 University Ave., Toronto, Ont. Pes edme by' mail eopy of your bookiet -This May Never Happen To You" containing personal "Financial Forecast". Naine.................................. A d d r e s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Born ................................Day of ................................. ........1....... OUTINO NEEDS Let your I.D.A. Store supply you with many necessary items for your picnic, holiday or outing. Don 't delay. Buy To-day, FILMS - - Complete Fresh Stock CAMERAS ODO-RO-NO 19d at a..8PtO Stops Perspirationa Drieu Instantly N. 6uuln. or meubln Protect Yourself Against Hay Fever Bulld resistance by takiug Nova-Kelp Tab lots the minerai - rlch sea food. An excellent ton- le for other disorders. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 150 - 79e - 300 - $1.39 750's $2.79 UNITIED OIGAR STORE STORE - - - - $20.00O PHOTO FINISHING Speedy Service - Filmn left at 10 a.m. ready at 6 p.m. SUN GOGGLES - ail sizes .. 25C to $1.50 BATHING CAPS............... ISc t. 49c WHITE SHOE CLEANERS Tops - Shu-Milk ]Palm Beach Sunburn Remedies - Flrst Nid Supplies Prescriptions a Speeialty Alex M.c Gregor Phone 792 We Deliver i I ".9, )ON'T TAKE DUR WORD See them in our Window NEW VASES English Pottery Vases at amazlngly low p r ic es. You'll be astounded ai the ivonderful quality. Attrac- tive varlety of colorings and designs. Be sure and see them. They are splen- did values at 50e to 75c Regularly sold at $1.00 J. W. JEWEIL lone 556 Bowmanviile Phone 463 Grape, Orange and Lime PUNCH ........ Ige. momommau. THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN We Deliver